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Wave-Dependence of Friction Velocity, Roughness Length, and Drag Coefficient over Coastal and Open Water Surfaces by Using Three Databases 被引量:8
作者 高志球 Qing WANG 周明煜 《Advances in Atmospheric Sciences》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第5期887-894,共8页
The parameterization of friction velocity, roughness length, and the drag coefficient over coastal zones and open water surfaces enables us to better understand the physical processes of air-water interaction. In cont... The parameterization of friction velocity, roughness length, and the drag coefficient over coastal zones and open water surfaces enables us to better understand the physical processes of air-water interaction. In context of measurements from the Humidity Exchange over the Sea Main Experiment (HEXMAX), we recently proposed wave-parameter dependent approaches to sea surface friction velocity and the aerodynamic roughness by using the dimensional analysis method. To extend the application of these approaches to a range of natural surface conditions, the present study is to assess this approach by using both coastal shallow (RASEX) and open water surface measurements (Lake Ontario and Grand Banks ERS-1 SAR) where wind speeds were greater than 6.44 m s-1. Friction velocities, the surface aerodynamic roughness, and the neutral drag coefficient estimated by these approaches under moderate wind conditions were compared with the measurements mentioned above. Results showed that the coefficients in these approaches for coastal shallow water surface differ from those for open water surfaces, and that the aerodynamic roughness length in terms of wave age or significant wave height should be treated differently for coastal shallow and open water surfaces. 展开更多
关键词 sea surface roughness wave parameter friction velocity parameterIZATION
作者 佟生 任宗金 +1 位作者 张军 王郁赫 《传感器与微系统》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第10期35-37,41,共4页
针对18mm厚2219铝合金搅拌摩擦焊过程焊接力变化范围大、速度快,导致难以准确测量的问题,设计了一种大量程四支点压电测力仪,主向100kN、侧向8 kN。经理论推导发现测力仪上板厚度及跨距是影响传感器输出的主要因素,利用有限元仿真对二... 针对18mm厚2219铝合金搅拌摩擦焊过程焊接力变化范围大、速度快,导致难以准确测量的问题,设计了一种大量程四支点压电测力仪,主向100kN、侧向8 kN。经理论推导发现测力仪上板厚度及跨距是影响传感器输出的主要因素,利用有限元仿真对二者进行参数化分析,在满足现有测力单元量程基础上确定了其合理取值。最后对测力仪进行了静态标定、动态冲击实验,结果表明:测力仪线性度误差小于0.62%、向间干扰小于0.65%,固有频率大于1000Hz,达到了焊接过程跨尺度多维力测试精度要求。 展开更多
关键词 大量程 压电测力仪 参数化 标定实验 搅拌摩擦焊
不同海况下六种湍流通量参数化方案的对比分析 被引量:2
作者 胡艳冰 高志球 +2 位作者 沙文钰 曹丽霞 兰伟仁 《海洋预报》 2007年第2期9-16,共8页
利用前人给出的表面波浪动力试验中的部分观测资料,通过六种不同的湍流通量参数化方案,分别计算了不同海面波浪状况所对应的摩擦速度。结果表明:海面状况对计算结果有显著影响,六种参数化方案计算的摩擦速度相对涡动相关法(EC)直接测量... 利用前人给出的表面波浪动力试验中的部分观测资料,通过六种不同的湍流通量参数化方案,分别计算了不同海面波浪状况所对应的摩擦速度。结果表明:海面状况对计算结果有显著影响,六种参数化方案计算的摩擦速度相对涡动相关法(EC)直接测量值的偏差纯风浪海面状况下,较交叉涌浪或反向涌浪海面状况时小得多。并且在纯风浪海面状况下,当近海层大气处于不稳定层结时,Dyer74方案计算的摩擦速度相对EC直接测量值的归一化误差最小,仅为8.47%,能够较好的估计近海层摩擦速度。在稳定层结条件下,当整体Richardson数小于0.1时,除Businger71方案外,其它五种方案的计算误差接近且较小。 展开更多
