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入ICU 12h内相关指标构建危重症患者预后预测模型
作者 李淑娴 翁慧纯 洪春燕 《医学理论与实践》 2025年第1期34-37,共4页
目的:探讨危重症患者28d死亡的影响因子,以入ICU 12h内指标构建危重症患者预后预测模型。方法:回顾性分析2021年1月—2022年6月我院ICU接收的危重症患者资料,经多因素二元logistic回归模型筛选影响因子,构建预测模型,并采用Nomogram模... 目的:探讨危重症患者28d死亡的影响因子,以入ICU 12h内指标构建危重症患者预后预测模型。方法:回顾性分析2021年1月—2022年6月我院ICU接收的危重症患者资料,经多因素二元logistic回归模型筛选影响因子,构建预测模型,并采用Nomogram模型展示影响因子对预后影响可视化。结果:共纳入259例危重症患者,入ICU 28d存活180例,死亡79例。多因素logistic回归分析显示年龄(OR=1.021,95%CI:1.002~1.040)、收缩压(OR=0.990,95%CI:0.981~0.999)、血清肌酐(OR=1.142,95%CI:1.018~1.281)、氧合指数(OR=0.998,95%CI:0.996~1.000)、格拉斯哥昏迷评分(OR=0.992,95%CI:0.868~0.981)是危重症患者28d死亡的影响因子(P<0.05);建立危重症患者28d死亡的预测模型为P=1/(1^(+)e^(-z)),Z=0.021×年龄-0.010×SBP^(+)0.133×SCr-0.002×OI-0.081×GCS,该模型对危重症患者预后预测AUC为0.752(95%CI:0.685~0.819,P<0.001),敏感度为0.658,特异度为0.767。结论:入ICU 12h内的年龄、收缩压、血清肌酐、氧合指数、格拉斯哥昏迷评分是本组危重症患者28d死亡的影响因子,依托入ICU 12h内建立的预测模型在早期预测危重症患者有良好的价值。 展开更多
关键词 危重症患者 重症监护室 12h内相关指标 预测模型
作者 赵昌龙 于子策 +3 位作者 杜伟龙 张自豪 白宇阳 张书豪 《制造技术与机床》 北大核心 2025年第1期21-27,共7页
在H13模具钢多层激光熔覆过程中,通过预置表面织构以降低激光熔覆后模具钢熔覆层的残余应力,减少其裂纹的产生。首先,对待加工表面进行预处理,预置正方形表面织构,并利用Ansys软件APDL语言模拟激光熔覆过程,对熔覆过程中的温度场和应力... 在H13模具钢多层激光熔覆过程中,通过预置表面织构以降低激光熔覆后模具钢熔覆层的残余应力,减少其裂纹的产生。首先,对待加工表面进行预处理,预置正方形表面织构,并利用Ansys软件APDL语言模拟激光熔覆过程,对熔覆过程中的温度场和应力场进行了耦合分析研究;其次,结合正交实验模拟结果研究预置织构对激光熔覆层温度场和残余应力的影响;最后,进行实验测定。研究结果表明,对正交仿真实验结果进行均值化分析可知,最优熔覆参数为激光功率P=400 W,扫描速率v=20 mm/s,激光光斑半径R=0.8 mm,影响熔覆层残余应力的影响程度顺序依次为激光功率>激光光斑半径>扫描速率。将最优参数下有、无织构的仿真及实际加工结果进行对比,仿真结果中有织构激光熔覆后工件表面的残余应力降低了25.96%,实际熔覆后有织构工件表面的残余应力18.55%。因此通过在H13模具钢基体表面预置织构的方法,可以降低熔覆层残余应力,从而减少或消除裂纹的产生,在利用激光熔覆进行模具再制造过程中可以起到积极有效的作用。 展开更多
关键词 残余应力 激光熔覆 表面织构 有限元分析 h13模具钢
作者 邹洁 李翔 +2 位作者 盛强 尚森森 王伟 《石油学报(石油加工)》 北大核心 2025年第1期14-21,共8页
采用水热合成法制备了一种MCM-41分子筛介孔孔道沿Hβ沸石内核向外生长的包覆型MCM-41和Hβ复合分子筛(Mβ)。以PdCl 2的盐酸溶液做浸渍液,用常规等体积浸渍法制备了Pd/Mβ催化剂。另外,还以预先硅烷化的Mβ作载体,以Pd(OAc)_(2)的甲苯... 采用水热合成法制备了一种MCM-41分子筛介孔孔道沿Hβ沸石内核向外生长的包覆型MCM-41和Hβ复合分子筛(Mβ)。以PdCl 2的盐酸溶液做浸渍液,用常规等体积浸渍法制备了Pd/Mβ催化剂。另外,还以预先硅烷化的Mβ作载体,以Pd(OAc)_(2)的甲苯溶液作浸渍液,用等体积浸渍法制备了Pd/S-Mβ催化剂。采用X射线衍射、N_(2)物理吸附、透射电镜(TEM)和吡啶吸附红外等手段对催化剂进行了表征,并以十氢萘的开环反应和二苯并噻吩的加氢脱硫反应评价了催化剂的性能,认识了金属中心和酸中心沿颗粒内部径向分布对双功催化剂能性能的影响。TEM结果表明,在Pd/Mβ催化剂中,Pd金属颗粒填充于MCM-41介孔相孔道中;而在Pd/S-Mβ催化剂中,Pd金属颗粒分布于催化剂表面。在十氢萘的开环和二苯并噻吩的加氢脱硫反应中,Pd/Mβ表现出双功能特性,是潜在的性能良好的加氢脱硫催化剂。尽管Pd/Mβ和Pd/S-Mβ酸性质基本一致,但是空间上将表面Pd金属组分与内核Hβ沸石酸组分用不具有酸性的MCM-41介孔相分隔后,会导致Pd/S-Mβ催化剂酸中心不能发挥作用。 展开更多
