Due to the lack of accurate data and complex parameterization,the prediction of groundwater depth is a chal-lenge for numerical models.Machine learning can effectively solve this issue and has been proven useful in th...Due to the lack of accurate data and complex parameterization,the prediction of groundwater depth is a chal-lenge for numerical models.Machine learning can effectively solve this issue and has been proven useful in the prediction of groundwater depth in many areas.In this study,two new models are applied to the prediction of groundwater depth in the Ningxia area,China.The two models combine the improved dung beetle optimizer(DBO)algorithm with two deep learning models:The Multi-head Attention-Convolution Neural Network-Long Short Term Memory networks(MH-CNN-LSTM)and the Multi-head Attention-Convolution Neural Network-Gated Recurrent Unit(MH-CNN-GRU).The models with DBO show better prediction performance,with larger R(correlation coefficient),RPD(residual prediction deviation),and lower RMSE(root-mean-square error).Com-pared with the models with the original DBO,the R and RPD of models with the improved DBO increase by over 1.5%,and the RMSE decreases by over 1.8%,indicating better prediction results.In addition,compared with the multiple linear regression model,a traditional statistical model,deep learning models have better prediction performance.展开更多
Precipitation infiltration serves as a significant source of groundwater in the Badain Jaran Desert.To investigate variations in precipitation infiltration within the desert,this study collected data on moisture conte...Precipitation infiltration serves as a significant source of groundwater in the Badain Jaran Desert.To investigate variations in precipitation infiltration within the desert,this study collected data on moisture content and temperature from the vadose zone through in-situ field monitoring.Utilizing these data,a numerical model is employed to explore the mechanism of groundwater recharge via precipitation.The results are as follows:(1)Moisture content and temperature in the shallow vadose zone exhibit significant seasonal variations,with moisture content diminishing with increasing depth;(2)Groundwater recharge via precipitation infiltration initially increases and then decreases with groundwater level depth(GWD).Peak groundwater recharge via precipitation occurs at a GWD of 0.75 m,decreasing to merely 0.012 cm at GWDs exceeding 2 m;(3)Groundwater is no longer susceptible to phreatic water evaporation when the GWD reaches approximately 3.7 m.Therefore,GWD plays a crucial role in governing groundwater recharge via precipitation in the Badain Jaran Desert.展开更多
Precipitation and evaporation are commonly used to assess and forecast droughts. However, surface and groundwater respond to both land surface processes, land use, and climatic variables, and should be integrated into...Precipitation and evaporation are commonly used to assess and forecast droughts. However, surface and groundwater respond to both land surface processes, land use, and climatic variables, and should be integrated into water management decisions. Water trend analysis near the Great Lakes is limited due to fluctuating cycles and data scarcity. In this study, we examine daily discharge data from 46 surface water gauges with high baseflow contributions and groundwater elevation from 28 observation wells in Michigan. Using established hydrograph separation techniques, we determined baseflow and standardized both annual average baseflow levels (SDBF) and groundwater levels (SDGW) from 1960 to 2022. These results are compared to the widely used Standardized Precipitation-Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI). SPEI is a widely used drought indicator that integrates both precipitation and potential evapotranspiration, offering a more comprehensive measure of water balance. While the SPEI suggests that Michigan is becoming wetter, the SDBF shows a mix of both wet and dry conditions. Interpreting SDGW is more challenging due to incomplete records, but it indicates varying groundwater stability across the state. In some areas, SDGW mirrors the trends seen in SDBF, while in others, it takes 3 to 4 years for groundwater levels to reflect the same changes observed in baseflow. Overall, SDBF provides a better understanding of surface processes and responses to changing climatic variables.展开更多
Accessing drinking water is a global issue. This study aims to contribute to the assessment of groundwater quality in the municipality of Za-Kpota (southern Benin) using remote sensing and Machine Learning. The method...Accessing drinking water is a global issue. This study aims to contribute to the assessment of groundwater quality in the municipality of Za-Kpota (southern Benin) using remote sensing and Machine Learning. The methodological approach used consisted in linking groundwater physico-chemical parameter data collected in the field and in the laboratory using AFNOR 1994 standardized methods to satellite data (Landsat) in order to sketch out a groundwater quality prediction model. The data was processed using QGis (Semi-Automatic Plugin: SCP) and Python (Jupyter Netebook: Prediction) softwares. The results of water analysis from the sampled wells and boreholes indicated that most of the water is acidic (pH varying between 5.59 and 7.83). The water was moderately mineralized, with conductivity values of less than 1500 μs/cm overall (59 µS/cm to 1344 µS/cm), with high concentrations of nitrates and phosphates in places. The dynamics of groundwater quality in the municipality of Za-Kpota between 2008 and 2022 are also marked by a regression in land use units (a regression in vegetation and marshland formation in favor of built-up areas, bare soil, crops and fallow land) revealed by the diachronic analysis of satellite images from 2008, 2013, 2018 and 2022. Surveys of local residents revealed the use of herbicides and pesticides in agricultural fields, which are the main drivers contributing to the groundwater quality deterioration observed in the study area. Field surveys revealed the use of herbicides and pesticides in agricultural fields, which are factors contributing to the deterioration in groundwater quality observed in the study area. The results of the groundwater quality prediction models (ANN, RF and LR) developed led to the conclusion that the model based on Artificial Neural Networks (ANN: R2 = 0.97 and RMSE = 0) is the best for groundwater quality changes modelling in the Za-Kpota municipality.展开更多
The potential groundwater reserve in alluvial aquifers and sandy river beds has not been well studied, and yet their benefit in meeting rural water supply demands cannot be underestimated. A three-dimensional steady-s...The potential groundwater reserve in alluvial aquifers and sandy river beds has not been well studied, and yet their benefit in meeting rural water supply demands cannot be underestimated. A three-dimensional steady-state finite difference numerical groundwater flow model was used to assess the groundwater resource potential on a one-kilometre river stretch scale along the Motloutse River catchment in eastern Botswana. The model area is a single-layer unconfined aquifer system. A uniform grid was laid over this phreatic aquifer, and an overall size of 50 columns x 54 rows was developed. The model yielded calibrated K values of 145 m/day and 11 m/day for the riverbed and riverbank sediments, respectively, and calibrated recharge and evaporation of 172 mm/yr and 120 mm/yr, respectively. A sustainable groundwater yield of 120 m3/day with the potential to irrigate an area of 2.4 hectares was determined. The result also shows that the Motloutse alluvial aquifer yields a safe yield of 29,400 m3 for a kilometre of river stretch.展开更多
