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作者 陈佳慧 张勇 +4 位作者 王战伟 庞舒月 刘虹妃 吴志兰 王晶 《食品研究与开发》 2025年第2期178-182,共5页
建立高效液相色谱检测桦褐孔菌粗提物中原儿茶酸、原儿茶醛和紫萁酮3种化合物含量的方法,对比评价超声辅助提取法、回流提取法、微波辅助提取法、酶解提取法4种不同提取方法对桦褐孔菌粗提物中活性成分含量的影响。结果表明,该检测方法... 建立高效液相色谱检测桦褐孔菌粗提物中原儿茶酸、原儿茶醛和紫萁酮3种化合物含量的方法,对比评价超声辅助提取法、回流提取法、微波辅助提取法、酶解提取法4种不同提取方法对桦褐孔菌粗提物中活性成分含量的影响。结果表明,该检测方法精密度较高,3种化合物的精密度的相对标准偏差(relative standard deviation,RSD)分别为0.14%、0.06%、0.20%;重复性RSD分别为1.67%、1.98%、2.22%;在24 h内稳定性较好,其RSD分别为0.20%、0.61%、0.25%。对比不同提取方法对3种化合物的影响,发现采用超声辅助提取法得到的目标化合物产量较高,适用于桦褐孔菌中主要活性成分的提取。该研究建立的HPLC法检测桦褐孔菌粗提物中原儿茶酸、原儿茶醛和紫萁酮含量的结果准确。 展开更多
关键词 桦褐孔菌 高效液相色谱 提取方法 原儿茶酸 原儿茶醛 紫萁酮
Modernization of Chinese herbal compound and the high performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS)
作者 LI Wen-lan1,2,3,SUN Zhi1,2,DU Juan1,2(1.Engineering Research Center of natural antineoplastic drugs,Ministry of Education,Harbin 150076,China 2.Center of Research and Development on Life Sciences and Environmental Sciences,Harbin University of Commerce,Harbin 150076,China 3.Institute of Materia Medica and Postdoctoral Programme of Harbin University of Commerce,Harbin 150076,China) 《沈阳药科大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第S1期119-119,共1页
Chinese herbal compound is playing an important role on curing human diseases.And it has been a trend that Chinese herbal compound is being used all over the world in 21 century.However,our Chinese herbal compound is ... Chinese herbal compound is playing an important role on curing human diseases.And it has been a trend that Chinese herbal compound is being used all over the world in 21 century.However,our Chinese herbal compound is facing serious challenge for the lack of canonical system of quality criterion for Chinese herbal compound so it has been a urgent problem to set up the quality control standards and reveal therapeutic basis of Chinese herbal compound.In order to give full play to the advantages of Chinese herbal compound,modern scientific and technological is used to research of Chinese herbal compound,especially the high performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry(HPLC-MS),because it is high sensitive,rapid,and obtain more information.It is very necessary that HPLC-MS is uesed to elucidate the effective components of basic substances of Chinese Herbal Compound,and endow traditional Chinese medicine with modern scientific connotation. 展开更多
关键词 MODERNIZATION of Chinese HERBAL compound the high performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry(hplc-MS)
作者 陈力 《食品安全导刊》 2025年第3期131-133,共3页
为了提高高效液相色谱法(High Performance Liquid Chromatography,HPLC)在食品检测中的准确性,本文分析了样品前处理、仪器设备、检测人员和实验室环境等因素对检测结果的影响。分析认为,样品前处理不当、仪器设备老化、人员操作不规... 为了提高高效液相色谱法(High Performance Liquid Chromatography,HPLC)在食品检测中的准确性,本文分析了样品前处理、仪器设备、检测人员和实验室环境等因素对检测结果的影响。分析认为,样品前处理不当、仪器设备老化、人员操作不规范以及环境条件不稳定是导致检测不准确的关键因素。针对这些问题,提出应根据食品成分特点优化样品前处理、完善设备维护制度、加强检测人员的专业培训和严格控制实验室环境条件的对策,以供参考。 展开更多
关键词 高效液相色谱(hplc) 食品检测 食品质量 准确性
HPLC及LC-MS测定榛子中氯吡苯脲和多菌灵残留 被引量:1
作者 桑育黎 王沛 +2 位作者 郝延军 李楠楠 戚建忠 《辽宁大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2024年第1期8-15,共8页
