In this study, the Maastrichtian-Danian boundary was measured and sampled in two stratigraphic sections, the north and south flanks of the Dehnow anticline in Coastal Fars, Southern Iran. This boundary was also invest...In this study, the Maastrichtian-Danian boundary was measured and sampled in two stratigraphic sections, the north and south flanks of the Dehnow anticline in Coastal Fars, Southern Iran. This boundary was also investigated in the drilled exploratory well-1 in the same region. The lithology of the Maastrichtian-Danian deposits consists of glauconitic, phosphatic argillaceous limestones and marlstones. 30 genera and 77 species of planktonic foraminifera have been determined. The recognized biozones are the Gansserina gansseri Interval Zone, and the Contusotruncana contusa Interval Zone, which indicates latest Campanian to middle Maastrichtian age for the upper part of the Gurpi Formation. In addition, the Eoglobigerina edita(P1) Partial Range Zone, Praemurica uncinata(P2) Lowest Occurrence Zone, Morozovella angulata(P3) Lowest Occurrence Zone and Globanomalina psudomenardii(P4) Taxon Range Zone represent a Danian to Thanetian age for the lower part of the Pabdeh Formation. From the absence of the Abathomphalus mayaroensis Interval Zone, Pseudoguembelina hariaensis Interval Zone, Pseudotextularia elegans Interval Zone, Plummerita hantkeninoides Interval Zone, Guembelitria cretacea(P0) Partial Range Zone and Parvularugoglobigerina eugubina(Pα) Total Range Zone, it can be deduced that there is a paraconformity across the Maastrichtian–Danian boundary in the studied area, this hiatus encompassing the late Maastrichtian and the earliest Danian. Danian deposits from the study area contain reworked glauconitized macrofossils, planktonic and benthic foraminifera of the Cretaceous. The obtained surface gamma-ray spectrometry logs resemble the exploratory well-1 gamma-ray wireline log.展开更多
In this study,the theory of minimum detectable activity concentration(MDAC)for airborne gamma-ray spectrometry(AGS)was derived,and the relationship between the MDAC and the intrinsic effi-ciency of a scintillation cou...In this study,the theory of minimum detectable activity concentration(MDAC)for airborne gamma-ray spectrometry(AGS)was derived,and the relationship between the MDAC and the intrinsic effi-ciency of a scintillation counter,volume,and energy res-olution of scintillation crystals,and flight altitude of an aircraft was investigated.To verify this theory,experi-mental devices based on NaI and CeBr 3 scintillation counters were prepared,and the potassium,uranium,and thorium contents in calibration pads obtained via the stripping ratio method and theory were compared.The MDACs of AGS under different conditions were calculated and analyzed using the proposed theory and the Monte Carlo method.The relative errors found via a comparison of the experimental and theoretical results were less than 4%.The theory of MDAC can guide the work of AGS in probing areas with low radioactivity.展开更多
This study reports the performances of efficiency calibrations for high-purity-germanium gamma-ray spectrometry using the source-, Laboratory Sourceless Object Calibration Software(LabSOCS)-and ANGLE-based methods in ...This study reports the performances of efficiency calibrations for high-purity-germanium gamma-ray spectrometry using the source-, Laboratory Sourceless Object Calibration Software(LabSOCS)-and ANGLE-based methods in an inter-comparison exercise. Although the results of LabSOCS and ANGLE for ^(241)Am emitting lowenergy gamma rays were not very satisfactory, all of the three efficiency calibration methods passed acceptance criteria. The results confirmed the reliability of the calculation codes ANGLE and LabSOCS as alternative efficiency calibration methods in high-purity-germanium gamma spectrometry. This study is likely to promote the further application of the ANGLE and LabSOCS calculation codes in radioactivity measurements.展开更多
Gamma-ray spectrometry and induced polarization (IP) studies were carried out to determine the radioactive anomalous zones and to follow their lateral and vertical extensions in El Atshan-II uranium prospect area, cen...Gamma-ray spectrometry and induced polarization (IP) studies were carried out to determine the radioactive anomalous zones and to follow their lateral and vertical extensions in El Atshan-II uranium prospect area, central Eastern Desert, Egypt. This area and its surroundings are covered by different Precambrian basement rocks, which intruded by younger bostonite rock, andesite dykes and carbonate veins. Data of the gamma-ray spectrometry have been analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively by applying specific interpretation techniques. These data revealed a wide radioactivity range oscillating from 15.0 to 2362.0 Ur, 0.5 to 307.2 ppm, 0.1 to 55.1 ppm and 0.3 to 22.0% for the total count (Tc), equivalent uranium (eU), equivalent thorium (eTh) and potassium (K), respectively. The constructed radioelement concentration maps and eU-composite image of the study area showed that the anomalously high radioactivity levels are mainly associated with outcrops of the bostonite rock. The induced polarization data were mathematically inverted to produce the true resistivity and chargeability values of cross-sections below the surveyed lines traverse in the area. The resistivity values are varied both vertically and horizontally from 7.83 to more than 1042.0 ohm·m, while the chargeability values are ranged from 0.195 to more than 204.0 mV/V, suggesting variation of the rocks facies and mineralizations. Integration of the resistivity and chargeability data indicates the presence of some mineralized zones, mainly associated with the bostonite rock, with depths varied from the near-surface to more than 70 m. Therefore, a core drilling is recommended at some stations along three selected profiles to a depth of 70 - 100 m to test the depth, structural model and grade of mineralization in the area.展开更多
The Very Large Area gamma-ray Space Telescope(VLAST)is a mission concept proposed to detect gamma-ray photons through both Compton scattering and electron–positron pair production mechanisms,thus enabling the detecti...The Very Large Area gamma-ray Space Telescope(VLAST)is a mission concept proposed to detect gamma-ray photons through both Compton scattering and electron–positron pair production mechanisms,thus enabling the detection of photons with energies ranging from MeV to TeV.This project aims to conduct a comprehensive survey of the gamma-ray sky from a low-Earth orbit using an anti-coincidence detector,a tracker detector that also serves as a low-energy calorimeter,and a high-energy imaging calorimeter.We developed a Monte Carlo simulation application of the detector using the GEANT4 toolkit to evaluate the instrument performance,including the effective area,angular resolution,and energy resolution,and explored specific optimizations of the detector configuration.Our simulation-based analysis indicates that the current design of the VLAST is physically feasible,with an acceptance above 10 m^(2)sr which is four times larger than that of the Fermi-LAT,an energy resolution better than 2%at 10 GeV,and an angular resolution better than 0.2◦at 10 GeV.The VLAST project promises to make significant contributions to the field of gamma-ray astronomy and enhance our understanding of the cosmos.展开更多
