This study introduces an advanced finite element model for the light weight deflectometer(LWD),which integrates contact mechanics with fully coupled models.By simulating LWD tests on granular soils at various saturati...This study introduces an advanced finite element model for the light weight deflectometer(LWD),which integrates contact mechanics with fully coupled models.By simulating LWD tests on granular soils at various saturation levels,the model accurately reflects the dependence of the LWD modulus on dry density,water content,and effective stress.This model addresses and overcomes the limitations of previous finite element models for this specific problem.Simultaneously,this research presents the first experimentally validated fully coupled contact impact model.Furthermore,the research provides a comparative assessment of elastoplastic and nonlinear elastic models and contrasts an enriched node-tosegment method(developed in this study)with the more precise mortar technique for contact mechanics.These comparisons reveal unique advantages and challenges for each method.Moreover,the study underscores the importance of careful application of the LWD modulus,emphasising the need for sophisticated tools to interpret soil behaviour accurately.展开更多
An objective of this work is to develop a validated computational model that can be used to estimate ratcheting accumulation behavior of granular soils due to high-cyclic loading. An accumulation model was proposed to...An objective of this work is to develop a validated computational model that can be used to estimate ratcheting accumulation behavior of granular soils due to high-cyclic loading. An accumulation model was proposed to describe only the envelope of the maximum plastic deformations generated during the cyclic loading process, which can calculate the accumulated deformation by means of relatively large load cycle increments. The concept of volumetric hardening was incorporated into the model and a so-called overstress formulation was employed to describe the evolution of the accumulated volumetric deformation as a state parameter. The model accounted for ratcheting shakedown and accumulation such as a pseudo-yield surface(a shakedown surface) associated with loading inside the current virgin yield surface which was implemented into the well-known modified Cam-clay model. Finally, the model was calibrated using data from the stress-controlled drained cyclic triaxial tests on homogeneous fine grained sands. It is seen that the model can successfully represent important features of the ratcheting accumulation of both volumetric and deviatoric deformation caused by repeated drained loading over a large number of cycles.展开更多
The knowledge of the internal stability of granular soils is a key factor for the design of granular and filter for the geotechnical infrastructures such as dykes, barrages, weirs and roads embankment. To evaluate the...The knowledge of the internal stability of granular soils is a key factor for the design of granular and filter for the geotechnical infrastructures such as dykes, barrages, weirs and roads embankment. To evaluate the internal instability of granular soils different criteria are generally used in the practice. However, the results of these criteria on the same soil may lead to different evaluations of the internal instability. In this paper the common criteria used for the internal instability have been presented and compared as far as possible. It was found that the most internal instability criteria define a limit value for the secant slope of the grain size distribution curve of the granular soils. Based on this finding an own criterion for the evaluation of the internal instability of granular soil has been developed and compared to the common criteria. A very good agreement between some criteria was found. Furthermore, a site specific assessment for the evaluation of the internal instability of granular soil has been proposed in order to get more confidence in this evaluation.展开更多
Hydraulic conductivity is the ability of a porous media to transfer water through its pore matrix. That is a key parameter for the design and analysis of soil fluid associated structures and issues. This paper present...Hydraulic conductivity is the ability of a porous media to transfer water through its pore matrix. That is a key parameter for the design and analysis of soil fluid associated structures and issues. This paper presents the test results of the vertical hydraulic conductivity k<sub>v</sub><sub> </sub>carried out on one poorly graded sand and three gap graded gravely sand. It was found that the vertical hydraulic conductivity of saturated soil depends on the grain size distribution curve, on the initial relative density of the soil. Compilation of these current test results and other test results published, shows that the common approaches predict well to some extent the vertical hydraulic conductivity k<sub>v</sub> for the poorly graded sand materials and underestimate the k<sub>v</sub> values for gap graded gravely sand materials. Therefore, new approaches are developed for the prediction of the vertical hydraulic conductivity in saturated poorly graded sand and gap graded gravely sand. The derived results from the new approaches lie in the range of the recommended values by (EAU 2012) and (NAVFAC DM 7 1974).展开更多
Dilation and breakage energy dissipation of four different granular soils are investigated by using an energy balance equation. Due to particle breakage, the dilation curve does not necessarily pass through the origin...Dilation and breakage energy dissipation of four different granular soils are investigated by using an energy balance equation. Due to particle breakage, the dilation curve does not necessarily pass through the origin of coordinates. Breakage energy dissipation is found to increase significantly at the initial loading stage and then gradually become stabilised. The incremental dissipation ratio between breakage energy and plastic work exhibits almost independence of the confining pressure. Accordingly, a plastic flow rule considering the effect of particle breakage is suggested. The critical state friction angle is found to be a combination of the basic friction between particles and the friction contributed by particle breakage.展开更多
