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Adaptive Sliding Control of Six-DOF Flight Simulator Motion Platform 被引量:21
作者 吴东苏 顾宏斌 《Chinese Journal of Aeronautics》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2007年第5期425-433,共9页
There is proposed an adaptive sliding controller in task space on the base of the linear Newton-Euler dynamic equation of motion platform in a six-DOF flight simulator. The uncertain parameters are divided into two gr... There is proposed an adaptive sliding controller in task space on the base of the linear Newton-Euler dynamic equation of motion platform in a six-DOF flight simulator. The uncertain parameters are divided into two groups: the constant and the time-varying. The controller identifies constant uncertain parameters using nonlinear adaptive controller associated with elimination of the influences of time-varying uncertain parameters and compensation of the external disturbance using sliding control. The results of numerical simulation attest to the capability of this control scheme not only to, with deadly accuracy, identify parameters of motion platform such as load, inertia moments and mass center, but also effectively improve the robustness of the system. 展开更多
关键词 motion platform nonlinear adaptive control sliding control flight simulator Stewart platform
Implementation of Flight Simulation System with Vega 被引量:1
作者 YANG Wei-jia LI Cheng-gui 《Computer Aided Drafting,Design and Manufacturing》 2007年第1期50-53,共4页
Flight path and plane maneuver are controlled by joystick. Collision detection is supported to verify the bumping of plane against surrounding objects. Crash of plane is highlighted by generating explosive flames.
关键词 computer application flight simulation VEGA collision detection visualIZATION
Dynamic flight stability of hovering model insects:theory versus simulation using equations of motion coupled with Navier-Stokes equations 被引量:9
作者 Yan-Lai Zhang Mao Sun 《Acta Mechanica Sinica》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2010年第4期509-520,共12页