The Moon provides a unique environment for investigating nearby astrophysical events such as supernovae.Lunar samples retain valuable information from these events,via detectable long-lived“fingerprint”radionuclides...The Moon provides a unique environment for investigating nearby astrophysical events such as supernovae.Lunar samples retain valuable information from these events,via detectable long-lived“fingerprint”radionuclides such as^(60)Fe.In this work,we stepped up the development of an accelerator mass spectrometry(AMS)method for detecting^(60)Fe using the HI-13tandem accelerator at the China Institute of Atomic Energy(CIAE).Since interferences could not be sufficiently removed solely with the existing magnetic systems of the tandem accelerator and the following Q3D magnetic spectrograph,a Wien filter with a maximum voltage of±60 kV and a maximum magnetic field of 0.3 T was installed after the accelerator magnetic systems to lower the detection background for the low abundance nuclide^(60)Fe.A 1μm thick Si_(3)N_(4) foil was installed in front of the Q3D as an energy degrader.For particle detection,a multi-anode gas ionization chamber was mounted at the center of the focal plane of the spectrograph.Finally,an^(60)Fe sample with an abundance of 1.125×10^(-10)was used to test the new AMS system.These results indicate that^(60)Fe can be clearly distinguished from the isobar^(60)Ni.The sensitivity was assessed to be better than 4.3×10^(-14)based on blank sample measurements lasting 5.8 h,and the sensitivity could,in principle,be expected to be approximately 2.5×10^(-15)when the data were accumulated for 100 h,which is feasible for future lunar sample measurements because the main contaminants were sufficiently separated.展开更多
GRB 200612A could be classified as an ultralong gamma-ray burst due to its prompt emission lasting up to~1020 s and the true timescale of the central engine activity t_(burst)≥4×10^(4) s.The late X-ray light cur...GRB 200612A could be classified as an ultralong gamma-ray burst due to its prompt emission lasting up to~1020 s and the true timescale of the central engine activity t_(burst)≥4×10^(4) s.The late X-ray light curve with a decay index ofα=7.53 is steeper than the steepest possible decay from an external shock model.We propose that this X-ray afterglow can be driven by dipolar radiation from the magnetar spindown during its early stage,while the magnetar collapsed into the black hole before its spindown,resulting in a very steep decay of the late X-ray light curve.The optical data show that the light curve is still rising after 1.1 ks,suggesting a late onset.We show that GRB 200612A’s optical afterglow light curve is fitted with the forward shock model by Gaussian structured off-axis jet.This is a special case among GRBs,as it may be an ultralong gamma-ray burst powered by a magnetar in an off-axis observation scenario.展开更多
The occurrence of the first significant digits from real world sources is usually not equally distributed,but is consistent with a logarithmic distribution instead,known as Benford’s law.In this work,we perform a com...The occurrence of the first significant digits from real world sources is usually not equally distributed,but is consistent with a logarithmic distribution instead,known as Benford’s law.In this work,we perform a comprehensive investigation on the first digit distributions of the duration,fluence,and energy flux of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) for the first time.For a complete GRB sample detected by the Fermi satellite,we find that the first digits of the duration and fluence adhere to Benford’s law.However,the energy flux shows a significant departure from this law,which may be due to the fact that a considerable part of the energy flux measurements is restricted by lack of spectral information.Based on the conventional duration classification scheme,we also check if the durations and fluences of long and short GRBs (with duration T_(90)>2 s and T_(90)≤2 s,respectively) obey Benford’s law.We find that the fluences of both long and short GRBs still agree with the Benford distribution,but their durations do not follow Benford’s law.Our results hint that the long–short GRB classification scheme does not directly represent the intrinsic physical classification scheme.展开更多
The prompt emission mechanism of gamma-ray bursts(GRBs)is still unclear,and the time-resolved spectral analysis of GRBs is a powerful tool for studying their underlying physical processes.We performed a detailed time-...The prompt emission mechanism of gamma-ray bursts(GRBs)is still unclear,and the time-resolved spectral analysis of GRBs is a powerful tool for studying their underlying physical processes.We performed a detailed time-resolved spectral analysis of 78 bright long GRB samples detected by Fermi/Gamma-ray Burst Monitor.A total of 1490 spectra were obtained and their properties were studied using a typical Band-shape model.First,the parameter distributions of the time-resolved spectrum are given as follows:the low-energy spectral indexα~-0.72,high-energy spectral indexβ~2.42,the peak energy E_(p)~221.69 keV,and the energy flux F~7.49×10^(-6)erg cm^(-2)s^(-1).More than 80%of the bursts exhibit the hardest low-energy spectral indexα_(max),exceeding the synchrotron limit(-2/3).Second,the evolution patterns of a and E_(p)were statistically analyzed.The results show that for multi-pulse GRBs the intensity-tracking pattern is more common than the hard-to-soft pattern in the evolution of both E_(p)andα.The hard-to-soft pattern is generally shown in single-pulse GRBs or in the initial pulse of multi-pulse GRBs.Finally,we found a significant positive correlation between F and E_(p),with half of the samples exhibiting a positive correlation between F andα.We discussed the spectral evolution of different radiation models.The diversity of spectral evolution patterns indicates that there may be more than one radiation mechanism occurring in the GRB radiation process,including photo spheric radiation and synchrotron radiation.However,it may also involve only one radiation mechanism,but more complicated physical details need to be considered.展开更多
In spite of the importance of studying the cosmic generation of heavy elements through the r-process,the detection of a kilonova resulting from the merger of a neutron star binary is still a challenging task.In this p...In spite of the importance of studying the cosmic generation of heavy elements through the r-process,the detection of a kilonova resulting from the merger of a neutron star binary is still a challenging task.In this paper,we show that the Visible Telescope(VT)onboard the ongoing SVOM space mission is powerful for identifying kilonova candidates associated with short gamma-ray bursts up to a distance of 600 Mpc.A significant color variation,turning blue and then turning red,is revealed by calculating the light curves in both red and blue channels of VT by a linear combination of an afterglow and an associated kilonova.The maximum color variation is as high as~0.5-1 mag,which is far larger than the small photometry error of~0.2 mag of VT for a point source with a brightness of 23 mag.Up to a distance of 600 Mpc,~1-2 kilonova candidates per year are predicted to be identified by VT.展开更多