关键词 颗粒内分布 双功能催化剂 hΒ沸石 MCM-41分子筛 包覆型分子筛 复合分子筛
作者 颜晓钏 戴凌虹 +2 位作者 林秀伟 徐甜甜 孙云 《新中医》 2025年第2期81-85,共5页
目的:观察在常规治疗基础上基于KY3H中医体质辨识-评估-干预系统辨证治疗先兆流产的临床疗效。方法:选取2022年7月—2023年6月在浙江中医药大学附属温州市中医院治疗的600例先兆流产患者,以随机数字表法分为对照组与观察组各300例。对... 目的:观察在常规治疗基础上基于KY3H中医体质辨识-评估-干预系统辨证治疗先兆流产的临床疗效。方法:选取2022年7月—2023年6月在浙江中医药大学附属温州市中医院治疗的600例先兆流产患者,以随机数字表法分为对照组与观察组各300例。对照组予以常规治疗,观察组在对照组基础上根据体质类型针对性给予中药汤剂治疗。2组均治疗2周。比较2组临床疗效、性激素水平及保胎成功率。结果:治疗2周后,总有效率观察组93.00%(279/300),高于对照组87.67%(263/300),差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。2组血清孕酮(P)、雌二醇(E2)、人绒毛膜促性腺激素(HCG)水平均较治疗前升高,观察组血清P、E2、HCG水平均高于对照组,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。保胎成功率观察组90.67%(272/300),高于对照组83.67%(251/300),差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:在常规治疗基础上基于KY3H中医体质辨识-评估-干预系统辨证治疗先兆流产能提高P、E2、HCG水平,改善妊娠结局。 展开更多
关键词 先兆流产 KY3h中医体质辨识-评估-干预系统 辨证论治 性激素
作者 齐少霞 杨栋宝 +2 位作者 靳涛 王建华 兰基山 《安徽医药》 2025年第2期263-267,I0002,共6页
目的探究丙泊酚与脂多糖(LPS)刺激下MHCC97H细胞功能、炎症水平及核转录因子-κB(NF-κB)表达的关联。方法该研究起止时间为2021年12月至2022年12月。体外培养人MHCC97H细胞系,分为对照组(等量的溶剂),LPS组(1 mg/L LPS),实验组(LPS+6.2... 目的探究丙泊酚与脂多糖(LPS)刺激下MHCC97H细胞功能、炎症水平及核转录因子-κB(NF-κB)表达的关联。方法该研究起止时间为2021年12月至2022年12月。体外培养人MHCC97H细胞系,分为对照组(等量的溶剂),LPS组(1 mg/L LPS),实验组(LPS+6.25组、LPS+12.5组、LPS+25组,LPS组基础上分别加入6.25、12.5和25μmol/L丙泊酚),用酶联免疫吸附试验、细胞计数试剂盒检测炎症因子白细胞介素6(IL-6)的表达水平和细胞活力筛选出丙泊酚的最适浓度进行后续实验,后将细胞分为对照组、LPS组、LPS+25组和LPS+25+抑制剂组(LPS+25组基础上联合10μmol/L BAY 11-7082),干预24 h。细胞黏附实验测定黏附细胞数;Transwell小室法检测细胞迁移与侵袭水平;蛋白质印迹法测定上皮间质转化(EMT)及NF-κB通路相关蛋白表达水平。结果根据细胞活力和炎症因子IL-6表达选择LPS+25组进行后续实验,与对照组相比,LPS组细胞黏附数、迁移数、侵袭数、N-钙黏蛋白(N-cadherin)、波形蛋白(Vimentin)、纤连蛋白(FN)、IκB激酶α(IKKα)和p-NF-κB p65蛋白水平分别为(152.00±9.01)个、(84.01±10.44)个、(65.67±3.06)个、0.46±0.02、0.47±0.03、0.99±0.02、1.03±0.02、0.95±0.05上调,E-钙黏蛋白(E-cadherin)表达0.42±0.02下调(P<0.05);与LPS组相比,LPS+25组显著扭转了上述指标的变化(P<0.05);与LPS+25组相比,LPS+25+抑制剂组加入NF-κB通路抑制剂后,上述指标变化扭转得更为显著(P<0.05)。结论丙泊酚对LPS刺激下MHCC97H细胞炎症因子表达、黏附、迁移、侵袭能力及EMT进程具有抑制作用,可能与NF-κB通路活性受到抑制有关。 展开更多
关键词 二异丙酚 MhCC97h 核转录因子-κB信号通路 黏附 迁移 侵袭
A 16-bit 18-MSPS flash-assisted SAR ADC with hybrid synchronous and asynchronous control logic 被引量:1
作者 Junyao Ji Xinao Ji +5 位作者 Ziyu Zhou Zhichao Dai Xuhui Chen Jie Zhang Zheng Jiang Hong Zhang 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 2024年第6期3-12,共10页
