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Beautiful Flow Plus与FUjiⅨ玻璃离子水门汀在牙颈部楔状缺损治疗中的应用效果比较
作者 唐怡 彭凤英 邓赟 《陕西医学杂志》 CAS 2024年第11期1508-1512,共5页
目的:比较Beautiful Flow Plus与FUjiⅨ玻璃离子水门汀在牙颈部楔状缺损治疗中的应用效果。方法:选取牙颈部楔状缺损患者198例(567颗患牙),根据修复时充填材料不同将患者分为观察组101例289颗患牙(Beautiful Flow Plus修复治疗)和对照... 目的:比较Beautiful Flow Plus与FUjiⅨ玻璃离子水门汀在牙颈部楔状缺损治疗中的应用效果。方法:选取牙颈部楔状缺损患者198例(567颗患牙),根据修复时充填材料不同将患者分为观察组101例289颗患牙(Beautiful Flow Plus修复治疗)和对照组97例278颗患牙(FUjiⅨ玻璃离子水门汀修复治疗)。比较两组患者治疗后1、2年填充体状态及修复成功率。比较两组患者治疗后2年咀嚼功能、美观度评分。记录治疗期间和治疗后2年内患者不良事件发生情况。结果:两组治疗后1年患牙填充体状态良好率及修复成功率比较差异无统计学意义(均P>0.05)。治疗后2年,观察组色泽协调性良好及无边缘着色的牙齿比例高于对照组(均P<0.05)。两组其余充填体状态良好率及修复成功率比较差异无统计学意义(均P>0.05)。治疗后2年,两组干燥咀嚼物X50数值较治疗前降低,且观察组低于对照组(均P<0.05)。治疗后2年,两组患者和医生美观度评分较治疗前升高,且观察组高于对照组(均P<0.05)。在治疗期间和治疗后2年内,两组不良事件总发生率比较差异无统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:与FUjiⅨ玻璃离子水门汀比较,Beautiful Flow Plus在牙颈部楔状缺损治疗中具有较好的远期美学效果,且有助于改善患者咀嚼功能。 展开更多
关键词 牙颈部楔状缺损 Beautiful Flow Plus fujiⅨ玻璃离子水门汀 填充体状态 美观度 咀嚼功能
GC Fuji Ⅸ型及增强型玻璃离子水门汀修复老年楔状缺损活髓牙:材料临床应用可行性1年的随访比较 被引量:16
作者 陈洪 何静 周劭丽 《中国组织工程研究与临床康复》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第8期1422-1425,共4页
背景:GC Fuji Ⅸ型玻璃离子水门汀作为楔状缺损的一种充填材料,在临床上越来越受关注,但其与临床常用的增强型玻璃离子水门汀修复楔状缺损效果的比较尚不清楚。目的:比较GC Fuji Ⅸ型玻璃离子水门汀和增强型玻璃离子水门汀两种材料修复... 背景:GC Fuji Ⅸ型玻璃离子水门汀作为楔状缺损的一种充填材料,在临床上越来越受关注,但其与临床常用的增强型玻璃离子水门汀修复楔状缺损效果的比较尚不清楚。目的:比较GC Fuji Ⅸ型玻璃离子水门汀和增强型玻璃离子水门汀两种材料修复老年人楔状缺损的临床疗效。方法:随机将80颗需做楔状缺损修复的患牙分成两组,分别用GC Fuji Ⅸ型玻璃离子水门汀(实验组)和增强型玻璃离子水门汀(对照组)充填,修复后即刻,修复后3,6个月和1年分别对修复体的色泽协调性、边缘密合度、修复体完整度、继发龋的发生以及牙髓症状5个方面进行临床效果评价。结果与结论:在修复后3,6个月及1年的临床评价中,实验组的色泽协调性优于对照组(P<0.05);在修复后的6个月以及1年的疗效观察中,实验组的边缘密合度明显优于对照组(P<0.05);在修复1年后的临床评价中,实验组的修复体完整度优于对照组(P<0.05)。说明GC Fuji Ⅸ型玻璃离子是一种充填老年人楔状缺损的理想材料,在1年内效果优于增强型玻璃离子水门汀。 展开更多
关键词 GC fuji Ⅸ型玻璃离子水门汀 增强型玻璃离子水门汀 老年 楔状缺损 口腔材料
Effect of Metaxenia on Volatile Compounds in Bagged Apple Fruit of Fuji 被引量:8
作者 王海波 王传增 +3 位作者 程来亮 常源升 何平 李林光 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2017年第4期583-587,610,共6页
In the present study, the effect of pollen grain sources on volatile com- pounds in bagged apple fruit of Yan Fuji 3, grown at two experiment sites and pol- linated by pollens of other five cultivars was evaluated, to... In the present study, the effect of pollen grain sources on volatile com- pounds in bagged apple fruit of Yan Fuji 3, grown at two experiment sites and pol- linated by pollens of other five cultivars was evaluated, to select appropriate poll- enizer cultivars for Fuji, and to provide a theoretical basis for improving the flavor and aroma of bagged apple fruit of Fuji. The results proved the significant metaxe- nia effect of the five pollenizer cultivars on volatile compounds of bagged apple fruit of Fuji. The numbers of both volatile compounds and characteristic aroma com- pounds in bagged apple fruit pollinated by Golden Delicious were larger and those of the fruit pollinated by Gala were smaller at both experiment sites. However, there were differences in the numbers of volatile compounds and characteristic aroma compounds among the fruits pollinated by Starkrimson, Jinxiuhaitang and Ruby at both experimental sites. The differences were caused by 