The current study comprehensively evaluates four different protein extraction methods based on urea,sodium dodecyl sulfate(SDS),anionic surfactants(BT),and total RNA extractor(Trizol),aiming to optimize the sample pre...The current study comprehensively evaluates four different protein extraction methods based on urea,sodium dodecyl sulfate(SDS),anionic surfactants(BT),and total RNA extractor(Trizol),aiming to optimize the sample preparation workflow for mass spectrometry-based proteomics.Using HeLa cells as an example,we found that the method employing the mass spectrometry-compatible surfactant BT reagent significantly reduces the total time consumed for protein extraction and minimizes protein losses during the sample preparation process.Further integrating the four protein extraction methods,we identified over 7000 proteins from HeLa cells without relying on pre-fractionation techniques,and 2990 of them were quantified using label-free quantification.It is worth noting that the BT and SDS methods demonstrate higher efficiency in extracting membrane proteins,while the Urea and Trizol methods are more effective in extracting proteins from nuclear and cytoplasmic fractions.In summary,this study provides a novel solution for deep proteome coverage,particularly in the context of cellular protein extraction,by integrating mass spectrometry-compatible surfactants with traditional extraction methods to effectively enhance protein identification numbers.展开更多
Profiling the protein composition of bacteria is essential for understanding their biology,physiology and interaction with environment.Mass spectrometry has become a pivotal tool for protein analysis,facilitating the ...Profiling the protein composition of bacteria is essential for understanding their biology,physiology and interaction with environment.Mass spectrometry has become a pivotal tool for protein analysis,facilitating the examination of expression levels,molecular masses and structural modifications.In this study,we compared the performance of three widely-used mass spectrometry methods,i.e.,matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization(MALDI)protein fingerprinting,top-down proteomics and bottom-up proteomics,in the profiling of bacterial protein composition.It was revealed that bottom-up proteomics provided the highest protein coverage and exhibited the greatest protein profile overlap between bacterial species.In contrast,MALDI protein fingerprinting demonstrated superior detection reproducibility and effectiveness in distinguishing between bacterial species.Although top-down proteomics identified fewer proteins than bottom-up approach,it complemented MALDI fingerprinting in the discovery of bacterial protein markers,both favoring abundant,stable,and hydrophilic bacterial ribosomal proteins.This study represents the most systematic and comprehensive comparison of mass spectrometry-based protein profiling methodologies to date.It provides valuable guidelines for the selection of appropriate profiling strategies for specific analytical purposes.This will facilitate studies across various fields,including infection diagnosis,antimicrobial resistance detection and pharmaceutical target discovery.展开更多
The development of low-cost,abundant,and efficient non-metal catalysts has always been a research focus on photocatalytic hydrogen evolution reactions.Boron nitride nanosheet(BNNS),which is a promising non-metallic tw...The development of low-cost,abundant,and efficient non-metal catalysts has always been a research focus on photocatalytic hydrogen evolution reactions.Boron nitride nanosheet(BNNS),which is a promising non-metallic two-dimensional material,possesses remarkable properties.However,its inherently wide bandgap significantly limits their potential for visible-light-responsive catalysis,and conventional chemical methods struggle to overcome this limitation.In this study,we employed high-energy ionizing radiation to precisely regulate defect formation in BNNS at ambient temperature and pressure.The results showed that gamma-ray radiation markedly enhanced the efficiency of photocatalytic hydrogen production of the irradiated BNNS with increasing absorbed dose.The maximum hydrogen production rate of the samples reached 1033.7μmol/(g·h),which represents an increase of almost two orders of magnitude compared to commercial BNNS.The structural characterization also confirmed that the introduction of three-boron-center defects results in forming intermediate energy levels and improving the charge carrier separation efficiency of BNNS.This transformation converts BNNS from a wide bandgap semiconductor to a visible-light-responsive catalyst.This work not only provides a novel approach for the application of BNNS in visible-light photocatalysis,but also demonstrates the unique role of radiation technology in quantitatively regulating defects and improving catalytic activity.展开更多
Theories of modified gravity suggest that the propagation speed of gravitational waves(GW)v_gmay deviate from the speed of light c.A constraint can be placed on the difference between c and v_gwith a simple method tha...Theories of modified gravity suggest that the propagation speed of gravitational waves(GW)v_gmay deviate from the speed of light c.A constraint can be placed on the difference between c and v_gwith a simple method that uses the arrival time delay between GW and electromagnetic wave simultaneously emitted from a burst event.We simulated the joint observation of GW and short gamma-ray burst signals from binary neutron star merger events in different observation campaigns,involving advanced LIGO(aLIGO)in design sensitivity and Einstein Telescope(ET)joint-detected with Fermi/GBM.As a result,the relative precision of constraint on v_gcan reach~10~(-17)(aLIGO)and~10^(-18)(ET),which are one and two orders of magnitude better than that from GW170817,respectively.We continue to obtain the bound of graviton mass m_g≤7.1(3.2)×10~(-20)eV with aLIGO(ET).Applying the Standard-Model Extension test framework,the constraint on v_gallows us to study the Lorentz violation in the nondispersive,nonbirefringent limit of the gravitational sector.We obtain the constraints of the dimensionless isotropic coefficients S_(00)^(4)at mass dimension d=4,which are-1×10^(-15)<S_(00)^(4)<9×10^(-17)for aLIGO and-4×10^(-16)<s_(00)^(4<8<10^(-18))for ET.展开更多
The location ofγ-ray emission of blazars remains a contested topic,inspiring the development of numerous investigative techniques to address this issue.In this work,we analyzed Fermiγ-ray light curves in the GeV and...The location ofγ-ray emission of blazars remains a contested topic,inspiring the development of numerous investigative techniques to address this issue.In this work,we analyzed Fermiγ-ray light curves in the GeV and MeV bands,employing the discrete cross-correlation function method to discern time lags between the two bands.For 4C+21.35,Ton 599,B21420+32,and PKS 1510-089,we identified a time lag spanning several days,while for PKS 1441+25,the time lag was not statistically found.The results imply that the soft photons necessary for inverse Compton scattering predominantly originate from the dusty torus in the first four sources,whereas for PKS1441+25,they seem to be sourced mainly from the broad-line region.Further analysis of the opacity(τγγ)and the GeV spectra study supports the conclusion that the location of the dissipation region must be beyond the BLR to avoid significant absorption.Notably,for PKS 1441+25,the emission region is also posited to lie outside yet proximate to the BLR.The parameters of describing the emission region were obtained by fitting broadband spectral energy distribution with contemporaneous observation data.Our findings suggest that for the five TeV FSRQs,during Te V flaring events,the jet appears to maintain an equilibrium between the energy density of the magnetic field and that of the particles for all investigated sources,with the exceptions of 4C+21.35 and PKS1441+25.In terms of the overall jet power,particle energy is the dominant contributor,and the observed blazar radiation cannot be solely attributed to the magnetic field,except in the case of 4C+21.35.Consequently,magnetic reconnection is unlikely to be the primary mechanism behind particle acceleration in these systems.展开更多
