The rapid identification of planting patterns for major crops in a large irrigated district has vital importance for irrigation management,water fee collection,and crop yield estimation.In this study,the OTSU algorith...The rapid identification of planting patterns for major crops in a large irrigated district has vital importance for irrigation management,water fee collection,and crop yield estimation.In this study,the OTSU algorithm and Mean-Shift algorithm were employed to automatically determine threshold values for mapping two main rotated crop patterns at the pixel scale.A time series analysis was conducted to extract the spatial distribution of rice-wheat and wheat-maize rotations in the Chuanhang irrigation district from 2016 to 2020.The results demonstrate that both threshold segmentation algorithms are reliable in extracting the spatial distribution of the crops,with an overall accuracy exceeding 80%.Additionally,both Kappa coefficients surpass 0.7,indicating better performance by OTSU method.Over the period from 2016 to 2020,the area occupied by rice-wheat rotation cropping ranged from 12500 to 14400 hm 2;whereas wheat-maize rotation cropping exhibited smaller and more variable areas ranging from 19730 to 34070 hm 2.These findings highlight how remote sensing-based approaches can provide reliable support for rapidly and accurately identifying the spatial distribution of main crop rotation patterns within a large irrigation district.展开更多
In recent years,the area dedicated to cotton cultivation in eastern Henan Province has experienced a continuous decline.Developing efficient multi-cropping systems for cotton and increasing the multiple cropping index...In recent years,the area dedicated to cotton cultivation in eastern Henan Province has experienced a continuous decline.Developing efficient multi-cropping systems for cotton and increasing the multiple cropping index represent effective strategies to stabilize the cotton planting area and enhance the income of cotton farmers.This paper presents an overview of intercropping systems and the benefits associated with cotton rotation and intercropping practices.Specifically,it discusses the"early maturing cotton-wheat"rotation system,the"cotton-watermelon"intercropping system,the"cotton-Dutch bean"intercropping system,and the"early maturing cotton-peanut-garlic"intercropping system.展开更多
Identification of management practices that can improve soil health is critical to improving the sustainability of soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] production. The objective of this study was to examine the long-term ...Identification of management practices that can improve soil health is critical to improving the sustainability of soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] production. The objective of this study was to examine the long-term effects of continuous soybean, corn-soybean, and soybean-cotton rotations with chicken litter and cover crops (hairy vetch, wheat, fallow) on soil health parameters, including nutrient accumulation and soil organic matter dynamics under a split plot design. The depth intervals of soil sampling were 0 - 15, 15 - 30, 30 - 60, and 60 - 90 cm. Chicken litter resulted in 62.1% and 32.8% higher water extractable organic soil N content than fallow and wheat, respectively, in the surface 0 - 15 cm of soil only. However, there was no significant difference in 1-day Solvita respiration, water extractable organic C, C/N ratio, health score, moisture, earthworm, organic matter, pH, or CEC of soil among fallow, hairy vetch, chicken litter, and wheat regardless of soil depth. Unexpectedly, annual application of chicken litter at 4.4 Mg ha−1 as an N source or growing a winter-season cover crop such as hairy vetch or wheat for continuous 16 years did not significantly increase soil organic matter or water extractable organic soil C. Annual application of chicken litter at 4.4 metric tons (Mg) ha–1 for 16 years increased soil nitrate-nitrogen (NO3−-N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), copper (Cu), and zinc (Zn) contents by 92%, 400%, 134%, 20%, 43%, 206%, and 430% in 0 - 15 cm depth compared with their initial soil values, respectively, extracted with Haney H3A-2 (2 g L–1 lithium citrate + 0.6 g L–1 citric acid + 0.4 g L–1 malic acid + 0.4 g L–1 oxalic acid) solution. The increases enhanced soil supply of these nutrients to following crops, but also increased the risks of losing them to the environment. Hairy vetch caused higher H3A extracted soil manganese (Mn) content than fallow and chicken litter in 0 - 60 cm. There was no significant difference in 1-day Solvita respiration, water extractable organic C and N, health score, moisture, organic matter, pH, CEC, or population of earthworm of soil among continuous soybean, corn-soybean, and soybean-cotton in any soil depth. Another major finding of this study was that continuous soybean exerted no adverse effect on soil health relative to the commonly used corn (Zea mays L.)-soybean and soybean-cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) rotations under no-tillage after 16 years. To mitigate the risks of nutrient runoff and leaching from long-term chicken litter application, we recommend reducing litter application rates and integrating cover crops into crop rotations to enhance nutrient cycling and reduce environmental impacts.展开更多
[Objective] Nitrogen and phosphorus losses of surface runoff in various crop rotation systems in the north of Erhai Lake basin were studied with the objective to provide references for risk evaluation of environmental...[Objective] Nitrogen and phosphorus losses of surface runoff in various crop rotation systems in the north of Erhai Lake basin were studied with the objective to provide references for risk evaluation of environmental pollution and formulating countermeasures to control the nonpoint source pollution from agriculture.[Method] Water samples collected in four typical crop rotation systems distributed in seven towns(townships) in the north of Erhai Lake basin were investigated,as well as the fertilizer input,to explore the dynamic change of nitrogen and phosphorus content in surface water of farmland and ditch water,and the correlation between fertilizer input and the concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus in the surface water of farmland and in the ditch water.[Result] The results showed that nitrogen loss in surface water of farmland in different crop rotation systems differed greatly,and the risk of nitrogen loss was 38% lower in broad bean-rice crop rotation than that in garlic-rice crop rotation.The water soluble nitrogen was the primary form of nitrogen loss.The content of water soluble nitrogen was significantly higher in garlic-rice crop rotation than that in the other rotation systems,and the concentrations of nitrogen in the surface water of farmland in different crop rotation systems followed the sequence below:garlic-rice crop rotationryegrass-rice crop rotationbroad bean-rice crop rotationrape-rice crop rotation.The loss of phosphorus in the surface water of farmland was relatively low and phosphorus combined with silt was the primary form for phosphorus loss.There was no significant difference of the loss of various forms of phosphorus in different crop rotation systems.The contents of total nitrogen and total phosphorus in the surface water of farmland were higher than that in ditch water,with increasing rates of total nitrogen and total phosphorus in ditch water of 72% and 82%,respectively.Topdressing was the critical reason for the high concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus in the surface water,which also caused the increasing load to the ditch water.[Conclusion] Both the nitrogen and phosphorus loss were the highest in garlic-rice crop rotation.Reasonable crop rotation systems should be established based on both the environmental and economic benefits.This study provided references for controlling the nonpoint source pollution of farmland and improving the water quality of Erhai Lake.展开更多
Field measurements were made from June 2001 to May 2002 to evaluate the effect of crop residue application and temperature on CO2, CH4, and N2O emissions within an entire rice-wheat rotation season. Rapeseed cake and ...Field measurements were made from June 2001 to May 2002 to evaluate the effect of crop residue application and temperature on CO2, CH4, and N2O emissions within an entire rice-wheat rotation season. Rapeseed cake and wheat straw were incorporated into the soil at a rate of 2.25 t hm(-2) when the rice crop was transplanted in June 2001. Compared with the control, the incorporation of rapeseed cake enhanced the emissions of CO2, CH4, and N2O in the rice-growing season by 12.3%, 252.3%, and 17.5%, respectively, while no further effect was held on the emissions of CO2 and N2O in the following wheat-growing season. The incorporation of wheat straw enhanced the emissions of CO2 and CH4 by 7.1% and 249.6%, respectively, but reduced the N2O emission by 18.8% in the rice-growing season. Significant reductions of 17.8% for the CO2 and of 12.9% for the N2O emission were observed in the following wheat-growing season. A positive correlation existed between the emissions of N2O and CO2 (R-2 = 0.445, n = 73,p < 0.001) from the rice-growing season when N2O was emitted. A trade-off relationship between the emissions of CH4 and N2O was found in the rice-growing season. The CH4 emission was significantly correlated with the CO2 emission for the period from rice transplantation to field drainage, but not for the entire rice-growing season. In addition, air temperature was found to regulate the CO2 emissions from the non-waterlogged period over the entire rice-wheat rotation season and the N2O emissions from the nonwaterlogged period of the rice-growing season, which can be quantitatively described by an exponential function. The temperature coefficient (Q(10)) was then evaluated to be 2.3+/-0.2 for the CO2 emission and 3.9+/-0.4 for the N2O emission, respectively.展开更多
