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Averaged Dynamics of Fluids near the Oscillating Interface in a Hele-Shaw Cell 被引量:1
作者 Anastasia Bushueva Olga Vlasova Denis Polezhaev 《Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing》 EI 2024年第4期847-857,共11页
The steady flow in a Hele-Shaw cell filled with fluids with a high viscosity contrast in the presence of fluid oscillations is experimentally studied.The control of oscillatory dynamics of multiphase systems with inte... The steady flow in a Hele-Shaw cell filled with fluids with a high viscosity contrast in the presence of fluid oscillations is experimentally studied.The control of oscillatory dynamics of multiphase systems with interfaces is a challenging technological problem.We consider miscible(water and glycerol)and immiscible(water and high-viscosity silicone oil PMS-1000)fluids under subsonic oscillations perpendicular to the interface.Observations show that the interface shape depends on the amplitude and frequency of oscillations.The interface is undisturbed only in the absence of oscillations.Under small amplitudes,the interface between water and glycerol widens due to mixing.When the critical amplitude is reached,the interface becomes unstable to the fingering instability:Aqueous fingers penetrate the high-viscosity glycerol and induce intensive mixing of miscible fluids and associated decay of the instability.After the disappearance of the fingers,the interface takes a U-shape in the central part of the cell.A similar effect is observed for immiscible fluids:The oscillating interface tends to bend to the side of a high-viscosity fluid.Again,when the critical amplitude is reached,the fingering instability arises at the convex interface.This paper focuses on the causes of bending of the initially undisturbed interface between miscible or immiscible fluids.For this purpose,we measure the steady flow velocity near the interface and in the bulk of a high-viscosity fluid using Particle Image Velocimetry(PIV). 展开更多
关键词 hele-shaw cell OSCILLATIONS steady flow miscible fluids immiscible fluids INTERFACE
基于注塑成型过程的液晶高分子Hele-Shaw流动模拟分析 被引量:4
作者 刘春波 孙建业 《应用力学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第5期819-824,838,共7页
针对注射模腔内液晶高分子Hele-Shaw流动进行模拟分析。模腔为规则的方形,温度为恒温300℃,以小分子液晶TIF理论为基础,建立内部流动分析方程组;采用这种方法预测整个注塑过程中任意时间点流动前沿的位置,随时掌握腔内压力、速度场的变... 针对注射模腔内液晶高分子Hele-Shaw流动进行模拟分析。模腔为规则的方形,温度为恒温300℃,以小分子液晶TIF理论为基础,建立内部流动分析方程组;采用这种方法预测整个注塑过程中任意时间点流动前沿的位置,随时掌握腔内压力、速度场的变化情况。通过模拟分析得知:在入射口处压力、速度场分布变化最大,向内部逐渐减小,且分布均匀,无畸变点;向矢场的变化则与模腔高度有关,靠近腔壁处分子向矢按照流动方向均匀排列,而中心层相对复杂,由X-Y平面内流动剪切速率决定;注射时间与初始压力、模腔高度的平方成反比。本文的结果为进一步分析注塑过程中非恒温下液晶高分子流动提供了参考。 展开更多
