Juvenile survival is a key life-history influence on population dynamics and adaptive evolution.We analyzed the effects of individual chara-cteristics,early environment,and maternal investment on juvenile survival in ...Juvenile survival is a key life-history influence on population dynamics and adaptive evolution.We analyzed the effects of individual chara-cteristics,early environment,and maternal investment on juvenile survival in a large solitary hibernating rodent-yellow ground squirrel Spermophilus fulvus using Cox mixed-effects models.Only 48%of weaned pups survived to dispersal and 17%survived to hibernation.Early life expectancy was primarily determined by individual characteristics and,to a lesser extent,by the early environment.The strongest and pos-itive predictor of juvenile survival was body mass which crucially affected mortality immediately after weaning.Males suffered higher mortality than females after the onset of dispersal;however,the overall difference between sexes was partly masked by high rates of mortality in the first days after emergence in both sexes.Later emerged juveniles had lower life expectancy than the earliest pups.The overall effect of local juvenile density was positive.Prolonged lactation did not enhance juvenile survival:Pups nursed longer survived shorter than the young nursed for a shorter period.Our findings support the hypothesis that females of S.fulvus cannot effectively regulate maternal expenditures to mitigate the effects of unfavorable conditions on their offspring.The strategy to deal with seasonal time constraints on life history in female S.fulvus suggests an early termination of maternal care at the cost of juvenile quality and survival.This female reproductive strategy corresponds to a"fast-solitary"life of folivorous desert-dwelling S.fulvus and other solitary ground squirrels with prolonged hibernation.展开更多
Micro RNAs(mi RNAs) are small non-coding RNAs that are important in regulating metabolic stress. In this study, we determined the expression and structural characteristics of 20 mi RNAs in brown(BAT) and white adi...Micro RNAs(mi RNAs) are small non-coding RNAs that are important in regulating metabolic stress. In this study, we determined the expression and structural characteristics of 20 mi RNAs in brown(BAT) and white adipose tissue(WAT) during torpor in thirteen-lined ground squirrels. Using a modified stem-loop technique, we found that during torpor, expression of six mi RNAs including let-7a, let-7b, mi R-107, mi R-150, mi R-222 and mi R-31 was significantly downregulated in WAT(P 〈 0.05), which was 16%–54% of euthermic non-torpid control squirrels,whereas expression of three mi RNAs including mi R-143, mi R-200 a and mi R-519 d was found to be upregulated by 1.32–2.34-fold. Similarly, expression of more mi RNAs was downregulated in BAT during torpor. We detected reduced expression of 6 mi RNAs including mi R-103 a, mi R-107, mi R-125 b, mi R-21, mi R-221 and mi R-31(48%–70% of control), while only expression of mi R-138 was significantly upregulated(2.91 ± 0.8-fold of the control, P 〈 0.05). Interestingly,mi RNAs found to be downregulated in WAT during torpor were similar to those dysregulated in obese humans for increased adipogenesis, whereas mi RNAs with altered expression in BAT during torpor were linked to mitochondrial b-oxidation. mi RPath target prediction analysis showed that mi RNAs downregulated in both WAT and BAT were associated with the regulation of mitogen-activated protein kinase(MAPK) signaling, while the mi RNAs upregulated in WAT were linked to transforming growth factor b(TGFb) signaling. Compared to mouse sequences, no unique nucleotide substitutions within the stem-loop region were discovered for the associated pre-mi RNAs for the mi RNAs used in this study, suggesting no structure-influenced changes in pre-mi RNA processing efficiency in the squirrel. As well, the expression of mi RNA processingenzyme Dicer remained unchanged in both tissues during torpor. Overall, our findings suggest that changes of mi RNA expression in adipose tissues may be linked to distinct biological roles in WAT and BAT during hibernation and may involve the regulation of signaling cascades.展开更多
