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A Havelock Source Panel Method for Near-surface Submarines 被引量:3
作者 Tim Gourlay Edward Dawson 《Journal of Marine Science and Application》 CSCD 2015年第3期215-224,共10页
A panel method is described for calculating potential flow around near-surface submarines. The method uses Havelock sources which automatically satisfy the linearized free-surface boundary condition. Outputs from the ... A panel method is described for calculating potential flow around near-surface submarines. The method uses Havelock sources which automatically satisfy the linearized free-surface boundary condition. Outputs from the method include pressure field, pressure drag, wave resistance, vertical force, trim moment and wave pattern. Comparisons are made with model tests for wave resistance of Series 58 and DARPA SUBOFF hulls, as well as with wave resistance, lift force and trim moment of three length-to-diameter variants of the DSTO Joubert submarine hull. It is found that the Havelock source panel method is capable of determining with reasonable accuracy wave resistance, vertical force and trim moment for submarine hulls. Further experimental data are required in order to assess the accuracy of the method for pressure field and wave pattern prediction. The method is implemented in the computer code“HullWave”and offers potential advantages over RANS-CFD codes in terms of speed, simplicity and robustness. 展开更多
关键词 near-surface submarine havelock source panel method submarine hull wave resistance
作者 Gour Das Rumpa Chakraborty 《哈尔滨工程大学学报(英文版)》 CSCD 2024年第1期85-100,共16页
The effect of porosity on surface wave scattering by a vertical porous barrier over a rectangular trench is studied here under the assumption of linearized theory of water waves.The fluid region is divided into four s... The effect of porosity on surface wave scattering by a vertical porous barrier over a rectangular trench is studied here under the assumption of linearized theory of water waves.The fluid region is divided into four subregions depending on the position of the barrier and the trench.Using the Havelock’s expansion of water wave potential in different regions along with suitable matching conditions at the interface of different regions,the problem is formulated in terms of three integral equations.Considering the edge conditions at the submerged end of the barrier and at the edges of the trench,these integral equations are solved using multi-term Galerkin approximation technique taking orthogonal Chebyshev’s polynomials and ultra-spherical Gegenbauer polynomial as its basis function and also simple polynomial as basis function.Using the solutions of the integral equations,the reflection coefficient,transmission coefficient,energy dissipation coefficient and horizontal wave force are determined and depicted graphically.It was observed that the rate of convergence of the Galerkin method in computing the reflection coefficient,considering special functions as basis function is more than the simple polynomial as basis function.The change of porous parameter of the barrier and variation of trench width and height significantly contribute to the change in the scattering coefficients and the hydrodynamic force.The present results are likely to play a crucial role in the analysis of surface wave propagation in oceans involving porous barrier over submarine trench. 展开更多
关键词 Water wave scattering Rectangular trench Vertical porous barriers havelock’s inversion formula Multi-term galerkin approximation Reflection and transmission coefficients Energy dissipation Hydrodynamic force
论周作人的性爱观 被引量:1
作者 王立群 《湖州师范学院学报》 2007年第6期16-20,共5页
在20世纪初提倡女性教育的社会思潮下,基于自己特殊的生活经历,并受与谢野晶子与蔼理斯等影响,周作人开始进行相关女性觉醒题材的文学翻译和创作。其提倡从科学的角度来看待性爱,认为应该尊重性爱的个人性,不仅社会无权任意干涉个人性行... 在20世纪初提倡女性教育的社会思潮下,基于自己特殊的生活经历,并受与谢野晶子与蔼理斯等影响,周作人开始进行相关女性觉醒题材的文学翻译和创作。其提倡从科学的角度来看待性爱,认为应该尊重性爱的个人性,不仅社会无权任意干涉个人性行为,父母也不能对孩子的恋爱和婚姻进行干涉。他剥离了人们强加于性爱之上的种种道德束缚,引导人们正确认识性爱。周作人的思想对于帮助中国女性从封建道德的束缚下解放出来无疑具有重要意义。 展开更多
关键词 周作人 性爱观 女性视角 蔼理斯 与谢野品子
作者 徐从辉 池惠妍 《浙江师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 2020年第5期61-69,共9页
霭理斯是英国20世纪初著名的文明批评家和性心理学家,也是周作人一再宣称所服膺之对象,他对周作人的影响甚大。考察周作人对蔼理斯思想的接受是20世纪中国知识分子对西方文化接受研究的重要组成部分。本文从生活之艺术,两性观念、妇女... 霭理斯是英国20世纪初著名的文明批评家和性心理学家,也是周作人一再宣称所服膺之对象,他对周作人的影响甚大。考察周作人对蔼理斯思想的接受是20世纪中国知识分子对西方文化接受研究的重要组成部分。本文从生活之艺术,两性观念、妇女与儿童的发现,世界观与人生观三个方面来考察周作人对霭理斯的认同与重建,同时探讨胡风与周作人关于“霭理斯的时代”的论争及其背后的理论支撑问题,周作人建立在生物学、人类学包括性学基础上的“自然论”和胡风强调人的社会属性与社会斗争的“社会论”相背离,这是周作人在后“五四”时期和“左翼”疏离乃至其“落水”的重要原因之一,亦是20世纪中国知识分子文化道路的一个侧影。 展开更多