This paper presents a 16-bit,18-MSPS(million samples per second)flash-assisted successive-approximation-register(SAR)analog-to-digital converter(ADC)utilizing hybrid synchronous and asynchronous(HYSAS)timing control l... This paper presents a 16-bit,18-MSPS(million samples per second)flash-assisted successive-approximation-register(SAR)analog-to-digital converter(ADC)utilizing hybrid synchronous and asynchronous(HYSAS)timing control logic based on an on-chip delay-locked loop(DLL).The HYSAS scheme can provide a longer settling time for the capacitive digital-to-analog converter(CDAC)than the synchronous and asynchronous SAR ADC.Therefore,the issue of incomplete settling or ringing in the DAC voltage for cases of either on-chip or off-chip reference voltage can be solved to a large extent.In addition,the fore-ground calibration of the CDAC’s mismatch is performed with a finite-impulse-response bandpass filter(FIR-BPF)based least-mean-square(LMS)algorithm in an off-chip FPGA(field programmable gate array).Fabricated in 40-nm CMOS process,the proto-type ADC achieves 94.02-dB spurious-free dynamic range(SFDR),and 75.98-dB signal-to-noise-and-distortion ratio(SNDR)for a 2.88-MHz input under 18-MSPS sampling rate. 展开更多
关键词 SAR ADC control logic reference ringing DAC incomplete settling
作者 康建军 王津 陈艳 《化学研究与应用》 北大核心 2025年第1期230-236,共7页
建立了一种在温和条件下,用可见光催化合成一系列3,4-二氢异喹啉-1(2H)-酮及其衍生物的方法。该方法在室温条件下,以2-烯丙基-N-甲氧基苯甲酰胺为模板底物,以碘化钾作为光催化剂,25 W 460 nm的蓝色LED灯照射下,合成一系列3,4-二氢异喹啉... 建立了一种在温和条件下,用可见光催化合成一系列3,4-二氢异喹啉-1(2H)-酮及其衍生物的方法。该方法在室温条件下,以2-烯丙基-N-甲氧基苯甲酰胺为模板底物,以碘化钾作为光催化剂,25 W 460 nm的蓝色LED灯照射下,合成一系列3,4-二氢异喹啉-1(2H)-酮衍生物,最高产率可达到83%。该合成路径具有底物适用范围广、经济实用等特点,为3,4-二氢异喹啉-1(2H)-酮衍生物合成提供了一种经济简便的方法。 展开更多
关键词 可见光 2-烯丙基-N-甲氧基苯甲酰胺 3 4-二氢异喹啉-1(2h)-酮 异喹啉酮
作者 李永航 李文铭 +5 位作者 严才平 王星宽 向超 张袁 蒋科 陈路 《中国组织工程研究》 CAS 北大核心 2025年第16期3420-3431,共12页
背景:在骨组织愈合过程中,促进新生骨的血管化是加速骨组织修复的常用策略,然而骨缺损修复过程中过快的纤维化进程常常被忽略。目的:设计并制备一种具有调节新生骨痂内纤维化及血管化进程的核壳结构仿生支架,表征其物理学特征,验证其体... 背景:在骨组织愈合过程中,促进新生骨的血管化是加速骨组织修复的常用策略,然而骨缺损修复过程中过快的纤维化进程常常被忽略。目的:设计并制备一种具有调节新生骨痂内纤维化及血管化进程的核壳结构仿生支架,表征其物理学特征,验证其体内外抗纤维化与促成骨性能。方法:制备具有调节新生骨痂内纤维化及血管化进程的核壳结构仿生支架,外层壳结构由聚己内酯静电纺丝纳米纤维负载成纤维细胞活化蛋白抑制剂组成,内层核结构由甲基丙烯酸酐明胶水凝胶负载去铁胺组成,表征静电纺丝和水凝胶的物理学特征,利用活死染色与CCK-8实验验证材料的生物相容性。通过成纤维细胞体外实验分析支架壳结构的抗纤维化作用,通过MC3T3-E1细胞体外实验分析支架壳结构中成纤维细胞活化蛋白抑制剂的促成骨作用,通过人脐静脉内皮细胞分析支架核结构中去铁胺的促血管形成作用。