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Design of Dismantling and Recycling Equipment for Junction Boxes of Waste Crystal Silicon Photovoltaic Modules
作者 Zhansheng ZHANG Yunfeng MA +3 位作者 Lu ZHENG Litong NIU Yi ZHANG Fei ZHENG 《Meteorological and Environmental Research》 CAS 2022年第5期68-72,共5页
The dismantling and recycling of junction boxes,which is an important part of the photovoltaic module recycling process,was tested and designed scientifically.The equipment framework was built by three-dimensional sim... The dismantling and recycling of junction boxes,which is an important part of the photovoltaic module recycling process,was tested and designed scientifically.The equipment framework was built by three-dimensional simulation,and then the design of dismantling and recycling equipment for junction boxes of waste crystal silicon photovoltaic modules was completed through the experimental test and data analysis.The experimental results show that the initial idea of the dismantling scheme is correct,and the structure is feasible.However,some problems were not considered.This study provides reliable data support for the subsequent equipment development and ensures the smooth development of the subsequent design work. 展开更多
关键词 Waste photovoltaic modules RECYCLING Junction box dismantling Three-dimensional simulation equipment development
On-line monitoring of insulation quality of high voltage electric power equipment
作者 SUN He-yi, ZHAO Xue-zeng, NIE Peng, BAI Jing-feng, YANG Yan-zhu (Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150001, China) 《Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)》 EI CAS 2000年第S1期77-80,共4页
Discusses on-line monitoring of electric parameters, such as dielectric loss, divulging current, equivalent capacitance and running voltage, and presents an on-line monitoring system of insulation quality, based on mo... Discusses on-line monitoring of electric parameters, such as dielectric loss, divulging current, equivalent capacitance and running voltage, and presents an on-line monitoring system of insulation quality, based on monitoring divulging current and dielectric loss of high voltage equipment, and its advantages, such as helping people to discover the hidden problems in a timely manner, to reduce power cut and overhaul and to improve security of power supply. 展开更多
作者 朱玉琴 李佳蒙 +2 位作者 代璐 王莞 张薇 《装备环境工程》 CAS 2024年第1期96-104,共9页
目的 研究模拟海洋大气环境对舱外设备箱体腐蚀行为的影响,为快速评价舱外设备箱体原材料、原结构、原表面技术状态改进优劣提供技术和方法支撑。方法 根据XX舱外设备箱体实际服役环境剖面、腐蚀损伤状况,制定含海水模拟、湿热、维护保... 目的 研究模拟海洋大气环境对舱外设备箱体腐蚀行为的影响,为快速评价舱外设备箱体原材料、原结构、原表面技术状态改进优劣提供技术和方法支撑。方法 根据XX舱外设备箱体实际服役环境剖面、腐蚀损伤状况,制定含海水模拟、湿热、维护保养及检查阶段等3个模块的实验室模拟海洋大气环境加速谱,运用外观、扫描电镜(SEM)、金相显微镜、X射线能谱(EDS)等表征技术,研究设备箱体在12个循环周期的宏微观形貌和腐蚀产物元素含量分布,并对标准金属铝和钢的同步实验室试验与XX近海户外自然环境下的腐蚀效应进行对比。结果 12个循环周期结束后,底座铝合金严重腐蚀,呈现明显的晶间腐蚀,并产生大量腐蚀产物,腐蚀产物主要含有O、Na、Al、Si、Cl、Ca、Mn、Fe等元素,其腐蚀形貌及程度与实际服役5 a的底座一致。标准金属铝和钢加速试验120 d的腐蚀效应分别等效XX近海大气试验4.65 a和10.57 a。结论 海水模拟、湿热、维护保养及检查阶段等3个模块的实验室模拟循环试验能较好地模拟XX舱外设备箱体经历的环境,其腐蚀与实际服役环境下的腐蚀程度相近,实现了基于短期内完成3~5 a的海洋运行验证。 展开更多