本文采用高效液相色谱法(HPLC)和液相色谱-质谱法(LC-MS)对干果榛子中氯吡苯脲和多菌灵残留量进行含量测定.HPLC和LC-MS均使用C18色谱柱,含量测定采取等度洗脱,流动相:甲醇-水(55∶45,体积比);体积流量:1.0 mL·min-1;测定波长:260 ... 本文采用高效液相色谱法(HPLC)和液相色谱-质谱法(LC-MS)对干果榛子中氯吡苯脲和多菌灵残留量进行含量测定.HPLC和LC-MS均使用C18色谱柱,含量测定采取等度洗脱,流动相:甲醇-水(55∶45,体积比);体积流量:1.0 mL·min-1;测定波长:260 nm;柱温:30℃.LC-MS采取电喷雾离子源,梯度洗脱,体积流量:0.6 mL·min-1,柱温:30℃.结果表明,榛子中氯吡苯脲与多菌灵存在残留,氯吡苯脲质量浓度在1.00~10.00μg·mL-1范围内线性关系良好,加样回收率在95.58%~100.58%;多菌灵质量浓度在1.005~15.075μg·mL-1范围内具有良好的线性关系,加样回收率在95.61%~104.39%.实验证明,HPLC与LC-MS相结合的方法具有操作简便、灵敏度高、检出限低等优点,能有效地检测到榛子样品中膨大剂氯吡苯脲及杀菌剂多菌灵的残留,并确定其残留量,线性关系和回收率结果均令人满意.根据被检测的8批样品中氯吡苯脲和多菌灵两项农药残留量推断,作为一般干果食用榛子是安全的. 展开更多
关键词 榛子 氯吡苯脲 多菌灵 高效液相色谱法(hplc) 液相色谱-质谱法(LC-MS)
作者 邓凤云 王建芳 +3 位作者 吴显兴 韦贤 罗试计 姜攀 《右江医学》 2024年第1期51-56,共6页
目的建立十三味逐瘀合剂中大黄酚高效液相含量测定的方法。方法采用高效液相色谱法(HPLC法)对十三味逐瘀合剂中游离大黄酚含量进行测定,从提取溶剂、取样量、提取时间等影响因素中选出最优条件,建立完整的含量测定方法。结果用thermos ... 目的建立十三味逐瘀合剂中大黄酚高效液相含量测定的方法。方法采用高效液相色谱法(HPLC法)对十三味逐瘀合剂中游离大黄酚含量进行测定,从提取溶剂、取样量、提取时间等影响因素中选出最优条件,建立完整的含量测定方法。结果用thermos C18色谱柱(250 mm×4.6 mm,5μm);以甲醇-0.1%磷酸(75∶25,V/V)为流动相,采用等度洗脱法,254 nm波长的色谱条件;以甲醇为浸膏提取溶剂,超声30 min的提取方法;大黄酚质量浓度在1.63~16.32μg/mL(R^(2)=0.9995)范围内具有良好的线性关系;平均回收率为104.17%;测得十三味逐瘀合剂中游离大黄酚平均含量为15.32μg/mL。结论本实验所建立的方法操作简单,专属性强,重现性好,可用于十三味逐瘀合剂中游离大黄酚的含量测定。 展开更多
关键词 十三味逐瘀合剂 含量 大黄酚 高效液相色谱法
作者 殷玥 张璇 呼小娜 《中国兽医杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2024年第1期144-150,共7页
为了研究腺梗豨莶草中6个二萜成分(对映海松烯型二萜:奇任醇、Hythiemoside B和豨莶精醇;对映贝壳杉烷型二萜:对映-17,18-二羟基-贝壳杉烷-19-羧酸、对映-16β,17-二羟基-贝壳杉烷-19-羧酸和对映-16α氢-贝壳杉烷-17,19-二羧酸)的含量,... 为了研究腺梗豨莶草中6个二萜成分(对映海松烯型二萜:奇任醇、Hythiemoside B和豨莶精醇;对映贝壳杉烷型二萜:对映-17,18-二羟基-贝壳杉烷-19-羧酸、对映-16β,17-二羟基-贝壳杉烷-19-羧酸和对映-16α氢-贝壳杉烷-17,19-二羧酸)的含量,本试验建立了高效液相色谱法-蒸发光散射检测器(HPLC-ELSD)同时测定二萜类化合物含量。样品粉碎过筛加甲醇和乙酸乙酯回流提取,蒸发减压除去溶剂,甲醇溶解,0.45μm滤膜滤过,取续滤液进行测定。色谱条件:色谱柱为Waters Symmetry Shield^(TM)RP18柱(250 mm×4.6 mm,5μm),流动相为0.3%甲酸水溶液-乙腈(v/v),梯度洗脱,流速为1.0 mL/min。蒸发光散射检测器漂移管温度为103℃,雾化气流速为3.0 L/min。应用该方法测定腺梗豨莶草样品不同部位中6个二萜类化合物的含量,同时比较叶、枝、茎中对映海松烯型二萜、对映贝壳杉型二萜和总二萜含量的差异。结果显示,6个二萜成分在其线性范围内线性关系良好(r≥0.9992);日内和日间精密度相对标准偏差(RSD)均小于3.5%;回收率介于96.5%~101.5%,RSD均小于2.3%;腺梗豨莶草不同部位(叶、枝、茎)的二萜类化合物含量差异较大。结果表明,本试验所建立的HPLC-ELSD方法简便、准确、重复性好,为腺梗豨莶草药材全面的质量评价和临床应用中最佳药用部位的选择提供了参考。 展开更多
关键词 高效液相色谱法(hplc) 蒸发光散射检测器(ELSD) 腺梗豨莶草 含量测定 质量控制
Determination of Organic Acids in Root Exudates by High Performance Liquid Chromatography:Ⅱ.Influence of Several Testing Conditions 被引量:2
作者 SHENJIANBO ZHANGFUSUO 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1999年第1期45-52,共8页
Effects of column temperature and flow rate on separation of organic acids were studied by determining nine low-molecular-weight organic acids on reversed- phase C18 column, using high performance liquid chromatograph... Effects of column temperature and flow rate on separation of organic acids were studied by determining nine low-molecular-weight organic acids on reversed- phase C18 column, using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with a wavelength of UV (ultraviolet) 214 urn and a mobile phase of 18 mmol L-1 KH2PO4 buffer solution (pH 2.1). The thermal stability of organic acids was determined by comparing the recoveries of organic acids in different temperature treatments. The relationships between column temperature, flow rate or solvent pH and retention time were analyzed. At low solvent pH, separation efficiency of organic acids was increased by raising the flow rate of the solvent because of lowering the retention time of organic acids. High column temperature was unfavorable for the separation of organic acids. The separating effect can be enhanced through reducing column temperature in organic acid determination due to increasing retention time. High thermal stability of organic acids with low concentrations was observed at temperature of 40 ℃-45℃. Sensitivity and separation effect of organic acid determination by HPLC were clearly improved by a combination of raising flow rate and lowering column temperature at low solvent pH. 展开更多
