Petrography and chemistry of minerals show that rocks of Upper Eocene in northeast of Tafresh are composed mostly of andesitic basalt, basaltic andesite and andesite volcanic rocks. Mineralogically these rocks are com...Petrography and chemistry of minerals show that rocks of Upper Eocene in northeast of Tafresh are composed mostly of andesitic basalt, basaltic andesite and andesite volcanic rocks. Mineralogically these rocks are composed of phenocrystals of olivine, clinopyroxene and plagioclase and main texture of them is porphyry with cryptocrystalline or microcrystalline matrix. In addition, aphyric and pitted textures (amygdala) are also observed. According to the results of EPMA, phenocrystals of plagioclase in mentioned rocks include a range of anorthite to albite minerals. Alkali feldspars also contain a range of sodic to potassic minerals. Pyroxene crystals include hedenbergite, augite and hypersthene. Olivine minerals are often of the ferrohornblendite type. Based on thermobarometry it is estimated that to form clinopyroxene crystals of basaltic andesite rocks, temperature between 750°C to 1000°C is needed. Andesitic basalt rocks at higher temperature (1100°C) and andesite rocks at lower temperature (below 750°C) are formed. According to the distribution of aluminum in clinopyroxenes, these minerals at pressures less than 5 kbar and water content between 5% to 10% are crystallized. The mineral composition indicates that these rocks are formed in a tensional environment.展开更多
Rocks of the late Neoproterozoic Askaoun pluton (558 ± 2 Ma) located in the Ouzellarh-Sirwa promontory (Anti-Atlas) include magmatic microgranular enclaves (MMEs) ranging from rounded to ovoid in shape, dark and ...Rocks of the late Neoproterozoic Askaoun pluton (558 ± 2 Ma) located in the Ouzellarh-Sirwa promontory (Anti-Atlas) include magmatic microgranular enclaves (MMEs) ranging from rounded to ovoid in shape, dark and fine grained and generally 5 to 10 cm in size, some reaching a size of 50 cm. They are composed of microdiorite, quartz microdiorite and micromonzodiorite, whereas the felsic host rocks comprise mainly quartz-diorite and amphibole-biotite granodiorite based on mineralogical compositions. The mineral assemblage is similar to those described in their hosting granitoids but with different proportions. In this study composition of minerals is used to describe the nature of the magma and estimate the pressure, temperature and oxygen fugacity at which Askaoun pluton is emplaced. Based on chemistry of biotite Askaoun pluton formed from calc-alkaline magma. Compositions of plagioclase (An5 - An29);hornblende (Mg ≠= 0.59 - 0.65) and biotite (Mg ≠= 0.49 - 0.55) of MMEs are slightly distinct or similar to those of host rocks (An7-40;hbl Mg ≠= 0.64 - 0.69;Bi Mg ≠= 0.49 - 0.50) which suggest partial to complete equilibration during mafic-felsic magma interaction. The coexisting hornblende and plagioclase (hornblende-plagioclase thermometry), Al content in hornblende (aluminum-in-hornblende barometry) and the assemblage titanite-magnetite-quartz were used to constrain the P, T and fO2 during the crystallization of the parent magmas. The Askaoun pluton was emplaced at temperature ca. 504°C - 633°C and at pressure ca. 0.9 - 4.66 ± 0.6 Kbars (average depth = 6.5 km) from a highly oxidized magma (log fO2 = ?24.8 to ?19.2).展开更多
The Gelmandeh Massive is located in the Central part of Iranian Microcontinent. Amphibolitic rocks occupy the main portion of Gelmandeh complex, which consists of hornblendite, garnet amphibolites, and gneiss. Geochem...The Gelmandeh Massive is located in the Central part of Iranian Microcontinent. Amphibolitic rocks occupy the main portion of Gelmandeh complex, which consists of hornblendite, garnet amphibolites, and gneiss. Geochemical investigations indicate that the ratio of Eu/Eu* separates samples into two categories: first category with ratio of Eu/Eu* > 1 and the second with ratio of Eu/Eu* < 1, which the former indicates an enriched mantle origin while the latter points to crustal contamination. Generally, amphibolites can be differentiated into two separate series. First series is characterized with calc-alkaline to alkaline composition with enriched mantle origin, and the second one has calc-alkaline to tholeiitic nature and it is of continental type that underwent crustal contamination within subduction zone. The microprobe electron analysis shows that the amphiboles were a member of the calcic group and hastingsite-tschermakite series. Geo-barometric studied and mineral paragenesis show that the metamorphism is of Barovian type with PT condition upto 7 K bar and 580°C.展开更多