关键词 舱外设备箱体 模拟海洋大气环境 腐蚀损伤 加速性
作者 张晟郅 张承龙 +1 位作者 王瑞雪 马恩 《有色金属(冶炼部分)》 CAS 北大核心 2024年第1期98-105,共8页
接线盒和边框是晶硅光伏组件的重要组分,其拆解效率和准确性直接影响了晶硅光伏组件后续拆解回收的利用程度及经济价值。研发了一种自动化拆解设备,首先对拆解设备进行三维模型的设计和搭建,然后通过科学合理的测试和仿真,利用试验数据... 接线盒和边框是晶硅光伏组件的重要组分,其拆解效率和准确性直接影响了晶硅光伏组件后续拆解回收的利用程度及经济价值。研发了一种自动化拆解设备,首先对拆解设备进行三维模型的设计和搭建,然后通过科学合理的测试和仿真,利用试验数据和仿真结果,完成了对废旧晶硅光伏组件接线盒和边框回收设备的设计。结果表明:设计方案具有一定的可行性,设备整体运行稳定,接线盒拆除装置能够铲下完整的接线盒;边框拆解装置能够在不破坏玻璃等其他组分的前提下顺利拆解铝合金边框。整体设备拆解动作流畅,拆解效率较手工拆解有很大提升,同时拆解损坏率也大大降低。 展开更多
关键词 废旧光伏组件 回收再利用 接线盒和边框拆解 设备开发
作者 曲春雨 朱元昌 +3 位作者 杜亚南 唐泽人 于朋臣 柳献 《铁路工程技术与经济》 2024年第1期39-45,共7页
本文针对上海市机场联络线的大体量异型预制弧形件拼装设备进行了研究。首先阐述了该线路中弧形件的构造信息,并根据弧形件构造阐述了弧形件智能装备的研发思路及设备的细部构造;之后对弧形件的姿态控制进行了相关的分析;最后介绍了弧... 本文针对上海市机场联络线的大体量异型预制弧形件拼装设备进行了研究。首先阐述了该线路中弧形件的构造信息,并根据弧形件构造阐述了弧形件智能装备的研发思路及设备的细部构造;之后对弧形件的姿态控制进行了相关的分析;最后介绍了弧形件的施工流程和弧形件设备施工实践。结果表明所研发设备可有效识别弧形件姿态,且在极限工况下可满足拼装要求。利用研发设备极大提升了施工效率,节省了施工工期,取得了较好施工效果,可为后续类似工程提供借鉴经验。 展开更多
关键词 单洞双线隧道 预制弧形件 智能装备 拼装设备 异型箱涵 预制结构
作者 李刘平 包韬 +1 位作者 胡志强 王绪 《科技创新与应用》 2024年第3期136-139,144,共5页
随着异形包装卷烟的兴起,各烟草生产企业均推出符合自身品牌形象的高端异形包装卷烟产品,虽然市场上已经有一定数量的异形条盒包装设备,但是由于各厂家推出的产品规格各不相同,因此,部分异形包装卷烟产品仍然无法实现自动化生产。该文... 随着异形包装卷烟的兴起,各烟草生产企业均推出符合自身品牌形象的高端异形包装卷烟产品,虽然市场上已经有一定数量的异形条盒包装设备,但是由于各厂家推出的产品规格各不相同,因此,部分异形包装卷烟产品仍然无法实现自动化生产。该文针对云烟(中支小重九)全开式条盒装填烟包工艺流程、全开式预制条盒尺寸和包装方式的研究分析,确定一套能满足小盒入预制条盒包装速度能与烟厂现有设备进行联机匹配,实现小盒烟包机械自动化装填流程的解决方案,达到全开式条盒装填烟包生产过程中降本、增效、提质的目的。 展开更多
关键词 预制礼盒 礼盒包装 生产线 设备研发 自动化装填
作者 徐磊 《建设科技》 2024年第6期84-86,共3页
本文探讨了装配式模块箱型建筑在应急救援装备领域的研发和应用,重点分析了其在设计、实施和技术创新方面的主要挑战与机遇。文章首先介绍了装配式模块箱型建筑国内外政策支持背景,明确了定义与特点,然后分析了典型的应用案例,阐明了应... 本文探讨了装配式模块箱型建筑在应急救援装备领域的研发和应用,重点分析了其在设计、实施和技术创新方面的主要挑战与机遇。文章首先介绍了装配式模块箱型建筑国内外政策支持背景,明确了定义与特点,然后分析了典型的应用案例,阐明了应急救援装备领域的需求,文章提出了装配式模块箱型建筑研发的重点和创新方向,旨在为未来相关领域的发展提供参考和指导。 展开更多
关键词 装配式 模块化 箱型建筑 应急救援装备
作者 胡康宁 《广州化工》 CAS 2024年第3期131-134,共4页
丙烷脱氢项目作为国内近年来快速发展的项目,但目前国内对丙烷脱氢项目的工程经验和项目研究还较缺少。依据国内某丙烷脱氢装置低温回收区设备和管道布置设计经验,阐述低温回收区设备管道布置工艺流程和注意事项,通过图表分析、方案对... 丙烷脱氢项目作为国内近年来快速发展的项目,但目前国内对丙烷脱氢项目的工程经验和项目研究还较缺少。依据国内某丙烷脱氢装置低温回收区设备和管道布置设计经验,阐述低温回收区设备管道布置工艺流程和注意事项,通过图表分析、方案对比一一研究总结低温回收区设备和管道布置设计要点。低温回收区存在大量的低温回收区关键核心设备是冷箱,做好冷箱的设备和管道布置设计,是整个低温回收区设备和管道布置设计成功的基石。 展开更多
关键词 低温回收 设备布置 管道布置 冷箱
作者 陈军 吴联定 王保成 《建筑施工》 2024年第6期852-854,863,共4页
排水箱涵现浇施工采用的传统台车模架通常为钢模有轨液压台车或简易钢模台车,存在自重大、自动化程度低、装配化程度低等问题。为降本增效,针对上海浦东国际机场四期扩建南区地下配套工程中的排水箱涵建造,在需求分析基础上,开展了新型... 排水箱涵现浇施工采用的传统台车模架通常为钢模有轨液压台车或简易钢模台车,存在自重大、自动化程度低、装配化程度低等问题。为降本增效,针对上海浦东国际机场四期扩建南区地下配套工程中的排水箱涵建造,在需求分析基础上,开展了新型箱涵自动台车模架装备系统及方案设计工作。工程应用表明,该新型装备使用效果良好、施工效率较高,对类似工程具有借鉴意义。 展开更多
关键词 浦东国际机场 排水箱涵 台车模架 装备研发 工程应用
作者 肖飞 邹军 《建筑电气》 2024年第3期20-23,3,共5页
关键词 消防电梯 机房 机器设备 主开关 电气设备房 双电源切换箱 消防设备 供配电线路
作者 李星辰 姚康 龚越祺 《广播与电视技术》 2024年第3期95-98,共4页
健康小屋是华数智慧家庭综合服务平台建设过程中围绕电视大屏端研发的应用程序,通过大小屏端与硬件设备数据联动,提供了便捷的健康数据呈现与管理等功能。该应用程序提升了用户使用机顶盒的频次,降低了老年用户使用智能设备的门槛,丰富... 健康小屋是华数智慧家庭综合服务平台建设过程中围绕电视大屏端研发的应用程序,通过大小屏端与硬件设备数据联动,提供了便捷的健康数据呈现与管理等功能。该应用程序提升了用户使用机顶盒的频次,降低了老年用户使用智能设备的门槛,丰富了机顶盒在智慧家庭下的业务形态,实现了“大小屏联动、拓展大屏服务、推动业务融合发展”的总体目标。本文对基于机顶盒的健康小屋应用程序开发及应用进行了详细介绍,同时还提炼了开发过程中的技术创新点。 展开更多
关键词 医养服务 机顶盒 蓝牙协议 适老化 智能终端设备
