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裂缝介质岩石物理模型研究综述 被引量:14
作者 镇晶晶 刘洋 《地球物理学进展》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第5期1708-1716,共9页
随着我国油气勘探开发事业的快速发展,裂缝型油气藏将成为本世纪的重点勘探对象之一.由于裂缝模型对于预测裂缝型油气藏非常重要,因此,裂缝模型的研究备受关注.本文简单概述裂缝模型的发展历程,重点介绍Schoenberg模型、Hudson模型、Kac... 随着我国油气勘探开发事业的快速发展,裂缝型油气藏将成为本世纪的重点勘探对象之一.由于裂缝模型对于预测裂缝型油气藏非常重要,因此,裂缝模型的研究备受关注.本文简单概述裂缝模型的发展历程,重点介绍Schoenberg模型、Hudson模型、Kachanov模型、Eshelby-Cheng模型、Thomsen模型、DEM模型和Self-consistent模型等7种模型的假设条件、适用范围、优缺点和表现形式,最后预测了裂缝模型的发展趋势. 展开更多
关键词 裂缝模型 Schoenberg模型 Hudson模型 Kachanov模型 Thomsen模型
碳酸盐岩裂缝储层精细建模及其数值模拟 被引量:10
作者 崔泽飞 熊晓军 +1 位作者 龚思宇 李良泉 《科学技术与工程》 北大核心 2017年第26期177-180,共4页
为了有效地进行碳酸盐岩裂缝储层的地震波场数值模拟,提出了一种碳酸盐岩裂缝储层的精细建模技术,该技术包含裂缝发育带位置的准确设定和裂缝发育带物性参数的准确设定两项内容。首先基于三维叠后地震资料的裂缝检测资料和根据地震层位... 为了有效地进行碳酸盐岩裂缝储层的地震波场数值模拟,提出了一种碳酸盐岩裂缝储层的精细建模技术,该技术包含裂缝发育带位置的准确设定和裂缝发育带物性参数的准确设定两项内容。首先基于三维叠后地震资料的裂缝检测资料和根据地震层位资料建立背景地层模型,建立包含裂缝发育带的碳酸盐岩裂缝储层模型;然后,基于流体因子分析的基质矿物体积模量反演方法,采用Hudson模型准确地计算裂缝发育带的等效物性参数。渤海某区的碳酸盐岩裂缝储层建模的实例表明,提出的碳酸盐岩裂缝储层精细建模技术能准确地建立研究区的裂缝储层模型,其得到的地震波场特征与井旁地震响应特征一致,可以有效地总结研究区裂缝储层的地震波场响应特征;并应用于指导后续的储层预测。 展开更多
关键词 碳酸盐岩 裂缝发育带 Hudson模型 数值模拟
硬币型裂缝介质的频散与衰减 被引量:4
作者 张繁昌 桑凯恒 路亚威 《石油地球物理勘探》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2019年第4期836-843,I0011,共9页
为了快速、准确地模拟硬币型裂缝的频散和衰减,同时避免求解Galvin硬币型裂缝频变弹性模量表达式中存在的奇异性问题,基于Gauss-Lobatto等效离散积分的求解方法,将求解的第二类Fredholm积分方程转变为有限区间内的离散积分,并利用高阶... 为了快速、准确地模拟硬币型裂缝的频散和衰减,同时避免求解Galvin硬币型裂缝频变弹性模量表达式中存在的奇异性问题,基于Gauss-Lobatto等效离散积分的求解方法,将求解的第二类Fredholm积分方程转变为有限区间内的离散积分,并利用高阶近似方法将远场多重散射方程在零极限的求解问题与离散积分过程统一;进一步利用各向异性Gassmann方程,结合线性滑移理论与Hudson硬币型裂缝模型,分别给出了裂缝介质在高、低频极限条件下各个弹性模量的解析式。相速度和黏弹性反射系数数值模拟表明:随裂缝密度变大,衰减峰值变大;随裂缝尺度变大或流体黏度增强,衰减峰值频率向低频移动;相对于平行裂缝方向,垂直方向的速度和衰减变化最大,且当介质饱气时,反射系数明显大于含水、含油介质。数值模拟结果表明裂缝密度影响衰减,裂缝尺度和流体黏度影响介质由弛豫向非弛豫过渡的频带位置。 展开更多
关键词 硬币型裂缝 离散积分 各向异性Gassmann方程 线性滑移 Hudson裂缝模型
作者 赵卫华 王红才 +2 位作者 魏建新 孙东生 李阿伟 《地质力学学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第4期967-975,共9页
构建了等直径不同裂隙密度和等裂隙密度不同裂隙直径两组物理模型,进行不同围压条件下多方向的超声波速度测试,并运用Hudson理论进行了理论模型计算。结果显示,计算与实测结果吻合较好。随围压的增大,纵、横波速度均近线性增加,纵、横... 构建了等直径不同裂隙密度和等裂隙密度不同裂隙直径两组物理模型,进行不同围压条件下多方向的超声波速度测试,并运用Hudson理论进行了理论模型计算。结果显示,计算与实测结果吻合较好。随围压的增大,纵、横波速度均近线性增加,纵、横波各向异性基本保持不变;裂隙密度从2%增大到6%,纵波速度不同程度降低,其中慢纵波降低幅度相对较大,快横波变化不明显,而慢横波则大幅降低。随着裂隙密度的增大,纵、横波各向异性均增大,且横波各向异性增加速率大于纵波;裂隙直径从2 mm增大到3 mm,快纵波速度增加很小,慢纵波增加明显,横波速度均不发生改变。随着裂隙直径的增大,纵波各向异性逐渐降低,横波各向异性保持不变。最后结合试验结果分析了Hudson理论在不同深度进行参数预测的必要条件。研究结果有助于油气生产、地下水的开采与控制、污染处理等。 展开更多
关键词 裂隙 Hudson理论 物理模型 波速 围压
作者 岳崇旺 李晓春 +1 位作者 徐继山 冯波 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2023年第4期469-478,670,671,共12页
岩石介质具有粘滞性,黏弹性介质模型相对于弹性介质模型更为接近岩石介质的真实情况。裂隙介质是地球物理勘探中的一种常见现象,特别是水平裂隙在沉积岩薄互层中广泛发育。以Cole-Cole黏弹性介质为背景,基于Hudson裂隙介质理论,给出了... 岩石介质具有粘滞性,黏弹性介质模型相对于弹性介质模型更为接近岩石介质的真实情况。裂隙介质是地球物理勘探中的一种常见现象,特别是水平裂隙在沉积岩薄互层中广泛发育。以Cole-Cole黏弹性介质为背景,基于Hudson裂隙介质理论,给出了纵横波速度、品质因子、各向异性与裂缝密度以及裂缝高宽比之间的关系。推导了含水平裂隙黏弹介质速度—应力方程的交错网格有限差分公式,对不同裂隙密度、不同高宽比介质条件下的井孔声场进行了数值模拟。模拟结果表明:井外地层中纵波和横波速度随裂隙密度增大而递减,振幅随裂隙密度增加而增加;井内纵波、横波的速度和振幅随裂隙密度的增加而减小。井外地层中的纵波速度随裂隙高宽比的增加而减小,纵波振幅横波速度和振幅受高宽比的影响较小;井内接收到的纵波的速度和振幅随裂隙高宽比的增加而减小,横波的速度受裂隙高宽比影响较小,横波的振幅随裂隙高宽比的增大而减小。 展开更多
关键词 水平裂隙 Hudson理论 COLE-COLE模型 井孔声场
作者 石志奇 刘振峰 +3 位作者 陈天胜 李超 何晓 陈德华 《应用声学》 CSCD 北大核心 2022年第4期593-601,共9页
为明确裂缝间相互作用对各向异性的影响,该文以Hudson模型为例分析了裂缝密度、裂缝倾角对地震波波场、弹性常数和Thomsen系数的影响规律,然后采用“基质-骨架-流体”组合化的方法进行了裂缝储层微观尺度的建模,并与实际测井资料进行了... 为明确裂缝间相互作用对各向异性的影响,该文以Hudson模型为例分析了裂缝密度、裂缝倾角对地震波波场、弹性常数和Thomsen系数的影响规律,然后采用“基质-骨架-流体”组合化的方法进行了裂缝储层微观尺度的建模,并与实际测井资料进行了对比。结果表明该模型适用条件为低裂缝密度储层,二阶模型适用的裂缝密度范围比一阶模型大,但在裂缝密度过大时,二阶模型会出现不收敛的现象,模型便不再适用。裂缝储层纵横波速度随裂缝倾角增大而增大,纵波速度对裂缝倾角更为敏感。另外,在与实际测井曲线对比时,在高裂缝密度地层二阶模型的应用效果明显优于一阶模型,说明了在高裂缝密度储层考虑裂缝间的相互作用的必要性。 展开更多