This research aims to develop a methodology for applying the geostatistical method to generate a groutability classification for granular soils.To ensure the precision of the suggested technique,a total of 103 data sa...This research aims to develop a methodology for applying the geostatistical method to generate a groutability classification for granular soils.To ensure the precision of the suggested technique,a total of 103 data samples were used.Predicting the groutability of granular soils has always been difficult because of many soil characteristics.As a result,a new two-dimensional graph,the groutability classification of granular soil(GCS)chart,was developed.GCS establishment was based on data analysis of the grain size of soil and cement-based grouts(N1 and N2),relative density(Dr)and fines content of the soil(FC),water/cement ratio of grout mixture(w/c),and grouting pressure(P),all of which have a direct impact on the groutability of soil media.The geostatistical method was used to develop and compile the GCS graph based on the aforementioned parameters with the use of coefficient S,which is a coefficient of the scoring set of parameters including P,w/c,Dr,and FC.The validation process was carried out hierarchically,with an additional set of 30 data.The proposed method has a prediction accuracy of roughly 96.7%,demonstrating a helpful tool.The proposed approach can be easily implemented in practical engineering situations because it has a comparable syntax to commonly used formulae.It should be noted that the proposed formula was only tested using the data samples collected,and the applicability of the produced procedure to other situations requires more examination.展开更多
A simple constitutive model is presented to describe the mechanical behaviors of granular soils in a large stress range. A novel normal compression line(NCL) is first expressed by introducing a limit void ratio(e_L) i...A simple constitutive model is presented to describe the mechanical behaviors of granular soils in a large stress range. A novel normal compression line(NCL) is first expressed by introducing a limit void ratio(e_L) in the double logarithmic scale.Subsequently, a state parameter(ξ) is defined to quantify the current state of granular soils, and a unified hardening parameter(H)that is a function of the state parameter(ξ) is developed to govern the hardening process of the drop-shaped yield surface.Combining with flow rule, a constitutive model for granular soils is proposed. Finally, the comparison between the predictions and the test results of Cambria sand and Coarse-grained material indicates that the model is able to describe the mechanical behaviors of granular soils in a large stress range.展开更多
The development of a miniature triaxial apparatus is presented.In conjunction with an X-ray microtomography(termed as X-ray fiCT hereafter)facility and advanced image processing techniques,this apparatus can be used f...The development of a miniature triaxial apparatus is presented.In conjunction with an X-ray microtomography(termed as X-ray fiCT hereafter)facility and advanced image processing techniques,this apparatus can be used for in situ investigation of the micro-scale mechanical behavior of granular soils under shear.The apparatus allows for triaxial testing of a miniature dry sample with a size of 8 mm x 16 mm(diameter x height).In situ triaxial testing of a 0.4-0.8 mm Leighton Buzzard sand(LBS)under a constant confining pressure of 500 kPa is presented.The evolutions of local porosities(i.e.,the porosities of regions associated with individual particles),particle kinematics(i.e.,particle translation and particle rotation)of the sample during the shear are quantitatively studied using image processing and analysis techniques.Meanwhile,a novel method is presented to quantify the volumetric strain distribution of the sample based on the results of local porosities and particle tracking.It is found that the sample,with nearly homogenous initial local porosities,starts to exhibit obvious inhomogeneity of local porosities and localization of particle kinematics and volumetric strain around the peak of deviatoric stress.In the post-peak shear stage,large local porosities and volumetric dilation mainly occur in a localized band.The developed triaxial apparatus,in its combined use of X-ray|iCT imaging techniques,is a powerful tool to investigate the micro-scale mechanical behavior of granular soils.展开更多
This paper aims at establishing an anisotropic stress expression for unsaturated pendular-state granular soils. Using the second-order fabric tensor, we formulate a micromechanics scheme of soils with statistically av...This paper aims at establishing an anisotropic stress expression for unsaturated pendular-state granular soils. Using the second-order fabric tensor, we formulate a micromechanics scheme of soils with statistically averaging method, and reveal that the macroscopic average stress of unsaturated granular soils in pendular-state is not isotropic. Not only is the stress from contact forces anisotropic due to the fabric, but also the capillary stress is directional dependent, which is different from the common point that the capillary stress is isotropic. The capillary stress of unsaturated pendular-state granular soils is determined by the orientation distribution of con- tact normals, so it is closely related to the initial and induced anisotropy of soils. Finally, DEM numerical simulations of triaxial compression tests of pendular-state soils at different degrees of saturation are used to verify the existence of above anisotropy of stresses.展开更多
To model the cumulative deformation of granular soils under cyclic loading, a mathematical model was proposed. The power law connection between the shear strain and loading cycle was represented by using fractional de...To model the cumulative deformation of granular soils under cyclic loading, a mathematical model was proposed. The power law connection between the shear strain and loading cycle was represented by using fractional derivative approach. The volumetric strain was characterized by a modified cyclic flow rule which considered the effect of particle breakage. All model parameters were obtained by the cyclic and static triaxial tests. Predictions of the test results were provided to validate the proposed model. Comparison with an existing cumulative model was also made to show the advantage of the proposed model.展开更多
