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玛湖凹陷风云1井陆相深层页岩气勘探突破及其油气地质意义 被引量:2
作者 唐勇 白雨 +8 位作者 高岗 何文军 尤新才 党文龙 张磊 焦小冰 李梦瑶 晏奇 余兴 《中国石油勘探》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第1期106-118,共13页
二叠系风城组是玛湖凹陷主力烃源岩和勘探层系,落实深层—超深层页岩油气潜力对玛湖凹陷勘探具有重要指导意义。基于风云1井风城组页岩气发现及前风城组油气勘探成果,系统分析该井的岩性发育特征、烃源岩成烃条件和储层条件,明确玛湖凹... 二叠系风城组是玛湖凹陷主力烃源岩和勘探层系,落实深层—超深层页岩油气潜力对玛湖凹陷勘探具有重要指导意义。基于风云1井风城组页岩气发现及前风城组油气勘探成果,系统分析该井的岩性发育特征、烃源岩成烃条件和储层条件,明确玛湖凹陷风城组页岩油气系统中页岩油、气分布序列特征及油气地质意义。研究表明,风云1井风城组岩性主要为盐岩、页岩与粉—细砂岩等;风城组烃源岩有机质丰度总体较低,其中风一段烃源岩最为发育,平均有机碳含量达1.06%;储层整体致密,孔隙度平均为4.65%,其中云质页岩和灰质砂岩储集性能较好。此外,随深度增大玛湖凹陷风城组具有完整的由页岩油、页岩油气到页岩气的演化规律。前风城组油气来源于超深层的另一油气系统,应是下一步勘探的重要领域之一。 展开更多
关键词 准噶尔盆地 玛湖凹陷 风城组 风云1 页岩油气 油气系统
准噶尔盆地盆1井西凹陷石炭系火山岩凝析气藏的发现与勘探启示 被引量:2
作者 卞保力 刘海磊 +2 位作者 蒋文龙 王学勇 丁修建 《岩性油气藏》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第3期96-105,共10页
准噶尔盆地石炭系火山岩油气藏是油气勘探的重点领域之一。根据录测井资料、地球化学分析数据及岩石薄片鉴定资料,结合地球物理方法,厘清了准噶尔盆地盆1井西凹陷石炭系火山岩油气成藏的主控因素,总结出深层火山岩气藏富集规律,明确了... 准噶尔盆地石炭系火山岩油气藏是油气勘探的重点领域之一。根据录测井资料、地球化学分析数据及岩石薄片鉴定资料,结合地球物理方法,厘清了准噶尔盆地盆1井西凹陷石炭系火山岩油气成藏的主控因素,总结出深层火山岩气藏富集规律,明确了有利勘探方向。研究结果表明:(1)准噶尔盆地盆1井西凹陷风城组烃源岩厚度为100~300 m,面积约为5 400 km2,整体进入生凝析油—干气阶段,生气强度大于20×108m3/km2,为凹陷提供了丰富的天然气源。(2)研究区石炭系火山岩岩性复杂,爆发作用形成的安山质火山角砾岩受到风化淋滤作用,可形成物性较好的风化壳型储层。石炭系—二叠系大型不整合面和广泛发育的深大断裂是重要的输导体系,二叠系上乌尔禾组泥岩作为区域盖层,为凝析气成藏提供了保存条件,油藏主要分布在高部位,气藏分布于低部位。(3)通过“两宽一高”(宽方位、宽频带、高密度)技术,提高地震成像精度,联合时-频电磁技术(TFEM),实现了石炭系火山岩的精细刻画,为深层油气藏的勘探提供了有力支撑。石西16井的重大突破,证实了盆1井西凹陷石炭系火山岩具有巨大的勘探潜力。 展开更多
关键词 凝析气藏 火山岩 风城组烃源岩 上乌尔禾组泥岩盖层 不整合面 深大断裂 “两宽一高”技术 时-频电磁技术 石炭系 1井西凹陷 准噶尔盆地
玛湖凹陷玛页1井风城组页岩油地质甜点优选 被引量:1
作者 李娜 李卉 +3 位作者 刘鸿 陈方文 杨森 邹阳 《新疆石油地质》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第3期271-278,共8页
玛湖凹陷风城组属于具有物源多、岩性复杂、整体含油、甜点分散等特征的混积型碱湖沉积,为了对页岩油进行高效勘探和开发,需要对页岩油地质甜点优选。以高压压汞、岩石热解等实验结果为基础,对玛页1井风城组储集层及其页岩油可动性等进... 玛湖凹陷风城组属于具有物源多、岩性复杂、整体含油、甜点分散等特征的混积型碱湖沉积,为了对页岩油进行高效勘探和开发,需要对页岩油地质甜点优选。以高压压汞、岩石热解等实验结果为基础,对玛页1井风城组储集层及其页岩油可动性等进行评价,构建页岩油地质甜点优选模型,评价页岩油地质甜点垂向分布特征。结果表明:孔隙度、总有机碳含量、脆性矿物含量和游离烃含量与100倍总有机碳含量之差分别是评价风城组储集层储集性能、含油性、脆性和页岩油可动性的参数;利用4个参数构建页岩油地质甜点优选模型,玛页1井风城组一类、二类和三类页岩油地质甜点的页岩油甜点因子分别为大于0.2823、0.0111~0.2823和小于0.0111;玛页1井风城组一类页岩油地质甜点主要分布在风二段上部和风三段,岩性以泥岩和白云质泥岩为主。 展开更多
关键词 准噶尔盆地 玛湖凹陷 玛页1 风城组 页岩油 地质甜点 高压压汞
作者 苏东旭 朱永才 +4 位作者 刘龙松 钱海涛 陈海龙 蒋中发 张天环 《中国石油勘探》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第4期82-96,共15页
近期,准噶尔盆地盆1井西凹陷周缘SX16、SX18等井在近源下组合石炭系—二叠系取得了天然气重大发现,认为其具有成为大型天然气区的前景。然而,针对研究区石炭系—二叠系天然气分布规律以及勘探有利区缺少系统的研究,制约了天然气成藏规... 近期,准噶尔盆地盆1井西凹陷周缘SX16、SX18等井在近源下组合石炭系—二叠系取得了天然气重大发现,认为其具有成为大型天然气区的前景。然而,针对研究区石炭系—二叠系天然气分布规律以及勘探有利区缺少系统的研究,制约了天然气成藏规律的认识和下一步勘探部署。为此,综合地震、测井、岩心、薄片和地球化学分析等多种资料,系统研究了烃源岩、储层、输导体系等天然气成藏条件,建立石炭系—二叠系三大含油层组的成藏模式,并对下一步的勘探方向进行分析。研究表明:(1)风城组和下乌尔禾组是最重要的两套优质烃源岩,厚度为80~200m,埋藏深度大于7000m,演化程度高,Ro大于1.72%,已经达到了规模生气阶段,具备形成大中型气田的气源条件。(2)3套规模储层为天然气高产提供了基础,石炭系以火山岩为主,发育高孔气孔状溢流相火山岩和爆发相火山角砾岩,经风化作用和裂缝改造物性好,最高孔隙度可达20%以上;风城组常规砂砾岩—非常规云质致密砂岩—非常规云质页岩有序分布,孔隙度平均小于8%,但分布面积超2600km^(2);凹陷区上乌尔禾组一段砂体叠置连片,可形成岩性圈闭群;(3)海西期深大断裂体系与不整合面相匹配形成了立体输导体系,有利于下组合天然气大面积成藏;(4)三大含油层系具有不同的成藏模式,石炭系为新生古储、源储大跨度对接成藏模式,风城组为源内非常规与常规并存成藏模式,上乌尔禾组为大型地层—岩性圈闭大面积成藏模式。分析认为,盆1井西凹陷及周缘石炭系—二叠系天然气成藏条件良好,天然气勘探潜力大,鼻隆带靠近烃源岩区一侧的石炭系构造气藏,风城组常规砂砾岩气藏和非常规致密气、页岩气,以及凹陷区上乌尔禾组一段是今后勘探的有利方向。 展开更多
关键词 准噶尔盆地 1井西凹陷 石炭系 风城组 上乌尔禾组 天然气 成藏条件
作者 王清华 杨海军 +5 位作者 李勇 蔡振忠 杨宪彰 谢会文 陈才 孙春燕 《中国石油勘探》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第4期1-16,共16页
塔西南山前西昆仑冲断带柯东构造带叶探1井在二叠系普斯格组获得重大突破,标志着塔西南山前地区发现一个重要的勘探接替层系。结合区域地质资料,根据野外露头、钻井、地震等综合研究,对柯克亚周缘二叠系普斯格组的成藏条件进行再认识。... 塔西南山前西昆仑冲断带柯东构造带叶探1井在二叠系普斯格组获得重大突破,标志着塔西南山前地区发现一个重要的勘探接替层系。结合区域地质资料,根据野外露头、钻井、地震等综合研究,对柯克亚周缘二叠系普斯格组的成藏条件进行再认识。研究认为,研究区内二叠系普斯格组发育陆相湖泊—三角洲沉积体系,上段发育半深湖—深湖相烃源岩,面积1.0×10^(4)km^(2),厚度最大达到800m,集中段有机质丰度为0.92%~1.16%,以菌藻类生源为主,有机质类型主要为Ⅱ型,有机质丰度高;普斯格组下段发育三角洲前缘、滨浅湖沙坝优质砂岩储层,砂体厚度为42.5~63m,砂地比为27%~47%,是一套分布较广的区域性储层,与普斯格组上段泥岩组成优质储盖组合;柯克亚周缘发育印支期、喜马拉雅期两期构造变形,古生界叠瓦冲断、强烈逆掩叠置,圈闭成排成带,喜马拉雅期进一步挤压抬升改造,局部复杂化,形成的叠瓦冲断带为勘探有利区。根据普斯格组天然气干燥系数分析,折算Ro为1.31%~1.42%,与下盘烃源岩成熟度相当,表明油气来自下盘逆掩叠置烃源岩,经历早油晚气的成藏过程,成藏具有“逆掩叠置下盘供烃、下生上储、断裂输导”的特点。综合分析认为该地区二叠系普斯格组圈闭成排成带分布,已发现圈闭9个,面积301km^(2),天然气资源量约为2930×10^(8)m^(3),凝析油资源量约为2×10^(8)t,具有较好的勘探前景。 展开更多