To evaluate the effects of various rotation systems on rice grain yield and N use efficiency, a paddy–upland cropping experiment(2013–2016) was conducted in southeastern China. The experiment was designed using six ...To evaluate the effects of various rotation systems on rice grain yield and N use efficiency, a paddy–upland cropping experiment(2013–2016) was conducted in southeastern China. The experiment was designed using six different rice––winter crop rotations: rice–fallow(RF),rice–wheat(RW), rice–potato with rice straw mulch(RP), rice–green manure(Chinese milk vetch; RC–G), rice–oilseed rape(RO), and rice–green manure crop(oilseed rape with fresh straw incorporated into soil at flowering; RO–G) and three N rates, N0(0 kg N ha-1), N1(142.5 kg N ha-1), and N2(202.5 kg N ha-1). Average rice yields in the RF(5.93 t ha-1) rotation were significantly lower than those in the rotations with winter crops(7.20–7.48 t ha-1)under the N0 treatment, suggesting that incorporation of straw might be more effective for increasing soil N than winter fallow. The rice yield differences among the rotations varied by year with the N input. In general, the grain yields in the RP and RO–G rotations –were respectively 11.6–28.5% and 14.80–37.19% higher than those in the RF in plots with N applied. Increasing the N rate may have tended to minimize the average yield gap between the RF and the other rotations; the yield gaps were 18.55%, 4.14%, and 0.23% in N0, N1, and N2, respectively. However, the N recovery efficiency in the RF was significantly lower than that in other rotations, except for 2015 under both N1 and N2 rates, a finding that implies a large amount of chemical N loss. No significant differences in nitrogen agronomic efficiency(NAE) and physiological efficiency(NPE) were found between the rotations with legume(RC–G) and non–legume(RO and RW) winter crops, a result that may be due partly to straw incorporation. For this reason, we concluded that the return of straw could reduce differences in N use efficiency between rotations with and without legume crops. The degree of synchrony between the crop N demand and the N supply was evaluated by comparison of nitrogen balance degree(NBD) values. The NBD values in the RP and RW were significantly lower than those in the other rotations under both N1 and N2 rates. Thus,in view of the higher grain yield in the RP compared to the RW under the N1 rate, the RP rotation might be a promising practice with comparable grain yield and greater N use efficiency under reduced N input relative to the other rotations. The primary yield components of the RF and RP were identified as number of panicles m-2 and numbers of kernels panicle-1, respectively. The NAE and NPE were positively correlated with harvest index, possibly providing a useful indicator for evaluating N use efficiency.展开更多
Soil erosion on cropland is a major source of environmental problems in China ranging from the losses of a non-renewable resource and of nutrients at the source to contamination of downstream areas. Regional soil loss...Soil erosion on cropland is a major source of environmental problems in China ranging from the losses of a non-renewable resource and of nutrients at the source to contamination of downstream areas. Regional soil loss assessments using the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) would supply a scientiifc basis for soil conservation planning. However, a lack of in-formation on the cover and management (C) factor for cropland, one of the most important factors in the USLE, has limited accurate regional assessments in China due to the large number of crops grown and their complicated rotation systems. In this study, single crop soil loss ratios (SLRs) were col ected and quantiifed for 10 primary crops from past studies or re-ports. The mean annual C values for 88 crop rotation systems in 12 cropping system regions were estimated based on the combined effects of single crop SLRs and the percentage of annual rainfal erosivity (R) during the corresponding periods for each system. The C values in different cropping system regions were compared and discussed. The results indicated that the SLRs of the 10 primary crops ranged from 0.15 to 0.74. The mean annual C value for al 88 crop rotation systems was 0.34, with a standard deviation of 0.12. The mean C values in the single, double and triple cropping zones were 0.37, 0.36 and 0.28, respectively, and the C value in the triple zone was signiifcantly different from those in single and double zones. The C values of dryland crop systems exhibited signiifcant differences in the single and triple cropping system regions but the differences in the double regions were not signiifcant. This study is the ifrst report of the C values of crop rotation systems in China at the national scale. It wil provide necessary and practical parameters for accurately assessing regional soil losses from cropland to guide soil conservation plans and to optimize crop rotation systems.展开更多
Cover crops can provide changes in soil chemical and physical properties, which could allow a sustainable development of soybean and upland rice rotation in Brazilian Cerrado. The objective of this study was to determ...Cover crops can provide changes in soil chemical and physical properties, which could allow a sustainable development of soybean and upland rice rotation in Brazilian Cerrado. The objective of this study was to determine the effects of cover crops(cultivated in the offseason) in the soybean-upland rice rotation(cultivated in the summer season) on the soil chemical and physical properties, yield components and grain yield of the cash crops. The experimental design was a randomized block design in factorial scheme 4 × 2 with six replications. Treatments were composed by four cover crops: fallow, millet(Pennisetum glaucum) + Crotalaria ochroleuca, millet + pigeon pea(Cajanus cajans), and millet + pigeon pea + Urochola ruziziensis in the offseason with one or two cycles of cover crops, with rice(Oryza sativa)or soybean(Glycine max) in the summer season. Cover crops alone provided no changes in soil chemical properties. However, the rotation cover crops/cash crops/cover crops/cash crops reduced p H, Al and H + Al and increased Ca, Mg, K and Fe contents in the soil. The cover crops millet + pigeon pea and millet + pigeon pea + U. ruziziensis improved soil physical properties in relation to fallow,especially in the 0–0.10 m soil layer. In spite of the improvement of the soil physical properties after two years of rotation with cover crops and cash crops, the soil physical quality was still below the recommended level, showing values of macroporosity, S index and soil aeration capacity lower than 0.10 m3/m3, 0.035 and 0.34, respectively. Upland rice production was higher under mixtures of cover crops than under fallow, mainly because of soil physical changes done by these mixtures of cover crops.Soybean grain yield was similar under all cover crops tested, but was higher after the rotation cover crops/upland rice/cover crops than after only one cycle of cover crops.展开更多
Soil microbial biomass nitrogen(MBN)contains the largest proportion of biologically active nitrogen(N)in soil,and is considered as a crucial participant in soil N cycling.Agronomic management practices such as crop ro...Soil microbial biomass nitrogen(MBN)contains the largest proportion of biologically active nitrogen(N)in soil,and is considered as a crucial participant in soil N cycling.Agronomic management practices such as crop rotation and monocropping systems,dramatically affect MBN in agroecosystems.However,the influence of crop rotation and monocropping in agroecosystems on MBN remains unclear.A meta-analysis based on 203 published studies was conducted to quantify the effect of crop rotation and mono-cropping systems on MBN under synthetic N fertilizer application.The analysis showed that crop rotation significantly stimulated the response ratio(RR)of MBN to N fertilization and this parameter reached the highest levels in upland-fallow rotations.Upland mono-cropping did not change the RR of MBN to N application,however,the RR of MBN to N application in paddy mono-cropping increased.The difference between crop rotation and mono-cropping systems appeared to be due to the various cropping management scenarios,and the pattern,rate and duration of N addition.Crop rotation systems led to a more positive effect on soil total N(TN)and a smaller reduction in soil pH than mono-cropping systems.The RR of MBN to N application was positively correlated with the RR of mineral N only in crop rotation systems and with the RR of soil pH only in mono-cropping systems.Combining the results of Random Forest(RF)model and structural equation model showed that the predominant driving factors of MBN changes in crop rotation systems were soil mineral N and TN,while in mono-cropping systems the main driving factor was soil pH.Overall,our study indicates that crop rotation can be an effective way to enhance MBN by improving soil N resources,which promote the resistance of MBN to low pH induced by intensive synthetic N fertilizer application.展开更多