The dependence of groundwater quality on borehole depth is usually debatable in groundwater studies, especially in complex geological formations where aquifer characteristics vary spatially with depth. This study ther...The dependence of groundwater quality on borehole depth is usually debatable in groundwater studies, especially in complex geological formations where aquifer characteristics vary spatially with depth. This study therefore seeks to investigate the relationship between borehole depth and groundwater quality across the granitoid aquifers within the Birimian Supergroup in the Ashanti Region. Physicochemical analysis records of groundwater quality data were collected from 23 boreholes of public and private institutions in the Ashanti Region of Ghana, and the parametric values of iron, fluoride, total hardness, pH, nitrate, and nitrite were used to study the groundwater quality-depth relationship. The results showed that the depth-to-groundwater quality indicated a marginal increase in water quality in the range of 30 to 50 m, which is mathematically represented by the low-value correlation coefficient (r<sup>2</sup> = 0.026). A relatively significant increase occurs in the depth range of 50 to 80 m, which is given by a correlation coefficient of r<sup>2</sup> = 0.298. The mean percent parameter compatibility was 74%, 82%, 89%, and 97% at 50, 60, 70, and 80 m depths, respectively. The variations in groundwater quality per depth ratio ranged from 1.48, 1.37, 1.27, and 1.21 for 50, 60, 70, and 80 m depth, respectively. The recommended minimum borehole depth for excellent groundwater quality is suggested with a compatibility per meter depth ratio of 1.37. This results in a range between 50 and 70 m as the most desirable drilling depth for excellent groundwater quality within the granitoids of the Birimian Supergroup of the Ashanti Region in Ghana.展开更多
This study aims to delineate the spatial distribution of nitrate and fluoride in groundwater and to estimate the non-carcinogenic risks using the human health risk assessment model recommended by the United States Env...This study aims to delineate the spatial distribution of nitrate and fluoride in groundwater and to estimate the non-carcinogenic risks using the human health risk assessment model recommended by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). Forty-two samples were collected from wells and boreholes and analyzed for nitrate, fluoride and other water quality parameters. Results of the study indicate that fluoride and nitrate concentrations vary respectively from 0.13 to 9.41 mg·L−1 and from 0.13 to 432.24 mg·L−1 with respective median values of 2.65 and 13.85. About 69% of groundwater samples exceed the allowable limit (1.5 mg·L−1) of fluoride for drinking water. Spatial distribution of fluoride shows high concentrations in certain localities with values ranging from 6.74 mg·L−1 to 9.41 mg·L−1. The spatial distribution of nitrate indicates that the majority of water samples (87.18%) have nitrate concentrations lower than the World Health Organization (WHO) standard guideline value of 50 mg·L−1. Assessment of non-carcinogenic risks associated with intake of polluted groundwater in local populations indicates that 82.05% and 87.18% of groundwater samples have a THI > 1 in adults and children, respectively. However, the highest THI value (15.87) was recorded for children suggesting that children face greater non-carcinogenic risks than adults. The results of this study can be used as a support by the policymakers and practitioners to develop appropriate policies for effective and sustainable groundwater management and to monitor human health implications.展开更多
The study integrates both the geological and geophysical mapping techniques for groundwater potential studies at Ekwegbe-Agu and the environs, Enugu state, Nigeria for optimal citing of borehole. Located in the Anambr...The study integrates both the geological and geophysical mapping techniques for groundwater potential studies at Ekwegbe-Agu and the environs, Enugu state, Nigeria for optimal citing of borehole. Located in the Anambra Basin between latitudes 6˚43'N and 6˚47'N and longitudes 7˚28'E and 7˚32'E, it is stratigraphycally underlain by, from bottom to top, the Enugu/Nkporo, Mamu and Ajali Formation respectively, a complex geology that make citing of productive borehole in the area problematic leading to borehole failure and dry holes due to inadequate sampling. The study adopted a field and analytic sampling approach, integrating field geological, electrical resistivity and self-potential methods. The software, SedLog v3.1, InterpexIx1Dv.3, and Surfer v10 were employed for the data integration and interpretation. The result of the geological field and borehole data shows 11 sedimentary facies consisting of sandstone, shales and heterolith of sandstone/shale, with the aquifer zone mostly prevalent in the more porous sand-dominated horizons. Mostly the AK and HK were the dominant curve types. An average of 6 geo-electric layers were delineated across all transects with resistivity values ranging from 25.42 - 105.85 Ωm, 186.38 - 3383.3 Ωm, and 2992 - 6286.4 Ωm in the Enugu, Mamu and Ajali Formations respectively. The resistivity of the main aquifer layer ranges from 1 to 500 Ωm. The aquifer thickness within the study area varies between 95 and 140 m. The western and northwestern part of the study area which is underlain mainly by the Ajali Formation showed the highest groundwater potential in the area and suitable for citing productive boreholes.展开更多
The Kandi basin is located in northeast Benin (West Africa). This study is focused on the estimation of water fluxes exchanged between the river Niger (and its tributaries) and the transboundary Iullemeden Aquifer Sys...The Kandi basin is located in northeast Benin (West Africa). This study is focused on the estimation of water fluxes exchanged between the river Niger (and its tributaries) and the transboundary Iullemeden Aquifer System. In that framework, an innovative approach based on the application of the Bayesian Mixing Model (MixSIAR) analysis on water isotopes (oxygen-18, deuterium and tritium) was performed. Moreover, to assess the relevance of the model outputs, Pearson’s correlation and Principal Component Analysis (PCA) have been done. A complex relationship between surface water and groundwater has been found. Sixty percent (60%) of groundwater samples are made of more than 70% river water and rainwater;while 31.25% of surface water samples are made of about 84% groundwater. To safeguard sustainable water resources for the well-being of the local communities, surface water and groundwater must be managed as a unique component in the Kandi basin.展开更多
Over recent decades, Gampaha district, Sri Lanka, has experienced significant urbanisation and industrial growth, increasing groundwater demand due to limited and polluted surface water resources. In 2013, a community...Over recent decades, Gampaha district, Sri Lanka, has experienced significant urbanisation and industrial growth, increasing groundwater demand due to limited and polluted surface water resources. In 2013, a community uprising in Rathupaswala, a village in Gampaha district, accused a latex glove manufacturing factory of causing groundwater acidity (pH < 4). This study evaluates the spatial and temporal changes in geochemical parameters across three transects in the southern part of Gampaha district to 1) assess the impact of geological formations on groundwater;2) compare temporal variations in groundwater;and 3) explain acidification via a geochemical model. Seventy-two sample locations were tested for pH, electrical conductivity (EC), and anion concentrations (sulphate, nitrate, chloride and fluoride). Depth to the water table and distance from the sea were measured to study variations across sandy, peaty, lateritic, and crystalline aquifers. Results showed pH readings around 7 for sandy and crystalline aquifers, below 7 for peaty aquifers, and below 5 for lateritic aquifers, with significant water table fluctuations near Rathupaswala area. Principal component analysis revealed three principal components (PCs) explaining 86.0% of the variance. PC1 (40.6%) correlated with pH, EC, and sulphate (saltwater intrusion), while PC2 (32.0%) correlated with nitrates and depth to the water table (anthropogenic nutrient pollution). A geochemical transport model indicated a cone of depression recharged by acidic groundwater from peat-soil aquifers, leading to acidic groundwater in Rathupaswala area. Previous attributions of acidic pH to the over-exploitation of groundwater by the latex factory have been reevaluated;the results suggest natural acidification from prolonged water-rock interactions with iron-rich lateritic aquifers. Groundwater pH is influenced by local climate, geology, topography, and drainage systems. It is recommended that similar water-rock interaction conditions may be present throughout the wet zone of Sri Lanka, warranting detailed studies to confirm this hypothesis.展开更多
