Objective:Gambling is a complex topic in relation to health systems.It is always unclear how to strike a balance between the gambling economy and the impact of gambling on public health or social wellbeing at any age....Objective:Gambling is a complex topic in relation to health systems.It is always unclear how to strike a balance between the gambling economy and the impact of gambling on public health or social wellbeing at any age.There are limited studies considering the association between determinants of gambling and the life expectancy of the ageing population in a country.From an evaluation perspective,this article aims to demonstrate the correlation between life expectancy and gambling and public health systems.Methods:The approach of analysis has two parts.One is the influence of gambling prevalence in populations on life expectancy among old adults.Another is the association between the effect of changes in legal gambling provisions within public health systems and life expectancy among old adults.Healthy adjusted life expectancy at age 60 from the World Health Organization and gross gambling yield were used.ANOVA was performed with SPSS.Results:The population groups with HALE at age 60 of 15 years or over are likely more active in gambling than the population groups with smaller HALE at age 60 of 14 years or less.On the other hand,the influence of a health policy may be sidelined when it is implemented for older adult populations because the resource distribution magnitude or number of strategical techniques may not be the same for younger adult populations.The study here is marked as a good practical start,and there is room for further research with big data analysis on additional gambling variables against other life expectancy variables,quality of life variables or public health system variables.Conclusion:Associations between the determinants of gambling and the life expectancy of the ageing population in a country have not yet been identified.Continuous measurements of policy implementation and effectiveness and assessments of health equity,while gambling policies worldwide continue to change,have not yet been performed.Researchers and policy makers should understand the importance of holistic integration of the gambling economy and policy within a public health and social paradigm with the help of big data insights to achieve sustainability in their cities and health equity in their communities.展开更多
Objective: To measure the possible magnitude of the role nurse staffing has on increasing life expectancy at birth and at 65 years old.Methods: The statistical technique of panel data analysis was applied to investiga...Objective: To measure the possible magnitude of the role nurse staffing has on increasing life expectancy at birth and at 65 years old.Methods: The statistical technique of panel data analysis was applied to investigate the relationship from the number of practicing nurses' density per 1000 population to life expectancy at birth and at 65 years old.Five control variables were used as the proxies for the levels of medical staffing,health care financial and physical resources,and medical technology.The observations of 35 member countries of Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) were collected from OECD Health Statistics over 2000-2016 period.Results: There were meaningful relationships from nurse staffing to life expectancy at birth and at 65 years with the long-run elasticities of 0.02 and 0.08,respectively.Overall,the role of nursing characteristics in increasing life expectancy indicators varied among different health care systems of OECD countries and in average were determined at the highest level in Japan (0.25),followed by Iceland (0.24),Belgium (0.21),Czech Republic (0.21),Slovenia (0.20) and Sweden (0.18).Conclusion: A higher proportion of nursing staff is associated with higher life expectancy in OECD countries and the dependency of life expectancy to nursing staff would increase by aging.Hence,the findings of this study warn health policy makers about ignoring the effects nursing shortages create e.g.increasing the risk of actual age-specific mortality,especially in care of elderly people.展开更多
It is projected that aged population (≥60 years) will continue to increase globally, including in Africa. This is due to reduced population growth, decreased fecundity and improved medical interventions;factors which...It is projected that aged population (≥60 years) will continue to increase globally, including in Africa. This is due to reduced population growth, decreased fecundity and improved medical interventions;factors which increase life expectancy. While this is typical for developed countries, it is not the same for Africa and similar developing regions. In these regions, a significant proportion of death is due to non-communicable diseases (NCD’s) such as hypertension, cerebrovascular accident, coronary heart disease, diabetes mellitus, chronic renal disease