In order to understand the dynamics of granular flow on an erodible base soil,in this paper,a series of material point method-based granular column collapse tests were conducted to investigate numerically the mobility...In order to understand the dynamics of granular flow on an erodible base soil,in this paper,a series of material point method-based granular column collapse tests were conducted to investigate numerically the mobility and dynamic erosion process of granular flow subjected to the complex settings,i.e.,the aspect ratio,granular mass,friction and dilatancy resistance,gravity and presence of water.A set of power scaling laws were proposed to describe the final deposit characteristics of granular flow by the relations of the normalized run-out distance and the normalized final height of granular flow against the aspect ratio,being greatly affected by the complex geological settings,e.g.,granular mass,the friction and dilatancy resistance of granular soil,and presence of water in granular flow.An index of the coefficient of friction of granular soil was defined as a ratio of the target coefficient of friction over the initial coefficient of friction to quantify the scaling extent of friction change(i.e.,friction strengthening or weakening).There is a characteristic aspect ratio of granular column corresponding to the maximum mobility of granular flow with the minimum index of the apparent coefficient of friction.The index of the repose coefficient of friction of granular flow decreased gradually with the increase in aspect ratio because higher potential energy of granular column at a larger aspect ratio causes a larger kinetic energy of granular soil to weaken the friction of granular soil as a kind of velocity-related friction weakening.An increase in granular mass reduces gradually the indexes of the apparent and repose coefficients of friction of granular soil to enhance the mobility of granular flow.The mobility of granular flow increases gradually with the decrease in friction angle or increase in dilatancy angle of granular soil.However,the increase of gravity accelerates granular flow but showing the same final deposit profile without any dependence on gravity.The mobility of granular flow increases gradually by lowering the indexes of the apparent and repose coefficients of friction of granular flow while changing the surroundings,in turn,the dry soil,submerged soil and saturated soil,implying a gradually increased excessive mobility of granular flow with the friction weakening of granular soil.Presence of water in granular flow may be a potential catalyzer to yield a long run-out granular flow,as revealed in comparison of water-absent and water-present granular flows.In addition,the dynamic erosion and entrainment of based soil induced by granular flow subjected to the complex geological settings,i.e.,the aspect ratio,granular mass,gravity,friction and dilatancy resistance,and presence of water,were comprehensively investigated as well.展开更多
A discrete element method(DEM) model was used to simulate the development of compaction-induced stress in a granular base course, with and without geogrid reinforcement. The granular base course was modeled as a mixtu...A discrete element method(DEM) model was used to simulate the development of compaction-induced stress in a granular base course, with and without geogrid reinforcement. The granular base course was modeled as a mixture of uniformly sized triangular particles. The geogrid was modeled as a series of equally spaced balls that interact with each other through long-range interaction contacts. The longrange interaction contact was also used to simulate a deformable subgrade. The compactor was modeled as a solid cylinder rolling at a constant speed. The DEM model shows that the geogridreinforced granular base course gains additional compaction-induced stress due to the residual tensile stress developed in the geogrid. The residual tensile stress in the geogrid increases with the number of compaction passes. Parametric analyses were also conducted to assess the effects of geogrid stiffness and subgrade modulus on the compaction-induced stress.展开更多
The discrete element method is used to simulate specimens under three different loading conditions(conventional triaxial compression,plane strain,and direct shear)with different initial conditions to explore the und...The discrete element method is used to simulate specimens under three different loading conditions(conventional triaxial compression,plane strain,and direct shear)with different initial conditions to explore the underlying mechanics of the specimen deformation from a microscale perspective.Deformations of specimens with different initial void ratios at different confining stresses under different loading conditions are studied.Results show that the discrete element models successfully capture the specimen deformation and the strain localization.Particle behaviors including particle rotation and displacement and the mesoscale void ratio distributions are used to explain the strain localization and specimen deformation.It is found that the loading condition is one of the most important factors controlling the specimen deformation mode.Microscale behavior of the granular soil is the driving mechanics of the macroscale deformation of the granular assembly.展开更多
Landslide risk is increasing in many parts of the world due to growth of population and infrastructures. Therefore, an effort has to be made in developing new and cheap sensors for areas susceptible of landslides to c...Landslide risk is increasing in many parts of the world due to growth of population and infrastructures. Therefore, an effort has to be made in developing new and cheap sensors for areas susceptible of landslides to continuously control the slope behaviour, until approaching failure conditions. The paper reported experimental data from smallscale physical models about the performance of Time Domain Reflectometry(TDR) and optical fibres, which act as the indicators of the incoming failure of slopes covered by unsaturated granular soils. Obtained results appear encouraging, since both sensors provide continuous information about the state of the slope, in terms of water content profiles and ongoing deformations, induced by rainwater infiltration, even immediately before the triggering of a fast landslide.展开更多
A commonly used approach to evaluating the potential for internal instability in soils is that of Kenney and Lau. This method involves a shape analysis of the grain size curve over a length of the soil’s finer part. ...A commonly used approach to evaluating the potential for internal instability in soils is that of Kenney and Lau. This method involves a shape analysis of the grain size curve over a length of the soil’s finer part. A soil that is internally unstable has a particle size distribution with a finer fraction less than the coarser fraction;therefore, the coarser fraction makes up the primary fabric of the material. Thus, the fine-grained particles are loose (non-structural) in between fixed (structural) coarser grains, and these loose fine particles are permitted to migrate through the constrictions of the fabric of the coarser fraction. This paper discusses the evolution of the Kenney-Lau method and its boundary relations, and furthermore, a discussion on adaptations of the method, which touches on field experience and engineering practice, is given.展开更多