The karst groundwater of Cambrian limestone may become an important water source for industry and agriculture in the Pingdingshan area,and is also a potential threat to mining safety.Therefore,to find out the origin,f...The karst groundwater of Cambrian limestone may become an important water source for industry and agriculture in the Pingdingshan area,and is also a potential threat to mining safety.Therefore,to find out the origin,flow paths,and hydrogeochemical processes of karst groundwater beneath the Pingdingshan coalfield,a total of 16 water samples were collected.Our findings confirmed that the karst groundwater is mainly recharged by precipitation.The precipitation can directly supply the deep aquifer of the karst water system through the southwest limestone outcrops,and this area mostly includes the southern part of mines No.11,No.9,and the hidden outcrops in the southern part of mine No.2.What is more,the areas adjacent to the synclinal axis,including mines No.10,No.12,and No.8,may be the main discharge areas.A mixing model of^(87)Sr/^(86)Sr and Sr showed that in the southwest Pingdingshan coalfield,the proportion of precipitation decreased gradually from the recharge area to the discharge area,ranging from 89.1%to 17.1%.Besides,the northeast Pingdingshan coalfield is another recharge area for the whole karst system,thus,the infiltrating groundwater will indirectly supply the deep aquifer through Quaternary deposition near the mine No.13.Our research results can provide theoretical support for the prevention and control of groundwater disasters and the development and utilization of regional groundwater resources in the coalfield in Northern China.展开更多
The continuous enrichment of heavy metals in soils has caused potential harm to groundwater.Quantitative methods to evaluate the harm of heavy metals in soil to groundwater are lacked in previous studies.Based on the ...The continuous enrichment of heavy metals in soils has caused potential harm to groundwater.Quantitative methods to evaluate the harm of heavy metals in soil to groundwater are lacked in previous studies.Based on the theory of groundwater circulation and solid-liquid equilibrium,a simple and easy-touse flux model of soil heavy metals migrating to groundwater is constructed.Based on groundwater environmental capacity,an innovative method for evaluating the harm of heavy metals in soil to groundwater is proposed,which has been applied in Hunchun Basin,Jilin Province,China.The results show that the fluxes of soil heavy metals into groundwater in the study area are Zn,Cu,As,Pb,Cd,Ni,and Hg in descending order.The content of heavy metals in groundwater(As,Hg,Cu,Pb,Zn,Ni,and Cd)in most areas has not risen to the threshold of environmental capacity within 10 years.The harm levels of soil heavy metals to groundwater in the most townships soils are at the moderate level or below.This evaluation method can quantify the flux of soil heavy metals into groundwater simply and quickly,determine the residual capacity of groundwater to heavy metals,evaluate the harm level of soil heavy metals to groundwater,provide support for relevant departments to carry out environmental protection of soil and groundwater,and provide a reference to carry out similar studies for related scholars.展开更多
Highly permeable geological structures such as dissolution channels, open fractures, and faults create environmental challenges regard to hydrological and hydrogeological aspects of underground construction, often cau...Highly permeable geological structures such as dissolution channels, open fractures, and faults create environmental challenges regard to hydrological and hydrogeological aspects of underground construction, often causing significant groundwater inflow during drilling due to the limitations of empirical and analytical methods. This study aims to identify the geological factors influencing water flow into the tunnel. High-flow zones' geological features have been identified and examined for this purpose. According to the geological complexity of the Nowsud tunnel, presence of different formations with different permeability and karstification have led to a high volume of underground inflow water (up to 4700 L/s) to the tunnel. The Nowsud tunnel faces significant geological and hydrogeological challenges due to its passage through the Ilam formation's LI2 unit, characterized by dissolution channels, faults, and fractures. The highest inflow rate (4700 L/s) occurred in the Hz-9 zone within the Zimkan anticline. The relationship between geological features and groundwater inflow indicates that anticlines are more susceptible to inflow than synclines. Additionally, different types of faults exhibit varying hydraulic effects, with strike-slip faults having the most significant impact on groundwater inflow, thrust faults conducting less water into the tunnel, and inflow through normal faults being negligible compared to the other two types of faults. The novelty of this paper lies in its detailed analysis of geological features influencing groundwater inflow into the Nowsud tunnel, providing empirical data on high-flow zones and differentiating the hydraulic effects of various fault types, which enhances the understanding and prediction of groundwater inflow in underground constructions.展开更多
Asia stands out as the most populous and geographically diverse region globally.The pressing issues of water resource development and the resulting ecological impacts are exacerbated by the region's rapid populati...Asia stands out as the most populous and geographically diverse region globally.The pressing issues of water resource development and the resulting ecological impacts are exacerbated by the region's rapid population growth and economic expansion.Groundwater,a vital source of water in Asia,faces significant disparities in distribution and suffers from unsustainable exploitation practices.This study applies groundwater system theory and categorizes Asia into 11 primary groundwater systems and 36 secondary ones,based on intercontinental geological structures,climate,terrain,and hydrogeological characteristics.As of the end of 2010,Asia's assessed groundwater resources totalled 4.677×10^(9) m^(3)/a,with exploitable resources amounting to 3.274×10^(9) m^(3)/a.By considering the geological environmental impacts of groundwater development and the distinctive characteristics of terrain and landforms,six categories of effect zones with varying distribution patterns are identified.The current research on Asia's groundwater resources,environmental dynamics,and human impacts aims to provide a theoretical foundation for sustainable groundwater management and environmental conservation in the region.展开更多
