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Development Trend of Energy and Key Points of Ecological Environment Protection in China's "14^(th) Five-Year Plan" Period
作者 Mingguo CHEN 《Meteorological and Environmental Research》 CAS 2023年第5期24-28,共5页
From the changes of total primary energy consumption and primary energy consumption structure,installed capacity and power generation of secondary energy(electricity),etc.,the development characteristics of China'... From the changes of total primary energy consumption and primary energy consumption structure,installed capacity and power generation of secondary energy(electricity),etc.,the development characteristics of China's energy structure in the"13^(th) Five-Year Plan"period was comprehensively studied.Combined with the complexity of the international situation,the diversification of the domestic energy system,the intelligence of the energy industry,etc.,the situation and challenges faced by China's energy development were deeply discussed in the four aspects of energy security,energy low-carbon transformation,energy system efficiency,and energy technology level.From the angle of ecological environment protection,the development of energy in the"14^(th) Five-Year Plan"period in China was analyzed,and some policies and measures were put forward. 展开更多
关键词 14^(th)five-year Plan Energy development Ecological environmental protection Energy security Low-carbon transformation
五年一贯制大专办学创新路径探析 被引量:1
作者 徐健锐 龚婷婷 《职业技术》 2024年第6期73-84,共12页
五年一贯制大专在现代职教体系构建和职业教育高质量发展中起到了重要作用。本文在对五年一贯制大专的概念进行界定基础上,对比了职业教育现行的九种办学形式,回顾了五年一贯制大专的发展历程,直面五年一贯制大专办学不能回避的“长学... 五年一贯制大专在现代职教体系构建和职业教育高质量发展中起到了重要作用。本文在对五年一贯制大专的概念进行界定基础上,对比了职业教育现行的九种办学形式,回顾了五年一贯制大专的发展历程,直面五年一贯制大专办学不能回避的“长学制还是短学制”“一贯制还是贯通制”“中职还是高职”“学历证书为主还是职业资格证书为主”“就业还是升学”五个问题,提出了新时代背景下五年一贯制大专办学的三个创新路径,包括构建更加科学合理的培养环节、建立健全办学“准入评价退出”机制和运用“学习科学”助推职业教育教学改革。研究对五年一贯制大专办学的实践与创新具有一定的指导意义。 展开更多
