We collected high-quality teleseismic events recorded by 12 broadband seismographs deployed in the Anyuan Coal Mine and its adjacent areas in Pingxiang City,Jiangxi Province for nearly two years.The H-κ-c stacking me...We collected high-quality teleseismic events recorded by 12 broadband seismographs deployed in the Anyuan Coal Mine and its adjacent areas in Pingxiang City,Jiangxi Province for nearly two years.The H-κ-c stacking method was employed to obtain the crustal thickness and Poisson's ratio distribution,then the characteristics of crustal structure below the stations were obtained by using the time-domain linear inversion method.The crustal thickness in the Anyuan Coal Mine and its adjacent areas ranges from approximately 32~35 km,with an average thickness of 33 km,which is consistent with the crustal thickness results in South China from previous studies using the receiver function method.The average Poisson's ratio of the crustal bulk composition in the study area varies between 0.22 and 0.25,which is lower than the global value with a 0.27 average,indicating a predominantly intermediate-acidic or felsic crustal composition.There is a weak negative correlation between Poisson's ratio and crustal thickness estimates in the Anyuan Coal Mine and its adjacent areas,suggesting that the absence of mafic-ultramafic materials in the lower crust is associated with the process of crustal delamination.The velocity inversion results indicate that the crustal structure including three velocity discontinuity interfaces,with the first at a depth of approximately 1.5 km,the second at about 10~15 km,and the third being the Moho.The study also indicates that the results obtained by the H-κ-c stacking method are significantly better than those obtained by the H-κmethod,effectively reducing the standard deviation and dispersion of crustal thickness and vP/vSratio.展开更多
Tanlu fault zone(TLFZ)is the largest active fault zone in eastern China.It is characterized by complex tectonic evolution and multiple faults and marks the boundary between the North and South China blocks.An indepth ...Tanlu fault zone(TLFZ)is the largest active fault zone in eastern China.It is characterized by complex tectonic evolution and multiple faults and marks the boundary between the North and South China blocks.An indepth understanding of the distinct crustal structures of both parts of the TLFZ will provide valuable insights into the lithospheric and crustal thinning in eastern China,extensive magmatism since the Mesozoic,and formation mechanisms of metallogenic belts along the Yangtze River.In this study,a two-layer H-κstacking approach was adopted to estimate the thicknesses of the sediment and crystalline crust as well as the corresponding vP/vS ratios based on high-quality teleseismic P-wave receiver functions recorded by permanent and temporary stations in and around the TLFZ.The geological units in the study region were delineated,especially the crustal structures beneath extensive sedimentary basins on both sides of the TLFZ.The following conclusions can be drawn:(1)The crustal thickness in and around the TLFZ greatly varies depending on the segment.In the northern segment,the crust is relatively thin beneath the eastern part of the Songliao Basin,a broad uplift of the Moho can be observed,and the Moho descends from south to north.The crust below the central and southern segments becomes thinner from west to east.The thickness of the crust is less than 30 km toward the eastern side of the boundary between the Jiangsu and Anhui provinces,that is,significantly thinner than in other areas.In terms of the vP/vS ratios,high anomalies were detected in the central-southern segments of the TLFZ,indicating the upwelling of deep mantle magma via deep faults.(2)Positive isostatic gravity anomalies were observed in the eastern part of the northern segment of the TLFZ and in the eastern part of the Suwan segment.The crustal thickness is smaller than that obtained from the Airy model of isostasy.This suggests that the lower crust in this area may have experienced intensive transformation processes,which may be related to crustal thinning(caused by crustal extension)and the strong uplift of the mantle in eastern China.The isostatic gravity anomalies between the eastern and western parts of the TLFZ indicate that the fault zone plays a dominant role in controlling the development of the deep crustal structure.(3)Significant crustal thinning was observed beneath the eastern part of the boundary between the Jiangsu and Anhui provinces in the southern segment of the TLFZ,suggesting that this area is prone to lithospheric thinning of the North China Craton.Due to the subduction,compression,and retreat of the Paleo-Pacific Plate during the Yanshanian Period as well as the dehydration of subducting oceanic crust(within subduction zones),the asthenosphere and oceanic crust in eastern China partially melted,resulting in mantle enrichment.The basic magma from the mantle is accumulated at the base of the crust,leading to magmatic underplating.In areas with weak topography toward the east of the TLFZ,magma rises to the upper crust and surface,resulting in the enrichment of multiple metal deposits in this area.展开更多