通过大鼠临界骨缺损实验评估核壳结构仿生支架的骨修复作用。结果与结论:①核壳结构仿生支架具有良好的生物相容性,静电纺丝技术制备的聚己内酯电纺纤维具有疏水性,在物理层面上有效阻隔外源性纤维组织长入,电纺纤维膜在2周内可有效释放抗纤维化药物成纤维细胞活化蛋白抑制剂,释放的抗纤维化药物可以抑制骨缺损周围成纤维细胞的生长、黏附,有效降低成纤维相关蛋白的表达,同时可促进MC3T3-E1细胞成骨蛋白的表达,加快其矿化速度;支架核结构中的去铁胺可促进人脐静脉内皮细胞的迁移、成管能力,并促进其强烈表达“H”血管特征性蛋白。②在SD大鼠的股骨制造临界骨缺损模型中,相较于聚己内酯膜,核壳结构仿生支架实现了骨缺损的有效修复。③结果表明,核壳结构仿生支架在预防骨痂过度纤维化的同时促进新生骨痂内“H”血管形成,能有效避免骨不连的发生,加速临界骨缺损修复进程。 展开更多
关键词 临界骨缺损 核壳结构仿生支架 静电纺丝 聚己内酯 水凝胶 抗纤维化 h”型血管
作者 周士杰 李沐哲 +7 位作者 员浬 张天驰 牛园园 朱弈桦 周勤峰 郭杨 马勇 王礼宁 《中国组织工程研究》 CAS 北大核心 2025年第1期8-15,共8页
背景:骨骼依赖血管与骨细胞之间的密切连接来维持完整性,骨骼处在生理低氧环境中,因此在低氧环境下研究血管生成与骨生成具有重要意义。目的:探究在低氧环境下温肾通络止痛方对H型骨微血管内皮细胞/骨髓间充质干细胞共培养体系的影响及... 背景:骨骼依赖血管与骨细胞之间的密切连接来维持完整性,骨骼处在生理低氧环境中,因此在低氧环境下研究血管生成与骨生成具有重要意义。目的:探究在低氧环境下温肾通络止痛方对H型骨微血管内皮细胞/骨髓间充质干细胞共培养体系的影响及相关机制。方法:运用酶消化法及流式分选技术,分选小鼠H型血管特异型骨微血管内皮细胞;应用骨髓贴壁法分离获取小鼠骨髓间充质干细胞;采用Transwell小室以及缺氧培养工作站建立两种细胞低氧共培养体系,使用50,100μg/m L质量浓度温肾通络止痛方冻干粉进行干预;通过划痕迁移实验与管形成实验评估共培养体系内H型骨微血管内皮细胞的成血管功能;通过碱性磷酸酶染色与茜素红染色评估共培养体系内骨髓间充质干细胞的成骨分化能力;使用Western Blotting与q-PCR检测共培养体系内H型骨微血管内皮细胞中PDGF/PI3K/AKT信号轴相关分子的蛋白表达及mRNA表达。结果与结论:(1)与常氧组相比,低氧组H型骨微血管内皮细胞划痕迁移率及新生血管长度均显著升高(P<0.05),骨髓间充质干细胞成骨分化能力增强(P<0.05);PDGF/PI3K/AKT信号轴相关分子的蛋白、mRNA表达升高(P<0.05);(2)与低氧组相比,经不同质量浓度温肾通络止痛方干预后H型骨微血管内皮细胞划痕迁移率及新生血管长度进一步提高(P<0.05),骨髓间充质干细胞成骨分化能力更强(P<0.05),PDGF/PI3K/AKT信号轴相关分子的蛋白、mRNA表达也进一步升高(P<0.05)。结果表明:低氧条件下H型血管生成及骨生成可能与PDGF/PI3K/AKT信号轴有关,而温肾通络止痛方可能通过激活PDGF/PI3K/AKT信号轴促进“H型血管生成-骨生成”作用从而防治骨质疏松症。 展开更多
关键词 温肾通络止痛方 h型骨微血管内皮细胞 骨髓间充质干细胞 低氧 血管生成 骨生成
利用^(1)H NMR测定姜中姜辣素与姜黄素
作者 张皓然 张琴 +5 位作者 文丽琼 零莉 胡俊杰 岑仕宇 王勤志 陈德慰 《中国调味品》 北大核心 2025年第1期193-200,共8页
该研究采用核磁共振氢谱(proton nuclear magnetic resonance,^(1)H NMR)技术对冻干生姜与烘干生姜中的姜辣素和姜黄素类化合物的变化进行定性定量分析,发现姜中姜辣素提取物主要包括6-姜酚、8-姜酚、10-姜酚等姜酚类物质以及少量姜烯... 该研究采用核磁共振氢谱(proton nuclear magnetic resonance,^(1)H NMR)技术对冻干生姜与烘干生姜中的姜辣素和姜黄素类化合物的变化进行定性定量分析,发现姜中姜辣素提取物主要包括6-姜酚、8-姜酚、10-姜酚等姜酚类物质以及少量姜烯酚。经过烘干处理后,总姜酚的含量由(1.5±0.3)mg/g降低至(0.89±0.06)mg/g(鲜重),总姜辣素的含量由(2.3±0.4)mg/g降低至(1.4±0.1)mg/g,6-姜烯酚的含量由(4.8×10^(-3)±2.7×10^(-3))mg/g升高至(0.0209±0.0004)mg/g。烘干后姜黄素类化合物的含量由(4.4±0.2)mg/100 g降低至(1.5±0.6)mg/100 g,香草醛的含量由(1.20±0.07)mg/100 g升高至(1.87±0.01)mg/100 g,说明热处理会导致生姜中的姜辣素与姜黄素类化合物降解,姜酚类物质向姜烯酚转化。该试验结果为研究姜中姜辣素与姜黄素类化合物的变化机理以及姜制品的生产与工艺优化提供了参考。 展开更多
关键词 生姜 核磁共振氢谱(^(1)h NMR) 姜辣素 姜黄素 6-姜酚
作者 代和树 李龙起 《三峡大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 北大核心 2025年第1期50-56,共7页