关键词 chromatographic conditions high performance liquid chromatography (hplc) organic acids root exudates
On-line enrichment and determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in atmospheric particulates using high performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence as detector 被引量:1
作者 HASHI Yuki WANG Tian-ran +1 位作者 LI Yue-qi LIN Jin-ming 《Journal of Environmental Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2007年第10期1261-1265,共5页
Seven polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in atmospheric particulates were determinated by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with fluorescence detector using direction injection and an on-line enri... Seven polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in atmospheric particulates were determinated by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with fluorescence detector using direction injection and an on-line enrichment trap column. The method simplified the sample pretreatment, saved time and increased the efficiency. With the on-line trap column, PAHs were separated availably even underground injecting 1.0 ml sample with relatively high column efficiency. The recoveries of the seven PAHs were from 85% to 120% for spiked atmospheric particulate sample. The limit of detection was 15.3-39.6 ng/L (S/N=3.3). There were good linear correlations between the peak areas and concentrations of the seven kinds of PAHs in the range of 1-50 ng/ml with the correlation coefficients over 0.9970. Furthermore, it also indicated that the method is available to determine PAHs in atmospheric particulates well. 展开更多
关键词 on-line enrichment on-line trap column high performance liquid chromatography hplc atmospheric particulate polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs)
Analysis of Low-polar Ginsenosides in Steamed Panax Ginseng at High-temperature by HPLC-ESI-MS/MS 被引量:9
作者 ZHANG Yu-chi1,2, PI Zi-feng1, LIU Chun-ming2, SONG Feng-rui1, LIU Zhi-qiang1 and LIU Shu-ying1 1. Changchun Center of Mass Spectrometry, Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Changchun 130022, P. R. China 2. Central Laboratory, Changchun Normal University, Changchun 130032, P. R. China 《Chemical Research in Chinese Universities》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第1期31-36,共6页