The Binchuan region is located in a seismically active area in northwestern Yunnan,China.The detailed crustal structure is important to understand the tectonic evolution and to assess the seismic hazard in the study a...The Binchuan region is located in a seismically active area in northwestern Yunnan,China.The detailed crustal structure is important to understand the tectonic evolution and to assess the seismic hazard in the study area.With a 2-D dense array deployed in this region,we use teleseismic receiver function traditional imaging methods,including the H-κand common-conversion-point stacking methods,to derive high-resolution crustal thickness and vP/vS ratio maps.Our results indicate that the crustal thickness increases from~40 km to~46 km in the south-north direction,and the average crustal thickness beneath the Binchuan basin is~42 km.Our results agree with previous results but have higher resolution due to dense interstation spacing.展开更多
The North China Craton(NCC)is one of the oldest cratons on earth.Several important tectonic transformations of MesozoicCenozoic tectonic regime led to the destruction of the North China craton.The knowledge of crustal...The North China Craton(NCC)is one of the oldest cratons on earth.Several important tectonic transformations of MesozoicCenozoic tectonic regime led to the destruction of the North China craton.The knowledge of crustal structure can provide important constraints for the formation and evolution of cratons.New maps of sediment thickness,crustal thickness(H)and v_(P)/v_(S)(κ)in the central and western NCC were obtained using sequential H-κstacking.P-wave receiver functions are calculated using teleseismic waveform data recorded by 405 stations from Chin Array project.Benefiting from the densely distribution of temporary seismic stations,our results reveal details of the crustal structure in the study area.The thickness of sedimentary layer in North China ranges from 0–6.4 km,and the thickest sedimentary layer is in Ordos block and its surroundings(about 2.8–6 km);The thickness of sedimentary layer in the Mongolia fold belt and Yinshan orogenic belt is relatively thin(less than 1 km).The crustal thickness of the study area varies between 27–48 km,of which the crust of the North China Plain is about 30–33 km,the central NCC is about 33–40 km,and the Ordos block is 40–48 km thick.The average v_(P)/v_(S)ratios in the study area is mostly between 1.66 and 1.90,and that in the Yanshan-Taihang mountain fold belt is between 1.70 and 1.85,and that in the Ordos block is between 1.65 and 1.90,with an average value of 1.77,indicating the absence of a thick basaltic lower crust.The obvious negative correlation between crustal thickness and average v_(P)/v_(S)ratio within Ordos and Central Asia orogenic belt may be related to magmatic underplating during the crustal formation.There is no significant correlation between the crustal thickness and the v_(P)/v_(S)ratio in the Lüliang-Taihang mountain fold belt,which may be related to the multiple geological processes such as underplating and crustal extension and thinning in this area.The lack of correlation between crust thickness and topography in the central orogenic belt and the North China Basin indicates the topography of these areas are controlled not only by crustal isostatic adjustment but also by the lithospheric mantle processes.展开更多
Extensive geophysical research has been carried out in southeast Tibet due to the complex geological structure and high seismicity.The study of the Moho interface can provide useful information for the geophysical res...Extensive geophysical research has been carried out in southeast Tibet due to the complex geological structure and high seismicity.The study of the Moho interface can provide useful information for the geophysical research.SWChinaCVM-1.0 is the first version of a regional community velocity model for the Sichuan-Yunnan region and aims to provide a reference for seismological research in the region.Based on this model,a high-precision community Moho interface model can be obtained using common conversion point(CCP)stacking,to further expand the applicability of SWChinaCVM-1.0.Before CCP stacking,it is necessary to check the fit of the practical and theoretical travel times of the Ps phase and its multiples under the constraints of the model.Using this method,referred to as Hκ0 stacking,we determined the Moho interface.However,the multiples were poorly fitted with the theoretical travel times at many stations,and the crustal thickness obtained was inconsistent with previous findings.Therefore,we speculate that the SWChinaCVM-1.0 model has some limitations that render it incompatible with the CCP stacking method.To further verify this hypothesis,we performed H-κstacking using the v_(P)-v_(S)model,v_(P)model,v_(S)model,and the regional average velocity v_(P0)and compared the results with those of H_(κ0)stacking.The results of the comparison indicate that the SWChinaCVM-1.0 model requires improvements.In addition,by analyzing the SWChinaCVM-1.0 inversion process,we found that the v_(S)model was more reliable than the v_(P)model.Finally,we adopted the crustal thickness obtained using H-κstacking based on the v_(S)model as the initial version of a community Moho interface model for the Sichuan-Yunnan region(SWChinaCVM-MOHO-1.0).展开更多
