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Land use change and its driving factors in the ecological function area:A case study in the Hedong Region of the Gansu Province,China
作者 WEI Zhudeng DU Na YU Wenzheng 《Journal of Arid Land》 SCIE CSCD 2024年第1期71-90,共20页
Land use and cover change(LUCC)is important for the provision of ecosystem services.An increasing number of recent studies link LUCC processes to ecosystem services and human well-being at different scales recently.Ho... Land use and cover change(LUCC)is important for the provision of ecosystem services.An increasing number of recent studies link LUCC processes to ecosystem services and human well-being at different scales recently.However,the dynamic of land use and its drivers receive insufficient attention within ecological function areas,particularly in quantifying the dynamic roles of climate change and human activities on land use based on a long time series.This study utilizes geospatial analysis and geographical detectors to examine the temporal dynamics of land use patterns and their underlying drivers in the Hedong Region of the Gansu Province from 1990 to 2020.Results indicated that grassland,cropland,and forestland collectively accounted for approximately 99% of the total land area.Cropland initially increased and then decreased after 2000,while grassland decreased with fluctuations.In contrast,forestland and construction land were continuously expanded,with net growth areas of 6235.2 and 455.9 km^(2),respectively.From 1990 to 2020,cropland was converted to grassland,and both of them were converted to forestland as a whole.The expansion of construction land primarily originated from cropland.From 2000 to 2005,land use experienced intensified temporal dynamics and a shift of relatively active zones from the central to the southeastern region.Grain yield,economic factors,and precipitation were the major factors accounting for most land use changes.Climatic impacts on land use changes were stronger before 1995,succeeded by the impact of animal husbandry during 1995-2000,followed by the impacts of grain production and gross domestic product(GDP)after 2000.Moreover,agricultural and pastoral activities,coupled with climate change,exhibited stronger enhancement effects after 2000 through their interaction with population and economic factors.These patterns closely correlated with ecological restoration projects in China since 1999.This study implies the importance of synergy between human activity and climate change for optimizing land use via ecological patterns in the ecological function area. 展开更多
关键词 land use land type geographic detector driving mechanism hedong Region
作者 王明云 姚文永 +2 位作者 吕学良 王白洁 闫怡 《防灾科技学院学报》 2024年第1期96-101,共6页
河东盐池主要有水灾、旱灾、地震等灾害类型,通过对乾隆二十二年(1757)河东盐池水灾相关史料的梳理,进一步分析水灾对盐池的影响,探索人类应对盐池水灾的方式。水灾主要原因为:解州村民聚众盗挖硝地堰工,破坏了部分禁墙;雨水较多;黑河... 河东盐池主要有水灾、旱灾、地震等灾害类型,通过对乾隆二十二年(1757)河东盐池水灾相关史料的梳理,进一步分析水灾对盐池的影响,探索人类应对盐池水灾的方式。水灾主要原因为:解州村民聚众盗挖硝地堰工,破坏了部分禁墙;雨水较多;黑河被淹。政府的应对措施主要有:筑堰垦畦;利用黑河现存的卤气,继续灌畦浇晒,并兴修黑河。此次水灾的影响为:河东盐池东池与西池都深受其害;新盐产量不足,商人日困,招商困难;为了维持盐池供给,掘井浇晒,开发六小池,买蒙古盐。这次水灾直接影响持续了两年有余,导致河东盐产量下降,盐价提高,盐商积极性不高,政府财政收入下降,间接影响持续了三十余年。从此之后,盐商一蹶不振,直到乾隆五十七年(1792),河东盐池不得不进行课归地丁改革。 展开更多
关键词 盐池 河东 水灾 黑河 堰渠
作者 刘军 《唐都学刊》 2024年第1期64-70,共7页