Economic analysis of different diversified rotational cropping systems under Farmers' package/practices and improved package/practices was conducted in Birbhum district, West Bengal, located in the red and lateritic ...Economic analysis of different diversified rotational cropping systems under Farmers' package/practices and improved package/practices was conducted in Birbhum district, West Bengal, located in the red and lateritic belt of lower Gangetic plain of eastern lndia. Diversified triple cropping systems (peanut-brinjal+brinjal, rice-potato-pumpkin, and cucumber-cabbage-basella) required higher cost for cultivation, but also produced higher rice equivalent yield, higher net return and higher return rupee1 invested in both management practices. Considering the resource-ability and risk-bearing capacity, and net return and return rupee^-1 (RPR) invested, these cropping systems can be recommended for resource-rich farmers. Rice-rapeseed-cowpea, rice-wheat-green gram and radish-tomato-amaranthus systems profitable. These cropping systems can be required less inputs for cultivation, were less risky, and economically viable and recommended for resource-poor farmers. Peanut-brinjal + brinjal-okra-chilli + chilli-cucumber-cabbage-basella system was the best among all the 3-year rotational systems in respect to RPR in both management practices. This rotational system will be suitable for resource-rich farmers. Vegetable-based rotational systems (ridge gourd-marigold-okra-black gram-pointed gourd + pointed gourd-radish-tomato-amaranthus) or rice-based rotational system (rice-wheat-green gram-rice-rapeseed-cowpea-rice-potato-pumpkin) also found to be suitable to increase the profitability and system sustainability. These cropping systems can be recommended for all groups of farmers.展开更多
Plots under conservation tillage may require higher amount of potassium(K) application for augmenting productivity due to its stratification in upper soil layers, thereby reducing K supplying capacity in a medium or l...Plots under conservation tillage may require higher amount of potassium(K) application for augmenting productivity due to its stratification in upper soil layers, thereby reducing K supplying capacity in a medium or long-term period. To test this hypothesis, a field experiment was performed in 2002-2003 and 2006-2007 to study the effect of K and several crop rotations on yield, water productivity, carbon sequestration, grain quality, soil K status and economic benefits derived in maize(Zea mays L)/cowpea(Vigna sinensis L.) based cropping system under minimum tillage(MT). All crops recorded higher grain yield with a higher dose of K(120 kg K2 O ha-1) than recommended K(40 kg K2 O ha-1). The five years' average yield data showed that higher K application(120 kg K2 O ha-1) produced 16.4%(P<0.05)more maize equivalent yield. Cowpea based rotation yielded 14.2%(P<0.05) higher production than maize based rotation. The maximum enhancement was found in cowpea-mustard rotation. Relationship between yield and sustainable indices revealed that only agronomic efficiency of fertilizer input was significantly correlated with yield. Similarly, higherdoses of K application not only increased the water use efficiency(WUE) of all crops, but also reduced runoff and soil loss by 16.5% and 15.8% under maize and 23.3% and 19.7% under cowpea cover, respectively. This study also revealed that on an average 16.5% of left over carbon input contributed to soil organic carbon(SOC). Here, cowpea based rotation with the higher K application increased carbon sequestration in soil. Potassium fertilization also significantly improved the nutritional value of harvested grain by increasing the protein content for maize(by 9.5%) and cowpea(by 10.6%). The oil content in mustard increased by 5.0% and 6.0% after maize and cowpea, respectively. Net return also increased with the application of the higher K than recommended K and the trend was similar to yield. Hence, the present study demonstrated the potential yield and profit gains along with resource conservation in the Indian Himalayas due to annual additions of higher amount of K than the recommended dose. The impact of high K application was maximum in the cowpea-mustard rotation.展开更多
The lower Ili River Basin is located in semi-arid area, and the annual rainfall is 177mm. Therefore, the irrigation is inevitable for agriculture. Large-scale irrigated agriculture had been developed since 1960's in ...The lower Ili River Basin is located in semi-arid area, and the annual rainfall is 177mm. Therefore, the irrigation is inevitable for agriculture. Large-scale irrigated agriculture had been developed since 1960's in the lower parts of the river and the total irrigated area is about 32 000 hm2. In the project area, the paddy rice-upland crop rotation has been practiced. Due to the domestic water use for hydropower and agriculture as well as water use among riparian countries, the deficit of water for agriculture in the lower part has been concerned. The authors, therefore, conducted the field survey and water balance analysis of the Akdara irrigation project in the lower Ill River Basin in order to assess the land and water uses. Moreover, the impact of the water use on water environment to the basin was analyzed. The following results were obtained as following (1) the groundwater level in the irrigated district varied from 1.5 m to 3.5 m through year. (2) 1970's groundwater level was drastically raised from 8 m to 3 m and the groundwater had been recharged in this period. (3) Water use efficiency of agriculture, which is the ratio of total evapotranspiration to the total water withdrawal was as low as 0.23.展开更多
Given the attention drawn since several decades by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) as potential biological alternatives to chemicals in a low-input agriculture, much effort has been spent in the investigation of me...Given the attention drawn since several decades by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) as potential biological alternatives to chemicals in a low-input agriculture, much effort has been spent in the investigation of mechanisms influencing the dynamics inside AMF communities. In the present study we evaluated the influence of different crop rotations on the AMF soil community, after a 50 y long-term field experiment established at Martonvásár, Hungary. Four types of crop rotation were chosen for sampling: corn monocropping, corn-alfalfa, corn-wheat, and corn-spring barley-peas-wheat. Community composition of AMF in soil was analyzed with a molecular approach amplifying a portion of 28S rDNA. The crop rotation practice didn’t show an influence on identity of the species composing AMF assemblages, but on the other hand seemed to affect positively the true diversity, defined as number of MOTUs present in the communities.展开更多
The effects of cowpea (Vignaunguiculata) and-groundnut (Arachis hypogea) on succeeding sorghum yields, soil mineral N and nematode infestationwere studied during five cropping seasons (2000 to 2004) in a weakly acid U...The effects of cowpea (Vignaunguiculata) and-groundnut (Arachis hypogea) on succeeding sorghum yields, soil mineral N and nematode infestationwere studied during five cropping seasons (2000 to 2004) in a weakly acid Ultisol of the agronomy research station of Farak?-Ba lo-cated in the Guinean zone of Burkina Faso, West Africa. A factorial 5x5 design of five crop rotations with five fertilizer treatments in a split-plot arrangement with four replications was used.Sorghum yields were affected by the two factors (rotation with legumes and fertilizer ap-plications) during the four years. But interactions were not observed between the two factors. Monocropping of sorghum produced the lowest yields and legume–sorghum rotations increased sorghum yields by50% to 300%. Ground-nut–sorghum and cowpea–sorghum rotations increased soil mineral N by36% and 52%, re-spectively. Crop rotation influenced nematode infestation but the effects on soil and sorghum root infestation differed according to the rotation. The cowpea–sorghum rotation increased soil and sorghum root infestationby nematodes while groundnut–sorghum decree-sed the nematode population. The soil of the cowpea-sorghum rotation contained 1.5 to 2 times more nematodes than the soil of the monocropping of sorghum. In contrast, the soil ofthe groundnut–sorghum rotation contained from 17 to 19 times fewernematodes than that of themonocropping of sorghum. However, nematode infestation did not affect any of the succeeding sorghum yields. It was concluded that the parasitic effect of nematodes was limited by the predominance of positive N-effects on the development of succeeding sorghum.展开更多
