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红细胞同工酶EsD-PGM_1-GLOI同步电泳分型方法的建立 被引量:3
作者 韩晓华 申滨 +1 位作者 邹浪萍 赵永和 《昆明医科大学学报》 CAS 1993年第4期27-29,共3页
关键词 酯酶D 磷酸葡萄糖变位酶-i 乙.二醛酶i 同步电泳分型法
血痕GLOI、EsD、EAP、PGM_1、Gc的测定及可测期限的研究 被引量:1
作者 陆惠玲 郭景元 《法医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 1991年第3期1-5,共5页
近数十年来,经法生物学家的努力,血痕中可测定的血型日益增多。不少学者研究了血痕中各种红细胞酶及血清蛋白的可测期限,但对同一批血痕同时进行多种酶及血清蛋白可测期限的研究,尚未见有报道。为了了解GLOI、EsD、EAP、PGM1及Gc在... 近数十年来,经法生物学家的努力,血痕中可测定的血型日益增多。不少学者研究了血痕中各种红细胞酶及血清蛋白的可测期限,但对同一批血痕同时进行多种酶及血清蛋白可测期限的研究,尚未见有报道。为了了解GLOI、EsD、EAP、PGM1及Gc在各种环境下的可测期限,本研究采用同一批血痕在同一时期内进行了实验观察,现报告如下。 展开更多
关键词 血痕 gloi ESD EAP PGM1 GC 测定 可测期限 法医物证检验学
阴道液与血液中PGM_1亚型、EsD、GLOI表型相关性的研究 被引量:1
作者 伍新尧 张建华 +1 位作者 罗超权 杨英浩 《刑事技术》 1993年第4期7-9,共3页
本文用等电聚焦电泳法和琼脂糖淀粉混合凝胶电泳法,对阴道液、血液中的PGM_1亚型、EsD、GLOI表型进行了检测。在部分妇女的阴道液中未检出其本人血液中的这些酶型,测出的比例最高的是PGM_1亚型,EsD次之,GLOI最低。凡能显示清晰酶谱带的... 本文用等电聚焦电泳法和琼脂糖淀粉混合凝胶电泳法,对阴道液、血液中的PGM_1亚型、EsD、GLOI表型进行了检测。在部分妇女的阴道液中未检出其本人血液中的这些酶型,测出的比例最高的是PGM_1亚型,EsD次之,GLOI最低。凡能显示清晰酶谱带的均与同一妇女血液中的表现型相同,未见不一致的现象。同时初步探讨了月经周期和性刺激对阴道液中PGM_1酶活性的影响。 展开更多
关键词 阴道液 血液 PGM1亚型 ESD gloi
作者 梁景青 毛树章 《法医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 1991年第1期21-22,33,共3页
1975年Kómpf等首次发现人红细胞乙二醛酶Ⅰ具有多态性,用淀粉凝胶电泳可将其分为GLOI1-1,GLOI2-1,GLOI2-2三种表现型。由第6号染色体短臂2区1带2亚带(6P212)上的一对共显性等位基因GLOI^1、GLOI^2控制。对法医学亲权鉴定及个人... 1975年Kómpf等首次发现人红细胞乙二醛酶Ⅰ具有多态性,用淀粉凝胶电泳可将其分为GLOI1-1,GLOI2-1,GLOI2-2三种表现型。由第6号染色体短臂2区1带2亚带(6P212)上的一对共显性等位基因GLOI^1、GLOI^2控制。对法医学亲权鉴定及个人识别有一定意义。 展开更多
关键词 太原市 人群 红细胞 gloi表型 分布调查 血痕 gloi 检测 法医学亲权鉴定
作者 刘牧 沈淑萍 +2 位作者 谢立平 郭建国 郭力 《遗传》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1996年第1期37-37,共1页
我们对内蒙古呼盟鄂伦春族、布里亚特人、东部蒙古人血痕GLOI遗传多态性进行了研究。其中149例鄂伦春族,血样采自内蒙古呼盟鄂伦春族自治族;207例布里亚特人,血样采自鄂温克族自治旗;189名东部蒙族(陈巴尔虎、厄鲁特... 我们对内蒙古呼盟鄂伦春族、布里亚特人、东部蒙古人血痕GLOI遗传多态性进行了研究。其中149例鄂伦春族,血样采自内蒙古呼盟鄂伦春族自治族;207例布里亚特人,血样采自鄂温克族自治旗;189名东部蒙族(陈巴尔虎、厄鲁特、巴尔虎等部族后代),血样采自海拉... 展开更多
关键词 遗传多态性 少数民族 血痕 gloi表型
作者 刘牧 沈淑萍 +2 位作者 郭建国 郭力 谢立平 《人类学学报》 CSCD 北大核心 1996年第1期87-88,共2页
中国鄂温克、达斡尔族人血痕GLOI的遗传多态性刘牧,沈淑萍,郭建国,郭力,谢立平(包头医学院病理教研室,包头014010)190例鄂温克族人血样和179例达斡尔族人血样采自内蒙古呼伦贝尔盟鄂温克自治旗。全部献血对象为... 中国鄂温克、达斡尔族人血痕GLOI的遗传多态性刘牧,沈淑萍,郭建国,郭力,谢立平(包头医学院病理教研室,包头014010)190例鄂温克族人血样和179例达斡尔族人血样采自内蒙古呼伦贝尔盟鄂温克自治旗。全部献血对象为无血缘关系的健康人,三代内无与其他... 展开更多
关键词 遗传多态性 鄂温克族 达斡尔族 血痕 gloi表型
中国北方7个群体血痕GLOI遗传多态性现象的研究 被引量:2
作者 刘牧 沈淑萍 +4 位作者 郭建国 郭力 谢立平 王万胜 童欢 《中国法医学杂志》 CSCD 1995年第3期140-142,共3页
应用琼脂糖水解淀粉凝胶平板电泳法,对中国内蒙古呼盟鄂伦春、鄂温克、达斡尔、布里亚特、(东北)蒙古人及包头市(西北部)蒙古族、汉族人血GLOI遗传多态性进行了调查,抽样检测7个群体GLOI表型分布频率,计算出基因频率和识别能力... 应用琼脂糖水解淀粉凝胶平板电泳法,对中国内蒙古呼盟鄂伦春、鄂温克、达斡尔、布里亚特、(东北)蒙古人及包头市(西北部)蒙古族、汉族人血GLOI遗传多态性进行了调查,抽样检测7个群体GLOI表型分布频率,计算出基因频率和识别能力。并将本组7个群体表型频率、基因频率与国内外不同民族、不同地区的表型频率和基因频率进行了比较,阐述了上述7个群体GLOI遗传多态性特征。根据表型频率计算出识别能力(DP值),并评价了GLOI在亲子鉴定和个体识别中的应用价值。 展开更多
关键词 乙二醛酶 遗传多态性 基因频率 表型 血痕
作者 达建 王建文 陈巧风 《法医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 1989年第1期7-9,共3页