Mantle xenocrysts from early Triassic kimberlite pipes from Kharamai, Ary-Mastakh and Kuranakh fields in the Anabar shield of Siberia revealing similar compositional trends were studied to estimate the superplume infl...Mantle xenocrysts from early Triassic kimberlite pipes from Kharamai, Ary-Mastakh and Kuranakh fields in the Anabar shield of Siberia revealing similar compositional trends were studied to estimate the superplume influence on the subcratonic lithosphere mantle (SCLM). Pressure-temperature (PT) reconstructions using monomineral thermobarometry for 5 phases show division of the SCLM beneath the Kharamai field into 6 units: pyroxenitic Fe-rich (1-2 GPa) and Mg-rich (2-3 GPa) layers; middle with two levels of Gar-Sp pyroxenites at - 3 and 4-5 GPa; Gar-dunite-harzburgites - 4.5-6.5 GPa subjected to llm-Px vein metasomatism; and a Mg-rich dunite lower part. In the Anabar shield (Ary-Mastakh, Dyuken and Kuranakh fields) mantle lithosphere is composed of three large units divided into two parts: upper part with amphiboles and phlogopite; two levels of pyroxenites and eclogites at 3 and 4 GPa, and a lower part composed of refertilized dunites. Diagrams showing P-Fe#Gar clusters for garnets and omphacites illustrate the differences between SCLM of these localities. Differences of Triassic SCLM from Devonian SCLM are in simple layering; abundance of Na-Cr-amphiboles and metasomatism in the upper SCLM part, thick pyroxenite-eclogite layer and lower part depletion, heated from SCLM base to 5.0 GPa. Kharamai mantle clinopyroxenes represent three geochemical types: (1) harzburgitic with inclined linear REE, HFSE troughs and elevated Th, U; (2) lherzolitic or pyroxenitic with round TRE patterns and decreasing incompatible elements; (3) eclogitic with Eu troughs, Pb peak and high LILE content. Calculated parental melts for garnets with humped REE patterns suggest dissolution of former Cpx and depression means Cpx and garnets extraction. Clinopyroxenes from Ary-Mastakh fields show less in- dined REE patterns with HMREE troughs and an increase of incompatible elements. Clinopyroxenes from Kuranakh field show flatter spoon-like REE patterns and peaks in Ba, U, Pb and St, similar to those in ophiolitic harzburgites. The PT diagrams for the mantle sections show high temperature gradients in the uppermost SCLM accompanied by an increase of P-Fe#OI upward and slightly reduced thickness of the mantle keel of the Siberian craton, resulting from the influence of the Permian-Triassic superplume, but with no signs of delamination.展开更多
This paper is supported by the Special Doctoral Grant of the Ministry of Education of China (No. 98049114) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 49972023).
Recent eruption in 1991-1995 years of Unzen Volcano(Kyushu Island,Japan)has caught attention of many volcanologists because of dramatical consequences of the previos eruption in 1792,when more than 15000 people were p...Recent eruption in 1991-1995 years of Unzen Volcano(Kyushu Island,Japan)has caught attention of many volcanologists because of dramatical consequences of the previos eruption in 1792,when more than 15000 people were perished.So it is important to study this volcano and try to predict future eruptions and their possible damage.It is proved now,that magma hybridization processes展开更多
The chemical and petrological correlation of metamorphic nappes and klippes overlying the Proterozoic sedimentary units in the Kumaun Himalaya is still debated. The Ramgarh and Almora gneisses, not previously distingu...The chemical and petrological correlation of metamorphic nappes and klippes overlying the Proterozoic sedimentary units in the Kumaun Himalaya is still debated. The Ramgarh and Almora gneisses, not previously distinguished in the Askot Klippe, show distinct field, petrological and chemical signatures markedly similar to the tectonostratigraphic disposition of the Almora Nappe. A negative Eu anomaly in the Ramgarh granitic gneisses indicates lesser plagioclase fractionation while the Eu anomaly in the Almora pelitic gneisses is likely to have been controlled by feldspar crystallization in restites. During the anatexis at > 776°C temperature and >6.6 kbar pressure, the melt moved slightly away to its crystallization sites. The Rb/Sr ratio ?0.54 and Nb ?10 ppm is consistent with the granodioritic composition. The negative Sr anomaly in the underlying Ramgarh granitic gneisses indicates a distinct mantle derived source/plagioclase fractionation with a notable correspondence to other late orogenic granites, particularly the basement Ulleri gneisses from the Nepal Himalaya. Ramgarh gneisses plot in the late-and post-COLG field. The Askot ensemble is likely to be the tectonometamorphically reworked basement, viz. the Ramgarh Group along with its metapelitic cover o f the Almora Group, together comprising southward thrust remnants of the leading edge of the Indian Plate that collided with Tibet during the Tertiary Himalayan orogeny.展开更多
