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Critical Analysis of the Origins of Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle
作者 André Michaud 《Journal of Modern Physics》 2024年第6期765-795,共31页
Analysis of the initial stages of the logical process followed by Louis de Broglie in establishing the electron phase wave equation in his 1924 thesis, which triggered the development of Wave Mechanics when Erwin Schr... Analysis of the initial stages of the logical process followed by Louis de Broglie in establishing the electron phase wave equation in his 1924 thesis, which triggered the development of Wave Mechanics when Erwin Schrödinger formalized this concept with his vectorial wave equation. This development was soon followed by Quantum Mechanics, when Schrödinger proved that the Matrix Mechanics independently developed by Werner Heisenberg was equivalent to Wave Mechanics, with both theories leaving room for some degree of uncertainty as to the physical localization of the moving electron. This is what led Heisenberg to also formalize the Uncertainty Principle to take this situation into account. This principle was soon regarded as a fundamental axiomatic principle that seemed to make further exploration of the subatomic level of magnitude appear impossible to most researchers. We will analyze in this article the reason why the phase-wave velocity established by de Broglie generated this uncertainty in the localization of the moving electron in light of the current state of knowledge on the behavior of the electron in motion, in view of establishing the relevance of maintaining the Uncertainty Principle in the study of the subatomic level of magnitude. 展开更多
关键词 Phase Wave Velocity Wave mechanics Matrix mechanics quantum mechanics uncertainty principle
Squaring the Circle Is Possible When Taking into Consideration the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle
作者 Espen Gaarder Haug 《Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics》 2023年第2期478-483,共6页
Squaring the circle is one of the oldest challenges in mathematical geometry. In 1882, it was proven that π was transcendental, and the task of squaring the circle was considered impossible. Demonstrating that squari... Squaring the circle is one of the oldest challenges in mathematical geometry. In 1882, it was proven that π was transcendental, and the task of squaring the circle was considered impossible. Demonstrating that squaring the circle was not possible took place before discovering quantum mechanics. The purpose of this paper is to show that it is actually possible to square the circle when taking into account the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. The conclusion is clear: it is possible to square the circle when taking into account the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. 展开更多
关键词 Squaring the Circle quantum mechanics heisenberg uncertainty principle
Entropy and Irreversibility in Classical and Quantum Mechanics 被引量:1
作者 V.A.Antonov Boris P.Kondratyev 《Journal of Modern Physics》 2011年第6期519-532,共14页
Review of the irreversibility problem in modern physics with new researches is given. Some characteristics of the Markov chains are specified and the important property of monotonicity of a probability is formulated. ... Review of the irreversibility problem in modern physics with new researches is given. Some characteristics of the Markov chains are specified and the important property of monotonicity of a probability is formulated. Using one thin inequality, the behavior of relative entropy in the classical case is considered. Further we pass to studying of the irreversibility phenomena in quantum problems. By new method is received the Lindblad’s equation and its physical essence is explained. Deep analogy between the classical Markov processes and development described by the Lindblad’s equation is conducted. Using method of