Increasing bacteria levels in the Lower Neches River caused by Hurricane Harvey has been of a serious concern.This study is to analyze the historical water sampling measurements and real-time water quality data collec...Increasing bacteria levels in the Lower Neches River caused by Hurricane Harvey has been of a serious concern.This study is to analyze the historical water sampling measurements and real-time water quality data collected with wireless sensors to monitor and evaluate water quality under different hydrological and hydraulic conditions.The statistical and Pearson correlation analysis on historical water samples determines that alkalinity,chloride,hardness,conductivity,and pH are highly correlated,and they decrease with increasing flow rate due to dilution.The flow rate has positive correlations with Escherichia coli,total suspended solids,and turbidity,which demonstrates that runoff is one of the causes of the elevated bacteria and sediment loadings in the river.The correlation between E.coli and turbidity indicates that turbidity greater than 45 nephelometric turbidity units in the Neches River can serve as a proxy for E.coli to indicate the bacterial outbreak.A series of statistical tools and an innovative two-layer data smoothing filter are developed to detect outliers,fill missing values,and filter spikes of the sensor measurements.The correlation analysis on the sensor data illustrates that the elevated sediment/bacteria/algae in the river is either caused by the first flush rain and heavy rain events in December to March or practices of land use and land cover.Therefore,utilizing sensor measurements along with rainfall and discharge data is recommended to monitor and evaluate water quality,then in turn to provide early alerts on water resources management decisions.展开更多
Individual participation of pollutants in the pollution load should be estimated even if roughly for the appropriate environmental management of a river basin.It is difficult to identify the sources and to quantify th...Individual participation of pollutants in the pollution load should be estimated even if roughly for the appropriate environmental management of a river basin.It is difficult to identify the sources and to quantify the load, especially in modeling nonpoint source.In this study a revised model was established by integrating point and nonpoint sources into one-dimensional Streeter-Phelps(S-P) model on the basis of real-time hydrologic data and surface water quality monitoring data in the Jilin Reach of the Songhua River Basin.Chemical oxygen demand(COD) and ammonia nitrogen(NH 3-N) loads were estimated.Results showed that COD loads of point source and nonpoint source were 134 958 t/yr and 86 209 t/yr, accounting for 61.02% and 38.98% of total loads, respectively.NH 3-N loads of point source and nonpoint source were 16 739 t/yr and 14 272 t/yr, accounting for 53.98% and 46.02%, respectively.Point source pollution was stronger than nonpoint source pollution in the study area at present.The water quality of upstream was better than that of downstream of the rivers and cities.It is indispensable to treat industrial wastewater and municipal sewage out of point sources, to adopt the best management practices to control diffuse pollutants from agricultural land and urban surface runoff in improving water quality of the Songhua River Basin.The revised S-P model can be successfully used to identify pollution source and quantify point source and nonpoint source loads by calibrating and validating.展开更多
In order to improve the effectiveness of Fuzzy Synthetic Evaluation (FSE) models, a Parameter Correlation Analysis (PCA) was introduced into the FSE and a case study was carried out in the Naoli River in the Sanjiang ...In order to improve the effectiveness of Fuzzy Synthetic Evaluation (FSE) models, a Parameter Correlation Analysis (PCA) was introduced into the FSE and a case study was carried out in the Naoli River in the Sanjiang Plain, Northeast China. The basic principle of the PCA is that the pairs of parameters which are highly correlated and linear with each other would contribute the same information to an assessment and one of them should be eliminated. The method of the PCA is that a correlation relationship among candidate parameters is examined before the FSE. If there is an apparent nonlinear or curvilinear relationship between two parameters, then both will be retained; if the correlation is significant (p<0.01), and the scatter plot suggests a linear relationship, then one of them will be deleted. However, which one will be deleted? For solving this problem, a sensitivity test was conducted and the higher sensitivity parameters remained. The results indicate that the original data should be preprocessed through the PCA for redundancy and variability. The study shows that introducing the PCA into the FSE can simplify the FSE calculation process greatly, while the results have not been changed much.展开更多
Rivers in the Liaohe River Estuary area have been seriously polluted by discharges of wastewater containing petroleum pol- lutants and nutrients. In this paper, The Enhanced Stream Water Quality Model (QUAL2K) and i...Rivers in the Liaohe River Estuary area have been seriously polluted by discharges of wastewater containing petroleum pol- lutants and nutrients. In this paper, The Enhanced Stream Water Quality Model (QUAL2K) and its revised model as well as One-dimensional Tide Mean Model (1D model) were applied to predict and assess the water quality of the tidal fiver reach of the Liaohe River Estuary. Dissolved oxygen (DO), biochemical oxygen demand (BODs), ammonia nitrogen (NH3-N) and total phosphorus (TP) were chosen as water quality indices in the two model simulations. The modelled results show that the major reasons for degraded rivers remain petroleum and non-point source pollution. Tidal water also has a critical effect on the variation of water quality. The sensitivity analysis identifies that flow rate, point load and diffuse load are the most sensitive parameters for the four water quality indices in the revised QUAL2K simulation. Uncertainty analysis based on a Monte Carlo simulation gives the probability distribution of the four wa- ter quality indices at two locations (6.50 km and 44.84 km from the river mouth). The statistical outcomes indicate that the observed data fall within the 90% confidence intervals at all sites measured, and show that the revised QUAL2K gives better results in simulating the water quality of a tidal fiver.展开更多
