For the first time, nanodiatoms (<20μm) and microdiatoms (>20μm) in the coastal waters of Xiamen, Shandu, Fuqing, Haitan, Putian and Meizhou of Fujian Province along the western coast of the Taiwan Strait are ...For the first time, nanodiatoms (<20μm) and microdiatoms (>20μm) in the coastal waters of Xiamen, Shandu, Fuqing, Haitan, Putian and Meizhou of Fujian Province along the western coast of the Taiwan Strait are quantitatively counted by TEM in the paper. The results show that the number of nanodiatoms from all the station is more than that of microdiatoms, accounting for 92% of the species collected. This indicates that nanodiatoms constitute a large microcosm of the whole diatom group. Unfortunately, the lower resolution of light microscopes which have been used in the study of diatoms in the past makes this unneglectable microcosm unnoticed. Thanks to TEM, 47 species of nanodiatoms are identified and four of them are for the first time recorded in China. The new records are Hantzschia spectabilis, Navicula crucigera, Nav. spicula andNitzs. rosenstockii. The positive correlation between the contents of chlorophyll a and diatom cell number in the waters of Xiamen Harbour, which were determined simultaneously, shows that the variation of chlorophyll a content in the waters reflects, on the whole, the change of diatom number. In addition, the successful culture of nanodiatoms in the studies provides alternatives for the screening of high quality aquaculture feed.展开更多
A new monstrilloid copepod species, Cymbasoma cheni sp. nov., from Meizhou Bay (an embayment in Fujian Province, southeastern China) is described and illustrated. The diagnostic character of the new species is the str...A new monstrilloid copepod species, Cymbasoma cheni sp. nov., from Meizhou Bay (an embayment in Fujian Province, southeastern China) is described and illustrated. The diagnostic character of the new species is the structure and armature of the fi fth leg, which is represented by a single lobe armed with three naked setae subequal in length. The new species closely resembles Cymbasoma bowmani Suárez- Morales and Gasca, 1998 in the structure of the fi fth legs, and the body proportions, including total body length, and relative lengths of the cephalothorax and the genital double somite. However, Cymbasoma cheni sp. nov. is distinguished by lack of cuticular ornamentation on the cephalothorax, the position of the oral papilla, and the structure of the fi fth leg with three naked setae. Although the structure of the fi fth legs is similar in Cymbasoma cheni sp. nov. and Cymbasoma quintanarooense (Suárez-Morales, 1994), the new species can be easily distinguished from Cymbasoma quintanarooense by the relative length of the antennule, diff erences in the genital double-somite and the ovigerous spines, and the shape of ocelli. This is the sixth record of this genus from China seas.展开更多
The in-situ hydraulic fracturing stress measurements have been carried out around the coastal marginal land in Fu- jian Province. And the characteristics of magnitude, direction and distribution of tectonic stress hav...The in-situ hydraulic fracturing stress measurements have been carried out around the coastal marginal land in Fu- jian Province. And the characteristics of magnitude, direction and distribution of tectonic stress have been obtained. Based on the observed stress data, the characteristics and activities of fault zones are analyzed and studied in the paper according to the Coulomb friction criteria. 1 The maximum horizontal principal compressive stress is in the NW-WNW direction from the north to the south along the coastline verge, which is parallel to the strike of the NW-trending fault zone, consistent with the direction of principal compressive stress obtained from geological structure and across-fault deformation data, and different from that reflected by focal mechanism solution by about 20°. 2 The horizontal principal stress increases with depth, the relation among three stresses is SH>Sv>Sh or SH≈Sv>Sh, and the stress state is liable to normal fault and strike-slip fault activities. 3 According to Coulomb friction criteria and taking the friction strength μ as 0.6~1.0 for analysis, the stress state reaching or exceeding the threshold for normal-fault frictional sliding near the fault implies that the current tectonic activity in the measuring area is mainly normal faulting. 4 The force source of current tectonic stress field comes mainly from the westward and northwestward horizontal extrusions from the Pacific and Philippine Plates respectively to the Eurasian Plate.展开更多