2017年,考古工作者抢救性发掘山西万荣西思雅北魏薛怀吉墓,出土完整墓志一方。该志翔实记录墓主的家世背景和仕宦履历,内容可与正史互相补证,对研究中古河东薛氏家族和北方民族、社会史极具参考价值。志主薛怀吉出自降臣薛安都之南祖房... 2017年,考古工作者抢救性发掘山西万荣西思雅北魏薛怀吉墓,出土完整墓志一方。该志翔实记录墓主的家世背景和仕宦履历,内容可与正史互相补证,对研究中古河东薛氏家族和北方民族、社会史极具参考价值。志主薛怀吉出自降臣薛安都之南祖房,依靠先世的功勋业绩、阀阅等第达到一流高门的层级。其政治归属系代人集团中的上客,备受恩典荣宠,仕进以五品释褐、三品终结,仕途飞黄腾达。且作为皇帝心腹重点培养,内充近侍、外镇方面,显赫一时。志文流露华夏认同取向,与河东薛氏借助祖源记忆荡涤蛮夷色彩的努力如出一辙。阀阅等第、政治归属和文化认同,乃扫描同类墓志三位一体的思考维度,代表内徙戎夷演进大势所趋。 展开更多
关键词 北魏 《薛怀吉墓志》 河东蜀薛 阀阅等第 代人归属 华夏认同
作者 郭晓宇 《运城学院学报》 2024年第1期32-38,共7页
河东南路是金朝设立的路级行政区,在这一区域发现了许多金代的仿木结构砖室墓,众多墓葬内设有戏曲题材的壁面装饰和随葬器物。对这些戏曲题材的图像进行分析研究,可为了解当时的丧葬观念以及社会风俗提供重要的实证参考。以河东南路地... 河东南路是金朝设立的路级行政区,在这一区域发现了许多金代的仿木结构砖室墓,众多墓葬内设有戏曲题材的壁面装饰和随葬器物。对这些戏曲题材的图像进行分析研究,可为了解当时的丧葬观念以及社会风俗提供重要的实证参考。以河东南路地区46座金墓中的107幅戏曲图像为依托,分类探讨社火、伎乐歌舞、杂剧三大类戏曲图像的特征与内涵,同时联系传世文献对宋金戏曲的相关记载,以期探究时人选择、设置戏曲题材图像背后的文化内涵,理解这些图像与当时的丧葬风俗的联系。 展开更多
关键词 河东南路地区 戏曲图像 河东戏剧 丧葬习俗
作者 张杨力铮 《咸阳师范学院学报》 2024年第3期70-75,共6页
裴政源自河东裴氏家族西眷裴房,并不属嫡传主脉。其祖在两晋之际南渡,于刘宋时出仕,族人多任武职,较之其他高门声名未赫。裴政本人活跃于萧梁武帝晚年及元帝时期,又历仕西魏、北周、隋等朝,亲历由南北朝分裂转向大一统的诸多重大时刻,... 裴政源自河东裴氏家族西眷裴房,并不属嫡传主脉。其祖在两晋之际南渡,于刘宋时出仕,族人多任武职,较之其他高门声名未赫。裴政本人活跃于萧梁武帝晚年及元帝时期,又历仕西魏、北周、隋等朝,亲历由南北朝分裂转向大一统的诸多重大时刻,特别其晚年的交游情况反映了南、北政治集团在这一特殊时期的斗争、整合。从裴政墓志文可知,传世文献中固然有错讹之处,但墓志文也因志主、书文者自身经历及时代限制而多有春秋笔法,二者应互校互证,严密推断,方能还原史实。 展开更多
关键词 河东裴氏 裴政 《隋书》
作者 许卫红 张杨力铮 狄明(摄影/绘图) 《咸阳师范学院学报》 2024年第3期61-69,共9页
2020年6月,陕西省考古研究院于西咸新区秦汉新城龚东村北发掘一批隋唐时期墓葬,其中M8保存较好,出土墓志一合。志主为《北史》《隋书》记载的河东裴氏家族成员裴政,于隋开皇二年入葬。该墓虽遭盗扰,但仍出土随葬品一百余件,墓志的出土... 2020年6月,陕西省考古研究院于西咸新区秦汉新城龚东村北发掘一批隋唐时期墓葬,其中M8保存较好,出土墓志一合。志主为《北史》《隋书》记载的河东裴氏家族成员裴政,于隋开皇二年入葬。该墓虽遭盗扰,但仍出土随葬品一百余件,墓志的出土一方面能够确认隋初墓葬形制、器物的标型,另一方面志文内容可证多处史料讹误。 展开更多
关键词 隋代墓葬 河东裴氏 裴政
作者 梁静 裴婷婷 《国土与自然资源研究》 2024年第4期8-14,共7页
城乡融合是缩小城乡差距的重要方式,研究城乡融合发展,对持续推进乡村振兴战略具有重要意义。以甘肃河东地区为研究区域,从社会经济协调、生活质量等值、生态和谐共生、公共服务均衡4个准则层出发构建指标体系,运用熵值法、线性加权法... 城乡融合是缩小城乡差距的重要方式,研究城乡融合发展,对持续推进乡村振兴战略具有重要意义。以甘肃河东地区为研究区域,从社会经济协调、生活质量等值、生态和谐共生、公共服务均衡4个准则层出发构建指标体系,运用熵值法、线性加权法测度河东地区2011-2020年城乡融合发展水平,并利用Arc GIS、Geoda软件,进行空间自相关分析城乡融合水平的空间分布特征。结果表明,(1)2011-2020年甘肃河东地区城乡融合水平提升跨度显著,整体处于持续增长的状态,且研究区域内部差距不断缩小。(2)河东地区呈现出东北方向城市的城乡融合水平明显高于西南方向的城市。(3)河东地区城乡融合发展水平具有显著的空间正相关,呈现集聚的空间分布格局,具体表现为H-H和L-L集聚特征。 展开更多
关键词 城乡融合水平 指标体系 时空分布 甘肃河东地区
Reconstructing the annual precipitation variation since 1899 based on tree-ring width in the western Hedong sandy land of Ningxia 被引量:3
作者 Wang, YaJun Gao, ShangYu +3 位作者 Ma, YuZhen Lu, RuiJie Sang, YanLi Meng, HongWei 《Journal of Arid Land》 SCIE 2010年第4期286-294,共9页
关键词 hedong sandy land of Ningxia tree-ring width annual precipitation CORRELATION
Research on Modelling Digital Paper-cut Preservation 被引量:2
作者 Xiao-Fen Wang Ying-Rui Liu Wen-Sheng Zhang 《International Journal of Automation and computing》 EI 2009年第4期356-363,共8页
This paper studies the model of the digital preservation of paper-cut after analyzing the state-of-the-art of the preservation of intangible cultural heritage at home and abroad, focusing on paper-cutting in Hebei, Ch... This paper studies the model of the digital preservation of paper-cut after analyzing the state-of-the-art of the preservation of intangible cultural heritage at home and abroad, focusing on paper-cutting in Hebei, China in a comprehensive approach of sociology, anthropology, folk art, folklore, communication, computer, and information science. Models, methods, and solutions for the preservation and retention of national and folk cultural heritage are proposed. A virtual multimedia interactive system framework of the digital