1973年 Hopkinson 等采用淀粉凝胶电泳发现 EsD(Esterase,酯酶 D)有三种表型即1—1;2—1;2—2型。1975年 K(?)mpf 等也发现了 GLOI(Glyoxala-se Ⅰ,乙二醛酶Ⅰ)同样具有1—1;2—1;2—2三种表型。由于它们都具有遗传多态性,作为遗传标记... 1973年 Hopkinson 等采用淀粉凝胶电泳发现 EsD(Esterase,酯酶 D)有三种表型即1—1;2—1;2—2型。1975年 K(?)mpf 等也发现了 GLOI(Glyoxala-se Ⅰ,乙二醛酶Ⅰ)同样具有1—1;2—1;2—2三种表型。由于它们都具有遗传多态性,作为遗传标记,受到人类学家、 展开更多
关键词 淀粉凝胶电泳 ESD gloi 遗传标记 同步检测 遗传多态性 琼脂糖 Hopkinson 基因频率 乙二醛酶
作者 李建京 申滨 +1 位作者 邹浪萍 赵丽萍 《昆明医学院学报》 1994年第1期52-55,共4页
采用EsD-PGM_1-GLOI同步电泳分型法,对云南省壮族人群的EsD,PGM_1和GLOI进行分型调查.结果:EsD_1、PGM_11及GLO_1的频率分别为0.6277,0.7409和0.1131.本次检测未发现变... 采用EsD-PGM_1-GLOI同步电泳分型法,对云南省壮族人群的EsD,PGM_1和GLOI进行分型调查.结果:EsD_1、PGM_11及GLO_1的频率分别为0.6277,0.7409和0.1131.本次检测未发现变异型.文中对不同种族、不同民族及生活在不同地区的壮族人群进行了比较。 展开更多
关键词 酯酶D 葡萄糖变位酶 乙二醛酶
作者 赵丽萍 申滨 +3 位作者 邹浪萍 欧炯文 李建京 赵永和 《昆明医学院学报》 1994年第4期49-52,共4页
采用EsD一pGM1一GLoI同步电泳分型法以及EAp一ADA一AK1同步电泳分型法对云南省罗平县布依族人红细胞EsD,PGM1,GLoI,EAP,ADA和AK1作了分型调查,计算出这6种红细胞同功酶的基因频率分别是... 采用EsD一pGM1一GLoI同步电泳分型法以及EAp一ADA一AK1同步电泳分型法对云南省罗平县布依族人红细胞EsD,PGM1,GLoI,EAP,ADA和AK1作了分型调查,计算出这6种红细胞同功酶的基因频率分别是:EsD1.0.63l4,PGM110.6907(PGM610.0254),GLO10.1695,EApA0.2966,ADA10.9534,AK11.0000;根据这6种同功酶的表型频率计算出DP值分别为EsD0.6059,PGM10.6l06,GLO0.4442,EApA0.5733,ADA0.1658,AK10,累积Dp值0.9696;累积父权排除率为53.46%。 展开更多
关键词 布依族 酯酶D 磷酸葡萄糖 变位酶 基因频率
20S proteasome and glyoxalase 1 activities decrease in erythrocytes derived from Alzheimer’s disease patients 被引量:2
作者 Hui Lv Gui-Yuan Wei +4 位作者 Can-Shou Guo Yu-Feng Deng Yong-Ming Jiang Ce Gao Chong-Dong Jian 《Neural Regeneration Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2020年第1期178-183,共6页
As a result of accumulating methylglyoxal and advanced glycation end products in the brains of patients with Alzheimer’s disease,it is considered a protein precipitation disease.The ubiquitin proteasome system is one... As a result of accumulating methylglyoxal and advanced glycation end products in the brains of patients with Alzheimer’s disease,it is considered a protein precipitation disease.The ubiquitin proteasome system is one of the most important mechanisms for cells to degrade proteins,and thus is very important for maintaining normal physiological function of the nervous system.This study recruited 48 individuals with Alzheimer’s disease(20 males and 28 females aged 75±6 years)and 50 healthy volunteers(21 males and 29 females aged 72±7 years)from the Affiliated Hospital of Youjiang Medical University for Nationalities(Baise,China)between 2014 and 2017.Plasma levels of malondialdehyde and H2O2 were measured by colorimetry,while glyoxalase 1 activity was detected by spectrophotometry.In addition,20S proteasome activity in erythrocytes was measured with a fluorescent substrate method.Ubiquitin and glyoxalase 1 protein expression in erythrocyte membranes was detected by western blot assay.The results demonstrated that compared with the control group,patients with Alzheimer’s disease exhibited increased plasma