关键词 五年一贯制大专 学制 发展历程 人才培养 评估
作者 许冬梅 《科教导刊》 2024年第10期90-92,共3页
随着我国经济的发展以及国际影响力的增强,文化自信现已成为时代的主题。当前,高职英语教学中,如何凸显英语教学的“人文性”,是每一位教育工作者应思考的问题。高职英语教育的目的是培养具备国际视野和高素质的技能型人才,将中华优秀... 随着我国经济的发展以及国际影响力的增强,文化自信现已成为时代的主题。当前,高职英语教学中,如何凸显英语教学的“人文性”,是每一位教育工作者应思考的问题。高职英语教育的目的是培养具备国际视野和高素质的技能型人才,将中华优秀传统文化融入英语教学,有助于激发学生的学习热情,提高其文化素养,增强其在国际交流中的自信心。文章基于文化自信背景,探讨了将中华优秀传统文化融入高职英语教学的策略,旨在培养学生扎实的英语基本功和良好的跨文化交际能力,更好地传承与弘扬中华优秀传统文化。 展开更多
关键词 五年制 高职英语 文化自信 文化素养
作者 雒虹 高建忠 +1 位作者 尹飞 王可慧 《山东图书馆学刊》 2024年第1期34-39,共6页
志愿服务在我国高校图书馆被广泛实施,为数智时代图书馆高质量发展提供新视野、新路径。西安交通大学图书馆“十四五”规划提供面向学生社团、志愿者创新实践项目支持,助力西迁精神的传承、科学精神的培养和人文素质的养成。观念引领、... 志愿服务在我国高校图书馆被广泛实施,为数智时代图书馆高质量发展提供新视野、新路径。西安交通大学图书馆“十四五”规划提供面向学生社团、志愿者创新实践项目支持,助力西迁精神的传承、科学精神的培养和人文素质的养成。观念引领、制度保障、文化滋养和数智驱动项目实施,目标性构建“三层次六维度”2EPC模式志愿服务体系框架,图书馆志愿服务迈向制度化、规范化、专业化、智慧化建设轨道。采用单案例深描揭示研究过程演变和机理,深入挖掘情景要素及其相互影响机制,以期为高校图书馆志愿服务提供参考借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 志愿服务 服务体系 高校图书馆 “十四五”规划
高职院校装备制造大类专业课程思政教学实践与思考——以五年一贯制高职化学类课程为例 被引量:2
作者 廖坤畑 刘婷 +1 位作者 陈晓如 苏淼 《广东交通职业技术学院学报》 2024年第1期81-86,共6页
课程思政是落实立德树人根本任务的重要抓手。基于高职院校装备制造大类专业课程思政特点,以五年一贯制高职化学类课程为例,围绕明确课程思政目标、挖掘课程思政素材、提炼课程思政元素、采取合适思政教学方法和评估课程思政实施效果等... 课程思政是落实立德树人根本任务的重要抓手。基于高职院校装备制造大类专业课程思政特点,以五年一贯制高职化学类课程为例,围绕明确课程思政目标、挖掘课程思政素材、提炼课程思政元素、采取合适思政教学方法和评估课程思政实施效果等五个维度进行探索,并思考思政元素融入教学的方法,以期为高职院校装备制造大类专业课程思政教学提供有益的借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 装备制造大类专业 课程思政 五年一贯制高职 化学类课程
作者 赵万一 张才华 +11 位作者 李建伟 郑浩凌 汪青松 刘凯湘 叶林 张冉 梁上上 袁崇霖 王建文 汪辰光 朱晓娟 潘米 《西北工业大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2024年第2期113-143,共31页
本期刊发的8篇笔谈文章,紧密围绕公司法修改的核心内容,从宏观到微观、从理论到实践展开了全方位探讨。宏观方面围绕我国公司法的制度体系、立法因应、立法目的展开讨论,微观方面围绕本次修订的核心内容,对五年限期认缴制、审计委员会... 本期刊发的8篇笔谈文章,紧密围绕公司法修改的核心内容,从宏观到微观、从理论到实践展开了全方位探讨。宏观方面围绕我国公司法的制度体系、立法因应、立法目的展开讨论,微观方面围绕本次修订的核心内容,对五年限期认缴制、审计委员会、董事无因解任、未届期股权转让后出资责任、异议股东回购等具体制度展开讨论。西南政法大学赵万一教授、张才华在《从公司法修订看中国式法律制度体系的构建》一文中提出,法律制度的每一次重大修订都是在时代主题与发展趋势的深刻变革下接续创新而成,本次修订是一次根本性、全局性的重大修订,同时也是在推进中国式现代化宏伟历史征途中进行的一次修订。