[Objective] The aim was to identify changes in a nematode community in response to crop rotation and to determine the appropriate catch crop for a greenhouse. [Method] The experiment was carried out in a typical 6-yea...[Objective] The aim was to identify changes in a nematode community in response to crop rotation and to determine the appropriate catch crop for a greenhouse. [Method] The experiment was carried out in a typical 6-year-old greenhouse,in which cucumber crops were cultivated twice each year(in spring and autumn),and catch crops were planted in summer. The total number of nematodes was counted and nematode community indices were calculated after collecting soil samples in different stages. [Result] Total nematode abundance was decreased in the soils of catch crop in contrast with former crops(cucumber crops). The abundance of the nematode community was reduced in the treatment of crop rotation compared to the soils of catch crop. In addition, the number of nematode taxa was significantly reduced by the treatment of crown daisy compared to the treatments of following crops. Crop rotation regulated the functional composition of the nematode community by increasing the omnivores-predators functional group and decreasing the relative abundance of root herbivores. [Conclusion] These results indicate that crop rotation affects the nematode community in abundance, diversity and functional composition of the nematode community and crown daisy can be served as the most appropriate catch crop in the greenhouse.展开更多
The efficient cultivation technique of "rice-rice-potato" triple cropping rotation pattern is summarized by analyzing its characteristics and cultivation techniques in Yangjiang region of Guangdong Province,...The efficient cultivation technique of "rice-rice-potato" triple cropping rotation pattern is summarized by analyzing its characteristics and cultivation techniques in Yangjiang region of Guangdong Province,China,and machine-transplanted cultivation technique of double cropping rice and cultivation techniques of winter potato black film mulching are emphatically introduced,in order to promote the development of potato industry in Yangjiang City.The results will provide a scientific basis for the popularization and application of the "rice-rice-potato" triple cropping rotation pattern.展开更多
A field experiment was conducted from 2002-2005 on a sandy clay loam red and lateritic soil under irrigation in a farmer's field at Senkapur (Lat. 23°36.79′ N, Long. 87°38.14′E, Elev. 46 m AMSL), Birbhu...A field experiment was conducted from 2002-2005 on a sandy clay loam red and lateritic soil under irrigation in a farmer's field at Senkapur (Lat. 23°36.79′ N, Long. 87°38.14′E, Elev. 46 m AMSL), Birbhum, West Bengal, India. The objective was to provide the temporal changes of weed diversity and density, ecology, and impact of rotational cropping systems on different crops under double and triple cropping systems with improved (IP) and farmer's packages (FP). There was significantly higher weed density in FP than in IP on all years. Grasses and sedges were more in vegetable-based rotational systems; but grasses and broad leaf weeds (BLWs) were more in rice-based rotational systems. The lowest weed population was in vegetable-based systems. Grasses increased in rice-based systems but gradually decreased in vegetable-based systems in subsequent years. Sedge density was higher in vegetable- than in rice-based rotational systems. Density of BLWs was higher but that of sedges was lower in rice-based rotational systems as compared to vegetable-based systems. Density of BLWs gradually decreased in all rotational systems over the years in both packages. Density of weeds decreased gradually in subsequent years indicating the positive effect of rotational systems on suppression of weeds. Results indicate that the weed density can be reduced through judicious diversified rotational cropping systems. Peanut-brinjal+brinjal, okra-chilli+chilli and cucumber-cabbage-basella systems greatly reduced the weed density in both packages, and hence can be recommended for the lateritic belt of lower Gangetic plain of eastern India.展开更多
To estimate the impact of crop rotation on the pathotype and genetic structure of Phythophthora sojae in fields, 372 isolates of P. sojae were obtained from long-term localisation experimental fields in Heilongjiang P...To estimate the impact of crop rotation on the pathotype and genetic structure of Phythophthora sojae in fields, 372 isolates of P. sojae were obtained from long-term localisation experimental fields in Heilongjiang Province of China. The hypocotyl inoculation method was used to characterize the virulence of P. sojae on 13 differential cultivars, and the amplified fragment length polymorphism(AFLP) technique was used to analyze difference in the genetic structure of P. sojae. The results indicated that an abundant diversity of genetic structures and pathotypes of P. sojae, a more uniform distribution of pathotypes and less dominance of pathotypes occurred in corn-soybean and wheat-soybean rotation fields than in a continuous soybean mono-cropping field. These findings suggested that P. sojae did not easily become the dominant race in rotation fields, which maintain disease resistance in soybean varieties. Therefore, the results of this study suggested that Phytophthora stem and root rot of soybeans could be effectively controlled by rotating soybeans with non-host crops of corn and wheat.展开更多
Based on the"Web of Science Core Collection"(SCIE database),this article used the visualization software CiteSpace to visualize and analyze the crop rotation fallow patterns in the past five years.It analyze...Based on the"Web of Science Core Collection"(SCIE database),this article used the visualization software CiteSpace to visualize and analyze the crop rotation fallow patterns in the past five years.It analyzed the countries,institutions,keywords and hot topics of related literature to explore their research characteristics and development,and to provide reference for crop rotation fallow research and practice.The research shows that:1)developed countries are the main research force in the field of crop rotation and fallowing,and the connection between the research of each country and each institution is not close;2)research hotspots can be mainly summarized as:crop growth and yield,greenhouse gas emissions and soil health analysis,and the research in this field is constantly refined,combining macro and micro;3)In recent years,there is a big gap between China and foreign countries in the field of crop rotation and fallow research.It is necessary to strengthen the cooperation with research institutions in developed countries in Europe and the United States,and to carry out cross-regional and interdisciplinary research cooperation to improve the quality of papers and scientific research level.展开更多
This study was designed to find out an optimised planting system of reducing non-point (source) pollution by analyzing the reasons and the factors of influence non-point pollution in farmland of Erhai Lake basin. Th...This study was designed to find out an optimised planting system of reducing non-point (source) pollution by analyzing the reasons and the factors of influence non-point pollution in farmland of Erhai Lake basin. The results showed that incomes, residual nitrogen in soil, and the loss of nitrogen in surface water in rice-garlic system were higher than those in rice-fava bean system. There were positive correlations between the nitrogen loss of farmland, nitrogen inputs, residual nitrogen in soil, and incomes of farmland. Economic benefits and environment benefits are both appropriate, if the area of rice-garlic system would be reduced to 53% and the area of rice-fava bean system increased to 36% of total cropping area in the investigated watershed. Adjustment of planting structure and introduction of reasonable rotation systems is considered an effective measure of controlling agricultural non-point pollution in watersheds of Erhai Lake.展开更多
基金Jiangsu Water Science and Technology Project(2021081)。
文摘The rapid identification of planting patterns for major crops in a large irrigated district has vital importance for irrigation management,water fee collection,and crop yield estimation.In this study,the OTSU algorithm and Mean-Shift algorithm were employed to automatically determine threshold values for mapping two main rotated crop patterns at the pixel scale.A time series analysis was conducted to extract the spatial distribution of rice-wheat and wheat-maize rotations in the Chuanhang irrigation district from 2016 to 2020.The results demonstrate that both threshold segmentation algorithms are reliable in extracting the spatial distribution of the crops,with an overall accuracy exceeding 80%.Additionally,both Kappa coefficients surpass 0.7,indicating better performance by OTSU method.Over the period from 2016 to 2020,the area occupied by rice-wheat rotation cropping ranged from 12500 to 14400 hm 2;whereas wheat-maize rotation cropping exhibited smaller and more variable areas ranging from 19730 to 34070 hm 2.These findings highlight how remote sensing-based approaches can provide reliable support for rapidly and accurately identifying the spatial distribution of main crop rotation patterns within a large irrigation district.