malondialdehyde and H2O2 levels,and decreased glyoxalase 1 activity;however,expression level of glyoxalase 1 protein remained unchanged.Moreover,activity of the 20S proteasome was decreased and expression of ubiquitin protein was increased in erythrocytes.These findings indicate that proteasomal and glyoxalase activities may be involved in the occurrence of Alzheimer’s disease,and erythrocytes may be a suitable tissue for Alzheimer’s disease studies.This study was approved by the Ethics Committee of Youjiang Medical University for Nationalities(approval No.YJ12017013)on May 3,2017. 展开更多
关键词 20S proteasomal activity Alzheimer’s disease erythrocytes glyoxalase 1 H2O2 MALONDiALDEHYDE nerve regeneration total UBiQUiTiN
微量血液及血痕的GPT、PGM_1 GLOI和EsD四种酶型的同时检出
作者 杨宏伟 贾静涛 《法医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 1991年第3期30-31,共2页
关键词 微量血液 血痕 GPT PGM1gloi ESD 法医物证检验学
Hesperetin induces glyoxalase 1 enhancement in SH-SY5Y cells cultured with high glucose via Nrf2/ARE activation
作者 ZHANG Meng-ya LIU Yao-wu 《中国药理学与毒理学杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2019年第9期702-702,共1页
OBJECTIVE To investigate the neuroprotective effects of hesperetin on central neurons under chronic high glucose,and the relationship to glyoxalase 1(Glo-1),a cytoprotective enzyme.METHODS The human neuroblas⁃toma SH-... OBJECTIVE To investigate the neuroprotective effects of hesperetin on central neurons under chronic high glucose,and the relationship to glyoxalase 1(Glo-1),a cytoprotective enzyme.METHODS The human neuroblas⁃toma SH-SY5Y cells were divided into 5 groups:normal glucose,high glucose(HG),HG plus low,middle,or high concentra⁃tion of hesperetin(1,5,25μmol·L^-1).After treatment for 72 h,neuron damages,Glo-1 expressions and functions,as well as Nrf2/ARE pathway and its regulating mechanisms were examined.RESULTS Hesperetin increased cell viability and decreased lactate dehydrogenase release,which was accompanied by the elevated activity,protein,and mRNA levels of Glo-1 as well as the enhanced Glo-1 functions in SH-SY5Y cells cultured with HG.Moreover,hesperetin activated Nrf2/ARE pathway as evidenced by the raised Nrf2 and p-Nrf2 levels in nucleus and up-regulation of γ-glutamycysteine synthase(γ-GCS),a well-known target gene of Nrf2/ARE pathway.Nevertheless,pretreatment with a PKC inhibitor(Go 6983)or an Akt inhibitor(MK-22062HCl,reflecting GSK-3β activation)abolished the effect of hesperetin on protein expressions of Glo-1 and γ-GCS.CONCLUSION Hesperetin exerted the neuroprotection by promoting Glo-1 function in central neurons in long-term HG condition,which was mediated by activation of Nrf2/ARE pathway;moreover,the increased Nrf2 phosphorylation and nuclear translocation mediated by PKC activation and/or GSK-3β inhibition were involved in the activation of Nrf2/ARE pathway by hesperetin. 展开更多