12 compounds that only existed at a low level in certain samples. All of them were not the aroma contribu- tors except ethyl 2-methylbutyrate. The content of alcohols in bagged Fuji fruit was largely increased by Starkrimson and Ruby pollination; the content of aldehydes was obviously increased by Golden Delicious, Starkrimson and Gala pollination; the con- tents of esters and terpenes were significantly increased by Golden Delicious, Starkrimson and Ruby pollination. Jinxiuhaitang pollination showed no significant ef- fects for improving the content of four categories of volatile compounds. The metax- enia of the pollenizer cultivars on volatile compounds in bagged Fuji fruit was stable at the two experimental sites. 展开更多
关键词 Metaxenia fuji apple Bagged fruits Volatile compounds
Fuji Ⅸ型玻璃离子水门汀材料修复老年人根面龋的临床观察 被引量:7
作者 蒋榕林 陈燕 +1 位作者 唐继伟 韦艺 《中国美容医学》 CAS 2013年第8期865-867,共3页
目的:评价Fuji Ⅸ型玻璃离子水门汀材料在老年人根面龋修复治疗的临床疗效。方法:选择60~75岁患者123例,患牙数共145颗,随机分为3组。甲组:用Fuji Ⅸ型玻璃离子水门汀充填修复,乙组用光固化复合树脂充填修复,丙组用银汞合金材料修复,... 目的:评价Fuji Ⅸ型玻璃离子水门汀材料在老年人根面龋修复治疗的临床疗效。方法:选择60~75岁患者123例,患牙数共145颗,随机分为3组。甲组:用Fuji Ⅸ型玻璃离子水门汀充填修复,乙组用光固化复合树脂充填修复,丙组用银汞合金材料修复,修复后随访1年,观察治疗效果。结果:术后12个月随访评价充填治疗效果,甲组成功率91.8%,乙组成功率77.1%,丙组成功率75%,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:Fuji Ⅸ型玻璃离子水门汀材料修复老年人根面龋,操作方便、可靠,色泽美观,有较好的临床应用价值。 展开更多
关键词 fuji IX型玻璃离子 根面龋 老年人
Super bond C&B,Fuji Ⅱ,MTA粘结离体牙纵裂牙根的力学研究 被引量:2
作者 刘思逸 赵晓花 +1 位作者 梁妍 李琴 《中国美容医学》 CAS 2013年第8期826-829,共4页
目的:比较Super bond C&B,Fuji Ⅱ,MTA三种材料粘结离体单根管前牙纵裂牙根的粘结强度。方法:选取离体单根管前牙75颗制备成纵裂牙根模型后按数字随机表分成6组。1~3为压力组(每组15颗牙):1组,MTA充填裂缝;2组,Super bond C&B... 目的:比较Super bond C&B,Fuji Ⅱ,MTA三种材料粘结离体单根管前牙纵裂牙根的粘结强度。方法:选取离体单根管前牙75颗制备成纵裂牙根模型后按数字随机表分成6组。1~3为压力组(每组15颗牙):1组,MTA充填裂缝;2组,Super bond C&B充填裂缝;3组,则用Fuji Ⅱ行裂缝充填。4~6为拉力组(每组10颗牙):4组,MTA充填裂缝;5组,Super C&B充填裂缝;6组,则用Fuji Ⅱ行裂缝充填。用万能力学测试机测定各试件数值,用SPSS 10.0软件包对检测结果进行统计学分析。结果:压力测试显示:Superbond C&B充填纵裂牙根,其抗压能力明显高于MTA组和FujiⅡ组,而后两组之间无明显差异;拉力测试表明:MTA组抗拉能力最差,Fuji Ⅱ组明显高于MTA组但明显低于Super bondC&B组。结论:Super bond C&B粘结离体纵裂牙根的强度最强,抗压和抗拉能力优于FujiⅡ和MTA。 展开更多
关键词 Super BOND C&B fuji MTA 纵裂牙根 力学研究
FUJI支气管堵塞器在胸外科手术单肺通气中的应用 被引量:3
作者 唐培佳 梁勇升 +2 位作者 黄今肇 官英勇 谭冠先 《广西医科大学学报》 CAS 2011年第5期720-722,共3页
目的:观察FUJI支气管堵塞器在胸外科手术单肺通气中应用的效果。方法:选择开胸手术患者80例,随机分为JUJI支气管堵塞器组(A组)和双腔气管导管组(B组),每组40例,分别应用FUJI支气管堵塞器联合单腔气管导管插管和双腔气管导管插管行单肺... 目的:观察FUJI支气管堵塞器在胸外科手术单肺通气中应用的效果。方法:选择开胸手术患者80例,随机分为JUJI支气管堵塞器组(A组)和双腔气管导管组(B组),每组40例,分别应用FUJI支气管堵塞器联合单腔气管导管插管和双腔气管导管插管行单肺通气麻醉。记录两组患者PaO2、PaCO2、PAW的变化和一次插管成功率、插管失败率、插管时间、术野暴露情况、术后声嘶咽痛发生率。结果:单肺通气后30,60min和单肺通气结束时A组的PaO2显著高于B组(P<0.01),PaCO2、PAW显著低于B组(P<0.01);A组术野暴露优良率、一次插管成功率高于B组(P<0.05),插管时间、插管失败率、声嘶咽痛发生率少于B组(P<0.05)。结论:FUJI支气管堵塞器在胸外科手术单肺通气中应用,具有插管和定位容易,氧合充分,气道压力低,术后声嘶咽痛发生率少,术野暴露满意的优势,是一种安全有效的单肺通气技术,尤其适用于困难插管患者。 展开更多
关键词 单肺通气 fuji支气管堵塞器 双腔气管导管
Isolation and Identification of Anthracnose Pathogen from Fruit of Red Fuji Apple 被引量:1
作者 陈汝 翟浩 +3 位作者 聂佩显 薛晓敏 王贵平 王金政 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2017年第9期1741-1743,共3页
