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Combining ability and gene action studies for yield and fibre traits in Gossypium arboreum using Griffings numerical and Haymans graphical approach 被引量:1
作者 SUKRUTHA Bhimireddy RAJESWARI Sivakami +3 位作者 PREMALATHA N. BOOPATHI Narayana Manikanda THIRUKUMARAN K. MANIVANNAN A. 《Journal of Cotton Research》 CAS 2023年第3期141-156,共16页
Background For the purpose of utilising hybrid vigour to produce possible hybrids with a suitable level of stability,the knowledge of gene activity and combining ability is a crucial prerequisite before choosing desir... Background For the purpose of utilising hybrid vigour to produce possible hybrids with a suitable level of stability,the knowledge of gene activity and combining ability is a crucial prerequisite before choosing desirable parents.The present study was carried out with six parents crossed in full diallel fashion and generated 30 F1 hybrids.These hybrids were evaluated in two replications in Randomized Block Design at Department of Cotton,TNAU for combining ability and gene action.Diallel analysis was carried out according to Griffing’s method-I(parents + F_(1) + reciprocals) and model-I and Hayman’s graphical approach by using INDOSTAT software.Results Analysis of variance for combining ability indicated that mean square values of GCA,SCA and reciprocals were highly significant for all the traits except for the uniformity index.RG763 and K12 showed highly positively significant GCA effects for most of the yield traits while PA838 and K12 for fibre quality traits,so they were found as best general combiners.PAIG379 × K12 and PDB29 × K12 for yield traits,and PDB29 × PA838,RG763 × PA838,and CNA1007 × RG763 cross combinations for fibre quality traits could be recommended for future breeding programms.Conclusion The results of both Griffing’s and Hayman’s approaches showed that non-additive gene action predominates as SCA variance was bigger than GCA variance,so heterosis breeding is thought to be a more fruitful option for enhancing GCA of many traits. 展开更多
关键词 Gene action Combining ability Diallel analysis Hayman’s approach griffing’s approach Vr-Wr graph Desi cotton
全雌性单性结实黄瓜主要性状配合力分析 被引量:11
作者 钱忠英 蔡润 +1 位作者 何欢乐 潘俊松 《上海师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 2002年第3期61-65,共5页
以 8个对温光不敏感的全雌性黄瓜自交系为材料 ,按Griffing完全双列杂交试验П方法配制组合 ,进行了 5个性状的配合力分析。亲本 0 2的一般配合力最好 ,其次为亲本 0 5,0 7。组合以P0 3×P0 5和P0 2 ×P0 7的特殊配合力最好。... 以 8个对温光不敏感的全雌性黄瓜自交系为材料 ,按Griffing完全双列杂交试验П方法配制组合 ,进行了 5个性状的配合力分析。亲本 0 2的一般配合力最好 ,其次为亲本 0 5,0 7。组合以P0 3×P0 5和P0 2 ×P0 7的特殊配合力最好。黄瓜的单果重、株高、叶面积和茎节数的遗传力较高 ,可以早期选择 。 展开更多
关键词 全雌性 单性结实 黄瓜 配合力 遗传力 杂交育种 griffing完全双列杂交试验 数量性状
作者 郑文寅 曾令楠 +4 位作者 程颖 侯丞志 曹文昕 赵莉 姚大年 《浙江农业学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2022年第10期2088-2094,共7页
小麦籽粒中类胡萝卜素是一类重要的营养和健康化学成分。本研究利用7个类胡萝卜素含量不同的小麦品种,按Griffing双列杂交法Ⅱ配制21个杂交组合,进行配合力、遗传模型、显隐性基因和遗传参数估算等遗传分析。结果表明,在7个亲本中,生选... 小麦籽粒中类胡萝卜素是一类重要的营养和健康化学成分。本研究利用7个类胡萝卜素含量不同的小麦品种,按Griffing双列杂交法Ⅱ配制21个杂交组合,进行配合力、遗传模型、显隐性基因和遗传参数估算等遗传分析。结果表明,在7个亲本中,生选2号是一个优良的亲本材料,其籽粒类胡萝卜素含量较高,一般配合力较好,可以较快地提高杂交后代类胡萝卜素含量。在亲本选配时应选择高×中类胡萝卜素含量类型。小麦籽粒类胡萝卜素含量为加性-显性-上位性模型遗传,高值受隐性基因控制且遗传力较低。在小麦营养和健康品质育种中,宜在高代进行严格选择以选育出较高类胡萝卜素含量的新品系,达到改良和提高我国小麦营养和健康品质的目的。 展开更多
