The subject of art couples, such as Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera, is an intriguing combination of gender and power which never fails to excite a public curious to know what goes on behind closed doors. With their ecce...The subject of art couples, such as Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera, is an intriguing combination of gender and power which never fails to excite a public curious to know what goes on behind closed doors. With their eccentric personalities, progressive lifestyles and ambitious pursuits, how well do artists coexist yet maintain creative borders, and how, if at all, does their relationship pervade their work?展开更多
文摘The subject of art couples, such as Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera, is an intriguing combination of gender and power which never fails to excite a public curious to know what goes on behind closed doors. With their eccentric personalities, progressive lifestyles and ambitious pursuits, how well do artists coexist yet maintain creative borders, and how, if at all, does their relationship pervade their work?