We have compared genetic diversity of 24 Chinese weak-winter, Swedish winter and spring B. napus accessions by inter-simple sequence repeats (ISSRs). By cluster analysis (UPGMA) based on 125 polymorphism bands amplifi...We have compared genetic diversity of 24 Chinese weak-winter, Swedish winter and spring B. napus accessions by inter-simple sequence repeats (ISSRs). By cluster analysis (UPGMA) based on 125 polymorphism bands amplified with 20 primers, the 24 accessions were divided into three groups. Six Swedish winter lines and eight Chinese weak-winter lines were in the group I and the groupⅡwere two Chinese weak-winter lines XiangyoulS and Bao81. The third group contained eight Swedish spring lines. Principal co-ordinates analysis (PCO) showed similar groupings to cluster analysis. Results from cluster analysis and PCO analysis showed very clearly that Chinese weak-winter, Swedish spring and winter accessions were distinguished from each other and Chinese weak-winter accessions in this study were genetically closer to Swedish winter accessions than to Swedish spring accessions. The Chinese weak-winter accessions had larger diversity than Swedish spring or winter accessions did. This study indicated that ISSR is a suitable and effective tool to evaluate genetic diversity among rapeseed germplasm.展开更多
Inter-simple Sequence Repeat (ISSR) analysis was applied to assess the genetic diversity within and among five populations of mink from Liaoning Province. A total of 20 primers were screened, five selected primers p...Inter-simple Sequence Repeat (ISSR) analysis was applied to assess the genetic diversity within and among five populations of mink from Liaoning Province. A total of 20 primers were screened, five selected primers produced 35 discernible bands, with 30 (85.71%) being polymorphic, indicating high genetic diversity at the species level. The highest genetic diversity was observed in the brown mink population, whereas the lowest diversity was found in the standard-pitchy mink population. Based on genetic distance (1972), a dendrogram was constructed by using UPGMA algorithm, and five populations were divided into two major groups. Group I consisted of only the standard-pitchy mink population, and Group II included other four populations, in Group II, sapphire mink was close to brown mink population. The results of genetic differentiation indicated that the genetic differentiation degree between populations was lower and the genetic variation primarily came from within populations. This paper showed that ISSR technique was a reliable tool that could be used to study genetic diversity in the mink.展开更多
Sugarcane is an important tropical crop, responsible for two thirds of the world sugar production, gaining actually importance as a source of biofuel. Drought tolerance is a very important feature considering the actu...Sugarcane is an important tropical crop, responsible for two thirds of the world sugar production, gaining actually importance as a source of biofuel. Drought tolerance is a very important feature considering the actual climate change scenario throughout the world. This study aimed to determine the genetic diversity between sugarcane varieties with contrasting features under drought. For this purpose, twelve ISSR primers were used to characterize nine sugarcane varieties under cultivation in different countries including selected drought resistant material from Northeast Brazil and two varieties from India as contrasting genotypes. 317 scorable bands were generated, among which 301 comprised polymorphic markers, with an average of 25 polymorphic bands per primer. In the generated dendrogram the accessions were placed in clusters, where cluster A included two varieties from India (Co331 and Co419), and B comprised plants eight Brazilian accessions and a ‘Barbado’ variety. Within this clade, drought tolerant and susceptible varieties were clearly separated. The present evaluation revealed important contrasting parental candidates regarding their drought response, very promising for future mapping approaches aiming the identification of quantitative trait loci (QTLs) associated to drought in sugarcane. The selected primers were used for the first time in sugarcane, representing valuable tools for future evaluations, with emphasis to diversity characterization and genetic mapping.展开更多
The cultivar Ganoderma lucidum Hunong 5 was obtained using cross-breeding. Hunong 5 has high commercial value due to its high polysaccharide and triterpene content, This is the first report of using a DNA pooling meth...The cultivar Ganoderma lucidum Hunong 5 was obtained using cross-breeding. Hunong 5 has high commercial value due to its high polysaccharide and triterpene content, This is the first report of using a DNA pooling method to develop a stable sequence characterized amplified region (SCAR) marker for rapid identification of the G. lucidum Hunong 5 cultivar. The SCAR marker was developed by first generating and sequencing a distinctive inter simple sequence repeat (ISSR) fragment (882 bp) from G. lucidum Hunong 5 cultivar. A stable SCAR primer pair GLH5F/GLH5R were obtained to identify the cultivar and the SCAR marker is a DNA fragment of 773 bp.展开更多
为加强我国兰属种质资源的保护利用,本研究通过ISSR分子标记对96份兰属种质进行多样性分析和指纹图谱构建。结果显示,共筛选出11条可扩增清晰条带的多样性引物,在96份材料共检测67条多态性条带,平均多态性条带比例为73.63%;等位基因数(...为加强我国兰属种质资源的保护利用,本研究通过ISSR分子标记对96份兰属种质进行多样性分析和指纹图谱构建。结果显示,共筛选出11条可扩增清晰条带的多样性引物,在96份材料共检测67条多态性条带,平均多态性条带比例为73.63%;等位基因数(Na)为1.925,有效等位基因数(Ne)为1.450,Nei′s遗传多样性指数(H)为0.277,Shannon多样性指数(I)为0.427,多态性位点百分比(PPL,percentage of polymorphic loci)为92.54%;种群内基因多样性(Hs)为0.1934,基因分化度(Gst)为0.3009,总遗传多样性指数(Ht)为0.2767,种群间的平均基因流(Nm)为1.1619,种群间的两两遗传分化固定指数值范围为0.002~0.527,平均值为0.325。系统聚类结果表明,兰属种群间遗传分化程度高,8个种群可分为3类,春兰和墨兰为一大类,寒兰、春剑、蕙兰、莲瓣兰、建兰为第二类,杂交种独为一类,与其他两类种群之间的遗传距离较大。主坐标分析表明,莲瓣兰和春兰表现出较远的亲缘关系。本研究筛选出6对引物构建了96个品种的指纹图谱二维码。本研究结果可为今后兰属新品种选育及品种鉴定提供重要依据。展开更多
文摘We have compared genetic diversity of 24 Chinese weak-winter, Swedish winter and spring B. napus accessions by inter-simple sequence repeats (ISSRs). By cluster analysis (UPGMA) based on 125 polymorphism bands amplified with 20 primers, the 24 accessions were divided into three groups. Six Swedish winter lines and eight Chinese weak-winter lines were in the group I and the groupⅡwere two Chinese weak-winter lines XiangyoulS and Bao81. The third group contained eight Swedish spring lines. Principal co-ordinates analysis (PCO) showed similar groupings to cluster analysis. Results from cluster analysis and PCO analysis showed very clearly that Chinese weak-winter, Swedish spring and winter accessions were distinguished from each other and Chinese weak-winter accessions in this study were genetically closer to Swedish winter accessions than to Swedish spring accessions. The Chinese weak-winter accessions had larger diversity than Swedish spring or winter accessions did. This study indicated that ISSR is a suitable and effective tool to evaluate genetic diversity among rapeseed germplasm.