应时代之需,本次修订以深化国有企业改革、持续优化营商环境、加强产权保护、纯化公司治理理念等作为目标,以因应中国式法律体系的建构要求。中国政法大学李建伟教授、郑浩凌在《ESG在中国公司法立法的因应》一文中提出,从现实来看,信息披露是形成ESG投资市场的前提,应区分上市公司与非上市公司,进而构建“强制披露-自愿披露”的差序化披露模式,以更好保护利益相关者;从长远来看,将公司目标范式修正为对可持续性利益的追求,并通过建立ESG委员会、细化董事会职权,进而推动公司治理稳定与可持续发展。西南政法大学汪青松教授在《新公司法立法目的扩展彰显以人为本》一文中提出,新公司法大大扩展了公司法立法目的涵摄范围,可以从“规范”“保护”“完善”“弘扬”“维护”“促进”六个关键词来加以把握,并呈现出严谨有序的逻辑结构。其中规范与保护表达了立法目的的微观层面,完善与弘扬表达了立法目的的中观层面,维护与促进表达了立法目的的宏观层面。北京大学刘凯湘教授在《五年限期认缴制的解释与适用》一文中提出,新修订的公司法对有限公司和股份公司的股东认缴期限分别在不同程度上增加了强制性规定,在适用上,公司和公司债权人才是法定最长认缴期限制度的监督人,企业信用信息公示系统可以作为其辅助制度,向公司和公司债权人等社会公众作出违反法定最长认缴期限制度的警示。中国人民大学叶林教授、张冉在《新公司法下监事会制度的变革与挑战》一文中提出,新公司法采用了“原则上应当设置监事会或监事、在法定例外情形下不设监事会或监事”的崭新立场,出现了董事会审计委员会替代监事会模式、监事和监事会任意设置模式、监事和监事会法定设置模式等多种模式。职工利益保护模式发生了转型,职工民主在形式上失去了职工监事的保护载体,却加强了公司的行为义务,从而创设了一种行为规范和组织规范相结合的新型保护模式。在审计委员会行使监事会职权上,仍需要进行精细化作业。清华大学梁上上教授、袁崇霖在《董事无因解任规则的校准与限制》一文中提出,股东会对于董事的解任权是公司权力坐标系中调节平衡的砝码,真正需要配置它的是公司及其股东,而非立法者。公司法第71条第1款规定的董事无因解任规则依本质应属任意性规范,将其作为默认规则,可以发挥提示投资者的作用,并有利于减少纠纷,维持公司经营稳定。股东通过股东会行使无因解任权,应受到来自公司正义原则的实体和程序限制。南京大学王建文教授、汪辰光在《新公司法背景下未届期股权转让后出资责任的法律适用》一文中提出,对于未届出资期限股权转让后的出资责任承担问题,新公司法第88条第1款规定对认缴制的应用漏洞作出了填补。对于股权转让后出资责任的法律适用,首先应明确保护债权人利益为首要原则,其次应兼顾公司意志与股东私权,再次要在“遵循法的溯及力”与“合理地参照适用新法”之间做好协调,最后要充分发挥股东名册、工商登记的效用。中国政法大学朱晓娟副教授、潘米在《新公司法对少数股东回购请求权的创新评述》一文中提出,2023年修订公司法在规制双控人不当行为和保护中小投资者权益方面迈出了开创性步伐。对于保护少数股东具有重要制度价值的异议股东回购规则,设置三个条文对异议股东回购规则进行了制度重塑,但也在第89条第3款控股股东滥用股东权利规制范围,第89条第1款和第161条第1款规定传统异议股东回购请求权的适用条件等方面存在着不足。 展开更多
关键词 公司法修改 ESG 五年限期认缴制 审计委员会 股权转让
五年制高职园林技术专业群建设评价研究 被引量:1
作者 沈年华 黄丹丹 李传磊 《现代农业研究》 2024年第7期119-123,共5页
本文建立了五年制高职专业群建设评价指标体系,其中一级指标6个,二级指标29个,学校五年制高职园林技术专业群建设综合评价分值为8.1764,综合评价指数为81.764,质量等级为Ⅰ级。专业群在考证、技能大赛、就业、学历结构、职称结构、实训... 本文建立了五年制高职专业群建设评价指标体系,其中一级指标6个,二级指标29个,学校五年制高职园林技术专业群建设综合评价分值为8.1764,综合评价指数为81.764,质量等级为Ⅰ级。专业群在考证、技能大赛、就业、学历结构、职称结构、实训室使用率、教材、合作企业数量和体验服务等方面得分较高,在创新创业、年龄结构、论文发表、专利获取、教学资源库等方面得分较低。 展开更多
关键词 五年制高职 专业群 园林技术 指标体系 评价
Early diagnosis of esophageal cancer:How to put“early detection”into effect?