为探究h型桩加固边坡的动力响应及破坏特征,本文以四川康定某铁路沿线堆积体边坡为原型,开展大型振动台模型试验,探究了坡体在多次地震作用下其加速度和频谱响应规律,分析了强震作用下加固边坡的破坏模式及桩身破坏特征.结果表明:随地... 为探究h型桩加固边坡的动力响应及破坏特征,本文以四川康定某铁路沿线堆积体边坡为原型,开展大型振动台模型试验,探究了坡体在多次地震作用下其加速度和频谱响应规律,分析了强震作用下加固边坡的破坏模式及桩身破坏特征.结果表明:随地震荷载强度增大,边坡内部及坡表加速度均沿高程表现出不同程度放大效应;基岩与滑体发生不协调变形,进而导致其傅里叶频谱的响应差异增大;h型桩加固边坡表现出张拉-剪切-滑移式的复合破坏模式;在h型桩支护体系中,h型桩横梁与短桩连接处为薄弱点,1~3号桩体均在此处发生损伤破坏;边缘桩体对内部结构具有支撑和约束作用,降低了内部桩的破坏;相较于传统抗滑桩,h型桩破坏后,其后排桩仍能提供抗滑力,支护体系表现出一定的残余支护能力. 展开更多
关键词 振动台 边坡支护 h型桩 动力响应 破坏模式
A Survey on Type-3 Fuzzy Logic Systems and Their Control Applications
作者 Oscar Castillo Fevrier Valdez +1 位作者 Patricia Melin Weiping Ding 《IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica》 SCIE EI CSCD 2024年第8期1744-1756,共13页
In this paper,we offer a review of type-3 fuzzy logic systems and their applications in control.The main objective of this work is to observe and analyze in detail the applications in the control area using type-3 fuz... In this paper,we offer a review of type-3 fuzzy logic systems and their applications in control.The main objective of this work is to observe and analyze in detail the applications in the control area using type-3 fuzzy logic systems.In this case,we review their most important applications in control and other related topics with type-3 fuzzy systems.Intelligent algorithms have been receiving increasing attention in control and for this reason a review in this area is important.This paper reviews the main applications that make use of Intelligent Computing methods.Specifically,type-3 fuzzy logic systems.The aim of this research is to be able to appreciate,in detail,the applications in control systems and to point out the scientific trends in the use of Intelligent Computing techniques.This is done with the construction and visualization of bibliometric networks,developed with VosViewer Software,which it is a free Java-based program,mainly intended to be used for analyzing and visualizing bibliometric networks.With this tool,we can create maps of publications,authors,or journals based on a co-citation network or construct maps of keywords,countries based on a co-occurrence networks,research groups,etc. 展开更多
关键词 Applications control systems optimization REVIEW type-3 fuzzy logic.