文摘Inter-simple Sequence Repeat (ISSR) analysis was applied to assess the genetic diversity within and among five populations of mink from Liaoning Province. A total of 20 primers were screened, five selected primers produced 35 discernible bands, with 30 (85.71%) being polymorphic, indicating high genetic diversity at the species level. The highest genetic diversity was observed in the brown mink population, whereas the lowest diversity was found in the standard-pitchy mink population. Based on genetic distance (1972), a dendrogram was constructed by using UPGMA algorithm, and five populations were divided into two major groups. Group I consisted of only the standard-pitchy mink population, and Group II included other four populations, in Group II, sapphire mink was close to brown mink population. The results of genetic differentiation indicated that the genetic differentiation degree between populations was lower and the genetic variation primarily came from within populations. This paper showed that ISSR technique was a reliable tool that could be used to study genetic diversity in the mink.
文摘Sugarcane is an important tropical crop, responsible for two thirds of the world sugar production, gaining actually importance as a source of biofuel. Drought tolerance is a very important feature considering the actual climate change scenario throughout the world. This study aimed to determine the genetic diversity between sugarcane varieties with contrasting features under drought. For this purpose, twelve ISSR primers were used to characterize nine sugarcane varieties under cultivation in different countries including selected drought resistant material from Northeast Brazil and two varieties from India as contrasting genotypes. 317 scorable bands were generated, among which 301 comprised polymorphic markers, with an average of 25 polymorphic bands per primer. In the generated dendrogram the accessions were placed in clusters, where cluster A included two varieties from India (Co331 and Co419), and B comprised plants eight Brazilian accessions and a ‘Barbado’ variety. Within this clade, drought tolerant and susceptible varieties were clearly separated. The present evaluation revealed important contrasting parental candidates regarding their drought response, very promising for future mapping approaches aiming the identification of quantitative trait loci (QTLs) associated to drought in sugarcane. The selected primers were used for the first time in sugarcane, representing valuable tools for future evaluations, with emphasis to diversity characterization and genetic mapping.
基金financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (31401933)the Shanghai Municipal Committee of Agriculture,China (G2014070107)
文摘The cultivar Ganoderma lucidum Hunong 5 was obtained using cross-breeding. Hunong 5 has high commercial value due to its high polysaccharide and triterpene content, This is the first report of using a DNA pooling method to develop a stable sequence characterized amplified region (SCAR) marker for rapid identification of the G. lucidum Hunong 5 cultivar. The SCAR marker was developed by first generating and sequencing a distinctive inter simple sequence repeat (ISSR) fragment (882 bp) from G. lucidum Hunong 5 cultivar. A stable SCAR primer pair GLH5F/GLH5R were obtained to identify the cultivar and the SCAR marker is a DNA fragment of 773 bp.
文摘为加强我国兰属种质资源的保护利用,本研究通过ISSR分子标记对96份兰属种质进行多样性分析和指纹图谱构建。结果显示,共筛选出11条可扩增清晰条带的多样性引物,在96份材料共检测67条多态性条带,平均多态性条带比例为73.63%;等位基因数(Na)为1.925,有效等位基因数(Ne)为1.450,Nei′s遗传多样性指数(H)为0.277,Shannon多样性指数(I)为0.427,多态性位点百分比(PPL,percentage of polymorphic loci)为92.54%;种群内基因多样性(Hs)为0.1934,基因分化度(Gst)为0.3009,总遗传多样性指数(Ht)为0.2767,种群间的平均基因流(Nm)为1.1619,种群间的两两遗传分化固定指数值范围为0.002~0.527,平均值为0.325。系统聚类结果表明,兰属种群间遗传分化程度高,8个种群可分为3类,春兰和墨兰为一大类,寒兰、春剑、蕙兰、莲瓣兰、建兰为第二类,杂交种独为一类,与其他两类种群之间的遗传距离较大。主坐标分析表明,莲瓣兰和春兰表现出较远的亲缘关系。本研究筛选出6对引物构建了96个品种的指纹图谱二维码。本研究结果可为今后兰属新品种选育及品种鉴定提供重要依据。