关键词 塔西南山前地区 柯克亚周缘 二叠系普斯格组 叶探1 重大发现 成藏条件
Heterogeneity and differential hydrocarbon accumulation model of deep reservoirs in foreland thrust belts: A case study of deep Cretaceous Qingshuihe Formation clastic reservoirs in southern Junggar Basin, NW China 被引量:1
作者 GAO Chonglong WANG Jian +5 位作者 JIN Jun LIU Ming REN Ying LIU Ke WANG Ke DENG Yi 《Petroleum Exploration and Development》 SCIE 2023年第2期360-372,共13页
Using the data of drilling, logging, core, experiments and production, the heterogeneity and differential hydrocarbon accumulation model of deep reservoirs in Cretaceous Qingshuihe Formation(K1q) in the western sectio... Using the data of drilling, logging, core, experiments and production, the heterogeneity and differential hydrocarbon accumulation model of deep reservoirs in Cretaceous Qingshuihe Formation(K1q) in the western section of the foreland thrust belt in southern Junggar Basin are investigated. The target reservoirs are characterized by superimposition of conglomerates, sandy conglomerates and sandstones, with high content of plastic clasts. The reservoir space is mainly composed of intergranular pores. The reservoirs are overall tight, and the sandy conglomerate has the best physical properties. The coupling of short deep burial period with low paleotemperature gradient and formation overpressure led to the relatively weak diagenetic strength of the reservoirs. Specifically, the sandy conglomerates show relatively low carbonate cementation, low compaction rate and high dissolution porosity. The special stress-strain mechanism of the anticline makes the reservoirs at the top of the anticline turning point more reformed by fractures than those at the limbs, and the formation overpressure makes the fractures in open state. Moreover, the sandy conglomerates have the highest oil saturation. Typical anticline reservoirs are developed in deep part of the thrust belt, but characterized by "big trap with small reservoir". Significantly, the sandy conglomerates at the top of anticline turning point have better quality, lower in-situ stress and higher structural position than those at the limbs,with the internal hydrocarbons most enriched, making them high-yield oil/gas layers. The exponential decline of fractures makes hydrocarbon accumulation difficult in the reservoirs at the limbs. Nonetheless, plane hydrocarbon distribution is more extensive at the gentle limb than the steep limb. 展开更多
关键词 foreland thrust belt deep reservoir HETEROGENEITY differential hydrocarbon accumulation Cretaceous Qing-shuihe formation GT1 Well Gaoquan structural belt southern Junggar Basin
Small interfering RNA targeting PGC-1α inhibits VEGF expression and tube formation in human retinal vascular endothelial cells 被引量:6
作者 Jian Jiang Lu Zhang Xiao-Bo Xia 《International Journal of Ophthalmology(English edition)》 SCIE CAS 2015年第5期877-883,共7页
AIMTo determine whether small interfering RNA (siRNA) of PGC-1&#x003b1; could inhibit vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) expression and tube formation in human retinal vascular endothelial cells (hRVECs).ME... AIMTo determine whether small interfering RNA (siRNA) of PGC-1&#x003b1; could inhibit vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) expression and tube formation in human retinal vascular endothelial cells (hRVECs).METHODShRVECs transfected with peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-&#x003b3; coactivator-1&#x003b1; (PGC-1&#x003b1;) siRNA were incubated for 24h and then placed into a normoxic (20%, O<sub>2</sub>) or hypoxic (1%, O<sub>2</sub>) environment