comparison of the Lind-blad’s equation with the linear Langevin equation we receive a system of differential equations, which are more general, than the Caldeira-Leggett equation. Here we consider quantum systems without inverse influ-ence on a surrounding background with high temperature. Quantum diffusion of a single particle is consid-ered and possible ways of the permission of the Schr?dinger’s cat paradox and the role of an external world for the phenomena with quantum irreversibility are discussed. In spite of previous opinion we conclude that in the equilibrium environment is not necessary to postulate the processes with collapses of wave functions. Besides, we draw attention to the fact that the Heisenberg’s uncertainty relation does not always mean the restriction is usually the product of the average values of commuting variables. At last, some prospects in the problem of quantum irreversibility are discussed. 展开更多
关键词 Markov Chains Irreversibility in Classical and quantum mechanics Lindblad Equation Caldeira-Leggett Equation quantum Diffusion Schrodinger’s Cat Paradox heisenberg’s uncertainty Relation Collapse of Wave Function Effect of Sokolov
The Absolute Certainty Principle (ACP) Revolutionizes Quantum Physics
作者 Jean-Paul Auffray 《Journal of Modern Physics》 2016年第16期2341-2346,共7页
When the ubiquitous quantum, acting as an active principle, generates meteons in the System of the World, the Absolute Certainty Principle (ACP) regulates the characteristics of their motion. This newly uncovered law ... When the ubiquitous quantum, acting as an active principle, generates meteons in the System of the World, the Absolute Certainty Principle (ACP) regulates the characteristics of their motion. This newly uncovered law of Nature suggests that the cosmos is filled with an “aether”, as Newton and others—even Einstein!—called it in their days, and explains quite simply why we stand erect vertically on the surface of the Earth and why the universe is in expansion. 展开更多
关键词 heisenberg uncertainty principle quantum Meteorites Absolute Certainty principle Energy GRAVITATION Newton EINSTEIN Universe Expansion
Quantum-Classical Algorithm for an Instantaneous Spectral Analysis of Signals:A Complement to Fourier Theory 被引量:2
作者 Mario Mastriani 《Journal of Quantum Information Science》 2018年第2期52-77,共26页
A quantum time-dependent spectrum analysis, or simply, quantum spectral analysis (QSA) is presented in this work, and it’s based on Schr&#246;dinger’s equation. In the classical world, it is named frequency in t... A quantum time-dependent spectrum analysis, or simply, quantum spectral analysis (QSA) is presented in this work, and it’s based on Schr&#246;dinger’s equation. In the classical world, it is named frequency in time (FIT), which is used here as a complement of the traditional frequency-dependent spectral analysis based on Fourier theory. Besides, FIT is a metric which assesses the impact of the flanks of a signal on its frequency spectrum, not taken into account by Fourier theory and lets alone in real time. Even more, and unlike all derived tools from Fourier Theory (i.e., continuous, discrete, fast, short-time, fractional and quantum Fourier Transform, as well as, Gabor) FIT has the following advantages, among others: 1) compact support with excellent energy output treatment, 2) low computational cost, O(N) for signals and O(N2) for images, 3) it does not have phase uncertainties (i.e., indeterminate phase for a magnitude = 0) as in the case of Discrete and Fast Fourier Transform (DFT, FFT, respectively). Finally, we can apply QSA to a quantum signal, that is, to a qubit stream in order to analyze it spectrally. 展开更多
关键词 Fourier Theory heisenberg’s uncertainty principle quantum Fourier Transform quantum Information Processing quantum Signal Processing Schrodinger’s Equation Spectral Analysis
Berezin Quantization of Gaussian Functions Depending by a Quantum and Compression Parameter
