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IZ型矿用渣浆泵的研制 被引量:1
作者 王春林 郦智明 韩冰 《金属矿山》 CAS 北大核心 1995年第5期48-51,共4页
IZ型系列渣浆泵的结构为卧式单吸离心式,外壳采用垂直中开式,安装维修方便,轴封采用背叶片、副叶轮、填料配合动力密封,基本无泄漏;叶轮与护板间距可调,保证泵高效运行。叶轮设计引入固相颗粒角速度的概念,以此建立液相的畸变... IZ型系列渣浆泵的结构为卧式单吸离心式,外壳采用垂直中开式,安装维修方便,轴封采用背叶片、副叶轮、填料配合动力密封,基本无泄漏;叶轮与护板间距可调,保证泵高效运行。叶轮设计引入固相颗粒角速度的概念,以此建立液相的畸变速度场;压水室设计采用矩形断面、半螺旋形涡室。运行表明,高效、节能、节水、过流部件寿命大为提高,具有显著的经济效益。 展开更多
关键词 渣浆泵 iz 矿山用泵 叶轮
基于现代TRIZ理论的高校创新创业教育方法应用探析 被引量:8
作者 于澍 《太原城市职业技术学院学报》 2018年第1期158-159,共2页
党的十九大报告中累述"创新"多达56次,可见当前国家对于创新的重视程度。国家需要创新,创新需要人才,人才由高校供给,因此,高校要充分发挥创新创业教育的作用。那么,将现代TRIZ理论与高校创新创业教育方法相结合,能有效促进... 党的十九大报告中累述"创新"多达56次,可见当前国家对于创新的重视程度。国家需要创新,创新需要人才,人才由高校供给,因此,高校要充分发挥创新创业教育的作用。那么,将现代TRIZ理论与高校创新创业教育方法相结合,能有效促进高校创新创业教育的人才培养质量。本文将探析现代TRIZ理论与高校创新创业教育方法的有效结合,从传统教学、培养实践和项目竞赛等多个方面推进现代TRIZ理论在高校创新创业教育方法中的应用。 展开更多
关键词 现代TR iz理论 创新创业 教育
基于TRIZ特性传递的电动滑板车创新设计 被引量:1
作者 陆尚平 农田友 +1 位作者 陆美文 全鸿伟 《装备制造技术》 2017年第8期48-50,共3页
为了解决滑板车动力、减小占据空间和携带便利性的问题,引入现代T R IZ创新理论的特性传递方法;将滑板车设计为电动驱动、可折叠、拉杆携带的新型倒三轮电动滑板车。实践表明,T R IZ创新理论的特性传递能有效提高创新产品的开发效率。
关键词 T R iz 特性传递 滑板车 创新设计
Long-term Safety Observations on Side Effects and Com -plications of Non-surgical Sterilization by Chem ical In-stillation of the Fallopian Tubal 被引量:1
作者 LIU Yun-rong(刘云嵘) WU Yu-hao(吴裕浩) +3 位作者 CHEN Xue-huang(陈学煌) HUANGZhen-jia(黄真嘉) XU Duo(徐铎) CAIGuang-zong(蔡光宗) 《Journal of Reproduction and Contraception》 CAS 1999年第1期18-26,共9页
The present objective is to observe the side effects and complications of fem ale tubalsterilization by phenol-atabrinepaste (PAP) and phenolm ucilage (PM). 1 705 eligible w om en w ere divided random ly into tw o g... The present objective is to observe the side effects and complications of fem ale tubalsterilization by phenol-atabrinepaste (PAP) and phenolm ucilage (PM). 1 705 eligible w om en w ere divided random ly into tw o groups, 871 usinig PAP and 834 w om en using PM. Results: Thefeverratesw ere8.0and 4.4( P< 0.01 ) respec- tively in group PAP and group PM. Infection rates of the appendages w ere 2.3 and 1.2 respectively. The incidence of chem ical peritonitis, w ithin the lim its of pelvic cavity, w ere 1.1and 2.4respectively. Perforation of uterus, pelvic ab- scessand ectopicpregnancy w ere notfound during thisobservation. Slightabdom inal pain after the proceduresw ere 33.6and 30.8respectively. Slightvaginalbleed- ing after the procedure w as 23.2 and 18.0 respectively. Menstruation of the w om en w as not affected by the instillation. This five-year follow -up study neither show ed a positivePap testnor a potentialdeseasecaused by thesterilizing agents. This technique isa safe and efficientm ethod for fem ale sterilization. 展开更多
关键词 Fem ale tube sterilization by chem icalinstillation Phenol-atabrine paste (PAP) Phenolm ucilage(PM) Multi-center random ized clinicaltrial Side-effectand com plication
Exponential Synchronization of Uncertain Complex Dynamical Networks with Delay Coupling
作者 王立夫 井元伟 孔芝 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第3期529-534,共6页