A high performance liquid chromatography coupled with electrospray ionization-tandem mass spectrome try(HPLC-ESI-MS/MS) method was developed for the analysis and identification of ginsenosides in the extracts of raw... A high performance liquid chromatography coupled with electrospray ionization-tandem mass spectrome try(HPLC-ESI-MS/MS) method was developed for the analysis and identification of ginsenosides in the extracts of raw Panax ginseng(RPG) and steamed Panax ginseng at high temperatures(SPGHT). A total of 25 ginsenosides were extracted include of which 10 low-polar ginsenosides, such as ginsenosides F4, Rk3, Rh4, 20S-Rg3, 20R-Rg3 and so on, were identified according to their HPLC retention time and MS/MS data. The results indicated that the low polar ginsenosides were seldom found in RPG. For the exploration of the transformation pattern of the ginsenosides in steam processing, the standards of ginsenosides Re, Rg1, Rb1, Rc, Rb2, Rb3 and Rd were selected and hydrolyzed at a temperature of 120 oC. The results show that these polar ginsenosides can be converted to low-polar ginsenosides such as Rg2, Rg6, F4, Rk3 and Rg5 by hydrolyzing the sugar chains. 展开更多
关键词 GINSENOSIDE HYDROLYSIS Steamed Panax ginseng high performance liquid chromatography coupled withelectrospray ionization-tandem mass spectrometry(hplc-ESI-MS/MS)
Biological Fingerprinting Analysis of Interaction Between Taxoids in Taxus and Microtubule Protein by Microdialysis Coupled with High-performance Liquid Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry for Screening Antimicrotubule Agents 被引量:1
作者 LEI Xiao-yuan KONG Liang +2 位作者 SU Xing-ye GUO Ming ZOU Han-fa 《Chemical Research in Chinese Universities》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第4期411-419,共9页
Some natural products, such as traditional Chinese medicines(TCMs), contain compounds with anticancer activity and have attracted a great interest in recent years as alternative anticancer therapies. A quick and con... Some natural products, such as traditional Chinese medicines(TCMs), contain compounds with anticancer activity and have attracted a great interest in recent years as alternative anticancer therapies. A quick and convenient assay for screening antimicrotubule compounds in which in vitro microdialysis/high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) is used to monitor the binding of the compounds extracted from TCM Taxus cuspidata Siebold & Zucc(Taxus) to microtubules is reported. It was observed that the extract of Taxus contains at least five compounds which have affinity interaction with microtubules by biological fingerprinting analysis, and they were identified as the taxoids of taxol, baccatin III, 10-deacetylbaccatin Ⅲ(10-DAB), cephalomannine and 7-epi-10-deacetyltaxol (7-epi-10-DAT) based on the comparison of their high-performance liquid chromatographic/mass spectrometric and UV spectra with those of the standard samples, both assembly-promoting and disassembly-inhibiting characteristics of those compounds were evaluated. It was observed that baccatin Ⅲ and 10-DAB bound to microtubules and the binding degrees were influenced by GTP. Competitive binding behavior of taxol with other four taxoids to microtubules was also investigated. 展开更多
关键词 Microdialysis/high-performance liquid chromatographyhplc Biological fingerprinting analysis TAXOIDS MICROTUBULE TAXUS
Quantification of six bioactive compounds in Zhenqi Fuzheng preparation by high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with diode array detector and evaporative light scattering detector 被引量:4
作者 Yi-Kai Shi Fang Cui +3 位作者 Fang-Di Hu Ying-Yan Bi Yu-Feng Ma Shi-Lan Feng 《Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis》 SCIE CAS 2011年第1期20-25,共6页