Mineral data from Yakutian kimberlites allow reconstruction of the history of lithospheric mantle.Differences occur in compositions of mantle pyropes and clinopyroxenes from large kimberlite pipes in the Alakit and Da...Mineral data from Yakutian kimberlites allow reconstruction of the history of lithospheric mantle.Differences occur in compositions of mantle pyropes and clinopyroxenes from large kimberlite pipes in the Alakit and Daldyn fields.In the Alakit field.Cr-diopsides are alkaline,and Stykanskaya and some other pipes contain more sub-calcic pyropes and dunitic-type diamond inclusions,while in the Daldyn field harzburgitic pyropes are frequent.The eclogitic diamond inclusions in the Alakit field are sharply divided in types and conditions,while in the Daldyn field they show varying compositions and often continuous Pressure-Temperature(P-T) ranges with increasing Fe~# with decreasing pressures.In Alakit,Crpargasites to richterites were found in all pipes,while in Daldyn,pargasites are rare Dalnyaya and Zarnitsa pipes.Cr-diopsides from the Alakit region show higher levels of light Rare Earth Elements(LREE)and stronger REE-slopes,and enrichment in light Rare Earth Elements(LREE),sometimes Th-U,and small troughs in Nb-Ta-Zr.In the Daldyn field,the High Field Strength Elements HFSE troughs are more common in clinopyroxenes with low REE abundances,while those from sheared and refertilized peridotites have smooth patterns.Garnets from Alakit show HREE minima,but those from Daldyn often have a trough at Yand high U and Pb.PTX/O2 diagrams from both regions show similarities,suggesting similar layering and structures.The degree of metasomatism is often higher for pipes which show dispersion in P-Fe~# trends for garnets.In the mantle beneath Udachnaya and Aykhal,pipes show 6-7 linear arrays of P-Fe~# in the lower part of the mantle section at 7.5-3.0 GPa,probably reflecting primary subduction horizons.Beneath the Sytykanskaya pipe,there are several horizons with opposite inclinations which reflect metasomatic processes.The high dispersion of the P—Fe~# trend indicating widespread metasomatism is associated with decreased diamond grades.Possible explanation of the differences in mineralogy and geochemistry of the mantle sections may relate to their tectonic positions during growth of the lithospheric keel.Enrichment in volatiles and alkalis possibly corresponds to interaction with subduction-related fluids and melts in the craton margins.Incorporation of island arc peridotites from an eroded arc is a possible scenario.展开更多
We designed the mantle transects using the PTXFO2 diagrams(Ashchepkov et al.,2010,2013,2017)constructed(Figs.1 a–c)for mantle columns beneath kimberlite and sections of the lithospheric mantle(SCLM)under the Kaapvaal...We designed the mantle transects using the PTXFO2 diagrams(Ashchepkov et al.,2010,2013,2017)constructed(Figs.1 a–c)for mantle columns beneath kimberlite and sections of the lithospheric mantle(SCLM)under the Kaapvaal and the Congo cratons.The set of the pipes is in(Zinchenko et al.,2020,2021).展开更多
Application of reliable thermobarometer on garnet-bearing mantle xenoliths and granulite xenoliths entrained by Cenozoic basalts in eastern China reveals two main types of geotherm. The first type, as exampled by Hann...Application of reliable thermobarometer on garnet-bearing mantle xenoliths and granulite xenoliths entrained by Cenozoic basalts in eastern China reveals two main types of geotherm. The first type, as exampled by Hannuoba (汉若坝), Mingxi (明溪) and probably Northeast China, is characterized by constant slope of data in the P-T space. The second type, as exampled by the high geotherms of Niishan (女山) and probably Xinchang (新昌), is characterized by variable slopes, with the samples with pressure 〈2 MPa defining a slow slope, whereas the samples with pressure 〉2 MPa define a virtually vertical slope. The different slopes in the second type of geotherm may correspond to different heat transfer