In this article the meaning of the quantity and quality of environmental flows of river in dualistic water cycle is discussed, and compared with the meaning of unitary water cycle. Based on the analysis of the relatio...In this article the meaning of the quantity and quality of environmental flows of river in dualistic water cycle is discussed, and compared with the meaning of unitary water cycle. Based on the analysis of the relationship between environmental flows of river requirements, the efficiency of water resource usage, the consumption coefficient, and the concentration of waste water elimination, the water quantity and water quality calculation method of the environmental flows of river requirements in dualistic water cycle is developed, and the criteria for environmental flows of river requirements are established, and therefore the water quantity-quality combined evaluation of natural river flows requirements are realized Taking the Liaohe River as a model, the environmental flows of river requirements for Xiliao River, Dongliao River, mainstream Liaohe River, Huntai River and northeast rivers along the coasts of the Yellow and Bohai seas in unitary water cycle are calculated, each taking up 39.3%, 63.0%, 43.9%, 43.3% and 43.5% of runoff respectively. Evaluated according to Tennant recommended flow, the results show that: except Xiliao River is "median", the rest are all upon "good", the Dongliao River is even "very good". The corresponding results in dualistic water cycle are that, the proportion of natural flows for each river is 57.5%, 74.1%, 60.8%, 60.3% and 60.4%; while the combined evaluation results show that: considering "quantity", except Xiliao River, the rest rivers can all achieve the "quantity" criteria of the en- vironmental flows of river requirements, but if considering the aspect of "quality", only Dongliao River can reach the "quality" standard. By water quantity-quality combined evaluation method, only Dongliao River can achieve the criteria. So the water quality is the main factor that determines whether the environmental flows can meet the river ecosystem demands.展开更多
Based on the monitoring results of environmental quality of the waters near the Oujiang River estuary from 2010 to 2017,the present situation of environmental quality of the waters was analyzed and evaluated.The resul...Based on the monitoring results of environmental quality of the waters near the Oujiang River estuary from 2010 to 2017,the present situation of environmental quality of the waters was analyzed and evaluated.The results showed that pH,DO,COD Mn ,petroleum,and heavy metal (Cu,Pb,Zn,Cd,Hg,As and Cr) content in the waters near the Oujiang River estuary did not exceed the second-class standard of Seawater Quality Standard (GB 3097-1997),while both inorganic nitrogen and reactive phosphate in the waters greatly exceeded the second-class standard.The water quality near the Oujiang River estuary was in an eutrophic state.In terms of sediment quality,the standard index of most evaluation factors except for Cu was smaller than 1,meeting the demands of sediment quality for environmental protection.展开更多
Based on the monitoring results of environmental quality of the waters near the Feiyun River estuary during 2011-2016, the current situation of environmental quality of the waters was analyzed and evaluated. The resul...Based on the monitoring results of environmental quality of the waters near the Feiyun River estuary during 2011-2016, the current situation of environmental quality of the waters was analyzed and evaluated. The results showed that pH, DO, COD Mn , petroleum, and heavy metals (Cu, Pb, Zn, Cd, Hg, As and Cr) in the waters near the Feiyun River estuary did not exceed the second-class standard of Seawater Quality Standard (GB 3097-1997), while both inorganic nitrogen and reactive phosphate in the waters exceeded the second-class standard obviously. The water quality of the waters near the Feiyun River estuary was in an eutrophic state. In terms of sediment quality, the standard index of most evaluation factors except for Cu was smaller than 1, meeting the demands of sediment quality for environmental protection.展开更多
In the capital city of Baghdad, The surface water suffering from effect of conservative pollutants. Baghdad city has two rivers, the main river Tigris River and Diyala River in boundary of Baghdad city (Jassir Diyala)...In the capital city of Baghdad, The surface water suffering from effect of conservative pollutants. Baghdad city has two rivers, the main river Tigris River and Diyala River in boundary of Baghdad city (Jassir Diyala) eastern of Baghdad. The present study deals with the evaluation of water quality of Tigris River within Baghdad. In the case of Tigris River the concentrations of TH, TDS, PO4 and SO4 were found to lie outside the acceptable range of WHO standards by using WQI analysis and C++ program.展开更多
[Objective] The study aimed to analyze water quality of origin flows of Hctan River using Nemorow pollution index method. [Method] Based on data monitored at four monitoring sections of Yorungkash River and Karakash R...[Objective] The study aimed to analyze water quality of origin flows of Hctan River using Nemorow pollution index method. [Method] Based on data monitored at four monitoring sections of Yorungkash River and Karakash River dudng 2001 -2005, water quality of Hotan River was assessed by using Nemorow pollution index method. [ Result] During 2001 -2005, Yorungkash River and Karakash River had clean water reaching the first standard. Nemorow pollution index was 0.15 -0.69 at the first section of Yorungkash River, and it was 0.23 -0.46 at its last section; there were few changes in water quality at the last section, while Nemorow pollution index showed a downward trend at the first section. Nemorow pollu- tion index was 0.23 -0.65 at the first section of Karakash River, and it was 0.23 -0.47 at its last section, showing a downward trend at its last section. [Condusion] Water quality of Hotan River belonged to first-class clean water.展开更多
Based on the investigation for the 14 groundwater sources, the water quality of the groundwater sources had been analyzed, using the evaluation method of the combination of inorganic and organic index instead of the t...Based on the investigation for the 14 groundwater sources, the water quality of the groundwater sources had been analyzed, using the evaluation method of the combination of inorganic and organic index instead of the traditional method which was only based on inorganic index. The results showed that the quality of 12 groundwater sources satisfied class III standard of groundwater quality and other two exceeded class III standard. There were one groundwater source, whose water quality reached class 1 standard, and five groundwater sources, whose water quality reached class II standard. There were seven groundwater sources, in which the fluorine, an organic pollutant, was detected. The results showed that the groundwater resources in Yantai City were less polluted and the main pollutant in groundwater was nitrate. According to the analytical data and the environmental conditions of groundwater sources, the conclusion was drawn that the agriculture and rural non-point pollution were the main reasons of groundwater pollution.展开更多
In order to study the water quality of the Shichuan River basin in Fuping,Shaanxi Province,based on improved Nemerow index method,comprehensive pollution index method and principal component analysis method,eight wate...In order to study the water quality of the Shichuan River basin in Fuping,Shaanxi Province,based on improved Nemerow index method,comprehensive pollution index method and principal component analysis method,eight water quality indexes such as pH,dissolved oxygen(DO),total dissolved solids(TDS),COD,total hardness,total phosphorus,total nitrogen and Zn in three monitoring sections of Fuping section of the Shichuan River in Shaanxi Province were detected and analyzed.The results show that the water quality of the surface water in the Shichuan River basin is gradeⅢorⅣwater,that is,the water is slightly polluted and moderately polluted.It is necessary to monitor the water quality after regulation and clarify the main factors causing the water pollution.展开更多
