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作者 何潇 刘明坤 《浙江海洋大学学报(人文科学版)》 2024年第1期25-31,共7页
《春秋》为灾异言说之肇始,而异常气象是灾异的重要组成部分。以“雨木冰”为例,《春秋》三传起初目的是正人事仪则,而汉儒通过“天人感通”之说结合阴阳五行学说加强了灾异的神秘感验性,更以京氏易等术数思想使得神异的主观随意性解说... 《春秋》为灾异言说之肇始,而异常气象是灾异的重要组成部分。以“雨木冰”为例,《春秋》三传起初目的是正人事仪则,而汉儒通过“天人感通”之说结合阴阳五行学说加强了灾异的神秘感验性,更以京氏易等术数思想使得神异的主观随意性解说变得固定化和学理化,从而形成了后代“木冰兆凶,应验在大臣”的固定认知,透露着汉代的类感思维与灾异说“以果觅因”的特质。宋人之学重义理,对于雨木冰现象有了较为合理的认识,更掀起对“正朔”问题的讨论,体现出理学的正面影响。但宋学穿凿义理之弊,又造成了异象诠释变得支离。在汉、宋之学的共同影响下,雨木冰的诠释既有符合万物之理的一面,又长期未脱离占验的神秘化理解。 展开更多
关键词 《春秋》 雨木冰 灾异说 天人感通 京房易学 汉宋之学
作者 王佳佳 石晶 张宁起 《丝网印刷》 2024年第10期13-15,共3页
关键词 河洛文化 文化自信 汉服研究
作者 黄瑞 《美学与艺术评论》 2024年第1期205-216,251,共13页
《淮南子》和《春秋繁露》算不上专门的易学著作,但是从中我们能看到相关的易学思想。受此影响,两书的相关易学论述可以认为是汉代易学的另一种样态,是先秦义理易学的进一步延伸。它们与汉代美学体系之间的建构可以归结为汉代人有关天... 《淮南子》和《春秋繁露》算不上专门的易学著作,但是从中我们能看到相关的易学思想。受此影响,两书的相关易学论述可以认为是汉代易学的另一种样态,是先秦义理易学的进一步延伸。它们与汉代美学体系之间的建构可以归结为汉代人有关天人关系的直接呈现,与汉代美学之间的意义产生可能性在于直面思想意识及其生活世界。汉代人在正常观照和体验天下宇宙时是有意识的审美,也具备艺术的嗅觉。从辨物体道走向成人之行,其思维方式逐渐具象化,人的自身重新得到关注,易学的形态化向生活世界的审美化回归。无论是《淮南子》中的神话书写,还是《春秋繁露》中具有神学色彩的“天人感应”部分,都可以把它们纳入同一种形式进行讨论。它们都在表达特定的意义或者观念,给予了汉代易学与审美以正当性的地位。 展开更多
关键词 汉代易学 《淮南子》 《春秋繁露》 审美面向
作者 王飞阳 《西华师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2024年第4期117-128,共12页
汉赋在清代迎来传播的高峰,这是多种合力促成的结果。其传播渠道有:文字传播包括选本编集、赋话撰写、书肆流通、官私藏书、拟作学习、引用注释、书画创作,口头传播则有诵赋、演赋、教赋、歌赋。传播主体分布于社会各个阶层,出于不同的... 汉赋在清代迎来传播的高峰,这是多种合力促成的结果。其传播渠道有:文字传播包括选本编集、赋话撰写、书肆流通、官私藏书、拟作学习、引用注释、书画创作,口头传播则有诵赋、演赋、教赋、歌赋。传播主体分布于社会各个阶层,出于不同的传播目的,发挥不同的传播功用。具体言之,汉赋传播具有文教功能、应试功能、盈利功能、交际功能和服务功能。立足赋学视域,汉赋传播裨益于清代士子作赋,其要在学问和法度两端。而于今之治赋者,汉赋传播的价值在于积存富饶的赋学资源,从中可窥清人对传统赋论的总结和超越,留予后人研究和再阐释的广阔空间。 展开更多
关键词 汉赋 清代 传播 接受 赋学
作者 王云鹏 吕成佳 +1 位作者 蔡友振 刘芳志 《文博》 北大核心 2024年第5期99-107,共9页
山东定陶灵圣湖汉墓是一座西汉晚期的大型“黄肠题凑”墓葬,主体为堆垒成框形结构的黄心柏木,柏木外侧铺设一至两层文字青砖。本研究采用三维超景深显微镜、扫描电镜能谱(SEMEDX)等设备对M2椁室周边不同位置青砖碎块进行系统分析,发现... 山东定陶灵圣湖汉墓是一座西汉晚期的大型“黄肠题凑”墓葬,主体为堆垒成框形结构的黄心柏木,柏木外侧铺设一至两层文字青砖。本研究采用三维超景深显微镜、扫描电镜能谱(SEMEDX)等设备对M2椁室周边不同位置青砖碎块进行系统分析,发现青砖中含有大量粉砂质地及少量黏土质地材料。青砖中轻、重矿物组合特征与沉积岩完全一致,砖内部分区域还发现了以萤石、石灰石为助熔剂的烧结结构及稀土矿渣。通过青砖化学成分与岩相结构特征判断其取土地为山东境内大野泽南部湖底或沼泽内淤泥,文字青砖上书写地名应为原料产地名称。 展开更多
关键词 灵圣湖汉墓 青砖 产地 稀土
作者 戚瑜清 郑洪 《中医药文化》 2024年第3期215-224,共10页
在清代仲景圣化的背景下,医家们尊奉《伤寒论》为经典,使得《伤寒论》研究呈现经学化特点,即对仲景原文的注释和回归。这一研究特点也引发了伤寒与温病知识的革新,形成清代医学寒温争鸣的现象。一方面,《伤寒论》虽以论治冬季伤寒为主,... 在清代仲景圣化的背景下,医家们尊奉《伤寒论》为经典,使得《伤寒论》研究呈现经学化特点,即对仲景原文的注释和回归。这一研究特点也引发了伤寒与温病知识的革新,形成清代医学寒温争鸣的现象。一方面,《伤寒论》虽以论治冬季伤寒为主,但其中的六经辨证可被作为多种外感疾病,乃至所有疾病的治疗体系,包括温病在内;另一方面,温病知识脱离《伤寒论》文本,从而建构出区分于六经辨证、指导温病治疗的独立学说,并且通过突破季节、地域的限制和定义温病概念来拓展其应用范围。寒温争鸣的过程促进了外感病学术理论的进步,而其医学知识的生产、变革则与社会文化密切相关。 展开更多
关键词 《伤寒论》 经学化研究 伤寒知识 温病知识
作者 林晓华 《色彩》 2024年第3期121-123,共3页
本文深入探讨了汉族传统服饰中植物纹样与色彩的运用及其文化内涵。通过对不同历史时期汉族服饰中植物纹样的演变和色彩搭配的研究,揭示了植物纹样与色彩在汉族服饰设计中的独特价值和审美意义。文章概述了汉族传统服饰的基本特征,分析... 本文深入探讨了汉族传统服饰中植物纹样与色彩的运用及其文化内涵。通过对不同历史时期汉族服饰中植物纹样的演变和色彩搭配的研究,揭示了植物纹样与色彩在汉族服饰设计中的独特价值和审美意义。文章概述了汉族传统服饰的基本特征,分析了植物纹样在服饰中的表现形式和象征意义,进而探讨了色彩在植物纹样设计中的运用及其对服饰整体风格的影响。研究发现,植物纹样与色彩的巧妙结合不仅丰富了汉族服饰的艺术表现力,还体现了汉族人民对自然、生态和美好生活的向往与追求。本文的研究结果为当代汉族服饰设计提供了有益的启示和借鉴,有助于推动汉族传统服饰文化的传承与创新。 展开更多
关键词 传统服饰 汉族服饰 植物纹样 色彩研究
作者 欧阳一锋 《阴山学刊》 2024年第5期20-25,共6页