作者 程国玉 沈燕美 《集成电路应用》 2024年第1期347-349,共3页
关键词 计算机机房 配电箱 设备安装 接线要点
作者 阚保香 《工程技术研究》 2024年第4期52-54,共3页
为进一步探究市政桥梁钢箱梁安装施工技术要点,文章结合某地市政桥梁工程的实际案例展开研究,讨论了施工准备阶段的地基处理和设备选型,后从节段划分、吊装、合龙与焊接四个环节着手,详细探讨了市政桥梁钢箱梁梁段安装施工技术的具体流... 为进一步探究市政桥梁钢箱梁安装施工技术要点,文章结合某地市政桥梁工程的实际案例展开研究,讨论了施工准备阶段的地基处理和设备选型,后从节段划分、吊装、合龙与焊接四个环节着手,详细探讨了市政桥梁钢箱梁梁段安装施工技术的具体流程与应当遵循的要点,并对此次施工效果进行评价。结果显示,此次施工作业各项主要指标均符合预期,因此此次施工作业所总结的经验具有一定的参考价值。 展开更多
关键词 市政桥梁工程 钢箱梁 地基 吊装设备 焊接施工
作者 刘佳 《工程技术研究》 2024年第8期96-99,共4页
为解决建筑企业工程机械设备油耗高、核算难等一系列问题,文章以瑞梅铁路项目工程机械管理为背景,基于物联网和软件即服务(SaaS)平台技术,从工程机械油耗管理、调度管理、工时管理、计量管理、动态监控、信息化管理和拌和站管理等全过... 为解决建筑企业工程机械设备油耗高、核算难等一系列问题,文章以瑞梅铁路项目工程机械管理为背景,基于物联网和软件即服务(SaaS)平台技术,从工程机械油耗管理、调度管理、工时管理、计量管理、动态监控、信息化管理和拌和站管理等全过程管理角度出发,研发了一款铁甲云参谋工程机械设备综合管理系统,并在多个项目进行了探索应用,效果良好。 展开更多
关键词 铁甲云参谋平台 铁甲云盒 物联网 工程机械设备 综合管理系统
新型R-Box箱的设计 被引量:1
作者 雷金林 彭跃进 《染整技术》 CAS 2003年第5期41-43,共3页
关键词 织物 退浆 煮练 染整设备 改型设计 R-box
Performance of Prototype Pneumatic Boxing Gloves under Two Different Conditions of Target Padding
作者 Paul Perkins Alex Jamieson +1 位作者 Wayne Spratford Allan Hahn 《World Journal of Engineering and Technology》 2018年第3期603-624,共22页
The impact damping capabilities of four different boxing gloves were assessed under two different conditions of target padding to determine whether target characteristics might influence previous conclusions concernin... The impact damping capabilities of four different boxing gloves were assessed under two different conditions of target padding to determine whether target characteristics might influence previous conclusions concerning potential for impact mitigation through novel glove design. A conventional 10?oz glove (Std 10?oz), a conventional 16?oz glove (Std 16?oz), a prototype pneumatic glove with a sealed bladder (SBLI) and a prototype pneumatic glove with a bladder allowing air exchange with the external environment (ARLI) were each dropped three times on to a force plate from six heights ranging from 2.5 to 5.0 metres. The force plate was covered by a 50 mm thick mat of EVA material and results obtained were compared with those of an earlier experiment involving use of a similar protocol but a 25 mm thick EVA force plate covering. The thicker mat greatly reduced peak impact forces for all gloves, with values for the Std 10?oz glove becoming much closer to those reported by other researchers for punches delivered by elite boxers to crash test manikins. Peak rates of force development were also substantially decreased. Protective effects provided by the ARLI glove relative to the Std 10?oz glove were diminished but still in the order of 17%?-?22% for peak impact force and 27%?-?49% for peak rate of force development across the range of drop heights. With the 50 mm mat thickness, the SBLI glove was as effective as the ARLI glove in reducing peak impact force, whereas this was not the case with the 25 mm mat. It was, however, always inferior to the ARLI glove in decreasing peak rate of force development. The ability of the ARLI glove to afford protection across a spectrum of impact conditions could yield important practical advantages. 展开更多