Alarm calls of the European Spermophilus citellus (EGS), Taurus S. taurensis (TGS) and Anatolian S. xanthoprymnus (AGS) ground squirrels share the same basic structure. They are tonal sounds consisting primarily...Alarm calls of the European Spermophilus citellus (EGS), Taurus S. taurensis (TGS) and Anatolian S. xanthoprymnus (AGS) ground squirrels share the same basic structure. They are tonal sounds consisting primarily of two different elements. The first element, often produced without the second element, has limited frequency modulation, while the second element is more frequency modulated. The present study examined whether this frequency-modulated element enhances the individual distinc- tiveness of calls, allowing calls to be ascribed with greater confidence to individual callers of the three species. Cross-validated discriminant function analysis (DFA) based on five acoustic parameters of the first element successfully classified calls to correct individuals (EGS: 90%, TGS: 98%, AGS: 96%). Cross-validated DFA based on five acoustic parameters of the second element was also successful in classifications (EGS: 88%, TGS: 86%, AGS: 96%), though discrimination of callers based on parameters of the second versus first element was the same for the AGS, lower for the EGS and significantly lower for the TGS. Cross-validated DFA based on five acoustic parameters of two-element calls also successfully classified calls to correct individu- als (EGS: 93%, TGS: 98%, AGS: 97%), though did not improve the extent to which calls could be classified to individuals be- yond that based on the ftrst element alone. Thus, the second element does not enhance the individual distinctiveness of calls, but may convey other information such as the location of the caller [Current Zoology 58 (5): 749-757, 2012].展开更多
Alarm calls are emitted by Richardson's ground squirrels Urocitellus richardsonii in response to avian and terrestrial predators. Conspecifics detecting these calls respond with increased vigilance, promoting predato...Alarm calls are emitted by Richardson's ground squirrels Urocitellus richardsonii in response to avian and terrestrial predators. Conspecifics detecting these calls respond with increased vigilance, promoting predator detection and evasion, but in doing so, lose time from foraging. That loss can be minimized if alarm call recipients discriminate among signalers, and weight their response accordingly. For juvenile ground squirrels, we predicted that the trade-off between foraging and vigilance could be optimized via selective response to alarm calls emitted by their own dam, and/or neighboring colony members over calls broad- cast by less familiar conspecifics. Alarm calls of adult female Richardson's ground squirrels were elicited in the field using a predator model and recorded on digital audio tape. Free-living focal juveniles were subjected to playbacks of a call of their mother, and on a separate occasion a call from either another adult female from their own colony, or an adult female from another colony. Neither immediate postural responses and escape behavior, nor the duration of vigilance manifested by juveniles differed with exposure to alarm calls of the three adult female signaler types. Thus, juveniles did not respond preferentially to alarm calls emitted by their mothers or colony members, likely reflecting the high cost of ignoring alarm signals where receivers have had limited opportunity to establish past signaler reliability [Current Zoology 58 (5): 773-780, 2012].展开更多
Life-history theory predicts that in hibemators age of maturation is related positively to body size and negatively to the duration of active season aboveground. Yellow souslik is a large-sized ground squirrel with lo...Life-history theory predicts that in hibemators age of maturation is related positively to body size and negatively to the duration of active season aboveground. Yellow souslik is a large-sized ground squirrel with long hibernation, which suggests late maturation. We used four-year field observations of marked individuals to determine the age of maturation in males through analysis of age-dependent variation in body size, mass, androgen status, timing of spring emergence, ranging patterns and social behavior during the mating season. Yearling males were smaller, lighter, had lower level of fecal testosterone, emerged later and had smaller home ranges than older males. Social activity and the number of females encountered did not differ between age classes. After the second hibernation none of the studied parameters varied with age. Cluster analysis revealed two behavioral tactics: "active" males (adults only) emerged earlier, ranged more widely, initiated more contacts, encountered more females and were heavier than "passive" males (both yearling and adult). Thus, males of S. fulvus reached adult size and matured after two hibernations, which is relatively fast for such a big species with short active period. Indirect evidence for copulations and high variation among yearlings in all parameters suggest that some of them might successfully compete with adults. Active tactic of wandering and searching for females is energetically costly, and probably only adult males in good physical condition can afford it, whereas passive tactic of residing is energy saving and good for adults in poor condition and for yearlings that are continuing to grow.展开更多