The fruits of Red Fuji apple with anthracnose symptoms were collected and submitted to tissue isolation and culture. One strain of anthracnose pathogen (numbered as Acgl) was obtained, and it was identified by both ... The fruits of Red Fuji apple with anthracnose symptoms were collected and submitted to tissue isolation and culture. One strain of anthracnose pathogen (numbered as Acgl) was obtained, and it was identified by both morphological and molecular biological methods. According to the morphological characteristics of the colony and conidia and the results of rDNA-ITS sequence analysis, the Acgl strain was identified as Colletotrichum gloeosporioides. 展开更多
关键词 Red fuji apple Anthracnose pathogen ISOLATION IDENTIFICATION Colletotrichum gloeosporioides
Analysis on Fuji Apple Tree Structures and Related Factors under Different Pruning Modes 被引量:1
作者 郝婕 索相敏 +4 位作者 李学营 魏亮 王献革 鄢新民 冯建忠 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2017年第12期2528-2531,2535,共5页
To determine the correlations between the tree structuresof Fuji apple with different pruning modes and each factor, the data about 3 tree structures which were free spindle short shoot, free spindle long shoot and sl... To determine the correlations between the tree structuresof Fuji apple with different pruning modes and each factor, the data about 3 tree structures which were free spindle short shoot, free spindle long shoot and slenderspindle short shoot in Xingtang County of Hebai Province were investigated, then by SPSS anal- ysis, the correlations between the taperingness and each growth factor of inserted small branch were compared. The results showed that the taperingness of central trunk of free spindle dwarf-shoot Fuji apple treeshad negative correlations with each factor of inserted small branch, while the taperingness of central trunk of free spin- dle long-shoot Fuji apple treeshad positive correlations with each factor of inserted small branch, the taperingness of central trunk of slenderspindle short-shootFuji ap- ple treeshad negative correlation with total thickness of inserted small branch, but had positive correlations with other factors. This study can provide a scientifictheo- retical basis for the pruning technology of high-density planting trees grafting by dwarfing self-rooted rootstock. 展开更多
关键词 PRUNING fuji apple Tree structures Analysis of related factors
GC Fuji Ⅶ PINK玻璃离子应用于年轻恒磨牙预防性充填疗效评价 被引量:2
作者 施春梅 欧晓丽 +2 位作者 唐继伟 李焱 梁群 《中国美容医学》 CAS 2012年第8期1382-1384,共3页
目的:用自身对照法研究GcFujiVIIPINK玻璃离子体应用于年轻恒磨牙窝沟龋预防性充填治疗的疗效。方法:随机选择2009年3月~2011年3月门诊就诊的56例7~14岁患儿。实验组:97颗矛争面窝沟龋在磨除龋坏牙体组织后应用GCFujiVIIPINK玻璃... 目的:用自身对照法研究GcFujiVIIPINK玻璃离子体应用于年轻恒磨牙窝沟龋预防性充填治疗的疗效。方法:随机选择2009年3月~2011年3月门诊就诊的56例7~14岁患儿。实验组:97颗矛争面窝沟龋在磨除龋坏牙体组织后应用GCFujiVIIPINK玻璃离子体对龋坏部位和未龋坏窝沟区域进行预防性充填。对照组:94颗矛各面窝沟龋则采用后牙复合树脂与流体树脂联用行预防性充填,评价两组1年、2年的保留成功率。同时分别统计两组每牙椅旁操作时间。结果:随访2年后发现采用GcFujiVIIPINK进行预防性充填治疗,充填成功率为95.7%,对照组则为91.2%,两组成功率比较差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。充填后2年流体树脂组继发龋发病率为3.3%,FujiVII组继发龋发病率则为0。而实验组、对照组每牙平均操作时间分别为(7.389±0.457)min、(11.311土0.613)min,两组比较t=29.920,P=-0.000,两组差异有统计学意义(P〈0.01)。结论:GCFujiVIIPINK对年轻恒磨牙的窝沟龋治疗疗效与树脂充填相近,但操作时间明显缩短,提高了临床医生的工作效率,值得推广应用。 展开更多
关键词 GCfujiⅦPINK玻璃离子 年轻恒磨牙窝沟龋 预防性充填
Fuji Ⅸ型玻璃离子修复老年人楔状缺损的疗效分析 被引量:2
作者 蒋榕林 陈燕 唐继伟 《中国临床新医学》 2013年第10期985-987,共3页