A simple and accurate high-performance liquid chromatography(HPLC)coupled with diode array detector(DAD)and evaporative light scattering detector(ELSD)was established for the determination of six bioactive compo... A simple and accurate high-performance liquid chromatography(HPLC)coupled with diode array detector(DAD)and evaporative light scattering detector(ELSD)was established for the determination of six bioactive compounds in Zhenqi Fuzheng preparation(ZFP).The monitoring wavelengths were 254,275 and 328 nm.Under the optimum conditions,good separation was achieved,and the assay was fully validated in respect of precision,repeatability and accuracy.The proposed method was successfully applied to quantify the six ingredients in 31 batches of ZFP samples and evaluate the variation by hierarchical cluster analysis(HCA),which demonstrated significant variations on the content of these compounds in the samples from different manufacturers with different preparation procedures.The developed HPLC method can be used as a valid analytical method to evaluate the intrinsic quality of this preparation. 展开更多
关键词 high-performance liquid chromatographyhplc diode array detector(DAD) evaporative light scattering detector(ELSD) Zhenqi Fuzheng preparation quantification hierarchical cluster analysis
Study on the Flow Injection Micro-Column Pre-Separation System Coupled With High Performance Liquid Chromatography for the Determination of Ecdysterone in Traditional Chinese Medicine
作者 SHUAI Qin QIN Yong-chao +2 位作者 JIANG Zu-cheng LI Feng LIAO Zhen-huan (College of Chemistry and Environmental Science, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072, China) 《Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences》 CAS 2000年第1期83-88,共6页
A flow injection (FI) micro-column system coupled with high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) was proposed for the pre-separation and determination of active organic component (ecdysterone) in traditional Chine... A flow injection (FI) micro-column system coupled with high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) was proposed for the pre-separation and determination of active organic component (ecdysterone) in traditional Chinese medicine, Loulu. The factors influencing separation performance were investigated and optimized. Under the optimal conditions, the contents of ecdysterone in Loulu were determined by HPLC system using MeOH-H_2O (40: 60,V/V) as the mobile phase at a flow rate of 1. 0 mL/min. The calibration curve was linear in the range of 0. 5~ 100 mg/L of ecdysterone concentrations. The detection limit of the analyte was 0. 11mol/L(3) with a precision of 0. 38% RSD (n=7 f c= 10. 0 mg/L). The average recovery of the method was 98. 7%. The proposed method has been applied to determine ecdysterone in practical samples, and the determined values by both external standard method and standard addition method were in good agreement. Compared to the traditional solid extraction method, the system proposed has the advantages of simple procedure, good reproducibility, minimum volume requirement, reduction of matrix interference and low contamination risk. 展开更多