mechanisms, with conductive transfer for the shallow upper mantle and advective transfer for the deep mantle. This observed transition in thermal transfer mechanism is consistent with theoretical modeling. The two types of geotherm are not mutually exclusive, because the second type may characterize the thermal state of whole lithospheric section including both mechanical boundary layer (MBL) and thermal boundary layer (TBL), while the first type may only depict the MBL. The variable geotherms for different regions are indicative of a heterogeneous lithospheric structure in eastern China. (a) Eastern North China craton (NCC) is characterized by a second-type geotherm, corresponding to a thin lithosphere (-70 km). Comparison of the equilibrium temperatures of spinel peridotites with this geotherm constrains the depth to Moho in eastern North China craton to be 30 kin. In contrast, western NCC (Hannuoba: the first-type geotherm) possesses a relatively low thermal gradient, indicative of a thick lithosphere (〉90-100 km) and a thick crust-mantle transition zone. The dramatic change in crustal and mantle structure across the DTGL (Daxing'anling (大兴安岭)- Talhangshan (太行山) gravity lineament) is consistent with recent seismic studies. (b) There is a decrease in thermal gradient and in lithospheric thickness from the coast (Xinchang: the second-type geotherm) to the inland (Mingxi: the first-type geotherm) in South China (from -80 km to 〉90 kin), which is collaborated with westward variation in basalt geochemistry. (c) The weak convex-upward pattern of the geo- therm in Qilin (麒麟) and Leizhou (雷州) Peninsula is peculiar, probably reflecting a transitional feature between conductive and advective heat transfer. It may result from impregnation of mantle plume on the base of the lithosphere. These new results not only provide a basic framework for the ongoing 4-D lithosphere mapping project in eastern China, but also yield important implications for deep processes that operated over the past.展开更多
Ophiolites play a key role in understanding subduction-accretion-collision processes. Herein, we discuss origin and metamorphic evolution of an enigmatic, Neoproterozoic ophiolite candidate—the mafic-ultramafic Songs...Ophiolites play a key role in understanding subduction-accretion-collision processes. Herein, we discuss origin and metamorphic evolution of an enigmatic, Neoproterozoic ophiolite candidate—the mafic-ultramafic Songshugou Complex, Qinling belt, China—summarizing published thermobarometr);U/Pb geochronology, and geochemistry and presenting new phase equilibrium modeling. Garnet, rarely preserved in amphibolites of the Songshugou Complex, has prograde zoning and low-pvrope cores |Alm54-71(Grs+And)25-30PrP1-6Sps5-12. It formed at quartz eclogite facies conditions of 1.93-2.54 GPa, 462-542℃. During exhumation, garnet first was mantled by plagioclase-rich coronas at about 0.7-1.2 GPa, 660-710℃. During an isothermal uplift to 0.5-0.8 GPa, these coronas evolved widely into n-shaped aggregates and eventually into whitish ribbons oriented with a steeply southwest dipping mineral stretching lineation. The exhumation into middle-upper crustal levels proceeded till the Late Devonian. The oceanic protoliths of the eclogites were emplaced into continental crust in the Neoproterozoic and dragged into a subduction zone in North Qinling in the Cambrian. The ultramafic rocks of the Songshugou Complex were not subducted with the mafic rocks in a coherent block given the absence of garnet but ubiquitous occurrence of spinel implies a P maximum of ?1.7 GPa. Rather, mafic and ultramafic rocks belonged to downgoing and overriding plate, respectively. They were juxtaposed at 0.8-1.7 GPa at Early Ordovician time.展开更多
The mineral thermobarometry proposed in literature is used to calculate the equilibrium temperature and pressure of garnet Iherzolite and websterite xenoliths within the Cenozoic kama-fugite from west Qinling, Gansu P...The mineral thermobarometry proposed in literature is used to calculate the equilibrium temperature and pressure of garnet Iherzolite and websterite xenoliths within the Cenozoic kama-fugite from west Qinling, Gansu Province, China. The results show that the equilibrium temperature and pressure of garnet Iherzolites and websterite and 1127-1266℃, 2.9-3.6 Gpa and 1169 -1248℃, 2.8-3.2 Gpa respectively. The equilibrium peressures reach or exceed the equilibrium peressure of spinel Iherzolites (2.0-3.0 GPa), and fall into the stability range of garnet peridotite. The equilibrium temperature of the xenoliths reach or exceed the ocean geotherm, identical with the melting temperature of kamafugite magma determined by experiments under the conditions of post-orogenic lithosphere extension. So the thermal state of Cenozoic mantle of the west Qinling may be fit to generate the kamafugite magmatism. The research on petrology-mineralogy and geobarothermometry of the xenoliths shows that both garnet Iherzolite and websterite are mantle components of the west Qinling, and may be considered as source rocks of the Cenozoic kamafugite magma.展开更多