关键词 摩擦速度 参数化方案 海面状况
作者 张继才 吕咸青 孙丽艳 《计算力学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第1期49-54,共6页
基于伴随同化方法对二维潮波模式底摩擦效应的线性与非线性参数化方案进行了比较研究。采用拉格朗日乘子法推导了底摩擦效应两种参数化方案的伴随表达式,并借助孪生实验对所述方法的参数反演能力进行了验证.通过同化高度计资料和验潮站... 基于伴随同化方法对二维潮波模式底摩擦效应的线性与非线性参数化方案进行了比较研究。采用拉格朗日乘子法推导了底摩擦效应两种参数化方案的伴随表达式,并借助孪生实验对所述方法的参数反演能力进行了验证.通过同化高度计资料和验潮站资料,分别使用线性和非线性参数化方案,以及常数底摩擦系数与空间分布底摩擦系数设置的两两组合,对模拟结果进行了比较和分析。经过同化,模拟结果与观测数据的差异均有了明显下降。结果表明,如果将底摩擦系数设置为全区常数,则非线性参数化方案的模拟结果远优于线性方案;然而,在空间分布设置下,两者模拟得到的水位场与潮流场仅有细微差别,并尝试从底摩擦引起的能量耗散角度对其原因进行了分析。 展开更多
关键词 底摩擦效应 参数化方案 伴随同化 空间分布
汽车EPS助力特性设计方法研究 被引量:10
作者 任夏楠 邓兆祥 《机械科学与技术》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第8期1225-1232,共8页
对汽车转向系统进行受力分析,建立了不同工况下的转向盘阻力矩模型。提出了一种驾驶员理想转向盘力矩参数化特性模型,并在此基础之上对EPS(electric power steering system)助力特性曲线的设计机理进行研究。提出了以驾驶员理想转向盘... 对汽车转向系统进行受力分析,建立了不同工况下的转向盘阻力矩模型。提出了一种驾驶员理想转向盘力矩参数化特性模型,并在此基础之上对EPS(electric power steering system)助力特性曲线的设计机理进行研究。提出了以驾驶员理想转向盘力矩与车速、转向盘转角、侧向加速度的关系为基础将助力特性曲线按照高速和低速分别进行设计的观点,进而基于此观点探讨了EPS助力特性曲线的产生过程,并对EPS助力特性曲线的几何特征进行了论证。 展开更多
关键词 电动助力转向系统 助力特性曲线 转向盘力矩 几何特征
作者 左义和 姚寿文 闫清东 《车用发动机》 北大核心 2009年第6期15-18,23,共5页
基于拉格朗日方程,在考虑曲柄连杆的变惯量、气缸的摩擦扭矩和燃气压力总指示扭矩的基础上建立了发动机曲轴轴系动力学模型。利用ADAMS内置的参数点坐标、参数化方程功能,在ADAMS内二次开发了集曲轴轴系结构参数、摩擦扭矩参数、负载扭... 基于拉格朗日方程,在考虑曲柄连杆的变惯量、气缸的摩擦扭矩和燃气压力总指示扭矩的基础上建立了发动机曲轴轴系动力学模型。利用ADAMS内置的参数点坐标、参数化方程功能,在ADAMS内二次开发了集曲轴轴系结构参数、摩擦扭矩参数、负载扭矩参数和发动机点火次序选择的参数化软件。通过曲轴柔性处理获得轴系模态中性文件,由ADAMS/FLEX模块导入到ADAMS中建立了柔性曲轴的发动机多体动力学虚拟样机,结合某型车进行了动力学仿真。结果表明,发动机有效输出扭矩受摩擦扭矩和变惯量扭矩的影响较大,柔性曲轴比刚性曲轴能更好地模拟发动机曲轴,为车辆动态性能仿真提供了良好的发动机模型,并可为发动机的轴系设计、曲轴的强度校核和寿命计算提供准确的载荷。 展开更多
关键词 曲轴 参数化 摩擦扭矩 变惯量 动态性能 动力学模型
海-气界面动量通量的估计方法分析与应用 被引量:6
作者 邹仲水 赵栋梁 +3 位作者 黄健 李水清 马昕 盛立芳 《海洋学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第9期75-83,共9页
首次将经验模态分解方法引入湍流稳定性分析,与传统的线性和滑动平均去势方法进行了比较,发现经验模态分解方法的去势效果最好。基于"南海平台通量观测计划"(FOPSCS)近两年的连续通量观测数据,得到了22 476个摩擦速度的估算值... 首次将经验模态分解方法引入湍流稳定性分析,与传统的线性和滑动平均去势方法进行了比较,发现经验模态分解方法的去势效果最好。基于"南海平台通量观测计划"(FOPSCS)近两年的连续通量观测数据,得到了22 476个摩擦速度的估算值,结果表明,当风速小于5m/s时,拖曳系数随风速增大而减小,而风速大于5m/s时,拖曳系数随风速增大而增大,两种情形分别反映了黏性表皮摩擦和波浪引起的形状阻力对海面风应力的贡献。同时发现短风区情形的拖曳系数大于长风区情形,说明波浪成长状态会对海-气界面动量交换产生影响。 展开更多
关键词 拖曳系数 块体公式 去势方法 摩擦速度
发动机短舱型线的多目标优化设计 被引量:2
作者 崔玉超 王鹏 +3 位作者 张晓东 邓志 卢少鹏 滕金芳 《节能技术》 CAS 2019年第2期157-160,共4页
为了提高亚声速客机发动机短舱的气动性能,开展了短舱内、外型线的多目标优化设计。采用贝塞尔曲线和形函数方法对短舱型线进行参数化设计,通过RANS数值模拟获得气动性能,以摩擦阻力和总压恢复系数作为目标函数,结合径向基函数模型和带... 为了提高亚声速客机发动机短舱的气动性能,开展了短舱内、外型线的多目标优化设计。采用贝塞尔曲线和形函数方法对短舱型线进行参数化设计,通过RANS数值模拟获得气动性能,以摩擦阻力和总压恢复系数作为目标函数,结合径向基函数模型和带精英策略的非支配排序遗传算法,成功获得了短舱型线的优化设计几何。经数值模拟分析验证,该优化型线设计可以明显改善短舱内、外流场,有效降低短舱外部的摩擦阻力,提高短舱内部的总压恢复系数。 展开更多
关键词 短舱型线 参数化 数值模拟 摩擦阻力 总压恢复系数 多目标优化
Effects of welding parameters and post-heat treatment on mechanical properties of friction stir welded AA2195-T8 Al-Li alloy 被引量:18
作者 J. Zhang X.S. Feng +3 位作者 J.S. Gao H. Huang Z.Q. Ma L.J. Guo 《Journal of Materials Science & Technology》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第1期219-227,共9页