目的评价FujiⅨ型玻璃离子水门汀材料在老年人楔状缺损修复治疗中的临床疗效。方法选择70岁以上老年患者56例,患牙数共234颗,按就诊顺序半随机分为两组,甲组119颗患牙用FujiⅨ型玻璃离子水门汀充填修复,乙组115颗患牙用光固化复合树脂... 目的评价FujiⅨ型玻璃离子水门汀材料在老年人楔状缺损修复治疗中的临床疗效。方法选择70岁以上老年患者56例,患牙数共234颗,按就诊顺序半随机分为两组,甲组119颗患牙用FujiⅨ型玻璃离子水门汀充填修复,乙组115颗患牙用光固化复合树脂充填修复。修复后随访2年,观察治疗效果。结果甲组成功率为92.4%,乙组成功率为82.6%,两组比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 FujiⅨ型玻璃离子水门汀材料修复老年人楔状缺损,操作方便,色泽美观,有较好的临床应用价值。 展开更多
关键词 fuji IX型玻璃离子 楔状缺损 老年人
FiltekZ 350流动纳米树脂与FujiⅨ玻璃离子治疗乳前牙环状龋疗效观察 被引量:3
作者 王丽娜 丛芳 张桂荣 《中国中西医结合儿科学》 2014年第2期146-147,共2页
目的观察Filtek Z350流动纳米树脂与FujiⅨ玻璃离子在乳前牙环状龋治疗中的临床疗效。方法选择80例乳前牙环状龋患儿(共216颗患牙),将所选患牙按就诊先后分为观察组(106颗),对照组(98颗),观察组采用Filtek Z350流动纳米树脂充填修复,对... 目的观察Filtek Z350流动纳米树脂与FujiⅨ玻璃离子在乳前牙环状龋治疗中的临床疗效。方法选择80例乳前牙环状龋患儿(共216颗患牙),将所选患牙按就诊先后分为观察组(106颗),对照组(98颗),观察组采用Filtek Z350流动纳米树脂充填修复,对照组采用FujiⅨ玻璃离子充填修复,经过12个月观察,评价疗效。结果 Filtek Z350流动纳米树脂组治疗成功率与FujiⅨ玻璃离子组相当,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论 Filtek Z350流动纳米树脂与FujiⅨ玻璃离子在乳前牙环状龋治疗中均能取得较好效果,治疗1年后疗效相近。 展开更多
关键词 龋齿 Filtek Z350流动纳米树脂 fujiⅨ玻璃离子 儿童
FujiⅡ加强型玻璃离子和光固化复合树脂修复楔状缺损的临床疗效观察 被引量:2
作者 许凌云 《中国现代医生》 2012年第25期50-51,共2页
目的对比FujiⅡ加强型玻璃离子和光固化复合树脂修复楔状缺损的临床疗效,旨在为临床治疗提供理论指导依据。方法随机将我科2010年1月~2011年1月治疗的100例牙体楔状缺损患者分为FujiⅡ加强型玻璃离子组和光固化复合树脂组,每组各50例,... 目的对比FujiⅡ加强型玻璃离子和光固化复合树脂修复楔状缺损的临床疗效,旨在为临床治疗提供理论指导依据。方法随机将我科2010年1月~2011年1月治疗的100例牙体楔状缺损患者分为FujiⅡ加强型玻璃离子组和光固化复合树脂组,每组各50例,比较两组的成功率及两组材料充填后失败原因。结果 FujiⅡ组成功率虽然高于光固化复合树脂组,但差异无统计学意义,两组均无一例发生牙髓炎、牙周炎,但光固化复合树脂组密合性差,充填物脱落率高。结论 FujiⅡ加强型玻璃离子和光固化复合树脂修复楔状缺损均具有较好的疗效,但FujiⅡ加强型玻璃离子疗效更理想,修复失败率低,值得推广和应用。 展开更多
关键词 楔状缺损 fujiⅡ加强型玻璃离子 光固化复合树脂
Effects of Two Different Apple Dwarf Stocks on Juvenile Phase of Fuji Seedlings
作者 李学营 郝婕 +3 位作者 鄢新民 王献革 冯建忠 索相敏 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2017年第12期2517-2519,共3页
The effects of apple dwarf stocks P22 and SH3 on the juvenile phase of Fuji seedlings were studied. The results showed that the juvenile phase could be shortened by more than two years when 2-year seedlings were graft... The effects of apple dwarf stocks P22 and SH3 on the juvenile phase of Fuji seedlings were studied. The results showed that the juvenile phase could be shortened by more than two years when 2-year seedlings were grafted on the dwarf stocks. The effects of P22 and SH3 were significantly different. Grafted on P22, the flowering node was less, the first flowing site was lower, and the juvenile phase was shorter than SH3. With the two stocks, the average first flowering site was more than 200 cm, the average flowering node was more than 100, and the lateral branch top bud was more than 50% in all first flowing seedlings. 展开更多
关键词 fuji APPLE Dwarf stock SEEDLINGS Juvenile phase
Correlation Analysis between Quality Characteristics and Fruit Mineral Element Contents in 'Fuji' Apples
作者 张强 李兴亮 +3 位作者 李民吉 周贝贝 张军科 魏钦平 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2017年第2期212-218,共7页