for another 16h. PGC-1&#x003b1; mRNA and protein levels were detected by real-time PCR and Western blot. VEGF mRNA and protein levels were detected by real-time PCR and ELISA. Cell proliferation was evaluated by BrdU incorporation assay. Forty-eight hours after siRNA transfection, hRVECs were planted into Matrigel-coated plates and cultured under normoxic (20%, O<sub>2</sub>) or hypoxic (1%, O<sub>2</sub>) conditions for another 48h. The tube formation of hRVECs was observed under an optical microscope and quantified by counting the number of branch points and calculating the total tube length.RESULTSPGC-1&#x003b1; mRNA and protein levels were significantly reduced by PGC-1&#x003b1; siRNA, and VEGF mRNA and protein levels also decreased significantly. The percentage of BrdU-labeled cells in siPGC-1&#x003b1; groups were significantly decreased compared with control siRNA groups under normoxia and hypoxia in cell proliferation assay. In the tube formation assay, PGC-1&#x003b1; siRNA treated cells formed significantly fewer tubes.CONCLUSIONBlocking PGC-1&#x003b1; expression can inhibit VEGF expression in hRVECs and inhibit their ability to form tubes under both normoxic and hypoxic conditions. 展开更多
关键词 peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ coactivator-1;1 vascular endothelial growth factor small interfering RNA retinal vascular endothelial cell tube formation
作者 苟宇杰 张凤奇 +5 位作者 江青春 鲁雪松 刘刚 卫延召 刘海磊 蒋文龙 《油气地质与采收率》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第3期16-30,共15页
为明确准噶尔盆地盆1井西凹陷及周缘深层二叠系超压形成机制及演化特征,基于钻井、测井、实测地层压力等资料,运用测井曲线组合分析法和交会图版法以及盆地模拟技术,对超压成因机制及演化特征进行分析,并定量表征目的层不同成因类型超... 为明确准噶尔盆地盆1井西凹陷及周缘深层二叠系超压形成机制及演化特征,基于钻井、测井、实测地层压力等资料,运用测井曲线组合分析法和交会图版法以及盆地模拟技术,对超压成因机制及演化特征进行分析,并定量表征目的层不同成因类型超压的贡献率。结果表明:①研究区深层二叠系不同岩性地层超压成因具有明显差异,其中风城组和下乌尔禾组烃源岩层超压成因主要为生烃和欠压实作用,其中生烃作用占主导;泥岩盖层超压成因主要为欠压实作用;而风城组和下乌尔禾组储层超压成因主要为超压传递和欠压实作用。②研究区风城组烃源岩生烃增压自早二叠世开始,现今达到最大,不同构造部位增压大小差别较小,烃源岩层超压主要分布于39.43~49.16MPa,但其贡献率具有明显差异,凸起区较大,而凹陷区较小;凸起区和凹陷区生烃增压对总超压贡献率分别为84.49%~94.41%和65%~67.3%,研究区下乌尔禾组烃源岩生烃增压大小与风城组具有相似的规律;欠压实作用对泥岩盖层超压的贡献率一般为100%。③研究区二叠系储层超压传递增压主要形成于晚侏罗世至早白垩世以及古近纪至今,其贡献率在不同凸起区存在明显差异,达巴松凸起和石西凸起分别为21.86%~23.35%和100%。厘清研究区深层、超深层超压的分布规律,可以为盆地新区的进一步开发提供依据。 展开更多
关键词 深层 超压成因 演化特征 定量评价 1井西凹陷 准噶尔盆地
作者 王茜 黄永建 +3 位作者 张治锋 王长红 李祥 刘伟 《中国地质》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第4期1355-1367,共13页
【研究目的】本文旨在综合地球化学、高分辨层序地层学理论和方法,探索厚层页岩地层划分对比的化学层序地层新方法,建立上扬子地区新地1井五峰组—龙马溪组下段高精度化学层序地层格架,为研究区页岩气勘探提供科学依据。【研究方法】本... 【研究目的】本文旨在综合地球化学、高分辨层序地层学理论和方法,探索厚层页岩地层划分对比的化学层序地层新方法,建立上扬子地区新地1井五峰组—龙马溪组下段高精度化学层序地层格架,为研究区页岩气勘探提供科学依据。【研究方法】本研究利用上扬子地区新地1井的岩心、测井及样品分析测试资料,优选出陆源输入强度相关元素组合、自生沉淀强度相关元素组合、有机质吸附及还原强度相关元素组合作为指标体系,进而划分四级化学层序地层。【研究结果】新地1井五峰组划分为LCW层序,龙马溪组下段自下而上细分为MCL1-1、MCL1-2、MCL1-3、MCL1-4四级层序。陆源输入强度相关元素组合总量在层序界面附近相对较高,而最大海泛面附近相对较低;自生沉淀强度及有机质吸附及还原强度相关元素组合总量在层序界面附近相对较低,而在最大海泛面附近相对较高。【结论】不同地化指标体系代表了不同的成因意义,陆源碎屑输入强度和自生沉淀强度越小、有机质吸附及还原强度越大的沉积环境有利于页岩中有机质富集,其旋回性变化对区域海平面变化有相应响应,具有区域一致性,是区域地层对比的重要依据和有力手段。 展开更多
关键词 上扬子地区 新地1 五峰组 龙马溪组 化学层序地层学 地质调查工程
RANKL-induced M1 macrophages are involved in bone formation 被引量:12
作者 Rong Huang Xin Wang +1 位作者 Yinghong Zhou Yin Xiao 《Bone Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第4期317-329,共13页
The activation of M1 macrophages can be achieved by stimulating them with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and interferon-γ (IFN-γ). However, M1 can be found under physiological conditions without any pathological stimu... The activation of M1 macrophages can be achieved by stimulating them with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and interferon-γ (IFN-γ). However, M1 can be found under physiological conditions without any pathological stimuli. This study aimed to understand the involvement of RANKL-induced M1 macrophages in bone formation compared with pathologically induced