Aquifer characteristics evaluation enables the determination of aquifer’s ability to recharge as well as discharge. However, knowledge of aquifer characteristics has been scarce in Abavo area. Thus, geophysical and h...Aquifer characteristics evaluation enables the determination of aquifer’s ability to recharge as well as discharge. However, knowledge of aquifer characteristics has been scarce in Abavo area. Thus, geophysical and hydrogeological investigations, involving vertical electrical sounding (VES), pumping test and well logging were conducted in Abavo area, Nigeria, to evaluate the aquifer hydraulic properties as well as the groundwater protective capacity of the area. Seventeen (17) VES, using the Schlumberger configuration, were carried out. The field data were curve-matched, iterated, using Win Resist software. The VES result revealed subsurface lithology that comprised lateritic top soil/sand, sandy clay/clayey sand, fine sand, medium sand and coarse to gravelly sand. The VES result equally revealed an aquifer depth range from 28.8 - 76.6 m, with resistivity range from 1175 - 27,272 Ω·m. Two boreholes were drilled, the cuttings were collected and were used to model the subsurface lithology. Well logging result showed that the electrical conductivity (EC) as well as total dissolved solid (TDS) are 15 μs/cm and 112 mg/l respectively, indicative of the fact that the values were within the standard organization of Nigeria (SON) permissible limit for drinking water. Pumping test analysis, using the Cooper Jacob’s method, revealed that the transmissivity, specific capacity, storativity and hydraulic conductivity are 5.9 m2/day, 33.13 m/day, 0.0069 and 0.1722 m/day respectively. The study revealed longitudinal conductance and transverse resistance range of 0.001048 - 0.027828 Ω−1 and 105470.4 - 1255775.3 Ω·m2 respectively. These results have established that the aquifer is semi-confined, has poor protective capacity and high rechargibility and will provide adequate, potable groundwater for local water supply to communities for domestic and other purposes.展开更多
In groundwater hydrology,aquitard heterogeneity is often less considered compared to aquifers,despite its significant impact on groundwater hydraulics and groundwater resources evaluation.A semi-analytical solution is...In groundwater hydrology,aquitard heterogeneity is often less considered compared to aquifers,despite its significant impact on groundwater hydraulics and groundwater resources evaluation.A semi-analytical solution is derived for pumping-induced well hydraulics and groundwater budget with consideration of vertical heterogeneity in aquitard hydraulic conductivity(K)and specific storage(S_(s)).The proposed new solution is innovative in its partitioning of the aquitard into multiple homogeneous sub-layers to enable consideration of various forms of vertically heterogeneous K or S_(s).Two scenarios of analytical investigations are explored:one is the presence of aquitard interlayers with distinct K or S_(s) values,a common field-scale occurrence;another is an exponentially depth-decaying aquitard S_(s),a regional-scale phenomenon supported by statistical analysis.Analytical investigations reveal that a low-K interlayer can significantly increase aquifer drawdown and enhance aquifer/aquitard depletion;a high-S_(s) interlayer can noticeably reduce aquifer drawdown and increase aquitard depletion.Locations of low-K or high-S_(s) interlayers also significantly impact well hydraulics and groundwater budget.In the context of an exponentially depth-decaying aquitard S_(s),a larger decay exponent can enhance aquifer drawdown.When using current models with a vertically homogeneous aquitard,half the sum of the geometric and harmonic means of exponentially depth-decaying aquitard S_(s) should be used to calculate aquitard depletion and unconfined aquifer leakage.展开更多
Groundwater quality assessment is important to assure safe and durable water use.In semi-arid areas of Algeria,groundwater represents the main water resource for drinking water supply of the rural population as well a...Groundwater quality assessment is important to assure safe and durable water use.In semi-arid areas of Algeria,groundwater represents the main water resource for drinking water supply of the rural population as well as for irrigation of agricultural lands.Groundwater samples from wells and springs were collected from the Gargaat Tarf and Annk Djemel sub-watersheds of the Oum El Bouaghi,Algeria,and were analyzed and compared with the World Health Organization(WHO)standards.Results showed that most of the measured physical and chemical parameters exceeded the quality limits according to the WHO standards.Groundwater had a slightly alkaline water pH(7.00-7.79),electrical conductivity>1500μS/cm,chloride>500 mg/L,calcium>250 mg/L,and magnesium>155 mg/L.Water quality index(WQI)results showed that 68%of the area had excellent water quality,24%of the samples fell into good category,and only 8%were of poor quality and unsuitable for human consumption.Six wells in the area showed bacterial contamination.Total coliforms(453.9(±180.3)CFU(colony-forming units)/100 mL),fecal coliforms(243.2(±99.2)CFU/100 mL),and fecal streptococci(77.9(±32.0)CFU/100 mL)loads were above the standard limits set by the WHO.These results confirmed that water resources in the study area were strongly influenced by anthropogenic activities and were not recommended for consumption as drinking water.展开更多
The groundwater system is a unique ecosystem that serves both resource and ecological functions.Hydrogeologists have conducted extensive theoretical research and practical work on groundwater ecological mapping.This p...The groundwater system is a unique ecosystem that serves both resource and ecological functions.Hydrogeologists have conducted extensive theoretical research and practical work on groundwater ecological mapping.This paper,based on the study of groundwater resources and surface ecology in the five Central Asian countries and adjacent areas of China,introduces the concept of ecosystem service functions.It establishes a groundwater ecological zoning index system and conducts research of ecological mapping using the five Central Asian countries and adjacent areas of China as examples.Through this process,the ecosystem service functions of groundwater can be more comprehensively reflected,which can better guide regional geological environment protection and industrial planning.This approach helps coordinate the relationship between socio-economic development and water resource protection,maintain the health of the groundwater ecological environment,enhance the value of groundwater ecological services,and promote the sustainable development of regional economies and societies.展开更多
Despite the high efficiency of remote sensing methods for rapid and large-scale detection of subsidence phenomena,this technique has limitations such as atmospheric impact and temporal and spatial decorrelation that a...Despite the high efficiency of remote sensing methods for rapid and large-scale detection of subsidence phenomena,this technique has limitations such as atmospheric impact and temporal and spatial decorrelation that affect the accuracy of the results.This paper proposes a method based on an artificial neural network to improve the results of monitoring land subsidence due to groundwater overexploitation by radar interferometry in the Aliabad plain(Central Iran).In this regard,vertical ground deformations were monitored over 18 months using the Sentinel-1A SAR images.To model the land subsidence by a multilayer perceptron(MLP)artificial neural network,four parameters,including groundwater level,alluvial thickness,elastic modulus,and transmissivity have been applied.The model's generalizability was assessed using data derived for 144 days.According to the results,the neural network estimates the land subsidence at each ground point with an accuracy of 6.8 mm.A comparison between the predicted and actual values indicated a significant agreement.The MLP model can be used to improve the results of subsidence detection in the study area or other areas with similar characteristics.展开更多