作者 Suolang Pubu Jun-Wen Zhang Jian Yang 《World Journal of Gastrointestinal Oncology》 SCIE 2024年第8期3386-3392,共7页
This editorial comments on the article by Qu et al in a recent edition of World Journal of Gastrointestinal Oncology,focusing on the importance of early diagnosis in managing esophageal cancer and strategies for achie... This editorial comments on the article by Qu et al in a recent edition of World Journal of Gastrointestinal Oncology,focusing on the importance of early diagnosis in managing esophageal cancer and strategies for achieving“early detection”.The five-year age-standardized net survival for esophageal cancer patients falls short of expectations.Early detection and accurate diagnosis are critical strategies for improving the treatment outcomes of esophageal cancer.While advancements in endoscopic technology have been significant,there seems to be an excessive emphasis on the latest high-end endoscopic devices and various endoscopic resection techniques.Therefore,it is imperative to redirect focus towards proactive early detection strategies for esophageal cancer,investigate the most cost-effective screening methods suitable for different regions,and persistently explore practical solutions to improve the five-year survival rate of patients with esophageal cancer. 展开更多
关键词 Esophageal cancer Early diagnosis Early detection Iodine staining five-year survival rate
作者 岳洪宇 薄建柱 彭然 《科技和产业》 2024年第19期133-137,共5页
社会信用体系是社会主义市场经济体制和社会治理体制的重要组成部分。通过构建“工具-目标”的二维框架,分析12个省份“十四五”社会信用体系建设规划文本中政策工具和政策目的使用情况及不足之处。研究发现,当前社会信用体系建设存在... 社会信用体系是社会主义市场经济体制和社会治理体制的重要组成部分。通过构建“工具-目标”的二维框架,分析12个省份“十四五”社会信用体系建设规划文本中政策工具和政策目的使用情况及不足之处。研究发现,当前社会信用体系建设存在政策工具利用不均衡、政策目标发展程度差距显著的问题,因此提出需优化政策工具内部结构,均衡政策目标,提升政策目标可实现性,共同推动社会信用体系高质量发展。 展开更多
关键词 “十四五”规划 社会信用体系 工具-目标
作者 罗勇 《时代汽车》 2024年第20期101-104,共4页
五年一贯制高职院校的课程建设理念强调以市场需求为导向,以培养学生的职业岗位能力和综合素质为核心。五年一贯制课程建设应注重整体性、连贯性和实用性,确保学生在五年的学习过程中能够获得全面、系统的知识和技能。更快地提高新能源... 五年一贯制高职院校的课程建设理念强调以市场需求为导向,以培养学生的职业岗位能力和综合素质为核心。五年一贯制课程建设应注重整体性、连贯性和实用性,确保学生在五年的学习过程中能够获得全面、系统的知识和技能。更快地提高新能源汽车构造与检修课程教学质量,提升授课教师的教学能力,使优质教学资源的共享功能得到充分发挥。从课程建设的意义出发,将内容颗粒化为知识认知与技能操作,并以其中典型案例论述,讨论并剖析该课程的教学方法、内容及考核评价。线上开放课程的建立提供了汽车类专业学生线上学习与互动的载体,极大地丰富了该课程的学习途径。通过重构该课程教学内容、优化教学手法、改革评价方式,能有效地激发学生学习兴趣、提升学习效果,可为相关教学改革提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 五年一贯制 在线开放课程建设 5G+XR虚拟仿真 混合式教学模式
作者 刘少林 汪正祥 +1 位作者 李亭亭 胡鹏 《林业调查规划》 2024年第3期1-6,共6页
为促进保康县各部门生物多样性主流化建设,构建评估体系,对保康县“十三五”和“十四五”规划中生物多样性主流化程度进行评估。结果认为,保康县“十四五”规划较“十三五”规划生物多样性主流化程度显著提升,评估分数由58分上升到84分... 为促进保康县各部门生物多样性主流化建设,构建评估体系,对保康县“十三五”和“十四五”规划中生物多样性主流化程度进行评估。结果认为,保康县“十四五”规划较“十三五”规划生物多样性主流化程度显著提升,评估分数由58分上升到84分;提升之处包括明确生物多样性保护优先区域、生物多样性保护跨区域跨部门协调合作与交流、生物多样性立法或执法、生物多样性保护科技支撑、有害生物防治、外来物种和转基因生物安全管理以及绩效考核和责任追究制度;“十四五”规划中部分生物多样性保护指标仍需加强,包括生物多样性迁地保护、生物多样性保护宣传教育与公众参与机制、生物多样性保护与社区共管、生态补偿或生态环境损害赔偿机制和生物多样性资金保障。 展开更多
关键词 生物多样性主流化 “十三五”规划 “十四五”规划 评估指标体系 保康县
Analysis on Opportunities and Threats for Agricultural Sustainable Development of Yunnan Province in the Context of the 13th Five-year Plan 被引量:1
作者 郭姗姗 李林红 +4 位作者 周婧 周龙进 王箫睿 王波 初江峰 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第6期1437-1441,共5页