This paper presents a generalized dilatancy angle equation of granular soil to cover not only the drained tests but also the undrained tests by introducing a generalized structure of soil:soil skeleton formed by soil ...This paper presents a generalized dilatancy angle equation of granular soil to cover not only the drained tests but also the undrained tests by introducing a generalized structure of soil:soil skeleton formed by soil particles and the fluid in soil voids,under the assumptions of the incompressibility of soil particles and the compressibility of the fluid in soil voids.For the drained tests,the generalized dilatancy angle equation of granular soil would be degenerated to its current dilatancy angle equation.However,for the undrained tests,the generalized dilatancy angle equation of granular soil was derived with aλparameter that was related to the stress-strain state of soil and the nature of the fluid in soil voids.Theλparameter was determined by the initial dilatancy angles of granular soil at the onset of shearing on the same initial state of the soil in the drained and undrained tests.In addition,the generalized dilatancy angle equation of granular soil was verified for application in calculation of the dilatancy angles of sands in the drained and undrained tests.展开更多
To disclose the grain crushing effects on the weathered granular soil rheological behavior,a series of rheological tests (odometer compression and triaxial shearing) were carried out.At the same time,the sieving analy...To disclose the grain crushing effects on the weathered granular soil rheological behavior,a series of rheological tests (odometer compression and triaxial shearing) were carried out.At the same time,the sieving analysis tests of these specimens were also executed before and after tests,and the grain crushing degree,Br and n5,were collectively adopted to estimate the grain crushing.The grain crushing degree depends on the stress path,stress level,and load time,especially,the longer load time and more intensive gradient shearing path will increase the grain crushing quantity.The Hardin crushing degrees Br are 0.191,0.118 and 0.085 in the ordinary compression,rheological compression and triaxial rheological shearing,respectively;The grain crushing degrees n5 are 1.9,1.4 and 1.32,respectively.The strain softening phase indicates the grain crushing and diffusive collapse,and the strain hardening phase indicates the rearrangement of these crushed grains and formation of new bearing soil skeleton.The rheological deformation of granular soil can be attributed to the coarse grain crushing and the filling external porosity with crushed fragments.展开更多
A new type granular soil stabilizing binder was prepared. Itscomposition was designed in the system ofslag-clinker-gypsum-activating agent. Its properties were comparedwith those of 425~# Portland blastfurnace-slag ce...A new type granular soil stabilizing binder was prepared. Itscomposition was designed in the system ofslag-clinker-gypsum-activating agent. Its properties were comparedwith those of 425~# Portland blastfurnace-slag cement.展开更多
While recycling is a topic of contemporary relevance,there is a scarcity of research on the engineering characteristics of construction and demolition wastes with different levels of grain strength and composition of ...While recycling is a topic of contemporary relevance,there is a scarcity of research on the engineering characteristics of construction and demolition wastes with different levels of grain strength and composition of debris,which impose constraints on their potential for reuse.This study aims to increase the use of recycled aggregates in fillings,addressing a gap in the literature.For this purpose,large-scale direct shear and California bearing ratio tests were conducted on nine diverse recycled aggregates from different construction works.The test outcomes were compared to those obtained from natural aggregates(NA)to draw a meaningful conclusion.The impact of the specimens’water content and relative density on the findings was discussed.Results demonstrated that the shear strength of recycled aggregates is significantly affected by the compressive strength of the concrete within the recycled aggregates.Besides,increasing the percentage of NA or relative density improved the specimen’s shear strength.On the other hand,it was determined that the high water content of the crushed bricks reduced the fill’s quality.As a result of the study,equations were suggested for use in filling design.展开更多
Ground improvement has been used on many construction sites to densify granular materials, in other word, to improve soil properties and reduce potential settlement. This work presents a case study of ground improveme...Ground improvement has been used on many construction sites to densify granular materials, in other word, to improve soil properties and reduce potential settlement. This work presents a case study of ground improvement using rapid impact compaction (RIC). The research site comprises the construction of workshop and depots as part of railway development project at Batu Gajah-Ipoh, Malaysia. In-situ testing results show that the subsurface soil comprises mainly of sand and silty sand through the investigated depth extended to 10 m. Groundwater is approximately 0.5 m below the ground surface. Evaluation of improvement was based on the results of pre- and post-improvement cone penetration test (CPT). Interpretation software has been used to infer soil properties. Load test was conducted to estimate soil settlement. It is found that the technique succeeds in improving soil properties namely the relative density increases from 45% to 70%, the friction angle of soil is increased by an average of 3°, and the soil settlement is reduced by 50%: The technique succeeds in improving soil properties to approximately 5.0 m in depth depending on soil uniformity with depth.展开更多
基金This research work is part of a research project(Grant No.IH18.03.1)sponsored by the SPARC Hub at the Department of Civil Engineering,Monash University funded by the Australian Research Council(ARC)Industrial Transformation Research Hub(ITRH)Scheme(Grant No.IH180100010).