Groundwater resources are the main sources of water used to supply drinking water to the population of the Ouémé Delta via the Continental Terminal aquifer. Urbanization, population growth, and agricultural ...Groundwater resources are the main sources of water used to supply drinking water to the population of the Ouémé Delta via the Continental Terminal aquifer. Urbanization, population growth, and agricultural and industrial activities have resulted in a deterioration in the quality of these resources. To assess the quality of the delta’s groundwater and its suitability for human consumption and irrigation, a total of fourteen (14) physico-chemical parameters were analyzed in some forty existing water points between September 2020 and March 2021, using standard water analysis techniques. The values obtained were compared with the potability standards recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Republic of Benin and were subjected to statistical analysis (principal component analysis (PCA)). In addition, methods for determining the suitability of water for irrigation were used. The results showed that the waters are acidic to slightly neutral and influenced by ambient temperature. In addition, the waters are moderately mineralized, with conductivities (24 - 1205 μS/cm) in line with WHO standards. A comparison of the analytical results of the WHO (2017) and Benin (2001) standards indicates that the majority of the waters studied are of good quality for all the chemical parameters considered. Nevertheless, some samples show levels of nitrates (21%), potassium (14% to 16%), calcium (13%), ammonium (12%), nitrites (8%) and bicarbonates (10%) over their respective standards. The Wilcox and Riverside diagrams indicate that the majority of waters (90%) have excellent suitability for irrigation and no negative effect on soil fertilization.展开更多
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China [grant numbers 42088101 and 42375048]。
文摘Due to the lack of accurate data and complex parameterization,the prediction of groundwater depth is a chal-lenge for numerical models.Machine learning can effectively solve this issue and has been proven useful in the prediction of groundwater depth in many areas.In this study,two new models are applied to the prediction of groundwater depth in the Ningxia area,China.The two models combine the improved dung beetle optimizer(DBO)algorithm with two deep learning models:The Multi-head Attention-Convolution Neural Network-Long Short Term Memory networks(MH-CNN-LSTM)and the Multi-head Attention-Convolution Neural Network-Gated Recurrent Unit(MH-CNN-GRU).The models with DBO show better prediction performance,with larger R(correlation coefficient),RPD(residual prediction deviation),and lower RMSE(root-mean-square error).Com-pared with the models with the original DBO,the R and RPD of models with the improved DBO increase by over 1.5%,and the RMSE decreases by over 1.8%,indicating better prediction results.In addition,compared with the multiple linear regression model,a traditional statistical model,deep learning models have better prediction performance.
基金funded by China Geological Survey Program(121201106000150093).
文摘Precipitation infiltration serves as a significant source of groundwater in the Badain Jaran Desert.To investigate variations in precipitation infiltration within the desert,this study collected data on moisture content and temperature from the vadose zone through in-situ field monitoring.Utilizing these data,a numerical model is employed to explore the mechanism of groundwater recharge via precipitation.The results are as follows:(1)Moisture content and temperature in the shallow vadose zone exhibit significant seasonal variations,with moisture content diminishing with increasing depth;(2)Groundwater recharge via precipitation infiltration initially increases and then decreases with groundwater level depth(GWD).Peak groundwater recharge via precipitation occurs at a GWD of 0.75 m,decreasing to merely 0.012 cm at GWDs exceeding 2 m;(3)Groundwater is no longer susceptible to phreatic water evaporation when the GWD reaches approximately 3.7 m.Therefore,GWD plays a crucial role in governing groundwater recharge via precipitation in the Badain Jaran Desert.
文摘Precipitation and evaporation are commonly used to assess and forecast droughts. However, surface and groundwater respond to both land surface processes, land use, and climatic variables, and should be integrated into water management decisions. Water trend analysis near the Great Lakes is limited due to fluctuating cycles and data scarcity. In this study, we examine daily discharge data from 46 surface water gauges with high baseflow contributions and groundwater elevation from 28 observation wells in Michigan. Using established hydrograph separation techniques, we determined baseflow and standardized both annual average baseflow levels (SDBF) and groundwater levels (SDGW) from 1960 to 2022. These results are compared to the widely used Standardized Precipitation-Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI). SPEI is a widely used drought indicator that integrates both precipitation and potential evapotranspiration, offering a more comprehensive measure of water balance. While the SPEI suggests that Michigan is becoming wetter, the SDBF shows a mix of both wet and dry conditions. Interpreting SDGW is more challenging due to incomplete records, but it indicates varying groundwater stability across the state. In some areas, SDGW mirrors the trends seen in SDBF, while in others, it takes 3 to 4 years for groundwater levels to reflect the same changes observed in baseflow. Overall, SDBF provides a better understanding of surface processes and responses to changing climatic variables.
文摘Accessing drinking water is a global issue. This study aims to contribute to the assessment of groundwater quality in the municipality of Za-Kpota (southern Benin) using remote sensing and Machine Learning. The methodological approach used consisted in linking groundwater physico-chemical parameter data collected in the field and in the laboratory using AFNOR 1994 standardized methods to satellite data (Landsat) in order to sketch out a groundwater quality prediction model. The data was processed using QGis (Semi-Automatic Plugin: SCP) and Python (Jupyter Netebook: Prediction) softwares. The results of water analysis from the sampled wells and boreholes indicated that most of the water is acidic (pH varying between 5.59 and 7.83). The water was moderately mineralized, with conductivity values of less than 1500 μs/cm overall (59 µS/cm to 1344 µS/cm), with high concentrations of nitrates and phosphates in places. The dynamics of groundwater quality in the municipality of Za-Kpota between 2008 and 2022 are also marked by a regression in land use units (a regression in vegetation and marshland formation in favor of built-up areas, bare soil, crops and fallow land) revealed by the diachronic analysis of satellite images from 2008, 2013, 2018 and 2022. Surveys of local residents revealed the use of herbicides and pesticides in agricultural fields, which are the main drivers contributing to the groundwater quality deterioration observed in the study area. Field surveys revealed the use of herbicides and pesticides in agricultural fields, which are factors contributing to the deterioration in groundwater quality observed in the study area. The results of the groundwater quality prediction models (ANN, RF and LR) developed led to the conclusion that the model based on Artificial Neural Networks (ANN: R2 = 0.97 and RMSE = 0) is the best for groundwater quality changes modelling in the Za-Kpota municipality.
文摘The potential groundwater reserve in alluvial aquifers and sandy river beds has not been well studied, and yet their benefit in meeting rural water supply demands cannot be underestimated. A three-dimensional steady-state finite difference numerical groundwater flow model was used to assess the groundwater resource potential on a one-kilometre river stretch scale along the Motloutse River catchment in eastern Botswana. The model area is a single-layer unconfined aquifer system. A uniform grid was laid over this phreatic aquifer, and an overall size of 50 columns x 54 rows was developed. The model yielded calibrated K values of 145 m/day and 11 m/day for the riverbed and riverbank sediments, respectively, and calibrated recharge and evaporation of 172 mm/yr and 120 mm/yr, respectively. A sustainable groundwater yield of 120 m3/day with the potential to irrigate an area of 2.4 hectares was determined. The result also shows that the Motloutse alluvial aquifer yields a safe yield of 29,400 m3 for a kilometre of river stretch.