关键词 boxING SAFETY Low-Impact boxING GLOVES Modified boxING Protective equipment for boxING SPORT Technology SPORT SAFETY
Pneumatic Boxing Glove Reduces Upward Drift in Peak Force and Loading Rate over a Long Series of Impacts
作者 Paul Perkins Alex Jamieson +1 位作者 Wayne Spratford Allan Hahn 《World Journal of Engineering and Technology》 2019年第1期18-53,共36页
A conventional boxing glove and a prototype pneumatic glove were each fitted to a mechanical fist and dropped 253 times from a height of 3 metres on to a force plate covered by an ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) mat. Imp... A conventional boxing glove and a prototype pneumatic glove were each fitted to a mechanical fist and dropped 253 times from a height of 3 metres on to a force plate covered by an ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) mat. Impact dynamics were measured and modelled. From the outset, peak impact force and peak rate of force development (loading rate) were lower for the pneumatic glove. For both gloves, these variables displayed upward drift during the drop series, but the drift was smaller for the pneumatic glove. Consequently, the magnitude of the protective effect provided by the pneumatic glove increased with the number of impacts. For the conventional glove, change in peak force showed a close inverse relationship to force plate contact time (R2?>?0.96) and the time from first contact of the glove with the force plate to attainment of peak force (R2?=?0.85). These relationships were much weaker for the pneumatic glove (R2?=?0.09 and 0.59 respectively), suggesting the possibility of a more complex impact damping mechanism. Following the 253 drops of the pneumatic glove, the EVA mat covering the force plate was replaced, and another 10 drops then performed. Peak force readings were immediately reduced to an extent suggesting that 26%?-?34% of the increase that had occurred over the 253 drops was attributable to impact-induced change in mat properties. This has implications for future experimental designs. Overall, the findings provided further evidence of the potential of pneumatic gloves to enable safer boxing. 展开更多
关键词 boxING SAFETY Low-Impact boxING GLOVES Modified boxING PNEUMATIC boxING GLOVES Protective equipment for boxING SPORT Technology SPORT SAFETY
Effect of Pneumatic Boxing Gloves on Impact Kinematics and Their Relationship to Impact Forces
作者 Paul Perkins Alex Jamieson +1 位作者 Wayne Spratford Allan Hahn 《World Journal of Engineering and Technology》 2019年第3期472-512,共41页