关键词 high performance liquid chromatography(hplc) Flow injection analysis (FIA) ECDYSTERONE traditional Chinese medicine
A Sensitive Reversed-Phase High-Performance Liquid Chromatography Method for the Quantitative Determination of Milk Xanthine Oxidase Activity 被引量:1
作者 Zhongqin Li Ruizhang Guan Hongwei Liu 《Open Journal of Medicinal Chemistry》 2013年第1期26-30,共5页
A new reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography method was developed to quantitate the activity of xanthine oxidase involved in milk fat globule membrane with xanthine as the substrate and the separation o... A new reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography method was developed to quantitate the activity of xanthine oxidase involved in milk fat globule membrane with xanthine as the substrate and the separation of product (uric acid). The increment of uric acid in the reaction system was used to calculate the total activity of XO. The optimized assay conditions, linearity of detection, recovery of uric acid and chromatogram were developed in text, indicating this method is simple, rapid and efficient. It is an alternative potential method for the determination of the activity of XO in milk. 展开更多
关键词 XANTHINE OXIDASE (XO) Enzyme Activity Assay REVERSED-PHASE high Performance Liquid chromatography (RP-hplc)
Determination of Naringin Content in Rhizoma Drynariae by High Performance Liquid Chromatography
作者 Huili GONG Guoxia DUAN +4 位作者 Lijun LIU Ruilong XIE Shuo TANG Cuizhi LI Zhiyong LU 《Asian Agricultural Research》 2022年第10期23-25,共3页
[Objectives]To accurately determine the naringin content in Rhizoma Drynariae.[Methods]The high performance liquid chromatography(HPLC)method was applied in the determination of the naringin content in Rhizoma Drynari... [Objectives]To accurately determine the naringin content in Rhizoma Drynariae.[Methods]The high performance liquid chromatography(HPLC)method was applied in the determination of the naringin content in Rhizoma Drynariae.The sample was sonicated at room temperature.The mobile phase was 0.1%phosphoric acid-acetonitrile(75∶25),detected by diode array detector at the wavelength of 284 nm,and quantified by external standard method.[Results]The linearity of naringin was good in the concentration range of 5-500μg/mL with a correlation coefficient of 0.9999.[Conclusions]This method has good linearity,easy operation,correctness and reproducibility as required,and is expected to provide a method for the determination of naringin content in Rhizoma Drynariae. 展开更多
关键词 high performance LIQUID chromatography (hplc) Rhizoma Drynariae NARINGIN
作者 管旭 朱焕慧 +3 位作者 彭聪 孙立敏 林贤文 王松才 《刑事技术》 2024年第6期574-579,共6页
本文旨在建立一种人体血液中骆驼蓬碱、去氢骆驼蓬碱的高效液相色谱-串联质谱(HPLC-MS/MS)的检测方法。采用乙腈沉淀蛋白法作为前处理方法,过膜后经Aglient SB-C_(18)(100 mm×2.1 mm×1.8μm)色谱柱分离,含0.1%(体积分数)甲酸... 本文旨在建立一种人体血液中骆驼蓬碱、去氢骆驼蓬碱的高效液相色谱-串联质谱(HPLC-MS/MS)的检测方法。采用乙腈沉淀蛋白法作为前处理方法,过膜后经Aglient SB-C_(18)(100 mm×2.1 mm×1.8μm)色谱柱分离,含0.1%(体积分数)甲酸水-乙腈作为流动相,以0.4 mL/min的流速进行梯度洗脱,外标法定量。质谱采用电喷雾正离子(ESI^(+))模式、多反应监测(MRM)模式检测。结果显示,该方法检测血液中骆驼蓬碱、去氢骆驼蓬碱成分在10~1000 ng/mL范围内线性关系良好(R^(2)>0.999),检出限和定量限分别为3 ng/mL和10 ng/mL。在10、100、500 ng/mL三种浓度水平,骆驼蓬碱、去氢骆驼蓬碱的提取回收率分别为96.2%、95.3%、97.0%和87.9%、84.9%、92.9%,不同个体血液的基质效应均不超过±25%,日内准确度和日间精密度(n=6)在3.6%~9.8%和7.3%~12.8%范围内,准确度在2.4%~9.5%范围内。该方法前处理简单,灵敏度高,能充分满足法庭科学对血液中骆驼蓬碱、去氢骆驼蓬碱成分的检测工作要求。 展开更多