In this study, the effects of main welding parameters (rotation speed (ω) and welding speed (υ)) on the microstructure, micro-hardness distribution and tensile properties of friction stir welded (FSW) 2195-T... In this study, the effects of main welding parameters (rotation speed (ω) and welding speed (υ)) on the microstructure, micro-hardness distribution and tensile properties of friction stir welded (FSW) 2195-T8 Al-Li alloy were investigated. The effects of T6 post-treatments at different solution and aging conditions on the mechanical properties and microstructure characteristics of the FSW joints were also investigated. The results show that with increasing to and v, both strength and elongation of the joints increase first, and then decrease with further increase of ω and υ. All the joints under varied welding parameters show significant strength loss, and the strength reaches only 65% of the base metal, The effect of T6 post-heat treatment on the mechanical properties of the joints depends on the solution and aging conditions. Two heat treatment processes (480 ℃×0.5 h quenching+ 180 ℃× 12 h, 520 ℃× 0.5 h quenching+ 180 ℃×12h aging) are found to increase the joint strength. Furthermore, low temperature quenching (480℃) is more beneficial to the joint strength. The joint strength can reach 85% of the base metal. Whereas both low temperature aging (140 ℃× 56h) and stepped aging ( 100 ℃× 12 h + 180 ℃× 3 h) processes decrease the joint strength. After heat treatment all the joints show decreased ductility due to the obvious grain coarsening in the nugget zone (NZ) and thermo-mechanically affected zone (TMAZ). 展开更多
关键词 2195-T8 Al-Li alloy friction stir welding Welding parameters Post-heat treatment
Energy flow characteristics of friction-induced nonlinear vibrations in a water-lubricated bearing-shaft coupled system 被引量:2
作者 Li Qin Hongling Qin Jing Tang Xing 《Acta Mechanica Sinica》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2021年第4期679-704,I0003,共27页
Based on the energy flow theory of nonlinear dynamical system,the stabilities,bifurcations,possible periodical/chaotic motions of nonlinear water-lubricated bearing-shaft coupled systems are investigated in this paper... Based on the energy flow theory of nonlinear dynamical system,the stabilities,bifurcations,possible periodical/chaotic motions of nonlinear water-lubricated bearing-shaft coupled systems are investigated in this paper.It is revealed that the energy flow characteristics around the equlibrium point of system behaving in the three types with different friction-para-mters.