基金supported by the Spark Program of Earthquake Technology of CEA,China(XH20032)open Research Project from the State Key Laboratory of Nuclear Resources and Environment,East China University of Technology(2022NRE17)+1 种基金open Research Project from the State Key Laboratory of Geological Processes,Mineral Resources,China University of Geosciences(GPMR202114)the Graduate Student Innovation Fund of East China University of Technology(YC2022-s628)。
文摘We collected high-quality teleseismic events recorded by 12 broadband seismographs deployed in the Anyuan Coal Mine and its adjacent areas in Pingxiang City,Jiangxi Province for nearly two years.The H-κ-c stacking method was employed to obtain the crustal thickness and Poisson's ratio distribution,then the characteristics of crustal structure below the stations were obtained by using the time-domain linear inversion method.The crustal thickness in the Anyuan Coal Mine and its adjacent areas ranges from approximately 32~35 km,with an average thickness of 33 km,which is consistent with the crustal thickness results in South China from previous studies using the receiver function method.The average Poisson's ratio of the crustal bulk composition in the study area varies between 0.22 and 0.25,which is lower than the global value with a 0.27 average,indicating a predominantly intermediate-acidic or felsic crustal composition.There is a weak negative correlation between Poisson's ratio and crustal thickness estimates in the Anyuan Coal Mine and its adjacent areas,suggesting that the absence of mafic-ultramafic materials in the lower crust is associated with the process of crustal delamination.The velocity inversion results indicate that the crustal structure including three velocity discontinuity interfaces,with the first at a depth of approximately 1.5 km,the second at about 10~15 km,and the third being the Moho.The study also indicates that the results obtained by the H-κ-c stacking method are significantly better than those obtained by the H-κmethod,effectively reducing the standard deviation and dispersion of crustal thickness and vP/vSratio.
文摘Tanlu fault zone(TLFZ)is the largest active fault zone in eastern China.It is characterized by complex tectonic evolution and multiple faults and marks the boundary between the North and South China blocks.An indepth understanding of the distinct crustal structures of both parts of the TLFZ will provide valuable insights into the lithospheric and crustal thinning in eastern China,extensive magmatism since the Mesozoic,and formation mechanisms of metallogenic belts along the Yangtze River.In this study,a two-layer H-κstacking approach was adopted to estimate the thicknesses of the sediment and crystalline crust as well as the corresponding vP/vS ratios based on high-quality teleseismic P-wave receiver functions recorded by permanent and temporary stations in and around the TLFZ.The geological units in the study region were delineated,especially the crustal structures beneath extensive sedimentary basins on both sides of the TLFZ.The following conclusions can be drawn:(1)The crustal thickness in and around the TLFZ greatly varies depending on the segment.In the northern segment,the crust is relatively thin beneath the eastern part of the Songliao Basin,a broad uplift of the Moho can be observed,and the Moho descends from south to north.The crust below the central and southern segments becomes thinner from west to east.The thickness of the crust is less than 30 km toward the eastern side of the boundary between the Jiangsu and Anhui provinces,that is,significantly thinner than in other areas.In terms of the vP/vS ratios,high anomalies were detected in the central-southern segments of the TLFZ,indicating the upwelling of deep mantle magma via deep faults.(2)Positive isostatic gravity anomalies were observed in the eastern part of the northern segment of the TLFZ and in the eastern part of the Suwan segment.The crustal thickness is smaller than that obtained from the Airy model of isostasy.This suggests that the lower crust in this area may have experienced intensive transformation processes,which may be related to crustal thinning(caused by crustal extension)and the strong uplift of the mantle in eastern China.The isostatic gravity anomalies between the eastern and western parts of the TLFZ indicate that the fault zone plays a dominant role in controlling the development of the deep crustal structure.(3)Significant crustal thinning was observed beneath the eastern part of the boundary between the Jiangsu and Anhui provinces in the southern segment of the TLFZ,suggesting that this area is prone to lithospheric thinning of the North China Craton.Due to the subduction,compression,and retreat of the Paleo-Pacific Plate during the Yanshanian Period as well as the dehydration of subducting oceanic crust(within subduction zones),the asthenosphere and oceanic crust in eastern China partially melted,resulting in mantle enrichment.The basic magma from the mantle is accumulated at the base of the crust,leading to magmatic underplating.In areas with weak topography toward the east of the TLFZ,magma rises to the upper crust and surface,resulting in the enrichment of multiple metal deposits in this area.