王思豪《义尚光大:汉赋与诗经学互证研究》一书,深刻分析了汉赋与诗经学之间的复杂关系,论证扎实,文献详赡,合理利用量化统计,充分挖掘文字表述背后的丰富意蕴,具有辩证思维,且注重还原文学生态,剥离层累积淀,揭橥了理论范畴的原始涵义... 王思豪《义尚光大:汉赋与诗经学互证研究》一书,深刻分析了汉赋与诗经学之间的复杂关系,论证扎实,文献详赡,合理利用量化统计,充分挖掘文字表述背后的丰富意蕴,具有辩证思维,且注重还原文学生态,剥离层累积淀,揭橥了理论范畴的原始涵义与时代新变,对赋学、诗经学、乃至古代文论、文体学研究皆极具启迪意义。 展开更多
关键词 王思豪 《义尚光大:汉赋与诗经学互证研究》 互证 学术价值
作者 拜昆芬 《中北大学学报(社会科学版)》 2024年第6期88-95,共8页
作为汉儒通过对儒家经典《诗经》的阐释构建的政教性诗学话语体系,《毛诗序》正式确立了儒家诗学的相关原则,在古代诗学史上具有重要地位。自汉代至清代的《诗序》存废之争接受史,实际上乃为不同时期士人为维护儒家思想的统治地位,所依... 作为汉儒通过对儒家经典《诗经》的阐释构建的政教性诗学话语体系,《毛诗序》正式确立了儒家诗学的相关原则,在古代诗学史上具有重要地位。自汉代至清代的《诗序》存废之争接受史,实际上乃为不同时期士人为维护儒家思想的统治地位,所依从或构建的汉学与宋学之经典解释范式之争。作为明初学者,蒋悌生对汉宋学派《诗序》存废之争所涉及的《诗序》作者、内容等问题加以裁断,表现出偏于《诗序》的汉学倾向。蒋悌生在朱子学独尊的明初学风下力倡《诗序》,为明中后期汉学复兴之先声,在经学史上具有重要意义。 展开更多
关键词 蒋悌生 《毛诗序》 《诗经》 汉学 经学
作者 黄瑜潇 麻蓉 任喜平 《陕西水利》 2024年第7期119-121,125,共4页
引汉济渭秦岭腹地深埋输水隧洞沿线的围岩地质和水文地质条件比较复杂,需要进行固结灌浆增强围岩的完整性、稳定性与防渗能力,选取试验区不良地质洞段进行研究,针对此区域实际地质和施工情况设计固结灌浆试验,对固结灌浆的施工方式、灌... 引汉济渭秦岭腹地深埋输水隧洞沿线的围岩地质和水文地质条件比较复杂,需要进行固结灌浆增强围岩的完整性、稳定性与防渗能力,选取试验区不良地质洞段进行研究,针对此区域实际地质和施工情况设计固结灌浆试验,对固结灌浆的施工方式、灌浆参数、人员设备、质量控制等进行综合评价,确定单位注入量、灌浆压力等试验参数。结果表明,随着灌浆压力增大各环序孔的灌入水泥单位注入量呈不断下降趋势,抬动观测均未发现抬动现象,检查孔的压水透水率均达到设计要求。说明此次固结灌浆试验取得了较好的成果,可为后续大面积施工和类似工程提供相关参考依据。 展开更多
关键词 引汉济渭 不良地质 固结灌浆 试验研究
Association between PPARG genetic polymorphisms and ischemic stroke risk in a northern Chinese Han population: a case-control study 被引量:14
作者 Yan-Zhe Wang He-Yu Zhang +3 位作者 Fang Liu Lei Li Shu-Min Deng Zhi-Yi He 《Neural Regeneration Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2019年第11期1986-1993,共8页
Two common polymorphisms of the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma(PPARG) gene, rs1801282 and rs3856806, may be important candidate gene loci affecting the susceptibility to ischemic stroke. This case-co... Two common polymorphisms of the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma(PPARG) gene, rs1801282 and rs3856806, may be important candidate gene loci affecting the susceptibility to ischemic stroke. This case-control study sought to identify the relationship between these two single-nucleotide polymorphisms and ischemic stroke risk in a northern Chinese Han population. A total of 910 ischemic stroke participants were recruited from the First Hospital of China Medical University, Shenyang, China as a case group, of whom 895 completed the study. The 883 healthy controls were recruited from the Health Check Center of the First Hospital of China Medical University, Shenyang, China. All participants or family members provided informed consent. The study protocol was approved by the Ethics Committee of the First Hospital of China Medical University, China on February 20, 2012(approval No. 2012-38-1). The protocol was registered with the Chinese Clinical Trial Registry(registration number: ChiCTR-COC-17013559). Plasma genomic DNA was extracted from all participants and analyzed for rs1801282 and rs3856806 single nucleotide polymorphisms using a SNaPshot Multiplex sequencing assay. Odds ratios(ORs) and 95% confidence