and cancer, among others. Rising prevalence of NCD’s due mainly to western style diets and sedentary living is made worse by inadequate nutrition education, high prevalence of low birth weight, poor health services, lack of efficient tobacco control and deficient planning of built environment. In order to halt the possible reduction in life expectancy occasioned by NCD’s, efforts by the community, health planners and governments in Africa to address relevant NCD’s, must be put in place. Suggested measures are: nutrition education, regular community directed physical exercise, improved environmental planning and development. Others are review of present health service model, early detection, prevention and treatment of NCD’s, including improved antenatal care to reduce low birth weights, and establishment of policies and measures that decreased access to tobacco especially by women of childbearing age. Africa and similar developing regions cannot fund the health bill due to NCD’s and their complications;hence it is important that this scourge is attended to with all seriousness.展开更多
Objective To examine the influence of China's economic reforms on population health and regional mortality rates.Methods Longitudinal study measuring the mortality trends and their regional variations.Using data from...Objective To examine the influence of China's economic reforms on population health and regional mortality rates.Methods Longitudinal study measuring the mortality trends and their regional variations.Using data from the three most recent national censuses,we used the model life table to adjust the mortality levels within the population for each census,and to calculate life expectancy.We then examined the variation in patterns of mortality and population health by economic status,region and gender from 1980-2000.Results Life expectancy varied with economic status,province,and gender.Results showed that,although life expectancy in China had increased overall since the early 1980s,regional differences became more pronounced.Life expectancy for populations who live in the eastern coastal provinces are greater than those in the western regions.Conclusion Differences in life expectancy are primarily related to differences in regional economic development,which in turn exacerbate regional health inequalities.Therefore,it is necessary to improve economic development in less developed regions and to improve health policies and the public health system that address the needs of everyone.展开更多
目的探讨视听障碍(audio-visual impairments)对主观幸福感(subjective well-being,SWB)的影响,以及抑郁倾向是否中介了视听障碍与主观幸福感之间的关联。方法中国健康与退休纵向调查(The China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Sur...目的探讨视听障碍(audio-visual impairments)对主观幸福感(subjective well-being,SWB)的影响,以及抑郁倾向是否中介了视听障碍与主观幸福感之间的关联。方法中国健康与退休纵向调查(The China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Survey,CHARLS)对45岁及以上的中老年人进行问卷调查,在全国30个省级行政单位中采用多阶段抽样,分别在县(区)-村(居)-家户-个人层面上进行抽样,并在县(区)-村(居)两级抽样中,采用按人口规模成比例的概率(proportional probability sampling,PPS)抽样,最终纳入了28个省份150个县(区)的450个村/社区。本研究基于2018年的CHARLS数据展开研究,纳入标准为:(1)年龄≥60岁;(2)有完整的自我报告的视力和听力状况;(3)至少含有生活满意度、主观期望寿命、自评健康状况3项主观幸福感指标中的一个。CHARLS使用Likert五分量表测定老年人的主观幸福感,使用10项流调中心抑郁自评量表(the Center for Epidemiology Studies Depression Scale-10,CESD-10)测定老年人的抑郁倾向。本研究采用多元回归分析视听障碍与抑郁倾向、主观幸福感之间的关联,并通过中介模型分析抑郁倾向的中介作用。双侧P值<0.05被认为有统计学意义。结果最终纳入符合标准的研究对象7620人。其中有视听障碍的患者抑郁倾向水平明显更高,主观幸福感的三项指标均较低(P值均小于0.05)。视觉障碍、听觉障碍和视听双重障碍与更高的抑郁倾向水平和更低的自评健康、主观期望寿命有关;视觉障碍和视听双重障碍与较低的生活满意度有关。抑郁倾向在视听双重障碍与生活满意度间及视觉障碍、听觉障碍、视听双重障碍与自评健康和主观期望寿命间起部分中介作用。结论在中国老年人群中,视听障碍与较低的主观幸福感状态有关,抑郁倾向在其中起着中介作用。展开更多
预期寿命损失法(loss of life expectancy,LLE)可以对致癌和非致癌物质的环境健康风险进行评价和比较,是一种污染物环境健康风险评价的新方法.应用该方法对中国目前危害较大的6种典型致癌和非致癌污染物砷、DDTs、苯并芘、铅、汞、镉造...预期寿命损失法(loss of life expectancy,LLE)可以对致癌和非致癌物质的环境健康风险进行评价和比较,是一种污染物环境健康风险评价的新方法.应用该方法对中国目前危害较大的6种典型致癌和非致癌污染物砷、DDTs、苯并芘、铅、汞、镉造成的人体的预期寿命损失进行了分析,并比较了6种污染物的环境健康风险大小.结果表明,预期寿命损失法可以作为污染物健康风险评价的一种方法,致癌物质砷、DDTs、苯并芘分别导致一个健康个体寿命损失3.6 d、2.2 d和12.1 d,非致癌物质铅、汞、镉分别导致一个健康个体寿命损失1.1 d、1.7 d和5.8 d;用预期寿命损失方法可以对致癌、非致癌风险在同一尺度上进行比较,在目标污染物现有相关研究基础上,6种污染物的健康风险大小顺序为苯并芘>镉>砷>DDTs>汞>铅.展开更多
预期寿命损失(Loss of life expectancy)是一种将环境污染导致的致癌风险和非致癌风险进行归一化评价的环境健康风险评价技术,有无暴露条件下的各年龄段人口的预期剩余寿命之差即为该暴露条件下的预期寿命损失。应用预期寿命损失法对杭...预期寿命损失(Loss of life expectancy)是一种将环境污染导致的致癌风险和非致癌风险进行归一化评价的环境健康风险评价技术,有无暴露条件下的各年龄段人口的预期剩余寿命之差即为该暴露条件下的预期寿命损失。应用预期寿命损失法对杭州地区在一定致癌风险下的预期剩余寿命及预期寿命损失当量进行了分析,并对预期寿命损失进行了人群差异性研究。结果表明,在单位致癌风险(10-5)的污染暴露下,杭州地区男性和女性在0岁时的预期剩余寿命分别为79.4和83.2a;预期寿命损失当量分别为50.6和51.7min;不同年龄段上的过剩死亡量的分布呈正态分布,女性在84岁左右达到峰值,男性在80岁左右达到峰值;50岁之后人群预期寿命损失随年龄的增大而下降,说明环境因素不是老龄化人群死亡的主要原因;杭州市近10年的预期寿命损失呈增加趋势。展开更多