基金supported by the National Key R&D Program of China(No.2018YFC1503400)China Earthquake Science Experiment Project,CEA(Nos.2018CSES0101,2018CSES0102 and 2019CSES0107)+2 种基金HKSAR Research Grant Council GRF(No.14305617)CUHK Direct Grant from Faculty of Science,National Natural Scientific Foundation of China(Nos.41974069 and 41790463)Chen Yong Academician Workstation of Yunnan Province in China(No.2014IC007)。
文摘The Binchuan region is located in a seismically active area in northwestern Yunnan,China.The detailed crustal structure is important to understand the tectonic evolution and to assess the seismic hazard in the study area.With a 2-D dense array deployed in this region,we use teleseismic receiver function traditional imaging methods,including the H-κand common-conversion-point stacking methods,to derive high-resolution crustal thickness and vP/vS ratio maps.Our results indicate that the crustal thickness increases from~40 km to~46 km in the south-north direction,and the average crustal thickness beneath the Binchuan basin is~42 km.Our results agree with previous results but have higher resolution due to dense interstation spacing.
基金supported by the National Science Foundation of China(No.U1839210)。
文摘The North China Craton(NCC)is one of the oldest cratons on earth.Several important tectonic transformations of MesozoicCenozoic tectonic regime led to the destruction of the North China craton.The knowledge of crustal structure can provide important constraints for the formation and evolution of cratons.New maps of sediment thickness,crustal thickness(H)and v_(P)/v_(S)(κ)in the central and western NCC were obtained using sequential H-κstacking.P-wave receiver functions are calculated using teleseismic waveform data recorded by 405 stations from Chin Array project.Benefiting from the densely distribution of temporary seismic stations,our results reveal details of the crustal structure in the study area.The thickness of sedimentary layer in North China ranges from 0–6.4 km,and the thickest sedimentary layer is in Ordos block and its surroundings(about 2.8–6 km);The thickness of sedimentary layer in the Mongolia fold belt and Yinshan orogenic belt is relatively thin(less than 1 km).The crustal thickness of the study area varies between 27–48 km,of which the crust of the North China Plain is about 30–33 km,the central NCC is about 33–40 km,and the Ordos block is 40–48 km thick.The average v_(P)/v_(S)ratios in the study area is mostly between 1.66 and 1.90,and that in the Yanshan-Taihang mountain fold belt is between 1.70 and 1.85,and that in the Ordos block is between 1.65 and 1.90,with an average value of 1.77,indicating the absence of a thick basaltic lower crust.The obvious negative correlation between crustal thickness and average v_(P)/v_(S)ratio within Ordos and Central Asia orogenic belt may be related to magmatic underplating during the crustal formation.There is no significant correlation between the crustal thickness and the v_(P)/v_(S)ratio in the Lüliang-Taihang mountain fold belt,which may be related to the multiple geological processes such as underplating and crustal extension and thinning in this area.The lack of correlation between crust thickness and topography in the central orogenic belt and the North China Basin indicates the topography of these areas are controlled not only by crustal isostatic adjustment but also by the lithospheric mantle processes.
基金the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.41974058)the China Seismic Experimental Site Project,China Earthquake Administration(No.2018CESE0101).
文摘Extensive geophysical research has been carried out in southeast Tibet due to the complex geological structure and high seismicity.The study of the Moho interface can provide useful information for the geophysical research.SWChinaCVM-1.0 is the first version of a regional community velocity model for the Sichuan-Yunnan region and aims to provide a reference for seismological research in the region.Based on this model,a high-precision community Moho interface model can be obtained using common conversion point(CCP)stacking,to further expand the applicability of SWChinaCVM-1.0.Before CCP stacking,it is necessary to check the fit of the practical and theoretical travel times of the Ps phase and its multiples under the constraints of the model.Using this method,referred to as Hκ0 stacking,we determined the Moho interface.However,the multiples were poorly fitted with the theoretical travel times at many stations,and the crustal thickness obtained was inconsistent with previous findings.Therefore,we speculate that the SWChinaCVM-1.0 model has some limitations that render it incompatible with the CCP stacking method.To further verify this hypothesis,we performed H-κstacking using the v_(P)-v_(S)model,v_(P)model,v_(S)model,and the regional average velocity v_(P0)and compared the results with those of H_(κ0)stacking.The results of the comparison indicate that the SWChinaCVM-1.0 model requires improvements.In addition,by analyzing the SWChinaCVM-1.0 inversion process,we found that the v_(S)model was more reliable than the v_(P)model.Finally,we adopted the crustal thickness obtained using H-κstacking based on the v_(S)model as the initial version of a community Moho interface model for the Sichuan-Yunnan region(SWChinaCVM-MOHO-1.0).