关键词 裂缝储层 Hudson模型 相互作用 各向异性 组合化建模
Seasonal Analysis of Atmospheric Changes in Hudson Bay during 1998-2018 被引量:2
作者 Farahnaz Fazel-Rastgar 《American Journal of Climate Change》 2020年第2期100-122,共23页
The main objective of this study is to examine the NARR (North American Regional Reanalysis Model) high-resolution dataset to understand the last two decades dramatic climate changes in Hudson Bay associated with the ... The main objective of this study is to examine the NARR (North American Regional Reanalysis Model) high-resolution dataset to understand the last two decades dramatic climate changes in Hudson Bay associated with the atmospheric keys by synoptically analysis. The anomalies of the near-surface meteorological parameters such as air temperature, humidity, mean sea level pressure, wind vectors along with cloudiness, precipitation, surface albedo and downward longwave radiation at surface in seasonally based changes have been analysed. The increase in low-level thermal structure leads to changing the near-surface humidity, evaporation, cloudiness, precipitation and downward longwave radiation at the surface. Also, winds have been accelerated associated with anticyclonic curvature development. The results show significant atmospheric changes during the last two decades in Hudson Bay with the highest values mostly during winter and fall seasons in the north, east boundaries and James Bay area. Using the statistical analysis for mean low-level temperature, surface albedo, low-level clouds and evaporation at the surface during nearly recent 2 decades (1998-2018) rather than the normal climatology mean (1981-2010) have revealed the meaningful significant difference for mentioned parameters. The statistical analysis results show that during spring there is a significant positive correlation between low clouds anomaly and 2 m air temperature anomaly rather than other seasons. So, the recent atmospheric changes in the study area as a region located in the Arctic and sub-Arctic can contribute to extra-local and global warming. 展开更多
关键词 Climate Change Sea Surface Temperature CLOUDS NARR Model Hudson Bay
Investigation of upper crust anisotropy in Ghaen-Birjand region, east-central Iran 被引量:1
作者 Mohammad-Reza Gheitanchi Zoya Zarifii 《地震学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2004年第5期466-473,共8页
A number of aftershocks of the May 10th 1997, Zirkuh (Ghaen-Birjand) destructive earthquake have been used to investigate the anisotropy in the upper crust by observing shear wave splitting. Particle motion diagram an... A number of aftershocks of the May 10th 1997, Zirkuh (Ghaen-Birjand) destructive earthquake have been used to investigate the anisotropy in the upper crust by observing shear wave splitting. Particle motion diagram and aspect ratio methods were used as two different approaches to obtain splitting parameters. Clear shear wave splitting was observed on the records of the selected aftershocks, indicating that the media in the region was highly anisotropic. By using particle motion method, the direction of fast shear wave was found 22N19E, while the delay time between the fast and slow shear waves was obtained to be (6516) ms. By aspect ratio method, the direction of fast shear wave was determined