To identify the species in liquid surface using mass spectrometry,we must eliminate or reduce interferences during the vaporization or desorption of the species from the liquid surface.It is much more challenging to i...To identify the species in liquid surface using mass spectrometry,we must eliminate or reduce interferences during the vaporization or desorption of the species from the liquid surface.It is much more challenging to isolate the ionic,larger species from the liquid surface,because of the frangible structures and the higher solvation energies of those species.Here we demonstrate a new mass spectrometry in which the ionic species at the liquid surface can be desorbed with ultrasoft infrared picosecond laser pulses while the liquid surface is not breached.This laser desorption assisted mass spectrometry is not only a powerful tool to detect the fragile species but also promising to investigate vibrational energy transfer dynamics in the liquid surface.展开更多
In conventional isochronous mass spectrometry(IMS)performed on a storage ring,the precision of mass measurements for short-lived nuclei depends on the accurate determination of the revolution times(T)of stored ions.Ho...In conventional isochronous mass spectrometry(IMS)performed on a storage ring,the precision of mass measurements for short-lived nuclei depends on the accurate determination of the revolution times(T)of stored ions.However,the resolution of T inevitably deteriorates due to the magnetic rigidity spread of the ions,limiting the mass-resolving power.In this study,we used the betatron tunes Q(the number of betatron oscillations per revolution)of the ions and established a correlation between T and Q.From this correlation,T was transformed to correspond to a fixed Q with higher resolution.Using these transformed T values,the masses of ^(63)Ge,^(65)As,^(67)Se,and ^(71)Kr agreed well with the mass values measured using the newly developed IMS(Bρ-IMS).We also studied the systematics of Coulomb displacement energies(CDEs)and found that anomalous staggering in CDEs was eliminated using new mass values.This method of T transformation is highly effective for conventional IMS equipped with a single time-of-flight detector.展开更多
Fast and reliable localization of high-energy transients is crucial for characterizing the burst properties and guiding the follow-up observations.Localization based on the relative counts of different detectors has b...Fast and reliable localization of high-energy transients is crucial for characterizing the burst properties and guiding the follow-up observations.Localization based on the relative counts of different detectors has been widely used for all-sky gamma-ray monitors.There are two major methods for this count distribution localization:χ^(2)minimization method and the Bayesian method.Here we propose a modified Bayesian method that could take advantage of both the accuracy of the Bayesian method and the simplicity of the χ^(2)method.With comprehensive simulations,we find that our Bayesian method with Poisson likelihood is generally more applicable for various bursts than the χ^(2)method,especially for weak bursts.We further proposed a location-spectrum iteration approach based on the Bayesian inference,which could alleviate the problems caused by the spectral difference between the burst and location templates.Our method is very suitable for scenarios with limited computation resources or timesensitive applications,such as in-flight localization software,and low-latency localization for rapidly follow-up observations.展开更多
The Gravitational wave high-energy Electromagnetic Counterpart All-sky Monitor(GECAM)mission is designed to monitor the Gamma-Ray Bursts(GRBs)associated with gravitational waves and other high-energy transient sources...The Gravitational wave high-energy Electromagnetic Counterpart All-sky Monitor(GECAM)mission is designed to monitor the Gamma-Ray Bursts(GRBs)associated with gravitational waves and other high-energy transient sources.The mission consists of two microsatellites which are planned to operate at the opposite sides of the Earth.Each GECAM satellite could detect and localize GRBs in about 8 keV-5 MeV with its 25 Gamma-Ray Detectors(GRDs).In this work,we report the in-flight energy calibration of GRDs using the characteristic gamma-ray lines in the background spectra,and show their performance evolution during the commissioning phase.Besides,a preliminary cross-calibration of energy response with Fermi GBM data is also presented,validating the energy response of GRDs.展开更多
[Objectives]This study was conducted to purify mutton samples by gel permeation chromatography(GPC).[Methods]Fourteen organophosphorus pesticide residues in samples were qualitatively and quantitatively analyzed by ga...[Objectives]This study was conducted to purify mutton samples by gel permeation chromatography(GPC).[Methods]Fourteen organophosphorus pesticide residues in samples were qualitatively and quantitatively analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry(GC-MS)in selective ion scanning mode(SIM).[Results]The organophosphorus pesticide standard solutions showed good linearity in the mass concentration range of 0.1-10.0μg/ml with correlation coefficients(r)not lower than 0.999,and the detection limits(S=3 N)ranged from 0.01 to 0.05 mg/kg.The average recovery values were in the range of 80.2%-99.7%,with relative standard deviations(RSDs,n=3)in the range of 1.8%-6.3%,at the addition levels of 0.5,1.0 and 2.0 mg/kg.[Conclusions]The method is simple,sensitive and accurate,and can be used for the determination of organophosphorus pesticide residues in mutton.展开更多
基金the University of Isfahan for providing financial support。
文摘In this study, the Maastrichtian-Danian boundary was measured and sampled in two stratigraphic sections, the north and south flanks of the Dehnow anticline in Coastal Fars, Southern Iran. This boundary was also investigated in the drilled exploratory well-1 in the same region. The lithology of the Maastrichtian-Danian deposits consists of glauconitic, phosphatic argillaceous limestones and marlstones. 30 genera and 77 species of planktonic foraminifera have been determined. The recognized biozones are the Gansserina gansseri Interval Zone, and the Contusotruncana contusa Interval Zone, which indicates latest Campanian to middle Maastrichtian age for the upper part of the Gurpi Formation. In addition, the Eoglobigerina edita(P1) Partial Range Zone, Praemurica uncinata(P2) Lowest Occurrence Zone, Morozovella angulata(P3) Lowest Occurrence Zone and Globanomalina psudomenardii(P4) Taxon Range Zone represent a Danian to Thanetian age for the lower part of the Pabdeh Formation. From the absence of the Abathomphalus mayaroensis Interval Zone, Pseudoguembelina hariaensis Interval Zone, Pseudotextularia elegans Interval Zone, Plummerita hantkeninoides Interval Zone, Guembelitria cretacea(P0) Partial Range Zone and Parvularugoglobigerina eugubina(Pα) Total Range Zone, it can be deduced that there is a paraconformity across the Maastrichtian–Danian boundary in the studied area, this hiatus encompassing the late Maastrichtian and the earliest Danian. Danian deposits from the study area contain reworked glauconitized macrofossils, planktonic and benthic foraminifera of the Cretaceous. The obtained surface gamma-ray spectrometry logs resemble the exploratory well-1 gamma-ray wireline log.