[Objective] The aims were to explore the relationship between the contents of fruit mineral elements and quality features of the 'Fuji' apple, screen major mineral elements of the fruit affecting fruit quality featu... [Objective] The aims were to explore the relationship between the contents of fruit mineral elements and quality features of the 'Fuji' apple, screen major mineral elements of the fruit affecting fruit quality features, and set up optimum proposals of fruit mineral elements for good fruit qualities, so as to provide a theoretical basis for the reasonable orchard soil and foliar fertilizer applications to increase fruit quality and reduce the physiological diseases related to the 'Fuji' apple. [Methods] The fruit mineral elements and quality indicators of 'Fuji" apples were in- vestigated and analyzed, which were collected from the 153 commercial apple or- chards of "Fuji' apple located in 51 counties. The variable importance for projection (VlP) of partial least squares regression (PLS) method was used to analyze the model effect and weight analysis impact of the fruit mineral element contents to fruit quality, screen out major factors of fruit mineral elements influencing the different fruit qualities, and set up the regression equation of the fruit qualities and major fruit mineral elements. Linear programming was used to obtain optimum proposals of the fruit mineral elements to achieve good 'Fuji' apple qualities. [Results] The mineral elements content and quality characteristics in "Fuji' apple fruit had great differences in the different produce regions in which the maximum content of nitro- gen, iron, zinc and boron in the 'Fuji' fruit were12.06, 6.17, 7.7, and 10.08 times greater than the minimum respectively, and the differences for titratable acid and the SSC/TA ratio were 2.33 and 2.16 times respectively. The correlation analysis between the fruit mineral element contents and qualities showed that the nitrogen content of fruit had a significantly negative correlation with the soluble solid content, SSC/TA ratio and red color area, while the calcium and iron contents in the fruit were in significantly positive correlation with the soluble solid content and SSC/TA ratio. The model effect and weight analysis showed that the content of nitrogen and iron in the fruit had a greater influence on the integral fruit quality, followed by phosphorus, potassium and calcium. The variable importance for projection (VlP) technology of PLS found that the mean fruit weight was primarily affected by nitro- gen, phosphorus and potassium, and the soluble solid was primarily affected by ni- trogen, calcium and iron, while the red color area was primarily affected by nitro- gen, potassium, calcium, iron and zinc. The regression equation between fruit quality and mineral element contents showed that the mean fruit weight had a greater pos- itive effect coefficient with the content of phosphorus and potassium, and a greater negative effect coefficient with the content of nitrogen in the fruit. Moreover, the sol- uble solid had the largest negative effect coefficient with nitrogen and largest posi- tive effect coefficient with calcium and iron in the fruit. [Conclusion] The maximum content of soluble solid and titratable acid were 1.5 times more than the minimum, and nitrogen, iron, zinc and boron were 6 times more than in the 'Fuji' apple fruit in the different produce regions. Therefore, it is a key technological measure to improve the overall qualities of the "Fuji' apple by decreasing the content of nitrogen, and increasing the contents of iron, phosphorus, potassium and calcium in the fruit. 展开更多