to be 35N18E and the delay time between fast and slow shear waves was found to be (4910) ms. For a simple horizontal layer with a thickness about 5 km and uniformly distributed anisotropy, a stress aligned cracks model was used and the result was interpreted in terms of vertical aligned cracks in the direc-tion of N22E, having a density about 0.01. It is assumed that cracks are fluid-filled since they are located in the upper crust. Finally, by using Hudson cracks model for three crack densities 0.005, 0.01, 0.03, the velocity curves of shear wave were plotted as a function of angle between the symmetrical axis of cracks and the azimuth of source to receiver. It was concluded that when shear wave was polarized parallel to the crack surface, the velocity was uniform, but the velocity curve varied clearly if shear wave was polarized perpendicular to the crack surface. 展开更多
关键词 横波分裂 上地壳各向异性 Hudson裂纹模型 质点运动图 纵横比方法 Zirkuh(Ghaen-Birjand) 地震 活断层 余震活动性
Investigation of upper crust anisotropy in Ghaen-Birjand region, east-central Iran
作者 Mohammad-Reza Gheitanchi Zoya Zarifii 《Acta Seismologica Sinica(English Edition)》 CSCD 2004年第5期518-525,共8页
A number of aftershocks of the May 10th 1997, Zirkuh (Ghaen-Birjand) destructive earthquake have been used to investigate the anisotropy in the upper crust by observing shear wave splitting. Particle motion diagram an... A number of aftershocks of the May 10th 1997, Zirkuh (Ghaen-Birjand) destructive earthquake have been used to investigate the anisotropy in the upper crust by observing shear wave splitting. Particle motion diagram and aspect ratio methods were used as two different approaches to obtain splitting parameters. Clear shear wave splitting was observed on the records of the selected aftershocks, indicating that the media in the region was highly anisotropic. By using particle motion method, the direction of fast shear wave was found 22°N±19°E, while the delay time between the fast and slow shear waves was obtained to be (65±16) ms. By aspect ratio method, the direction of fast shear wave was determined to be 35°N±18°E and the delay time between fast and slow shear waves was found to be (49±10) ms. For a simple horizontal layer with a thickness about 5 km and uniformly distributed anisotropy, a stress aligned cracks model was used and the result was interpreted in terms of vertical aligned cracks in the direction of N22°E, having a density about 0.01. It is assumed that cracks are fluid-filled since they are located in the upper crust. Finally, by using Hudson cracks model for three crack densities 0.005, 0.01, 0.03, the velocity curves of shear wave were plotted as a function of angle between the symmetrical axis of cracks and the azimuth of source to receiver. It was concluded that when shear wave was polarized parallel to the crack surface, the velocity was uniform, but the velocity curve varied clearly if shear wave was polarized perpendicular to the crack surface. 展开更多
关键词 shear wave splitting anisotropy in upper crust Hudson cracks model particle motion diagram aspect ratio method Zirkuh (Ghaen-Birjand) earthquake active faults aftershock activity
作者 李美琦 《中国科技纵横》 2023年第24期138-141,共4页
本文从等效地质模型理论出发,总结、分析常用的描述含裂隙储层的Hudson模型和Cheng模型的理论基础,通过数值模拟分别获得了两种模型的独立弹性常数与模型裂隙密度之间的关系,分析含裂隙储层模型的优缺点和适用范围,为含裂隙储层的AVO响... 本文从等效地质模型理论出发,总结、分析常用的描述含裂隙储层的Hudson模型和Cheng模型的理论基础,通过数值模拟分别获得了两种模型的独立弹性常数与模型裂隙密度之间的关系,分析含裂隙储层模型的优缺点和适用范围,为含裂隙储层的AVO响应特征曲线研究提供模型优选参照。 展开更多