文摘Petrography and chemistry of minerals show that rocks of Upper Eocene in northeast of Tafresh are composed mostly of andesitic basalt, basaltic andesite and andesite volcanic rocks. Mineralogically these rocks are composed of phenocrystals of olivine, clinopyroxene and plagioclase and main texture of them is porphyry with cryptocrystalline or microcrystalline matrix. In addition, aphyric and pitted textures (amygdala) are also observed. According to the results of EPMA, phenocrystals of plagioclase in mentioned rocks include a range of anorthite to albite minerals. Alkali feldspars also contain a range of sodic to potassic minerals. Pyroxene crystals include hedenbergite, augite and hypersthene. Olivine minerals are often of the ferrohornblendite type. Based on thermobarometry it is estimated that to form clinopyroxene crystals of basaltic andesite rocks, temperature between 750°C to 1000°C is needed. Andesitic basalt rocks at higher temperature (1100°C) and andesite rocks at lower temperature (below 750°C) are formed. According to the distribution of aluminum in clinopyroxenes, these minerals at pressures less than 5 kbar and water content between 5% to 10% are crystallized. The mineral composition indicates that these rocks are formed in a tensional environment.
文摘Rocks of the late Neoproterozoic Askaoun pluton (558 ± 2 Ma) located in the Ouzellarh-Sirwa promontory (Anti-Atlas) include magmatic microgranular enclaves (MMEs) ranging from rounded to ovoid in shape, dark and fine grained and generally 5 to 10 cm in size, some reaching a size of 50 cm. They are composed of microdiorite, quartz microdiorite and micromonzodiorite, whereas the felsic host rocks comprise mainly quartz-diorite and amphibole-biotite granodiorite based on mineralogical compositions. The mineral assemblage is similar to those described in their hosting granitoids but with different proportions. In this study composition of minerals is used to describe the nature of the magma and estimate the pressure, temperature and oxygen fugacity at which Askaoun pluton is emplaced. Based on chemistry of biotite Askaoun pluton formed from calc-alkaline magma. Compositions of plagioclase (An5 - An29);hornblende (Mg ≠= 0.59 - 0.65) and biotite (Mg ≠= 0.49 - 0.55) of MMEs are slightly distinct or similar to those of host rocks (An7-40;hbl Mg ≠= 0.64 - 0.69;Bi Mg ≠= 0.49 - 0.50) which suggest partial to complete equilibration during mafic-felsic magma interaction. The coexisting hornblende and plagioclase (hornblende-plagioclase thermometry), Al content in hornblende (aluminum-in-hornblende barometry) and the assemblage titanite-magnetite-quartz were used to constrain the P, T and fO2 during the crystallization of the parent magmas. The Askaoun pluton was emplaced at temperature ca. 504°C - 633°C and at pressure ca. 0.9 - 4.66 ± 0.6 Kbars (average depth = 6.5 km) from a highly oxidized magma (log fO2 = ?24.8 to ?19.2).
文摘The Gelmandeh Massive is located in the Central part of Iranian Microcontinent. Amphibolitic rocks occupy the main portion of Gelmandeh complex, which consists of hornblendite, garnet amphibolites, and gneiss. Geochemical investigations indicate that the ratio of Eu/Eu* separates samples into two categories: first category with ratio of Eu/Eu* > 1 and the second with ratio of Eu/Eu* < 1, which the former indicates an enriched mantle origin while the latter points to crustal contamination. Generally, amphibolites can be differentiated into two separate series. First series is characterized with calc-alkaline to alkaline composition with enriched mantle origin, and the second one has calc-alkaline to tholeiitic nature and it is of continental type that underwent crustal contamination within subduction zone. The microprobe electron analysis shows that the amphiboles were a member of the calcic group and hastingsite-tschermakite series. Geo-barometric studied and mineral paragenesis show that the metamorphism is of Barovian type with PT condition upto 7 K bar and 580°C.