On the southeast coast of Fujian and its adjacent area, the NE-trending Changle-Zhao'an fault zone and several NW-trending faults that are genetically related to the former are well developed. With micro-relief analy...On the southeast coast of Fujian and its adjacent area, the NE-trending Changle-Zhao'an fault zone and several NW-trending faults that are genetically related to the former are well developed. With micro-relief analysis, the paper deals with the Quaternary activity of the faults and the tectonic stress field since the late Pleistocene in this region. The results indicate that the micro-relief of the NE-trending Changle-Zhao'an fault zone and the genetically related NW-trending faults is characterized by vertical and horizontal movements since the Quaternary; the faults in the region have undergone two active stages since the Quaternary, i.e. early Quaternary and late Pleistocene; since the late Pleistocene, the movement of the NE- trending faults showed a right-lateral strike-slip, while that of NW-trending faults a left-lateral strike-slip, indicating a NWW-SEE oriented horizontal principal stress of the regional tectonic stress field.展开更多
A total of 862 benthic species were identified in the island intertidal zone in Fujian, of which 734 species are animals and 128 species algae. Determination of Jaccard's similarity index of species was made on th...A total of 862 benthic species were identified in the island intertidal zone in Fujian, of which 734 species are animals and 128 species algae. Determination of Jaccard's similarity index of species was made on the intertidal communities around 11 major islands. Based on hierarchical clustering (WPGMA) and polar ordination, the benthic communities may be classified into three types; the estu-arine type, the bay and harbour type and open sea type. The distribution of the benthic community is related to the location of the island and its habitats of which, salinity and hydrodynamics are the major factors controlling the distribution of the communities.展开更多
In undertaking regular surveys on those waterbirds appearing on Fujian coast and on offshore islands,people of Xiamen Bird-watching Society had observed,for five times during 2007-2009,three marked individuals of the ...In undertaking regular surveys on those waterbirds appearing on Fujian coast and on offshore islands,people of Xiamen Bird-watching Society had observed,for five times during 2007-2009,three marked individuals of the Roseate Tern (Sterna dougallii) on Caiyu Archipelago of south Fujian offshore; it is now quite certain that the leg-flags were marked on birds by people of the Australasian Wader Studies Group (AWSG) and at least one of those leg-flagged terns is already over six or seven years old by the time of re-sighting; this record might be useful and helpful for further estimating the life circle as well as the length of generation of those gulls and terns appearing and breeding along the SE Chinese coast,such as the Black-tailed Gull (Larus crassirostris),the Great Crested Tern (Sterna bergii),the Chinese Crested Tern (S.bernsteini),etc.展开更多