关键词 HESPERETiN NEUROPROTECTiON glyoxalase 1 Nrf2/ARE pathway GSK-3Β
作者 周瑛 《刑事技术》 1991年第3期21-22,共2页
关键词 ESD gloi 微型水平板式电泳
作者 蒋庆明 《刑事技术》 1987年第6期13-16,共4页
本文根据ABH血型物质属糖脂类而不具有二性游离的性质和Hb、EsD、GLOI具有不同的等电点的原理,运用电泳法和热解离法,取1根3毫米长血纱线,同时进行种属、ABO、EsD、GLOI型别的鉴定。本法通过改善电泳条件,改进热解离法中血清的吸附方式... 本文根据ABH血型物质属糖脂类而不具有二性游离的性质和Hb、EsD、GLOI具有不同的等电点的原理,运用电泳法和热解离法,取1根3毫米长血纱线,同时进行种属、ABO、EsD、GLOI型别的鉴定。本法通过改善电泳条件,改进热解离法中血清的吸附方式,加快了检验速度,效果良好。 展开更多
关键词 ABO ESD gloi 血型物质 糖脂 离法 电泳条件 血型鉴定 等电点 吸附方式
作者 金勋 夏良裕 +3 位作者 宋耀虹 张麟 尹志农 鄢盛恺 《现代检验医学杂志》 CAS 2008年第4期16-19,共4页
目的探讨中国北方地区汉族人乙二醛酶I(GLO—I)基因AlalllGlu多态性与糖尿病并发冠心病的关系。方法应用聚合酶链反应限制性片段长度多态性(PCR—RFLP)技术,检测了161名对照组、99例糖尿病组和71例糖尿病并发冠心病组GLO-I基因Alal... 目的探讨中国北方地区汉族人乙二醛酶I(GLO—I)基因AlalllGlu多态性与糖尿病并发冠心病的关系。方法应用聚合酶链反应限制性片段长度多态性(PCR—RFLP)技术,检测了161名对照组、99例糖尿病组和71例糖尿病并发冠心病组GLO-I基因AlalllGlu多态性的基因型和等位基因频率分布。分析基因多态性对糖化血红蛋白(HbAlc)、血糖、血脂水平的影响。结果3组研究对象的GLO—I基因AlalllGlu多态性基因型和等位基因频率分布差异无显著意义,不同基因型亚组间HbAlC、血糖、血脂水平无明显差别。Logistic回归分析显示,年龄、HbAlc是糖尿病并发冠心病的危险因素,HDL—C则是糖尿病并发冠心痛的保护因素(β=-2.708,Exp(β)=0.067,95%CI=0.009~0.488,P=0.008)。结论GLO-I基因AlalllGlu多态性与糖尿病并发冠心病无明显关联性,不是中国北方汉族人糖尿病并发冠心病发病的独立危险因素。 展开更多
关键词 乙二醛酶i 基因多态性 糖尿病 冠心病 聚合酶链反应限制性片段长度多态性
Low red blood cell levels of deglycating enzymes in colorectal cancer patients 被引量:1
作者 Maria Notarnicola Maria Gabriella Caruso +2 位作者 Valeria Tutino Vito Guerra Giovanni Misciagna 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第3期329-333,共5页
AIM: To investigate Glyoxalase Ⅰ and fructosamine-3-kinase (FN3K) activity in red blood cells from patients with colorectal adenomas and cancer. METHODS: Thirty three consecutive subjects with one or more histologica... AIM: To investigate Glyoxalase Ⅰ and fructosamine-3-kinase (FN3K) activity in red blood cells from patients with colorectal adenomas and cancer. METHODS: Thirty three consecutive subjects with one or more histologically confirmed colorectal adenomatous polyps, 16 colorectal cancer patients and a group of 11 control subjects with normal colonoscopy were included in the study. Glyoxalase Ⅰ and FN3K activities were measured in red blood cells using a spectrophotometric and radiometric assay, respectively. RESULTS: A significant reduction in both Glyoxalase Ⅰ and FN3K activity was detected in patients with tumors compared to patients with adenomas and the controls. Erythrocyte Glyoxalase Ⅰ activity in colorectal cancer was approximately 6 times lower than that detected in patients with adenoma (0.022 ± 0.01 mmol/min per milliliter vs 0.128 ± 0.19 mmol/min per milliliter of red blood cells, P = 0.003, Tukey's test). FN3K activity in red blood cells from patients with colon cancer was approximately 2 times lower than that detected in adenoma patients (19.55 ± 6.4 pmol/min per milliliter vs 38.6 ± 31.7 pmol/min per milliliter of red blood cells, P = 0.04, Tukey's test). CONCLUSION: These findings suggest that deglycating enzymes may be involved in the malignant transformation of colon mucosa. 展开更多