A Formal Model for Analyzing Fair Exchange Protocols Based on Event Logic
作者 Ke Yang Meihua Xiao Zehuan Li 《Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences》 SCIE EI 2024年第3期2641-2663,共23页
Fair exchange protocols play a critical role in enabling two distrustful entities to conduct electronic data exchanges in a fair and secure manner.These protocols are widely used in electronic payment systems and elec... Fair exchange protocols play a critical role in enabling two distrustful entities to conduct electronic data exchanges in a fair and secure manner.These protocols are widely used in electronic payment systems and electronic contract signing,ensuring the reliability and security of network transactions.In order to address the limitations of current research methods and enhance the analytical capabilities for fair exchange protocols,this paper proposes a formal model for analyzing such protocols.The proposed model begins with a thorough analysis of fair exchange protocols,followed by the formal definition of fairness.This definition accurately captures the inherent requirements of fair exchange protocols.Building upon event logic,the model incorporates the time factor into predicates and introduces knowledge set axioms.This enhancement empowers the improved logic to effectively describe the state and knowledge of protocol participants at different time points,facilitating reasoning about their acquired knowledge.To maximize the intruder’s capabilities,channel errors are translated into the behaviors of the intruder.The participants are further categorized into honest participants and malicious participants,enabling a comprehensive evaluation of the intruder’s potential impact.By employing a typical fair exchange protocol as an illustrative example,this paper demonstrates the detailed steps of utilizing the proposed model for protocol analysis.The entire process of protocol execution under attack scenarios is presented,shedding light on the underlying reasons for the attacks and proposing corresponding countermeasures.The developedmodel enhances the ability to reason about and evaluate the security properties of fair exchange protocols,thereby contributing to the advancement of secure network transactions. 展开更多
关键词 Fair exchange protocols FAIRNESS formal analysis logic reasoning
Logical stochastic resonance in a cross-bifurcation non-smooth system
作者 张宇青 雷佑铭 《Chinese Physics B》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第3期659-667,共9页
This paper investigates logical stochastic resonance(LSR)in a cross-bifurcation non-smooth system driven by Gaussian colored noise.In this system,a bifurcation parameter triggers a transition between monostability,bis... This paper investigates logical stochastic resonance(LSR)in a cross-bifurcation non-smooth system driven by Gaussian colored noise.In this system,a bifurcation parameter triggers a transition between monostability,bistability and tristability.By using Novikov's theorem and the unified colored noise approximation method,the approximate Fokker-Planck equation is obtained.Then we derive the generalized potential function and the transition rates to analyze the LSR phenomenon using numerical simulations.We simulate the logic operation of the system in the bistable and tristable regions respectively.We assess the impact of Gaussian colored noise on the LSR and discover that the reliability of the logic response depends on the noise strength and the bifurcation parameter.Furthermore,it is found that the bistable region has a more extensive parameter range to produce reliable logic operation compared with the tristable region,since the tristable region is more sensitive to noise than the bistable one. 展开更多
关键词 logical stochastic resonance BIFURCATION mean first passage time
Multi-modal knowledge graph inference via media convergence and logic rule
作者 Feng Lin Dongmei Li +5 位作者 Wenbin Zhang Dongsheng Shi Yuanzhou Jiao Qianzhong Chen Yiying Lin Wentao Zhu 《CAAI Transactions on Intelligence Technology》 SCIE EI 2024年第1期211-221,共11页
Media convergence works by processing information from different modalities and applying them to different domains.It is difficult for the conventional knowledge graph to utilise multi-media features because the intro... Media convergence works by processing information from different modalities and applying them to different domains.It is difficult for the conventional knowledge graph to utilise multi-media features because the introduction of a large amount of information from other modalities reduces the effectiveness of representation learning and makes knowledge graph inference less effective.To address the issue,an inference method based on Media Convergence and Rule-guided Joint Inference model(MCRJI)has been pro-posed.The authors not only converge multi-media features of entities but also introduce logic rules to improve the accuracy and interpretability of link prediction.First,a multi-headed self-attention approach is used to obtain the attention of different media features of entities during semantic synthesis.Second,logic rules of different lengths are mined from knowledge graph to learn new entity representations.Finally,knowledge graph inference is performed based on representing entities that converge multi-media features.Numerous experimental results show that MCRJI outperforms other advanced baselines in using multi-media features and knowledge graph inference,demonstrating that MCRJI provides an excellent approach for knowledge graph inference with converged multi-media features. 展开更多