Evaluation and analysis of water quality variations were performed with integrated consideration of water quality parameters, hydrological-meteorologic and anthropogenic factors in Cao-E River, Zhejiang Province of Ch...Evaluation and analysis of water quality variations were performed with integrated consideration of water quality parameters, hydrological-meteorologic and anthropogenic factors in Cao-E River, Zhejiang Province of China. Cao-E River system has been polluted and the water quality of some reaches are inferior to Grade V according to National Surface Water Quality Standard of China (GB2002). However, mainly polluted indices of each tributary and mainstream are different. Total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP) in the water are the main polluted indices for mainstream that varies from 1.52 to 45.85 mg/L and 0.02 to 4.02 mg/L, respectively. TN is the main polluted indices for Sub-watershed Ⅰ, Ⅱ, Ⅳ and Ⅴ(0.76 to 18.27 mg/L). BOD5 (0.36 to 289.5 mg/L), CODMn (0.47 to 78.86 mg/L), TN (0.74 to 31.09 mg/L) and TP (0 to 3.75 mg/L) are the main polluted indices for Sub-watershed Ⅲ. There are tow pollution types along the river including nonpoint source pollution and point source pollution types. Remarkably temporal variations with a few spatial variations occur in nonpoint pollution type reaches (including mainstream, Sub-watershed Ⅰ and Ⅱ) that mainly drained by arable field and/or dispersive rural dwelling district, and the maximum pollutant concentration appears in flooding seasons. It implied that the runoff increases the pollutant concentration of the water in the nonpoint pollution type reaches. On the other hand, remarkably spatial variations occur in the point pollution type reaches (include Sub-watershed Ⅲ, Ⅳ and Ⅴ) and the maximum pollutant concentration appears in urban reaches. The runoff always decreases the pollutant concentration of the river water in the seriously polluted reaches that drained by industrial point sewage. But for the point pollution reaches resulted from centralized town domestic sewage pipeline and from frequent shipping and digging sands, rainfall always increased the concentration of pollutant (TN) in the river water too. Pollution controls were respectively suggested for these tow types according to different pollution causes.展开更多
As part of their efforts to control water pollution,local governments in China introduced the river chief system,whereby a named individual undertakes responsibility for protecting a specified waterway.As one of the m...As part of their efforts to control water pollution,local governments in China introduced the river chief system,whereby a named individual undertakes responsibility for protecting a specified waterway.As one of the most prominent sources of water pollution,agricultural non-point-source(NPS)pollution is becoming increasingly serious.Determining whether the river chief system,an institutional reform in China's decentralized environmental regulation regime,is effective in alleviating NPS pollution is important for the realization of green development.The effect of the river chief system on reducing agricultural NPS pollution is explored in this study using panel data from 308 Chinese counties during the period from 2004 to 2015.The results reveal that the negative impact of manure output from animal breeding operations on surface water quality is reduced with the implementation of the river chief system.However,the river chief system is ineffective in dealing with the water pollution caused by fertilizer use.Furthermore,in the current system,cooperation among river chiefs only occurs within a province.Local governments should increase their efforts in reducing fertilizer source loads and preventing fertilizer loads from entering surface waters.In addition,the central government should improve cooperation among the river chiefs in upstream and downstream provinces.展开更多
Objectives The main objective of the present article is to assess and evaluate the characteristics of the Nile water system , and identify the major sources of pollution and its environmental and health consequences. ...Objectives The main objective of the present article is to assess and evaluate the characteristics of the Nile water system , and identify the major sources of pollution and its environmental and health consequences. The article is also aimed to highlight the importance of water management via re-use and recycle of treated effluents for industrial purpose and for cultivation of desert land. Method An intensive effort was made by the authors to collect, assess and compile the available data about the River Nile. Physico-chemical analyses were conducted to check the validity of the collected data. For the determination of micro-pollutants, Gas Chromatography (GC) and High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) were used. Heavy metals were also determined to investigate the level of industrial pollution in the river system. Results The available data revealed that the river receives a large quantity of industrial, agriculture and domestic wastewater. It is worth mentioning that the river is still able to recover in virtually all the locations, with very little exception. This is due to the high dilution ratio. The collected data confirmed the presence of high concentrations of chromium and manganese in all sediment samples. The residues of organo-chlorine insecticides were detected in virtually all locations. However, the levels of such residues are usually below the limit set by the WHO for use as drinking water. The most polluted lakes are Lake Maryut and Lake Manzala. Groundwater pollution is closely related to adjacent (polluted) surface waters. High concentrations of nutrients, E.coli, sulfur, heavy metals, etc. have been observed in the shallow groundwater, largely surpassing WHO standards for drinking water use. Conclusion A regular and continuous monitoring scheme shall be developed for the River Nile system. The environmental law shall be enforced to prohibit the discharge of wastewater (agricultural, domestic or industrial) to River Nile system.展开更多