关键词 小麦 类胡萝卜素含量 griffing双列杂交Ⅱ 遗传分析 营养和健康品质
七个陆地棉品种主要经济性状的配合力研究 被引量:1
作者 李煦远 欧阳选清 《湖北农学院学报》 1993年第4期241-248,共8页
采用完全双列杂交 Griffing 方法2固定模型对7个陆地棉品种和品系的几个主要经济性状进行配合力研究。结果表明:供试材料的纤维长度与霜前花率差异不显著,产量差异主要是由单铃重与衣分引起,铃数作用不明显。籽棉产量与衣指受基因加性... 采用完全双列杂交 Griffing 方法2固定模型对7个陆地棉品种和品系的几个主要经济性状进行配合力研究。结果表明:供试材料的纤维长度与霜前花率差异不显著,产量差异主要是由单铃重与衣分引起,铃数作用不明显。籽棉产量与衣指受基因加性效应的作用,皮棉产量,单铃重与衣分受基因的加性效应和非加性效应的共同作用,且加性效应大。亲本观测值高的性状,其一般配合力效应值亦高。亲本特殊配合力效应值与观测值之间存在相关,其大小和一般配合力均方与特殊配合力均方之比值(M_g/M_s)有关,M_g/M_s 小的性状,关系密切。杂交组合的特殊配合力效应值与性状值相关显著或不显著,只有皮棉产量特殊配合力和双亲一般配合力效应均高的组合,才是产量最高的组合。05①006是比较理想的综合亲本,可用于高产、优质新品种选育与杂种优势,384、3247是较好的高产、优质亲本,361只宜用于杂种优势。 展开更多
关键词 陆地棉 双列杂交 griffing 方法 一般配合力 特殊配合力
Dynamic Active Noise Control of Broadband Noise in Fighter Aircraft Pilot Helmet
作者 Y.K.Bharath S.Veena 《Sound & Vibration》 EI 2022年第4期319-331,共13页
This paper presents the development of a dynamic Active Noise Control(ANC)algorithm aimed towards redu-cingthe broadbandnoiseinside the helmet earcups ofafighter aircraftpilot helmet.The dynamicANC involves a Variable ... This paper presents the development of a dynamic Active Noise Control(ANC)algorithm aimed towards redu-cingthe broadbandnoiseinside the helmet earcups ofafighter aircraftpilot helmet.The dynamicANC involves a Variable Step-Size Griffiths(VSSG)FxLMS algorithm to attenuate noise entering directly through helmet,a LMS based adaptive noise canceller to attenuate noise entering through the pilot microphone,and energy detectors for failure protection and optimized battery power usage.The algorithms are implemented on Texas Instruments’TMS320C6748 processor and are tested in a helmet ANC experimental setup. 展开更多
关键词 Active noise control Variable Step-Size Griffiths algorithm FxLMS
The Analysis of a Griffith Crack Embedded in a Thermo-poro-elastic Medium
作者 Yu Tan Yi-en Wang Chang Liu 《Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica》 SCIE EI CSCD 2023年第5期734-744,共11页
The analytical solution of a thermo-poro-elastic medium in static state weakened by a Griffith crack with finite width is presented.By virtue of the Fourier cosine and sine integral transform techniques,the mixed boun... The analytical solution of a thermo-poro-elastic medium in static state weakened by a Griffith crack with finite width is presented.By virtue of the Fourier cosine and sine integral transform techniques,the mixed boundary-value problem is formulated as three pairs of dual integral equations,which are solved with the help of the Abel transform.In addition,the stress intensity factor of mode Ⅰ and the crack surface displacement are presented analytically.Numerical examples are performed to show the distribution of displacement and stress over the thermo-poro-elastic medium.The results indicate that the thermal load will increase or decrease the crack surface displacement,but has a weak influence on the stress intensity factor.The present work may benefit future engineering applications. 展开更多
关键词 Thermo-poro-elastic medium Analytical solution Griffith crack Stress intensity factor
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