intervals(CIs) were calculated using unconditional logistic regression to estimate the association between ischemic stroke and a particular genotype. Results demonstrated that the G allele frequency of the PPARG gene rs1801282 locus was significantly higher in the case group than in the control group(P < 0.001). Individuals carrying the G allele had a 1.844 fold increased risk of ischemic stroke(OR = 1.844, 95% CI: 1.286–2.645, P < 0.001). Individuals carrying the rs3856806 T allele had a 1.366 fold increased risk of ischemic stroke(OR = 1.366, 95% CI: 1.077–1.733, P = 0.010). The distribution frequencies of the PPARG gene haplotypes rs1801282-rs3856806 in the control and case groups were determined. The frequency of distribution in the G-T haplotype case group was significantly higher than that in the control group. The risk of ischemic stroke increased to 2.953 times in individuals carrying the G-T haplotype(OR = 2.953, 95% CI: 2.082–4.190, P < 0.001). The rs1801282 G allele and rs3856806 T allele had a multiplicative interaction(OR = 3.404, 95% CI: 1.631–7.102, P < 0.001) and additive interaction(RERI = 41.705, 95% CI: 14.586–68.824, AP = 0.860;95% CI: 0.779–0.940;S = 8.170, 95% CI: 3.772–17.697) on ischemic stroke risk, showing a synergistic effect. Of all ischemic stroke cases, 86% were attributed to the interaction of the G allele of rs1801282 and the T allele of rs3856806. The effect of the PPARG rs1801282 G allele on ischemic stroke risk was enhanced in the presence of the rs3856806 T allele(OR = 8.001 vs. 1.844). The effect of the rs3856806 T allele on ischemic stroke risk was also enhanced in the presence of the rs1801282 G allele(OR = 2.546 vs. 1.366). Our results confirmed that the G allele of the PPARG gene rs1801282 locus and the T allele of the rs3856806 locus may be independent risk factors for ischemic stroke in the Han population of northern China, with a synergistic effect between the two alleles. 展开更多
关键词 nerve REGENERATION STROKE cerebral ischemia ISCHEMIC STROKE PEROXISOME proliferator-activated receptor γ single-nucleotide polymorphism haplotype analysis interaction CASE-CONTROL study Chinese han population neural REGENERATION
Associations between thromboxane A synthase 1 gene polymorphisms and the risk of ischemic stroke in a Chinese Han population 被引量:6
作者 Lei Li Zhi-yi He +2 位作者 Yan-zhe Wang Xu Liu Li-ying Yuan 《Neural Regeneration Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第3期463-469,共7页
Thromboxane A synthase 1 (TBXAS1) catalyses the synthesis of thromboxane A2 (TXA2), which plays an important role in the pathogenesis of ischemic stroke. Thus, the TBXAS1 gene was investigated as a candidate gene ... Thromboxane A synthase 1 (TBXAS1) catalyses the synthesis of thromboxane A2 (TXA2), which plays an important role in the pathogenesis of ischemic stroke. Thus, the TBXAS1 gene was investigated as a candidate gene involved in the formation of atherosclerosis. This case-control study