基金supported by grants RFFI 11-05-00060a and 11-05-91060-PICS
文摘Mantle xenocrysts from early Triassic kimberlite pipes from Kharamai, Ary-Mastakh and Kuranakh fields in the Anabar shield of Siberia revealing similar compositional trends were studied to estimate the superplume influence on the subcratonic lithosphere mantle (SCLM). Pressure-temperature (PT) reconstructions using monomineral thermobarometry for 5 phases show division of the SCLM beneath the Kharamai field into 6 units: pyroxenitic Fe-rich (1-2 GPa) and Mg-rich (2-3 GPa) layers; middle with two levels of Gar-Sp pyroxenites at - 3 and 4-5 GPa; Gar-dunite-harzburgites - 4.5-6.5 GPa subjected to llm-Px vein metasomatism; and a Mg-rich dunite lower part. In the Anabar shield (Ary-Mastakh, Dyuken and Kuranakh fields) mantle lithosphere is composed of three large units divided into two parts: upper part with amphiboles and phlogopite; two levels of pyroxenites and eclogites at 3 and 4 GPa, and a lower part composed of refertilized dunites. Diagrams showing P-Fe#Gar clusters for garnets and omphacites illustrate the differences between SCLM of these localities. Differences of Triassic SCLM from Devonian SCLM are in simple layering; abundance of Na-Cr-amphiboles and metasomatism in the upper SCLM part, thick pyroxenite-eclogite layer and lower part depletion, heated from SCLM base to 5.0 GPa. Kharamai mantle clinopyroxenes represent three geochemical types: (1) harzburgitic with inclined linear REE, HFSE troughs and elevated Th, U; (2) lherzolitic or pyroxenitic with round TRE patterns and decreasing incompatible elements; (3) eclogitic with Eu troughs, Pb peak and high LILE content. Calculated parental melts for garnets with humped REE patterns suggest dissolution of former Cpx and depression means Cpx and garnets extraction. Clinopyroxenes from Ary-Mastakh fields show less in- dined REE patterns with HMREE troughs and an increase of incompatible elements. Clinopyroxenes from Kuranakh field show flatter spoon-like REE patterns and peaks in Ba, U, Pb and St, similar to those in ophiolitic harzburgites. The PT diagrams for the mantle sections show high temperature gradients in the uppermost SCLM accompanied by an increase of P-Fe#OI upward and slightly reduced thickness of the mantle keel of the Siberian craton, resulting from the influence of the Permian-Triassic superplume, but with no signs of delamination.
基金This paper is supported by the Special Doctoral Grant of the Ministry ofEducation of China(No.98049114)and the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.49972023).
文摘This paper is supported by the Special Doctoral Grant of the Ministry of Education of China (No. 98049114) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 49972023).
文摘Recent eruption in 1991-1995 years of Unzen Volcano(Kyushu Island,Japan)has caught attention of many volcanologists because of dramatical consequences of the previos eruption in 1792,when more than 15000 people were perished.So it is important to study this volcano and try to predict future eruptions and their possible damage.It is proved now,that magma hybridization processes
基金the financial support from the UGC CAS-I & II grantDSTs New Delhi for financial assistance to MJ. BPD
文摘The chemical and petrological correlation of metamorphic nappes and klippes overlying the Proterozoic sedimentary units in the Kumaun Himalaya is still debated. The Ramgarh and Almora gneisses, not previously distinguished in the Askot Klippe, show distinct field, petrological and chemical signatures markedly similar to the tectonostratigraphic disposition of the Almora Nappe. A negative Eu anomaly in the Ramgarh granitic gneisses indicates lesser plagioclase fractionation while the Eu anomaly in the Almora pelitic gneisses is likely to have been controlled by feldspar crystallization in restites. During the anatexis at > 776°C temperature and >6.6 kbar pressure, the melt moved slightly away to its crystallization sites. The Rb/Sr ratio ?0.54 and Nb ?10 ppm is consistent with the granodioritic composition. The negative Sr anomaly in the underlying Ramgarh granitic gneisses indicates a distinct mantle derived source/plagioclase fractionation with a notable correspondence to other late orogenic granites, particularly the basement Ulleri gneisses from the Nepal Himalaya. Ramgarh gneisses plot in the late-and post-COLG field. The Askot ensemble is likely to be the tectonometamorphically reworked basement, viz. the Ramgarh Group along with its metapelitic cover o f the Almora Group, together comprising southward thrust remnants of the leading edge of the Indian Plate that collided with Tibet during the Tertiary Himalayan orogeny.