关键词 毒物分析 骆驼蓬碱 去氢骆驼蓬碱 高效液相色谱-串联质谱 全血
作者 何天夫 朱焕慧 +3 位作者 田源源 金银霜 林贤文 王松才 《法医学杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第5期454-460,共7页
目的建立一种尿液样品中依托咪酯和依托咪酯酸的高效液相色谱-串联质谱(high performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry,HPLC-MS/MS)检测方法。方法待测尿液样品中加入乙腈沉淀蛋白,离心后取上清液过膜,使用C18色谱... 目的建立一种尿液样品中依托咪酯和依托咪酯酸的高效液相色谱-串联质谱(high performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry,HPLC-MS/MS)检测方法。方法待测尿液样品中加入乙腈沉淀蛋白,离心后取上清液过膜,使用C18色谱柱进行分离,流动相为0.1%甲酸水溶液和乙腈,以0.4 mL/min的流速梯度洗脱。采用电喷雾电离(electrospray ionization,ESI)正离子模式扫描,多反应监测模式检测。通过选择性、线性、检出限等技术参数验证后,应用于1例依托咪酯中毒死亡案例。结果尿液样品中依托咪酯和依托咪酯酸的检出限分别为0.2和0.5 ng/mL,定量限分别为0.5和1.0 ng/mL,线性范围内线性关系良好(r>0.9950)。在低、中、高3个质量浓度水平(依托咪酯:0.5、5、50 ng/mL;依托咪酯酸:1、10、100 ng/mL),基质效应在5.42%~18.47%范围内,提取回收率大于84.25%,稳定性大于88.23%,准确度、精密度和稀释可靠性均满足实验要求。采用本方法从吸食过量依托咪酯死者的尿液中成功检出依托咪酯和依托咪酯酸,质量浓度分别为8.82和27.88μg/mL。结论该方法前处理简单、灵敏度高、线性范围宽,适用于法庭科学领域尿液样品中依托咪酯和依托咪酯酸的检测。 展开更多
关键词 法医学 毒物分析 依托咪酯 依托咪酯酸 高效液相色谱-串联质谱法 尿液
Simultaneous Determination of Content of VK_(1) and VK_(2) in Milk and Dairy Products by High Performance Liquid Chromatography
作者 Huili GONG Guoxia DUAN +3 位作者 Lijun LIU Shuo TANG Cuizhi LI Zhiyong LU 《Asian Agricultural Research》 2022年第7期63-68,71,共7页
[Objectives]To make simultaneous determination of vitamin K_(1)(VK_(1))and vitamin K_(2)(VK_(2),mainly MK-4,MK-7 and MK-9)in milk and dairy products.[Methods]A high performance liquid chromatographic method was develo... [Objectives]To make simultaneous determination of vitamin K_(1)(VK_(1))and vitamin K_(2)(VK_(2),mainly MK-4,MK-7 and MK-9)in milk and dairy products.[Methods]A high performance liquid chromatographic method was developed for the simultaneous determination of vitamin K_(1)(VK_(1))and vitamin K_(2)(VK_(2),mainly MK-4,MK-7 and MK-9)in milk and dairy products.After enzymatic digestion,the samples were extracted with hexane for VK_(1),MK-4,MK-7 and MK-9,subjected to gradient elution at excitation wavelength 243 nm and emission wavelength 430 nm,detected by high performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detector and quantified by external standard method.[Results]The linearity of VK_(1),MK-4,MK-7 and MK-9 was good in the concentration range of 2.5-1000 ng/mL with the correlation coefficients greater than 0.999;The relative standard deviations(RSD)of VK_(1),MK-4,MK-7 and MK-9 in milk powder,liquid milk and yogurt were 1.32%-5.05%,1.10%-2.48% and 2.20%-3.47%,respectively;the recovery rates of VK_(1),MK-4,MK-7 and MK-9 at different levels in milk powder,liquid milk and yogurt were 81.1%-108%,81.8%-103%and 82.1%-99.2%,respectively.[Conclusions]The method is rapid,accurate,reproducible and capable of simultaneous determination of VK_(1),MK-4,MK-7 and MK-9. 展开更多
关键词 high performance liquid chromatography(hplc) Vitamin K_(1) Vitamin K_(2) MK-4 MK-7 MK-9
Determination of seven active components in Salvia miltiorrhiza herb by matrix solid phase dispersion combined with ion liquid extraction followed by high performance liquid chromatography
作者 Bo Hong Yanping Wang +1 位作者 Yinglong Han Wenjing Li 《Asian Journal of Traditional Medicines》 CAS 2021年第2期83-97,共15页