Water quality of the river Nile and trace elements of the water, sediments and fish tissues were investigated in the current work. Eighteen different sampling points were selected along the whole course of the River N...Water quality of the river Nile and trace elements of the water, sediments and fish tissues were investigated in the current work. Eighteen different sampling points were selected along the whole course of the River Nile from its spring at Aswan to its estuaries at Rosetta and Damietta. Higher mean value of conductivity, alkalinity, chemical oxygen demand (COD), total organic carbon (TOC), ammonia (NH3), nitrate (NO3), total solid (TS), sulphate (SO4), chloride (Cl), orthophosphate were recorded in the water of Damietta and Rosetta branches comparing to other sites. Also trace metals in the water, sediments and tissues of Clarias gariepinus increased significantly (P Fe > Cu > Pb > Mn > Cr> Cd > Hg. In the gill tissues theses metals were accumulated in the following order Fe > Zn > Mn > Pb > Cr > Cu > Cd> Hg. The low accumulation of metals in muscle may be due to lack of binding affinity of these metals with the proteins of muscle. This is particularly important because muscles contribute the greatest mass of the flesh that is consumed as food.展开更多
A study of water pollution determinands of the Tuul River was carried out in surrounding area of Ulaanbaatar, the capital of Mongolia at 14 monitoring sites, using an extensive dataset between 1998 and 2008. An index ...A study of water pollution determinands of the Tuul River was carried out in surrounding area of Ulaanbaatar, the capital of Mongolia at 14 monitoring sites, using an extensive dataset between 1998 and 2008. An index method, developed by Ministry of Nature and Environment of Mongolia, applied for assessment and total, seven hydro-chemicals used in the index calculation. The research indicates that the Tuul River is not polluted until the Ulaanbaatar city and the contamination level spike appears when the river entering the city. The upper reaches of the river and tributaries have relatively good quality waters. Several pollution sources exist in the study area. Among them, the Central Wastewater Treatment Plant (CWTP) is a strongest point source in the downstream section of the river, recently. Pollutions at sites 7-10 are strongly dependant effluent treatment levels from the plant, and it contains a high amount of chemicals that can cause of major decrement of the water quality. This would definitely kill aquatic fauna in the stretch of the river affected. It certainly happened in 2007. The general trend of water quality gradually has been decreased in the study period. Clearly, there is a need to improve the water quality in the Tuul River in surrounding area of the Ulaanbaatar. In order to change this situation, operation enhancement of treatment plants, a water quality modeling and artificial increment of dissolved oxygen concentrations become crucial to improve the water quality significantly. Perhaps a new wastewater treatment plant is needed for Ulaanbaatar city.展开更多
Ndarugu River, Kenya, during its course through the different agricultural and industrial areas of Gatundu, Gachororo and Juja farms, receives untreated industrial, domestic and agricultural waste of point source disc...Ndarugu River, Kenya, during its course through the different agricultural and industrial areas of Gatundu, Gachororo and Juja farms, receives untreated industrial, domestic and agricultural waste of point source discharges from coffee and tea factories. During wet season the water is also polluted by non-point (diffuse) sources created by runoff carrying soil, fertilizer and pesticide residues from the catchment area. This study involved the calibration of water quality model QUAL2K to predict the water quality of this segment of the river. The model was calibrated and validated for flow discharge (Q), temperature (T°), flow velocity (V), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5), dissolved oxygen (DO) and nitrate (NO3-N), using data collected and analyzed during field and laboratory measurements done in July and November-December 2013. The model was then used in simulation and its performance was evaluated using statistical criteria based on correlation coefficient (R2) and standard errors (SE) between the observed and simulated data. The model reflected the field data quite well with minor exceptions. In spite of these minor differences between the measured and simulated data set at some points, the calibration and validation results are acceptable especially for developing countries where the financial resources for frequent monitoring works and higher accuracy data analysis are very limited. The water is being polluted by the human activities in the catchment. There is need for proper control of wastewater by various techniques, and preliminary treatment of waste discharges prior to effluent disposal. Management of the watershed is necessary so as to protect the river from the adverse impacts of agricultural activities and save it from further deterioration.展开更多
This paper aims to explore the pH,COD,ammonia nitrogen,total nitrogen,total phosphorus and other indices regarding Xinli River water in Binzhou City.The results show that the pH of the water quality index is between 7...This paper aims to explore the pH,COD,ammonia nitrogen,total nitrogen,total phosphorus and other indices regarding Xinli River water in Binzhou City.The results show that the pH of the water quality index is between 7.3 and 7.8,slightly alkaline;the COD content of Xinli River is about 140-163 mg/L,and the COD pollution is serious in some water sections;the ammonia nitrogen content of Xinli River is 0.2-2.17 mg/L,the total nitrogen content is about 0.799-1.3 mg/L,the total phosphorus content is about 0.54-0.92 mg/L,suggesting that the water eutrophication is very serious.Due to the large amount of domestic sewage discharged into Xinli River without treatment,slow circulation of river water and other factors,the eutrophication is serious in the urban watercourse.展开更多
Water samples, sediments from three stations in Euphrates River, lraq were analyzed quantitatively for some physical and chemical characters and six heavy metals (Co, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni and Pb) using flam atomic absorpt...Water samples, sediments from three stations in Euphrates River, lraq were analyzed quantitatively for some physical and chemical characters and six heavy metals (Co, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni and Pb) using flam atomic absorption spectrophotpmeter in period Sept. 2009-Oct. 2010. The physical and chemical characters included temperature, pH, water flow, salinity, dissolved oxygen, BOD5, alkalinity total hardness, calcium and nutrients (nitrite, nitrate reactive phosphate and silicate). The results showed variation in water flow 0.05-0.40 m/sec., according to the values of salinity 0.40%-0.60% values of the BOD5 were ranged between 0.2-4.3 mg/L. The mean concentration of the heavy metals (Pb, Ni, Mn, Co, Cu and Fe) of the dissolved phase in water were 0.13 μg/L, 0.021 μg/L, 0.31 μg/L, 4.29 μg/L, 7.78 μg/L, 6.46 μg/L and 79.04 μg/L, respectively, while their concentration in the particulate phase were 0.59 μg/g, 0.06 μg/g, 0.42 μg/g, 50.06 μg/g, 6.61 μg/g, 7.17 vg/g and 149.42 μg/g dry weight, respectively. Also the mean concentrations of heavy metals in sediment (exchangeable phase) were 0.51 vg/g,0.18 vg/g, 0.08 μg/g, 61.39 μg/g, 5.40 μg/g, 14.06 vg/g and 130.05 μg/g dry weight respectively, and 0.40 μg/g, 0.17 μg/g, 0.10 μg/g, 63.01 μg/g, 4.64 μg/g, 18.44 μg/g and 126.26 μg/g D.W. respectively in residual phase of sediment.展开更多
基金supported by Center for Resiliency(CfR)at Lamar University(Grant No.22PSSO1).