作者 Simone Camosso 《Journal of Quantum Information Science》 2019年第1期15-21,共7页
The aim of this work is to study the Berezin quantization of a Gaussian state. The result is another Gaussian state that depends on a quantum parameter α, which describes the relationship between the classical and qu... The aim of this work is to study the Berezin quantization of a Gaussian state. The result is another Gaussian state that depends on a quantum parameter α, which describes the relationship between the classical and quantum vision. The compression parameter λ>0 is associated to the harmonic oscillator semigroup. 展开更多
关键词 Berezin QUANTIZATION Berezin Transform GAUSSIAN Functions quantum Harmonic OSCILLATOR heisenberg uncertainty principle
Conceptual Problems in Bell’s Inequality and Quantum Entanglement
作者 Yingqiu Gu 《Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics》 2022年第7期2216-2231,共16页
The description of the microscopic world in quantum mechanics is very different from that in classical physics, and there are some points of view that are contrary to intuition and logic. The first is the problem of r... The description of the microscopic world in quantum mechanics is very different from that in classical physics, and there are some points of view that are contrary to intuition and logic. The first is the problem of reality;quantum mechanics believes the behavior of micro particles is random and jumping. The second is the loss of certainty;the conjugate physical variables of a system cannot be determined synchronously, they satisfy the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. The third is the non-local correlation. The measurement of one particle in the quantum entanglement pair will influence the state of the other entangled particle simultaneously. In this paper, some concepts related to quantum entanglement, such as EPR correlation, quantum entanglement correlation function, Bell’s inequality and so on, are analyzed in detail. Analysis shows that the mystery and confusion in quantum theory may be caused by the logical problems in its basic framework. Bell’s inequality is only a mathematical theorem, but its physical meaning is actually unclear. The Bell state of quantum entangled pair may not satisfy the dynamic equation of quantum theory, so it cannot describe the true state of microscopic particles. In this paper, the correct correlation functions of spin entanglement pair and photonic entanglement pair are strictly derived according to normal logic. Quantum theory is a more fundamental theory than classical mechanics, and they are not equal relation in logic. However, there are still some unreasonable contents in the framework of quantum theory, which need to be improved. In order to disclose the real relationship between quantum theory and classical mechanics, we propose some experiments which provide intuitionistic teaching materials for the new interpretation of quantum theory. 展开更多
关键词 quantum mechanics Interpretation Mathematical Foundation of quantum mechanics EPR Correlation Bohm’s Hidden Variable Theory quantum Entanglement Bell’s Inequality quantum Correlation Function Schrödinger Equation heisenberg uncertainty Relation
作者 陈丽清 吴媛 +1 位作者 尹亚玲 刘金梅 《物理实验》 2024年第1期14-21,共8页
近20年,国际量子科技取得重大进展,在未来科技发展中占据重要地位.因此,在物理专业本科实验教学中设置量子物理实验,让学生深入理解微观量子物理基本原理,掌握一定的量子前沿技术非常必要.华东师范大学物理学专业自主开发量子物理本科... 近20年,国际量子科技取得重大进展,在未来科技发展中占据重要地位.因此,在物理专业本科实验教学中设置量子物理实验,让学生深入理解微观量子物理基本原理,掌握一定的量子前沿技术非常必要.华东师范大学物理学专业自主开发量子物理本科实验教学仪器和虚拟仿真实验,在物理学专业拔尖班开设量子物理实验,取得了优异的成果.本文详细介绍了华东师范大学量子物理实验课程设置以及实施过程,分析开展相关本科量子物理实验的可能性及其普及性,为全国高校开设量子物理实验课程提供参考. 展开更多
关键词 量子物理实验 真空场测量 海森堡不确定关系 引力波测量演示实验 量子光源
通信密码学前瞻:量子密码技术 被引量:6
作者 熊红凯 施惠昌 戴善荣 《上海大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 2000年第2期150-156,共7页
安全性是密码学研究一直追求的目标 ,最近取得飞速发展的量子加密技术综合了量子力学原理和经典密码术 ,具有可证明的安全性 ,同时还能对窃听者的非法侵入进行检测 ,克服了传统密码学的桎梏 ,为未来的网络通信提供了真正确实的保障 .此... 安全性是密码学研究一直追求的目标 ,最近取得飞速发展的量子加密技术综合了量子力学原理和经典密码术 ,具有可证明的安全性 ,同时还能对窃听者的非法侵入进行检测 ,克服了传统密码学的桎梏 ,为未来的网络通信提供了真正确实的保障 .此文讨论了量子加密的相关研究及实用化实验模型 ,详细说明了量子密钥分发协议 。 展开更多