基金Supported by Grants RBRF 05-05-64718,03-05-6414611-0500060a+2 种基金11-05-91060-PICSa16-05-860the result of the projects 77-2,65-03,02-05 UIGGM SD RAS and ALROSA Stock Company
文摘Mineral data from Yakutian kimberlites allow reconstruction of the history of lithospheric mantle.Differences occur in compositions of mantle pyropes and clinopyroxenes from large kimberlite pipes in the Alakit and Daldyn fields.In the Alakit field.Cr-diopsides are alkaline,and Stykanskaya and some other pipes contain more sub-calcic pyropes and dunitic-type diamond inclusions,while in the Daldyn field harzburgitic pyropes are frequent.The eclogitic diamond inclusions in the Alakit field are sharply divided in types and conditions,while in the Daldyn field they show varying compositions and often continuous Pressure-Temperature(P-T) ranges with increasing Fe~# with decreasing pressures.In Alakit,Crpargasites to richterites were found in all pipes,while in Daldyn,pargasites are rare Dalnyaya and Zarnitsa pipes.Cr-diopsides from the Alakit region show higher levels of light Rare Earth Elements(LREE)and stronger REE-slopes,and enrichment in light Rare Earth Elements(LREE),sometimes Th-U,and small troughs in Nb-Ta-Zr.In the Daldyn field,the High Field Strength Elements HFSE troughs are more common in clinopyroxenes with low REE abundances,while those from sheared and refertilized peridotites have smooth patterns.Garnets from Alakit show HREE minima,but those from Daldyn often have a trough at Yand high U and Pb.PTX/O2 diagrams from both regions show similarities,suggesting similar layering and structures.The degree of metasomatism is often higher for pipes which show dispersion in P-Fe~# trends for garnets.In the mantle beneath Udachnaya and Aykhal,pipes show 6-7 linear arrays of P-Fe~# in the lower part of the mantle section at 7.5-3.0 GPa,probably reflecting primary subduction horizons.Beneath the Sytykanskaya pipe,there are several horizons with opposite inclinations which reflect metasomatic processes.The high dispersion of the P—Fe~# trend indicating widespread metasomatism is associated with decreased diamond grades.Possible explanation of the differences in mineralogy and geochemistry of the mantle sections may relate to their tectonic positions during growth of the lithospheric keel.Enrichment in volatiles and alkalis possibly corresponds to interaction with subduction-related fluids and melts in the craton margins.Incorporation of island arc peridotites from an eroded arc is a possible scenario.
基金supported by the RFBR grant 19-05-00788supported by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation
文摘We designed the mantle transects using the PTXFO2 diagrams(Ashchepkov et al.,2010,2013,2017)constructed(Figs.1 a–c)for mantle columns beneath kimberlite and sections of the lithospheric mantle(SCLM)under the Kaapvaal and the Congo cratons.The set of the pipes is in(Zinchenko et al.,2020,2021).
