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戴乃迭《中国文学》译介的生态翻译学解读 被引量:1
作者 肖娴 《河北工程大学学报(社会科学版)》 2014年第1期75-77,95,共4页
生态翻译学将翻译定义为译者适应或者选择翻译生态环境的行为。作为一种生态学视角的翻译研究方法,它从有别于传统翻译理念的全新视角对翻译作系统的探讨。从生态翻译学的翻译生态环境、译者中心、多维度适应/选择等角度,解读翻译家戴... 生态翻译学将翻译定义为译者适应或者选择翻译生态环境的行为。作为一种生态学视角的翻译研究方法,它从有别于传统翻译理念的全新视角对翻译作系统的探讨。从生态翻译学的翻译生态环境、译者中心、多维度适应/选择等角度,解读翻译家戴乃迭在英文期刊《中国文学》数十年的译介活动及翻译成就。 展开更多
关键词 生态翻译学 戴乃迭 《中国文学》 译介
暗管排水治理渍害低产田效果研究 被引量:3
作者 章嘉慧 陆丰年 +4 位作者 黄平 杨泽权 阮坚 牟科成 廖锡清 《基因组学与应用生物学》 CAS CSCD 1991年第2期35-42,共8页
1990年早造,在广西宾阳县大桥乡进行了暗管排水治理溃害低产田试验.结果表明:暗管排水对降低地下水位效果显著,提高了土壤的通透性,减少了土壤中的有毒物质,改善了水稻的土壤生态环境;亩产稻谷578.16kg,比农艺措施相同的明沟排水田增产5... 1990年早造,在广西宾阳县大桥乡进行了暗管排水治理溃害低产田试验.结果表明:暗管排水对降低地下水位效果显著,提高了土壤的通透性,减少了土壤中的有毒物质,改善了水稻的土壤生态环境;亩产稻谷578.16kg,比农艺措施相同的明沟排水田增产57.99kg,增11.15%;比上年未安装暗管时亩增产202.16kg,增53.8%.其增产幅度大,经济效益显著,是一条根治渍害低产田的有效途径. 展开更多
关键词 潜育土 水稻土 水利土壤改良 地下排水/暗管排水
《音乐世界》 2002年第10期7-7,共1页
1999年创下了单独演唱会到场人数20万的世界记录;出道8年.专辑、录像带总销量创下四千八百万张的记录;2001年实现了首次通宵演唱会……这是一组在亚洲无人能企及的数字,这些数字属于一个名为“GLAY”的日本摇滚组合,主唱TERU.吉他手TAK... 1999年创下了单独演唱会到场人数20万的世界记录;出道8年.专辑、录像带总销量创下四千八百万张的记录;2001年实现了首次通宵演唱会……这是一组在亚洲无人能企及的数字,这些数字属于一个名为“GLAY”的日本摇滚组合,主唱TERU.吉他手TAKURO、吉他手HISASHI和贝斯手JIRO共同拥有这个名字。GLAY无法用汉字来解释,因为它并不是一个英语单词,但他们的音乐却可以用自己的歌词来解释:给心灵插上翅膀,使身体开始飘摇。 展开更多
关键词 吉他手 GLAY10 演唱会 世界记录
Impact of Drought Stress on Net CO_2 Exchange above an Alpine Grassland Ecosystem in the Central Tibetan Plateau
作者 赵玉萍 张宪洲 +2 位作者 石培礼 王景升 武建双 《Journal of Resources and Ecology》 CSCD 2013年第4期327-336,共10页
Drought may impact the net ecosystem exchange of CO2 (NEE) between grassland ecosystems and the atmosphere during growth seasons. Here, carbon dioxide exchange and controlling factors in alpine grassland under droug... Drought may impact the net ecosystem exchange of CO2 (NEE) between grassland ecosystems and the atmosphere during growth seasons. Here, carbon dioxide exchange and controlling factors in alpine grassland under drought stress in the hinterland of Tibetan Plateau (Damxung, Tibet, China) were investigated. Data were obtained using the covariance eddy technique in 2009. Severe drought stress appeared in the early growing season (May to early July) and September. Drought conditions during the early growing season limited grass production and the green leaf area index (GLAD increased slowly, with an obvious decline in June. When encountering severe water stress, diurnal patterns of NEE in the growth season altered with a peak carbon release around 16:00 h or a second carbon uptake period before sunset. NEE variations in daytime related most closely with O other than PAR when daily averaged @〈0.1 m3 m 3. Seasonal patterns of gross primary production (GPP) and NEE were also influenced by drought: the maximum and minimum of daily-integrated NEE were 0.9 g C m-2 d-1 on 3 July 2009, and -1.3 g C m-2 d-1 on 12 August 2009 with a GPP peak (-2.3 g C m-2 d-1) on the same day, respectively. Monthly NEE from May to July remained as carbon release and increased gradually; peak values of monthly NEE and GPP both appeared in August, but that of ecosystem respiration (R^co) was reached in July. Annual NEE, GPP and Reco of the alpine grassland ecosystem were 52.4, -158.1 and 210.5 g C m-2, respectively. Therefore, the grassland was a moderate source of COs to the atmosphere in this dry year. Interannual variation in NEE was likely related to different water conditions in the growing season. The three greatest contributors to seasonal variation in NEE, GPP and R^co respectively were GLAI〉Ta〉O, GLAI〉O〉PPT, and Ta〉GLAI〉PAR. Seasonality of GLAI explained 60.7% and 76.1% of seasonal variation in NEE and GPP, respectively. GPP or NEE was more sensitive than Reco to variation in GLAI, and ecosystem water conditions. 展开更多
关键词 net ecosystem exchange of CO2 alpine grassland DROUGHT glai Tibetan Plateau
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