The research studied opportunities and potential threats confronted by agricultural sustainable development, laying foundation for optimization of agricultural structure, transformation of agricultural development mod... The research studied opportunities and potential threats confronted by agricultural sustainable development, laying foundation for optimization of agricultural structure, transformation of agricultural development mode, and accomplishment of agricultural modernization. On basis of development target, development theory and route of the 13^th Five-year Plan, the research analysis the opportunities and potential threats of Yunnan agriculture and proposed policy suggestions on sustainable development of agriculture from the perspectives of ecological and competitive advantage, as well as sustainable development division in order to provide references for scientific formulation and decision-making of relevant regional planning. 展开更多
关键词 The 13^th five-year Plan Agriculture Sustainable development Opportunities and threats
Ten Focal Problems inthe 10th Five-Year Power Plan
作者 吴敬儒 《Electricity》 2001年第4期3-7,共5页
In view of that the average electricity consumption per capita is still rather low in China, this paper putsforward ten focal problems in the 10th Five-year Power Plan, including optimized allocation of power sources ... In view of that the average electricity consumption per capita is still rather low in China, this paper putsforward ten focal problems in the 10th Five-year Power Plan, including optimized allocation of power sources and powernetworks, environmental protection in coal-fired power plants, as well as localization of power equipment, etc. 展开更多
关键词 the 10th five-year Power Plan power industry in China power planning power construction
作者 张野 《现代交通技术》 2024年第4期46-50,64,共6页
采用趋势导向和目标导向相结合的方法,分析“十四五”时期南京市综合运输服务的需求与面临的挑战,提出综合运输服务发展目标并制定精细化指标体系。从交通枢纽网络、运输服务体验、运输方式融合、绿色低碳转型、智慧交通治理等方面提出... 采用趋势导向和目标导向相结合的方法,分析“十四五”时期南京市综合运输服务的需求与面临的挑战,提出综合运输服务发展目标并制定精细化指标体系。从交通枢纽网络、运输服务体验、运输方式融合、绿色低碳转型、智慧交通治理等方面提出南京市“十四五”综合运输服务规划策略,为相关交通建设提供理论支撑。 展开更多
关键词 综合运输服务 “十四五”规划 综合交通运输体系 规划策略
作者 康雨嘉 刘昊 吕若丹 《价值工程》 2024年第24期158-161,共4页
“十四五”时期是我国开启全面建设社会主义现代化国家新征程、向第二个百年奋斗目标进军的第一个五年。公路行业紧抓新机遇,大力推动公路工程BIM标准的建设。以“十四五”为背景研究2021年至今我国公路工程BIM标准,先简介国家标准体系... “十四五”时期是我国开启全面建设社会主义现代化国家新征程、向第二个百年奋斗目标进军的第一个五年。公路行业紧抓新机遇,大力推动公路工程BIM标准的建设。以“十四五”为背景研究2021年至今我国公路工程BIM标准,先简介国家标准体系的总体情况,概述国际和国内公路工程BIM标准的发展情况,再对我国公路工程BIM标准从国家行业、地方、团体和企业标准四个层级进行梳理和分析,提出对“十四五”及今后我国公路工程BIM标准发展的建议。 展开更多
关键词 “十四五” 公路工程 BIM标准 标准体系
作者 宋康明 袁拓 《山西建筑》 2024年第5期172-174,177,共4页
以广州市某区为例,探讨了以新型基础测绘体系探索为抓手,配合传统测量手段,打破传统测绘技术瓶颈,完成了“十三五”时期基础地形图更新测绘项目,项目成果还实现了不同比例尺成果转换,项目顺利通过对业主验收并获得一致好评,为其他地区... 以广州市某区为例,探讨了以新型基础测绘体系探索为抓手,配合传统测量手段,打破传统测绘技术瓶颈,完成了“十三五”时期基础地形图更新测绘项目,项目成果还实现了不同比例尺成果转换,项目顺利通过对业主验收并获得一致好评,为其他地区大范围多时期基础地形图更新项目提供了一定的参考。 展开更多
关键词 新型基础测绘体系 “十三五”时期 基础地形图更新测绘 成果转换
The Five-Year Plan: A new tool for energy saving and emissions reduction in China 被引量:4
作者 HU An-Gang 《Advances in Climate Change Research》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第4期222-228,共7页
China has achieved economic growth while great carbon emissions reduction in recent years. Amid China's effort to reduce emissions, the Five-Year Plans have guided and motivated local and foreign forces from the gove... China has achieved economic growth while great carbon emissions reduction in recent years. Amid China's effort to reduce emissions, the Five-Year Plans have guided and motivated local and foreign forces from the government, industries, and society to work together. This paper showed that a mediumehigh economic growth gate, industry