基金This work was supported by the Sichuan Science and Technology Program(No.2020JDRC0108)the National Science Foundation of China(Nos.41774147 and 41774190).
文摘In this study,the theory of minimum detectable activity concentration(MDAC)for airborne gamma-ray spectrometry(AGS)was derived,and the relationship between the MDAC and the intrinsic effi-ciency of a scintillation counter,volume,and energy res-olution of scintillation crystals,and flight altitude of an aircraft was investigated.To verify this theory,experi-mental devices based on NaI and CeBr 3 scintillation counters were prepared,and the potassium,uranium,and thorium contents in calibration pads obtained via the stripping ratio method and theory were compared.The MDACs of AGS under different conditions were calculated and analyzed using the proposed theory and the Monte Carlo method.The relative errors found via a comparison of the experimental and theoretical results were less than 4%.The theory of MDAC can guide the work of AGS in probing areas with low radioactivity.
基金supported by the Support Program of the Ministry of Science and Technology(No.2014FY211000)the National Key Technology Research and Development Program(No.2013BAK03B05)
文摘This study reports the performances of efficiency calibrations for high-purity-germanium gamma-ray spectrometry using the source-, Laboratory Sourceless Object Calibration Software(LabSOCS)-and ANGLE-based methods in an inter-comparison exercise. Although the results of LabSOCS and ANGLE for ^(241)Am emitting lowenergy gamma rays were not very satisfactory, all of the three efficiency calibration methods passed acceptance criteria. The results confirmed the reliability of the calculation codes ANGLE and LabSOCS as alternative efficiency calibration methods in high-purity-germanium gamma spectrometry. This study is likely to promote the further application of the ANGLE and LabSOCS calculation codes in radioactivity measurements.
文摘Gamma-ray spectrometry and induced polarization (IP) studies were carried out to determine the radioactive anomalous zones and to follow their lateral and vertical extensions in El Atshan-II uranium prospect area, central Eastern Desert, Egypt. This area and its surroundings are covered by different Precambrian basement rocks, which intruded by younger bostonite rock, andesite dykes and carbonate veins. Data of the gamma-ray spectrometry have been analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively by applying specific interpretation techniques. These data revealed a wide radioactivity range oscillating from 15.0 to 2362.0 Ur, 0.5 to 307.2 ppm, 0.1 to 55.1 ppm and 0.3 to 22.0% for the total count (Tc), equivalent uranium (eU), equivalent thorium (eTh) and potassium (K), respectively. The constructed radioelement concentration maps and eU-composite image of the study area showed that the anomalously high radioactivity levels are mainly associated with outcrops of the bostonite rock. The induced polarization data were mathematically inverted to produce the true resistivity and chargeability values of cross-sections below the surveyed lines traverse in the area. The resistivity values are varied both vertically and horizontally from 7.83 to more than 1042.0 ohm·m, while the chargeability values are ranged from 0.195 to more than 204.0 mV/V, suggesting variation of the rocks facies and mineralizations. Integration of the resistivity and chargeability data indicates the presence of some mineralized zones, mainly associated with the bostonite rock, with depths varied from the near-surface to more than 70 m. Therefore, a core drilling is recommended at some stations along three selected profiles to a depth of 70 - 100 m to test the depth, structural model and grade of mineralization in the area.
基金supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China(No.2021YFA0718404)the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Nos.12220101003,12173098,U2031149)+2 种基金the Project for Young Scientists in Basic Research of Chinese Academy of Sciences(CAS)(No.YSBR-061)the Scientific Instrument Developing Project of CAS(No.GJJSTD20210009)the Youth Innovation Promotion Association of CAS,and the Young Elite Scientists Sponsorship Program by the China Association for Science and Technology(No.YESS20220197).