关键词 注塑 液晶高分子 TIF理论 hele-shaw流动 恒温
Hele-Shaw通道内瓦斯爆炸火焰特性试验研究 被引量:2
作者 温小萍 刁守通 +3 位作者 和文强 胡强 张素梅 郭志东 《安全与环境学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第1期57-63,共7页
为探究甲烷/空气预混气体当量比对Hele-Shaw通道内火焰爆燃特性的影响,自行设计搭建尺寸(长×宽×厚)为950 mm×200 mm×6 mm的透明有机玻璃瓦斯爆炸管道试验平台。通过改变试验平台厚度研究通道间隙对甲烷/空气预混气... 为探究甲烷/空气预混气体当量比对Hele-Shaw通道内火焰爆燃特性的影响,自行设计搭建尺寸(长×宽×厚)为950 mm×200 mm×6 mm的透明有机玻璃瓦斯爆炸管道试验平台。通过改变试验平台厚度研究通道间隙对甲烷/空气预混气体火焰结构与传播特性的影响。结果表明,不同的通道厚度和当量比对火焰锋面结构和火焰传播动态特性有显著影响。当通道厚度为6 mm时,最大火焰传播速度发生在化学当量比下,为12.84 m/s,且在该工况下火焰最先到通道末端,时间为518.57 ms。当量比为0.8的贫燃状态时,在火焰不稳定性的作用下,火焰传播后期出现二次振荡现象及手指形的火焰锋面。随着通道厚度的减小,火焰到达通道末端的时间逐渐变长,对火焰整体传播速度有明显的抑制作用。 展开更多
关键词 安全工程 hele-shaw通道 爆炸 甲烷/空气 当量比 通道厚度
作者 孙建红 许金造 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI 2003年第2期134-139,共6页
The basic physics of unsteady Hele-Shaw flow at high Reynolds numbers is mainly studied by an experimental measurement. In order to confirm the Darcy′s law in Hele-Shaw cell, since there is an analogy between flow in... The basic physics of unsteady Hele-Shaw flow at high Reynolds numbers is mainly studied by an experimental measurement. In order to confirm the Darcy′s law in Hele-Shaw cell, since there is an analogy between flow in cells and that in porous media, progressive water waves are utilized to build an unsteady flow in a Hele-Shaw cell, and which complex wave number is measured by a wave height gauge. Meanwhile, theoretical analyses are used to compare with experimental data. Result shows Darcy′s Law is not exactly correct for unsteady Hele-Shaw flows, and it is expected to conduct a modified Darcy′s Law. 展开更多
关键词 hele-shaw cell surface water wave Darcy′s law
注塑成型Hele-Shaw流动模拟中热对流的异步长求解 被引量:3
作者 王超房 黄明 +2 位作者 石宪章 申长雨 赵振峰 《化工学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第7期3047-3054,共8页
在Hele-Shaw流动数值模拟中,速度是压力的后处理结果。如果是点浇口,则浇口附近速度会随单元尺寸缩小而趋于无穷大,导致能量方程作为一个整体求解时,时间步长必须非常小,否则会产生很大误差;而根据热对流物理意义分步求解,则需追踪当前... 在Hele-Shaw流动数值模拟中,速度是压力的后处理结果。如果是点浇口,则浇口附近速度会随单元尺寸缩小而趋于无穷大,导致能量方程作为一个整体求解时,时间步长必须非常小,否则会产生很大误差;而根据热对流物理意义分步求解,则需追踪当前物质在上一时刻位置,当单元速度很高、逆向搜索需穿透多个单元时,搜索可能会失败。鉴于此,基于分步求解法,研究提出一种变长度子时间步长方法处理对流项,确保搜索路径局限在当前单元内,并采用二分法确定子时间步数量,使算法简洁有效。算例表明,该方法在保证计算精度和求解稳定性的同时,可以明显减少计算时间,提高计算效率。 展开更多
关键词 热对流 传热 hele-shaw 注塑成型 数值模拟 聚合物加工
Hele-Shaw 模型中纳米颗粒渗吸采油可视化实验 被引量:3
作者 周彦霞 蒲辉 +3 位作者 钟珣 李春成 张少杰 孙润轩 《大庆石油地质与开发》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第6期46-51,共6页
致密油藏高效开发是石油科技人员不懈攻关的技术难题之一,渗吸采油是致密油藏开发的有效方法。为直观地展示渗吸采油过程,以物理模拟为技术手段,以Hele-Shaw模型为实验平台,开展了油藏初始润湿性和纳米颗粒粒径对渗吸采收率影响研究。... 致密油藏高效开发是石油科技人员不懈攻关的技术难题之一,渗吸采油是致密油藏开发的有效方法。为直观地展示渗吸采油过程,以物理模拟为技术手段,以Hele-Shaw模型为实验平台,开展了油藏初始润湿性和纳米颗粒粒径对渗吸采收率影响研究。结果表明:Hele-Shaw模型中主要发生逆向渗吸,原始亲水性储层渗吸采收率较高;与NaCl溶液相比,含纳米颗粒渗吸液可以驱替出更小孔喉的原油,而且颗粒粒径越小,渗吸采收率越高。 展开更多