macrophages. Fischer rats were used to investigate macrophage distribution in normal and injured femoral condyles in vivo. Bone marrow-derived macrophages (BMDMs) were activated with LPS+IFN-γ and RANKL to achieve M1 activation in vitro. Gene expression related to inflammation, osteoclastogenesis, angiogenesis, and migration was determined by reverse transcription-quantitative polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR) and fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS). Tissue macrophages showed distinct expression patterns at different bone regions. RANKL was found in close proximity to inducible nitric oxide synthase-positive (iNOS+) cells in vivo, suggesting an association between RANKL expression and iNOS+ cells, especially in trabecular bone. RANKL-induced macrophages showed a different cytokine secretion profile compared with pathologically induced macrophages. Both osteoclasts and M1 macrophages peaked on day 7 during bone healing. RANKL could trigger Ml-like macrophages with properties that were different from those of LPS+IFN-γ-induced macrophages. These RANKL-activated M1 macrophages were actively involved in bone formation. 展开更多
关键词 RANKL-induced M1 macrophages are involved in bone formation
作者 苗凤彬 彭中勤 +3 位作者 汪宗欣 张保民 王传尚 巩磊 《中国地质》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第3期743-761,共19页
【研究目的】开展页岩储层脆性评价对页岩气勘探开发中的有利层段优选具有重要意义。【研究方法】基于矿物组成、地球物理测井、岩石力学实验与裂缝发育程度等基础资料,采用矿物组分法与基于地球物理测井的岩石力学参数法对雪峰地区牛... 【研究目的】开展页岩储层脆性评价对页岩气勘探开发中的有利层段优选具有重要意义。【研究方法】基于矿物组成、地球物理测井、岩石力学实验与裂缝发育程度等基础资料,采用矿物组分法与基于地球物理测井的岩石力学参数法对雪峰地区牛蹄塘组海相页岩的脆性特征进行分析与评价,并以此探讨页岩脆性的影响因素。【研究结果】基于石英、长石、黄铁矿和碳酸盐含量的脆性矿物组分法对该区牛蹄塘组页岩脆性的评价最为适用,以区内湘张地1井为例,页岩脆性指数为59.2%~93.8%,平均值74.4%,受沉积环境、成岩演化、埋深、构造作用等因素共同影响。【结论】稳定的深水陆棚-盆地相沉积环境与晚成岩演化阶段决定牛蹄塘组页岩脆性整体较高,该环境下生物成因的硅质、黄铁矿等脆性矿物较为富集,并受沉积时水体深度变化影响自下而上呈现先升高后降低、整体逐渐降低的含量变化趋势,导致页岩脆性及天然裂缝发育程度具有相似的纵向变化规律,三者之间相辅相成;同时,此类脆性矿物与有机质含量具有良好的正相关关系,其对页岩脆性的贡献远大于有机质本身对塑性的加成。此外,岩石力学参数与脆性指数之间的相关性表明,杨氏模量在该区牛蹄塘组页岩脆性评价中的权重高于泊松比。 展开更多
关键词 脆性特征 影响因素 牛蹄塘组 页岩气 湘张地1 雪峰地区 油气勘查工程
Epoxiconazole Improved Photosynthesis,Yield Formation,Grain Quality and 2-Acetyl-1-Pyrroline Biosynthesis of Fragrant Rice 被引量:2
作者 LUO Haowen HE Longxin +5 位作者 DU Bin PAN Shenggang MO Zhaowen YANG Shuying ZOU Yingbin TANG Xiangru 《Rice science》 SCIE CSCD 2022年第2期189-196,共8页
Epoxiconazole is a triazole compound.However,the effects of epoxiconazole on crop productivity and quality were rarely reported.In this study,we investigated the effects of epoxiconazole application on yield formation... Epoxiconazole is a triazole compound.However,the effects of epoxiconazole on crop productivity and quality were rarely reported.In this study,we investigated the effects of epoxiconazole application on yield formation,grain quality attributes,and 2-acetyl-1-pyrroline(2-AP)content in fragrant rice.A three-year field experiment was carried out with a fragrant rice variety,Meixiangzhan 2.At the heading stage,0,0.02,0.04,0.08,0.16 and 0.32 g/L epoxiconazole solutions were foliar applied to fragrant rice plants,respectively.The results showed that epoxiconazole application significantly increased grain yield,seed-setting rate and 1000-grain weight.Chlorophyll content and net photosynthetic rate of fragrant rice during the grain-filling stage significantly increased due to epoxiconazole application.Foliar application of epoxiconazole at 0.08 g/L increased grain protein content and decreased both chalky rice rate and chalkiness area ratio of fragrant rice.Epoxiconazole also substantially increased grain 2-AP content by inducing the regulation in contents of related synthetic precursors,including proline,pyrroline-5-carboxylic acid,Δ1-pyrroline and methylglyoxal.Overall,foliar application of epoxiconazole could be used for the improvement in grain yield,grain quality and 2-AP content in fragrant rice production when applied concentration at 0.08-0.32 g/L.Our findings provided the new roles of epoxiconazole in crop production. 展开更多