文摘Increasing bacteria levels in the Lower Neches River caused by Hurricane Harvey has been of a serious concern.This study is to analyze the historical water sampling measurements and real-time water quality data collected with wireless sensors to monitor and evaluate water quality under different hydrological and hydraulic conditions.The statistical and Pearson correlation analysis on historical water samples determines that alkalinity,chloride,hardness,conductivity,and pH are highly correlated,and they decrease with increasing flow rate due to dilution.The flow rate has positive correlations with Escherichia coli,total suspended solids,and turbidity,which demonstrates that runoff is one of the causes of the elevated bacteria and sediment loadings in the river.The correlation between E.coli and turbidity indicates that turbidity greater than 45 nephelometric turbidity units in the Neches River can serve as a proxy for E.coli to indicate the bacterial outbreak.A series of statistical tools and an innovative two-layer data smoothing filter are developed to detect outliers,fill missing values,and filter spikes of the sensor measurements.The correlation analysis on the sensor data illustrates that the elevated sediment/bacteria/algae in the river is either caused by the first flush rain and heavy rain events in December to March or practices of land use and land cover.Therefore,utilizing sensor measurements along with rainfall and discharge data is recommended to monitor and evaluate water quality,then in turn to provide early alerts on water resources management decisions.
基金Under the auspices of Major State Basic Research Development Program of China (973 Program) (No. 2004CB418502,No. 2007CB407205)the Knowledge Innovation Programs of Chinese Academy of Sciences (No. KSCX1-YW-09-13)
文摘Individual participation of pollutants in the pollution load should be estimated even if roughly for the appropriate environmental management of a river basin.It is difficult to identify the sources and to quantify the load, especially in modeling nonpoint source.In this study a revised model was established by integrating point and nonpoint sources into one-dimensional Streeter-Phelps(S-P) model on the basis of real-time hydrologic data and surface water quality monitoring data in the Jilin Reach of the Songhua River Basin.Chemical oxygen demand(COD) and ammonia nitrogen(NH 3-N) loads were estimated.Results showed that COD loads of point source and nonpoint source were 134 958 t/yr and 86 209 t/yr, accounting for 61.02% and 38.98% of total loads, respectively.NH 3-N loads of point source and nonpoint source were 16 739 t/yr and 14 272 t/yr, accounting for 53.98% and 46.02%, respectively.Point source pollution was stronger than nonpoint source pollution in the study area at present.The water quality of upstream was better than that of downstream of the rivers and cities.It is indispensable to treat industrial wastewater and municipal sewage out of point sources, to adopt the best management practices to control diffuse pollutants from agricultural land and urban surface runoff in improving water quality of the Songhua River Basin.The revised S-P model can be successfully used to identify pollution source and quantify point source and nonpoint source loads by calibrating and validating.
基金Under the auspices of National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 40830535)Knowledge Innovation Pro-gram of Chinese Academy of Sciences (No.KSCX2-YW-N-46-06)
文摘In order to improve the effectiveness of Fuzzy Synthetic Evaluation (FSE) models, a Parameter Correlation Analysis (PCA) was introduced into the FSE and a case study was carried out in the Naoli River in the Sanjiang Plain, Northeast China. The basic principle of the PCA is that the pairs of parameters which are highly correlated and linear with each other would contribute the same information to an assessment and one of them should be eliminated. The method of the PCA is that a correlation relationship among candidate parameters is examined before the FSE. If there is an apparent nonlinear or curvilinear relationship between two parameters, then both will be retained; if the correlation is significant (p<0.01), and the scatter plot suggests a linear relationship, then one of them will be deleted. However, which one will be deleted? For solving this problem, a sensitivity test was conducted and the higher sensitivity parameters remained. The results indicate that the original data should be preprocessed through the PCA for redundancy and variability. The study shows that introducing the PCA into the FSE can simplify the FSE calculation process greatly, while the results have not been changed much.
基金Under the auspices of Water Pollution Control and Management Key Project of Science and Technology of China(No.2013ZX07202-007)Liaoning Hundred-Thousand-Ten Thousand Talents Program
文摘Rivers in the Liaohe River Estuary area have been seriously polluted by discharges of wastewater containing petroleum pol- lutants and nutrients. In this paper, The Enhanced Stream Water Quality Model (QUAL2K) and its revised model as well as One-dimensional Tide Mean Model (1D model) were applied to predict and assess the water quality of the tidal fiver reach of the Liaohe River Estuary. Dissolved oxygen (DO), biochemical oxygen demand (BODs), ammonia nitrogen (NH3-N) and total phosphorus (TP) were chosen as water quality indices in the two model simulations. The modelled results show that the major reasons for degraded rivers remain petroleum and non-point source pollution. Tidal water also has a critical effect on the variation of water quality. The sensitivity analysis identifies that flow rate, point load and diffuse load are the most sensitive parameters for the four water quality indices in the revised QUAL2K simulation. Uncertainty analysis based on a Monte Carlo simulation gives the probability distribution of the four wa- ter quality indices at two locations (6.50 km and 44.84 km from the river mouth). The statistical outcomes indicate that the observed data fall within the 90% confidence intervals at all sites measured, and show that the revised QUAL2K gives better results in simulating the water quality of a tidal fiver.