关键词 hele-shaw模型 纳米颗粒 渗吸采油 可视化实验 机理分析
非牛顿流体在Hele-Shaw模型中的流动 被引量:1
作者 唐亦农 陈文芳 《力学与实践》 CSCD 北大核心 1989年第3期26-30,共5页
关键词 非牛顿流体 hele-shaw 模型 流动
一种基于Hele-Shaw流的润滑油运动粘度现场测量方法 被引量:1
作者 张梦 杨梅 杨春秀 《舰船电子工程》 2022年第12期155-159,共5页
粘度是润滑油最为重要的理化性能指标之一。润滑油粘度现场测量要求仪器具有操作简单、测量迅速等特点。论文基于Hele-Shaw流原理推导了测量粘度的计算公式,建立了粘度测量的数学模型,设计了测量装置。将润滑油和燃油按一定质量比配制油... 粘度是润滑油最为重要的理化性能指标之一。润滑油粘度现场测量要求仪器具有操作简单、测量迅速等特点。论文基于Hele-Shaw流原理推导了测量粘度的计算公式,建立了粘度测量的数学模型,设计了测量装置。将润滑油和燃油按一定质量比配制油样,使用品氏粘度计和设计的测量装置进行了粘度测量,结果表明燃油质量比与油样运动粘度具有线性关系,设计的测量装置通过粘度标准液标定后可进行运动粘度测量。 展开更多
关键词 hele-shaw 粘度测量 现场测量 润滑油 运动粘度
Numerical investigation of viscous fingering in Hele-Shaw cell with spatially periodic variation of depth
作者 Jiangping HU Bofu WANG Dejun SUN 《Applied Mathematics and Mechanics(English Edition)》 SCIE EI CSCD 2016年第1期45-58,共14页
Viscous fingering in a modified Hele-Shaw cell is numerically investigated. The cell allows periodic variation of depth in the lateral direction. The wavenumber n of the depth perturbation has great influence on finge... Viscous fingering in a modified Hele-Shaw cell is numerically investigated. The cell allows periodic variation of depth in the lateral direction. The wavenumber n of the depth perturbation has great influence on fingering patterns. For n = 1, the fingering pattern due to the interface instability remains the same as that in the conventional Hele- Shaw cell, while the depth variation causes the steady finger to be a little narrower. For n = 2, four different fingering patterns are captured, similar to the available experimental observations in a modified Hele-Shaw cell containing a centered step-like occlusion. It is found that new fingering patterns appear as n further increases, among which, two patterns with spatial oscillation along both edges of the finger are particularly interesting. One is a symmetric oscillatory finger for n = 3, and the other is an asymmetric one for n = 4. The influence of capillary number on fingering patterns is studied for n = 3 and 4. We find that spatial oscillation of the finger nearly ceases at moderate capillary numbers and occurs again as the capillary number increases further. Meanwhile, the wide finger shifts to the narrow one. It is accompanied by a sudden decrease in the finger width which otherwise decreases continuously as the capillary number increases. The wavenumber and the amplitude of depth perturbation have little effect on the finger width. 展开更多
关键词 hele-shaw cell viscous fingering pattern formation interracial instability
作者 郭亚瑜 贾宏恩 《西安理工大学学报》 CAS 北大核心 2019年第4期506-511,共6页