In the present paper, the longitudinal dynamic flight stability properties of two model insects are predicted by an approximate theory and computed by numerical sim- ulation. The theory is based on the averaged model ... In the present paper, the longitudinal dynamic flight stability properties of two model insects are predicted by an approximate theory and computed by numerical sim- ulation. The theory is based on the averaged model (which assumes that the frequency of wingbeat is sufficiently higher than that of the body motion, so that the flapping wings' degrees of freedom relative to the body can be dropped and the wings can be replaced by wingbeat-cycle-average forces and moments); the simulation solves the complete equations of motion coupled with the Navier-Stokes equations. Comparison between the theory and the simulation provides a test to the validity of the assumptions in the theory. One of the insects is a model dronefly which has relatively high wingbeat frequency (164 Hz) and the other is a model hawkmoth which has relatively low wingbeat frequency (26 Hz). The results show that the averaged model is valid for the hawkmoth as well as for the dronefly. Since the wingbeat frequency of the hawkmoth is relatively low (the characteristic times of the natural modes of motion of the body divided by wingbeat period are relatively large) compared with many other insects, that the theory based on the averaged model is valid for the hawkmoth means that it could be valid for many insects. 展开更多
关键词 Insect Hovering Dynamic flight stability Averaged model Equations-of-motion Navier-Stokes simulation
循证训练理念下签派员技能全生命周期全动模拟机融合训练研究 被引量:1
作者 张序 《科技和产业》 2024年第7期113-116,共4页
为了培养高素质签派员队伍,借鉴飞行员技能全生命周期管理(PLM)体系建设相关理论,结合试点开展的“飞行员-签派员”融合训练,梳理其实施的可行性和必要性,探索签派员整个职业生涯岗位胜任力提升的实施路径。基于循证训练(EBT)理念总结... 为了培养高素质签派员队伍,借鉴飞行员技能全生命周期管理(PLM)体系建设相关理论,结合试点开展的“飞行员-签派员”融合训练,梳理其实施的可行性和必要性,探索签派员整个职业生涯岗位胜任力提升的实施路径。基于循证训练(EBT)理念总结“飞行员-签派员”融合训练的保障机制,为优化签派员训练模式提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 循证训练(EBT) 技能全生命周期管理(PLM) 签派员 全动模拟机 融合训练
作者 杜巧玲 张天和 郑伟 《沈阳工业大学学报》 CAS 北大核心 2024年第6期827-831,共5页
针对传统飞行控制算法适应性差以及扑翼飞行器气动特性复杂,导致飞行控制算法需具备较强自适应性的问题,提出了一种基于模糊自适应PID算法的新型仿生扑翼机定高飞行控制器。通过复数矢量法设计了一款结构简单的新型扑翼结构,并通过运动... 针对传统飞行控制算法适应性差以及扑翼飞行器气动特性复杂,导致飞行控制算法需具备较强自适应性的问题,提出了一种基于模糊自适应PID算法的新型仿生扑翼机定高飞行控制器。通过复数矢量法设计了一款结构简单的新型扑翼结构,并通过运动学仿真与计算流体力学仿真建立了扑翼飞行器的定高飞行运动学模型。仿真测试了所设计的模糊自适应PID控制器对于该运动学模型的控制效果,并与基于传统算法的控制器进行了对比。实验结果表明,所设计的模糊自适应PID定高飞行控制器比传统控制器具有更好的响应特性和适应性。 展开更多