关键词 EPOXICONAZOLE fragrant rice 2-acetyl-1-pyrroline yield formation grain quality
作者 乔桐 刘成林 +5 位作者 杨海波 王义凤 李剑 田继先 韩杨 张景坤 《岩性油气藏》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第6期169-180,共12页
基于油气地球化学、试油结果与凝析气相态分析实验等资料,采用盆地模拟技术分析了准噶尔盆地盆1井西凹陷前哨井区侏罗系三工河组凝析气藏特征,并对凝析气藏的成藏过程与成因机制进行了详细研究。研究结果表明:①盆1井西凹陷侏罗系三工... 基于油气地球化学、试油结果与凝析气相态分析实验等资料,采用盆地模拟技术分析了准噶尔盆地盆1井西凹陷前哨井区侏罗系三工河组凝析气藏特征,并对凝析气藏的成藏过程与成因机制进行了详细研究。研究结果表明:①盆1井西凹陷侏罗系三工河组凝析气藏为构造-岩性油气藏,优质储层岩性主要为灰色细—中粒长石岩屑砂岩,孔隙度为2.70%~16.10%,平均为12.10%,渗透率为0.016~109.000 mD,平均为14.170 mD,属于中孔、低渗储层,与下伏的二叠系风城组和下乌尔禾组2套烃源岩形成了良好的储-盖组合。②研究区凝析油表现为低密度、低黏度、低凝固点和低含蜡量等特征,正构烷烃以低—中碳数为主,为下乌尔禾组烃源岩成熟—高成熟阶段的产物。③研究区凝析气藏天然气组分以烃类气为主,甲烷与乙烷碳同位素值分布集中,分别为-37.40‰~-36.84‰与-27.55‰~-26.54‰,为腐殖型烃源岩裂解气,来源于下乌尔禾组烃源岩。④研究区下乌尔禾组烃源岩于古近纪早期生成的凝析油气经过不断调整最终于新近纪早期充注形成凝析气藏,从成藏至现今储层流体组分未发生改变,油气藏相态类型也未发生改变,为原生型凝析气藏。 展开更多
关键词 凝析油 凝析气藏 腐殖型裂解气 下乌尔禾组烃源岩 油气藏相态类型 三工河组 侏罗系 1井西凹陷 准噶尔盆地
作者 王倩 杨豹 +2 位作者 李银 蒋钦杨 黄艳娜 《南方农业学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第7期1916-1924,共9页
【目的】探究白藜芦醇(RES)与雌激素受体1(ESR1)对3T3-L1细胞脂滴形成的影响及调控机制,为RES抑制脂肪沉积潜在机制的研究提供理论依据。【方法】以3T3-L1细胞为试验材料,设计并合成针对ESR1基因的小干扰RNA(siRNA),在3T3-L1细胞培养基... 【目的】探究白藜芦醇(RES)与雌激素受体1(ESR1)对3T3-L1细胞脂滴形成的影响及调控机制,为RES抑制脂肪沉积潜在机制的研究提供理论依据。【方法】以3T3-L1细胞为试验材料,设计并合成针对ESR1基因的小干扰RNA(siRNA),在3T3-L1细胞培养基中添加RES,以添加等量二甲基亚砜(DMSO)为对照,利用油红O染色、实时荧光定量PCR检测、Western blotting检测等分析RES与ESR1对3T3-L1细胞分化的影响。【结果】与对照组相比,RES能显著(P<0.05)减少3T3-L1细胞脂滴的生成,极显著(P<0.001)上调脂肪分解关键基因ATGL相对表达量,极显著下调(P<0.001)脂肪合成关键基因CEBPα、PPARγ及FAS相对表达量。RES能极显著(P<0.001)增加ESR1基因相对表达量,极显著(P<0.01)增加ESR1蛋白相对表达水平;同时,RES能极显著(P<0.001)下调PI3K信号通路中PI3K和AKT基因相对表达量,极显著(P<0.001)上调FOXO1基因相对表达量。干扰ESR1基因可极显著(P<0.01)增加3T3-L1细胞脂滴的生成,极显著(P<0.001)下调ATGL基因相对表达量,极显著(P<0.001)上调CEBPα、PPARγ及FAS基因相对表达量;加入RES后,干扰ESR1基因的3T3-L1细胞脂滴与未加入RES相比无显著差异(P>0.05,下同),ATGL、CEBPα、PPARγ及FAS基因相对表达量也均无显著差异。干扰ESR1基因能极显著(P<0.001)上调PI3K信号通路中PI3K和AKT基因相对表达量,极显著(P<0.001)下调FOXO1基因相对表达量;加入RES后,PI3K、AKT及FOXO1基因相对表达量与未加入RES相比均无显著差异。【结论】RES能通过ESR1-PI3K信号通路,上调脂肪分解关键基因ATGL相对表达量,下调脂肪合成关键基因CEBPα、PPARγ及FAS相对表达量,从而抑制3T3-L1细胞脂滴形成。 展开更多
关键词 白藜芦醇 雌激素受体1(ESR1) PI3K信号通路 脂滴形成
High resolution continuous sedimentary records of Upper Cretaceous obtained from the continental drilling(SK-1) borehole in Songliao Basin:Sifangtai and Mingshui Formations 被引量:5
作者 Guodong Wang Rihui Cheng +4 位作者 Pujun Wang Youfeng Gao Chengshan Wang Yanguang Ren Qinghua Huang 《Geoscience Frontiers》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第6期895-912,共18页
The Sifangtai and Mingshui formations were continuously cored in the SK-1 n borehole(China Cretaceous Continental Scientific Drilling-SongKe1-the north borehole).The core is 767.96 m long,and the recovery is 94.7%.T... The Sifangtai and Mingshui formations were continuously cored in the SK-1 n borehole(China Cretaceous Continental Scientific Drilling-SongKe1-the north borehole).The core is 767.96 m long,and the recovery is 94.7%.The ages of the formations range from middle Campanian to Danian.The sequence and process of lithology-lithofacies and cyclic stratigraphy were described in detail.Eight litho-types compose the Sifangtai Formation,and 15 litho-types compose the Mingshui Formation.Deposition was predominantly in meandering river and lacustrine environments,including 10 microfacies in the Sifangtai Formation and 15 microfacies in the Mingshui Formation.The complete sequence is composed of 535 m-scale cycles(sixth-order cycle),152 fifth-order cycles,42 fourth-order cycles and five third-order cycles.The centimeter-scale description of the section revealed some previously unknown horizons such as a special type of mudstone,marl,volcanic ash and favorable sand reservoirs in the formations.The new-found evidence is very important for the interpretation of the evolution of the basin,conditions such as lake oxic events,the K/Pg boundary,tectonism in the late sag basin stage,and the reservoir-cap rock assemblages in the shallow stratigraphy. 展开更多