本文提出了一种解耦方法用来求解含对数势和变系数的Cahn-Hilliard-Hele-Shaw系统。在时间上采用基于对能量泛函的凸分裂进行离散,空间上利用混合有限元方法进行离散。通过一种压力投影算法更新Darcy方程中的压力梯度,使得在每一个时间... 本文提出了一种解耦方法用来求解含对数势和变系数的Cahn-Hilliard-Hele-Shaw系统。在时间上采用基于对能量泛函的凸分裂进行离散,空间上利用混合有限元方法进行离散。通过一种压力投影算法更新Darcy方程中的压力梯度,使得在每一个时间步上只需要求解一个Possion方程。对于对数势,利用正则化方法,将自由能密度函数的定义域进行延拓。并证明了格式的稳定性。最后给出了一系列的数值算例来验证理论分析。 展开更多
关键词 对数势 Cahn-Hilliard-hele-shaw系统 变系数 解耦
作者 孙明朗 谢建 +1 位作者 王军 沈自求 《热科学与技术》 CAS CSCD 2005年第2期95-100,共6页
应用似Hele-Shaw盒的窄缝实验设备,考察了向高黏热液中引入挥发性冷剂进行直接接触汽化传热的过程,获得了糖液的冷却曲线;分析了冷剂通入量和冷剂的入口温度对瞬间主体温度及容积传热速率的影响,并以“界面汽化热阱”效应概念对传热过... 应用似Hele-Shaw盒的窄缝实验设备,考察了向高黏热液中引入挥发性冷剂进行直接接触汽化传热的过程,获得了糖液的冷却曲线;分析了冷剂通入量和冷剂的入口温度对瞬间主体温度及容积传热速率的影响,并以“界面汽化热阱”效应概念对传热过程进行了分析。同时,研究了冷剂驱替高黏液体时的界面形态,对形成的黏性指进现象进行了图像分析并应用分形理论进行了阐述,获得了界面形态与两液体的黏性比的关系。 展开更多
关键词 界面形态 直接接触式 界面汽化热阱 实验设备 冷却曲线 传热速率 入口温度 传热过程 分形理论 图像分析 冷剂 挥发性 应用 液体
基于Hele-shaw模型的斜井偏心环空顶替流体密度差优化 被引量:5
作者 冯福平 艾池 +3 位作者 于法浩 崔志华 徐海粟 张嵇南 《数学的实践与认识》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第22期125-133,共9页
针对斜井中顶替流体密度差及套管偏心引起的顶替界面突进两相流体掺混严重的问题,考虑斜井密度差引起的驱动力沿周向角和半径的变化,建立了斜井偏心环空稳定顶替界面形状模型,利用该模型分析了密度差对顶替界面形状的影响,得到了不同井... 针对斜井中顶替流体密度差及套管偏心引起的顶替界面突进两相流体掺混严重的问题,考虑斜井密度差引起的驱动力沿周向角和半径的变化,建立了斜井偏心环空稳定顶替界面形状模型,利用该模型分析了密度差对顶替界面形状的影响,得到了不同井斜角及套管偏心条件下顶替流体的最优密度差及变化规律:斜井中顶替界面突进的位置及程度取决于套管偏心与密度差的相对作用,存在合理的密度差使得顶替界面长度最短;最优顶替流体密度差随套管偏心度的增加而增大,随井斜角的增大而减小;固井顶替时在满足压稳防漏的条件下直井所选用的密度差越大越好,水平井所选用的密度差应相对最小。 展开更多
关键词 hele-shaw模型 偏心环空 密度差 顶替界面 界面长度
作者 裘祖干 《复旦学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1990年第2期129-134,共6页
关键词 流体 微极 渗流 hele-shaw 流动
作者 Xiaobing Feng Haijun Wu 《Journal of Computational Mathematics》 SCIE CSCD 2008年第6期767-796,共30页
This paper develops a posteriori error estimates of residual type for conforming and mixed finite element approximations of the fourth order Cahn-Hilliard equation ut + △(ε△Au-ε^-1f(u)) = 0. It is shown that ... This paper develops a posteriori error estimates of residual type for conforming and mixed finite element approximations of the fourth order Cahn-Hilliard equation ut + △(ε△Au-ε^-1f(u)) = 0. It is shown that the a posteriori error bounds depends on ε^-1 only in some low polynomial order, instead of exponential order. Using these a posteriori error estimates, we construct at2 adaptive algorithm for computing the solution of the Cahn- Hilliard equation and its sharp interface limit, the Hele-Shaw flow. Numerical experiments are presented to show the robustness and effectiveness of the new error estimators and the proposed adaptive algorithm. 展开更多
关键词 Cahn-Hilliard equation hele-shaw flow Phase transition Conforming elements Mixed finite element methods A posteriori error estimates Adaptivity.