基金supported by the Knowledge Inno-vation Project of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (No. KZCX2-YW-Q08-3-6)the National Natural Science Founda-tion of China (Nos. 90714001, 40773015)the CAS/SAFEA International Partnership Program for Creative Research Teams (No. KZCX2-YW-Q04-06)
文摘Application of reliable thermobarometer on garnet-bearing mantle xenoliths and granulite xenoliths entrained by Cenozoic basalts in eastern China reveals two main types of geotherm. The first type, as exampled by Hannuoba (汉若坝), Mingxi (明溪) and probably Northeast China, is characterized by constant slope of data in the P-T space. The second type, as exampled by the high geotherms of Niishan (女山) and probably Xinchang (新昌), is characterized by variable slopes, with the samples with pressure 〈2 MPa defining a slow slope, whereas the samples with pressure 〉2 MPa define a virtually vertical slope. The different slopes in the second type of geotherm may correspond to different heat transfer mechanisms, with conductive transfer for the shallow upper mantle and advective transfer for the deep mantle. This observed transition in thermal transfer mechanism is consistent with theoretical modeling. The two types of geotherm are not mutually exclusive, because the second type may characterize the thermal state of whole lithospheric section including both mechanical boundary layer (MBL) and thermal boundary layer (TBL), while the first type may only depict the MBL. The variable geotherms for different regions are indicative of a heterogeneous lithospheric structure in eastern China. (a) Eastern North China craton (NCC) is characterized by a second-type geotherm, corresponding to a thin lithosphere (-70 km). Comparison of the equilibrium temperatures of spinel peridotites with this geotherm constrains the depth to Moho in eastern North China craton to be 30 kin. In contrast, western NCC (Hannuoba: the first-type geotherm) possesses a relatively low thermal gradient, indicative of a thick lithosphere (〉90-100 km) and a thick crust-mantle transition zone. The dramatic change in crustal and mantle structure across the DTGL (Daxing'anling (大兴安岭)- Talhangshan (太行山) gravity lineament) is consistent with recent seismic studies. (b) There is a decrease in thermal gradient and in lithospheric thickness from the coast (Xinchang: the second-type geotherm) to the inland (Mingxi: the first-type geotherm) in South China (from -80 km to 〉90 kin), which is collaborated with westward variation in basalt geochemistry. (c) The weak convex-upward pattern of the geo- therm in Qilin (麒麟) and Leizhou (雷州) Peninsula is peculiar, probably reflecting a transitional feature between conductive and advective heat transfer. It may result from impregnation of mantle plume on the base of the lithosphere. These new results not only provide a basic framework for the ongoing 4-D lithosphere mapping project in eastern China, but also yield important implications for deep processes that operated over the past.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos. 41350110224, 41750110483, 41730426, 41872066)the Open Research Project of the State Key Laboratory of Geological Processes and Mineral Resources, China University of Geosciences (No. GPMR201820)
文摘Ophiolites play a key role in understanding subduction-accretion-collision processes. Herein, we discuss origin and metamorphic evolution of an enigmatic, Neoproterozoic ophiolite candidate—the mafic-ultramafic Songshugou Complex, Qinling belt, China—summarizing published thermobarometr);U/Pb geochronology, and geochemistry and presenting new phase equilibrium modeling. Garnet, rarely preserved in amphibolites of the Songshugou Complex, has prograde zoning and low-pvrope cores |Alm54-71(Grs+And)25-30PrP1-6Sps5-12. It formed at quartz eclogite facies conditions of 1.93-2.54 GPa, 462-542℃. During exhumation, garnet first was mantled by plagioclase-rich coronas at about 0.7-1.2 GPa, 660-710℃. During an isothermal uplift to 0.5-0.8 GPa, these coronas evolved widely into n-shaped aggregates and eventually into whitish ribbons oriented with a steeply southwest dipping mineral stretching lineation. The exhumation into middle-upper crustal levels proceeded till the Late Devonian. The oceanic protoliths of the eclogites were emplaced into continental crust in the Neoproterozoic and dragged into a subduction zone in North Qinling in the Cambrian. The ultramafic rocks of the Songshugou Complex were not subducted with the mafic rocks in a coherent block given the absence of garnet but ubiquitous occurrence of spinel implies a P maximum of ?1.7 GPa. Rather, mafic and ultramafic rocks belonged to downgoing and overriding plate, respectively. They were juxtaposed at 0.8-1.7 GPa at Early Ordovician time.
基金the Major State Basic Research Development Program(G1998040800), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 49973014) and Qinghai-Xizhang Plateau Special Project of Ministry of Land and Resources (200101020404).
文摘The mineral thermobarometry proposed in literature is used to calculate the equilibrium temperature and pressure of garnet Iherzolite and websterite xenoliths within the Cenozoic kama-fugite from west Qinling, Gansu Province, China. The results show that the equilibrium temperature and pressure of garnet Iherzolites and websterite and 1127-1266℃, 2.9-3.6 Gpa and 1169 -1248℃, 2.8-3.2 Gpa respectively. The equilibrium peressures reach or exceed the equilibrium peressure of spinel Iherzolites (2.0-3.0 GPa), and fall into the stability range of garnet peridotite. The equilibrium temperature of the xenoliths reach or exceed the ocean geotherm, identical with the melting temperature of kamafugite magma determined by experiments under the conditions of post-orogenic lithosphere extension. So the thermal state of Cenozoic mantle of the west Qinling may be fit to generate the kamafugite magmatism. The research on petrology-mineralogy and geobarothermometry of the xenoliths shows that both garnet Iherzolite and websterite are mantle components of the west Qinling, and may be considered as source rocks of the Cenozoic kamafugite magma.