According to the ideas and concepts of systems dynamic of continent structure, using previous information related to the study area, combining analyses on orogenic belt, basin and magmatic rock, the present paper synt...According to the ideas and concepts of systems dynamic of continent structure, using previous information related to the study area, combining analyses on orogenic belt, basin and magmatic rock, the present paper synthesizes the tectono - sedimentary development of southeastern coast region, China, with special emphasis on the mountain making, basining and magmatic activity. The tectonic evolution after Late Caledonian orogeny was dominated by alternating rifting and converging, subsiding and uplifting, mountain making and basining in central and southern parts of southeastern China and the adjacent regions to the east and west. Seventeen geologic events , nine events of plate or terrain convergence , and continental crust accretion , as well as eight events of intracontinental rifting and basin faulting , are closely related to the tectonic and sedimentary evolution of the study area . The accompanied intense and frequent sedimentation , folding , faulting , magmatism and ore- forming process allowed huge coal , multimetal and potential petroleum source rocks to form in local depressions throughout the Caledonian to Himalavan time .展开更多
A method of isotopic age determination. CHIME (chemical Th-U-total Pb isochron method) for dating radioactive minerals, is introduced briefly in this paper. The monazite. xenotime and zircon from the gneissic granitoi...A method of isotopic age determination. CHIME (chemical Th-U-total Pb isochron method) for dating radioactive minerals, is introduced briefly in this paper. The monazite. xenotime and zircon from the gneissic granitoids in the Pingtan-Dengshan belt, Fujian. yield CHIME ages of 92. 7 Ma. 94. 4 Ma. 107. 1 Ma and 108. 2 Ma. reconfirming the Yanshanian granitism in southeast coast area of China.展开更多
利用2019~2021年厦门市翔安区气象局观测的雾滴谱资料,分析了闽南沿海雾的微物理参数及滴谱特征,研究了能见度与粒子数浓度、液态水含量、相对湿度等的关系。在此基础上对能见度进行分级参数化拟合与检验评估。结果表明闽南沿海雾的平...利用2019~2021年厦门市翔安区气象局观测的雾滴谱资料,分析了闽南沿海雾的微物理参数及滴谱特征,研究了能见度与粒子数浓度、液态水含量、相对湿度等的关系。在此基础上对能见度进行分级参数化拟合与检验评估。结果表明闽南沿海雾的平均粒子数浓度为47.5 cm^(-3),平均液态水含量为0.0763 g m^(-3)。当能见度下降时,粒子数浓度、液态水含量快速上升,平均直径、有效直径等物理量缓慢上升。能见度低于100 m时,平均粒子数浓度达到115.42 cm^(-3),液态水含量达到0.228 g m^(-3)。粒子数浓度和液态水含量谱线均呈现双峰结构特征分布,粒子数浓度主峰的粒子直径范围为4~6μm,次峰值为22~26μm。液态水含量与粒子数浓度相反,主峰位于24~26μm,次峰为4~6μm,表明雾的粒子数浓度主要受小粒子控制,但液态水含量以20~30μm段的粒子贡献最为显著。与沿海地区相比,闽南沿海雾的平均粒子数浓度小于华南沿海,高于华东沿海;平均液态水含量高于华南沿海,低于华东沿海。与内陆城市区域或县郊相比,同等状态下沿海的粒子数浓度明显更低,但液态水含量更大。采用四种参数化方案对能见度进行了分段以及不分段拟合。评估检验结果表明,采用粒子数浓度和液态水含量的乘积作为因子的分段拟合效果最优,尤其是对于1 km以下的能见度拟合效果更优。展开更多
基于福建省冬半年沿海和港湾岛屿自动站的逐时极大风观测资料和WRF(Weather Research and Forecast)、EC(European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts)细网格以及T639(TL639L60)三种模式预报的10 m风场资料,将模式预报...基于福建省冬半年沿海和港湾岛屿自动站的逐时极大风观测资料和WRF(Weather Research and Forecast)、EC(European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts)细网格以及T639(TL639L60)三种模式预报的10 m风场资料,将模式预报的风向风速与观测资料进行对比检验,结果表明:福建省沿海冬半年大风的盛行风向以东北风为主,大风的时空分布极为不均,沿海风力的脉动性、跳跃性、局地性突出。从三种模式对风速风向的模拟效果来看, WRF和EC细网格的预报效果较好,有可参考性, T639可参考性不高。对于风速,模式预报结果相比实况极大风速偏小,港湾岛屿代表站风速的平均绝对误差均小于沿海代表站,预报平均误差由沿海向内陆逐渐减小,由中部向南北逐渐减小。风向相比风速的预报效果要差, WRF和EC细网格的风向预报误差在45°-50°,有一定的参考意义;港湾岛屿代表站风向的平均绝对误差大于沿海代表站,以浮标站的误差最大。当观测风速出现7级及以上风速时,若对大风进行分级检验,则较低风速的预报平均绝对误差小于较高风速;风向预报的平均绝对误差也大大降低,且误差都在45°以内,具有良好的参考性。展开更多
文摘For the first time, nanodiatoms (<20μm) and microdiatoms (>20μm) in the coastal waters of Xiamen, Shandu, Fuqing, Haitan, Putian and Meizhou of Fujian Province along the western coast of the Taiwan Strait are quantitatively counted by TEM in the paper. The results show that the number of nanodiatoms from all the station is more than that of microdiatoms, accounting for 92% of the species collected. This indicates that nanodiatoms constitute a large microcosm of the whole diatom group. Unfortunately, the lower resolution of light microscopes which have been used in the study of diatoms in the past makes this unneglectable microcosm unnoticed. Thanks to TEM, 47 species of nanodiatoms are identified and four of them are for the first time recorded in China. The new records are Hantzschia spectabilis, Navicula crucigera, Nav. spicula andNitzs. rosenstockii. The positive correlation between the contents of chlorophyll a and diatom cell number in the waters of Xiamen Harbour, which were determined simultaneously, shows that the variation of chlorophyll a content in the waters reflects, on the whole, the change of diatom number. In addition, the successful culture of nanodiatoms in the studies provides alternatives for the screening of high quality aquaculture feed.