基金Major consultation programs of Chinese Academy of EngineeringKey Scientific and Technological Pro-grams of the Ministry of Education, No.105042"973" Project,No.G1999043601
文摘In this article the meaning of the quantity and quality of environmental flows of river in dualistic water cycle is discussed, and compared with the meaning of unitary water cycle. Based on the analysis of the relationship between environmental flows of river requirements, the efficiency of water resource usage, the consumption coefficient, and the concentration of waste water elimination, the water quantity and water quality calculation method of the environmental flows of river requirements in dualistic water cycle is developed, and the criteria for environmental flows of river requirements are established, and therefore the water quantity-quality combined evaluation of natural river flows requirements are realized Taking the Liaohe River as a model, the environmental flows of river requirements for Xiliao River, Dongliao River, mainstream Liaohe River, Huntai River and northeast rivers along the coasts of the Yellow and Bohai seas in unitary water cycle are calculated, each taking up 39.3%, 63.0%, 43.9%, 43.3% and 43.5% of runoff respectively. Evaluated according to Tennant recommended flow, the results show that: except Xiliao River is "median", the rest are all upon "good", the Dongliao River is even "very good". The corresponding results in dualistic water cycle are that, the proportion of natural flows for each river is 57.5%, 74.1%, 60.8%, 60.3% and 60.4%; while the combined evaluation results show that: considering "quantity", except Xiliao River, the rest rivers can all achieve the "quantity" criteria of the en- vironmental flows of river requirements, but if considering the aspect of "quality", only Dongliao River can reach the "quality" standard. By water quantity-quality combined evaluation method, only Dongliao River can achieve the criteria. So the water quality is the main factor that determines whether the environmental flows can meet the river ecosystem demands.
文摘Based on the monitoring results of environmental quality of the waters near the Oujiang River estuary from 2010 to 2017,the present situation of environmental quality of the waters was analyzed and evaluated.The results showed that pH,DO,COD Mn ,petroleum,and heavy metal (Cu,Pb,Zn,Cd,Hg,As and Cr) content in the waters near the Oujiang River estuary did not exceed the second-class standard of Seawater Quality Standard (GB 3097-1997),while both inorganic nitrogen and reactive phosphate in the waters greatly exceeded the second-class standard.The water quality near the Oujiang River estuary was in an eutrophic state.In terms of sediment quality,the standard index of most evaluation factors except for Cu was smaller than 1,meeting the demands of sediment quality for environmental protection.
文摘Based on the monitoring results of environmental quality of the waters near the Feiyun River estuary during 2011-2016, the current situation of environmental quality of the waters was analyzed and evaluated. The results showed that pH, DO, COD Mn , petroleum, and heavy metals (Cu, Pb, Zn, Cd, Hg, As and Cr) in the waters near the Feiyun River estuary did not exceed the second-class standard of Seawater Quality Standard (GB 3097-1997), while both inorganic nitrogen and reactive phosphate in the waters exceeded the second-class standard obviously. The water quality of the waters near the Feiyun River estuary was in an eutrophic state. In terms of sediment quality, the standard index of most evaluation factors except for Cu was smaller than 1, meeting the demands of sediment quality for environmental protection.
文摘In the capital city of Baghdad, The surface water suffering from effect of conservative pollutants. Baghdad city has two rivers, the main river Tigris River and Diyala River in boundary of Baghdad city (Jassir Diyala) eastern of Baghdad. The present study deals with the evaluation of water quality of Tigris River within Baghdad. In the case of Tigris River the concentrations of TH, TDS, PO4 and SO4 were found to lie outside the acceptable range of WHO standards by using WQI analysis and C++ program.
基金Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(31270742)
文摘[Objective] The study aimed to analyze water quality of origin flows of Hctan River using Nemorow pollution index method. [Method] Based on data monitored at four monitoring sections of Yorungkash River and Karakash River dudng 2001 -2005, water quality of Hotan River was assessed by using Nemorow pollution index method. [ Result] During 2001 -2005, Yorungkash River and Karakash River had clean water reaching the first standard. Nemorow pollution index was 0.15 -0.69 at the first section of Yorungkash River, and it was 0.23 -0.46 at its last section; there were few changes in water quality at the last section, while Nemorow pollution index showed a downward trend at the first section. Nemorow pollu- tion index was 0.23 -0.65 at the first section of Karakash River, and it was 0.23 -0.47 at its last section, showing a downward trend at its last section. [Condusion] Water quality of Hotan River belonged to first-class clean water.
文摘Based on the investigation for the 14 groundwater sources, the water quality of the groundwater sources had been analyzed, using the evaluation method of the combination of inorganic and organic index instead of the traditional method which was only based on inorganic index. The results showed that the quality of 12 groundwater sources satisfied class III standard of groundwater quality and other two exceeded class III standard. There were one groundwater source, whose water quality reached class 1 standard, and five groundwater sources, whose water quality reached class II standard. There were seven groundwater sources, in which the fluorine, an organic pollutant, was detected. The results showed that the groundwater resources in Yantai City were less polluted and the main pollutant in groundwater was nitrate. According to the analytical data and the environmental conditions of groundwater sources, the conclusion was drawn that the agriculture and rural non-point pollution were the main reasons of groundwater pollution.