文摘Objective:Gambling is a complex topic in relation to health systems.It is always unclear how to strike a balance between the gambling economy and the impact of gambling on public health or social wellbeing at any age.There are limited studies considering the association between determinants of gambling and the life expectancy of the ageing population in a country.From an evaluation perspective,this article aims to demonstrate the correlation between life expectancy and gambling and public health systems.Methods:The approach of analysis has two parts.One is the influence of gambling prevalence in populations on life expectancy among old adults.Another is the association between the effect of changes in legal gambling provisions within public health systems and life expectancy among old adults.Healthy adjusted life expectancy at age 60 from the World Health Organization and gross gambling yield were used.ANOVA was performed with SPSS.Results:The population groups with HALE at age 60 of 15 years or over are likely more active in gambling than the population groups with smaller HALE at age 60 of 14 years or less.On the other hand,the influence of a health policy may be sidelined when it is implemented for older adult populations because the resource distribution magnitude or number of strategical techniques may not be the same for younger adult populations.The study here is marked as a good practical start,and there is room for further research with big data analysis on additional gambling variables against other life expectancy variables,quality of life variables or public health system variables.Conclusion:Associations between the determinants of gambling and the life expectancy of the ageing population in a country have not yet been identified.Continuous measurements of policy implementation and effectiveness and assessments of health equity,while gambling policies worldwide continue to change,have not yet been performed.Researchers and policy makers should understand the importance of holistic integration of the gambling economy and policy within a public health and social paradigm with the help of big data insights to achieve sustainability in their cities and health equity in their communities.
文摘Objective: To measure the possible magnitude of the role nurse staffing has on increasing life expectancy at birth and at 65 years old.Methods: The statistical technique of panel data analysis was applied to investigate the relationship from the number of practicing nurses' density per 1000 population to life expectancy at birth and at 65 years old.Five control variables were used as the proxies for the levels of medical staffing,health care financial and physical resources,and medical technology.The observations of 35 member countries of Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) were collected from OECD Health Statistics over 2000-2016 period.Results: There were meaningful relationships from nurse staffing to life expectancy at birth and at 65 years with the long-run elasticities of 0.02 and 0.08,respectively.Overall,the role of nursing characteristics in increasing life expectancy indicators varied among different health care systems of OECD countries and in average were determined at the highest level in Japan (0.25),followed by Iceland (0.24),Belgium (0.21),Czech Republic (0.21),Slovenia (0.20) and Sweden (0.18).Conclusion: A higher proportion of nursing staff is associated with higher life expectancy in OECD countries and the dependency of life expectancy to nursing staff would increase by aging.Hence,the findings of this study warn health policy makers about ignoring the effects nursing shortages create e.g.increasing the risk of actual age-specific mortality,especially in care of elderly people.
文摘It is projected that aged population (≥60 years) will continue to increase globally, including in Africa. This is due to reduced population growth, decreased fecundity and improved medical interventions;factors which increase life expectancy. While this is typical for developed countries, it is not the same for Africa and similar developing regions. In these regions, a significant proportion of death is due to non-communicable diseases (NCD’s) such as hypertension, cerebrovascular accident, coronary heart disease, diabetes mellitus, chronic renal disease and cancer, among others. Rising prevalence of NCD’s due mainly to western style diets and sedentary living is made worse by inadequate nutrition education, high prevalence of low birth weight, poor health services, lack of efficient tobacco control and deficient planning of built environment. In order to halt the possible reduction in life expectancy occasioned by NCD’s, efforts by the community, health planners and governments in Africa to address relevant NCD’s, must be put in place. Suggested measures are: nutrition education, regular community directed physical exercise, improved environmental planning and development. Others are review of present health service model, early detection, prevention and treatment of NCD’s, including improved antenatal care to reduce low birth weights, and establishment of policies and measures that decreased access to tobacco especially by women of childbearing age. Africa and similar developing regions cannot fund the health bill due to NCD’s and their complications;hence it is important that this scourge is attended to with all seriousness.