关键词 Colorectal cancer Enzymatic activity Fructosamine-3-kinase Glycation glyoxalase
血清乙二醛酶I在2型糖尿病眼肌麻痹中的意义及与晚期蛋白氧化产物及氧化应激的相关性 被引量:6
作者 冯学问 林海洋 +5 位作者 陈正君 吴伟林 仇晨峰 周海金 金友雨 鲍贤俊 《实用医学杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2016年第16期2659-2662,共4页
目的:探讨血清乙二醛酶I在2型糖尿病眼肌麻痹(DOMP)中的意义及其与晚期蛋白氧化产物(AOPP)及氧化应激的相关性。方法:分析58例DOMP、50例单纯T2DM及30例正常受试者的临床资料,测定受试者血脂、空腹血糖、糖化血红蛋白、胰岛素、乙二醛酶... 目的:探讨血清乙二醛酶I在2型糖尿病眼肌麻痹(DOMP)中的意义及其与晚期蛋白氧化产物(AOPP)及氧化应激的相关性。方法:分析58例DOMP、50例单纯T2DM及30例正常受试者的临床资料,测定受试者血脂、空腹血糖、糖化血红蛋白、胰岛素、乙二醛酶I、AOPP及氧化应激指标包括丙二醛(MDA)、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、总抗氧化力(T-AOC),采用稳态模型计算胰岛素抵抗指数。结果:高密度脂蛋白、SOD、T-AOC与乙二醛酶I呈正相关而与AOPP呈负相关,甘油三酯、低密度脂蛋白、空腹血糖、糖化血红蛋白、胰岛素抵抗指数、MDA与乙二醛酶I呈负相关而与AOPP呈正相关。AOPP与乙二醛酶I高度负相关(r=-0.823,P<0.001)。多元线性回归分析提示课题分组是乙二醛酶、AOPP的重要影响因素,即按DOMP、单纯T2DM及正常受试者的分组顺序乙二醛酶逐级升高(Sβ=0.554)而AOPP逐级下降(Sβ=-0.469)。结论 :DOMP血清乙二醛酶I显著降低,并与AOPP及氧化应激密切相关,提示乙二醛酶I可能在抑制DOMP发生发展中有重要作用。 展开更多
关键词 糖尿病眼肌麻痹 乙二醛酶 晚期蛋白氧化产物 氧化应激
Neuroprotection of quercetin on central neurons against chronic high glucose through enhancement of Nrf2/Glo-1 mediated by phosphorylation regulation
作者 Meng-ya ZHANG Xiao-li LIU Yao-wu LIU 《中国药理学与毒理学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第10期995-996,共2页
OBJECTIVE To investigate the neuroprotective effects of quercetin on central neurons against chronic high glucose in central neurons,in relation to Nrf2/ARE/Glo-1 activation.METHODS SH-SY5Y cells were cultured with hi... OBJECTIVE To investigate the neuroprotective effects of quercetin on central neurons against chronic high glucose in central neurons,in relation to Nrf2/ARE/Glo-1 activation.METHODS SH-SY5Y cells were cultured with high glucose(HG,70 mmol·L^(-1)),4-fold of the normal glucose(17.5 mmol·L^(-1)).Quercetin was set three concentrations(5,10,20μmol·L^(-1)),with Nrf2 activator sulforaphane(SFN)as a positive group(2.5μmol·L^(-1)).After 72 h,cells were collected for glyoxalase 1(Glo-1)activity and GSH level were by spectrophotometry;advanced glycation end-products(AGEs)as well as nuclear Nrf2 and p-Nrf2 levels by immunofluorescence;Glo-1,γ-glutamycysteine synthase(γ-GCS),Nrf2 and p-Nrf2 protein levels by Western blotting,and Glo-1 andγ-GCS m RNA levels by real-time qP CR.RESULTS Quercetin increased the cell viability of SH-SY5Y cells,and upregulated the levels of Glo-1 activity,protein,and m RNA in SH-SY5Y cells cultured with HG,accompanied by the elevated levels of glutathione,a cofactor of Glo-1 activity,and the reduced levels of AGEs.Meanwhile,quercetin could increase p-Nrf2 and Nrf2 levels in nucleus as well as p-Nrf2 levels in cytosol of SH-SY5Y cells exposed to chronic HG,accompanied by the elevated