关键词 Sifangtai formation and Mingshui formation Sedimentary facies Cyclostratigraphy SK-1n Middle Campanian-Danian Songliao Basin
Mechanoresponsive MiR-138-5p Targets MACF1 to Inhibit Bone Formation 被引量:1
作者 Zhihao Chen Zhao Fan +14 位作者 Liang Chao Lifang Hu Chen Lei Zhang Yan Yin Chong Dijie Li Tian Ye Wuxia Qiu Kewen Zhang Chaofei Yang Xiaona Li Li Yu Weiyi Chen Zhang Ge Qian Airong 《医用生物力学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第A01期72-73,共2页
Mechanical stimuli play an essential role in maintaining bone remodeling and skeletal integrity.Meanwhile,bone can respond to the changes of mechanical condition to adjust its mass and architecture.Clinical studies di... Mechanical stimuli play an essential role in maintaining bone remodeling and skeletal integrity.Meanwhile,bone can respond to the changes of mechanical condition to adjust its mass and architecture.Clinical studies discover that bedridden patients showed osteoporotic T-scores and low bone mineral density,and long-term immobilized patients presented reduced markers of bone formation.However,as bone formation mediated by osteoblast differentiation is a complex process,the underlying molecular mechanism of mechanical stimuli regulating bone formation is still unclear.Recent evidences show that microRNAs(miRNAs)are involved in mechanical stimuli regulating bone formation or osteoblast differentiation.Nevertheless,no direct evidence identifies mechanoresponsive miRNA in both human and animal bones,and clarifies its mechanoresponsive role under different mechanical conditions(e.g.mechanical unloading,reloading,loading).In the current study,we screened for differentially expressed miRNAs in bone specimens of bedridden patients with fractures,then identified that the expression of miR-138-5p,but not the other miRNAs,altered withbedridden time and was negatively correlated with the expression of the bone formation marker genes Alp(alkaline phosphatase).Moreover,miR-138-5p was up-regulated with reduced bone formation during unloading and down-regulated with increased bone formation during reloading in hind4imb unloaded mice.In addition,miR-138-5p was verified to be responsive to different mechanical unloading condition and cyclic mechanical stretch condition in primary osteogenic cells,respectively.Further in vitro data suggested that mechanoresponsive miR-138-5p directly targeted microtubule actin crosslinking factor 1(MACF1)to inhibit osteoblast differentiation.In vivo,we constructed an osteoblastic miR-138-5p transgenic mice model(TG138)with the Runx2promoter,and found that overexpression miR-138-5p supressed bone formation.Moreover,osteoblast-targeted inhibition of miR-138-5p sensitized bone anabolic response to mechanical loading in TG138 mice.Predominantly,the osteoblast-targeted inhibition of miR-138-5p could counteract bone formation reduction induced by hind limb unloading.Taken together,the mechanoresponsive miR-138-5p inhibited bone anabolic response for developing a novel bone anabolic sensitization strategy. 展开更多
关键词 Mechanoresponse miR-138-5p MACF1 BONE formation
Nerve bundle formation during the promotion of peripheral nerve regeneration:collagenⅥ-neural cell adhesion molecule 1 interaction 被引量:2
作者 Jia-Hui Sun Ming Huang +8 位作者 Zhou Fang Tian-Xiao Li Ting-Ting Wu Yi Chen Da-Ping Quan Ying-Ying Xu Yu-Ming Wang Yi Yang Jian-Long Zou 《Neural Regeneration Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2022年第5期1023-1033,共11页