基金Supported by China Agricultural Industry Research System(CARS-15-38).
文摘In recent years,the area dedicated to cotton cultivation in eastern Henan Province has experienced a continuous decline.Developing efficient multi-cropping systems for cotton and increasing the multiple cropping index represent effective strategies to stabilize the cotton planting area and enhance the income of cotton farmers.This paper presents an overview of intercropping systems and the benefits associated with cotton rotation and intercropping practices.Specifically,it discusses the"early maturing cotton-wheat"rotation system,the"cotton-watermelon"intercropping system,the"cotton-Dutch bean"intercropping system,and the"early maturing cotton-peanut-garlic"intercropping system.
文摘Identification of management practices that can improve soil health is critical to improving the sustainability of soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] production. The objective of this study was to examine the long-term effects of continuous soybean, corn-soybean, and soybean-cotton rotations with chicken litter and cover crops (hairy vetch, wheat, fallow) on soil health parameters, including nutrient accumulation and soil organic matter dynamics under a split plot design. The depth intervals of soil sampling were 0 - 15, 15 - 30, 30 - 60, and 60 - 90 cm. Chicken litter resulted in 62.1% and 32.8% higher water extractable organic soil N content than fallow and wheat, respectively, in the surface 0 - 15 cm of soil only. However, there was no significant difference in 1-day Solvita respiration, water extractable organic C, C/N ratio, health score, moisture, earthworm, organic matter, pH, or CEC of soil among fallow, hairy vetch, chicken litter, and wheat regardless of soil depth. Unexpectedly, annual application of chicken litter at 4.4 Mg ha−1 as an N source or growing a winter-season cover crop such as hairy vetch or wheat for continuous 16 years did not significantly increase soil organic matter or water extractable organic soil C. Annual application of chicken litter at 4.4 metric tons (Mg) ha–1 for 16 years increased soil nitrate-nitrogen (NO3−-N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), copper (Cu), and zinc (Zn) contents by 92%, 400%, 134%, 20%, 43%, 206%, and 430% in 0 - 15 cm depth compared with their initial soil values, respectively, extracted with Haney H3A-2 (2 g L–1 lithium citrate + 0.6 g L–1 citric acid + 0.4 g L–1 malic acid + 0.4 g L–1 oxalic acid) solution. The increases enhanced soil supply of these nutrients to following crops, but also increased the risks of losing them to the environment. Hairy vetch caused higher H3A extracted soil manganese (Mn) content than fallow and chicken litter in 0 - 60 cm. There was no significant difference in 1-day Solvita respiration, water extractable organic C and N, health score, moisture, organic matter, pH, CEC, or population of earthworm of soil among continuous soybean, corn-soybean, and soybean-cotton in any soil depth. Another major finding of this study was that continuous soybean exerted no adverse effect on soil health relative to the commonly used corn (Zea mays L.)-soybean and soybean-cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) rotations under no-tillage after 16 years. To mitigate the risks of nutrient runoff and leaching from long-term chicken litter application, we recommend reducing litter application rates and integrating cover crops into crop rotations to enhance nutrient cycling and reduce environmental impacts.
基金Supported by the Special Fund for Agro-scientific Research in the Public Interest,China(201003014-6)the National Natural Science Foundation of China(31160413)~~
文摘[Objective] Nitrogen and phosphorus losses of surface runoff in various crop rotation systems in the north of Erhai Lake basin were studied with the objective to provide references for risk evaluation of environmental pollution and formulating countermeasures to control the nonpoint source pollution from agriculture.[Method] Water samples collected in four typical crop rotation systems distributed in seven towns(townships) in the north of Erhai Lake basin were investigated,as well as the fertilizer input,to explore the dynamic change of nitrogen and phosphorus content in surface water of farmland and ditch water,and the correlation between fertilizer input and the concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus in the surface water of farmland and in the ditch water.[Result] The results showed that nitrogen loss in surface water of farmland in different crop rotation systems differed greatly,and the risk of nitrogen loss was 38% lower in broad bean-rice crop rotation than that in garlic-rice crop rotation.The water soluble nitrogen was the primary form of nitrogen loss.The content of water soluble nitrogen was significantly higher in garlic-rice crop rotation than that in the other rotation systems,and the concentrations of nitrogen in the surface water of farmland in different crop rotation systems followed the sequence below:garlic-rice crop rotationryegrass-rice crop rotationbroad bean-rice crop rotationrape-rice crop rotation.The loss of phosphorus in the surface water of farmland was relatively low and phosphorus combined with silt was the primary form for phosphorus loss.There was no significant difference of the loss of various forms of phosphorus in different crop rotation systems.The contents of total nitrogen and total phosphorus in the surface water of farmland were higher than that in ditch water,with increasing rates of total nitrogen and total phosphorus in ditch water of 72% and 82%,respectively.Topdressing was the critical reason for the high concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus in the surface water,which also caused the increasing load to the ditch water.[Conclusion] Both the nitrogen and phosphorus loss were the highest in garlic-rice crop rotation.Reasonable crop rotation systems should be established based on both the environmental and economic benefits.This study provided references for controlling the nonpoint source pollution of farmland and improving the water quality of Erhai Lake.