protein expression and m RNA levels ofγ-GCS,a known target gene of Nrf2/ARE signaling.Moreover,a PKC activator or a p38MAPK inhibitor pretreatment could significantly increase the protein expression ofγ-GCS in HG condition,but an alkylating agent for sulfydryl of cysteine in Keap 1,a negative regulator of Nrf2,pretreatment only showed an increased tendency ofγ-GCS protein,compared with without pretreatment;however,after pretreatment with those tool drugs,co-treatment with quercetin and HG had similar results to those of single tool drug pretreatment followed by HG exposure.CONCLUSION Firstly,quercetin can enhance Glo-1 function in central neurons,which is mediated by activation of Nrf2/ARE pathway,then exerts the neuroprotection against HG induced damage;moreover,PKC and p38 MAPK pathways may be involved in Nrf2 inactivation in chronic HG condition. 展开更多
关键词 glyoxalase 1 QUERCETiN nuclear factor erythroid-2-related factor 2 high glucose central neurons protein kinases
Oxidative Stress Tolerance Mechanism in Rice under Salinity
作者 Mahmuda Binte Monsur Nasrin Akter Ivy +3 位作者 M.Moynul Haque Mirza Hasanuzzaman Ayman EL Sabagh Md.Motiar Rohman 《Phyton-International Journal of Experimental Botany》 SCIE 2020年第3期497-517,共21页
The research was conducted to investigate comparative oxidative damage including probable protective roles of antioxidant and glyoxalase systems in rice(Oryza sativa L.)seedlings under salinity stress.Seedlings of two... The research was conducted to investigate comparative oxidative damage including probable protective roles of antioxidant and glyoxalase systems in rice(Oryza sativa L.)seedlings under salinity stress.Seedlings of two rice genotypes:Pokkali(tolerant)and BRRI dhan28(sensitive)were subjected to 8 dSm^(−1) salinity stress for seven days in a hydroponic system.We observed significant variation between Pokkali and BRRI dhan28 in phenotypic,biochemical and mole-cular level under salinity stress.Carotenoid content,ion homeostasis,antioxidant enzymes,ascorbate and glutathione redox system and proline accumulation may help Pokkali to develop defense system during salinity stress.However,the activity antioxidant enzymes particularly superoxide dismutase(SOD),catalase(CAT)and non-chloroplastic peroxidase(POD)were observed significantly higher in Pokkali compared to salt-sensitive BRRI dhan28.Higher glyoxalase(Gly-I)and glyoxalase(Gly-II)activity might have also accompanied Pokkali genotype to reduce potential cytotoxic MG through non-toxic hydroxy acids conversion.However,the efficient antioxidants and glyoxalase system together increased adaptability in Pokkali during salinity stress. 展开更多
关键词 Reactive oxygen species(ROS) ANTiOXiDANTS glyoxalase system SALiNiTY oxidative stress
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