关键词 模糊自适应PID 飞行控制 扑翼飞行器 结构设计 仿生 连杆机构 运动仿真 计算流体力学仿真
作者 白雪 王星 +6 位作者 洪国萍 贾茹铄 韩琦 郭怀钰 牛泓凯 张少杰 朝鲁门 《中国组织工程研究》 CAS 北大核心 2025年第18期3826-3832,共7页
背景:基于三维运动捕捉技术可以构建精准的、客观量化的医学虚拟仿真模型,有利于临床学习者精准、深入理解和掌握各种传统疗术。目前中医虚拟仿真模型已有报道,但蒙医传统疗术的虚拟仿真模型尚未见报道。目的:构建一种基于三维运动捕捉... 背景:基于三维运动捕捉技术可以构建精准的、客观量化的医学虚拟仿真模型,有利于临床学习者精准、深入理解和掌握各种传统疗术。目前中医虚拟仿真模型已有报道,但蒙医传统疗术的虚拟仿真模型尚未见报道。目的:构建一种基于三维运动捕捉技术的交互式三维可视化的蒙医震脑术虚拟仿真模型。方法:使用Motion Analysis三维光学运动捕捉系统和足底测力台采集蒙医专家的运动捕捉数据,在Motion Builder软件中构建震脑术三维动作模型,使用Maya软件构建角色模型并与动作模型相匹配,运动Unity3D软件构建蒙医震脑术虚拟仿真系统,系统整合蒙医震脑术操作3D动画、运动学和动力学参数信息。结果与结论:通过三维运动捕捉技术和计算机仿真重现蒙医震脑术操作,能够显示施术者和受试者的运动姿态,记录关节运动的关键空间位置参数与变化情况,得出运动过程中的运动学、动力学参数。运用交互式三维虚拟仿真技术,实现蒙医震脑术的三维虚拟仿真的视觉呈现,为蒙医震脑术手法的标准化、数字化、可视化研究奠定基础。 展开更多
关键词 蒙医震脑术 三维运动捕捉技术 足底测力台 Anybody 虚拟仿真 三维可视化 motion Builder MAYA UNITY3D 人工智能
作者 贺云涛 樊天仰 +2 位作者 徐军 王正平 李文光 《实验室研究与探索》 CAS 北大核心 2024年第7期59-63,85,共6页
针对航空航天类专业课程理论教学与课程实践相结合的需要,对无人机飞行控制系统半实物仿真实验技术进行了研究,设计了无人机半实物仿真实验平台。该实验平台将三轴转台、姿态传感器等作为实物部分,基于Simbox仿真计算机建立无人机飞行... 针对航空航天类专业课程理论教学与课程实践相结合的需要,对无人机飞行控制系统半实物仿真实验技术进行了研究,设计了无人机半实物仿真实验平台。该实验平台将三轴转台、姿态传感器等作为实物部分,基于Simbox仿真计算机建立无人机飞行控制模型,通过仿真框架软件设计、半实物仿真硬件设备搭建实现无人机姿态控制。该实验平台可应用于无人机飞行控制及科学研究等领域,具有良好的实用价值。 展开更多
关键词 无人机 飞行控制 三轴转台 半实物仿真 教学实验系统
Matlab/FlightGear直升机视景仿真研究 被引量:5
作者 应进 潘浩曼 +1 位作者 代冀阳 陆欢 《实验技术与管理》 CAS 北大核心 2014年第8期106-109,共4页
综合运用Matlab/Simulink、FlightGear等仿真工具,结合UART232串口通信协议、UPD网络通信协议,设计并实现了一个Matlab环境下基于FlightGear视景的直升机飞控仿真平台。该平台使用自定义通信协议对直升机姿态数据进行编码传输和解码还原... 综合运用Matlab/Simulink、FlightGear等仿真工具,结合UART232串口通信协议、UPD网络通信协议,设计并实现了一个Matlab环境下基于FlightGear视景的直升机飞控仿真平台。该平台使用自定义通信协议对直升机姿态数据进行编码传输和解码还原,通过Simulink中接口模块的设计,利用FlightGear飞行模拟器提供的外部数据、API接口和数据发送/接收模块,对飞行姿态等仿真数据进行网络实时传输,驱动FlightGear可视化引擎的运行,实现直升机飞行仿真的三维实时可视化显示。 展开更多
关键词 飞行仿真 可视化 flightGEAR MATLAB/SIMULINK
作者 刘婷婷 罗鹏 +1 位作者 白俊林 舒杨 《计算机仿真》 2024年第8期256-261,共6页
分析角运动感知模型的发展历程,用于研究适用于飞行模拟研究的角运动感知模型。针对不同模型参数不一致,模拟器运动学仿真研究上应用受限的情况,开展了针对性的实验设计。尤其是针对运动感知难以量化的特殊性,以时间信号采集的途径来达... 分析角运动感知模型的发展历程,用于研究适用于飞行模拟研究的角运动感知模型。针对不同模型参数不一致,模拟器运动学仿真研究上应用受限的情况,开展了针对性的实验设计。尤其是针对运动感知难以量化的特殊性,以时间信号采集的途径来达到辨识感知模型的目的,建立了相应的实验数据处理模型。实验结果表明,大时间常数τ_(L)的测量结果整体规律满足理论分析,但是存在较为明显的个体差异;而小时间常数τ_(L)的测量结果差异较明显,主要是由于该参数要求的精度非常高,且同样存在较为明显的个体差异。 展开更多