文摘This study introduces an advanced finite element model for the light weight deflectometer(LWD),which integrates contact mechanics with fully coupled models.By simulating LWD tests on granular soils at various saturation levels,the model accurately reflects the dependence of the LWD modulus on dry density,water content,and effective stress.This model addresses and overcomes the limitations of previous finite element models for this specific problem.Simultaneously,this research presents the first experimentally validated fully coupled contact impact model.Furthermore,the research provides a comparative assessment of elastoplastic and nonlinear elastic models and contrasts an enriched node-tosegment method(developed in this study)with the more precise mortar technique for contact mechanics.These comparisons reveal unique advantages and challenges for each method.Moreover,the study underscores the importance of careful application of the LWD modulus,emphasising the need for sophisticated tools to interpret soil behaviour accurately.
基金Projects(41302219,41302076)supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China
文摘An objective of this work is to develop a validated computational model that can be used to estimate ratcheting accumulation behavior of granular soils due to high-cyclic loading. An accumulation model was proposed to describe only the envelope of the maximum plastic deformations generated during the cyclic loading process, which can calculate the accumulated deformation by means of relatively large load cycle increments. The concept of volumetric hardening was incorporated into the model and a so-called overstress formulation was employed to describe the evolution of the accumulated volumetric deformation as a state parameter. The model accounted for ratcheting shakedown and accumulation such as a pseudo-yield surface(a shakedown surface) associated with loading inside the current virgin yield surface which was implemented into the well-known modified Cam-clay model. Finally, the model was calibrated using data from the stress-controlled drained cyclic triaxial tests on homogeneous fine grained sands. It is seen that the model can successfully represent important features of the ratcheting accumulation of both volumetric and deviatoric deformation caused by repeated drained loading over a large number of cycles.
文摘The knowledge of the internal stability of granular soils is a key factor for the design of granular and filter for the geotechnical infrastructures such as dykes, barrages, weirs and roads embankment. To evaluate the internal instability of granular soils different criteria are generally used in the practice. However, the results of these criteria on the same soil may lead to different evaluations of the internal instability. In this paper the common criteria used for the internal instability have been presented and compared as far as possible. It was found that the most internal instability criteria define a limit value for the secant slope of the grain size distribution curve of the granular soils. Based on this finding an own criterion for the evaluation of the internal instability of granular soil has been developed and compared to the common criteria. A very good agreement between some criteria was found. Furthermore, a site specific assessment for the evaluation of the internal instability of granular soil has been proposed in order to get more confidence in this evaluation.
文摘Hydraulic conductivity is the ability of a porous media to transfer water through its pore matrix. That is a key parameter for the design and analysis of soil fluid associated structures and issues. This paper presents the test results of the vertical hydraulic conductivity k<sub>v</sub><sub> </sub>carried out on one poorly graded sand and three gap graded gravely sand. It was found that the vertical hydraulic conductivity of saturated soil depends on the grain size distribution curve, on the initial relative density of the soil. Compilation of these current test results and other test results published, shows that the common approaches predict well to some extent the vertical hydraulic conductivity k<sub>v</sub> for the poorly graded sand materials and underestimate the k<sub>v</sub> values for gap graded gravely sand materials. Therefore, new approaches are developed for the prediction of the vertical hydraulic conductivity in saturated poorly graded sand and gap graded gravely sand. The derived results from the new approaches lie in the range of the recommended values by (EAU 2012) and (NAVFAC DM 7 1974).
基金supported by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (Grant 106112015CDJXY 200008)the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant 51509024)the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (Grant 2016M590864)
文摘Dilation and breakage energy dissipation of four different granular soils are investigated by using an energy balance equation. Due to particle breakage, the dilation curve does not necessarily pass through the origin of coordinates. Breakage energy dissipation is found to increase significantly at the initial loading stage and then gradually become stabilised. The incremental dissipation ratio between breakage energy and plastic work exhibits almost independence of the confining pressure. Accordingly, a plastic flow rule considering the effect of particle breakage is suggested. The critical state friction angle is found to be a combination of the basic friction between particles and the friction contributed by particle breakage.