This paper studies the global exponential synchronization of uncertain complex delayed dynamical networks. The network model considered is general dynamical delay networks with unknown network structure and unknown co... This paper studies the global exponential synchronization of uncertain complex delayed dynamical networks. The network model considered is general dynamical delay networks with unknown network structure and unknown coupling functions but bounded. Novel delay-dependent linear controllers are designed via the Lyapunov stability theory. Especially, it is shown that the controlled networks are globally exponentially synchronized with a given convergence rate. An example of typical dynamical network of this class, having the Lorenz system at each node, has been used to demonstrate and verify the novel design proposed. And, the numerical simulation results show the effectiveness of proposed synchronization approaches. 展开更多
关键词 exponential synchronization uncertain complex dynamical networks coupling delays decentral- ized control
IZ_p 函数及其算子
作者 赵凯 王照明 潘建勋 《山东工业大学学报》 1997年第4期377-379,共3页
关键词 积分算子 Zp函数 izp函数
Impulsive synchronization of two coupled complex networks with time-delayed dynamical nodes
作者 王树国 姚洪兴 《Chinese Physics B》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2011年第9期136-141,共6页
In this paper, we investigate the impulsive synchronization between two coupled complex networks with time- delayed dynamical nodes. Based on the Lyapunov stability, the linear feedback control and the impulsive contr... In this paper, we investigate the impulsive synchronization between two coupled complex networks with time- delayed dynamical nodes. Based on the Lyapunov stability, the linear feedback control and the impulsive control theories, the linear feedback and the impulsive controllers are designed separately. By using the generalized Barbalat's lemma, the global asymptotic impulsive synchronization of the drive-response complex networks is derived and some corresponding sufficient conditions are also obtained. Numerical examples are presented to verify the effectiveness and the correctness of the synchronization criteria. 展开更多
关键词 complex dynamical networks impulsive synchronization time-delayed nodes general-ized Barbalat lemma
作者 许晓冰 《科技风》 2014年第14期179-179,共1页
随着国家的繁荣昌盛,促进了高校教育水平的不断提高。为了促使教育水平能够更上一个台阶,国家不断加大对教育的投入,以便促进大学生创新能力的培养,大学生创新能力培养平台的构建,是实现创新能力提高的具体手段。只有不断的提高创新能力... 随着国家的繁荣昌盛,促进了高校教育水平的不断提高。为了促使教育水平能够更上一个台阶,国家不断加大对教育的投入,以便促进大学生创新能力的培养,大学生创新能力培养平台的构建,是实现创新能力提高的具体手段。只有不断的提高创新能力,才能促进国民经济的持续健康发展。本文通过对基于TRIZ理论的高校大学生创新能力培养平台的构建进行分析研究,为创新型高校的发展以及社会经济的进度奠定智慧基础。 展开更多
关键词 TR iz理论 高校 大学生创新能力 培养平台 构建 研究
Zizzle iZ玩偶
《新潮电子》 2005年第23期146-146,共1页
对于Zizzle iZ玩偶,我们是早有耳闻,不过到现在才看到它的真正面目。它采用4节AA电池供电,能作为随身听的外放扬声器使用,当然,仅仅作为扬声器是不能体现iZ的独到之处,
关键词 Zizzle iz 玩偶 电池供电 扬声器 随身听
High resolution crop intensity mapping using harmonized Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2 data 被引量:6
作者 HAO Peng-yu TANG Hua-jun +2 位作者 CHEN Zhong-xin YU Le WU Ming-quan 《Journal of Integrative Agriculture》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2019年第12期2883-2897,共15页