文摘Field measurements were made from June 2001 to May 2002 to evaluate the effect of crop residue application and temperature on CO2, CH4, and N2O emissions within an entire rice-wheat rotation season. Rapeseed cake and wheat straw were incorporated into the soil at a rate of 2.25 t hm(-2) when the rice crop was transplanted in June 2001. Compared with the control, the incorporation of rapeseed cake enhanced the emissions of CO2, CH4, and N2O in the rice-growing season by 12.3%, 252.3%, and 17.5%, respectively, while no further effect was held on the emissions of CO2 and N2O in the following wheat-growing season. The incorporation of wheat straw enhanced the emissions of CO2 and CH4 by 7.1% and 249.6%, respectively, but reduced the N2O emission by 18.8% in the rice-growing season. Significant reductions of 17.8% for the CO2 and of 12.9% for the N2O emission were observed in the following wheat-growing season. A positive correlation existed between the emissions of N2O and CO2 (R-2 = 0.445, n = 73,p < 0.001) from the rice-growing season when N2O was emitted. A trade-off relationship between the emissions of CH4 and N2O was found in the rice-growing season. The CH4 emission was significantly correlated with the CO2 emission for the period from rice transplantation to field drainage, but not for the entire rice-growing season. In addition, air temperature was found to regulate the CO2 emissions from the non-waterlogged period over the entire rice-wheat rotation season and the N2O emissions from the nonwaterlogged period of the rice-growing season, which can be quantitatively described by an exponential function. The temperature coefficient (Q(10)) was then evaluated to be 2.3+/-0.2 for the CO2 emission and 3.9+/-0.4 for the N2O emission, respectively.
基金The National Key Research and Development Program of China(2016YFD0300108,2016YFD0300208-02)the National Natural Science Foundation of China(31671638)+1 种基金the China Agriculture Research System(CARS-01-04A)the Special Fund for Agro-scientific Research in the Public Interest(201203096)partly supported this study
文摘To evaluate the effects of various rotation systems on rice grain yield and N use efficiency, a paddy–upland cropping experiment(2013–2016) was conducted in southeastern China. The experiment was designed using six different rice––winter crop rotations: rice–fallow(RF),rice–wheat(RW), rice–potato with rice straw mulch(RP), rice–green manure(Chinese milk vetch; RC–G), rice–oilseed rape(RO), and rice–green manure crop(oilseed rape with fresh straw incorporated into soil at flowering; RO–G) and three N rates, N0(0 kg N ha-1), N1(142.5 kg N ha-1), and N2(202.5 kg N ha-1). Average rice yields in the RF(5.93 t ha-1) rotation were significantly lower than those in the rotations with winter crops(7.20–7.48 t ha-1)under the N0 treatment, suggesting that incorporation of straw might be more effective for increasing soil N than winter fallow. The rice yield differences among the rotations varied by year with the N input. In general, the grain yields in the RP and RO–G rotations –were respectively 11.6–28.5% and 14.80–37.19% higher than those in the RF in plots with N applied. Increasing the N rate may have tended to minimize the average yield gap between the RF and the other rotations; the yield gaps were 18.55%, 4.14%, and 0.23% in N0, N1, and N2, respectively. However, the N recovery efficiency in the RF was significantly lower than that in other rotations, except for 2015 under both N1 and N2 rates, a finding that implies a large amount of chemical N loss. No significant differences in nitrogen agronomic efficiency(NAE) and physiological efficiency(NPE) were found between the rotations with legume(RC–G) and non–legume(RO and RW) winter crops, a result that may be due partly to straw incorporation. For this reason, we concluded that the return of straw could reduce differences in N use efficiency between rotations with and without legume crops. The degree of synchrony between the crop N demand and the N supply was evaluated by comparison of nitrogen balance degree(NBD) values. The NBD values in the RP and RW were significantly lower than those in the other rotations under both N1 and N2 rates. Thus,in view of the higher grain yield in the RP compared to the RW under the N1 rate, the RP rotation might be a promising practice with comparable grain yield and greater N use efficiency under reduced N input relative to the other rotations. The primary yield components of the RF and RP were identified as number of panicles m-2 and numbers of kernels panicle-1, respectively. The NAE and NPE were positively correlated with harvest index, possibly providing a useful indicator for evaluating N use efficiency.
基金financially supported by the Fund for Creative Research Groups of National Natural Science Foundation of China (41321001)
文摘Soil erosion on cropland is a major source of environmental problems in China ranging from the losses of a non-renewable resource and of nutrients at the source to contamination of downstream areas. Regional soil loss assessments using the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) would supply a scientiifc basis for soil conservation planning. However, a lack of in-formation on the cover and management (C) factor for cropland, one of the most important factors in the USLE, has limited accurate regional assessments in China due to the large number of crops grown and their complicated rotation systems. In this study, single crop soil loss ratios (SLRs) were col ected and quantiifed for 10 primary crops from past studies or re-ports. The mean annual C values for 88 crop rotation systems in 12 cropping system regions were estimated based on the combined effects of single crop SLRs and the percentage of annual rainfal erosivity (R) during the corresponding periods for each system. The C values in different cropping system regions were compared and discussed. The results indicated that the SLRs of the 10 primary crops ranged from 0.15 to 0.74. The mean annual C value for al 88 crop rotation systems was 0.34, with a standard deviation of 0.12. The mean C values in the single, double and triple cropping zones were 0.37, 0.36 and 0.28, respectively, and the C value in the triple zone was signiifcantly different from those in single and double zones. The C values of dryland crop systems exhibited signiifcant differences in the single and triple cropping system regions but the differences in the double regions were not signiifcant. This study is the ifrst report of the C values of crop rotation systems in China at the national scale. It wil provide necessary and practical parameters for accurately assessing regional soil losses from cropland to guide soil conservation plans and to optimize crop rotation systems.
基金the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq)Foundation for Research Support of the State of Goiás for their support
文摘Cover crops can provide changes in soil chemical and physical properties, which could allow a sustainable development of soybean and upland rice rotation in Brazilian Cerrado. The objective of this study was to determine the effects of cover crops(cultivated in the offseason) in the soybean-upland rice rotation(cultivated in the summer season) on the soil chemical and physical properties, yield components and grain yield of the cash crops. The experimental design was a randomized block design in factorial scheme 4 × 2 with six replications. Treatments were composed by four cover crops: fallow, millet(Pennisetum glaucum) + Crotalaria ochroleuca, millet + pigeon pea(Cajanus cajans), and millet + pigeon pea + Urochola ruziziensis in the offseason with one or two cycles of cover crops, with rice(Oryza sativa)or soybean(Glycine max) in the summer season. Cover crops alone provided no changes in soil chemical properties. However, the rotation cover crops/cash crops/cover crops/cash crops reduced p H, Al and H + Al and increased Ca, Mg, K and Fe contents in the soil. The cover crops millet + pigeon pea and millet + pigeon pea + U. ruziziensis improved soil physical properties in relation to fallow,especially in the 0–0.10 m soil layer. In spite of the improvement of the soil physical properties after two years of rotation with cover crops and cash crops, the soil physical quality was still below the recommended level, showing values of macroporosity, S index and soil aeration capacity lower than 0.10 m3/m3, 0.035 and 0.34, respectively. Upland rice production was higher under mixtures of cover crops than under fallow, mainly because of soil physical changes done by these mixtures of cover crops.Soybean grain yield was similar under all cover crops tested, but was higher after the rotation cover crops/upland rice/cover crops than after only one cycle of cover crops.