基金Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.41506161)the National Project of Basic Sciences and Technology(No.2017FY201404)
文摘A new monstrilloid copepod species, Cymbasoma cheni sp. nov., from Meizhou Bay (an embayment in Fujian Province, southeastern China) is described and illustrated. The diagnostic character of the new species is the structure and armature of the fi fth leg, which is represented by a single lobe armed with three naked setae subequal in length. The new species closely resembles Cymbasoma bowmani Suárez- Morales and Gasca, 1998 in the structure of the fi fth legs, and the body proportions, including total body length, and relative lengths of the cephalothorax and the genital double somite. However, Cymbasoma cheni sp. nov. is distinguished by lack of cuticular ornamentation on the cephalothorax, the position of the oral papilla, and the structure of the fi fth leg with three naked setae. Although the structure of the fi fth legs is similar in Cymbasoma cheni sp. nov. and Cymbasoma quintanarooense (Suárez-Morales, 1994), the new species can be easily distinguished from Cymbasoma quintanarooense by the relative length of the antennule, diff erences in the genital double-somite and the ovigerous spines, and the shape of ocelli. This is the sixth record of this genus from China seas.
基金National Development and Reform Commission [2004]1138.
文摘The in-situ hydraulic fracturing stress measurements have been carried out around the coastal marginal land in Fu- jian Province. And the characteristics of magnitude, direction and distribution of tectonic stress have been obtained. Based on the observed stress data, the characteristics and activities of fault zones are analyzed and studied in the paper according to the Coulomb friction criteria. 1 The maximum horizontal principal compressive stress is in the NW-WNW direction from the north to the south along the coastline verge, which is parallel to the strike of the NW-trending fault zone, consistent with the direction of principal compressive stress obtained from geological structure and across-fault deformation data, and different from that reflected by focal mechanism solution by about 20°. 2 The horizontal principal stress increases with depth, the relation among three stresses is SH>Sv>Sh or SH≈Sv>Sh, and the stress state is liable to normal fault and strike-slip fault activities. 3 According to Coulomb friction criteria and taking the friction strength μ as 0.6~1.0 for analysis, the stress state reaching or exceeding the threshold for normal-fault frictional sliding near the fault implies that the current tectonic activity in the measuring area is mainly normal faulting. 4 The force source of current tectonic stress field comes mainly from the westward and northwestward horizontal extrusions from the Pacific and Philippine Plates respectively to the Eurasian Plate.
文摘On the southeast coast of Fujian and its adjacent area, the NE-trending Changle-Zhao'an fault zone and several NW-trending faults that are genetically related to the former are well developed. With micro-relief analysis, the paper deals with the Quaternary activity of the faults and the tectonic stress field since the late Pleistocene in this region. The results indicate that the micro-relief of the NE-trending Changle-Zhao'an fault zone and the genetically related NW-trending faults is characterized by vertical and horizontal movements since the Quaternary; the faults in the region have undergone two active stages since the Quaternary, i.e. early Quaternary and late Pleistocene; since the late Pleistocene, the movement of the NE- trending faults showed a right-lateral strike-slip, while that of NW-trending faults a left-lateral strike-slip, indicating a NWW-SEE oriented horizontal principal stress of the regional tectonic stress field.
文摘A total of 862 benthic species were identified in the island intertidal zone in Fujian, of which 734 species are animals and 128 species algae. Determination of Jaccard's similarity index of species was made on the intertidal communities around 11 major islands. Based on hierarchical clustering (WPGMA) and polar ordination, the benthic communities may be classified into three types; the estu-arine type, the bay and harbour type and open sea type. The distribution of the benthic community is related to the location of the island and its habitats of which, salinity and hydrodynamics are the major factors controlling the distribution of the communities.
文摘In undertaking regular surveys on those waterbirds appearing on Fujian coast and on offshore islands,people of Xiamen Bird-watching Society had observed,for five times during 2007-2009,three marked individuals of the Roseate Tern (Sterna dougallii) on Caiyu Archipelago of south Fujian offshore; it is now quite certain that the leg-flags were marked on birds by people of the Australasian Wader Studies Group (AWSG) and at least one of those leg-flagged terns is already over six or seven years old by the time of re-sighting; this record might be useful and helpful for further estimating the life circle as well as the length of generation of those gulls and terns appearing and breeding along the SE Chinese coast,such as the Black-tailed Gull (Larus crassirostris),the Great Crested Tern (Sterna bergii),the Chinese Crested Tern (S.bernsteini),etc.