关键词 量子加密 通信密码学 量子密码技术 安全性
带陷阱的B 92量子密钥分配协议 被引量:1
作者 胡耀祖 肖正安 肖旸 《武汉理工大学学报(信息与管理工程版)》 CAS 2005年第6期8-11,共4页
把量子力学应用到密码学中产生了一个新的学科——量子密码学。量子密码提供的密钥交换方式,能够自动检查是否有人在窃听,这是公钥体制所不具备的。对有噪声的B 92协议作了一些改进,这种改进的核心思想是在考虑提高传输效率的基础上,发... 把量子力学应用到密码学中产生了一个新的学科——量子密码学。量子密码提供的密钥交换方式,能够自动检查是否有人在窃听,这是公钥体制所不具备的。对有噪声的B 92协议作了一些改进,这种改进的核心思想是在考虑提高传输效率的基础上,发信方故意公布假的测量基,以诱使窃听者现身。考虑到实际应用情况,此方案采用的是在实用中保证安全性的前提下,发送方和接受方通过第三方普通信道协商好量子接收的规则,从而大大提高了传输的效率。这种改进方案对其他带有噪声的量子密码协议同样适用。 展开更多
关键词 量子密钥分配 B92协议 传输效率 heisenberg的测不准原理 量子不可克隆定理
中外量子力学教材经典知识点的区别与思考 被引量:3
作者 张立彬 涂成厚 《大学物理》 北大核心 2013年第4期38-40,共3页
量子力学作为近代物理学的重要基础理论之一,其发展对人类的影响产生极重要的作用,本文通过对6本国内外著名量子力学教材的经典知识点的分析、讨论,以便更好地促进国内高校教学的发展.具体就不确定性原理展开分析,讨论不同教材中的讲解... 量子力学作为近代物理学的重要基础理论之一,其发展对人类的影响产生极重要的作用,本文通过对6本国内外著名量子力学教材的经典知识点的分析、讨论,以便更好地促进国内高校教学的发展.具体就不确定性原理展开分析,讨论不同教材中的讲解思路、教学讨论深广度以及案例分析,从而明确各本教材的内容特色、侧重点和不足. 展开更多
关键词 不确定性原理 波粒二象性 概率波 量子力学
量子力学的哥本哈根解释 被引量:3
作者 黄永义 《物理与工程》 2020年第6期3-11,14,共10页
本文较详细地阐述了量子力学的哥本哈根解释,包括玻尔并协性原理和海森堡不确定原理、经典仪器、波函数坍缩、哥本哈根解释视角中的因果律。本文还列举了基于该解释的两个典型的测量实例:惠勒延迟选择实验和没有相互作用的相互作用;简... 本文较详细地阐述了量子力学的哥本哈根解释,包括玻尔并协性原理和海森堡不确定原理、经典仪器、波函数坍缩、哥本哈根解释视角中的因果律。本文还列举了基于该解释的两个典型的测量实例:惠勒延迟选择实验和没有相互作用的相互作用;简要介绍了其他有影响力的量子力学解释:多世界解释、自洽历史理论、量子贝叶斯模型等。 展开更多
关键词 玻尔并协性原理 海森堡不确定原理 经典仪器 波函数坍缩 因果律 量子测量效应
海森伯——量子力学的奠基人之一 被引量:1
作者 杨庆余 《徐州师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2002年第1期49-53,共5页
沃纳·海森伯是被公认为 2 0世纪最具创新能力的思想家之一 ,他从修改经典分析力学的途径创立了量子力学的矩阵形式 ,并提出了著名的“不确定原理”.通过对海森伯在量子力学领域这两项重要发现过程的描述 ,来展示这位伟大思想家敏... 沃纳·海森伯是被公认为 2 0世纪最具创新能力的思想家之一 ,他从修改经典分析力学的途径创立了量子力学的矩阵形式 ,并提出了著名的“不确定原理”.通过对海森伯在量子力学领域这两项重要发现过程的描述 ,来展示这位伟大思想家敏锐的思维历程和独特的科研风格 . 展开更多
关键词 沃纳·海森伯 量子论 对应原理 矩阵形式 不确定原理 量子力学 矩阵形式
EPR思维研究中的若干问题 被引量:5
作者 黄志洵 《中国传媒大学学报(自然科学版)》 2004年第S1期27-39,共13页
论述了EPR论文提出的背景。回顾了1985年在BBC举行的科学讨论,并提出了今天仍需要做深入研究的有关问题。指出狭义相对论(SR)与EPR思维在思想体系方面的一致性,它们关系到合理的自然观和宇宙观的建立,而超光速的可能性问题成为它们与量... 论述了EPR论文提出的背景。回顾了1985年在BBC举行的科学讨论,并提出了今天仍需要做深入研究的有关问题。指出狭义相对论(SR)与EPR思维在思想体系方面的一致性,它们关系到合理的自然观和宇宙观的建立,而超光速的可能性问题成为它们与量子力学(QM)矛盾的焦点。叙述了与EPR思维直接相关的量子信息学的发展。认为应深入研究EPR才能消除神秘感。 展开更多
关键词 EPR思维 狭义相对论 量子力学 量子信息学 不确定性原理
海森堡不确定性原理的教学研究 被引量:1
作者 谢勇 《红河学院学报》 2012年第4期8-10,共3页
关键词 海森堡不确定性原理 教学 量子力学
作者 王光伟 葛颖 +1 位作者 郭颖 许书云 《科教导刊》 2017年第11期104-105,共2页
不确定原理是量子力学基本原理之一,指出了两个共轭量不可能同时有确定的值,学界主流观点认为是粒子的波粒二象性的体现。在多年的理论物理教学中认识到,让学生理解和掌握不确定原理是一个难点。为了破解此难点,借助moodle网络平台,进... 不确定原理是量子力学基本原理之一,指出了两个共轭量不可能同时有确定的值,学界主流观点认为是粒子的波粒二象性的体现。在多年的理论物理教学中认识到,让学生理解和掌握不确定原理是一个难点。为了破解此难点,借助moodle网络平台,进行对话式教学法,在网上以学生提问+教师回答的方式,辅以图片、动画、视频和文献资料的传送,了解该原理的提出和简史、科学内涵、质疑等,收到了较好的教学效果。 展开更多
关键词 不确定原理 波粒二象性 小泽不等式 量子力学
作者 吴文良 《昭通师范高等专科学校学报》 2002年第5期55-56,共2页
量子力学存在逻辑矛盾 ,原因在于量子力学不考虑粒子所具有的静止能量 .为了消除量子力学中的逻辑矛盾 。
关键词 “逻辑矛盾” 量子力学 测不准原理 静止能量 质量 粒子 波函数
相干态的海森堡不确定关系验证实验 被引量:1
作者 蒋佳彤 陈煜 +3 位作者 陈鑫 吴媛 尹亚玲 陈丽清 《物理实验》 2021年第9期18-22,共5页
由于量子理论和实验的微观特性,导致海森堡不确定性原理的实验验证十分困难.针对这一问题,本文从光量子化入手,介绍了量子正交算符的海森堡不确定关系,通过平衡零拍技术探测了量子正交算符的方差,验证海森堡不确定性原理.实验结果表明:... 由于量子理论和实验的微观特性,导致海森堡不确定性原理的实验验证十分困难.针对这一问题,本文从光量子化入手,介绍了量子正交算符的海森堡不确定关系,通过平衡零拍技术探测了量子正交算符的方差,验证海森堡不确定性原理.实验结果表明:光场正交算符在相干态中具有最小不确定关系.通过该实验,学生在掌握海森堡不确定性原理的同时,了解量子实验技术,为深入开展量子技术研究奠定了基础. 展开更多
关键词 量子力学 海森堡不确定关系 正交算符 相干态 平衡零拍探测
Principle of limitation of physical quantities and cyclic universe 被引量:1
作者 HE GuoZhu Department of Physics,Nankai University,Tianjin 300071,China 《Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy)》 SCIE EI CAS 2008年第5期451-458,共8页