关键词 运动感知 飞行模拟器 模型辨识
基于VisualC^(++)的6R机械手仿真平台程序设计 被引量:2
作者 张帅 杜佳明 +2 位作者 王晓亮 刘星 高强强 《上海第二工业大学学报》 2011年第1期54-59,共6页
为了实现六自由度机械手的运动仿真,采用Visual C++设计了三维运动仿真系统。通过对结构参数和位置参数的设置,可以清楚地显示出6R机械手的结构外形以及尺寸链驱动,并自动演示机械手末端的运动轨迹。实验表明,使用该系统进行机械手仿真... 为了实现六自由度机械手的运动仿真,采用Visual C++设计了三维运动仿真系统。通过对结构参数和位置参数的设置,可以清楚地显示出6R机械手的结构外形以及尺寸链驱动,并自动演示机械手末端的运动轨迹。实验表明,使用该系统进行机械手仿真能使使用者直观了解机器人在整个运动过程中的情况。 展开更多
关键词 六自由度 机械手 运动仿真 visualC++ OPENGL
基于Simulink和FlightGear的飞行器可视化飞行仿真 被引量:2
作者 张勇 李亮 《职大学报》 2014年第4期100-103,共4页
飞行可视化仿真已成为工程实践中的必要步骤。利用Simulink和FlightGear仿真工作构建飞行可视化仿真模型已变得非常方便。建模中将工作重心集中到提高飞行器飞行模型精度的上,用S函数描述了飞行器的六自由度非线性模型,建立了包括舵机... 飞行可视化仿真已成为工程实践中的必要步骤。利用Simulink和FlightGear仿真工作构建飞行可视化仿真模型已变得非常方便。建模中将工作重心集中到提高飞行器飞行模型精度的上,用S函数描述了飞行器的六自由度非线性模型,建立了包括舵机执行模块、导航控制模块的整体飞行仿真模型。示例表明,利用FlightGear模拟器可实现由simulink搭建的飞行视景仿真。 展开更多
关键词 可视化 飞行仿真 非线性模型 flightGear模拟器
作者 张睿光 覃朗 +1 位作者 韩攀 雷博 《科技资讯》 2024年第9期10-12,共3页
当前飞行模拟器采用的视景显示系统大都基于投影器和投影技术的投影系统,故介绍一种新型的、以LED(Light Emitting Diode)技术为核心的LED球幕显示系统与应用。在解决了图形通道划分、灯板排布、图像分割和几何变形、高灰度控制驱动、... 当前飞行模拟器采用的视景显示系统大都基于投影器和投影技术的投影系统,故介绍一种新型的、以LED(Light Emitting Diode)技术为核心的LED球幕显示系统与应用。在解决了图形通道划分、灯板排布、图像分割和几何变形、高灰度控制驱动、全彩颜色匹配、非均匀度校正等技术问题后,LED技术和显示方法得以在球形屏幕中使用。LED球幕显示系统以超大视场、高分辨率、高亮度、高对比度和易维护等优势,展示出其在飞行模拟器视景系统领域的良好应用前景。 展开更多
关键词 飞行模拟器 视景 显示系统 投影系统 LED球幕
作者 张孝德 曾凡钢 +1 位作者 廖为财 方军 《安徽医专学报》 2024年第2期36-38,共3页
目的:探讨体外冲击波联合富血小板血浆注射治疗部分肩袖损伤的早期疗效。方法:选取在某院就诊的60例部分肩袖损伤患者为本次研究对象,根据治疗方法分为观察组(30例)和对照组(30例),观察组给予体外冲击波联合富血小板血浆注射治疗,对照... 目的:探讨体外冲击波联合富血小板血浆注射治疗部分肩袖损伤的早期疗效。方法:选取在某院就诊的60例部分肩袖损伤患者为本次研究对象,根据治疗方法分为观察组(30例)和对照组(30例),观察组给予体外冲击波联合富血小板血浆注射治疗,对照组仅给予富血小板血浆注射治疗。利用视觉模拟评分(VAS)、肩关节活动度、加州大学肩关节评分(UCLA)对两组治疗前、治疗后1个月、治疗后3个月疼痛、肩关节功能情况进行评估和比较。结果:两组患者VAS评分时间效应、组间效应及时间与组间交互效应比较,差异存在统计学意义(P<0.05),且观察组患者治疗后1个月、3个月VAS评分均比对照组低(P<0.05)。两组患者主动外展和被动外展时肩关节活动度时间效应、组间效应及时间与组间交互效应比较差异存在统计学意义,且观察组患者治疗后1个月、3个月主动外展、被动外展时肩关节活动度均比对照组大(P<0.05)。两组患者UCLA评分时间效应、组间效应及时间与组间交互效应比较,差异存在统计学意义(P<0.05),且观察组患者治疗后1个月、3个月UCLA评分均比对照组高(P<0.05)。结论:体外冲击波联合富血小板血浆注射治疗部分肩袖损伤患者能减轻关节疼痛程度,促进肩袖关节功能提升的同时,改善肩关节活动度。 展开更多
关键词 体外冲击波 富血小板血浆 部分肩袖损伤 视觉模拟评分 肩关节活动度
用Visual Basic模拟抛射体运动
作者 戴祖诚 王开云 易燕 《昆明师范高等专科学校学报》 2007年第4期117-119,共3页
在Visual Basic的集成开发环境下,模拟离地面不同高度的物体的斜抛运动和平抛运动的轨迹,并对抛射体运动的射高、飞行时间和水平射程进行了求解.