文摘According to the ideas and concepts of systems dynamic of continent structure, using previous information related to the study area, combining analyses on orogenic belt, basin and magmatic rock, the present paper synthesizes the tectono - sedimentary development of southeastern coast region, China, with special emphasis on the mountain making, basining and magmatic activity. The tectonic evolution after Late Caledonian orogeny was dominated by alternating rifting and converging, subsiding and uplifting, mountain making and basining in central and southern parts of southeastern China and the adjacent regions to the east and west. Seventeen geologic events , nine events of plate or terrain convergence , and continental crust accretion , as well as eight events of intracontinental rifting and basin faulting , are closely related to the tectonic and sedimentary evolution of the study area . The accompanied intense and frequent sedimentation , folding , faulting , magmatism and ore- forming process allowed huge coal , multimetal and potential petroleum source rocks to form in local depressions throughout the Caledonian to Himalavan time .
文摘A method of isotopic age determination. CHIME (chemical Th-U-total Pb isochron method) for dating radioactive minerals, is introduced briefly in this paper. The monazite. xenotime and zircon from the gneissic granitoids in the Pingtan-Dengshan belt, Fujian. yield CHIME ages of 92. 7 Ma. 94. 4 Ma. 107. 1 Ma and 108. 2 Ma. reconfirming the Yanshanian granitism in southeast coast area of China.
文摘利用2019~2021年厦门市翔安区气象局观测的雾滴谱资料,分析了闽南沿海雾的微物理参数及滴谱特征,研究了能见度与粒子数浓度、液态水含量、相对湿度等的关系。在此基础上对能见度进行分级参数化拟合与检验评估。结果表明闽南沿海雾的平均粒子数浓度为47.5 cm^(-3),平均液态水含量为0.0763 g m^(-3)。当能见度下降时,粒子数浓度、液态水含量快速上升,平均直径、有效直径等物理量缓慢上升。能见度低于100 m时,平均粒子数浓度达到115.42 cm^(-3),液态水含量达到0.228 g m^(-3)。粒子数浓度和液态水含量谱线均呈现双峰结构特征分布,粒子数浓度主峰的粒子直径范围为4~6μm,次峰值为22~26μm。液态水含量与粒子数浓度相反,主峰位于24~26μm,次峰为4~6μm,表明雾的粒子数浓度主要受小粒子控制,但液态水含量以20~30μm段的粒子贡献最为显著。与沿海地区相比,闽南沿海雾的平均粒子数浓度小于华南沿海,高于华东沿海;平均液态水含量高于华南沿海,低于华东沿海。与内陆城市区域或县郊相比,同等状态下沿海的粒子数浓度明显更低,但液态水含量更大。采用四种参数化方案对能见度进行了分段以及不分段拟合。评估检验结果表明,采用粒子数浓度和液态水含量的乘积作为因子的分段拟合效果最优,尤其是对于1 km以下的能见度拟合效果更优。
文摘基于福建省冬半年沿海和港湾岛屿自动站的逐时极大风观测资料和WRF(Weather Research and Forecast)、EC(European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts)细网格以及T639(TL639L60)三种模式预报的10 m风场资料,将模式预报的风向风速与观测资料进行对比检验,结果表明:福建省沿海冬半年大风的盛行风向以东北风为主,大风的时空分布极为不均,沿海风力的脉动性、跳跃性、局地性突出。从三种模式对风速风向的模拟效果来看, WRF和EC细网格的预报效果较好,有可参考性, T639可参考性不高。对于风速,模式预报结果相比实况极大风速偏小,港湾岛屿代表站风速的平均绝对误差均小于沿海代表站,预报平均误差由沿海向内陆逐渐减小,由中部向南北逐渐减小。风向相比风速的预报效果要差, WRF和EC细网格的风向预报误差在45°-50°,有一定的参考意义;港湾岛屿代表站风向的平均绝对误差大于沿海代表站,以浮标站的误差最大。当观测风速出现7级及以上风速时,若对大风进行分级检验,则较低风速的预报平均绝对误差小于较高风速;风向预报的平均绝对误差也大大降低,且误差都在45°以内,具有良好的参考性。