structure adjustment, and energy structure adjustment, which are guaranteed under the Five-Year Plan, all contribute to energy saving in China. The economy entered a stable growing phase during the 12 th Five-Year Plan, while the economic growth rate declined to 7.8% from 11.2% in the 11 th Five-Year Plan. Simultaneously, the CO2 emissions growth rate declined from8.32%(2009-2012 mean) to 1.82%(2012-2014 mean). Industrial structure adjustment canceled out nearly one-third of the CO2 emissions caused by economic growth. Under the 13 th Five-Year Plan, China will continue its energy saving efforts on the green development path, with greener quotas, a stricter implementation process, and more key projects. 展开更多
关键词 The five-year Plan Energy saving emissions reduction Governance tool Effective evaluation
Monitoring and Assessment of Water Quality of Centralized Drinking Water Sources in Kaixian County during the " Twelfth Five-year Plan " Period 被引量:3
作者 Li Zhang'an 《Meteorological and Environmental Research》 CAS 2015年第10期23-25,29,共4页
Based on the monitoring data of water quality of more than 40 centralized drinking water sources in 40 towns (townships or streets) of Kaixian County in the first and second half of each year during the "Twelfth Fi... Based on the monitoring data of water quality of more than 40 centralized drinking water sources in 40 towns (townships or streets) of Kaixian County in the first and second half of each year during the "Twelfth Five-year Plan" period, the changing rules of the water quality were studied to provide scientific references for the improvement of drinking water safety of urban and rural residents and drinking water quality. The re- sults show that the water quality of centralized drinking water sources in Kaixian County improved year by year during the "Twelfth Five-year Plan" period, and most monitoring sites with water quality exceeding the standard are distributed in reservoirs. Total phosphorus, total nitrogen, chemical oxygen demand, and permanganate index exceeded the standard obviously. Main pollution sources are domestic pollution and non-point source pol- lution caused by excessive discharge of nitrogen, phosphorus and organic pollutants. To improve drinking water quality, it is suggested that some towns can get drinking water from other reservoirs, surface water or underground water with better quality instead of previous reservoirs with water quality exceeding the standard, and the control of non-point source pollution should be enhanced. 展开更多
关键词 "Twelfth five-year Plan" period Centralized drinking water Water quality~ Monitoring Assessment Kaixian County
Prediction on Cold Chain Logistics Demand of Urban Residents in Jiangsu Province during the Twelfth Five-Year Plan Period——Based on Estimates of GM(1,1) Model 被引量:2
作者 ZHENG Yan-min1,ZHANG Yan-cai2,XU Hong-feng2 1.School of Economics and Management,Nanjing University of Science & Technology,Nanjing 210094,China 2.School of Economics and Management,Huaiyin Normal University,Huaian 223001,China 《Asian Agricultural Research》 2011年第11期38-40,45,共4页