collected peripheral blood specimens and clinical data of 370 ischemic stroke patients and 340 healthy controls in the Northern Chinese Han population from October 2010 to May 2011. Two TBXAS1 single-nucleotide polymorphisms, rs2267682 and rs10487667, were analyzed using a SNaPshot Multiplex sequencing assay to explore the relationships between the single-nucleotide polymorphisms in TBXAS1 and ischemic stroke. The TT genotype frequency and T allele frequency of rs2267682 in the patients with ischemic stroke were significantly higher than those in the controls (P 〈 0.01 and P = 0.02). Furthermore, compared with the GG + GT genotype, the TT rs2267682 genotype was associated with increased risk of ischemic stroke (odds ratio (OR) = 1.80, 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.16–2.79, P 〈 0.01). Multivariate logistic analysis with adjustments for confounding factors revealed that rs2267682 was still associated with ischemic stroke (OR = 1.94,95% CI : 1.13–3.33, P = 0.02). The frequency of the T-G haplotype in the patients was significantly higher than that in the controls according haplotype analysis (OR = 1.49, 95% CI: 1.10–2.00, P 〈 0.01). These data reveal that the rs2267682 TBXAS1 polymorphism is associated with ischemic stroke. The TT genotype of TBXAS1 and T allele of rs2267682 increase susceptibility to ischemic stroke in this Northern Chinese Han population. The protocol has been registered with the Chinese Clinical Trial Registry (registration number: ChiCTR-COC-17013559). 展开更多
关键词 nerve regeneration brain injury ischemic stroke thromboxane A synthase 1 single nucleotide polymorphism case-control study thromboxane A2 Chinese han population HAPLOTYPE large-artery atherosclerosis small-artery occlusion neural regeneration
Association of G-protein coupled purinergic receptor P2Y2 with ischemic stroke in a Han Chinese population of North China 被引量:2
作者 Li-Ying Yuan Zhi-Yi He +1 位作者 Lei Li Yan-Zhe Wang 《Neural Regeneration Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2019年第3期506-512,共7页
The G-protein-coupled purinergic receptor P2Y2(P2RY2) plays an important role in the mechanism of atherosclerosis, which is relevant to ischemic stroke. This retrospective case-control study aimed to assess the relati... The G-protein-coupled purinergic receptor P2Y2(P2RY2) plays an important role in the mechanism of atherosclerosis, which is relevant to ischemic stroke. This retrospective case-control study aimed to assess the relationship between P2RY2 gene polymorphisms and ischemic stroke risk in the northern Han Chinese population. In this study, clinical data and peripheral blood specimens were collected from 378 ischemic stroke patients and 344 controls. The ischemic stroke participants were recruited from the First Affiliated Hospital of China Medical University and the First Affiliated Hospital of Liaoning Medical University. The controls were recruited from the Health Check Center at the