文摘This research aims to develop a methodology for applying the geostatistical method to generate a groutability classification for granular soils.To ensure the precision of the suggested technique,a total of 103 data samples were used.Predicting the groutability of granular soils has always been difficult because of many soil characteristics.As a result,a new two-dimensional graph,the groutability classification of granular soil(GCS)chart,was developed.GCS establishment was based on data analysis of the grain size of soil and cement-based grouts(N1 and N2),relative density(Dr)and fines content of the soil(FC),water/cement ratio of grout mixture(w/c),and grouting pressure(P),all of which have a direct impact on the groutability of soil media.The geostatistical method was used to develop and compile the GCS graph based on the aforementioned parameters with the use of coefficient S,which is a coefficient of the scoring set of parameters including P,w/c,Dr,and FC.The validation process was carried out hierarchically,with an additional set of 30 data.The proposed method has a prediction accuracy of roughly 96.7%,demonstrating a helpful tool.The proposed approach can be easily implemented in practical engineering situations because it has a comparable syntax to commonly used formulae.It should be noted that the proposed formula was only tested using the data samples collected,and the applicability of the produced procedure to other situations requires more examination.
基金supported by the National Basic Research Program of China(Grant No.2014CB47006)the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant Nos.51579005&11672015)
文摘A simple constitutive model is presented to describe the mechanical behaviors of granular soils in a large stress range. A novel normal compression line(NCL) is first expressed by introducing a limit void ratio(e_L) in the double logarithmic scale.Subsequently, a state parameter(ξ) is defined to quantify the current state of granular soils, and a unified hardening parameter(H)that is a function of the state parameter(ξ) is developed to govern the hardening process of the drop-shaped yield surface.Combining with flow rule, a constitutive model for granular soils is proposed. Finally, the comparison between the predictions and the test results of Cambria sand and Coarse-grained material indicates that the model is able to describe the mechanical behaviors of granular soils in a large stress range.
基金This study was supported by the General Research Fund(No.CityU 11272916)from the Research Grant Council of the Hong Kong SAR,Research from the National Science Foundation of China(Grant No.51779213)+2 种基金the Open-Research from State Key Laboratory of Civil Engineering Disaster Prevention of Tongji University(No.SLDRCE15-04)the BLI3W beam-line of Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility(SSRF)The authors would like to thank Dr.Edward Ando in Universite Grenoble Alpes for providing his PhD thesis.
文摘The development of a miniature triaxial apparatus is presented.In conjunction with an X-ray microtomography(termed as X-ray fiCT hereafter)facility and advanced image processing techniques,this apparatus can be used for in situ investigation of the micro-scale mechanical behavior of granular soils under shear.The apparatus allows for triaxial testing of a miniature dry sample with a size of 8 mm x 16 mm(diameter x height).In situ triaxial testing of a 0.4-0.8 mm Leighton Buzzard sand(LBS)under a constant confining pressure of 500 kPa is presented.The evolutions of local porosities(i.e.,the porosities of regions associated with individual particles),particle kinematics(i.e.,particle translation and particle rotation)of the sample during the shear are quantitatively studied using image processing and analysis techniques.Meanwhile,a novel method is presented to quantify the volumetric strain distribution of the sample based on the results of local porosities and particle tracking.It is found that the sample,with nearly homogenous initial local porosities,starts to exhibit obvious inhomogeneity of local porosities and localization of particle kinematics and volumetric strain around the peak of deviatoric stress.In the post-peak shear stage,large local porosities and volumetric dilation mainly occur in a localized band.The developed triaxial apparatus,in its combined use of X-ray|iCT imaging techniques,is a powerful tool to investigate the micro-scale mechanical behavior of granular soils.
基金Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 50778013)the National Basic Research Program (973) of China (No. 2010CB732100)
文摘This paper aims at establishing an anisotropic stress expression for unsaturated pendular-state granular soils. Using the second-order fabric tensor, we formulate a micromechanics scheme of soils with statistically averaging method, and reveal that the macroscopic average stress of unsaturated granular soils in pendular-state is not isotropic. Not only is the stress from contact forces anisotropic due to the fabric, but also the capillary stress is directional dependent, which is different from the common point that the capillary stress is isotropic. The capillary stress of unsaturated pendular-state granular soils is determined by the orientation distribution of con- tact normals, so it is closely related to the initial and induced anisotropy of soils. Finally, DEM numerical simulations of triaxial compression tests of pendular-state soils at different degrees of saturation are used to verify the existence of above anisotropy of stresses.
基金Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.51509024)the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities(No.106112015CDJXY200008)
文摘To model the cumulative deformation of granular soils under cyclic loading, a mathematical model was proposed. The power law connection between the shear strain and loading cycle was represented by using fractional derivative approach. The volumetric strain was characterized by a modified cyclic flow rule which considered the effect of particle breakage. All model parameters were obtained by the cyclic and static triaxial tests. Predictions of the test results were provided to validate the proposed model. Comparison with an existing cumulative model was also made to show the advantage of the proposed model.