preservation of national and folk cultural heritage is constructed. The standards of paper-cut digitization are studied. The main content of the paper involves: regulated data collection and recording of the scattered Chinese folk paper-cut works in Hebei; digitization, optimization, compression, classification, icon and pattern extraction, vectorization, and work analysis of the first-hand material. This paper also investigates the demonstration, dissemination, database construction, and retrieval of the classified material, icons, and patterns; the demonstration of the reconstruction and application of icon and pattern database; the design and development of an immersive virtual gaming platform of the multi-media scenes and production process of folk paper-cut. 展开更多
关键词 Chinese paper-cut digital preservation folk culture HERITAGE MODELLING
A survey of digital paper-cutting 被引量:1
作者 LEI Hongyuan 《Computer Aided Drafting,Design and Manufacturing》 2012年第3期12-17,共6页
Paper-cutting is one of the most fantastic Chinese folk arts. With the aid of computers, digital paper-cutting has become a popular topic in the field of NPR research. This paper will make a comprehensive survey of re... Paper-cutting is one of the most fantastic Chinese folk arts. With the aid of computers, digital paper-cutting has become a popular topic in the field of NPR research. This paper will make a comprehensive survey of related references in four as- pects-image-based paper-cutting, paper-cutting based on computer graphics, paper architectures and paper-cutting animation and it shows that the imitation of the masters' artistic styles of paper-cutting will be the trend of future study. 展开更多
关键词 paper-cutTING digital technology non-photorealistic RENDERING THRESHOLDING black and white GRAPHICS
Inheritance and Development of Fuyang Folk Paper-cut Art: A Case Study of “Cheng’s Paper-cut” Art
作者 YU Wenshan CHENG Xinghong PAN Jie 《Journal of Landscape Research》 2019年第6期91-96,共6页
Intangible cultural heritage plays a prominent role in local cultural construction and tourism brand building. This paper took Fuyang as an example to expound the origin and development of Fuyang folk paper-cut art, a... Intangible cultural heritage plays a prominent role in local cultural construction and tourism brand building. This paper took Fuyang as an example to expound the origin and development of Fuyang folk paper-cut art, analyzed its characteristics, and put forward some countermeasures and ways of inheritance and development, so as to promote the inheritance, protection and development of intangible cultural heritage. 展开更多
Artistic Innovation of Famous Paper-cutting Artist Wang Xiaying
作者 MA Lianjing WANG Yichuan 《Journal of Landscape Research》 2016年第6期142-144,共3页
Paper-cutting is a traditional Chinese art,and Fuyang paper-cutting is a miracle of Chinese paper-cutting art.As Fuyang paper-cutting art is gradually promoted by artists during the historical inheritance,its traditio... Paper-cutting is a traditional Chinese art,and Fuyang paper-cutting is a miracle of Chinese paper-cutting art.As Fuyang paper-cutting art is gradually promoted by artists during the historical inheritance,its traditional form has changed,a batch of new-style paper-cutting artworks have been created,Wang Xiaying is a leading figure in its inheritance.From the perspective of manifestation means and modeling language,this paper found that Wang Xiaying on the basis of inheriting traditional paper-cutting learned from other arts,applied innovative techniques to break through limitations in modeling,and realized the innovation of paper-cutting art.It was concluded that traditional paper-cutting arts could only achieve sustainable development by integrating with new elements. 展开更多