This study was aimed at improved understanding of the mechanisms of previously reported protective effects of a pneumatic boxing glove. A Motion Capture System was used to obtain velocity data from four different boxi... This study was aimed at improved understanding of the mechanisms of previously reported protective effects of a pneumatic boxing glove. A Motion Capture System was used to obtain velocity data from four different boxing gloves dropped on to a force plate from nine heights ranging from 1 to 5 metres. Two gloves were of the conventional type but differed in mass. The other two were prototype pneumatic gloves. One of these (SBLI) had a sealed bladder while the other (ARLI) incorporated a port allowing air exchange with the external environment. The pneumatic gloves decelerated more slowly than the conventional gloves following impact and compressed through a greater absolute distance. Consequently, they took longer to reach zero velocity. As drop height increased, these trends became more pronounced for the ARLI glove than the SBLI glove. Increase in velocity during rebound was also slower for the pneumatic gloves. The ARLI glove had a lower coefficient of restitution than any of the other gloves at low to moderate drop heights but not at high drop heights. The SBLI glove had a higher coefficient of restitution than the other gloves at all drop heights from 2 metres upwards. This indicated that, overall, the ARLI glove was the most effective, and the SBLI glove the least effective, in dissipating the kinetic energy of impact through conversion to other energy forms. For all gloves at all drop heights, peak positive acceleration at the beginning of rebound was of lower absolute magnitude than peak negative acceleration at the end of compression. The influence of drop height on an index characterising this relationship differed between the conventional and pneumatic gloves, possibly reflecting structural changes to gloves as impact energy increased. The conventional and pneumatic gloves differed regarding temporal alignment between key kinematic and kinetic events, and there were some differences between the two pneumatic gloves in this respect. Nevertheless, peak glove deceleration correlated highly with peak impact force, not only for each glove individually but also when data for all gloves were combined. The findings confirmed the potential practical utility of the ARLI glove and identified air cushion thickness, glove compressibility and capacity for air release and subsequent reuptake as critical aspects of its design. 展开更多
关键词 PNEUMATIC boxING GLOVES boxING SAFETY Modified boxING SPORT SAFETY SPORT Technology Sports equipment Design Coefficient of RESTITUTION Elas-tic-Plastic Impacts
作者 孙永久 《山西建筑》 2012年第8期55-56,共2页
关键词 中宽带 设备基础 box 管廊
作者 李泽西 胡君颖 +1 位作者 郭俊波 刘俊峰 《汽车实用技术》 2022年第15期23-27,共5页
车载远程设备T-box具有车辆远程诊断及监控等功能,低成本方案的T-box定位接收模块精度低,易受城市中高楼、高架等建筑影响,出现定位点丢失或高噪声定位点。为解决低成本T-box易出现的定位问题,提出了一种通过去除经纬度高噪声数据点以... 车载远程设备T-box具有车辆远程诊断及监控等功能,低成本方案的T-box定位接收模块精度低,易受城市中高楼、高架等建筑影响,出现定位点丢失或高噪声定位点。为解决低成本T-box易出现的定位问题,提出了一种通过去除经纬度高噪声数据点以及多数据融合提高导航精度的方法。T-box带有微型惯性测量单元模块和车载诊断系统模块,分别采集微型惯性测量单元数据和汽车速度;最小二乘法拟合汽车行驶的轨迹去除原始定位数据中高噪声经纬度数据点;最后与汽车速度、惯性数据进行扩展卡尔曼滤波融合得到新的经纬度数据,与高精度定位数据对比,该方法能有效提高车载远程设备定位精度。 展开更多
关键词 车载远程设备 低成本T-box 拟合汽车路线去噪 最小二乘法 扩展卡尔曼滤波 多信息融合 定位数据
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