基金This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant no.U22A20603)Sichuan Science and Technology Program-China(Grant No.2023ZYD0149)CAS"Light of West China"Program-China(Grant No.Fangwei Yu).In addition,a special acknowledgement should be expressed to a famous Chinese television drama:My Chief and My Regiment that accompanied me(Dr.Fangwei Yu)through the loneliness time of completing this study.
文摘In order to understand the dynamics of granular flow on an erodible base soil,in this paper,a series of material point method-based granular column collapse tests were conducted to investigate numerically the mobility and dynamic erosion process of granular flow subjected to the complex settings,i.e.,the aspect ratio,granular mass,friction and dilatancy resistance,gravity and presence of water.A set of power scaling laws were proposed to describe the final deposit characteristics of granular flow by the relations of the normalized run-out distance and the normalized final height of granular flow against the aspect ratio,being greatly affected by the complex geological settings,e.g.,granular mass,the friction and dilatancy resistance of granular soil,and presence of water in granular flow.An index of the coefficient of friction of granular soil was defined as a ratio of the target coefficient of friction over the initial coefficient of friction to quantify the scaling extent of friction change(i.e.,friction strengthening or weakening).There is a characteristic aspect ratio of granular column corresponding to the maximum mobility of granular flow with the minimum index of the apparent coefficient of friction.The index of the repose coefficient of friction of granular flow decreased gradually with the increase in aspect ratio because higher potential energy of granular column at a larger aspect ratio causes a larger kinetic energy of granular soil to weaken the friction of granular soil as a kind of velocity-related friction weakening.An increase in granular mass reduces gradually the indexes of the apparent and repose coefficients of friction of granular soil to enhance the mobility of granular flow.The mobility of granular flow increases gradually with the decrease in friction angle or increase in dilatancy angle of granular soil.However,the increase of gravity accelerates granular flow but showing the same final deposit profile without any dependence on gravity.The mobility of granular flow increases gradually by lowering the indexes of the apparent and repose coefficients of friction of granular flow while changing the surroundings,in turn,the dry soil,submerged soil and saturated soil,implying a gradually increased excessive mobility of granular flow with the friction weakening of granular soil.Presence of water in granular flow may be a potential catalyzer to yield a long run-out granular flow,as revealed in comparison of water-absent and water-present granular flows.In addition,the dynamic erosion and entrainment of based soil induced by granular flow subjected to the complex geological settings,i.e.,the aspect ratio,granular mass,gravity,friction and dilatancy resistance,and presence of water,were comprehensively investigated as well.
基金supported by the Southern Plain Transportation Center(SPTC)under Award No.SPTC 15.1e06
文摘A discrete element method(DEM) model was used to simulate the development of compaction-induced stress in a granular base course, with and without geogrid reinforcement. The granular base course was modeled as a mixture of uniformly sized triangular particles. The geogrid was modeled as a series of equally spaced balls that interact with each other through long-range interaction contacts. The longrange interaction contact was also used to simulate a deformable subgrade. The compactor was modeled as a solid cylinder rolling at a constant speed. The DEM model shows that the geogridreinforced granular base course gains additional compaction-induced stress due to the residual tensile stress developed in the geogrid. The residual tensile stress in the geogrid increases with the number of compaction passes. Parametric analyses were also conducted to assess the effects of geogrid stiffness and subgrade modulus on the compaction-induced stress.
基金The National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.51079030)
文摘The discrete element method is used to simulate specimens under three different loading conditions(conventional triaxial compression,plane strain,and direct shear)with different initial conditions to explore the underlying mechanics of the specimen deformation from a microscale perspective.Deformations of specimens with different initial void ratios at different confining stresses under different loading conditions are studied.Results show that the discrete element models successfully capture the specimen deformation and the strain localization.Particle behaviors including particle rotation and displacement and the mesoscale void ratio distributions are used to explain the strain localization and specimen deformation.It is found that the loading condition is one of the most important factors controlling the specimen deformation mode.Microscale behavior of the granular soil is the driving mechanics of the macroscale deformation of the granular assembly.
基金partially supported by the project Safe Land "Living with landslide risk in Europe: Assessment, effects of global change, and risk management strategies" under Grant No. 226479 (7th Framework Programme)
文摘Landslide risk is increasing in many parts of the world due to growth of population and infrastructures. Therefore, an effort has to be made in developing new and cheap sensors for areas susceptible of landslides to continuously control the slope behaviour, until approaching failure conditions. The paper reported experimental data from smallscale physical models about the performance of Time Domain Reflectometry(TDR) and optical fibres, which act as the indicators of the incoming failure of slopes covered by unsaturated granular soils. Obtained results appear encouraging, since both sensors provide continuous information about the state of the slope, in terms of water content profiles and ongoing deformations, induced by rainwater infiltration, even immediately before the triggering of a fast landslide.
