The Twilight series by Stephanie Meyer, including Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, and Breaking Dawn, has won multiple awards and is the most popular among young adults. The series is both an unbelievable romance of a 17-...The Twilight series by Stephanie Meyer, including Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, and Breaking Dawn, has won multiple awards and is the most popular among young adults. The series is both an unbelievable romance of a 17-year-old girl and a 104-year-old vampire and an exquisite fantasy of the supernatural and impossible. Typical fantasy elements exploited in the series, including the existence of supernatural creatures, fulfillment of human desires, depiction of the Secondary World, and imagination of a Utopian society, play a significant role in achieving its magic appeal to the readers worldwide. Thus, the present paper attempts to explore how such irresistible attraction is made possible by employing these fantasy elements.展开更多
Objective: to select the optimal acupuncture therapeutic projects on cerebral infarction-related motor dysfunction of lower limbs. Methods: to optimize the combination projects on 4 factors and 3 levels affecting th...Objective: to select the optimal acupuncture therapeutic projects on cerebral infarction-related motor dysfunction of lower limbs. Methods: to optimize the combination projects on 4 factors and 3 levels affecting the acupuncture effect on cerebral infarction by using orthogonal design targeting on patients with cerebral infarction-related motor dysfunction of lower limbs, and Fugl-Meyer score of limb motor function was taken as indexes. Results: The relatively optimal Fugl-Meyer score of lower limb function can be obtained within 3-day duration of cerebral infarction. Conclusions: As far as the considered factors and levels are concerned, the previously mentioned project is the optimal acupuncture therapeutic project for cerebral infarction-related motor dysfunction of lower limbs.展开更多
文摘The Twilight series by Stephanie Meyer, including Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, and Breaking Dawn, has won multiple awards and is the most popular among young adults. The series is both an unbelievable romance of a 17-year-old girl and a 104-year-old vampire and an exquisite fantasy of the supernatural and impossible. Typical fantasy elements exploited in the series, including the existence of supernatural creatures, fulfillment of human desires, depiction of the Secondary World, and imagination of a Utopian society, play a significant role in achieving its magic appeal to the readers worldwide. Thus, the present paper attempts to explore how such irresistible attraction is made possible by employing these fantasy elements.
文摘Objective: to select the optimal acupuncture therapeutic projects on cerebral infarction-related motor dysfunction of lower limbs. Methods: to optimize the combination projects on 4 factors and 3 levels affecting the acupuncture effect on cerebral infarction by using orthogonal design targeting on patients with cerebral infarction-related motor dysfunction of lower limbs, and Fugl-Meyer score of limb motor function was taken as indexes. Results: The relatively optimal Fugl-Meyer score of lower limb function can be obtained within 3-day duration of cerebral infarction. Conclusions: As far as the considered factors and levels are concerned, the previously mentioned project is the optimal acupuncture therapeutic project for cerebral infarction-related motor dysfunction of lower limbs.