An increase in crop intensity could improve crop yield but may also lead to a series of environmental problems, such as depletion of ground water and increased soil salinity. The generation of high resolution(30 m) cr... An increase in crop intensity could improve crop yield but may also lead to a series of environmental problems, such as depletion of ground water and increased soil salinity. The generation of high resolution(30 m) crop intensity maps is an important method used to monitor these changes, but this is challenging because the temporal resolution of the 30-m image time series is low due to the long satellite revisit period and high cloud coverage. The recently launched Sentinel-2 satellite could provide optical images at 10–60 m resolution and thus improve the temporal resolution of the 30-m image time series. This study used harmonized Landsat Sentinel-2(HLS) data to identify crop intensity. The sixth polynomial function was used to fit the normalized difference vegetation index(NDVI) and enhanced vegetation index(EVI) curves. Then, 15-day NDVI and EVI time series were then generated from the fitted curves and used to generate the extent of croplands. Lastly, the first derivative of the fitted VI curves were used to calculate the VI peaks;spurious peaks were removed using artificially defined thresholds and crop intensity was generated by counting the number of remaining VI peaks. The proposed methods were tested in four study regions, with results showing that 15-day time series generated from the fitted curves could accurately identify cropland extent. Overall accuracy of cropland identification was higher than 95%. In addition, both the harmonized NDVI and EVI time series identified crop intensity accurately as the overall accuracies, producer’s accuracies and user’s accuracies of non-cropland, single crop cycle and double crop cycle were higher than 85%. NDVI outperformed EVI as identifying double crop cycle fields more accurately. 展开更多
关键词 CROP inten sity time series sixth polyno mial FU nction HARM on ized LAN dsat-8 and Sen tinel-2
New Fixed Point Results of Generalized g-Quasi-Contractions in Cone b-Metric Spaces Over Banach Algebras 被引量:1
作者 Shaoyuan Xu Suyu Cheng +1 位作者 Suzana Aleksic Yongjie Piao 《Analysis in Theory and Applications》 CSCD 2017年第2期118-133,共16页
In this paper, we introduce the concept of generalized g-quasi-contractions in the setting of cone b-metric spaces over Banach algebras. By omitting the assump- tion of normality we establish common fixed point theore... In this paper, we introduce the concept of generalized g-quasi-contractions in the setting of cone b-metric spaces over Banach algebras. By omitting the assump- tion of normality we establish common fixed point theorems for the generalized g- quasi-contractions with the spectral radius r(λ) of the g-quasi-contractive constant vector λ satisfying r(λ) ∈[0,1) in the setting of cone b-metric spaces over Banach al- gebras, where the coefficient s satisfies s ≥ 1. The main results generalize, extend and unify several well-known comparable results in the literature. 展开更多
关键词 Cone b-metric spaces over Banach algebras non-normal cones c-sequences general-ized g-quasi-contractions fixed point theorems.