基金Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(41901012)Project of Shaanxi Provincial Education Department(21JP040)+1 种基金Talent Fund Project of Weinan Normal University(2021RC04)National Innovation and Entrepreneurship Training Program for College Students(22XK019)。
文摘In order to study the water quality of the Shichuan River basin in Fuping,Shaanxi Province,based on improved Nemerow index method,comprehensive pollution index method and principal component analysis method,eight water quality indexes such as pH,dissolved oxygen(DO),total dissolved solids(TDS),COD,total hardness,total phosphorus,total nitrogen and Zn in three monitoring sections of Fuping section of the Shichuan River in Shaanxi Province were detected and analyzed.The results show that the water quality of the surface water in the Shichuan River basin is gradeⅢorⅣwater,that is,the water is slightly polluted and moderately polluted.It is necessary to monitor the water quality after regulation and clarify the main factors causing the water pollution.
文摘Evaluation and analysis of water quality variations were performed with integrated consideration of water quality parameters, hydrological-meteorologic and anthropogenic factors in Cao-E River, Zhejiang Province of China. Cao-E River system has been polluted and the water quality of some reaches are inferior to Grade V according to National Surface Water Quality Standard of China (GB2002). However, mainly polluted indices of each tributary and mainstream are different. Total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP) in the water are the main polluted indices for mainstream that varies from 1.52 to 45.85 mg/L and 0.02 to 4.02 mg/L, respectively. TN is the main polluted indices for Sub-watershed Ⅰ, Ⅱ, Ⅳ and Ⅴ(0.76 to 18.27 mg/L). BOD5 (0.36 to 289.5 mg/L), CODMn (0.47 to 78.86 mg/L), TN (0.74 to 31.09 mg/L) and TP (0 to 3.75 mg/L) are the main polluted indices for Sub-watershed Ⅲ. There are tow pollution types along the river including nonpoint source pollution and point source pollution types. Remarkably temporal variations with a few spatial variations occur in nonpoint pollution type reaches (including mainstream, Sub-watershed Ⅰ and Ⅱ) that mainly drained by arable field and/or dispersive rural dwelling district, and the maximum pollutant concentration appears in flooding seasons. It implied that the runoff increases the pollutant concentration of the water in the nonpoint pollution type reaches. On the other hand, remarkably spatial variations occur in the point pollution type reaches (include Sub-watershed Ⅲ, Ⅳ and Ⅴ) and the maximum pollutant concentration appears in urban reaches. The runoff always decreases the pollutant concentration of the river water in the seriously polluted reaches that drained by industrial point sewage. But for the point pollution reaches resulted from centralized town domestic sewage pipeline and from frequent shipping and digging sands, rainfall always increased the concentration of pollutant (TN) in the river water too. Pollution controls were respectively suggested for these tow types according to different pollution causes.
基金the financial support from the National Natural Sciences Foundation of China(71742002 and 71934003)the Priority Academic Program Development of Jiangsu Higher Education Institutions,China(PAPD)the China Center for Food Security Studies in Nanjing Agricultural University,China。
文摘As part of their efforts to control water pollution,local governments in China introduced the river chief system,whereby a named individual undertakes responsibility for protecting a specified waterway.As one of the most prominent sources of water pollution,agricultural non-point-source(NPS)pollution is becoming increasingly serious.Determining whether the river chief system,an institutional reform in China's decentralized environmental regulation regime,is effective in alleviating NPS pollution is important for the realization of green development.The effect of the river chief system on reducing agricultural NPS pollution is explored in this study using panel data from 308 Chinese counties during the period from 2004 to 2015.The results reveal that the negative impact of manure output from animal breeding operations on surface water quality is reduced with the implementation of the river chief system.However,the river chief system is ineffective in dealing with the water pollution caused by fertilizer use.Furthermore,in the current system,cooperation among river chiefs only occurs within a province.Local governments should increase their efforts in reducing fertilizer source loads and preventing fertilizer loads from entering surface waters.In addition,the central government should improve cooperation among the river chiefs in upstream and downstream provinces.
文摘Objectives The main objective of the present article is to assess and evaluate the characteristics of the Nile water system , and identify the major sources of pollution and its environmental and health consequences. The article is also aimed to highlight the importance of water management via re-use and recycle of treated effluents for industrial purpose and for cultivation of desert land. Method An intensive effort was made by the authors to collect, assess and compile the available data about the River Nile. Physico-chemical analyses were conducted to check the validity of the collected data. For the determination of micro-pollutants, Gas Chromatography (GC) and High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) were used. Heavy metals were also determined to investigate the level of industrial pollution in the river system. Results The available data revealed that the river receives a large quantity of industrial, agriculture and domestic wastewater. It is worth mentioning that the river is still able to recover in virtually all the locations, with very little exception. This is due to the high dilution ratio. The collected data confirmed the presence of high concentrations of chromium and manganese in all sediment samples. The residues of organo-chlorine insecticides were detected in virtually all locations. However, the levels of such residues are usually below the limit set by the WHO for use as drinking water. The most polluted lakes are Lake Maryut and Lake Manzala. Groundwater pollution is closely related to adjacent (polluted) surface waters. High concentrations of nutrients, E.coli, sulfur, heavy metals, etc. have been observed in the shallow groundwater, largely surpassing WHO standards for drinking water use. Conclusion A regular and continuous monitoring scheme shall be developed for the River Nile system. The environmental law shall be enforced to prohibit the discharge of wastewater (agricultural, domestic or industrial) to River Nile system.