关键词 Fuyang paper-cutting Wang Xiaying INNOVATION LEARNING
Qiao Xiaoguang's paper-cut Art
作者 MaFu 《China & The World Cultural Exchange》 2002年第5期26-27,共2页
Qiao Xiaoguang, a professor with the Central Academy of Fine Arts and director of the China Folk Paper-cut Research Society, recently held a solo exhibition at Beijing Century Art Gallery, showcasing some 30 new paper... Qiao Xiaoguang, a professor with the Central Academy of Fine Arts and director of the China Folk Paper-cut Research Society, recently held a solo exhibition at Beijing Century Art Gallery, showcasing some 30 new paper-cut works including "The Sun and the Old Man", "Auspicious Himalayas", "Bach’s Mass" and "Salute to Jorge Borges". 展开更多
关键词 SBM Qiao Xiaoguang’s paper-cut Art
Social Security of Land-losing Farmers in Urban Demolition——A Case of Hedong Village, Chengzhong District,Liuzhou City
作者 HE Ling-ling, LU Yong-ming Department of management, Guangxi university of Technology, Liuzhou 545006, China 《Asian Agricultural Research》 2010年第9期31-36,共6页
Based on the survey of peasants from 40 households who are chosen at random and have lost their land in the Hedong Village of Liuzhou, the status quo of land expropriation and social security of land-losing peasants a... Based on the survey of peasants from 40 households who are chosen at random and have lost their land in the Hedong Village of Liuzhou, the status quo of land expropriation and social security of land-losing peasants are expounded. The social security problems of peasants in urban demolition and peasantsh desperate demands are analyzed as follows. For example, the Main problems after the peasants losing their lands cover the substandard of resettlement, which can not maintain the former living standard; the source of income has changed and the relevant security mechanism has not been established; the peasants who have lost their land are in desperate need of more stable jobs and stable income. In view of the current situation, the countermeasures and suggestions for establishing social security mechanism for peasants who have lost their land are put forward. The measures cover establishing the subsistence allowances for land-losing peasants; establishing the guarantee system for aged people; building medical care system; providing employment and training opportunity, trying to increase the channels of employment for farmers and fostering the employment security system for peasants who have lost their land. 展开更多
关键词 Land-losing FARMERS SOCIAL security URBAN demoliti
Art and Life of Manchu Paper-Cut Artist Ni Youzhi
作者 Lin Tong 《Journal of Contemporary Educational Research》 2022年第12期38-43,共6页