文摘The dependence of groundwater quality on borehole depth is usually debatable in groundwater studies, especially in complex geological formations where aquifer characteristics vary spatially with depth. This study therefore seeks to investigate the relationship between borehole depth and groundwater quality across the granitoid aquifers within the Birimian Supergroup in the Ashanti Region. Physicochemical analysis records of groundwater quality data were collected from 23 boreholes of public and private institutions in the Ashanti Region of Ghana, and the parametric values of iron, fluoride, total hardness, pH, nitrate, and nitrite were used to study the groundwater quality-depth relationship. The results showed that the depth-to-groundwater quality indicated a marginal increase in water quality in the range of 30 to 50 m, which is mathematically represented by the low-value correlation coefficient (r<sup>2</sup> = 0.026). A relatively significant increase occurs in the depth range of 50 to 80 m, which is given by a correlation coefficient of r<sup>2</sup> = 0.298. The mean percent parameter compatibility was 74%, 82%, 89%, and 97% at 50, 60, 70, and 80 m depths, respectively. The variations in groundwater quality per depth ratio ranged from 1.48, 1.37, 1.27, and 1.21 for 50, 60, 70, and 80 m depth, respectively. The recommended minimum borehole depth for excellent groundwater quality is suggested with a compatibility per meter depth ratio of 1.37. This results in a range between 50 and 70 m as the most desirable drilling depth for excellent groundwater quality within the granitoids of the Birimian Supergroup of the Ashanti Region in Ghana.
文摘This study aims to delineate the spatial distribution of nitrate and fluoride in groundwater and to estimate the non-carcinogenic risks using the human health risk assessment model recommended by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). Forty-two samples were collected from wells and boreholes and analyzed for nitrate, fluoride and other water quality parameters. Results of the study indicate that fluoride and nitrate concentrations vary respectively from 0.13 to 9.41 mg·L−1 and from 0.13 to 432.24 mg·L−1 with respective median values of 2.65 and 13.85. About 69% of groundwater samples exceed the allowable limit (1.5 mg·L−1) of fluoride for drinking water. Spatial distribution of fluoride shows high concentrations in certain localities with values ranging from 6.74 mg·L−1 to 9.41 mg·L−1. The spatial distribution of nitrate indicates that the majority of water samples (87.18%) have nitrate concentrations lower than the World Health Organization (WHO) standard guideline value of 50 mg·L−1. Assessment of non-carcinogenic risks associated with intake of polluted groundwater in local populations indicates that 82.05% and 87.18% of groundwater samples have a THI > 1 in adults and children, respectively. However, the highest THI value (15.87) was recorded for children suggesting that children face greater non-carcinogenic risks than adults. The results of this study can be used as a support by the policymakers and practitioners to develop appropriate policies for effective and sustainable groundwater management and to monitor human health implications.
文摘The study integrates both the geological and geophysical mapping techniques for groundwater potential studies at Ekwegbe-Agu and the environs, Enugu state, Nigeria for optimal citing of borehole. Located in the Anambra Basin between latitudes 6˚43'N and 6˚47'N and longitudes 7˚28'E and 7˚32'E, it is stratigraphycally underlain by, from bottom to top, the Enugu/Nkporo, Mamu and Ajali Formation respectively, a complex geology that make citing of productive borehole in the area problematic leading to borehole failure and dry holes due to inadequate sampling. The study adopted a field and analytic sampling approach, integrating field geological, electrical resistivity and self-potential methods. The software, SedLog v3.1, InterpexIx1Dv.3, and Surfer v10 were employed for the data integration and interpretation. The result of the geological field and borehole data shows 11 sedimentary facies consisting of sandstone, shales and heterolith of sandstone/shale, with the aquifer zone mostly prevalent in the more porous sand-dominated horizons. Mostly the AK and HK were the dominant curve types. An average of 6 geo-electric layers were delineated across all transects with resistivity values ranging from 25.42 - 105.85 Ωm, 186.38 - 3383.3 Ωm, and 2992 - 6286.4 Ωm in the Enugu, Mamu and Ajali Formations respectively. The resistivity of the main aquifer layer ranges from 1 to 500 Ωm. The aquifer thickness within the study area varies between 95 and 140 m. The western and northwestern part of the study area which is underlain mainly by the Ajali Formation showed the highest groundwater potential in the area and suitable for citing productive boreholes.
文摘The Kandi basin is located in northeast Benin (West Africa). This study is focused on the estimation of water fluxes exchanged between the river Niger (and its tributaries) and the transboundary Iullemeden Aquifer System. In that framework, an innovative approach based on the application of the Bayesian Mixing Model (MixSIAR) analysis on water isotopes (oxygen-18, deuterium and tritium) was performed. Moreover, to assess the relevance of the model outputs, Pearson’s correlation and Principal Component Analysis (PCA) have been done. A complex relationship between surface water and groundwater has been found. Sixty percent (60%) of groundwater samples are made of more than 70% river water and rainwater;while 31.25% of surface water samples are made of about 84% groundwater. To safeguard sustainable water resources for the well-being of the local communities, surface water and groundwater must be managed as a unique component in the Kandi basin.
文摘Over recent decades, Gampaha district, Sri Lanka, has experienced significant urbanisation and industrial growth, increasing groundwater demand due to limited and polluted surface water resources. In 2013, a community uprising in Rathupaswala, a village in Gampaha district, accused a latex glove manufacturing factory of causing groundwater acidity (pH < 4). This study evaluates the spatial and temporal changes in geochemical parameters across three transects in the southern part of Gampaha district to 1) assess the impact of geological formations on groundwater;2) compare temporal variations in groundwater;and 3) explain acidification via a geochemical model. Seventy-two sample locations were tested for pH, electrical conductivity (EC), and anion concentrations (sulphate, nitrate, chloride and fluoride). Depth to the water table and distance from the sea were measured to study variations across sandy, peaty, lateritic, and crystalline aquifers. Results showed pH readings around 7 for sandy and crystalline aquifers, below 7 for peaty aquifers, and below 5 for lateritic aquifers, with significant water table fluctuations near Rathupaswala area. Principal component analysis revealed three principal components (PCs) explaining 86.0% of the variance. PC1 (40.6%) correlated with pH, EC, and sulphate (saltwater intrusion), while PC2 (32.0%) correlated with nitrates and depth to the water table (anthropogenic nutrient pollution). A geochemical transport model indicated a cone of depression recharged by acidic groundwater from peat-soil aquifers, leading to acidic groundwater in Rathupaswala area. Previous attributions of acidic pH to the over-exploitation of groundwater by the latex factory have been reevaluated;the results suggest natural acidification from prolonged water-rock interactions with iron-rich lateritic aquifers. Groundwater pH is influenced by local climate, geology, topography, and drainage systems. It is recommended that similar water-rock interaction conditions may be present throughout the wet zone of Sri Lanka, warranting detailed studies to confirm this hypothesis.