关键词 logic rule media convergence multi-modal knowledge graph inference representation learning
Spin logic devices based on negative differential resistance -enhanced anomalous Hall effect
作者 Hongming Mou Ziyao Lu +2 位作者 Yuchen Pu Zhaochu Luo Xiaozhong Zhang 《International Journal of Minerals,Metallurgy and Materials》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第6期1437-1448,共12页
Owing to rapid developments in spintronics,spin-based logic devices have emerged as promising tools for next-generation computing technologies.This paper provides a comprehensive review of recent advancements in spin ... Owing to rapid developments in spintronics,spin-based logic devices have emerged as promising tools for next-generation computing technologies.This paper provides a comprehensive review of recent advancements in spin logic devices,particularly focusing on fundamental device concepts rooted in nanomagnets,magnetoresistive random access memory,spin–orbit torques,electric-field modu-lation,and magnetic domain walls.The operation principles of these devices are comprehensively analyzed,and recent progress in spin logic devices based on negative differential resistance-enhanced anomalous Hall effect is summarized.These devices exhibit reconfigur-able logic capabilities and integrate nonvolatile data storage and computing functionalities.For current-driven spin logic devices,negative differential resistance elements are employed to nonlinearly enhance anomalous Hall effect signals from magnetic bits,enabling reconfig-urable Boolean logic operations.Besides,voltage-driven spin logic devices employ another type of negative differential resistance ele-ment to achieve logic functionalities with excellent cascading ability.By cascading several elementary logic gates,the logic circuit of a full adder can be obtained,and the potential of voltage-driven spin logic devices for implementing complex logic functions can be veri-fied.This review contributes to the understanding of the evolving landscape of spin logic devices and underscores the promising pro-spects they offer for the future of emerging computing schemes. 展开更多
关键词 spin logic spin–orbit torque negative differential resistance full-adder
Implementation of Fuzzy Logic Control into an Equivalent Minimization Strategy for Adaptive Energy Management of A Parallel Hybrid Electric Vehicle
作者 Jared A. Diethorn Andrew C. Nix +1 位作者 Mario G. Perhinschi W. Scott Wayne 《Journal of Transportation Technologies》 2024年第1期88-118,共31页
As government agencies continue to tighten emissions regulations due to the continued increase in greenhouse gas production, automotive industries are seeking to produce increasingly efficient vehicle technology. Hybr... As government agencies continue to tighten emissions regulations due to the continued increase in greenhouse gas production, automotive industries are seeking to produce increasingly efficient vehicle technology. Hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) have been introduced to mitigate problems while improving fuel economy. HEVs have led to the demand of creating more advanced controls software to consider multiple components for propulsive power in a vehicle. A large section in the software development process is the implementation of an optimal energy management strategy meant to improve the overall fuel efficiency of the vehicle. Optimal strategies can be implemented when driving conditions are known a prior. The Equivalent Consumption Minimization Strategy (ECMS) is an optimal control strategy that uses an equivalence factor to equate electrical to mechanical power when performing torque split determination between the internal combustion engine and electric motor for propulsive and regenerative torque. This equivalence factor is determined from offline vehicle simulations using a sensitivity analysis to provide optimal fuel economy results while maintaining predetermined high voltage battery state of charge (SOC) constraints. When the control hierarchy is modified or different driving styles are applied, the analysis must be redone to update the equivalence factor. The goal of this work is to implement a fuzzy logic controller that dynamically updates the equivalence factor to improve fuel economy, maintain a strict charge sustaining window of operation for the high voltage battery, and reduce computational time required during algorithm development. The adaptive algorithm is validated against global optimum fuel economy and charge sustaining results from a sensitivity analysis performed for multiple drive cycles. Results show a maximum fuel economy improvement of 9.82% when using a mild driving style and a 95% success rate when maintaining an ending SOC within 5% of the desired SOC regardless of starting SOC. 展开更多
关键词 hybrid Electric Vehicle Fuzzy logic Adaptive Control Charge Sustainability