基金Financial supports were received from the Agro-scientific Research in the Public Interest of China(201503122)。
文摘Soil microbial biomass nitrogen(MBN)contains the largest proportion of biologically active nitrogen(N)in soil,and is considered as a crucial participant in soil N cycling.Agronomic management practices such as crop rotation and monocropping systems,dramatically affect MBN in agroecosystems.However,the influence of crop rotation and monocropping in agroecosystems on MBN remains unclear.A meta-analysis based on 203 published studies was conducted to quantify the effect of crop rotation and mono-cropping systems on MBN under synthetic N fertilizer application.The analysis showed that crop rotation significantly stimulated the response ratio(RR)of MBN to N fertilization and this parameter reached the highest levels in upland-fallow rotations.Upland mono-cropping did not change the RR of MBN to N application,however,the RR of MBN to N application in paddy mono-cropping increased.The difference between crop rotation and mono-cropping systems appeared to be due to the various cropping management scenarios,and the pattern,rate and duration of N addition.Crop rotation systems led to a more positive effect on soil total N(TN)and a smaller reduction in soil pH than mono-cropping systems.The RR of MBN to N application was positively correlated with the RR of mineral N only in crop rotation systems and with the RR of soil pH only in mono-cropping systems.Combining the results of Random Forest(RF)model and structural equation model showed that the predominant driving factors of MBN changes in crop rotation systems were soil mineral N and TN,while in mono-cropping systems the main driving factor was soil pH.Overall,our study indicates that crop rotation can be an effective way to enhance MBN by improving soil N resources,which promote the resistance of MBN to low pH induced by intensive synthetic N fertilizer application.
文摘Economic analysis of different diversified rotational cropping systems under Farmers' package/practices and improved package/practices was conducted in Birbhum district, West Bengal, located in the red and lateritic belt of lower Gangetic plain of eastern lndia. Diversified triple cropping systems (peanut-brinjal+brinjal, rice-potato-pumpkin, and cucumber-cabbage-basella) required higher cost for cultivation, but also produced higher rice equivalent yield, higher net return and higher return rupee1 invested in both management practices. Considering the resource-ability and risk-bearing capacity, and net return and return rupee^-1 (RPR) invested, these cropping systems can be recommended for resource-rich farmers. Rice-rapeseed-cowpea, rice-wheat-green gram and radish-tomato-amaranthus systems profitable. These cropping systems can be required less inputs for cultivation, were less risky, and economically viable and recommended for resource-poor farmers. Peanut-brinjal + brinjal-okra-chilli + chilli-cucumber-cabbage-basella system was the best among all the 3-year rotational systems in respect to RPR in both management practices. This rotational system will be suitable for resource-rich farmers. Vegetable-based rotational systems (ridge gourd-marigold-okra-black gram-pointed gourd + pointed gourd-radish-tomato-amaranthus) or rice-based rotational system (rice-wheat-green gram-rice-rapeseed-cowpea-rice-potato-pumpkin) also found to be suitable to increase the profitability and system sustainability. These cropping systems can be recommended for all groups of farmers.
基金funded by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research(ICAR),New Delhi
文摘Plots under conservation tillage may require higher amount of potassium(K) application for augmenting productivity due to its stratification in upper soil layers, thereby reducing K supplying capacity in a medium or long-term period. To test this hypothesis, a field experiment was performed in 2002-2003 and 2006-2007 to study the effect of K and several crop rotations on yield, water productivity, carbon sequestration, grain quality, soil K status and economic benefits derived in maize(Zea mays L)/cowpea(Vigna sinensis L.) based cropping system under minimum tillage(MT). All crops recorded higher grain yield with a higher dose of K(120 kg K2 O ha-1) than recommended K(40 kg K2 O ha-1). The five years' average yield data showed that higher K application(120 kg K2 O ha-1) produced 16.4%(P<0.05)more maize equivalent yield. Cowpea based rotation yielded 14.2%(P<0.05) higher production than maize based rotation. The maximum enhancement was found in cowpea-mustard rotation. Relationship between yield and sustainable indices revealed that only agronomic efficiency of fertilizer input was significantly correlated with yield. Similarly, higherdoses of K application not only increased the water use efficiency(WUE) of all crops, but also reduced runoff and soil loss by 16.5% and 15.8% under maize and 23.3% and 19.7% under cowpea cover, respectively. This study also revealed that on an average 16.5% of left over carbon input contributed to soil organic carbon(SOC). Here, cowpea based rotation with the higher K application increased carbon sequestration in soil. Potassium fertilization also significantly improved the nutritional value of harvested grain by increasing the protein content for maize(by 9.5%) and cowpea(by 10.6%). The oil content in mustard increased by 5.0% and 6.0% after maize and cowpea, respectively. Net return also increased with the application of the higher K than recommended K and the trend was similar to yield. Hence, the present study demonstrated the potential yield and profit gains along with resource conservation in the Indian Himalayas due to annual additions of higher amount of K than the recommended dose. The impact of high K application was maximum in the cowpea-mustard rotation.
基金Supported by Global COE Program (Global Center of Excellence for Dryland Science) Funded by MEXT"Historical Interactions between the Multi-Cultural Societies and the Natural Environment in a Semi-Arid Region in Central Eurasia" Project Funded by Research Institute for Humanity and Nature, Japan
文摘The lower Ili River Basin is located in semi-arid area, and the annual rainfall is 177mm. Therefore, the irrigation is inevitable for agriculture. Large-scale irrigated agriculture had been developed since 1960's in the lower parts of the river and the total irrigated area is about 32 000 hm2. In the project area, the paddy rice-upland crop rotation has been practiced. Due to the domestic water use for hydropower and agriculture as well as water use among riparian countries, the deficit of water for agriculture in the lower part has been concerned. The authors, therefore, conducted the field survey and water balance analysis of the Akdara irrigation project in the lower Ill River Basin in order to assess the land and water uses. Moreover, the impact of the water use on water environment to the basin was analyzed. The following results were obtained as following (1) the groundwater level in the irrigated district varied from 1.5 m to 3.5 m through year. (2) 1970's groundwater level was drastically raised from 8 m to 3 m and the groundwater had been recharged in this period. (3) Water use efficiency of agriculture, which is the ratio of total evapotranspiration to the total water withdrawal was as low as 0.23.
文摘Given the attention drawn since several decades by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) as potential biological alternatives to chemicals in a low-input agriculture, much effort has been spent in the investigation of mechanisms influencing the dynamics inside AMF communities. In the present study we evaluated the influence of different crop rotations on the AMF soil community, after a 50 y long-term field experiment established at Martonvásár, Hungary. Four types of crop rotation were chosen for sampling: corn monocropping, corn-alfalfa, corn-wheat, and corn-spring barley-peas-wheat. Community composition of AMF in soil was analyzed with a molecular approach amplifying a portion of 28S rDNA. The crop rotation practice didn’t show an influence on identity of the species composing AMF assemblages, but on the other hand seemed to affect positively the true diversity, defined as number of MOTUs present in the communities.