The advice to“disclose the family business to no one”has remained in my mind for a long time.It influenced how I perceived the works of Ni Youzhi,a paper-cut artist,which are shrouded in mystery and marked with her ... The advice to“disclose the family business to no one”has remained in my mind for a long time.It influenced how I perceived the works of Ni Youzhi,a paper-cut artist,which are shrouded in mystery and marked with her family’s hue.I certainly feel proud and understand the sense of mission for this inheritance that has been passed down from generation to generation[2].However,her Manchu paper-cut changed dramatically over time despite my best efforts to preserve this“heirloom”[3].Looking back on her journey of creation,her trajectory of inheritance,creation,transformation,and regression was marked clearly. 展开更多
关键词 Manchu paper-cutting Changbai Mountain China’s intangible cultural heritage paper-cut art ART
Analysis of Northern regional folk culture on the Paper-cutart
作者 向东 齐德金 《海外英语》 2014年第11X期202-204,222,共4页
Northern regional folk culture and art is colorful, bright vibrant, showing a flourishing pomp, The paper-cut art is one of the essential of the Pearl.The following article is based on the premise of the relationship ... Northern regional folk culture and art is colorful, bright vibrant, showing a flourishing pomp, The paper-cut art is one of the essential of the Pearl.The following article is based on the premise of the relationship between the North and the surrounding area customs and cultural heritage of folk art paper-cut, carrys on the review and analysis, focuses on northern folk paper-cut of origin, schools,, characteristics and the differences between the North and South. 展开更多
作者 叶永钦 《地质论评》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第S01期215-216,共2页
粤西北禾洞岩体位于郴州—钦州铀多金属成矿带中北段,是区内重要的产铀岩体之(李小英,2010;谢建新,2013;徐浩等,2013)。禾洞岩体高硅、富碱,贫铁、镁、钙,为高分异的I型花岗岩,在成岩过程中可能发生了壳幔混合作用(李响等,2022)。禾洞... 粤西北禾洞岩体位于郴州—钦州铀多金属成矿带中北段,是区内重要的产铀岩体之(李小英,2010;谢建新,2013;徐浩等,2013)。禾洞岩体高硅、富碱,贫铁、镁、钙,为高分异的I型花岗岩,在成岩过程中可能发生了壳幔混合作用(李响等,2022)。禾洞岩体内岩浆—构造热液活动频繁且强烈,酸碱类型蚀变发育,多方向多级序断裂交汇发育,铀成矿条件良好。 展开更多
关键词 资源潜力 铀矿化特征 禾洞岩体 粤西北
作者 卢玉玮 贾发义 《安顺学院学报》 2023年第3期85-89,共5页
广德元年在各路军队的合力作用之下,唐王朝在政治形式上恢复统一局面,但是参与这场战争的各方势力也获得了不同程度的发展。此后唐中央与地方政府之间的矛盾渐成唐朝政治发展的一条主线,强如河北三镇在之后的几十年逐渐形成了带有割据... 广德元年在各路军队的合力作用之下,唐王朝在政治形式上恢复统一局面,但是参与这场战争的各方势力也获得了不同程度的发展。此后唐中央与地方政府之间的矛盾渐成唐朝政治发展的一条主线,强如河北三镇在之后的几十年逐渐形成了带有割据自治色彩的“河朔故事”;河东镇虽不似河朔乖张,但也偶有兵乱风波。这些风波反映了中唐时期中央与太原之间的政治博弈,在这种情况下,长官的选任尤为重要。早在肃宗时期中央就曾尝试通过以任命京官为河东节度使的方式达到掌控太原军政的目的,然而所托非人招致河东兵乱,只能暂且作罢。由于河东镇没有成为骄藩的可能,况且河东对中央有很强的向心力,所以唐中央对河东地方势力的扩大也选择了默认。 展开更多
关键词 中央 太原 河东镇 河东节度使
作者 强晓林 王晓霞 《理论观察》 2023年第5期114-119,共6页
中古时期,士族家族内部结构发生了巨大的变化,从魏晋南北朝的类似封建承袭形态演变成了隋唐的诸房并重形态。魏晋南北朝,士族家族累世数代居官上品,血缘亲疏关系对任官影响较大;东晋以降,士族在姓望内逐渐分化出房支;隋唐时,大士族往往... 中古时期,士族家族内部结构发生了巨大的变化,从魏晋南北朝的类似封建承袭形态演变成了隋唐的诸房并重形态。魏晋南北朝,士族家族累世数代居官上品,血缘亲疏关系对任官影响较大;东晋以降,士族在姓望内逐渐分化出房支;隋唐时,大士族往往有数个主系并列,这些主系又经历了盛衰变化。河东裴氏“三眷五房”的分化是中古士族家族内部结构变化的典型案例。这种变化是多种因素的合力:昭穆疏远后的自然分化,“为门户计”的主动选择,战乱、政治等外部因素的催化。 展开更多
关键词 中古士族 河东裴氏 仕宦 姓望 房支
临沂市河东区水利工程物业化管理的改革实践探析 被引量:1
作者 周颖 朱步纲 时玉强 《工程技术研究》 2023年第3期153-156,共4页
水利工程“三分建,七分管”。近年来,临沂市河东区坚持政府主导、社会参与、市场化运作,探索推进水利工程物业化管理新模式,不断提高水利工程管护制度化、专业化水平,走出一条政府公共管理和物业化服务的生动实践。基于此,文章对临沂市... 水利工程“三分建,七分管”。近年来,临沂市河东区坚持政府主导、社会参与、市场化运作,探索推进水利工程物业化管理新模式,不断提高水利工程管护制度化、专业化水平,走出一条政府公共管理和物业化服务的生动实践。基于此,文章对临沂市河东区水利工程物业化管理的改革实践进行分析,首先分析临沂市河东区水利工程管理现状问题,然后分析河东区水利工程物业化管理的措施,包括资金保障、制度支持、程序规范、监督考核,最后分析物业化管理成效,并归纳出由河东区改革实践得出的启示与建议,以供参考。 展开更多
关键词 水利工程 物业化管理 河东区
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