The formation of nerve bundles,which is partially regulated by neural cell adhesion molecule 1(NCAM1),is important for neural network organization during peripheral nerve regeneration.However,little is known about how... The formation of nerve bundles,which is partially regulated by neural cell adhesion molecule 1(NCAM1),is important for neural network organization during peripheral nerve regeneration.However,little is known about how the extracellular matrix(ECM)microenvironment affects this process.Here,we seeded dorsal root ganglion tissue blocks on different ECM substrates of peripheral nerve ECM-derived matrixgel,Matrigel,laminin 521,collagen I,and collagen IV,and observed well-aligned axon bundles growing in the peripheral nerve ECM-derived environment.We confirmed that NCAM1 is necessary but not sufficient to trigger this phenomenon.A protein interaction assay identified collagen VI as an extracellular partner of NCAM1 in the regulation of axonal fasciculation.Collagen VI interacted with NCAM1 by directly binding to the FNIII domain,thereby increasing the stability of NCAM1 at the axolemma.Our in vivo experiments on a rat sciatic nerve defect model also demonstrated orderly nerve bundle regeneration with improved projection accuracy and functional recovery after treatment with 10 mg/m L Matrigel and 20μg/m L collagen VI.These findings suggest that the collagen VI-NCAM1 pathway plays a regulatory role in nerve bundle formation.This study was approved by the Animal Ethics Committee of Guangzhou Medical University(approval No.GY2019048)on April 30,2019. 展开更多
关键词 axonal fasciculation collagen VI extracellular matrix MICROENVIRONMENT nerve bundle formation nerve projection neural cell adhesion molecule 1 NEUROGENESIS peripheral nerve regeneration
The influence factors of gas-bearing and geological characteristics of Niutitang Formation shale in the southern margin of Xuefeng Mountain ancient uplift: A case of Well Huangdi 1 被引量:6
作者 Ming-na Ge Ke Chen +2 位作者 Xiang-lin Chen Chao Wang Shu-jing Bao 《China Geology》 2020年第4期533-544,共12页
In order to evaluate the geological characteristics and gas-bearing factors of Niutitang Formation within the Lower Cambrian of northern Guizhou,the Huangping area located at the southern edge of the ancient uplift be... In order to evaluate the geological characteristics and gas-bearing factors of Niutitang Formation within the Lower Cambrian of northern Guizhou,the Huangping area located at the southern edge of the ancient uplift belt of Xuefeng Mountain was selected as the target area,and Well Huangdi 1 was drilled for the geological survey of shale gas.Through geological background analysis and well logging and laboratory analysis such as organic geochemical test,gas content analysis,isothermal adsorption,and specific surface area experiments on Well Huangdi 1,the results show that the Niutitang Formation is a deep-water shelf,trough-like folds and thrust fault.The thickness of black shale is 119.95 m,of which carbonaceous shale is 89.6 m.The average value of organic carbon content is 3.55%,kerogen vitrinite reflectance value is 2.37% and kerogen type is sapropel-type.The brittle mineral content is 51%(quartz 38%),clay mineral content is 38.3%.The value of porosity and permeability are 0.5%and 0.0014 mD,which the reservoir of the Niutitang Formation belongs to low permeability with characteristics of ultra-low porosity.The gas content is 0.09‒1.31 m^3/t with a high-value area and a second high-value area.By comparing with the geological parameters of adjacent wells in the adjacent area,the accumulation model of“sediment control zone,Ro control zone,structure controlling reservoir”in the study area is proposed.Therefore,deep-water shelf-slope facies,Ro is between high maturity-early stage of overmaturity and well-preserved zones in the Niutitang Formation in this area are favorable direction for the next step of shale gas exploration. 展开更多