关键词 含裂隙储层模型 Hudson模型 Cheng模型
Experimental study on the e ect of fracture scale on seismic wave characteristics 被引量:2
作者 Wei Jianxin Di Bangrang Wang Qiang 《Petroleum Science》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第2期119-125,共7页
In fractured reservoir beds, fracture characteristics affect seismic wave response. Fractured models based on the Hudson's fractured medium theory were constructed in our laboratory by a backfilling technique. For th... In fractured reservoir beds, fracture characteristics affect seismic wave response. Fractured models based on the Hudson's fractured medium theory were constructed in our laboratory by a backfilling technique. For the same fracture density, the variations of the velocity and amplitude of the primary wave and shear wave parallel and perpendicular to the fracture were observed by altering the diameter (scale) of the penny-shaped fracture disk. The model test indicated that an increase of fracture scale increased the velocity and amplitude of the primary wave by about 2%. When the shear wave propagated parallel to the fracture, the velocity of the fast shear wave hardly changed, while the velocity of slow shear wave increased by 2.6% with increasing fracture scale. The results indicated that an increase of fracture scale would reduce the degree of anisotropy of the shear wave. The amplitudes of slow shear waves propagating parallel and perpendicular to fractures decreased with increasing fracture scale. 展开更多
关键词 Fracture scale Hudson's fracture theory primary wave and shear wave velocity anisotropy model test
A physical model study of effect of fracture aperture on seismic wave 被引量:2
作者 WEI JianXin & DI BangRang CNPC Key Physical Exploration Laboratory,China University of Petroleum,Beijing 102248,China 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2008年第S2期233-240,共8页
Based on Hudson’s theoretical hypothesis of equivalent fracture model,inserting aligned round chips in solid model can simulate fractured media. The effect of fractures on the propagation of P and S waves can be obse... Based on Hudson’s theoretical hypothesis of equivalent fracture model,inserting aligned round chips in solid model can simulate fractured media. The effect of fractures on the propagation of P and S waves can be observed by changing the fracture thickness. The base model is made of epoxy resin,and the material of fractures is a kind of low-velocity mixture containing silicon rubber. With constant diameter and number of fractures in each model,one group of models can be formed through changing the thickness of fracture. These models have the same fracture density. By using the ultrasonic pulse transmission method,the experiment records time and waveform of P and S waves in the direction parallel and perpendicular to the fracture orientation. The result shows that,with the same fracture density,changing fracture aperture will affect both velocity and amplitude of P and S waves,and the effect on P-wave amplitude is much greater than that on the velocity. Moreover,the variation in velocity of S wave is more obvious in the slow shear wave (S2),while the variation in amplitude is more obvious in the fast shear wave (S1). These properties of wave propagation are useful for seismic data processing and interpretation. 展开更多
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