现在,大家最憧憬在的2位ViVi登场! 与元英&宫与宫胁咲良零距离(from IZ*ONE)
作者 MARCO Natsuko Tohriyama 《美眉》 2019年第8期92-95,共4页
受到国际度关注的IZ*ONE成员,元英和宫胁咲良来ViVi做客了哦——从喜欢的妆容,到美容心得、成员间的事等等。girls talk无限精彩.Q.护肤的流程是什么?宫睡眠很重要,所以护肤时间很短。最近我很爱用可以护理毛孔的含维生素C的护肤品。洗... 受到国际度关注的IZ*ONE成员,元英和宫胁咲良来ViVi做客了哦——从喜欢的妆容,到美容心得、成员间的事等等。girls talk无限精彩.Q.护肤的流程是什么?宫睡眠很重要,所以护肤时间很短。最近我很爱用可以护理毛孔的含维生素C的护肤品。洗脸后用乳液彻底保湿很重要。元因为我是敏感肌,用了不适合的产品皮肤马上会变差。所以基本上用的是敏感肌用护肤品。 展开更多
关键词 光泽感 from iz*ONE 珊瑚色
A Comparative Study of English Transitional Light Verb Morpheme“-ize”and Chinese“化”
作者 陈晓丽 《海外英语》 2020年第9期261-262,共2页
English transitional light verb morpheme"-ize"and Chinese"化"have been discussed in English and Chinese languages from different research perspectives.Based on English-Chinese Equivalence Translati... English transitional light verb morpheme"-ize"and Chinese"化"have been discussed in English and Chinese languages from different research perspectives.Based on English-Chinese Equivalence Translation,Contrastive Analysis and CodeSwitching in Inter-Cultural Communication,the paper mainly discusses their differences in equivalence translation,word class and pragmatic translation.The nouns,adjectives and verbs investigated respectively are realized by adding morpheme"化",which are equal to English transitional light verb"-ize"and its derivations information.However,from the contrastive analysis expression,there is word class difference between morpheme"-ize"and Chinese"化"in semantic view.In Chinese language,"X+化"is regarded as noun while"X+ize"verb in English.On the top of that,influenced by code-switching strategies,the two morphemes have distinctions in pragmatic translation according to grammatical rules and cultural diversities between Chinese and English. 展开更多
关键词 English transitional light verb morpheme ize Chinese化 comparative analysis Chinese-English translation
传说中的国际组合在日本出道!! 这么可爱,会喜欢上的吧? IZ~*ONE
作者 Masaya Tanaka Naoko Yamamoro +1 位作者 Satoshi Asahara Noriko Yoshi 《美眉》 2019年第3期154-159,共6页
IZ~*ONE韩国选秀节目《PRODUCE》中选拔出的12名选手组成的国际组合.AKB48成员参加,节目播出后也成为话题.从96名候选者中由观众投票选出的12位优秀选手。在2018年10月29日出道了。不仅在日韩地区,现在人气以世界性规模在扩大。她们终... IZ~*ONE韩国选秀节目《PRODUCE》中选拔出的12名选手组成的国际组合.AKB48成员参加,节目播出后也成为话题.从96名候选者中由观众投票选出的12位优秀选手。在2018年10月29日出道了。不仅在日韩地区,现在人气以世界性规模在扩大。她们终于来了.全世界的组合IZ*ONE,在日本发行CD出道了,这是她们第-次在ViVi登场。通过选秀节目出道的她们,实力自然是毋庸置疑的。 展开更多
关键词 iz ONE
IZ-41型祥乐牌经济型多功能微耕机的设计 被引量:1
作者 张建新 谢刚 +1 位作者 周帆 朱玉华 《大众科技》 2012年第5期129-130,84,共3页
关键词 祥乐牌经济型多功能微耕机 主要部件 轻量化、标准化设计
Vaginal hysterectomy or laparoscopic assisted vaginal hysterectomy for enlarged myomatous uterus:a randomized clinical trial
作者 范融 朱兰 +2 位作者 郎景和 史宏晖 龚晓明 《生殖医学杂志》 CAS 2011年第B12期8-12,共5页
Objective:To compare the intraoperative condition and short-term outcomes of vaginal hysterectomy(VH) and laparoscopic assisted vaginal hysterectomy(LAVH) for enlarged myomatous uterus. Methods:Fifty patients from Pek... Objective:To compare the intraoperative condition and short-term outcomes of vaginal hysterectomy(VH) and laparoscopic assisted vaginal hysterectomy(LAVH) for enlarged myomatous uterus. Methods:Fifty patients from Peking Union Medical College Hospital(PUMCH) were randomly assigned to two treatment groups:VH(n= 23) and LAVH(n= 27).All procedures were performed by a single senior surgeon to maintain homogeneity. Results:The baseline characteristics of the two groups were comparable.The operative time for LAVH was significantly longer than for VH(76.7±23.2 vs.57.6±23.5 min,P<0.05),and LAVH costs more money than VH(6,923.07±622.96 vs.5,974.46±1,408.08 RMB,P<0.05).Major complications,uterine weight and the length of hospital stay were comparable between VH and LAVH group.One case of VH was converted to LAVH due to adhesion. Conclusions:Compared with LAVH,VH is a time- and cost-saving operative technique for enlarged myomatous uterus.VH should be the primary method for uterine removal,but LAVH may have advantages when adhesion is present. 展开更多