文摘The Very Large Area gamma-ray Space Telescope(VLAST)is a mission concept proposed to detect gamma-ray photons through both Compton scattering and electron–positron pair production mechanisms,thus enabling the detection of photons with energies ranging from MeV to TeV.This project aims to conduct a comprehensive survey of the gamma-ray sky from a low-Earth orbit using an anti-coincidence detector,a tracker detector that also serves as a low-energy calorimeter,and a high-energy imaging calorimeter.We developed a Monte Carlo simulation application of the detector using the GEANT4 toolkit to evaluate the instrument performance,including the effective area,angular resolution,and energy resolution,and explored specific optimizations of the detector configuration.Our simulation-based analysis indicates that the current design of the VLAST is physically feasible,with an acceptance above 10 m^(2)sr which is four times larger than that of the Fermi-LAT,an energy resolution better than 2%at 10 GeV,and an angular resolution better than 0.2◦at 10 GeV.The VLAST project promises to make significant contributions to the field of gamma-ray astronomy and enhance our understanding of the cosmos.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Nos.12125509,12222514,11961141003,and 12005304)National Key Research and Development Project(No.2022YFA1602301)+1 种基金CAST Young Talent Support Planthe CNNC Science Fund for Talented Young Scholars Continuous support for basic scientific research projects。
文摘The Moon provides a unique environment for investigating nearby astrophysical events such as supernovae.Lunar samples retain valuable information from these events,via detectable long-lived“fingerprint”radionuclides such as^(60)Fe.In this work,we stepped up the development of an accelerator mass spectrometry(AMS)method for detecting^(60)Fe using the HI-13tandem accelerator at the China Institute of Atomic Energy(CIAE).Since interferences could not be sufficiently removed solely with the existing magnetic systems of the tandem accelerator and the following Q3D magnetic spectrograph,a Wien filter with a maximum voltage of±60 kV and a maximum magnetic field of 0.3 T was installed after the accelerator magnetic systems to lower the detection background for the low abundance nuclide^(60)Fe.A 1μm thick Si_(3)N_(4) foil was installed in front of the Q3D as an energy degrader.For particle detection,a multi-anode gas ionization chamber was mounted at the center of the focal plane of the spectrograph.Finally,an^(60)Fe sample with an abundance of 1.125×10^(-10)was used to test the new AMS system.These results indicate that^(60)Fe can be clearly distinguished from the isobar^(60)Ni.The sensitivity was assessed to be better than 4.3×10^(-14)based on blank sample measurements lasting 5.8 h,and the sensitivity could,in principle,be expected to be approximately 2.5×10^(-15)when the data were accumulated for 100 h,which is feasible for future lunar sample measurements because the main contaminants were sufficiently separated.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Nos.U1938201 and 12373042)。
文摘GRB 200612A could be classified as an ultralong gamma-ray burst due to its prompt emission lasting up to~1020 s and the true timescale of the central engine activity t_(burst)≥4×10^(4) s.The late X-ray light curve with a decay index ofα=7.53 is steeper than the steepest possible decay from an external shock model.We propose that this X-ray afterglow can be driven by dipolar radiation from the magnetar spindown during its early stage,while the magnetar collapsed into the black hole before its spindown,resulting in a very steep decay of the late X-ray light curve.The optical data show that the light curve is still rising after 1.1 ks,suggesting a late onset.We show that GRB 200612A’s optical afterglow light curve is fitted with the forward shock model by Gaussian structured off-axis jet.This is a special case among GRBs,as it may be an ultralong gamma-ray burst powered by a magnetar in an off-axis observation scenario.
基金supported by the Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences(grant No.XDB0550400)the Key Research Program of Frontier Sciences(grant No.ZDBS-LY-7014)of Chinese Academy of Sciences+1 种基金the National Natural Science Foundation of China(NSFC,Grant Nos.12373053 and 12321003)the Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province(grant No.BK20221562)。
文摘The occurrence of the first significant digits from real world sources is usually not equally distributed,but is consistent with a logarithmic distribution instead,known as Benford’s law.In this work,we perform a comprehensive investigation on the first digit distributions of the duration,fluence,and energy flux of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) for the first time.For a complete GRB sample detected by the Fermi satellite,we find that the first digits of the duration and fluence adhere to Benford’s law.However,the energy flux shows a significant departure from this law,which may be due to the fact that a considerable part of the energy flux measurements is restricted by lack of spectral information.Based on the conventional duration classification scheme,we also check if the durations and fluences of long and short GRBs (with duration T_(90)>2 s and T_(90)≤2 s,respectively) obey Benford’s law.We find that the fluences of both long and short GRBs still agree with the Benford distribution,but their durations do not follow Benford’s law.Our results hint that the long–short GRB classification scheme does not directly represent the intrinsic physical classification scheme.
基金performed under the auspices of the Science and Technology Foundation of Guizhou Province(grant No.Qian Ke He Ji Chu ZK[2021]027)Major Science and Technology Program of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region through No.2022A03013-1+1 种基金the National Key Research and Development Program of China(No.2022YFC2205202)the National Natural Science Foundation of China grants 12288102,12041304 and 11847102。
文摘The prompt emission mechanism of gamma-ray bursts(GRBs)is still unclear,and the time-resolved spectral analysis of GRBs is a powerful tool for studying their underlying physical processes.We performed a detailed time-resolved spectral analysis of 78 bright long GRB samples detected by Fermi/Gamma-ray Burst Monitor.A total of 1490 spectra were obtained and their properties were studied using a typical Band-shape model.First,the parameter distributions of the time-resolved spectrum are given as follows:the low-energy spectral indexα~-0.72,high-energy spectral indexβ~2.42,the peak energy E_(p)~221.69 keV,and the energy flux F~7.49×10^(-6)erg cm^(-2)s^(-1).More than 80%of the bursts exhibit the hardest low-energy spectral indexα_(max),exceeding the synchrotron limit(-2/3).Second,the evolution patterns of a and E_(p)were statistically analyzed.The results show that for multi-pulse GRBs the intensity-tracking pattern is more common than the hard-to-soft pattern in the evolution of both E_(p)andα.The hard-to-soft pattern is generally shown in single-pulse GRBs or in the initial pulse of multi-pulse GRBs.Finally,we found a significant positive correlation between F and E_(p),with half of the samples exhibiting a positive correlation between F andα.We discussed the spectral evolution of different radiation models.The diversity of spectral evolution patterns indicates that there may be more than one radiation mechanism occurring in the GRB radiation process,including photo spheric radiation and synchrotron radiation.However,it may also involve only one radiation mechanism,but more complicated physical details need to be considered.
基金supported by the Strategic Pioneer Program on Space Science,Chinese Academy of Sciences,grant XDB0550401supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(NSFC,grant No.12173009)+2 种基金by the Natural Science Foundation of Guangxi(2020GXNSFDA238018)by the Bagui Young Scholars Programsupported by the National Postdoctoral Program for Innovative Talents(grant No.GZB20230765)。
文摘In spite of the importance of studying the cosmic generation of heavy elements through the r-process,the detection of a kilonova resulting from the merger of a neutron star binary is still a challenging task.In this paper,we show that the Visible Telescope(VT)onboard the ongoing SVOM space mission is powerful for identifying kilonova candidates associated with short gamma-ray bursts up to a distance of 600 Mpc.A significant color variation,turning blue and then turning red,is revealed by calculating the light curves in both red and blue channels of VT by a linear combination of an afterglow and an associated kilonova.The maximum color variation is as high as~0.5-1 mag,which is far larger than the small photometry error of~0.2 mag of VT for a point source with a brightness of 23 mag.Up to a distance of 600 Mpc,~1-2 kilonova candidates per year are predicted to be identified by VT.