(a)Energy flow matrix has two negative and one positive energy flow factors,constructing an attractive local zero-energy flow surface,in which free vibrations by initial disturbances show damped modulated oscillations with the system tending its equlibrium state,while forced vibrations by external forces show stable oscillations,(b)Energy flow matrix has one negative and two positive energy flow factors,spaning a divergence local zero-energy flow surface,so that the both free and forced vibrations are divergence oscillations with the system being unstable,(c)Energy flow matrix has a zero-energy flow factor and two opposite factors,which constructes a local zero-energy flow surface dividing the local phase space into stable,unstable and central subspace,and the simulation shows friction self-induced unstable vibrations for both free and forced cases.For a set of friction parameters,the system behaves a periodical oscillation,where the bearing motion tends zero and the shaft motion reaches a stable limit circle in phase space with the instant energy flow tending a constant and the time averaged one tending zero.Numerical simulations have not found any possible chaotic motions of the system.It is discovered that the damping matrices of cases(a),(b)and(c)respectively have positive,negative and zero diagonal elements,resulting in the different dynamic behavour of system,which gives a giderline to design the water-lubricated bearing unit with expected performance by adjusting the friction parameters for applications. 展开更多
关键词 Nonlinear friction-induced vibrations Nonlinear energy flows Nonlinear water-lubricated bearing-shaft systems Bifucation friction parameters Energy flow matrices Periodical oscilation
Active Disturbance Rejection Control for PMLM Servo System in CNC Machining 被引量:5
作者 GUO Jianxin XUE Wenchao HU Tao 《Journal of Systems Science & Complexity》 SCIE EI CSCD 2016年第1期74-98,共25页
Uncertain friction is a key factor that influences the accuracy of servo system in CNC machine.In this paper,based on the principle of Active Disturbance Rejection Control(ADRC),a control method is proposed,where both... Uncertain friction is a key factor that influences the accuracy of servo system in CNC machine.In this paper,based on the principle of Active Disturbance Rejection Control(ADRC),a control method is proposed,where both the extended state observer(ESO) and the reduced order extended state observer(RESO) are used to estimate and compensate for the disturbance.The authors prove that both approaches ensure high accuracy in theory,and give the criterion for parameters selection.The authors also prove that ADRC with RESO performs better than that with ESO both in disturbance estimation and tracking error.The simulation results on CNC machine show the effectiveness and feasibility of our control approaches. 展开更多
关键词 Active disturbance rejection control CNC machine nonlinear friction parameter selection servo system
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