In grassland ecosystems,burrowing mammals create disturbances,providing habitat for animal species and increasing plant community diversity.We investigated whether seedling assemblages on Richardson's ground squir...In grassland ecosystems,burrowing mammals create disturbances,providing habitat for animal species and increasing plant community diversity.We investigated whether seedling assemblages on Richardson's ground squirrel Urocitellus richardsonii mounds result from seed rearrangement or environmental changes that favor germination of certain species over others.To test whether ground squirrels rearrange the seed bank by burrowing,we compared seed compositions among mounds,burrows,and undisturbed soil.To test whether ground squirrels change environmental conditions,we compared soil nitrate and bare ground cover on and off mounds.We also compared seedlings that germinated on mounds with seedlings that germinated on artificial disturbances from which we removed aboveground vegetation.Soil nitrate and bare ground cover were significantly higher on mounds than artificial disturbances.While seed richness and abundance did not differ among mounds,burrows,and undisturbed soil,seedling richness was reduced on mounds relative to artificial disturbances.Burrowing disturbance favors seedlings that can capitalize on bare ground availability but are less able to immobilize nitrate,as opposed to perennial species that immobilize more nitrate but take longer to establish.Our results suggest that Richardson's ground squirrels act as ecosystem engineers,although future research following succession on ground squirrel mounds is necessary to understand how they influence plant communities past the seedling stage.展开更多
We validated a radioimmunoassay-based method quantifying fecal glucocorticoid metabolites (FGMs) from captive male and female Richardson's ground squirrels Urocitellus richardsonii. Blood samples were drawn to expl...We validated a radioimmunoassay-based method quantifying fecal glucocorticoid metabolites (FGMs) from captive male and female Richardson's ground squirrels Urocitellus richardsonii. Blood samples were drawn to explore the correlation between plasma cortisol and FGM concentrations. We also injected groups of squirrels with normal saline (CTL; control), adre- nocorticotropic hormone (ACTH; stimulating adrenal activity), or dexamethasone (DEX; suppressing adrenal activity). Potential correlations between stress and behaviour were explored through quantification of fecal pellet production and the intervention necessary to elicit defecation, as well as the behaviour of subjects in the context of handling. Changes in plasma cortisol concen- tration between capture (baseline), and following handling (stress-induced) were also quantified for free-living squirrels. While glucocorticoid concentrations recovered from feces during our captive-animal study were not well correlated with plasma eortisol concentrations, and uncorrelated with defecation or behaviour, FGM concentrations did reflect the activation of the hypothalamic- pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis. FGM concentrations increased significantly during initial captivity, but declined to baseline level as individuals acclimated to the novel environment. Injection of subjects with ACTH increased FGMs above baseline, confirming activation of the HPA axis. Plasma cortisol concentrations increased significantly with induced stress, indicating that capture and handling activated the glucocorticoid stress response even among previously handled, free-living subjects. Our findings validate a non-invasive tool that will afford new insight into the physiological processes underlying social, reproductive and antipredator behaviour of Richardson's ground squirrels [Current Zoology 60 (5): 591-601, 2014 ].展开更多
Activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis liberates glucocorticoids, which provides an acute indication of an individual's response to stressors. The heritability of the stress response in wild ma...Activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis liberates glucocorticoids, which provides an acute indication of an individual's response to stressors. The heritability of the stress response in wild mammals, however, remains poorly documented. We quantified the cortisol stress response of female Richardson's ground squirrels (RGSs) to handling and physical restraint, testing for: (1) the effects of individual age, time of day, and sample latency; (2) repeatability within individuals; (3) narrow-sense heritability; and (4) differences among individuals owing to potential genetic