Visualizing the dynamic progression of backward erosion piping in a Hele-Shaw cell 被引量:2
作者 Gang ZHENG Jing-bo TONG +6 位作者 Tian-qi ZHANG Zi-wu WANG Xun LI Ji-qing ZHANG Chun-yu QI Hai-zuo ZHOU Yu DIAO 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & Engineering)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2022年第11期945-954,共10页
With the utilization of underground space,backward erosion piping(BEP)has been observed in many underground structures(e.g.,shield tunnels)founded on sandy aquifers.However,due to invisibility,the geometry of the erod... With the utilization of underground space,backward erosion piping(BEP)has been observed in many underground structures(e.g.,shield tunnels)founded on sandy aquifers.However,due to invisibility,the geometry of the eroded pipe and its spatial evolution with time during the piping process was still not clear.In this study,we developed a Hele-Shaw cell to visualize the dynamic progression of BEP.With imaging process technology,we obtained a typical process of BEP(the erosion process can be divided into a piping progression phase and a piping stabilization phase),quantitatively characterized the formation of erosion pipes,and compared the patterns of erosion(e.g.,the erosion area A and the maximum erosion radius R)that spontaneously develop under different fluxes of water.The most interesting finding is that the sand grains in a thicker Hele-Shaw model are easier to dislodge,which is possibly due to the granular system in a thicker model having more degrees of freedom,reducing the stability of the sand grains. 展开更多
关键词 Backward erosion piping(BEP) Dynamic progression hele-shaw cell Visualize Imaging processing technology
Effect of width on the properties of Faraday waves in Hele-Shaw cells
作者 XiaoChen Li Jing Li +2 位作者 XiaoMing Li ShiJun Liao ChaoHe Chen 《Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2019年第7期89-94,共6页
The effect of container geometry on the Faraday waves in Hele-Shaw cells has been investigated. The wave heights increase with the width of the cell and a linear function is selected to express the relation between th... The effect of container geometry on the Faraday waves in Hele-Shaw cells has been investigated. The wave heights increase with the width of the cell and a linear function is selected to express the relation between these data and parameters. The wave lengths also increase with the width and are in good agreement with the dispersion relation. In order to reveal the real nature behind these phenomena, we have developed a gap-averaged model to numerically solve this issue and give an analysis of the result to show how these Faraday waves are formed in a Hele-Shaw cell. 展开更多
关键词 FARADAY WAVES hele-shaw CELL NUMERICAL simulation
On 2D approximations for dissolution problems in Hele-Shaw cells
作者 Jianwei Guo Farid Laouafa Michel Quintard 《Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2023年第3期104-120,共17页
In this paper, we study the dissolution problems occurring in laterally large 3D systems with very small dimensions along the third coordinate, such as fractures or Hele-Shaw cells. On the basis of the scale separatio... In this paper, we study the dissolution problems occurring in laterally large 3D systems with very small dimensions along the third coordinate, such as fractures or Hele-Shaw cells. On the basis of the scale separation assumption, we apply upscaling to the 3D pore-scale model using the volume averaging method to develop 2D averaged equations. The influence of the choice of momentum equations on the accuracy of the 2D Hele-Shaw model is discussed, and we show that the results obtained using Darcy-Brinkman