A close study of Heisenberg uncertainty principles reveals many significant facts,and all four major physical quantities,energy,time,momentum and length,have both lower and upper limits.Now,many questions come up.What... A close study of Heisenberg uncertainty principles reveals many significant facts,and all four major physical quantities,energy,time,momentum and length,have both lower and upper limits.Now,many questions come up.What are these limits?Some answers may lead to the understanding of the development of our universe.What is the shortest limit of time?At the beginning of big bang,there exists a tre-mendously short time,the Planck time.This may be just the shortest time limit in our universe.The longest time limit might be the lifetime of our universe.The longest length might be the final diameter of our expanding universe.All these lead to a finite universe.Two more coupling formulae are formed for the other two pairs of physical quantities,mass and speed,thermal energy and temperature.These four physical quantities must also have limits.We already knew that speed has upper limit and temperature has lower limit.By these two formulae,Planck and Einstein equations are derived directly.Since most other physical quantities are somewhat related to these major physical quantities,it seems that there exists a principle of limitation of physical quantities.A quantitative sketch of big bang is described.It also shows that our universe will contract back to another big bang.The principle of limitation opens up some fields of investigation.It may bring nature back to the harmony and determined world described by classical physics. 展开更多
关键词 principle of LIMITATION of PHYSICAL QUANTITIES limits coupling FORMULAE CYCLIC UNIVERSE extension of conven-tional quantum mechanics no uncertainty for PHYSICAL QUANTITIES quantitative evaluation of big bang
Reconsidering “Does the Sum Rule Hold at the Big Bang?” with Pre Planckian HUP, and Division Algebras 被引量:1
作者 Andrew W. Beckwith 《Journal of High Energy Physics, Gravitation and Cosmology》 2017年第4期539-557,共19页
In 2012, the author submitted an article to the Prespacetime Journal based upon the premise of inquiry as to the alleged vanishing of disjoint open sets contributing to quantum vector measures no longer working, i.e. ... In 2012, the author submitted an article to the Prespacetime Journal based upon the premise of inquiry as to the alleged vanishing of disjoint open sets contributing to quantum vector measures no longer working, i.e. the solution in 2012 was that the author stated that quantum measures in 4 dimensions would not work, mandating, if measure theory were used, imbedding in higher dimensions was necessary for a singularity. The idea was to use the methodology of String Theory as to come up with a way out of the impasse if higher dimensions do not exist. We revisit this question, taking into account a derived HUP, for metric tensors if we look at Pre-Planckian space-time introducing a pre-quantum mechanical HUP which may be a way to ascertain a solution not mandating higher dimensions, as well as introducing cautions as to what will disrupt the offered solution. Note that first, measurable spaces allow disjoint sets. Also, that smooth relations alone do not define separability or admit sets Planck’s length, if it exists, is a natural way to get about the “bad effects” of a cosmic singularity at the beginning of space-time evolution, but if a development is to be believed, namely by Stoica in the article, about removing the cosmic singularity as a breakdown point in relativity, there is nothing which forbids space-time from collapsing to a point. Without the use of a Pre Planckian HUP, for metric tensors, the quantum measures in four dimensions break down. We try to ascertain if a Pre Planckian HUP is sufficient to avoid this pathology and also look at if division algebras which can link Octonionic geometry and E8, to Quark spinors, in the standard model and add sufficient definition to the standard model are necessary and sufficient conditions for a metric tensor HUP which may remove this breakdown of the sum rule in the onset of the “Big Bang”. 展开更多
关键词 quantum Measures Spatial DIFFEOMORPHISM Cylinder SETS Caratheodary-Hahn-Huvanek Theorem Big Bang Singularity Causal SETS Modified PRE Planckian heisenberg uncertainty principle HUP Division ALGEBRAS
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