关键词 Shale gas Gas-bearing Well Huangdi 1 Influence factors Niutitang formation Xuefeng Mountain ancient uplift Oil and gas exploration engineering Lower Cambrian Guizhou Province China
Inhibitory effect of parvovirus H-1 on the formation of colonies of human hepatoma cell line in vitro and its tumors in nude mice 被引量:1
作者 YAN SHANGJUN CHENGWU MA +2 位作者 XIANHUA CHEN SHANHONG WAN ZUYU LUO(Physiology and Biophysics Department, Fudan University,Shanghai 200433, China) 《Cell Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1994年第1期47-56,共10页
The inhibitory effect of parvovirus H-1 on the colonyforming ability in vitro of QGY-7703, a cultured human hepatoma cell line, and on the formation and growth of its tumors in nude mice was studied. With higher multi... The inhibitory effect of parvovirus H-1 on the colonyforming ability in vitro of QGY-7703, a cultured human hepatoma cell line, and on the formation and growth of its tumors in nude mice was studied. With higher multiplicity of infection (MOI) of H-1 given, survival of the QGY-7703 cells was found to be decreased. H-1 DNA amplification level at 30 h postinfection(p.i.) was detected to be 7.4 times higher than that at 2 h by dispersed cells assay, while the cells were delayed to enter into S phase.Plaques were formed in the indicator cells (new-born human kidney cell line, NBK) by progeny H-1 virus particles released from the infected QGY-7703 cells by infectious cell center assay. The formation of tumors in nude mice by QGY-7703 cells which were injected s c at 2 h postinfection was observed to be prevented in 2 groups with given MOI 25 and 50. The tumor growth of MOI 10 group occurred at a lower exponential rate than that of control,after a 20 d latent period. It was evident that parvovirus H-1 exhibited a direct inhibitory effect on the formation and growth of human hepatoma cells in vivo as well as in vitro. 展开更多
关键词 Parvovirus H-1 human hepatoma cell line colony formation nude mice inhibitory effect
Valproic acid enhances neurosphere formation in cultured rat embryonic cortical cells through TGFβ1 signaling 被引量:1
作者 Cui Qi Jiaqi Zhang +3 位作者 Yuanyuan Wang Mingyan Lin Jun Gao Haiying Lu 《The Journal of Biomedical Research》 CAS CSCD 2022年第2期127-140,共14页
This study aimed to investigate the effect and mechanism of valproic acid(VPA)on the neurosphere formation in rat embryonic cortical cells.We used free-floating neurosphere formation as a model system to evaluate the ... This study aimed to investigate the effect and mechanism of valproic acid(VPA)on the neurosphere formation in rat embryonic cortical cells.We used free-floating neurosphere formation as a model system to evaluate the VPA on the proliferation of neural stem cells(NSCs).We found a time-and dose-dependent increase in neurosphere formation and NSC proliferation after VPA treatment.Further RNA-seq analysis demonstrated that the upregulated TGFβ1 signaling might attribute to the effect of VPA on the neurosphere formation and NSC proliferation.Consistently,the neurosphere formation and NSC proliferation were blocked by the treatment with SB431542,an inhibitor of TGFβ1 receptor.Moreover,in a coculture system,NSCs treated with VPA significantly reduced the oxygen-glucose deprivation-induced neuronal apoptosis.Taken together,our results showed that VPA could enhance neurosphere formation and NSC proliferation by activating TGFβ1,which might be a novel therapeutic strategy for neurological disorders. 展开更多
关键词 valproic acid neural stem cells neurosphere formation PROLIFERATION transforming growth factorβ1
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