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Gafchromic EBT3胶片在螺旋断层放射治疗计划验证中的应用 被引量:2
作者 蔡汉飞 方美芳 +3 位作者 徐露 梁保辉 曹露 葛文洁 《中国医学物理学杂志》 CSCD 2018年第11期1257-1260,共4页
目的:评估基于Gafchromic EBT3胶片的剂量测量系统用于螺旋断层放射治疗计划验证的可靠性,确定该系统的正确使用方法。方法:使用Gafchromic EBT3胶片和Vidar Dosimetry Pro Advantage Red扫描仪组成的剂量测量系统,测试并确定系统的一... 目的:评估基于Gafchromic EBT3胶片的剂量测量系统用于螺旋断层放射治疗计划验证的可靠性,确定该系统的正确使用方法。方法:使用Gafchromic EBT3胶片和Vidar Dosimetry Pro Advantage Red扫描仪组成的剂量测量系统,测试并确定系统的一些重要特性对测量结果的影响。此外,使用该系统验证螺旋断层放射治疗计划,借助Gamma指数分析对胶片测量的剂量分布与计划系统计算结果之间进行比较。结果:胶片辐照后一开始透光度随时间变化比较明显,直到约4 h以后胶片着色渐趋饱和,4 h内扫描值变化最高达11.6%。扫描仪扫描重复性相对标准差小于0.5%。胶片正反方向放置扫描结果之间差别小于0.6%、横向和纵向放置扫描结果之间差别最高达7.0%。Gamma参数设置为3%/3 mm时,横向和纵向放置扫描验证平均通过率分别为96.5%±2.9%和95.7%±3.6%,方差分析显示两种扫描方式的验证通过率在a=0.05水平上没有统计学差异。结论:使用文中的胶片剂量测量系统时,应居中放置扫描,并使验证胶片和刻度胶片保持相同的扫描方向。通过直接建立扫描值与胶片吸收剂量之间的一一对应关系,将验证胶片的扫描值转换成吸收剂量的方法简便易行。 展开更多
关键词 gafchromic EBT3胶片 螺旋断层放射治疗 放射治疗计划验证 Gamma指数分析
Absorbed Dose to Water Rate in a Cyberknife VSI System Reference Field Using Ionization Chambers and Gafchromic Films
作者 Guerda Massillon-JL Nestor Aragó +4 位作者 n-Martí nez Arnulfo Gó mez-Muñ oz 《International Journal of Medical Physics, Clinical Engineering and Radiation Oncology》 2017年第1期80-92,共13页
This work investigated the absorbed dose to water rate under reference conditions in a Cyberknife VSI system using radiochromic films EBT3 and MD-V3 and three ionization chambers: an Exradin A12 and two FC65P Welh&... This work investigated the absorbed dose to water rate under reference conditions in a Cyberknife VSI system using radiochromic films EBT3 and MD-V3 and three ionization chambers: an Exradin A12 and two FC65P Welh&ouml;fer Scanditronix with different serial numbers. The correction factor,, was studied using a Varian iX linac and the Cyberknife system. The measurements in the Varian iX were performed in a 10 × 10 cm2 field, 10 cm depth in liquid water at 90 cm and 70 cm SSD and in a 5.4 × 5.4 cm2 field, 10 cm depth at 70 cm SSD to simulate the Cyberknife conditions. In the Cyberknife system, measurements were performed using ionization chambers and both film types at 70 cm SSD and 10 cm depth in its 6 cm diameter reference field. The results indicate that ?is independent of the dosimeters and the evaluation methods. Maximum differences of 0.22% - 0.55% (combined uncertainties of 1.22% - 1.98%, k = 1) are obtained on ?using Varian iX, whereas discrepancies of 2.08% - 2.09% (combined uncertainties of 1.87% - 2.13%, k = 1) are observed using the Cyberknife system. Given the agreement between detectors and the combined standard uncertainties, the data from Varian iX could be considered the most accurate and consequently a weighted average factor of 0.902 ± 0.006 could be used for the Cyberknife VSI system reference field. Within measurement uncertainties, the absorbed dose rate measured in the Cyberknife VSI system reference field was found to be independent of the dosimeters used. These results suggest that the absorbed dose measured at a point within a given field size should be the same, regardless the dosimeter used, if their dosimetric characteristics are well known. This highlighted the importance of performing dosimetry by controlling all parameters that could affect the dosimeter response. One can conclude that radiochromic film dosimetry can be considered as an appropriate alternative for measuring absorbed dose to water rate. 展开更多
关键词 Small FIELD DOSIMETRY Reference FIELD CYBERKNIFE gafchromic Films Ionization CHAMBERS Dose RATE EBT3 MD-V3 6 MV X-Rays
高能光子相对输出因子的测量与分析 被引量:6
作者 蔡汉飞 裴元吉 +1 位作者 沈学明 李贵 《中国医学物理学杂志》 CSCD 2009年第4期1273-1276,1290,共5页
目的:研究不同探测器和使用方法对高能光子相对输出因子测量结果的影响。方法:分别使用PTW30006、PTW31006电离室和GAFCHROMIC EBT胶片测量ELEKTA Precise加速器光子相对输出因子。结果:照射野大于等于4cm×4cm时,胶片和PTW30006电... 目的:研究不同探测器和使用方法对高能光子相对输出因子测量结果的影响。方法:分别使用PTW30006、PTW31006电离室和GAFCHROMIC EBT胶片测量ELEKTA Precise加速器光子相对输出因子。结果:照射野大于等于4cm×4cm时,胶片和PTW30006电离室测量结果相对偏差小于±1.0%。归一到5cm×5cm照射野时,边长为2cm、3cm、4cm、6cm和10cm方野,胶片和PTW31006电离室测量结果相对偏差分别为2.2%、0.6%、0.3%、0.3%和-1.7%。随照射面积增大,PTW31006与PTW30006电离室测量结果偏离程度不断加大,40cm×40cm时偏高约8.2%。结论:合理选择胶片数字化设备和使用方法,GAFCHROMIC EBT胶片可以用于所有照射野相对输出因子的测量或作为电离室法测量结果的有益补充和参考。 展开更多
关键词 相对输出因子 吸收剂量 电离室 gafchromic EBT胶片
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