基金granted by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(42102297,41972254)Innovative Science and Technology Talents Team Construction Project of Henan Province(CXTD2016053)+2 种基金China Postdoctoral Science Foundation(2021M701098)Special Funds for Higher Education Basic Scientific Research Funds of Henan Province(NSFRF200103NSFRF210304)。
文摘The karst groundwater of Cambrian limestone may become an important water source for industry and agriculture in the Pingdingshan area,and is also a potential threat to mining safety.Therefore,to find out the origin,flow paths,and hydrogeochemical processes of karst groundwater beneath the Pingdingshan coalfield,a total of 16 water samples were collected.Our findings confirmed that the karst groundwater is mainly recharged by precipitation.The precipitation can directly supply the deep aquifer of the karst water system through the southwest limestone outcrops,and this area mostly includes the southern part of mines No.11,No.9,and the hidden outcrops in the southern part of mine No.2.What is more,the areas adjacent to the synclinal axis,including mines No.10,No.12,and No.8,may be the main discharge areas.A mixing model of^(87)Sr/^(86)Sr and Sr showed that in the southwest Pingdingshan coalfield,the proportion of precipitation decreased gradually from the recharge area to the discharge area,ranging from 89.1%to 17.1%.Besides,the northeast Pingdingshan coalfield is another recharge area for the whole karst system,thus,the infiltrating groundwater will indirectly supply the deep aquifer through Quaternary deposition near the mine No.13.Our research results can provide theoretical support for the prevention and control of groundwater disasters and the development and utilization of regional groundwater resources in the coalfield in Northern China.
基金supported by the project of China Geology Survey(12120115032801,DD20190340)。
文摘The continuous enrichment of heavy metals in soils has caused potential harm to groundwater.Quantitative methods to evaluate the harm of heavy metals in soil to groundwater are lacked in previous studies.Based on the theory of groundwater circulation and solid-liquid equilibrium,a simple and easy-touse flux model of soil heavy metals migrating to groundwater is constructed.Based on groundwater environmental capacity,an innovative method for evaluating the harm of heavy metals in soil to groundwater is proposed,which has been applied in Hunchun Basin,Jilin Province,China.The results show that the fluxes of soil heavy metals into groundwater in the study area are Zn,Cu,As,Pb,Cd,Ni,and Hg in descending order.The content of heavy metals in groundwater(As,Hg,Cu,Pb,Zn,Ni,and Cd)in most areas has not risen to the threshold of environmental capacity within 10 years.The harm levels of soil heavy metals to groundwater in the most townships soils are at the moderate level or below.This evaluation method can quantify the flux of soil heavy metals into groundwater simply and quickly,determine the residual capacity of groundwater to heavy metals,evaluate the harm level of soil heavy metals to groundwater,provide support for relevant departments to carry out environmental protection of soil and groundwater,and provide a reference to carry out similar studies for related scholars.
文摘Highly permeable geological structures such as dissolution channels, open fractures, and faults create environmental challenges regard to hydrological and hydrogeological aspects of underground construction, often causing significant groundwater inflow during drilling due to the limitations of empirical and analytical methods. This study aims to identify the geological factors influencing water flow into the tunnel. High-flow zones' geological features have been identified and examined for this purpose. According to the geological complexity of the Nowsud tunnel, presence of different formations with different permeability and karstification have led to a high volume of underground inflow water (up to 4700 L/s) to the tunnel. The Nowsud tunnel faces significant geological and hydrogeological challenges due to its passage through the Ilam formation's LI2 unit, characterized by dissolution channels, faults, and fractures. The highest inflow rate (4700 L/s) occurred in the Hz-9 zone within the Zimkan anticline. The relationship between geological features and groundwater inflow indicates that anticlines are more susceptible to inflow than synclines. Additionally, different types of faults exhibit varying hydraulic effects, with strike-slip faults having the most significant impact on groundwater inflow, thrust faults conducting less water into the tunnel, and inflow through normal faults being negligible compared to the other two types of faults. The novelty of this paper lies in its detailed analysis of geological features influencing groundwater inflow into the Nowsud tunnel, providing empirical data on high-flow zones and differentiating the hydraulic effects of various fault types, which enhances the understanding and prediction of groundwater inflow in underground constructions.
文摘Asia stands out as the most populous and geographically diverse region globally.The pressing issues of water resource development and the resulting ecological impacts are exacerbated by the region's rapid population growth and economic expansion.Groundwater,a vital source of water in Asia,faces significant disparities in distribution and suffers from unsustainable exploitation practices.This study applies groundwater system theory and categorizes Asia into 11 primary groundwater systems and 36 secondary ones,based on intercontinental geological structures,climate,terrain,and hydrogeological characteristics.As of the end of 2010,Asia's assessed groundwater resources totalled 4.677×10^(9) m^(3)/a,with exploitable resources amounting to 3.274×10^(9) m^(3)/a.By considering the geological environmental impacts of groundwater development and the distinctive characteristics of terrain and landforms,six categories of effect zones with varying distribution patterns are identified.The current research on Asia's groundwater resources,environmental dynamics,and human impacts aims to provide a theoretical foundation for sustainable groundwater management and environmental conservation in the region.
文摘Aquifer characteristics evaluation enables the determination of aquifer’s ability to recharge as well as discharge. However, knowledge of aquifer characteristics has been scarce in Abavo area. Thus, geophysical and hydrogeological investigations, involving vertical electrical sounding (VES), pumping test and well logging were conducted in Abavo area, Nigeria, to evaluate the aquifer hydraulic properties as well as the groundwater protective capacity of the area. Seventeen (17) VES, using the Schlumberger configuration, were carried out. The field data were curve-matched, iterated, using Win Resist software. The VES result revealed subsurface lithology that comprised lateritic top soil/sand, sandy clay/clayey sand, fine sand, medium sand and coarse to gravelly sand. The VES result equally revealed an aquifer depth range from 28.8 - 76.6 m, with resistivity range from 1175 - 27,272 Ω·m. Two boreholes were drilled, the cuttings were collected and were used to model the subsurface lithology. Well logging result showed that the electrical conductivity (EC) as well as total dissolved solid (TDS) are 15 μs/cm and 112 mg/l respectively, indicative of the fact that the values were within the standard organization of Nigeria (SON) permissible limit for drinking water. Pumping test analysis, using the Cooper Jacob’s method, revealed that the transmissivity, specific capacity, storativity and hydraulic conductivity are 5.9 m2/day, 33.13 m/day, 0.0069 and 0.1722 m/day respectively. The study revealed longitudinal conductance and transverse resistance range of 0.001048 - 0.027828 Ω−1 and 105470.4 - 1255775.3 Ω·m2 respectively. These results have established that the aquifer is semi-confined, has poor protective capacity and high rechargibility and will provide adequate, potable groundwater for local water supply to communities for domestic and other purposes.