基金part of the“Swedish Hydropower Centre-SVC”financial support has also been received from WSP Sweden
文摘A commonly used approach to evaluating the potential for internal instability in soils is that of Kenney and Lau. This method involves a shape analysis of the grain size curve over a length of the soil’s finer part. A soil that is internally unstable has a particle size distribution with a finer fraction less than the coarser fraction;therefore, the coarser fraction makes up the primary fabric of the material. Thus, the fine-grained particles are loose (non-structural) in between fixed (structural) coarser grains, and these loose fine particles are permitted to migrate through the constrictions of the fabric of the coarser fraction. This paper discusses the evolution of the Kenney-Lau method and its boundary relations, and furthermore, a discussion on adaptations of the method, which touches on field experience and engineering practice, is given.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant no.41807268)the Youth Innovation Promotion Association of Chinese Academy of Sciences-China(Grant no.2018408)。
文摘This paper presents a generalized dilatancy angle equation of granular soil to cover not only the drained tests but also the undrained tests by introducing a generalized structure of soil:soil skeleton formed by soil particles and the fluid in soil voids,under the assumptions of the incompressibility of soil particles and the compressibility of the fluid in soil voids.For the drained tests,the generalized dilatancy angle equation of granular soil would be degenerated to its current dilatancy angle equation.However,for the undrained tests,the generalized dilatancy angle equation of granular soil was derived with aλparameter that was related to the stress-strain state of soil and the nature of the fluid in soil voids.Theλparameter was determined by the initial dilatancy angles of granular soil at the onset of shearing on the same initial state of the soil in the drained and undrained tests.In addition,the generalized dilatancy angle equation of granular soil was verified for application in calculation of the dilatancy angles of sands in the drained and undrained tests.
基金Project(50908233) supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of ChinaProject(200413) supported by Communication Science and Technology Fund of Hunan Province,China
文摘To disclose the grain crushing effects on the weathered granular soil rheological behavior,a series of rheological tests (odometer compression and triaxial shearing) were carried out.At the same time,the sieving analysis tests of these specimens were also executed before and after tests,and the grain crushing degree,Br and n5,were collectively adopted to estimate the grain crushing.The grain crushing degree depends on the stress path,stress level,and load time,especially,the longer load time and more intensive gradient shearing path will increase the grain crushing quantity.The Hardin crushing degrees Br are 0.191,0.118 and 0.085 in the ordinary compression,rheological compression and triaxial rheological shearing,respectively;The grain crushing degrees n5 are 1.9,1.4 and 1.32,respectively.The strain softening phase indicates the grain crushing and diffusive collapse,and the strain hardening phase indicates the rearrangement of these crushed grains and formation of new bearing soil skeleton.The rheological deformation of granular soil can be attributed to the coarse grain crushing and the filling external porosity with crushed fragments.
基金Funded by the State "Nineth Five-plan" of Communication Ministry.
文摘A new type granular soil stabilizing binder was prepared. Itscomposition was designed in the system ofslag-clinker-gypsum-activating agent. Its properties were comparedwith those of 425~# Portland blastfurnace-slag cement.
文摘While recycling is a topic of contemporary relevance,there is a scarcity of research on the engineering characteristics of construction and demolition wastes with different levels of grain strength and composition of debris,which impose constraints on their potential for reuse.This study aims to increase the use of recycled aggregates in fillings,addressing a gap in the literature.For this purpose,large-scale direct shear and California bearing ratio tests were conducted on nine diverse recycled aggregates from different construction works.The test outcomes were compared to those obtained from natural aggregates(NA)to draw a meaningful conclusion.The impact of the specimens’water content and relative density on the findings was discussed.Results demonstrated that the shear strength of recycled aggregates is significantly affected by the compressive strength of the concrete within the recycled aggregates.Besides,increasing the percentage of NA or relative density improved the specimen’s shear strength.On the other hand,it was determined that the high water content of the crushed bricks reduced the fill’s quality.As a result of the study,equations were suggested for use in filling design.
基金Projects(RG148/12AET,RG086/10AET) supported by the UMRG,MalaysiaProject(PS05812010B) supported by the Post Graduate Research Fund,Malaysia
文摘Ground improvement has been used on many construction sites to densify granular materials, in other word, to improve soil properties and reduce potential settlement. This work presents a case study of ground improvement using rapid impact compaction (RIC). The research site comprises the construction of workshop and depots as part of railway development project at Batu Gajah-Ipoh, Malaysia. In-situ testing results show that the subsurface soil comprises mainly of sand and silty sand through the investigated depth extended to 10 m. Groundwater is approximately 0.5 m below the ground surface. Evaluation of improvement was based on the results of pre- and post-improvement cone penetration test (CPT). Interpretation software has been used to infer soil properties. Load test was conducted to estimate soil settlement. It is found that the technique succeeds in improving soil properties namely the relative density increases from 45% to 70%, the friction angle of soil is increased by an average of 3°, and the soil settlement is reduced by 50%: The technique succeeds in improving soil properties to approximately 5.0 m in depth depending on soil uniformity with depth.