关键词 子宫切除术 随机分配 腹腔镜 临床试验 阴道 重链可变区 节约成本 手术方法
Effect of ultrasound-guided acupotomy vs electro-acupuncture on knee osteoarthritis:a randomized controlled study 被引量:22
作者 Ding Yu Wang Yuexiang +3 位作者 Shi Xian Luo Yun Gao Yuhong Pan Jingkun 《Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2016年第4期444-449,共6页
OBJECTIVE:To investigate the effect of acupotomy on knee osteoarthritis(KOA),compared to electro-acupuncture(EA).METHODS:Sixty KOA patients were randomly divided into 2 groups:ultrasound-guided acupotomy group and EA ... OBJECTIVE:To investigate the effect of acupotomy on knee osteoarthritis(KOA),compared to electro-acupuncture(EA).METHODS:Sixty KOA patients were randomly divided into 2 groups:ultrasound-guided acupotomy group and EA group;each had 3 weeks' therapy.After the treatment,by contrast before and after therapy,by comparing curative effects among groups,we looked into disease improvement degree through activities of daily living score(ADL),hospital for special surgery index(HSS),visual analogue scales score(VAS) and knee joint's infrared thermal imaging detection.RESULTS:Graded by ADL,the excellent rate in acupotomy group was much higher than EA group;both acupotomy group and EA group had obviouschanges in HSS index before and after the therapy(P < 0.01).And there was remarkable difference in HSS index variation between the groups(P < 0.01).Acupotomy group and EA group showed big difference in pain index before and after treatment(P <0.01).Apparent difference also existed in the comparison among groups(P < 0.01).Both acupotomy group and EA group had apparent changes in infrared thermal imaging detection before and after the treatment(P < 0.01).CONCLUSION:Acupotomy and EA both have significant effects in KOA treatment;the former is better than the latter in relieving pain and improving knee functions. 展开更多
关键词 Osteoarthritis knee ACUPOTOMY Infra red thermal imaging ULTRASOUND-GUIDED Random ized controlled trail
Meta-analysis on randomized controlled trials for scalp acupuncture treatment of stroke:A systematic review 被引量:3
作者 Young-Nim You Min-Yeong Song +4 位作者 Gwang-Cheon Park Chang-Su Na Jae-Young Han Myung-Rae Cho Jae-Hong Kim 《Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第4期465-479,共15页
OBJECTIVE:To conduct a systematic review to assess the clinical effectiveness of scalp acupuncture(SA) for stroke.METHODS:Literature searches were performed in7 databases up to 16 August 2014,and all the randomized co... OBJECTIVE:To conduct a systematic review to assess the clinical effectiveness of scalp acupuncture(SA) for stroke.METHODS:Literature searches were performed in7 databases up to 16 August 2014,and all the randomized controlled trials(RCTs) in which SA therapy was administered to stroke patients were selected.Methodological quality was assessed using the Jadad score,the Cochrane risk of bias assessment,and the Standards for Reporting Interventions in Clinical Trials of Acupuncture.RESULTS:Of a total of 2086 papers,21 RCTs were selected.Meta-analysis revealed significant differences in the total efficacy rates of the SA group and the body acupuncture(BA) group vs the medication group(P < 0.002,P < 0.000 001,respectively),the SA plus BA group vs the BA group(P < 0.001);in the motor function of the SA plus BA group vs the BA group(P = 0.077);and in the nerve function of the SA group vs the SA plus BA group(P < 0.0001).CONCLUSION:The results of our systematic review showed that SA therapy may exhibit effects in treatment efficacy and in the recovery of motor and nervous functions in patients with acute to chronic stroke.However,because of the lack of methodological quality,the thoroughly planned clinical studies are still required. 展开更多
关键词 STROKE Review ized controlled trial Scalprisk of bias Jadad scoreMeta-analysis Random-acupuncture COCHRANE