关键词 visual Basic 抛射体 运动轨迹 计算机模拟
作者 兰世隆 孙茂 《Acta Mechanica Sinica》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2001年第4期310-331,共22页
Aerodynamic force and flow structures of two airfoils in a tandem configuration in flapping motions axe studied, by solving the Navier-Stokes equations in moving overset grids. Three typical phase differences between ... Aerodynamic force and flow structures of two airfoils in a tandem configuration in flapping motions axe studied, by solving the Navier-Stokes equations in moving overset grids. Three typical phase differences between the fore- and aft-airfoil flapping cycles are considered. It is shown that: (1) in the case of no interaction (single airfoil), the time average of the vertical force coefficient over the downstroke is 2.74, which is about 3 times as large as the maximum steady-state lift coefficient of a dragonfly wing; the time average of the horizontal force coefficient is 1.97, which is also large. The reasons for the large force coefficients are the acceleration at the beginning of a stroke, the delayed stall and the 'pitching-up' motion near the end of the stroke. (2) In the cases of two-airfoils, the time-variations of the force and moment coefficients on each airfoil are broadly similar to that of the single airfoil in that the vertical force is mainly produced in downstroke and the horizontal force in upstroke, but very large differences exist due to the interaction. (3) For in-phase stroking, the major differences caused by the interaction are that the vertical force on FA in downstroke is increased and the horizontal force on FA in upstroke decreased. As a result, the magnitude of the resultant force is almost unchanged but it inclines less forward. (4) For counter stroking, the major differences are that the vertical force on AA in downstroke and the horizontal force on FA in upstroke are decreased. As a result, the magnitude of the resultant force is decreased by about 20 percent but its direction is almost unchanged. (5) For 90 degrees -phase-difference stroking, the major differences axe that the vertical force on AA in downstroke and the horizontal force on FA in upstroke axe decreased greatly and the horizontal force on AA in upstroke increased. As a result, the magnitude of the resultant force is decreased by about 28% and it inclines more forward. (6) Among the three cases of phase angles, inphase flapping produces the largest vertical force (also the largest resultant force); the 90 degrees -phase-difference flapping results in the largest horizontal force, but the smallest resultant force. 展开更多
关键词 dragonfly flight two airfoils flapping motion Navier-Stokes simulation
基于Flightgear模拟器的实时可视化飞行仿真系统 被引量:47
作者 黄华 徐幼平 邓志武 《系统仿真学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第19期4421-4423,共3页
针对国外某型无人飞行器,建立了非线性六自由度飞行模型和自主导航控制系统,在此基础上,利用Flightgear飞行模拟器外部数据输入/输出接口,将飞行仿真数据通过网络实时传递,驱动Flightgear可视化引擎,实现飞行仿真中,飞行姿态、天气条件... 针对国外某型无人飞行器,建立了非线性六自由度飞行模型和自主导航控制系统,在此基础上,利用Flightgear飞行模拟器外部数据输入/输出接口,将飞行仿真数据通过网络实时传递,驱动Flightgear可视化引擎,实现飞行仿真中,飞行姿态、天气条件和地理环境的三维实时可视化显示。仿真试验表明,该可视化飞行仿真系统可扩展性强,开发周期短,系统建设简单,使用方便,为今后的深入研究打下了良好基础。 展开更多
关键词 飞行仿真 可视化 flightgear模拟器 MATLAB/SIMULINK
Dynamic flight stability of a bumblebee in forward flight 被引量:8
作者 Yan Xiong Mao Sun 《Acta Mechanica Sinica》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2008年第1期25-36,共12页
The longitudinal dynamic flight stability of a bumblebee in forward flight is studied. The method of computational fluid dynamics is used to compute the aerodynamic derivatives and the techniques of eigenvalue and eig... The longitudinal dynamic flight stability of a bumblebee in forward flight is studied. The method of computational fluid dynamics is used to compute the aerodynamic derivatives and the techniques of eigenvalue and eigenvector analysis are employed for solving the equations of motion. The primary findings are as the following. The forward flight of the bumblebee is not dynamically stable due to the existence of one (or two) unstable or approximately neutrally stable natural modes of motion. At hovering to medium flight speed [flight speed Ue = (0-3.5)m s^-1; advance ratio J = 0-0.44], the flight is weakly unstable or approximately neutrally stable; at high speed (Ue = 4.5 m s^-1; J = 0.57), the flight becomes strongly unstable (initial disturbance double its value in only 3.5 wingbeats). 展开更多