Hierarchical Controller Synthesis Under Linear Temporal Logic Specifications Using Dynamic Quantization
作者 Wei Ren Zhuo-Rui Pan +1 位作者 Weiguo Xia Xi-Ming Sun 《IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica》 SCIE EI CSCD 2024年第10期2082-2098,共17页
Linear temporal logic(LTL)is an intuitive and expressive language to specify complex control tasks,and how to design an efficient control strategy for LTL specification is still a challenge.In this paper,we implement ... Linear temporal logic(LTL)is an intuitive and expressive language to specify complex control tasks,and how to design an efficient control strategy for LTL specification is still a challenge.In this paper,we implement the dynamic quantization technique to propose a novel hierarchical control strategy for nonlinear control systems under LTL specifications.Based on the regions of interest involved in the LTL formula,an accepting path is derived first to provide a high-level solution for the controller synthesis problem.Second,we develop a dynamic quantization based approach to verify the realization of the accepting path.The realization verification results in the necessity of the controller design and a sequence of quantization regions for the controller design.Third,the techniques of dynamic quantization and abstraction-based control are combined together to establish the local-to-global control strategy.Both abstraction construction and controller design are local and dynamic,thereby resulting in the potential reduction of the computational complexity.Since each quantization region can be considered locally and individually,the proposed hierarchical mechanism is more efficient and can solve much larger problems than many existing methods.Finally,the proposed control strategy is illustrated via two examples from the path planning and tracking problems of mobile robots. 展开更多
关键词 Abstraction-based control design dynamic quantization formal methods linear temporal logic(LTL)
The Fundamental Theory of Artificial Intelligence—Logic Structure and Logic Engineering
作者 Dong H. Liu 《Intelligent Control and Automation》 2024年第1期28-62,共35页
The research purpose of this dissertation is threefold: to innovate artificial intelligence methods, to create the intersection of artificial intelligence and biological research, and to innovate human methodology. Th... The research purpose of this dissertation is threefold: to innovate artificial intelligence methods, to create the intersection of artificial intelligence and biological research, and to innovate human methodology. The work I have done in my research includes: improving logical structure and logical engineering, using my theory to study the innovation of the development path of artificial intelligence, using my theory to create biomimetic logic, a new intersection of artificial intelligence and biological research, and exploring the innovation of human methodology through the previous two works. The results of the research are as follows: 1) Introduction to bionic logic, incorporating simulations of people, society, and life as core principles. 2) Definition of the logical structure as the primary focus of research, with logic mechanics serving as foundational research principles. 3) Examination of the logical structure’s environment through logical fields and networks. 4) Study of logical structure communication via logical networks and main lines. 5) Proposal of data logic. 6) Investigation into the logic of logical structures, employing structural diagrams of logical equations. 7) Development of a theory of life activity within logical structures, encompassing information reasoning, its corresponding control structure, and structural reasoning. 8) Introduction of the lifecycle theory for logical structures and examination of the clock equation. 9) Exploration of logical structure intelligence. 10) Study of logical structures in mathematical forms. 11) Introduction of logic engineering. 12) Examination of artificial intelligence’s significance. 13) Investigation into the significance of human methodology. 展开更多
关键词 Bionic logic Structural Diagram of logical Equation Data logic Intelligence
Logical Structure School II (Nine Applied Theories)
作者 Dong H. Liu 《Intelligent Control and Automation》 2024年第4期160-214,共55页
Based on existing logic theories, this paper proposes nine classical application theories. These consist of Logical Spacetime (which includes Logical Spacetime and Logical Mathematics and Physics), Logical Fields, Log... Based on existing logic theories, this paper proposes nine classical application theories. These consist of Logical Spacetime (which includes Logical Spacetime and Logical Mathematics and Physics), Logical Fields, Logical Networks, Life Communications, Life Reasoning Activities, Life Cycle, Life Data, Life Programming and Life Learning Strategy. The application theories describe a panoramic view of the technological development of their three main subjects (artificial intelligence, robotics and intelligent society) with the strength of one school of thought. 展开更多
关键词 PURPOSE logical Subject Life-Giving logical Equation Structure Diagram Bionic logic
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