This paper takes the total yield of products that need refrigerated transport as the impact factors of transport aggregate of cold chain logistics,such as meat,aquatic products,quick-frozen noodle,fruits,vegetables,da... This paper takes the total yield of products that need refrigerated transport as the impact factors of transport aggregate of cold chain logistics,such as meat,aquatic products,quick-frozen noodle,fruits,vegetables,dairy,and medicine.Through selecting the consumption data of urban residents on transported products via cold chain in Jiangsu Province from 2005 to 2000 as sample,this paper establishes grey prediction model GM(1,1) of cold chain logistics demand and uses DPS7.05 software for test,to predict the cold chain logistics demand of urban residents in Jiangsu Province during the Twelfth Five-Year Plan period.The results show that in the period 2010-2015,the cold chain logistics demand of urban residents in Jiangsu Province is 1 151.589 1,1 185.136 6,1 219.661 3,1 255.191 8,1 291.757 3,1 329.388 1 t respectively;in the period 2005-2010,the cold chain logistics demand of urban residents in Jiangsu Province increases at annual growth rate of 3.9%;in the period 2011-2015,the growth rate declines to some extent,increasing slowly at rate of 2.9%. 展开更多
关键词 COLD CHAIN LOGISTICS DEMAND The Twelfth five-year
Evaluation of teaching-in-English reform in five-year clinical tropical medicine program–Case analysis of curriculum reform of clinical medicine in Hainan Medical University 被引量:1
作者 Shi-Jiao Yan Yun-Qiang Chen +1 位作者 Jiao Chen Chuan-Zhu Lv 《Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine》 SCIE CAS 2017年第12期1125-1128,共4页
Objective: To investigate the model, quality as well as effect of teaching-in-English in five-year clinical medicine program of Hainan Medical University.Methods: The questionnaire was carried out among clinical medic... Objective: To investigate the model, quality as well as effect of teaching-in-English in five-year clinical medicine program of Hainan Medical University.Methods: The questionnaire was carried out among clinical medicine undergraduates of2012–2015 grades in Hainan Medical University, to investigate studying time, studying habits and the impact of teaching in English. Additionally results of CET-4, CET-6 and overseas internship from undergraduates of 2012–2015 grade, as well as the result of phased medical licensing examination and post-graduate entrance examination from undergraduates of 2012 were accordingly collected from the Teaching Management Department.Results: For the Chinese students in international classes, the average time of self-study was 161.49 min, 58.3% had preview before classes, and 90.7% had habit of review after classes. Thus the first time pass rate, total pass rate, first time excellent rate and total excellent rate of CET-4 and CET-6 of international classes were significantly higher than those of regular classes. The result of post-graduate entrance examination in 2016 showed that the score, pass rate and acceptance rate of international classes of 2012 grade were significantly higher those of regular classes(P < 0.01).Conclusions: Teaching-in-English reform in Hainan Medical University has achieved initial success. Chinese students from international classes are superior to those from regular classes in many aspects. However, there are still many problems, and effective measures should be implemented to promote teaching quality continuously. 展开更多
关键词 five-year clinical medicine program Teaching-in-English Teaching reform Effect
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