Effects of Feiwei granules in the treatment of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis:a randomized and placebo-controlled trial 被引量:7
作者 Yu Yang Sun Zengtao +4 位作者 Shi Liqing Zhang Yanping Zhou Zhaoshan Zhang Shunan Chao Enxiang 《Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2016年第4期427-433,共7页
OBJECTIVE: To document the therapeutic effects of Feiwei granules (FGs) for idiopathic pulmonary fi-brosis (IPF).METHODS: One hundred cases with IPF were ran- domized into the treatment group (80) and control ... OBJECTIVE: To document the therapeutic effects of Feiwei granules (FGs) for idiopathic pulmonary fi-brosis (IPF).METHODS: One hundred cases with IPF were ran- domized into the treatment group (80) and control group (20). Both groups were given basic treat- ment with prednisone. The treatment group was given FGs, and the control group was given Jinshui- bao capsules (JCs). Treatment lasted for 6 months. The Medical Research Council Dyspnea Scale (MRCDS), the Saint George's Hospital Respiratory Questionnaire (SGHRQ), pulmonary function, the Traditional Chinese Medicine Syndrome Score (TC- MSS), 6-min walking test (6MWT) and blood gas analyses were recorded before the study as well as 3 months and 6 months after treatment.RESULTS: FGs showed greater efficacy than the control in certain parameters between before the study and 6 months, and between 3 months and 6 months, in the MRCDS, some indicators in the SGHRQ, and the TCMSS. There were no significant differences between the treatment group and con- trol group in the remainder of the indices evaluat- ed. In the treatment group, there were significant differences in before and after treatment in the MRCDS, SGHRQ, TCMSS and 6MWT. 展开更多
关键词 Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis Dys-pnea Surveys and questionnaires 6-rain walkingtest Feiwei granules Jinshuibao capsules Random-ized controlled trial
Guasha improves the rating of perceived exertion scale score and reduces heart rate variability in male weightlifters:a randomized controlled trial 被引量:4
作者 Wang Xingze Chen Peijie +5 位作者 Huang Xingyu Wang Yingying Yang Jinsheng Wichai Eungpinichpong Yang Yuming Uraiwan Chatchawan 《Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第1期49-56,共8页
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effects of Guasha therapy on the rating of perceived exertion(RPE) scale score, and heart rate variability(HRV).METHODS: A randomized controlled trial of Guasha(skin scraping) was compared w... OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effects of Guasha therapy on the rating of perceived exertion(RPE) scale score, and heart rate variability(HRV).METHODS: A randomized controlled trial of Guasha(skin scraping) was compared with a sham scraping group and control group. Sixteen sessions within an 8-week period were completed. Sixty-five male weightlifters who had undergone normal weightlifting training for a mean of 5 years before study commencement were recruited. The RPEscale score of "snatch", "clean and jerk" maneuvers(85% of one-repetition maximum), and HRV were measured before and after the intervention.RESULTS: The RPE scale score for snatch, clean and jerk were reduced significantly after intervention in the Guasha group and sham group. However, there was a significant difference in the low frequency(LF) domain and LF/high frequency(HF) ratio(P <0.05): the LF domain decreased, and the LF/HF ratio decreased.CONCLUSION: Guasha could be used to reduce the RPE scale score, and increase the response to HRV.Guasha could be considered as an alternative to some types of recovery from sports training. 展开更多
关键词 Scraping therapy Heart rate Rating of perceived exertion Weightlifting training Randomized controlled trial
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