First Affiliated Hospital of China Medical University. Ischemic stroke patients were divided into two subgroups according to the Trial of ORG 10172 in Acute Stroke Treatment(TOAST) classification: large-artery atherosclerosis(n = 178) and small-artery occlusion(n = 200) strokes. All subjects were genotyped for three single nucleotide polymorphisms(rs4944831, rs1783596, and rs4944832) in the P2RY2 gene using peripheral venous blood samples. The distribution of the dominant rs4944832 phenotype(GG vs. GA+AA) differed significantly between small-artery occlusion patients and control subjects(odds ratio(OR) = 1.720, 95% confidence interval(CI): 1.203–2.458, P < 0.01). Multivariable logistic regression analysis revealed that the GG genotype of rs4944832 was significantly more prevalent in small-artery occlusion patients than in control subjects(OR = 1.807, 95% CI: 1.215–2.687, P < 0.01). The overall distribution of the haplotype established by rs4944831-rs1783596-rs4944832 was significantly different between ischemic stroke patients and controls(P < 0.01). In ischemic stroke patients, the frequency of the G-C-G haplotype was significantly higher than in control subjects(P = 0.028), whereas the frequency of the T-C-A haplotype was lower than in control subjects(P = 0.047). These results indicate that the G-C-G haplotype of P2RY2 is a susceptibility haplotype for ischemic stroke. In addition, the GG genotype of rs4944832 may be associated with the development of small-artery occlusion in the northern Han Chinese population. The study protocol was approved by the Ethics Committee of the First Affiliated Hospital of China Medical University on February 20, 2012(No. 2012-38-1) and the First Affiliated Hospital of Liaoning Medical University, China, on March 1, 2013(No. 2013-03-1). All participants gave their informed consent. This trial was registered with the ISRCTN Registry(ISRCTN11439124) on October 24, 2018. Protocol version(1.0). 展开更多
关键词 nerve REGENERATION P2RY2 GENE ischemic stroke single nucleotide polymorphism CASE-CONTROL study haplotype northern han Chinese POPULATION large-artery atherosclerosis small-artery occlusion hypertension candidate GENE neural REGENERATION
Association of rs1137101 with hypertension and type 2 diabetes mellitus of Mongolian and Han Chinese
作者 Ke-Yu Zhao Meng-Lu Yuan +4 位作者 Yun-Na Wu Hong-Wei Cui Wen-Yan Han Jing Wang Xiu-Lan Su 《World Journal of Diabetes》 SCIE 2022年第8期643-653,共11页
BACKGROUND Hypertension(HTN)and type 2 diabetes mellitus(T2DM)are often coincident,and each condition is considered a risk factor for the other.Both occur frequently in the Inner Mongolia region of China.The reasons f... BACKGROUND Hypertension(HTN)and type 2 diabetes mellitus(T2DM)are often coincident,and each condition is considered a risk factor for the other.Both occur frequently in the Inner Mongolia region of China.The reasons for differences in risk between Han and Mongolian ethnic groups are not