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The Quantum Chromodynamics Gas Density Drop and the General Theory of Relativity Ether
作者 Rami Rom 《Journal of High Energy Physics, Gravitation and Cosmology》 CAS 2023年第2期445-454,共10页
β decay is one of the most fundamental and thoroughly studied nuclear decay. Surprisingly, the β decay rates were found to have a periodic time variability [1]. However, others argued that there is no evidence for s... β decay is one of the most fundamental and thoroughly studied nuclear decay. Surprisingly, the β decay rates were found to have a periodic time variability [1]. However, others argued that there is no evidence for such cyclic deviation from the exponential first order kinetics decay law [2]. Here we propose that the β decay is a pseudo-first order exchange reaction triggered by udd&utilde;exotic mesons and propose a QCD gas theory. In analogy to the atmospheric gas density, the proposed QCD gas density drops with elevation from the sun. Accordingly, we propose that the β decay rate periodic variability is due to the pseudo-first order exchange reaction kinetics and the QCD gas atmospheric density drop. The proposed QCD gas may be a possible candidate for Einstein’s general theory of relativity ether [3]. Our main results are the derived formulas for calculating the effective mass of the QCD gas and the cosmology perfect fluid equation of state dimensionless parameter, based on the measured ratio of the β decay rates at the earth trajectory aphelion and perihelion dates. . 展开更多
关键词 Nuclear Decay β Decay Rate Variability Atmospheric Density Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) Exotic Mesons general theory of relativity (GR) ETHER Dark Energy
Geometric Phase in General Relativity
作者 Yossi Bachar Lawrence Horwitz 《Journal of Modern Physics》 CAS 2022年第9期1267-1271,共5页
We study the transport of a small wave packet in the embedding of the Stueckelberg-Horwitz-Piron relativistic quantum theory into the manifold of general relativity around the Schwarzschild solution using a semiclassi... We study the transport of a small wave packet in the embedding of the Stueckelberg-Horwitz-Piron relativistic quantum theory into the manifold of general relativity around the Schwarzschild solution using a semiclassical approximation. We find that the parallel transport of the momentum leads to a geometrical (Berry type) phase. 展开更多
关键词 Geometrical Phase Quantum theory in general relativity Schwarzschild Solution
The Extremal Universe Exact Solution from Einstein’s Field Equation Gives the Cosmological Constant Directly
作者 Espen Gaarder Haug 《Journal of High Energy Physics, Gravitation and Cosmology》 CAS 2024年第1期386-397,共12页
Einstein’s field equation is a highly general equation consisting of sixteen equations. However, the equation itself provides limited information about the universe unless it is solved with different boundary conditi... Einstein’s field equation is a highly general equation consisting of sixteen equations. However, the equation itself provides limited information about the universe unless it is solved with different boundary conditions. Multiple solutions have been utilized to predict cosmic scales, and among them, the Friedmann-Lemaître-Robertson-Walker solution that is the back-bone of the development into today standard model of modern cosmology: The Λ-CDM model. However, this is naturally not the only solution to Einstein’s field equation. We will investigate the extremal solutions of the Reissner-Nordström, Kerr, and Kerr-Newman metrics. Interestingly, in their extremal cases, these solutions yield identical predictions for horizons and escape velocity. These solutions can be employed to formulate a new cosmological model that resembles the Friedmann equation. However, a significant distinction arises in the extremal universe solution, which does not necessitate the ad hoc insertion of the cosmological constant;instead, it emerges naturally from the derivation itself. To the best of our knowledge, all other solutions relying on the cosmological constant do so by initially ad hoc inserting it into Einstein’s field equation. This clarification unveils the true nature of the cosmological constant, suggesting that it serves as a correction factor for strong gravitational fields, accurately predicting real-world cosmological phenomena only within the extremal solutions of the discussed metrics, all derived strictly from Einstein’s field equation. 展开更多
关键词 general relativity theory Cosmological Constant Extremal Solution Reissner-Nordström KERR Kerr-Newman
Refinement of Newton Gravitation Law
作者 Youqi Wang 《Journal of Modern Physics》 2024年第5期720-763,共44页
According to the theory of general relativity and experiments with atomic clocks in gravitation field, presence of the field shall cause time dilation of clock at rest in the field. This means that the gravitation con... According to the theory of general relativity and experiments with atomic clocks in gravitation field, presence of the field shall cause time dilation of clock at rest in the field. This means that the gravitation constant G is not a true physical constant, but rather a function of the location of the setup in the field when measuring the parameter. This is because the definition of G includes a unit of time, and duration of that time unit is influenced by clock’s location in the field. However, the theory assumes a prior that G shall remain constant in gravitation field, even though this may not be the case. On the other hand, relativistic gravitation phenomena can be derived without contradiction from a refined version of Newton’s law of gravitation that complies with Einstein’s law of mass-energy equivalence. 展开更多
关键词 general relativity theory GRAVITATION Planck Constant
Quantum Gravitational Energy Simplifies Gravitational Physics and Gives a New Einstein Inspired Quantum Field Equation without G
作者 Espen Gaarder Haug 《Journal of High Energy Physics, Gravitation and Cosmology》 2023年第3期626-653,共28页