基金supported by funding from National "973" project on Population and Health (No.2007CB5119001)National Yang Zi Scholar Program, 211 and 985 projects of Peking University (No.20020903)
文摘Objective To examine the influence of China's economic reforms on population health and regional mortality rates.Methods Longitudinal study measuring the mortality trends and their regional variations.Using data from the three most recent national censuses,we used the model life table to adjust the mortality levels within the population for each census,and to calculate life expectancy.We then examined the variation in patterns of mortality and population health by economic status,region and gender from 1980-2000.Results Life expectancy varied with economic status,province,and gender.Results showed that,although life expectancy in China had increased overall since the early 1980s,regional differences became more pronounced.Life expectancy for populations who live in the eastern coastal provinces are greater than those in the western regions.Conclusion Differences in life expectancy are primarily related to differences in regional economic development,which in turn exacerbate regional health inequalities.Therefore,it is necessary to improve economic development in less developed regions and to improve health policies and the public health system that address the needs of everyone.
文摘目的探讨视听障碍(audio-visual impairments)对主观幸福感(subjective well-being,SWB)的影响,以及抑郁倾向是否中介了视听障碍与主观幸福感之间的关联。方法中国健康与退休纵向调查(The China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Survey,CHARLS)对45岁及以上的中老年人进行问卷调查,在全国30个省级行政单位中采用多阶段抽样,分别在县(区)-村(居)-家户-个人层面上进行抽样,并在县(区)-村(居)两级抽样中,采用按人口规模成比例的概率(proportional probability sampling,PPS)抽样,最终纳入了28个省份150个县(区)的450个村/社区。本研究基于2018年的CHARLS数据展开研究,纳入标准为:(1)年龄≥60岁;(2)有完整的自我报告的视力和听力状况;(3)至少含有生活满意度、主观期望寿命、自评健康状况3项主观幸福感指标中的一个。CHARLS使用Likert五分量表测定老年人的主观幸福感,使用10项流调中心抑郁自评量表(the Center for Epidemiology Studies Depression Scale-10,CESD-10)测定老年人的抑郁倾向。本研究采用多元回归分析视听障碍与抑郁倾向、主观幸福感之间的关联,并通过中介模型分析抑郁倾向的中介作用。双侧P值<0.05被认为有统计学意义。结果最终纳入符合标准的研究对象7620人。其中有视听障碍的患者抑郁倾向水平明显更高,主观幸福感的三项指标均较低(P值均小于0.05)。视觉障碍、听觉障碍和视听双重障碍与更高的抑郁倾向水平和更低的自评健康、主观期望寿命有关;视觉障碍和视听双重障碍与较低的生活满意度有关。抑郁倾向在视听双重障碍与生活满意度间及视觉障碍、听觉障碍、视听双重障碍与自评健康和主观期望寿命间起部分中介作用。结论在中国老年人群中,视听障碍与较低的主观幸福感状态有关,抑郁倾向在其中起着中介作用。
文摘预期寿命损失法(loss of life expectancy,LLE)可以对致癌和非致癌物质的环境健康风险进行评价和比较,是一种污染物环境健康风险评价的新方法.应用该方法对中国目前危害较大的6种典型致癌和非致癌污染物砷、DDTs、苯并芘、铅、汞、镉造成的人体的预期寿命损失进行了分析,并比较了6种污染物的环境健康风险大小.结果表明,预期寿命损失法可以作为污染物健康风险评价的一种方法,致癌物质砷、DDTs、苯并芘分别导致一个健康个体寿命损失3.6 d、2.2 d和12.1 d,非致癌物质铅、汞、镉分别导致一个健康个体寿命损失1.1 d、1.7 d和5.8 d;用预期寿命损失方法可以对致癌、非致癌风险在同一尺度上进行比较,在目标污染物现有相关研究基础上,6种污染物的健康风险大小顺序为苯并芘>镉>砷>DDTs>汞>铅.
文摘预期寿命损失(Loss of life expectancy)是一种将环境污染导致的致癌风险和非致癌风险进行归一化评价的环境健康风险评价技术,有无暴露条件下的各年龄段人口的预期剩余寿命之差即为该暴露条件下的预期寿命损失。应用预期寿命损失法对杭州地区在一定致癌风险下的预期剩余寿命及预期寿命损失当量进行了分析,并对预期寿命损失进行了人群差异性研究。结果表明,在单位致癌风险(10-5)的污染暴露下,杭州地区男性和女性在0岁时的预期剩余寿命分别为79.4和83.2a;预期寿命损失当量分别为50.6和51.7min;不同年龄段上的过剩死亡量的分布呈正态分布,女性在84岁左右达到峰值,男性在80岁左右达到峰值;50岁之后人群预期寿命损失随年龄的增大而下降,说明环境因素不是老龄化人群死亡的主要原因;杭州市近10年的预期寿命损失呈增加趋势。