关键词 fuji apple Fruit mineral element Fruit quality Partial least squares regression (PLS) Optimum proposals
作者 黄飞 丁洁 +3 位作者 刘世森 赵颖煊 王峰 林松杉 《新疆医科大学学报》 CAS 2017年第5期584-586,共3页
目的探讨纳米流体树脂与FujiⅨ型玻璃子水门汀2种材料修复牙周袋内根面龋的临床效果。方法选取2014年4月-2016年4月海军总医院口腔科收治的98例老年牙周袋内根面龋患者,共155颗患牙,根据修复材料的不同分为两组,A组患者50例,患牙79颗,... 目的探讨纳米流体树脂与FujiⅨ型玻璃子水门汀2种材料修复牙周袋内根面龋的临床效果。方法选取2014年4月-2016年4月海军总医院口腔科收治的98例老年牙周袋内根面龋患者,共155颗患牙,根据修复材料的不同分为两组,A组患者50例,患牙79颗,给予纳米流体树脂材料修复,B组患者48例,患牙76颗,给予FujiⅨ型玻璃水门汀材料修复。治疗后对两组患者进行1a的随访,分别对修复6个月和12个月的效果进行评价。结果两组患者修复6个月后,A组与B组患者的修复成功率差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);两组患者修复12个月后,A组患者的修复成功率显著高于B组(P<0.05)。结论纳米流体树脂修复牙周袋内根面龋的效果优于FujiⅨ型玻璃子水门汀,值得临床推广应用。 展开更多
关键词 纳米流体树脂 fujiⅨ型玻璃水门汀 牙根面龋 修复效果
Multivariate analysis between meteorological factor and fruit quality of Fuji apple at different locations in China 被引量:11
作者 ZHANG Qiang ZHOU Bei-bei +2 位作者 LI Min-ji WEI Qin-ping HAN Zhen-hai 《Journal of Integrative Agriculture》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第6期1338-1347,共10页
China has the largest apple planting area and total yield in the world, and the Fuji apple is the major cultivar, accounting for more than 70% of apple planting acreage in China. Apple qualities are affected by meteo... China has the largest apple planting area and total yield in the world, and the Fuji apple is the major cultivar, accounting for more than 70% of apple planting acreage in China. Apple qualities are affected by meteorological conditions, soil types, nutrient content of soil, and management practices. Meteorological factors, such as light, temperature and moisture are key environmental conditions affecting apple quality that are difficult to regulate and control. This study was performed to determine the effect of meteorological factors on the qualities of Fuji apple and to provide evidence for a reasonable regional layout and planting of Fuji apple in China. Fruit samples of Fuji apple and meteorological data were investigated from 153 commercial Fuji apple orchards located in 51 counties of 11 regions in China from 2010 to 2011. Partial least-squares regression and linear programming were used to analyze the effect model and impact weight of meteorological factors on fruit quality, to determine the major meteorological factors influencing fruit quality attributes, and to establish a regression equation to optimize meteorological factors for high-quality Fuji apples. Results showed relationships between fruit quality attributes and meteorological factors among the various apple producing counties in China. The mean, minimum, and maximum temperatures from April to October had the highest positive effects on fruit qualities in model effect loadings and weights, followed by the mean annual temperature and the sunshine percentage, the temperature difference between day and night, and the total precipitation for the same period. In contrast, annual