equations are better than those obtained using Darcy’s law, because of the consideration of the viscous boundary layer. The validity and accuracy of the resulting 2D model are assessed based on comparisons with full 3D solutions for problems corresponding to the existence of geometrical 3D features to which a simple averaging procedure along a line(i.e., the height of the gap) perpendicular to the 2D plane cannot be applied, such as the dissolution of pillars. The results show that when Péclet and Reynolds numbers exceed certain limits, 3D effects must be considered. Moreover, natural convection effects are important when the Rayleigh number is large. 展开更多
关键词 DISSOLUTION hele-shaw cell upscaling natural convection
Numerical Study on Viscous Fingering Using Electric Fields in a Hele-Shaw Cell
作者 Meng Zhao Pedro Anjos +2 位作者 John Lowengrub Wenjun Ying Shuwang Li 《Communications in Computational Physics》 SCIE 2023年第2期399-424,共26页
We investigate the nonlinear dynamics of amoving interface in aHele-Shaw cell subject to an in-plane applied electric field.We develop a spectrally accurate numerical method for solving a coupled integral equation sys... We investigate the nonlinear dynamics of amoving interface in aHele-Shaw cell subject to an in-plane applied electric field.We develop a spectrally accurate numerical method for solving a coupled integral equation system.Although the stiffness due to the high order spatial derivatives can be removed using a small scale decomposition technique,the long-time simulation is still expensive since the evolving velocity of the interface drops dramatically as the interface expands.We remove this physically imposed stiffness by employing a rescaling scheme,which accelerates the slow dynamics and reduces the computational cost.Our nonlinear results reveal that positive currents restrain finger ramification and promote the overall stabilization of patterns.On the other hand,negative currents make the interface more unstable and lead to the formation of thin tail structures connecting the fingers and a small inner region.When no fluid is injected,and a negative current is utilized,the interface tends to approach the origin and break up into several drops.We investigate the temporal evolution of the smallest distance between the interface and the origin and find that it obeys an algebraic law(t∗−t)b,where t∗is the estimated pinch-off time. 展开更多
关键词 hele-shaw problem fingering instabilities electro-osmotic flow boundary integral method rescaling idea
固井顶替界面研究方法分析 被引量:10
作者 冯福平 宋杰 +4 位作者 艾池 陈顶峰 于法浩 徐海粟 崔志华 《断块油气田》 CAS 2014年第4期540-544,共5页
稳定平齐的顶替界面可以有效地防止钻井液对水泥浆的污染,降低环空钻井液的迟流和滞留现象,提高固井界面的胶结质量和环空封隔的效果。文中首先总结了固井顶替界面的主要影响因素,然后分析了3种固井顶替界面研究方法的优缺点,最后根据... 稳定平齐的顶替界面可以有效地防止钻井液对水泥浆的污染,降低环空钻井液的迟流和滞留现象,提高固井界面的胶结质量和环空封隔的效果。文中首先总结了固井顶替界面的主要影响因素,然后分析了3种固井顶替界面研究方法的优缺点,最后根据目前固井顶替界面研究的不足提出了今后的研究方向及相应建议:以二维Hele-Shaw模型为基础,深化稳定顶替界面的形成机理及条件研究,并通过数值模拟和室内实验的方法进行验证,建立相应的注水泥稳定顶替界面参数设计方法及标准,并开发相应的通用软件,以便于现场应用。 展开更多
关键词 顶替界面 稳定顶替 数值模拟 室内实验 hele-shaw模型
带有矩形嵌件薄壁型腔内熔接过程动态模拟 被引量:6
作者 郑素佩 欧阳洁 +1 位作者 张红平 张玲 《化工学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第1期232-238,共7页
为了准确模拟具有对称结构的带有矩形嵌件的薄壁型腔内熔接线的动态形成过程,采用Level Set/Ghost方法追踪充填阶段聚合物熔体前沿界面。引入具有高阶精度且数值稳定无振荡的5 WENO(the fifth order weighted essentially nonoscillato... 为了准确模拟具有对称结构的带有矩形嵌件的薄壁型腔内熔接线的动态形成过程,采用Level Set/Ghost方法追踪充填阶段聚合物熔体前沿界面。引入具有高阶精度且数值稳定无振荡的5 WENO(the fifth order weighted essentially nonoscillatory)格式对Level Set/Ghost方程进行数值求解,耦合求解物理量控制方程的一般差分格式实现熔接过程的动态模拟。数值算例对整个流场的压力、温度及速度进行了分析和讨论,并将熔接区域的压力、温度和非熔接区域的压力、温度进行了比较。数值结果与理论分析结果一致,且与前人数值结果相比有很好的精度。 展开更多
关键词 熔接线 LEVEL Set/Ghost方法 hele-shaw模型 WENO格式
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