Du Yu’s Annotation of Classics and Elucidations in "Spring and Autumn Annals" is considered as a milestone for the studies of Spring and Autumn Annals, In Du’s book, the Preface to the Spring and Autumn An...Du Yu’s Annotation of Classics and Elucidations in "Spring and Autumn Annals" is considered as a milestone for the studies of Spring and Autumn Annals, In Du’s book, the Preface to the Spring and Autumn Annals is a theoretical summary and revision for the previous studies on the Spring and Autumn Annals and the Tso Chuan. Its combination of classics and elucidations makes Tso Chuan a real elucidating study on Spring and Autumn Annals. Du expounds his philosophy and political ideas in this book.展开更多
钱钟书先生《管锥编》考释杜预"《春秋左氏传》序"所述"五情"(微而显、志而晦、婉而成章、尽而不汙、惩恶而劝善)之说。其再释"尽而不汙"意在修正杜预注,然于"汙"字之训诂,却移甲就乙,误采&qu...钱钟书先生《管锥编》考释杜预"《春秋左氏传》序"所述"五情"(微而显、志而晦、婉而成章、尽而不汙、惩恶而劝善)之说。其再释"尽而不汙"意在修正杜预注,然于"汙"字之训诂,却移甲就乙,误采"夸大"之义,有乖"汙"之本意。其于"五情"逻辑关联之理解亦似过单一;而其将"尽而不汙"与英文表达the whole truth,and nothing but the truth相等同,并称"‘五例’者实为‘史家之悬鹄’,非《春秋》所树范",则忽略中国经史交叉的传统与西方以客观事实为基础的不同史观间之差异,颇有架空东西方思想史脉络之嫌。从钱先生此则考证或可得出以下三点启示:其一,为文小题大做以炫博,而所提问题未必是真;其二,广列群书而失精审,所引之文似未详核原书;其三,中西对比宽泛而欠确切,驰想象而缺反思。展开更多
文摘Du Yu’s Annotation of Classics and Elucidations in "Spring and Autumn Annals" is considered as a milestone for the studies of Spring and Autumn Annals, In Du’s book, the Preface to the Spring and Autumn Annals is a theoretical summary and revision for the previous studies on the Spring and Autumn Annals and the Tso Chuan. Its combination of classics and elucidations makes Tso Chuan a real elucidating study on Spring and Autumn Annals. Du expounds his philosophy and political ideas in this book.
文摘钱钟书先生《管锥编》考释杜预"《春秋左氏传》序"所述"五情"(微而显、志而晦、婉而成章、尽而不汙、惩恶而劝善)之说。其再释"尽而不汙"意在修正杜预注,然于"汙"字之训诂,却移甲就乙,误采"夸大"之义,有乖"汙"之本意。其于"五情"逻辑关联之理解亦似过单一;而其将"尽而不汙"与英文表达the whole truth,and nothing but the truth相等同,并称"‘五例’者实为‘史家之悬鹄’,非《春秋》所树范",则忽略中国经史交叉的传统与西方以客观事实为基础的不同史观间之差异,颇有架空东西方思想史脉络之嫌。从钱先生此则考证或可得出以下三点启示:其一,为文小题大做以炫博,而所提问题未必是真;其二,广列群书而失精审,所引之文似未详核原书;其三,中西对比宽泛而欠确切,驰想象而缺反思。