and/or environmental effects. We detected a positive linear relationship between baseline plasma cortisol (BL-cortisol) concentration and stress-induced plasma cortisol (Sl-cortisol) concentration that defined each individual's cortisol stress response. BL-cortisol, SI-cortisol, and stress response did not differ according to the time the sample was taken, or by subject age. Cortisol stress response was highly repeatable within individuals, had a mother-offspring heritability of h2 =0.40 ± 0.24 (mean ±SE), full-sibling heritability of h2s = 0.37 ± 0.71, and half-sibling heritabil- ity of hHS^2 = 0.75 ± 1.41. Stress responses of sibling groups, immediate-family groups, and squir- rels within a given area did not differ, whereas those of individuals from more distantly related matrilines did. Our results highlight the natural variability in HPA axis reactivity among individuals by quantifying both BL- and SI-cortisol levels, demonstrate partial heritability of the stress response that is not attributable to environmental variation, and suggest that at least part of an indi- vidual's stress response can be accounted for by differences in matrilineal history.展开更多
The purpose of this study was to explore the variations in the circulating leptin concentrations of the wild ground squirrels in relation to seasonal changes in testicular activities.Hematoxylin-eosin staining showed ...The purpose of this study was to explore the variations in the circulating leptin concentrations of the wild ground squirrels in relation to seasonal changes in testicular activities.Hematoxylin-eosin staining showed all types of elongated spermatids and spermatogenic cells existed in the testis in April,while the primary spermatocytes and spermatogonia were most advanced stages of germ cells in June.In addition,the primary spermatocytes,secondary spermatocytes,and spermatogonia were most advanced stages of germ cells in September.The highest circulating leptin concentration was consistent with the maximum body weight results from accumulation of adipose tissue in September.The mRNA expression level of leptin receptor(Ob-R)and STAT3 was lowest in June,raised in September,and remained increased in April.Ob-R and STAT3 were stronger staining in the Leydig cells in July.Moreover,the concentrations of testosterone(T)showed the maximum values in April,the minimum values in June,and significant increases in September.Furthermore,it is worth noting that the levels of T increased with the mRNA levels of Ob-R,STAT3,StAR,and testicular steroidogenic enzymes(3β-HSD,P450c17,and P450scc).Moreover,RNA-seq analyses of testis during the different periods showed that a total of 4209 genes were differ-entially expressed genes(DEGs);further analysis revealed that DEGs related with the Jak/STAT pathways and reproduction were altered.Taken together,the results suggested that the leptin regulated testicular function through the Jak/STAT pathways and testicular steroidogenic factor expressions.展开更多
基金supported by the Russian Science Foundation,project number 22-24-00610,https://rscf.ru/project/22-24-00610/.
文摘Juvenile survival is a key life-history influence on population dynamics and adaptive evolution.We analyzed the effects of individual chara-cteristics,early environment,and maternal investment on juvenile survival in a large solitary hibernating rodent-yellow ground squirrel Spermophilus fulvus using Cox mixed-effects models.Only 48%of weaned pups survived to dispersal and 17%survived to hibernation.Early life expectancy was primarily determined by individual characteristics and,to a lesser extent,by the early environment.The strongest and pos-itive predictor of juvenile survival was body mass which crucially affected mortality immediately after weaning.Males suffered higher mortality than females after the onset of dispersal;however,the overall difference between sexes was partly masked by high rates of mortality in the first days after emergence in both sexes.Later emerged juveniles had lower life expectancy than the earliest pups.The overall effect of local juvenile density was positive.Prolonged lactation did not enhance juvenile survival:Pups nursed longer survived shorter than the young nursed for a shorter period.Our findings support the hypothesis that females of S.fulvus cannot effectively regulate maternal expenditures to mitigate the effects of unfavorable conditions on their offspring.The strategy to deal with seasonal time constraints on life history in female S.fulvus suggests an early termination of maternal care at the cost of juvenile quality and survival.This female reproductive strategy corresponds to a"fast-solitary"life of folivorous desert-dwelling S.fulvus and other solitary ground squirrels with prolonged hibernation.