文摘Water quality of the river Nile and trace elements of the water, sediments and fish tissues were investigated in the current work. Eighteen different sampling points were selected along the whole course of the River Nile from its spring at Aswan to its estuaries at Rosetta and Damietta. Higher mean value of conductivity, alkalinity, chemical oxygen demand (COD), total organic carbon (TOC), ammonia (NH3), nitrate (NO3), total solid (TS), sulphate (SO4), chloride (Cl), orthophosphate were recorded in the water of Damietta and Rosetta branches comparing to other sites. Also trace metals in the water, sediments and tissues of Clarias gariepinus increased significantly (P Fe > Cu > Pb > Mn > Cr> Cd > Hg. In the gill tissues theses metals were accumulated in the following order Fe > Zn > Mn > Pb > Cr > Cu > Cd> Hg. The low accumulation of metals in muscle may be due to lack of binding affinity of these metals with the proteins of muscle. This is particularly important because muscles contribute the greatest mass of the flesh that is consumed as food.
文摘A study of water pollution determinands of the Tuul River was carried out in surrounding area of Ulaanbaatar, the capital of Mongolia at 14 monitoring sites, using an extensive dataset between 1998 and 2008. An index method, developed by Ministry of Nature and Environment of Mongolia, applied for assessment and total, seven hydro-chemicals used in the index calculation. The research indicates that the Tuul River is not polluted until the Ulaanbaatar city and the contamination level spike appears when the river entering the city. The upper reaches of the river and tributaries have relatively good quality waters. Several pollution sources exist in the study area. Among them, the Central Wastewater Treatment Plant (CWTP) is a strongest point source in the downstream section of the river, recently. Pollutions at sites 7-10 are strongly dependant effluent treatment levels from the plant, and it contains a high amount of chemicals that can cause of major decrement of the water quality. This would definitely kill aquatic fauna in the stretch of the river affected. It certainly happened in 2007. The general trend of water quality gradually has been decreased in the study period. Clearly, there is a need to improve the water quality in the Tuul River in surrounding area of the Ulaanbaatar. In order to change this situation, operation enhancement of treatment plants, a water quality modeling and artificial increment of dissolved oxygen concentrations become crucial to improve the water quality significantly. Perhaps a new wastewater treatment plant is needed for Ulaanbaatar city.
文摘Ndarugu River, Kenya, during its course through the different agricultural and industrial areas of Gatundu, Gachororo and Juja farms, receives untreated industrial, domestic and agricultural waste of point source discharges from coffee and tea factories. During wet season the water is also polluted by non-point (diffuse) sources created by runoff carrying soil, fertilizer and pesticide residues from the catchment area. This study involved the calibration of water quality model QUAL2K to predict the water quality of this segment of the river. The model was calibrated and validated for flow discharge (Q), temperature (T°), flow velocity (V), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5), dissolved oxygen (DO) and nitrate (NO3-N), using data collected and analyzed during field and laboratory measurements done in July and November-December 2013. The model was then used in simulation and its performance was evaluated using statistical criteria based on correlation coefficient (R2) and standard errors (SE) between the observed and simulated data. The model reflected the field data quite well with minor exceptions. In spite of these minor differences between the measured and simulated data set at some points, the calibration and validation results are acceptable especially for developing countries where the financial resources for frequent monitoring works and higher accuracy data analysis are very limited. The water is being polluted by the human activities in the catchment. There is need for proper control of wastewater by various techniques, and preliminary treatment of waste discharges prior to effluent disposal. Management of the watershed is necessary so as to protect the river from the adverse impacts of agricultural activities and save it from further deterioration.
基金Supported by Research Fund of Binzhou University in 2017(BZXYG1712)Shandong Provincial Soft Science Research Program(2017RKB01166)
文摘This paper aims to explore the pH,COD,ammonia nitrogen,total nitrogen,total phosphorus and other indices regarding Xinli River water in Binzhou City.The results show that the pH of the water quality index is between 7.3 and 7.8,slightly alkaline;the COD content of Xinli River is about 140-163 mg/L,and the COD pollution is serious in some water sections;the ammonia nitrogen content of Xinli River is 0.2-2.17 mg/L,the total nitrogen content is about 0.799-1.3 mg/L,the total phosphorus content is about 0.54-0.92 mg/L,suggesting that the water eutrophication is very serious.Due to the large amount of domestic sewage discharged into Xinli River without treatment,slow circulation of river water and other factors,the eutrophication is serious in the urban watercourse.
文摘Water samples, sediments from three stations in Euphrates River, lraq were analyzed quantitatively for some physical and chemical characters and six heavy metals (Co, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni and Pb) using flam atomic absorption spectrophotpmeter in period Sept. 2009-Oct. 2010. The physical and chemical characters included temperature, pH, water flow, salinity, dissolved oxygen, BOD5, alkalinity total hardness, calcium and nutrients (nitrite, nitrate reactive phosphate and silicate). The results showed variation in water flow 0.05-0.40 m/sec., according to the values of salinity 0.40%-0.60% values of the BOD5 were ranged between 0.2-4.3 mg/L. The mean concentration of the heavy metals (Pb, Ni, Mn, Co, Cu and Fe) of the dissolved phase in water were 0.13 μg/L, 0.021 μg/L, 0.31 μg/L, 4.29 μg/L, 7.78 μg/L, 6.46 μg/L and 79.04 μg/L, respectively, while their concentration in the particulate phase were 0.59 μg/g, 0.06 μg/g, 0.42 μg/g, 50.06 μg/g, 6.61 μg/g, 7.17 vg/g and 149.42 μg/g dry weight, respectively. Also the mean concentrations of heavy metals in sediment (exchangeable phase) were 0.51 vg/g,0.18 vg/g, 0.08 μg/g, 61.39 μg/g, 5.40 μg/g, 14.06 vg/g and 130.05 μg/g dry weight respectively, and 0.40 μg/g, 0.17 μg/g, 0.10 μg/g, 63.01 μg/g, 4.64 μg/g, 18.44 μg/g and 126.26 μg/g D.W. respectively in residual phase of sediment.