建筑信息模型(Building Information Modeling,BIM)技术能够优化工程流程,减少返工和浪费,降低错误率和成本,提升项目的整体性能。同时,BIM技术还促进各方协同合作,提高沟通协调效率,减少信息丢失和误解。介绍BIM技术在厂房机电安装中...建筑信息模型(Building Information Modeling,BIM)技术能够优化工程流程,减少返工和浪费,降低错误率和成本,提升项目的整体性能。同时,BIM技术还促进各方协同合作,提高沟通协调效率,减少信息丢失和误解。介绍BIM技术在厂房机电安装中的应用现状,分析了BIM技术在产业园建设项目厂房机电安装方面的优势和问题,给出了扬州新能源产业园东区建设项目中应用BIM的具体案例和实施建议。展开更多
In this paper, we introduce a new class Γ, which is weak than a known class Ψ, of real continuous functions defined on [0, +∞), and use another method to prove the known unique common fixed point theorem for four m...In this paper, we introduce a new class Γ, which is weak than a known class Ψ, of real continuous functions defined on [0, +∞), and use another method to prove the known unique common fixed point theorem for four mappings with γ-contractive condition instead of Ψ-contractive condition on 2-metric spaces.展开更多
In this paper, we introduce a new class U of 3-dimensional real functions, use U and a 2-dimensional real function ? to construct a new implicit-linear contractive condition and obtain some existence theorems of commo...In this paper, we introduce a new class U of 3-dimensional real functions, use U and a 2-dimensional real function ? to construct a new implicit-linear contractive condition and obtain some existence theorems of common fixed points for two mappings on partially ordered 2-metric spaces and give a sufficient condition under which there exists a unique common fixed point. The obtained results goodly generalize and improve the corresponding conclusions in references.展开更多
文摘建筑信息模型(Building Information Modeling,BIM)技术能够优化工程流程,减少返工和浪费,降低错误率和成本,提升项目的整体性能。同时,BIM技术还促进各方协同合作,提高沟通协调效率,减少信息丢失和误解。介绍BIM技术在厂房机电安装中的应用现状,分析了BIM技术在产业园建设项目厂房机电安装方面的优势和问题,给出了扬州新能源产业园东区建设项目中应用BIM的具体案例和实施建议。
文摘In this paper, we introduce a new class Γ, which is weak than a known class Ψ, of real continuous functions defined on [0, +∞), and use another method to prove the known unique common fixed point theorem for four mappings with γ-contractive condition instead of Ψ-contractive condition on 2-metric spaces.
文摘为研究浅渍黄瓜贮藏过程中风味物质的变化规律,采用电子鼻和气相色谱-离子迁移谱技术(gas chromatography-ion mobility spectrometry,GC-IMS)分析浅渍黄瓜的挥发性化合物。电子鼻和GC-IMS分析表明,浅渍黄瓜贮藏过程中风味特征发生了显著变化。GC-IMS共定性分析出56种挥发性化合物(volatile organic compounds,VOCs),包括醇类10种、醛类30种、酮类8种、酯类5种、呋喃1种、酸类1种、烷烃类1种。随着贮藏期的延长,醛类、醇类和酮类物质的相对含量显著减少,酯类物质显著增加(P<0.05)。经相对气味活度值(relative odor activity value,ROAV)计算,筛选出9种ROAV≥1的化合物,被认为是浅渍黄瓜的关键风味化合物。进一步对不同贮藏期样品的关键风味化合物进行偏最小二乘法判别分析,筛选出6种变量重要投影值(variable important for the projection,VIP)大于1的差异标志物,分别是顺-6-壬烯醛、壬醛、1-戊烯-3-酮、异丁醛、反,顺-2,6-壬二烯醛、反-2-辛烯醛。其中反-2-辛烯醛的相对含量随着贮藏时间的延长而增加,可能是导致后期风味劣变的主要原因。本研究通过对浅渍黄瓜贮藏期间风味变化规律的分析,可为浅渍黄瓜贮藏过程的风味品质评价提供理论依据。
文摘In this paper, we introduce a new class U of 3-dimensional real functions, use U and a 2-dimensional real function ? to construct a new implicit-linear contractive condition and obtain some existence theorems of common fixed points for two mappings on partially ordered 2-metric spaces and give a sufficient condition under which there exists a unique common fixed point. The obtained results goodly generalize and improve the corresponding conclusions in references.