A low cost,rapid and sensitive preparation method of silica gel supported ionic liquid(SGSIL)combined with matrix solid phase dispersion(MSPD)followed by high performance liquid chromatography(HPLC)with ultraviolet de... A low cost,rapid and sensitive preparation method of silica gel supported ionic liquid(SGSIL)combined with matrix solid phase dispersion(MSPD)followed by high performance liquid chromatography(HPLC)with ultraviolet detection(UV)is proposed,and it was applied to determine the seven active compounds in Salvia Miltiorrhiza herb.SGSIL and ionic liquid[BMIM]BF4 were used as the adsorbent and the green elution reagent in the MSPD procedure.Several extraction conditions including type of filler and elution solvent,the volume of elution solvent,material liquid ratio were optimized.Under the optimum conditions,the SGSIL-MSPD-HPLC method showed a low limit of detection(LOD,S/N=3)of 0.0122-0.8788μg/mL for standard solution,limit of quantification(LOQ,S/N=10)of 0.0406-2.9292μg/mL for standard solution,wide linear range from 1.56 to 2000μg/mL for all compounds for standard solution,correlation coefficients(r)of more than 0.9990,acceptable reproducibility(relative standard deviations,RSDs<3.54%),and precision of RSDs<3.36%for intra-day,RSDs<3.50%for inter-day.The satisfactory recoveries ranged from 96.4 to 102.5,with RSDs less than 3.45%.The developed SGSIL-MSPD method is easier and more suitable for the determination of the seven active compounds in Salvia Miltiorrhiza herb than the traditional ultrasonic extraction.It was an effective and efficient method for the extraction and quantification of the seven active compounds in traditional Chinese herbal samples. 展开更多
关键词 high performance liquid chromatography(hplc) silica gel supported ionic liquid(SGSIL) matrix solid phase dispersion(MSPD) Salvia miltiorrhiza(SM) DETERMINATION
作者 陈亚运 雷棋 屈蓉 《生物加工过程》 CAS 2024年第2期189-195,共7页
建立了同时测定五味子颗粒中7种木脂素成分含量的高效液相色谱(HPLC)法。采用Poroshell 120 SB-C18色谱柱(150 mm×4.6 mm,2.7μm)进行分离,四氢呋喃水-乙腈梯度洗脱,流速为0.6 mL/min,柱温为30℃,检测波长为220 nm,进样量为10μL... 建立了同时测定五味子颗粒中7种木脂素成分含量的高效液相色谱(HPLC)法。采用Poroshell 120 SB-C18色谱柱(150 mm×4.6 mm,2.7μm)进行分离,四氢呋喃水-乙腈梯度洗脱,流速为0.6 mL/min,柱温为30℃,检测波长为220 nm,进样量为10μL。结果表明:该方法对五味子醇甲、五味子醇乙、五味子酯甲、五味子酯乙、五味子甲素、五味子乙素和五味子丙素的检测下限(LOD)分别为0.017、0.041、0.156、0.165、0.136、0.166和0.113μg/mL,线性关系良好,相关系数(r)均大于0.9999,平均加样回收率为98.1%~100.9%,相对标准偏差(RSD)均小于3.0%。因此,该方法重复性好、灵敏度高,所得含量关系可对五味子颗粒进行质量控制,特别是可为预防南五味子掺伪提供参考,也为其他含五味子制剂的质量标准修订奠定了基础。 展开更多
关键词 高效液相色谱 五味子颗粒 木脂素 定量分析
作者 罗成江 侯轩 +4 位作者 李俊 黄娟 吕伟军 葛孟昀 陈洁 《中国兽医杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2024年第8期81-86,共6页
为了建立高效液相色谱法测定饲用酸化剂苯甲酸中邻苯二甲酸、2-羟基苯甲酸、3-羟基苯甲酸、4-羟基苯甲酸、2-甲基苯甲酸、3-甲基苯甲酸和4-甲基苯甲酸共7种邻苯二甲酸类杂质的方法。本试验将酸化剂样品溶于甲醇和初始流动相的混合溶液中... 为了建立高效液相色谱法测定饲用酸化剂苯甲酸中邻苯二甲酸、2-羟基苯甲酸、3-羟基苯甲酸、4-羟基苯甲酸、2-甲基苯甲酸、3-甲基苯甲酸和4-甲基苯甲酸共7种邻苯二甲酸类杂质的方法。本试验将酸化剂样品溶于甲醇和初始流动相的混合溶液中,采用Agilent ZORBAX SB-C18色谱柱(4.6 mm×250 mm,5.0μm)分离7种邻苯二甲酸类杂质,以水-乙腈-甲基磺酸(85-15-0.1)和乙腈为流动相进行梯度洗脱,流速为1.2 mL/min,采用二极管阵列检测器(DAD),采集波长范围为210~400 nm,记录扫描光谱图和235 nm波长处的色谱图。用外标法定量邻苯二甲酸类杂质的含量。结果显示,7种邻苯二甲酸类杂质的浓度在0.10~40.00μg/mL范围内的线性良好,平均加标回收率在98.5%~102.7%范围内,相对标准偏差(RSD,n=5)介于0.3%~1.5%,检测限和定量限均为4 mg/kg。本试验建立的酸化剂苯甲酸中7种邻苯二甲酸类杂质的高效液相色谱-二极管阵列检测器(HPLC-DAD)检测方法快速且准确,可用于苯甲酸中7种邻苯二甲酸类杂质的定性和定量检测。 展开更多
关键词 高效液相色谱-二极管阵列检测器(hplc-DAD) 酸化剂 苯甲酸 邻苯二甲酸 杂质
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