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Ancient Glyphs from Animal Bones and Tortoise Shells Deciphered
《China & The World Cultural Exchange》 1996年第2期7-8,共2页
关键词 Ancient glyphs from Animal Bones and Tortoise Shells Deciphered In
300,000(at Least)Years for Homo Sapiens to Develop Writing:A Review of Silvia Ferrara’s The Greatest Invention,Tr.Todd Portnowitz
作者 Jacques Coulardeau 《Psychology Research》 2023年第10期443-468,共26页
The author centers on writing seen both as a human ability and a transcription of oral language,and yet she very heavily refuses there to be any continuity from oral to written language,though once or twice what she s... The author centers on writing seen both as a human ability and a transcription of oral language,and yet she very heavily refuses there to be any continuity from oral to written language,though once or twice what she says,like in her fifth step about“assigning sounds to signs”,is exactly the reverse of what Homo Sapiens did when he developed writing:he assigned signs to sounds.No matter what way it works for a decipherer,and for Homo Sapiens when he developed some writing system for his/her/their language,and his/her/their language alone in 6-8,000 BCE,the connection between an oral language and its written version is connected,but flexible so that it can be easily replaced by another written code for the very same oral utterances,like the Phoenicians developing the first real consonantal alphabet to replace,for Semitic languages,the Cuneiform writing of the Sumerians(Indo-Iranian)and Akkadians(Semitic),and later on the Greeks adding the vowels of Indo-European languages to the Phoenician alphabet that only had“alep”and only when it was the initial sound or letter of a word.She alludes to signs in painted caves,hence going back to 45,000 BCE,and all over the world,but she does not exploit it.She acknowledges there were six cradles in the world and does not give them in chronological order,hence does not link them to the general evolution of the concerned human groups,and she neglects the fact that Egyptian writing and Sumerian writing developed at the same time or so but with a strong link between them:the Akkadians were the scribes of the Sumerians and they were Semitic like the Egyptians,whereas the Sumerians were Indo-Iranian coming down from the Iranian Plateau and settling in Mesopotamia before moving on.She mistakenly declares them Turkic,or speaking Turkish,an agglutinative language.Mutations selected naturally transformed the foot,the larynx,the respiratory system,the articulatory system,the subglottal zone,and its innervation of the pre-Sapiens Hominins concerned to enable Homo Sapiens to become what they are,long-distance bipedal fast runners.The development of oral language is a collateral consequence of these mutations.As soon as Homo Sapiens started using durable medium for their representational and entoptic geometric or other diacritic elements we have to follow Genevieve von Petzinger and state that these are signs and they have a function,counting for the repetitive elements,and all of these rockface paintings were there to illustrate the story the painters or other special individuals(probably sha-women and a few shamans)who could speak to the spirits behind the rockface were telling the fascinated audience.The lack of phylogeny blocks the real vision necessary to understand these facts and the fact that the reference to“bureaucracy”in big cities was the cause of this development,according to Silvia Ferrara.The people who specialized in remembering data,could we call them a bureaucracy in 2023,with the highly pejorative paradigmatic meaning the term conveys?Of course not.Where did the people who developed some writing system come from?What language or languages did they speak?Writing was not a discovery because it was not found on a tree or in a cave.Human writing was not an invention because there is no break from pure oral language to written language via representational drawings,and iconic first,totally abstract then signs used to transcribe the oral language into a durable(the media)and sustainable(to be learned by anyone and taught to anyone)script.We have to take the high road leading to discovering the phylogeny of language starting in 475,000 BCE and still developing. 展开更多
关键词 linguistic phylogeny ANTHROPOLOGY ARCHAEOLOGY Mayan glyphs Sumerian cuneiforms
作者 罗小美 《现代机械》 2016年第3期91-94,共4页
目前CFD网格划分软件Pointwise不能导入Auto CAD图纸,无法实现数据重用。为了提高工作效率,需要开发一个能在Pointwise中重建Auto CAD实体对象的程序。这个程序作为Auto CAD的扩展运行,把Auto CAD图纸中的实体对象逐个翻译成能重新创建P... 目前CFD网格划分软件Pointwise不能导入Auto CAD图纸,无法实现数据重用。为了提高工作效率,需要开发一个能在Pointwise中重建Auto CAD实体对象的程序。这个程序作为Auto CAD的扩展运行,把Auto CAD图纸中的实体对象逐个翻译成能重新创建Pointwise实体对象的Glyph2脚本语句,在Pointwise中执行该脚本可以得到Auto CAD实体对象的等价物。实际运行该扩展程序证明该实现是切实可行的,避免了重复建模工作。 展开更多
荣耀举行“GO勇敢”年度新品发布会 一举推出年度旗舰手机荣耀7等多款新品
《石油工业计算机应用》 2015年第3期57-57,共1页
2015年6月30日,荣耀在北京举办“荣耀·GO勇敢”2015年度新品发布会,正式发布了备受期待的年度旗舰手机——让“世界有点不同”的荣耀7,同时也推出了荣耀手环zero,以及蓝牙耳机“荣耀小口哨”等新品。荣耀7在硬件上实现了旗舰... 2015年6月30日,荣耀在北京举办“荣耀·GO勇敢”2015年度新品发布会,正式发布了备受期待的年度旗舰手机——让“世界有点不同”的荣耀7,同时也推出了荣耀手环zero,以及蓝牙耳机“荣耀小口哨”等新品。荣耀7在硬件上实现了旗舰机配置上的全面超越,八核麒麟935处理器,64位Android5.0系统,3GBRAM,高达600Wh/L高能量密度的3100mAh大电池等;同时,荣耀7的EMU13.1+智慧全网通+智像3.0+智控3.0+智电3.0+“创新4G+”等应用体验。 展开更多
关键词 虚拟现实 Glyph 首款 用户体验 生态链 外观设计 全球布局
开启虚拟现实体验时代 联络互动智能硬件战略发布全球首款虚拟现实视网膜眼镜Glyph
《石油工业计算机应用》 2015年第3期57-57,共1页
在6月30日下午,联络互动联合美国Avegant公司重磅发布了全球首款虚拟现实视网膜眼镜Glyph。此次发布的Glyph一改传统虚拟现实设备"重功能"而"轻体验"的弊病,将视网膜技术与时尚的外观设计结合,全面优化虚拟现实技术的用户体验,让虚... 在6月30日下午,联络互动联合美国Avegant公司重磅发布了全球首款虚拟现实视网膜眼镜Glyph。此次发布的Glyph一改传统虚拟现实设备"重功能"而"轻体验"的弊病,将视网膜技术与时尚的外观设计结合,全面优化虚拟现实技术的用户体验,让虚拟现实设备完成了从实现量产的1.0时代,向优化用户体验的2.0时代的革新。 展开更多
关键词 虚拟现实 Glyph 首款 用户体验 生态链 外观设计 全球布局
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