文摘The current study comprehensively evaluates four different protein extraction methods based on urea,sodium dodecyl sulfate(SDS),anionic surfactants(BT),and total RNA extractor(Trizol),aiming to optimize the sample preparation workflow for mass spectrometry-based proteomics.Using HeLa cells as an example,we found that the method employing the mass spectrometry-compatible surfactant BT reagent significantly reduces the total time consumed for protein extraction and minimizes protein losses during the sample preparation process.Further integrating the four protein extraction methods,we identified over 7000 proteins from HeLa cells without relying on pre-fractionation techniques,and 2990 of them were quantified using label-free quantification.It is worth noting that the BT and SDS methods demonstrate higher efficiency in extracting membrane proteins,while the Urea and Trizol methods are more effective in extracting proteins from nuclear and cytoplasmic fractions.In summary,this study provides a novel solution for deep proteome coverage,particularly in the context of cellular protein extraction,by integrating mass spectrometry-compatible surfactants with traditional extraction methods to effectively enhance protein identification numbers.
文摘Profiling the protein composition of bacteria is essential for understanding their biology,physiology and interaction with environment.Mass spectrometry has become a pivotal tool for protein analysis,facilitating the examination of expression levels,molecular masses and structural modifications.In this study,we compared the performance of three widely-used mass spectrometry methods,i.e.,matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization(MALDI)protein fingerprinting,top-down proteomics and bottom-up proteomics,in the profiling of bacterial protein composition.It was revealed that bottom-up proteomics provided the highest protein coverage and exhibited the greatest protein profile overlap between bacterial species.In contrast,MALDI protein fingerprinting demonstrated superior detection reproducibility and effectiveness in distinguishing between bacterial species.Although top-down proteomics identified fewer proteins than bottom-up approach,it complemented MALDI fingerprinting in the discovery of bacterial protein markers,both favoring abundant,stable,and hydrophilic bacterial ribosomal proteins.This study represents the most systematic and comprehensive comparison of mass spectrometry-based protein profiling methodologies to date.It provides valuable guidelines for the selection of appropriate profiling strategies for specific analytical purposes.This will facilitate studies across various fields,including infection diagnosis,antimicrobial resistance detection and pharmaceutical target discovery.
文摘The development of low-cost,abundant,and efficient non-metal catalysts has always been a research focus on photocatalytic hydrogen evolution reactions.Boron nitride nanosheet(BNNS),which is a promising non-metallic two-dimensional material,possesses remarkable properties.However,its inherently wide bandgap significantly limits their potential for visible-light-responsive catalysis,and conventional chemical methods struggle to overcome this limitation.In this study,we employed high-energy ionizing radiation to precisely regulate defect formation in BNNS at ambient temperature and pressure.The results showed that gamma-ray radiation markedly enhanced the efficiency of photocatalytic hydrogen production of the irradiated BNNS with increasing absorbed dose.The maximum hydrogen production rate of the samples reached 1033.7μmol/(g·h),which represents an increase of almost two orders of magnitude compared to commercial BNNS.The structural characterization also confirmed that the introduction of three-boron-center defects results in forming intermediate energy levels and improving the charge carrier separation efficiency of BNNS.This transformation converts BNNS from a wide bandgap semiconductor to a visible-light-responsive catalyst.This work not only provides a novel approach for the application of BNNS in visible-light photocatalysis,but also demonstrates the unique role of radiation technology in quantitatively regulating defects and improving catalytic activity.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under grant 12065017Jiangxi Provincial Natural Science Foundation under grant 20224ACB211001support from the Chinese Academy of Sciences(grant Nos.E329A3M1,E32983U8,and E3545KU2)。
文摘Theories of modified gravity suggest that the propagation speed of gravitational waves(GW)v_gmay deviate from the speed of light c.A constraint can be placed on the difference between c and v_gwith a simple method that uses the arrival time delay between GW and electromagnetic wave simultaneously emitted from a burst event.We simulated the joint observation of GW and short gamma-ray burst signals from binary neutron star merger events in different observation campaigns,involving advanced LIGO(aLIGO)in design sensitivity and Einstein Telescope(ET)joint-detected with Fermi/GBM.As a result,the relative precision of constraint on v_gcan reach~10~(-17)(aLIGO)and~10^(-18)(ET),which are one and two orders of magnitude better than that from GW170817,respectively.We continue to obtain the bound of graviton mass m_g≤7.1(3.2)×10~(-20)eV with aLIGO(ET).Applying the Standard-Model Extension test framework,the constraint on v_gallows us to study the Lorentz violation in the nondispersive,nonbirefringent limit of the gravitational sector.We obtain the constraints of the dimensionless isotropic coefficients S_(00)^(4)at mass dimension d=4,which are-1×10^(-15)<S_(00)^(4)<9×10^(-17)for aLIGO and-4×10^(-16)<s_(00)^(4<8<10^(-18))for ET.
基金support from the National Natural Science Foundation of China(NSFC,Grant No.12203034)from the Shanghai Science and Technology Fund under grant No.22YF1431500+11 种基金from the science research grants from the China Manned Space Projectsupport from the National Natural Science Foundation of China(NSFC,grant No.12203043)support from the National Natural Science Foundation of China(NSFC,grant No.11933002)support from the National Natural Science Foundation of China(NSFC,grant No.12173026)the National Key Research and Development Program of China(grant No.2022YFC2807303)the Shanghai Science and Technology Fund(grant No.23010503900)the Program for Professor of Special Appointment(Eastern Scholar)at Shanghai Institutions of Higher Learningthe Shuguang Program(23SG39)of the Shanghai Education Development Foundation and Shanghai Municipal Education Commissionsupport from the National Natural Science Foundation of China(NSFC,grant No.U2031201,and 11733001)the Scientific and Technological Cooperation Projects(20202023)between the People’s Republic of China and the Republic of Bulgariathe science research grants from the China Manned Space Project with No.CMS-CSST-2021A06partially supported by the Bulgarian National Science Fund of the Ministry of Education and Science under grants KP-06-H38/4(2019),KP-06-KITAJ/2(2020),and KP-06-H68/4(2022)。
文摘The location ofγ-ray emission of blazars remains a contested topic,inspiring the development of numerous investigative techniques to address this issue.In this work,we analyzed Fermiγ-ray light curves in the GeV and MeV bands,employing the discrete cross-correlation function method to discern time lags between the two bands.For 4C+21.35,Ton 599,B21420+32,and PKS 1510-089,we identified a time lag spanning several days,while for PKS 1441+25,the time lag was not statistically found.The results imply that the soft photons necessary for inverse Compton scattering predominantly originate from the dusty torus in the first four sources,whereas for PKS1441+25,they seem to be sourced mainly from the broad-line region.Further analysis of the opacity(τγγ)and the GeV spectra study supports the conclusion that the location of the dissipation region must be beyond the BLR to avoid significant absorption.Notably,for PKS 1441+25,the emission region is also posited to lie outside yet proximate to the BLR.The parameters of describing the emission region were obtained by fitting broadband spectral energy distribution with contemporaneous observation data.Our findings suggest that for the five TeV FSRQs,during Te V flaring events,the jet appears to maintain an equilibrium between the energy density of the magnetic field and that of the particles for all investigated sources,with the exceptions of 4C+21.35 and PKS1441+25.In terms of the overall jet power,particle energy is the dominant contributor,and the observed blazar radiation cannot be solely attributed to the magnetic field,except in the case of 4C+21.35.Consequently,magnetic reconnection is unlikely to be the primary mechanism behind particle acceleration in these systems.