基金supported by a Discovery grant from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) of Canada (Grant No. 6793)supported by the NSERC postgraduate fellowships
文摘Micro RNAs(mi RNAs) are small non-coding RNAs that are important in regulating metabolic stress. In this study, we determined the expression and structural characteristics of 20 mi RNAs in brown(BAT) and white adipose tissue(WAT) during torpor in thirteen-lined ground squirrels. Using a modified stem-loop technique, we found that during torpor, expression of six mi RNAs including let-7a, let-7b, mi R-107, mi R-150, mi R-222 and mi R-31 was significantly downregulated in WAT(P 〈 0.05), which was 16%–54% of euthermic non-torpid control squirrels,whereas expression of three mi RNAs including mi R-143, mi R-200 a and mi R-519 d was found to be upregulated by 1.32–2.34-fold. Similarly, expression of more mi RNAs was downregulated in BAT during torpor. We detected reduced expression of 6 mi RNAs including mi R-103 a, mi R-107, mi R-125 b, mi R-21, mi R-221 and mi R-31(48%–70% of control), while only expression of mi R-138 was significantly upregulated(2.91 ± 0.8-fold of the control, P 〈 0.05). Interestingly,mi RNAs found to be downregulated in WAT during torpor were similar to those dysregulated in obese humans for increased adipogenesis, whereas mi RNAs with altered expression in BAT during torpor were linked to mitochondrial b-oxidation. mi RPath target prediction analysis showed that mi RNAs downregulated in both WAT and BAT were associated with the regulation of mitogen-activated protein kinase(MAPK) signaling, while the mi RNAs upregulated in WAT were linked to transforming growth factor b(TGFb) signaling. Compared to mouse sequences, no unique nucleotide substitutions within the stem-loop region were discovered for the associated pre-mi RNAs for the mi RNAs used in this study, suggesting no structure-influenced changes in pre-mi RNA processing efficiency in the squirrel. As well, the expression of mi RNA processingenzyme Dicer remained unchanged in both tissues during torpor. Overall, our findings suggest that changes of mi RNA expression in adipose tissues may be linked to distinct biological roles in WAT and BAT during hibernation and may involve the regulation of signaling cascades.
文摘Alarm calls of the European Spermophilus citellus (EGS), Taurus S. taurensis (TGS) and Anatolian S. xanthoprymnus (AGS) ground squirrels share the same basic structure. They are tonal sounds consisting primarily of two different elements. The first element, often produced without the second element, has limited frequency modulation, while the second element is more frequency modulated. The present study examined whether this frequency-modulated element enhances the individual distinc- tiveness of calls, allowing calls to be ascribed with greater confidence to individual callers of the three species. Cross-validated discriminant function analysis (DFA) based on five acoustic parameters of the first element successfully classified calls to correct individuals (EGS: 90%, TGS: 98%, AGS: 96%). Cross-validated DFA based on five acoustic parameters of the second element was also successful in classifications (EGS: 88%, TGS: 86%, AGS: 96%), though discrimination of callers based on parameters of the second versus first element was the same for the AGS, lower for the EGS and significantly lower for the TGS. Cross-validated DFA based on five acoustic parameters of two-element calls also successfully classified calls to correct individu- als (EGS: 93%, TGS: 98%, AGS: 97%), though did not improve the extent to which calls could be classified to individuals be- yond that based on the ftrst element alone. Thus, the second element does not enhance the individual distinctiveness of calls, but may convey other information such as the location of the caller [Current Zoology 58 (5): 749-757, 2012].