We show the simplest form with which one can express the gravity force, and that still gives all the same predictions of observable phenomena as does standard Newton gravity and general relativity theory. In addition,... We show the simplest form with which one can express the gravity force, and that still gives all the same predictions of observable phenomena as does standard Newton gravity and general relativity theory. In addition, we show a new field equation that gives all the same predictions as general relativity theory, but that it is simpler as the only constant needed is the speed of light and that also gives quantum gravity. This new form to express gravity, through quantum gravitational energy, requires less constants to predict gravity phenomena than standard gravity theory. This alone should make the physics community interested in investigating this approach. It shows that gravitational energy, and other types of energy are a collision-length in their most complete and deepest form and that quantization of gravity is related to the reduced Compton frequency of the gravitational mass per Planck time. While general relativity theory needs two constants to predict gravity phenomena, that is G and c, our new theory, based on gravity energy, only needs one constant, c<sub>g</sub>, that is easily found from gravitational observations with no prior knowledge of any constants. Further, we will show that, at the deepest quantum level, quantum gravity needs two constants, c<sub>g</sub> and the Planck length, while the standard formulation here needs c, h and l<sub>p</sub>. Thus our theory gives a reduction in constants and simpler formulas than does standard gravity theory. Most important we by this seems to have a fully consistent framework for quantum gravity. 展开更多
关键词 Quantum Gravity Gravity Force Newton Gravity general relativity theory Gravitational Energy Gravity Constant
Deviation of light path in Born-Infeld type gravitational field 被引量:1
作者 张可锋 黄增光 +1 位作者 方伟 陆惠卿 《Journal of Shanghai University(English Edition)》 CAS 2006年第6期497-499,共3页
The discovery of "twin quasi-stellar objects" arose interests among astronomers and astrophysicists to study gravitational leasing problem. Deviation of light from straight path is caused by the presence of massive ... The discovery of "twin quasi-stellar objects" arose interests among astronomers and astrophysicists to study gravitational leasing problem. Deviation of light from straight path is caused by the presence of massive objects, i.e., the presence of gravitational field according to the general theory of relativity. It is shown that the low energy effective field theory on D-branes is of the Born-Infeld type. In this work a Born-Infeld type gravitational field is pasttflated. An explicit representation of the angular deviation of light path is derived based on the space time metric in the Born-Infeld theory. 展开更多
关键词 Bom-Infeld theory Einstein's general relativity theory deviation of light path.
Net Force F = γ3ma at High Velocity
作者 Olivier Serret 《Journal of Modern Physics》 2016年第7期656-661,共6页
Newton’s theory of gravitation has been outdated by relativity theory explaining specific phenomena like perihelion precession of Mercury, light deflection and very recently the detection of gravitational waves. But ... Newton’s theory of gravitation has been outdated by relativity theory explaining specific phenomena like perihelion precession of Mercury, light deflection and very recently the detection of gravitational waves. But the disappearance of the obvious gravitational force and the variation of time are arguable concepts difficult to directly prove. Present methodology is based on hypotheses as expressed in a previous article: a universal time and an inertial mass variable according to the Lorentz factor (which could not be envisioned at Newton’s age). Because this methodology is mainly stood on Newtonian mechanics, it will be called neo-Newtonian mechanics. This theory is in coherence with the time of the Quantum Mechanics. In Newtonian mechanics, all forces, including gravitational force, are deducted from the linear momentum. Introducing the variable inertial mass, the result of the demonstration is an updated expression of the net force at high velocity: F = γ<sup>3</sup>m<sub>g</sub>a. If such a factor in γ<sup>3</sup> can look a bit strange at first sight for a force, let us remind that the lost energy in a synchrotron is already measured in γ<sup>4</sup>. Next article will be on the perihelion precession of Mercury within neo-Newtonian mechanics. 展开更多
关键词 Net Force Strength Neo-Newtonian Lorentz Factor general relativity theory Circular Motion Synchrotron Radiation High Velocity
Remarks to Gravitation Theories
作者 Tomas Kala 《Journal of Physical Science and Application》 2019年第2期26-29,共4页
Gravitation is one of the most significant phenomena which attract the attention of humankind for ages. There are twomost influential theories of the Gravitation at the current time being (summer 2019), namely, the Is... Gravitation is one of the most significant phenomena which attract the attention of humankind for ages. There are twomost influential theories of the Gravitation at the current time being (summer 2019), namely, the Isaac Newton’s Theory ofGravitation and Albert Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity, which includes an explanation of the gravitation. However, both ofthem are incommensurate — so far — with plenty of quantum theories of the World. In this contribution, there is outlined a strategyfor unifying the current approaches to the Gravitation. Namely, that the gravitation/gravity should be considered as a consequence ofinteraction — a “pinning effect” — of the Spacetime with the non-integral spin of the Fermions, to saturate/add/ the missing part ofthem. It might induce a deformation/curvature of the Spacetime and known effects on moving material objects, as well aselectromagnetic radiation, including light, and other types of radiation, and properties/parameters of transformations of fields,described in the General Theory of Relativity and another. It is Gravitation which modifies/creates Spacetime curvature and itsfeatures and not vice versa. 展开更多
关键词 GRAVITATION theories of gravitation quantum theories general theory of relativity unified theory of gravitation.
<i>D’addio</i>to Blackness
作者 Jose L. Parra 《International Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics》 2021年第4期509-516,共8页
It is assumed here that the energy of a strong gravitational field creates non-linear effects over enclosed masses. This idea and the rigorous rules of the General Theory of Relativity output a metric that covers stro... It is assumed here that the energy of a strong gravitational field creates non-linear effects over enclosed masses. This idea and the rigorous rules of the General Theory of Relativity output a metric that covers strong and weak gravitational fields. The proposed metric could be correct because it included the Schwarzschild’s metric as a particular case and has no singularities. Additionally, it appears here that the massive condition of the gravitational fields has properties like the so-called Dark Matter. 展开更多
关键词 Black Holes Event Horizon Schwarzschild Metric Singularity general theory of relativity Dark Matter Neutron Stars
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