基金supported by the Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences(No.XDB0450202).
文摘To identify the species in liquid surface using mass spectrometry,we must eliminate or reduce interferences during the vaporization or desorption of the species from the liquid surface.It is much more challenging to isolate the ionic,larger species from the liquid surface,because of the frangible structures and the higher solvation energies of those species.Here we demonstrate a new mass spectrometry in which the ionic species at the liquid surface can be desorbed with ultrasoft infrared picosecond laser pulses while the liquid surface is not breached.This laser desorption assisted mass spectrometry is not only a powerful tool to detect the fragile species but also promising to investigate vibrational energy transfer dynamics in the liquid surface.
基金supported in part by the National Key R&D Program of China (No. 2023YFA1606401)CAS Project for Young Scientists in Basic Research (No. YSBR-002)+3 种基金Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (No. XDB34000000)the NSFC (Nos. 12305126, 12135017, 12121005)the support from the Youth Innovation Promotion Association of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (No. 2021419)the support from the Yong Scholar of Regional Development,CAS (No.[2023]15)
文摘In conventional isochronous mass spectrometry(IMS)performed on a storage ring,the precision of mass measurements for short-lived nuclei depends on the accurate determination of the revolution times(T)of stored ions.However,the resolution of T inevitably deteriorates due to the magnetic rigidity spread of the ions,limiting the mass-resolving power.In this study,we used the betatron tunes Q(the number of betatron oscillations per revolution)of the ions and established a correlation between T and Q.From this correlation,T was transformed to correspond to a fixed Q with higher resolution.Using these transformed T values,the masses of ^(63)Ge,^(65)As,^(67)Se,and ^(71)Kr agreed well with the mass values measured using the newly developed IMS(Bρ-IMS).We also studied the systematics of Coulomb displacement energies(CDEs)and found that anomalous staggering in CDEs was eliminated using new mass values.This method of T transformation is highly effective for conventional IMS equipped with a single time-of-flight detector.
基金supported by the National Key R&D Program of China(2021YFA0718500)support from the Strategic Priority Research Program on Space Science,the Chinese Academy of Sciences(grant Nos.XDA15360102,XDA15360300,XDA15052700 and E02212A02S)+1 种基金the National Natural Science Foundation of China(grant Nos.12173038 and U2038106)the National HEP Data Center(grant No.E029S2S1)。
文摘Fast and reliable localization of high-energy transients is crucial for characterizing the burst properties and guiding the follow-up observations.Localization based on the relative counts of different detectors has been widely used for all-sky gamma-ray monitors.There are two major methods for this count distribution localization:χ^(2)minimization method and the Bayesian method.Here we propose a modified Bayesian method that could take advantage of both the accuracy of the Bayesian method and the simplicity of the χ^(2)method.With comprehensive simulations,we find that our Bayesian method with Poisson likelihood is generally more applicable for various bursts than the χ^(2)method,especially for weak bursts.We further proposed a location-spectrum iteration approach based on the Bayesian inference,which could alleviate the problems caused by the spectral difference between the burst and location templates.Our method is very suitable for scenarios with limited computation resources or timesensitive applications,such as in-flight localization software,and low-latency localization for rapidly follow-up observations.
基金supported by the Strategic Priority Program on Space Science,the Chinese Academy of Sciences,grant Nos.XDA15360102,XDA15360300 and E02212A02Sthe National Natural Science Foundation of China(Project:12061131007)。
文摘The Gravitational wave high-energy Electromagnetic Counterpart All-sky Monitor(GECAM)mission is designed to monitor the Gamma-Ray Bursts(GRBs)associated with gravitational waves and other high-energy transient sources.The mission consists of two microsatellites which are planned to operate at the opposite sides of the Earth.Each GECAM satellite could detect and localize GRBs in about 8 keV-5 MeV with its 25 Gamma-Ray Detectors(GRDs).In this work,we report the in-flight energy calibration of GRDs using the characteristic gamma-ray lines in the background spectra,and show their performance evolution during the commissioning phase.Besides,a preliminary cross-calibration of energy response with Fermi GBM data is also presented,validating the energy response of GRDs.
基金Supported by The Fourth Batch of High-end Talent Project in Hebei Province.
文摘[Objectives]This study was conducted to purify mutton samples by gel permeation chromatography(GPC).[Methods]Fourteen organophosphorus pesticide residues in samples were qualitatively and quantitatively analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry(GC-MS)in selective ion scanning mode(SIM).[Results]The organophosphorus pesticide standard solutions showed good linearity in the mass concentration range of 0.1-10.0μg/ml with correlation coefficients(r)not lower than 0.999,and the detection limits(S=3 N)ranged from 0.01 to 0.05 mg/kg.The average recovery values were in the range of 80.2%-99.7%,with relative standard deviations(RSDs,n=3)in the range of 1.8%-6.3%,at the addition levels of 0.5,1.0 and 2.0 mg/kg.[Conclusions]The method is simple,sensitive and accurate,and can be used for the determination of organophosphorus pesticide residues in mutton.