文摘Alarm calls are emitted by Richardson's ground squirrels Urocitellus richardsonii in response to avian and terrestrial predators. Conspecifics detecting these calls respond with increased vigilance, promoting predator detection and evasion, but in doing so, lose time from foraging. That loss can be minimized if alarm call recipients discriminate among signalers, and weight their response accordingly. For juvenile ground squirrels, we predicted that the trade-off between foraging and vigilance could be optimized via selective response to alarm calls emitted by their own dam, and/or neighboring colony members over calls broad- cast by less familiar conspecifics. Alarm calls of adult female Richardson's ground squirrels were elicited in the field using a predator model and recorded on digital audio tape. Free-living focal juveniles were subjected to playbacks of a call of their mother, and on a separate occasion a call from either another adult female from their own colony, or an adult female from another colony. Neither immediate postural responses and escape behavior, nor the duration of vigilance manifested by juveniles differed with exposure to alarm calls of the three adult female signaler types. Thus, juveniles did not respond preferentially to alarm calls emitted by their mothers or colony members, likely reflecting the high cost of ignoring alarm signals where receivers have had limited opportunity to establish past signaler reliability [Current Zoology 58 (5): 773-780, 2012].
文摘Life-history theory predicts that in hibemators age of maturation is related positively to body size and negatively to the duration of active season aboveground. Yellow souslik is a large-sized ground squirrel with long hibernation, which suggests late maturation. We used four-year field observations of marked individuals to determine the age of maturation in males through analysis of age-dependent variation in body size, mass, androgen status, timing of spring emergence, ranging patterns and social behavior during the mating season. Yearling males were smaller, lighter, had lower level of fecal testosterone, emerged later and had smaller home ranges than older males. Social activity and the number of females encountered did not differ between age classes. After the second hibernation none of the studied parameters varied with age. Cluster analysis revealed two behavioral tactics: "active" males (adults only) emerged earlier, ranged more widely, initiated more contacts, encountered more females and were heavier than "passive" males (both yearling and adult). Thus, males of S. fulvus reached adult size and matured after two hibernations, which is relatively fast for such a big species with short active period. Indirect evidence for copulations and high variation among yearlings in all parameters suggest that some of them might successfully compete with adults. Active tactic of wandering and searching for females is energetically costly, and probably only adult males in good physical condition can afford it, whereas passive tactic of residing is energy saving and good for adults in poor condition and for yearlings that are continuing to grow.
基金Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada(NSERC)Postgraduate Scholarship awarded to L.J.N.and a NSERC Discovery Grant(154271)awarded to J.F.H.
文摘In grassland ecosystems,burrowing mammals create disturbances,providing habitat for animal species and increasing plant community diversity.We investigated whether seedling assemblages on Richardson's ground squirrel Urocitellus richardsonii mounds result from seed rearrangement or environmental changes that favor germination of certain species over others.To test whether ground squirrels rearrange the seed bank by burrowing,we compared seed compositions among mounds,burrows,and undisturbed soil.To test whether ground squirrels change environmental conditions,we compared soil nitrate and bare ground cover on and off mounds.We also compared seedlings that germinated on mounds with seedlings that germinated on artificial disturbances from which we removed aboveground vegetation.Soil nitrate and bare ground cover were significantly higher on mounds than artificial disturbances.While seed richness and abundance did not differ among mounds,burrows,and undisturbed soil,seedling richness was reduced on mounds relative to artificial disturbances.Burrowing disturbance favors seedlings that can capitalize on bare ground availability but are less able to immobilize nitrate,as opposed to perennial species that immobilize more nitrate but take longer to establish.Our results suggest that Richardson's ground squirrels act as ecosystem engineers,although future research following succession on ground squirrel mounds is necessary to understand how they influence plant communities past the seedling stage.