基金financially supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China(Grant No.2019YFC1804301)the National Science Fourdation of China(Grant No.42272279,41902244)partial support from a Discovery Grant awarded by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada(NSERC)。
文摘In groundwater hydrology,aquitard heterogeneity is often less considered compared to aquifers,despite its significant impact on groundwater hydraulics and groundwater resources evaluation.A semi-analytical solution is derived for pumping-induced well hydraulics and groundwater budget with consideration of vertical heterogeneity in aquitard hydraulic conductivity(K)and specific storage(S_(s)).The proposed new solution is innovative in its partitioning of the aquitard into multiple homogeneous sub-layers to enable consideration of various forms of vertically heterogeneous K or S_(s).Two scenarios of analytical investigations are explored:one is the presence of aquitard interlayers with distinct K or S_(s) values,a common field-scale occurrence;another is an exponentially depth-decaying aquitard S_(s),a regional-scale phenomenon supported by statistical analysis.Analytical investigations reveal that a low-K interlayer can significantly increase aquifer drawdown and enhance aquifer/aquitard depletion;a high-S_(s) interlayer can noticeably reduce aquifer drawdown and increase aquitard depletion.Locations of low-K or high-S_(s) interlayers also significantly impact well hydraulics and groundwater budget.In the context of an exponentially depth-decaying aquitard S_(s),a larger decay exponent can enhance aquifer drawdown.When using current models with a vertically homogeneous aquitard,half the sum of the geometric and harmonic means of exponentially depth-decaying aquitard S_(s) should be used to calculate aquitard depletion and unconfined aquifer leakage.
基金funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research&Innovation Programme(2211)under the Partnership for Research and Innovation in the Mediterranean Area(PRIMA)Project"SHARInG-MeD"from the Directorate-General for Scientific Research and Technological Development(DGRSDT)under the Projets de Recherche Formation-Universitaire(PRFU)Projects(D00L02UN120120230002,D01N01UN120120230005)。
文摘Groundwater quality assessment is important to assure safe and durable water use.In semi-arid areas of Algeria,groundwater represents the main water resource for drinking water supply of the rural population as well as for irrigation of agricultural lands.Groundwater samples from wells and springs were collected from the Gargaat Tarf and Annk Djemel sub-watersheds of the Oum El Bouaghi,Algeria,and were analyzed and compared with the World Health Organization(WHO)standards.Results showed that most of the measured physical and chemical parameters exceeded the quality limits according to the WHO standards.Groundwater had a slightly alkaline water pH(7.00-7.79),electrical conductivity>1500μS/cm,chloride>500 mg/L,calcium>250 mg/L,and magnesium>155 mg/L.Water quality index(WQI)results showed that 68%of the area had excellent water quality,24%of the samples fell into good category,and only 8%were of poor quality and unsuitable for human consumption.Six wells in the area showed bacterial contamination.Total coliforms(453.9(±180.3)CFU(colony-forming units)/100 mL),fecal coliforms(243.2(±99.2)CFU/100 mL),and fecal streptococci(77.9(±32.0)CFU/100 mL)loads were above the standard limits set by the WHO.These results confirmed that water resources in the study area were strongly influenced by anthropogenic activities and were not recommended for consumption as drinking water.
文摘The groundwater system is a unique ecosystem that serves both resource and ecological functions.Hydrogeologists have conducted extensive theoretical research and practical work on groundwater ecological mapping.This paper,based on the study of groundwater resources and surface ecology in the five Central Asian countries and adjacent areas of China,introduces the concept of ecosystem service functions.It establishes a groundwater ecological zoning index system and conducts research of ecological mapping using the five Central Asian countries and adjacent areas of China as examples.Through this process,the ecosystem service functions of groundwater can be more comprehensively reflected,which can better guide regional geological environment protection and industrial planning.This approach helps coordinate the relationship between socio-economic development and water resource protection,maintain the health of the groundwater ecological environment,enhance the value of groundwater ecological services,and promote the sustainable development of regional economies and societies.
文摘Despite the high efficiency of remote sensing methods for rapid and large-scale detection of subsidence phenomena,this technique has limitations such as atmospheric impact and temporal and spatial decorrelation that affect the accuracy of the results.This paper proposes a method based on an artificial neural network to improve the results of monitoring land subsidence due to groundwater overexploitation by radar interferometry in the Aliabad plain(Central Iran).In this regard,vertical ground deformations were monitored over 18 months using the Sentinel-1A SAR images.To model the land subsidence by a multilayer perceptron(MLP)artificial neural network,four parameters,including groundwater level,alluvial thickness,elastic modulus,and transmissivity have been applied.The model's generalizability was assessed using data derived for 144 days.According to the results,the neural network estimates the land subsidence at each ground point with an accuracy of 6.8 mm.A comparison between the predicted and actual values indicated a significant agreement.The MLP model can be used to improve the results of subsidence detection in the study area or other areas with similar characteristics.
文摘Groundwater resources are the main sources of water used to supply drinking water to the population of the Ouémé Delta via the Continental Terminal aquifer. Urbanization, population growth, and agricultural and industrial activities have resulted in a deterioration in the quality of these resources. To assess the quality of the delta’s groundwater and its suitability for human consumption and irrigation, a total of fourteen (14) physico-chemical parameters were analyzed in some forty existing water points between September 2020 and March 2021, using standard water analysis techniques. The values obtained were compared with the potability standards recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Republic of Benin and were subjected to statistical analysis (principal component analysis (PCA)). In addition, methods for determining the suitability of water for irrigation were used. The results showed that the waters are acidic to slightly neutral and influenced by ambient temperature. In addition, the waters are moderately mineralized, with conductivities (24 - 1205 μS/cm) in line with WHO standards. A comparison of the analytical results of the WHO (2017) and Benin (2001) standards indicates that the majority of the waters studied are of good quality for all the chemical parameters considered. Nevertheless, some samples show levels of nitrates (21%), potassium (14% to 16%), calcium (13%), ammonium (12%), nitrites (8%) and bicarbonates (10%) over their respective standards. The Wilcox and Riverside diagrams indicate that the majority of waters (90%) have excellent suitability for irrigation and no negative effect on soil fertilization.