known.The LEPR gene and its polymorphism,rs1137101(Gln223Arg),are both considered risk factors for HTN and T2DM,but any role of rs1137101 in the occurrence of HTN+T2DM remains unclear for Mongolian and Han populations in the Inner Mongolia region.AIM To investigate the relationship between rs1137101 and the occurrence of HTN with T2DM in Mongolian and Han populations in Inner Mongolia METHODS A total of 2652 subjects of Han and Mongolian ethnic origins were enrolled in the current study,including 908 healthy controls,1061 HTN patients and 683 HTN patients with T2DM.RESULTS The association between the rs1137101 polymorphism and HTN with T2DM was analyzed,and differences between Han and Mongolian individuals assessed.There was a significant correlation between rs1137101 and HTN(co-dominant,dominant,over-dominant and log-additive models)and HTN+T2DM(co-dominant,dominant,over-dominant and log-additive models)after adjustment for sex and age in individuals of Mongolian origin.rs1137101 was significantly associated with HTN(co-dominant,recessive and log-additive models)and HTN+T2DM(codominant,dominant,over-dominant and log-additive models)in the Han Chinese population.CONCLUSION Mongolian and Han subjects from Inner Mongolia with HTN who had rs1137101 were protected against the development of T2DM.Allele A has the opposite impact on the occurrence of HTN in Mongolian and Han Chinese populations. 展开更多
关键词 rs1137101 MONGOLIAN han Chinese HYPERTENSION Type 2 diabetes mellitus Associate study
Genetic polymorphisms in pri-let-7a-2 are associated with ischemic stroke risk in a Chinese Han population from Liaoning, China: a case-control study
作者 Yu-Ye Wang He-Yu Zhang +5 位作者 Wen-Juan Jiang Fang Liu Lei Li Shu-Min Deng Zhi-Yi He Yan-Zhe Wang 《Neural Regeneration Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2021年第7期1302-1307,共6页
Ischemic stroke is a complicated disease, and its pathogenesis has been attributed to the occurrence of genetic polymorphisms.Evidence has suggested that the microRNA let-7a is involved in the pathogenesis of ischemic... Ischemic stroke is a complicated disease, and its pathogenesis has been attributed to the occurrence of genetic polymorphisms.Evidence has suggested that the microRNA let-7a is involved in the pathogenesis of ischemic stroke.Pri-miRNA is the primary transcript, which undergoes several processing steps to generate pre-miRNA and, later, mature miRNAs.In this case-control study, we analyzed the distribution of prilet-7a-2 variants in patients at a high risk for ischemic stroke and the interactions of pri-let-7a-2 variants and environmental factors.Blood samples and clinical information were collected from 1086 patients with ischemic stroke and 836 healthy controls between December 2013 and December 2015 at the First Affiliated Hospital of China Medical University.We found that the rs1143770 CC genotype and the C allele were associated with a decreased risk of ischemic