文摘We validated a radioimmunoassay-based method quantifying fecal glucocorticoid metabolites (FGMs) from captive male and female Richardson's ground squirrels Urocitellus richardsonii. Blood samples were drawn to explore the correlation between plasma cortisol and FGM concentrations. We also injected groups of squirrels with normal saline (CTL; control), adre- nocorticotropic hormone (ACTH; stimulating adrenal activity), or dexamethasone (DEX; suppressing adrenal activity). Potential correlations between stress and behaviour were explored through quantification of fecal pellet production and the intervention necessary to elicit defecation, as well as the behaviour of subjects in the context of handling. Changes in plasma cortisol concen- tration between capture (baseline), and following handling (stress-induced) were also quantified for free-living squirrels. While glucocorticoid concentrations recovered from feces during our captive-animal study were not well correlated with plasma eortisol concentrations, and uncorrelated with defecation or behaviour, FGM concentrations did reflect the activation of the hypothalamic- pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis. FGM concentrations increased significantly during initial captivity, but declined to baseline level as individuals acclimated to the novel environment. Injection of subjects with ACTH increased FGMs above baseline, confirming activation of the HPA axis. Plasma cortisol concentrations increased significantly with induced stress, indicating that capture and handling activated the glucocorticoid stress response even among previously handled, free-living subjects. Our findings validate a non-invasive tool that will afford new insight into the physiological processes underlying social, reproductive and antipredator behaviour of Richardson's ground squirrels [Current Zoology 60 (5): 591-601, 2014 ].
文摘Activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis liberates glucocorticoids, which provides an acute indication of an individual's response to stressors. The heritability of the stress response in wild mammals, however, remains poorly documented. We quantified the cortisol stress response of female Richardson's ground squirrels (RGSs) to handling and physical restraint, testing for: (1) the effects of individual age, time of day, and sample latency; (2) repeatability within individuals; (3) narrow-sense heritability; and (4) differences among individuals owing to potential genetic and/or environmental effects. We detected a positive linear relationship between baseline plasma cortisol (BL-cortisol) concentration and stress-induced plasma cortisol (Sl-cortisol) concentration that defined each individual's cortisol stress response. BL-cortisol, SI-cortisol, and stress response did not differ according to the time the sample was taken, or by subject age. Cortisol stress response was highly repeatable within individuals, had a mother-offspring heritability of h2 =0.40 ± 0.24 (mean ±SE), full-sibling heritability of h2s = 0.37 ± 0.71, and half-sibling heritabil- ity of hHS^2 = 0.75 ± 1.41. Stress responses of sibling groups, immediate-family groups, and squir- rels within a given area did not differ, whereas those of individuals from more distantly related matrilines did. Our results highlight the natural variability in HPA axis reactivity among individuals by quantifying both BL- and SI-cortisol levels, demonstrate partial heritability of the stress response that is not attributable to environmental variation, and suggest that at least part of an indi- vidual's stress response can be accounted for by differences in matrilineal history.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(31872320,21806010)the Young Scientist Start-up funding of Beijing Forestry University(BLX201714).
文摘The purpose of this study was to explore the variations in the circulating leptin concentrations of the wild ground squirrels in relation to seasonal changes in testicular activities.Hematoxylin-eosin staining showed all types of elongated spermatids and spermatogenic cells existed in the testis in April,while the primary spermatocytes and spermatogonia were most advanced stages of germ cells in June.In addition,the primary spermatocytes,secondary spermatocytes,and spermatogonia were most advanced stages of germ cells in September.The highest circulating leptin concentration was consistent with the maximum body weight results from accumulation of adipose tissue in September.The mRNA expression level of leptin receptor(Ob-R)and STAT3 was lowest in June,raised in September,and remained increased in April.Ob-R and STAT3 were stronger staining in the Leydig cells in July.Moreover,the concentrations of testosterone(T)showed the maximum values in April,the minimum values in June,and significant increases in September.Furthermore,it is worth noting that the levels of T increased with the mRNA levels of Ob-R,STAT3,StAR,and testicular steroidogenic enzymes(3β-HSD,P450c17,and P450scc).Moreover,RNA-seq analyses of testis during the different periods showed that a total of 4209 genes were differ-entially expressed genes(DEGs);further analysis revealed that DEGs related with the Jak/STAT pathways and reproduction were altered.Taken together,the results suggested that the leptin regulated testicular function through the Jak/STAT pathways and testicular steroidogenic factor expressions.