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还脑益聪方靶向HAMP调节铁代谢改善AD模型小鼠认知障碍的机制研究 被引量:1
作者 孙宁宁 贺小平 +5 位作者 刘珊 赵炎 钟健民 郝雅煊 张烨华 董贤慧 《中国药理学通报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第7期1240-1248,共9页
目的探讨还脑益聪方(Huannao Yicong decoction,HYD)对APP/PS1小鼠学习记忆能力与脑铁代谢的影响以及HAMP基因敲除小鼠(HAMP^(-/-)小鼠)和APP/PS1双转基因模型小鼠的相关性。方法实验分5组,HAMP^(-/-)组:6月龄HAMP基因敲除小鼠;APP/PS1... 目的探讨还脑益聪方(Huannao Yicong decoction,HYD)对APP/PS1小鼠学习记忆能力与脑铁代谢的影响以及HAMP基因敲除小鼠(HAMP^(-/-)小鼠)和APP/PS1双转基因模型小鼠的相关性。方法实验分5组,HAMP^(-/-)组:6月龄HAMP基因敲除小鼠;APP/PS1组:6月龄APP/PS1双转基因小鼠;HAMP^(-/-)+还脑益聪方组(HAMP^(-/-)+HYD);APP/PS1+还脑益聪方组(APP/PS1+HYD);阴性对照组:6月龄C57BL/6J小鼠,每组6只。还脑益聪方灌胃给药(还脑益聪方13.68 g·kg^(-1)体质量),其余各组给予蒸馏水灌胃,每天1次,给药2个月。给药结束后,Morris水迷宫测试每组小鼠学习记忆能力;生化法检测各小鼠脑组织铁含量;Western blot与RT-qPCR检测各组小鼠海马转铁蛋白(transferrin,TF)、转铁蛋白受体1(transferrin receptor1,TFR1)、膜铁转运蛋白1(ferroportin1,FPN1)蛋白、二价金属离子转运体1(divalent metal transporter1,DMT1)与β淀粉样蛋白(β-amyloid protein,Aβ)及mRNA表达水平。结果与正常组相比,HAMP^(-/-)组小鼠与APP/PS1组小鼠学习记忆能力均降低,脑组织铁含量升高,HAMP^(-/-)组与APP/PS1组小鼠海马中Aβ蛋白表达升高(P<0.01),TF、TFR1、DMT1蛋白及mRNA表达均升高(P<0.01),FPN1蛋白及mRNA表达降低(P<0.01);分别与HAMP^(-/-)组和APP/PS1组相比,HAMP^(-/-)+HYD组与APP/PS1+HYD组小鼠学习记忆能力均提高,脑组织铁含量降低,Aβ蛋白表达下降(P<0.01),TF、TFR1、DMT1蛋白及mRNA表达降低(P<0.01),FPN1蛋白及mRNA表达升高(P<0.01)。结论HAMP^(-/-)小鼠和APP/PS1小鼠之间具有一定关联性,HYD可以改善HAMP^(-/-)与APP/PS1小鼠学习记忆能力,减少Aβ沉积,其机制可能与调节TF、TFR1、DMT1、FPN1的表达,改善脑铁超载有关。 展开更多
关键词 还脑益聪方 hamp基因敲除小鼠 铁代谢 APP/PS1 认知障碍 Β淀粉样蛋白
水稻基腐细菌ExpS感受蛋白中Hamp结构域的敲除及功能分析 被引量:1
作者 杨利平 谭秀明 +1 位作者 周佳暖 刘琼光 《华南农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第3期48-52,共5页
双组分调控系统是细菌中普遍存在和非常保守的一种重要调节机制,研究水稻基腐细菌Dickeya zeae中双组分信号转导系统及其对致病性的调控具有重要的意义.本文通过同源重组、标记置换等分子遗传操作方法,成功敲除了水稻基腐病细菌双组分... 双组分调控系统是细菌中普遍存在和非常保守的一种重要调节机制,研究水稻基腐细菌Dickeya zeae中双组分信号转导系统及其对致病性的调控具有重要的意义.本文通过同源重组、标记置换等分子遗传操作方法,成功敲除了水稻基腐病细菌双组分系统感受蛋白ExpS中的Hamp功能域,获得了Hamp功能片段缺失突变株及互补体.致病性及毒素产生能力测定试验结果表明,Hamp在ExpS/ExpA双组分系统的信号转导途径中起重要作用,调控水稻基腐菌毒素的产生并影响水稻的致病性及烟草的HR反应. 展开更多
关键词 水稻基腐细菌 感受蛋白ExpS hamp功能域 基因敲除 致病性
Juvenile hemochromatosis:HAMP mutation and severe iron overload treated with phlebotomies and deferasirox 被引量:2
作者 Manuel A Lescano Letícia C Tavares Paulo C J L Santos 《World Journal of Clinical Cases》 SCIE 2017年第10期381-383,共3页
Juvenile hemochromatosis(JH) is a rare condition classified as an autosomal recessive disorder that leads to severe iron absorption. JH usually affects people under the age of 30 and presents symptoms such as chronic ... Juvenile hemochromatosis(JH) is a rare condition classified as an autosomal recessive disorder that leads to severe iron absorption. JH usually affects people under the age of 30 and presents symptoms such as chronic liver damage,hypogonadotropic hypogonadism,cardiac diseases and endocrine dysfunctions. The present case reports a 29-year-old Brazilian woman with JH condition due to HAMP mutation(g.47G>A),treated with phlebotomies and deferasirox. She presented symptoms such as weakness,skin hyperpigmentation,joint pain in the shoulders and hands and amenorrhea. First laboratory tests showed altered biochemical parameters [serum ferritin(SF): 5696 ng/mL,transferrin saturation(TS): 85%]. After sessions of phlebotomies(450 mL every 15 d),the patient presented partial symptomatic improvements and biochemical parameters(SF: 1000 ng/mL,Hb: 11 g/dL). One year later,deferasirox(15 mg/kg per day) was introduced to the treatment,and the patient showed total symptomatic improvement,with significant clearing of the skin,SF: 169 ng/mL,and TS: 50%. Furthermore,after the combined deferasirox-phlebotomy therapy,magnetic resonance imaging measurements revealed normalized level for liver iron(30 μmol/g; reference value < 36 μmol/g). In conclusion,combined deferasirox-phlebotomy treatment was able to normalize iron levels and improve symptoms. 展开更多