关键词 Bumblebee Dynamic stability Forward flight Navier-Stokes simulation Natural modes of motion
基于MWorks与FlightGear的飞行仿真 被引量:4
作者 肖文 韩铠轩 陈航 《科技创新导报》 2020年第13期7-10,共4页
民航飞机系统的建模仿真是对完整飞机系统、飞行控制原理的深化理解与应用。本文通过运用非因果建模仿真软件Mworks,以Modelica语言为基础,搭建了民航飞机系统模型,将民机整机系统分为了飞行控制系统、液压系统、环境控制系统和飞机发... 民航飞机系统的建模仿真是对完整飞机系统、飞行控制原理的深化理解与应用。本文通过运用非因果建模仿真软件Mworks,以Modelica语言为基础,搭建了民航飞机系统模型,将民机整机系统分为了飞行控制系统、液压系统、环境控制系统和飞机发动机系统四大部分,并通过MWorks的外部导出端口驱动FlightGear对飞机系统进行了实时可视化仿真,有利于通过改变飞机系统部分参数,实现了对飞机的故障仿真与安全分析。仿真结果证明,MWorks建立的民航飞机系统完整,三维可视化效果逼真直观。 展开更多
关键词 MWorks 飞行仿真 flightGEAR 系统建模 三维可视化
Lateral dynamic flight stability of hovering insects: theory vs. numerical simulation 被引量:4
作者 Yan-Lai Zhang Jiang-Hao Wu Mao Sun 《Acta Mechanica Sinica》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2012年第1期221-231,共11页
In the present paper, the lateral dynamic flight stability properties of two hovering model insects are predicted by an approximate theory based on the averaged model, and computed by numerical simulation that solves ... In the present paper, the lateral dynamic flight stability properties of two hovering model insects are predicted by an approximate theory based on the averaged model, and computed by numerical simulation that solves the complete equations of motion coupled with the Naviertokes equations. Comparison between the theoretical and simulational results provides a test to the validity of the assumptions made in the theory. One of the insects is a model dronefly which has relatively high wingbeat frequency (164Hz) and the other is a model hawkmoth which has relatively low wingbeat frequency (26 Hz). The following conclusion has been drawn. The theory based on the averaged model works well for the lateral motion of the dronefly. For the hawkmoth, relatively large quantitative differences exist between theory and simulation. This is because the lateral non-dimensional eigenvalues of the hawkmoth are not very small compared with the non-dimensional flapping frequency (the largest lateral non-dimensional eigenvalue is only about 10% smaller than the non-dimensional flapping frequency). Nevertheless, the theory can still correctly predict variational trends of the dynamic properties of the hawkmoth's lateral motion. 展开更多
关键词 Insect - Hovering Lateral dynamic flight stabil- ity Averaged model Equations-of-motion Navier-Stokes simulation
Compound Control for Hydraulic Flight Motion Simulator 被引量:5
作者 王本永 董彦良 赵克定 《Chinese Journal of Aeronautics》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2010年第2期240-245,共6页
The design of a compound control is presented for the servo system of hydraulic flight motion simulator, which suffers from highly nonlinear dynamics, large parameter time-variation and severe load coupling among chan... The design of a compound control is presented for the servo system of hydraulic flight motion simulator, which suffers from highly nonlinear dynamics, large parameter time-variation and severe load coupling among channels. The compound control is composed of a robust feedback controller and a feedforward compensator. The design aim is to achieve high tracking perform- ance even in the presence of considerable uncertainty, external disturbance and load coupling among channels. Toward this aim the feedback controller for rejecting perturbation and disturbance is designed by usingμ synthesis optimization technique and the feedforward compensator for compensating time lag of dynamic system is established based on the basic idea of zero phase error tracking. To validate the proposed control strategy, simulations and experiments are implemented, and show that the result- ing system is highly robust against model perturbation and possesses excellent capability of suppressing the load coupling and improving the tracking performance. 展开更多
关键词 hydraulic flight motion simulator system identification compound control /~ synthesis feedforward compensation
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