关键词 霭理斯 周作人 接受 认同与重建
《人的文学》的思想源脉论析——蔼理斯与新村主义的影响 被引量:5
作者 〔日〕小川利康 《长江学术》 CSSCI 2020年第2期27-38,共12页
周作人于1918年12月发表的《人的文学》对文学革命的发生、发展起到了决定性的作用。此时期周作人的思想主要包含两层结构:第一层是对"人"的认识,第二层是对"人类关系"的认识。其思想来源,前者主要源自英国蔼理斯... 周作人于1918年12月发表的《人的文学》对文学革命的发生、发展起到了决定性的作用。此时期周作人的思想主要包含两层结构:第一层是对"人"的认识,第二层是对"人类关系"的认识。其思想来源,前者主要源自英国蔼理斯的《新精神》,后者则主要依据日本作家武者小路实笃所提倡的新村主义。结合他于翌年1月发表的《平民文学》进行延展性观照,可以发现:除了受日本影响之外,五四时期的周作人还接受了19世纪末英国文学思潮的影响。在此双重影响之下,周作人发展出了自己独特的文学理论:一方面,他倾向神秘主义,将其视为理解他者的方法;另一方面,他关注"想象"(imagination),但因思维偏于理性故而对神秘主义又无法全面接受。 展开更多
关键词 周作人 蔼理斯 勃来克 性心理学 精神分析
作者 张向东 《兰州文理学院学报(社会科学版)》 2020年第2期105-109,共5页
周作人1923年发表在上海《民国日报·妇女周报》上的关于恋爱、婚姻问题的两封佚信、一篇佚文,是周作人自编文集和集外文失收的佚文。这些佚文、佚信,是周作人1920年代参与婚恋问题讨论的重要文献。这些文献,无论对我们更全面、客... 周作人1923年发表在上海《民国日报·妇女周报》上的关于恋爱、婚姻问题的两封佚信、一篇佚文,是周作人自编文集和集外文失收的佚文。这些佚文、佚信,是周作人1920年代参与婚恋问题讨论的重要文献。这些文献,无论对我们更全面、客观地了解周作人的思想、个性,还是为我们了解五四后期中国妇女解放运动,提供了珍贵的史料。 展开更多
关键词 周作人 佚文 恋爱难题 蔼理斯
On Zhang Jingsheng's Sexual Discourse: Women's Liberation and Translated Discourses on Sexual Differences in 1920s China 被引量:1
作者 Wai Siam Hee 《Frontiers of Literary Studies in China-Selected Publications from Chinese Universities》 2013年第2期235-270,共36页
This article explores and re-evaluates Zhang Jingsheng's views on sex education and aesthetic education, as revealed in his book Sexual Histories and in articles that he published in the journal New Culture. His endo... This article explores and re-evaluates Zhang Jingsheng's views on sex education and aesthetic education, as revealed in his book Sexual Histories and in articles that he published in the journal New Culture. His endorsement of sex education and aesthetic education constructed a sexual discourse, advocating the redefinition- of Chinese men and women's gender and sexuality through knowledge/power. Zhang Jingsheng highly valued eugenics and "aesthetic sexual intercourse," and he attempted to use sex education to improve Chinese people's innate physical weakness and their "androgynous" sexual characteristics. By prescribing an aesthetic education that covered all fundamental aspects of life, he also attempted to remedy what he saw as the inadequate or inverted models of masculinity and femininity available to Chinese men and women. Furthermore, by collecting and analyzing articles solicited for Sexual Histories and letters addressed to New Culture, he discussed how to cure the sexual perversions that were associated with Chinese men and women's sexualities. Finally, this article compares the contents of New Culture with the discourses (in Chinese and other languages) on sexual difference published in other Chinese journals in the 1920s, including how the discourses on sexual difference by Havelock Ellis and Edward Carpenter were translated into the modern Chinese context. The article concludes that the contributors to New Culture held unified opinions on the issues of homosexuality and women's liberation. Thus, in comparison with journals such as The Chinese Educational Review, The Ladies 'Journal, and New Women, New Culture was less tolerant of divergent opinions. Although Zhang supported sexual liberation, he nonetheless sought to eliminate homosexuality from the aesthetic society that he envisioned. His idea of sexual liberation tended to signify women's liberation and excluded a homosexual agenda because he was homophobic. For most of the May Fourth Generation, including Zhang Jingsheng,sexual and women's liberation were not equivalent to self-liberation. Instead, the concepts of sexual liberation and women's liberation were invoked to re-code the bodies of Chinese men and women, with the aim of creating a "Strong Breed to Rescue the Nation." 展开更多
关键词 Sexual Histories New Culture Zhang Jingsheng masculinity femininity homosexuality havelock Ellis Edward Carpenter
北美媒介环境学在中国的选择性译介及学术盲点——以麦克卢汉和哈弗洛克为例 被引量:3
作者 朱豆豆 王淑花 高慧敏 《国际新闻界》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第8期111-128,共18页
媒介环境学缘起于北美。在中国,其萌芽和发展更多依靠译介,且主要在新闻传播学单一学术场域中进行。因此,在西方语境和学科滤镜的双重作用下,汉语世界的媒介环境学尚存在许多疏漏和盲点。本文以麦克卢汉和哈弗洛克为代表,探求该学派在... 媒介环境学缘起于北美。在中国,其萌芽和发展更多依靠译介,且主要在新闻传播学单一学术场域中进行。因此,在西方语境和学科滤镜的双重作用下,汉语世界的媒介环境学尚存在许多疏漏和盲点。本文以麦克卢汉和哈弗洛克为代表,探求该学派在中国学术场域中“被遗忘的声音”,通过追溯“全球剧场”“全球膜”以及媒介教育观、“口语-文字”观和媒介记忆观等思想,以点带面地从学科语境层面正视该派诞生的历史钩沉及其在中国的发展语境。同时文章结合对何道宽教授的深度访谈,反思在获取学术资源日渐便捷的当下,一些媒介环境学重要学者和作品至今仍在汉语世界乏人问津的原因,从而加深且拓展国内学者对媒介环境学的整体理解。 展开更多
关键词 媒介环境学 学科语境 选择性转译 盲点 麦克卢汉 哈弗洛克
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