total precipitation and relative humidity from April to October had negative effects on fruit quality. The meteorological factors exhibited distinct effects on the different fruit quality attributes. Soluble solid content was affected from the high to the low row preface by annual total precipitation, the minimum temperature from April to October, the mean temperature from April to October, the temperature difference between day and night, and the mean annual temperature. The regression equation showed that the optimum meteorological factors on fruit quality were the mean annual temperature of 5.5-18°C and the annual total precipitation of 602-1121 mm for the whole year, and the mean temperature of 13.3-19.6°C, the minimum temperature of 7.8-18.5°C, the maximum temperature of 19.5°C, the temperature difference of 13.7°C between day and night, the total precipitation of 227 mm, the relative humidity of 57.5-84.0%, and the sunshine percentage of 36.5-70.0% during the growing period (from April to October). 展开更多
关键词 fuji apple quality attribute meteorological factor partial least-squares regression (PLSR)
Measurement of sugar content in Fuji apples by FT-NIR spectroscopy 被引量:3
作者 刘燕德 应义斌 《Journal of Zhejiang University Science》 EI CSCD 2004年第6期651-655,共5页
To evaluate the potential of FT-NIR spectroscopy and the influence of the distance between the light source/detection probe and the fruit for measuring the sugar content (SC) of Fuji apples, diffuse reflectance spectr... To evaluate the potential of FT-NIR spectroscopy and the influence of the distance between the light source/detection probe and the fruit for measuring the sugar content (SC) of Fuji apples, diffuse reflectance spectra were measured in the spectral range from 12500 to 4000 cm^-1 at 0 mm, 2 mm, 4 mm and 6 mm distances. Four calibration models at four distances were established between diffused reflectance spectra and sugar content by partial least squares (PLS) analysis. The correlation coefficients (R) of calibrations ranged from 0.982 to 0.997 with SEC values from 0.138 to 0.453 and the SECV values from 0.74 to 1.58. The best model of original spectra at 0 mm distance yielded high correlation determination of 0.918, a SEC of 0.092, and a SEP of 0.773. The results showed that different light/detection probe-fruit distances influence the apple reflective spectra and SC predictions. 展开更多
关键词 FT-NIR spectroscopy Nondestructive measurement Sugar content fuji apples Partial least squares analysis
Effect of Metaxenia on Sugars and Organic Acids and Taste Quality of Bagged Fuji Apple Fruits 被引量:2
作者 Haibo WANG Chuanzeng WANG +3 位作者 Lailiang CHENG Yuansheng CHANG Ping HE Linguang LI 《Agricultural Biotechnology》 CAS 2017年第4期63-66,共4页