stroke, whereas the rs629367 CC genotype was associated with an increased risk for ischemic stroke.Moreover, these two single-nucleotide polymorphisms were in linkage disequilibrium in this study sample.We analyzed gene-environment interactions and found that rs1143770 exerted a combined effect on the pathogenesis of ischemic stroke, together with alcohol use, smoking, and a history of hypertension.Therefore, the detection of pri-let-7a-2 polymorphisms may increase the awareness of ischemic stroke risk.This study was approved by the Institutional Ethics Committee of the First Affiliated Hospital of China Medical University, China(approval No.2012-38-1) on February 20, 2012, and was registered with the Chinese Clinical Trial Registry(registration number: ChiCTR-COC-17013559) on December 27, 2017. 展开更多
关键词 case-control study Chinese han population ischemic stroke pri-micro RNA pri-let-7a-2 risk factors rs1143770 rs629367 single-nucleotide polymorphism single-nucleotide polymorphism-environment interaction
Study on ABO genotypes in Shanghai Han population
《中国输血杂志》 CAS CSCD 2001年第S1期383-,共1页
关键词 ABO Study on ABO genotypes in Shanghai han population
Study of Rh phenotypes,Del phenotypes and RhD gene in Rh-negative Chinese Han population
《中国输血杂志》 CAS CSCD 2001年第S1期358-,共1页
关键词 RHD Study of Rh phenotypes Del phenotypes and RhD gene in Rh-negative Chinese han population Del gene
The study of ten STR loci polymorphism in the Fujian Han population
《中国输血杂志》 CAS CSCD 2001年第S1期376-,共1页
关键词 STR The study of ten STR loci polymorphism in the Fujian han population
Genetic study on nines hort tandem repeat (STR) loci among Han population in southern China and their application of parentage tests
《中国输血杂志》 CAS CSCD 2001年第S1期364-,共1页
关键词 STR Genetic study on nines hort tandem repeat loci among han population in southern China and their application of parentage tests
Alienation between Han Fu and Study of Confucian Classics in Han Dynasty
作者 Xiang Xuan 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2016年第3期28-29,共2页
Literatures in Han Dynasty are mostly seen as dependency of study of Confucian classics, study of Confucian classics has a great influence on Han Fu, by comprehensive view of the process of Hart Fu' s rise and fall,... Literatures in Han Dynasty are mostly seen as dependency of study of Confucian classics, study of Confucian classics has a great influence on Han Fu, by comprehensive view of the process of Hart Fu' s rise and fall, it' s not difficult to find that it is precisely because alienation between HanFu And study of Confucian classics in the process of integration which eventually leads to recession of Han Fu. Alienation between Han Fu and study of Confucian classics can glimpse from several aspects: Fu writers' status and mentality; historical background of Han Da Fu' s development; Han Fu' s own art 展开更多
关键词 Study of Confucian classics han Fu Alienation.
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