文摘The effects of cowpea (Vignaunguiculata) and-groundnut (Arachis hypogea) on succeeding sorghum yields, soil mineral N and nematode infestationwere studied during five cropping seasons (2000 to 2004) in a weakly acid Ultisol of the agronomy research station of Farak?-Ba lo-cated in the Guinean zone of Burkina Faso, West Africa. A factorial 5x5 design of five crop rotations with five fertilizer treatments in a split-plot arrangement with four replications was used.Sorghum yields were affected by the two factors (rotation with legumes and fertilizer ap-plications) during the four years. But interactions were not observed between the two factors. Monocropping of sorghum produced the lowest yields and legume–sorghum rotations increased sorghum yields by50% to 300%. Ground-nut–sorghum and cowpea–sorghum rotations increased soil mineral N by36% and 52%, re-spectively. Crop rotation influenced nematode infestation but the effects on soil and sorghum root infestation differed according to the rotation. The cowpea–sorghum rotation increased soil and sorghum root infestationby nematodes while groundnut–sorghum decree-sed the nematode population. The soil of the cowpea-sorghum rotation contained 1.5 to 2 times more nematodes than the soil of the monocropping of sorghum. In contrast, the soil ofthe groundnut–sorghum rotation contained from 17 to 19 times fewernematodes than that of themonocropping of sorghum. However, nematode infestation did not affect any of the succeeding sorghum yields. It was concluded that the parasitic effect of nematodes was limited by the predominance of positive N-effects on the development of succeeding sorghum.
基金supported by a Key Grant from the Earmarked Fund for Beijing Leaf Vegetables Innovation Team of Modern Agro-industry Technology Research System (blvt-08)the Natural Science Foundation of Beijing (Project 6972014)the National Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 30972034)
文摘[Objective] The aim was to identify changes in a nematode community in response to crop rotation and to determine the appropriate catch crop for a greenhouse. [Method] The experiment was carried out in a typical 6-year-old greenhouse,in which cucumber crops were cultivated twice each year(in spring and autumn),and catch crops were planted in summer. The total number of nematodes was counted and nematode community indices were calculated after collecting soil samples in different stages. [Result] Total nematode abundance was decreased in the soils of catch crop in contrast with former crops(cucumber crops). The abundance of the nematode community was reduced in the treatment of crop rotation compared to the soils of catch crop. In addition, the number of nematode taxa was significantly reduced by the treatment of crown daisy compared to the treatments of following crops. Crop rotation regulated the functional composition of the nematode community by increasing the omnivores-predators functional group and decreasing the relative abundance of root herbivores. [Conclusion] These results indicate that crop rotation affects the nematode community in abundance, diversity and functional composition of the nematode community and crown daisy can be served as the most appropriate catch crop in the greenhouse.
基金Supported by Guangdong Provincial Special Fund for Modern Agriculture Industry Technology Innovation Teams (2019KJ111)。
文摘The efficient cultivation technique of "rice-rice-potato" triple cropping rotation pattern is summarized by analyzing its characteristics and cultivation techniques in Yangjiang region of Guangdong Province,China,and machine-transplanted cultivation technique of double cropping rice and cultivation techniques of winter potato black film mulching are emphatically introduced,in order to promote the development of potato industry in Yangjiang City.The results will provide a scientific basis for the popularization and application of the "rice-rice-potato" triple cropping rotation pattern.
文摘A field experiment was conducted from 2002-2005 on a sandy clay loam red and lateritic soil under irrigation in a farmer's field at Senkapur (Lat. 23°36.79′ N, Long. 87°38.14′E, Elev. 46 m AMSL), Birbhum, West Bengal, India. The objective was to provide the temporal changes of weed diversity and density, ecology, and impact of rotational cropping systems on different crops under double and triple cropping systems with improved (IP) and farmer's packages (FP). There was significantly higher weed density in FP than in IP on all years. Grasses and sedges were more in vegetable-based rotational systems; but grasses and broad leaf weeds (BLWs) were more in rice-based rotational systems. The lowest weed population was in vegetable-based systems. Grasses increased in rice-based systems but gradually decreased in vegetable-based systems in subsequent years. Sedge density was higher in vegetable- than in rice-based rotational systems. Density of BLWs was higher but that of sedges was lower in rice-based rotational systems as compared to vegetable-based systems. Density of BLWs gradually decreased in all rotational systems over the years in both packages. Density of weeds decreased gradually in subsequent years indicating the positive effect of rotational systems on suppression of weeds. Results indicate that the weed density can be reduced through judicious diversified rotational cropping systems. Peanut-brinjal+brinjal, okra-chilli+chilli and cucumber-cabbage-basella systems greatly reduced the weed density in both packages, and hence can be recommended for the lateritic belt of lower Gangetic plain of eastern India.
基金Supported by the Special Fund for Agro-scientific Research in the Public Interest(201303018)the National Natural Science Foundation of China(31370449)
文摘To estimate the impact of crop rotation on the pathotype and genetic structure of Phythophthora sojae in fields, 372 isolates of P. sojae were obtained from long-term localisation experimental fields in Heilongjiang Province of China. The hypocotyl inoculation method was used to characterize the virulence of P. sojae on 13 differential cultivars, and the amplified fragment length polymorphism(AFLP) technique was used to analyze difference in the genetic structure of P. sojae. The results indicated that an abundant diversity of genetic structures and pathotypes of P. sojae, a more uniform distribution of pathotypes and less dominance of pathotypes occurred in corn-soybean and wheat-soybean rotation fields than in a continuous soybean mono-cropping field. These findings suggested that P. sojae did not easily become the dominant race in rotation fields, which maintain disease resistance in soybean varieties. Therefore, the results of this study suggested that Phytophthora stem and root rot of soybeans could be effectively controlled by rotating soybeans with non-host crops of corn and wheat.
基金funded by the National Research Foundation of China(32160310)National Key Research and Development Program of China(2016YFD0300208)+1 种基金Scientific Project of Department of Jiangxi Education of China(GJJ200444)Key disciplines(construction)of ecology in the 13th Five-Y ear Plan of Jiangxi Agricultural University.
文摘Based on the"Web of Science Core Collection"(SCIE database),this article used the visualization software CiteSpace to visualize and analyze the crop rotation fallow patterns in the past five years.It analyzed the countries,institutions,keywords and hot topics of related literature to explore their research characteristics and development,and to provide reference for crop rotation fallow research and practice.The research shows that:1)developed countries are the main research force in the field of crop rotation and fallowing,and the connection between the research of each country and each institution is not close;2)research hotspots can be mainly summarized as:crop growth and yield,greenhouse gas emissions and soil health analysis,and the research in this field is constantly refined,combining macro and micro;3)In recent years,there is a big gap between China and foreign countries in the field of crop rotation and fallow research.It is necessary to strengthen the cooperation with research institutions in developed countries in Europe and the United States,and to carry out cross-regional and interdisciplinary research cooperation to improve the quality of papers and scientific research level.
基金funded by the National Water Special Program of China during 11th Five-Year Plan period(2008ZX07105-002)
文摘This study was designed to find out an optimised planting system of reducing non-point (source) pollution by analyzing the reasons and the factors of influence non-point pollution in farmland of Erhai Lake basin. The results showed that incomes, residual nitrogen in soil, and the loss of nitrogen in surface water in rice-garlic system were higher than those in rice-fava bean system. There were positive correlations between the nitrogen loss of farmland, nitrogen inputs, residual nitrogen in soil, and incomes of farmland. Economic benefits and environment benefits are both appropriate, if the area of rice-garlic system would be reduced to 53% and the area of rice-fava bean system increased to 36% of total cropping area in the investigated watershed. Adjustment of planting structure and introduction of reasonable rotation systems is considered an effective measure of controlling agricultural non-point pollution in watersheds of Erhai Lake.