关键词 genetic disease Juvenile hemochromatosis hamp gene MUTATION Iron chelation
Lack of hepcidin expression attenuates steatosis and causesfibrosis in the liver 被引量:6
作者 Sizhao Lu Robert G Bennett +1 位作者 Kusum K Kharbanda Duygu Dee Harrison-Findik 《World Journal of Hepatology》 CAS 2016年第4期211-225,共15页
AIM: To investigate the role of key iron-regulatory protein, hepcidin in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease(NAFLD). METHODS: Hepcidin(Hamp1) knockout and floxed control mice were administered a high fat and high sucros... AIM: To investigate the role of key iron-regulatory protein, hepcidin in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease(NAFLD). METHODS: Hepcidin(Hamp1) knockout and floxed control mice were administered a high fat and high sucrose(HFS) or a regular control diet for 3 or 7 mo. Steatosis, triglycerides, fibrosis, protein and gene expression in mice livers were determined by histological and biochemical techniques, western blotting and realtime polymerase chain reaction. RESULTS: Knockout mice exhibited hepatic iron accumulation. Despite similar weight gains, HFS feeding induced hepatomegaly in floxed, but not knockout, mice. The livers of floxed mice exhibited higher levels of steatosis, triglycerides and c-Jun N-terminal kinase(JNK) phosphorylation than knockout mice. In contrast, a significant increase in fibrosis was observed in knockout mice livers within 3 mo of HFS administration. The hepatic gene expression levels of sterol regulatoryelement-binding protein-1c and fat-specific protein-27, but not peroxisome proliferator-activated receptoralpha or microsomal triglyceride transfer protein, were attenuated in HFS-fed knockout mice. Knockout mice fed with regular diet displayed increased carnitine palmitoyltransferase-1a and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase-1 but decreased glucose-6-phosphatase expression in the liver. In summary, attenuated steatosis correlated with decreased expression of lipogenic and lipid storage genes, and JNK phosphorylation. Deletion of Hamp1 alleles per se modulated hepatic expression of beta-oxidation and gluconeogenic genes. CONCLUSION: Lack of hepcidin expression inhibits hepatic lipid accumulation and induces early development of fibrosis following high fat intake. Hepcidin and iron may play a role in the regulation of metabolic pathways in the liver, which has implications for NAFLD pathogenesis. 展开更多
关键词 hamp Iron Non-alcoholic STEATOHEPATITIS Metabolic genes STEATOSIS non-alcoholic fatty liverdisease STEATOHEPATITIS
铁调素及其相关调节药物的研究进展 被引量:5
作者 陈莹莹 王丽红 郝长来 《国际输血及血液学杂志》 CAS 2019年第1期85-89,共5页
铁是机体内最基本元素,参与机体氧运输、细胞呼吸、DNA复制等,铁代谢紊乱与多种疾病相关,包括贫血性疾病(缺铁性贫血、慢性贫血)和铁过载相关疾病(血色素沉着症)等。铁调素是由肝合成的小分子多肽类激素,对机体铁代谢起负向调控作用,对... 铁是机体内最基本元素,参与机体氧运输、细胞呼吸、DNA复制等,铁代谢紊乱与多种疾病相关,包括贫血性疾病(缺铁性贫血、慢性贫血)和铁过载相关疾病(血色素沉着症)等。铁调素是由肝合成的小分子多肽类激素,对机体铁代谢起负向调控作用,对维持机体铁稳态尤为重要。铁调素由Hamp基因编码,其表达由BMP、STAT等多条信号通路调控,白细胞介素(IL)-6、跨膜丝氨酸蛋白酶(TMPRSS)6等信号分子亦在铁调素的调节中发挥重要作用。笔者现就铁调素的分子结构、作用,以及目前针对铁调素、Hamp基因及其相关信号通路的调节药物的研究进展进行综述。 展开更多
关键词 铁代谢障碍 血色素沉着症 白细胞介素6 铁调素 hamp基因
作者 唐犇 胡靖 +3 位作者 王亚 蔡杰 曾天舒 王妍 《临床心血管病杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2019年第8期771-774,共4页
1病历资料患者,男,30岁,2017年8月因'运动后出现口干、多饮、多尿2周'为主诉于深圳市第二医院首次入院就诊,既往否认'高血压'、'糖尿病'病史,无吸烟、饮酒史,否认肝炎等传染性疾病史,无家族史。入院体检:血压14... 1病历资料患者,男,30岁,2017年8月因'运动后出现口干、多饮、多尿2周'为主诉于深圳市第二医院首次入院就诊,既往否认'高血压'、'糖尿病'病史,无吸烟、饮酒史,否认肝炎等传染性疾病史,无家族史。入院体检:血压144/86 mmHg(1 mmHg=0.133kPa),全身皮肤散在瘀点,双手指间关节皮肤色素沉着,双侧腋窝无腋毛、阴毛偏少。 展开更多
关键词 遗传性血色病 hamp基因 心肌病 心脏移植
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