In order to provide reference for the selection of appropriate pollination varieties facilitating the improvement of the flavor quality of bagged Fuji apple, the metaxenia effects of 5 pollination varieties on sugars,... In order to provide reference for the selection of appropriate pollination varieties facilitating the improvement of the flavor quality of bagged Fuji apple, the metaxenia effects of 5 pollination varieties on sugars, organic acids and flavor quality of bagged Fuji fruit were studied. The results showed that the 5 pollination varieties had significant metaxenia effects on sugars, organic acids and flavor quality of bagged Fuji fruit. For the sugar components, the fruits pollinated with Golden Delicious and Jinxiuhaitang showed higher glucose contents, and the fruit pollinated with Gala had the highest sucrose content; the fruits pollinated by Gala, Golden Delicious and Ruby exhibited higher malic acids, and the oxalic acid content and the succinic acid content were higher in the fruits pollinated with Jinxiuhaitang and Ruby ; and the fruit pollinated with Gala had the highest total sugar content, and the total acid content was higher in the fruits pollinated by Jinxiuhaitang and Ruby. The sugar-acid ratio was higher in the fruits pollinated with Gala and Golden Delicious, and the lowest in the fruit pollinated with Ruby. The senso- ry evaluation of fruits showed that the fruit pollinated with Ruby tasted sour-sweet, while the fruits pollinated with other 4 pollination varieties were sour and sweet moderately. 展开更多
关键词 Metaxenia fuji apple Bagged fruits Sugars and organic acids flavor quality
Analysis of Aroma Volatile Compounds in Fuji Apple Using SPME with Different Fiber Coatings 被引量:4
作者 Jie LI Jicheng HAN +3 位作者 Haie ZHANG Chaohong ZHANG Minmin LI Yu WANG 《Agricultural Biotechnology》 CAS 2020年第3期78-82,89,共6页
The aroma volatile compounds in Fuji apple were isolated by solid-phase microextraction( SPME),and detected by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry( GC-MS). The results showed that the optimal retention time of the he... The aroma volatile compounds in Fuji apple were isolated by solid-phase microextraction( SPME),and detected by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry( GC-MS). The results showed that the optimal retention time of the heating up of capillary columns was 5 min. Of the seven fibers used in this work,DVB/CAR/PDMS was found to be the most suitable to extract the aroma volatile compounds in Fuji apple. A total number of 43 volatile compounds were identified according to their retention time on capillary columns and their mass spectra,including eleven esters,ten alcohols,ten aldehydes,seven alkenes,two anhydrides,one ketone,one phenol and one ether. This detection method will provide a new foundation for analysis of volatile compounds in apple were identified. 展开更多
关键词 fuji apple Aroma volatile compounds SPME Fiber GC/MS
光固化复合树脂和GC FUJI Ⅸ玻璃离子充填龋齿临床疗效分析 被引量:8
作者 周丽 《中国临床新医学》 2014年第1期50-52,共3页
目的观察光固化复合树脂和GC FUJIⅨ玻璃离子两种材料充填龋齿的临床疗效。方法将108例(326颗患牙)随机分为光固化树脂组(54例150颗)和GC FUJIⅨ组(54例176颗),光固化树脂组采用光固化复合树脂材料充填修复,GC FUJIⅨ组采用GC FUJIⅨ玻... 目的观察光固化复合树脂和GC FUJIⅨ玻璃离子两种材料充填龋齿的临床疗效。方法将108例(326颗患牙)随机分为光固化树脂组(54例150颗)和GC FUJIⅨ组(54例176颗),光固化树脂组采用光固化复合树脂材料充填修复,GC FUJIⅨ组采用GC FUJIⅨ玻璃离子材料充填修复,随访观察一年,比较两组的临床疗效。结果采用GC FUJIⅨ玻璃离子材料充填修复成功率(97.2%)高于光固化复合树脂组(87.3%)(P<0.01)。结论 GC FUJIⅨ玻璃离子充填深龋疗效优于光固化复合树脂。 展开更多
关键词 光固化复合树脂 GC fuji Ⅸ玻璃离子 龋齿充填
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