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In-beam gamma rays of CSNS Back-n characterized by black resonance filter
作者 Jin-Cheng Wang Jie Ren +68 位作者 Wei Jiang Xi-Chao Ruan Ying-Yi Liu Hao-Lan Yang Kuo-Zhi Xu Xin-Yi Pan Qi Sun Jie Bao Han-Xiong Huang Hao-Fan Bai Jiang-Bo Bai Ping Cao Qi-Ping Chen Yong-Hao Chen Wen-Hao Duan An-Chuan Fan Rui-Rui Fan Chang-Qing Feng Min-Hao Gu Chang-Cai Han Zi-Jie Han Guo-Zhu He Yong-Cheng He Yang Hong Yi-Wei Hu Zhi-Jie Jiang Ling Kang Chang-Lin Lan Bo Li Feng Li Qiang Li Xiao Li Yang Li Jie Liu Rong Liu Shu-Bin Liu Yi-Na Liu Guang-Yuan Luan Chang-Jun Ning Yi-Jia Qiu Wen-Kai Ren Zhi-Zhou Ren Zhao-Hui Song Kang Sun Zhi-Xin Tan Jing-Yu Tang Sheng-Da Tang Li-Jiao Wang Peng-Cheng Wang Zhao-Hui Wang Zhong-Wei Wen Xiao-Guang Wu Xuan Wu Ze-Peng Wu Cong Xia Li-Kun Xie Han Yi Tao Yu Yong-Ji Yu Guo-Hui Zhang Hang-Chang Zhang Qi-Wei Zhang Xian-Peng Zhang Yu-Liang Zhang Zhi-Yong Zhang Mao-Yuan Zhao Zhi-Hao Zhou Ke-Jun Zhu Chong Zou 《Nuclear Science and Techniques》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第10期149-160,共12页
The back-streaming white-neutron beamline(Back-n)of the China Spallation Neutron Source is an essential neutronresearch platform built for the study of nuclear data,neutron physics,and neutron applications.Many types ... The back-streaming white-neutron beamline(Back-n)of the China Spallation Neutron Source is an essential neutronresearch platform built for the study of nuclear data,neutron physics,and neutron applications.Many types of cross-sectional neutron-reaction measurements have been performed at Back-n since early 2018.These measurements have shown that a significant number of gamma rays can be transmitted to the experimental stations of Back-n along with the neutron beam.These gamma rays,commonly referred to as in-beam gamma rays,can induce a non-negligible experimental background in neutron-reaction measurements.Studying the characteristics of in-beam gamma rays is important for understanding the experimental background.However,measuring in-beam gamma rays is challenging because most gamma-ray detectors are sensitive to neutrons;thus,discriminating between neutron-induced signals and those from in-beam gamma rays is difficult.In this study,we propose the use of the black resonance filter method and a CeBr_(3) scintillation detector to measure the characteristics of the in-beam gamma rays of Back-n.Four types of black resonance filters,^(181)Ta,^(59)Co,^(nat)Ag,and^(nat)Cd,were used in this measurement.The time-of-flight(TOF)technique was used to select the detector signals remaining in the absorption region of the TOF spectra,which were mainly induced by in-beam gamma rays.The energy distribution and flux of the in-beam gamma rays of Back-n were determined by analyzing the deposited energy spectra of the CeBr_(3) scintillation detector and using Monte Carlo simulations.Based on the results of this study,the background contributions from in-beam gamma rays in neutron-reaction measurements at Back-n can be reasonably evaluated,which is beneficial for enhancing both the experimental methodology and data analysis. 展开更多
关键词 in-beam gamma rays Back-n CeBr_(3)scintillator Black filter resonance technique
In-beam γ Experiment for Doubly Odd ^(174)Re Nucleus
《IMP & HIRFL Annual Report》 1998年第0期20-20,共1页
关键词 NUCLEUS in-beam Browne NUCLEAR Argonne
基于TPS和蒙特卡罗计算的^(12)C肿瘤放射治疗In-beam PET剂量监测研究 被引量:1
作者 张庆华 刘志强 +10 位作者 郭典 张秋宁 刘锐锋 裴昌旭 文婧 罗宏涛 孙世龙 黄川 李英帼 尹永智 王小虎 《原子核物理评论》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第3期359-366,共8页
In-beam PET成像是碳离子放射治疗剂量监测的有效手段,可以对碳离子放疗过程的物理剂量分布和生物剂量分布进行实时监测。结合放射治疗计划系统(TPS)和蒙特卡罗(MC)模拟分别对静态均匀水模体和腹部肿瘤CT图像进行治疗计划设计、MC计算和... In-beam PET成像是碳离子放射治疗剂量监测的有效手段,可以对碳离子放疗过程的物理剂量分布和生物剂量分布进行实时监测。结合放射治疗计划系统(TPS)和蒙特卡罗(MC)模拟分别对静态均匀水模体和腹部肿瘤CT图像进行治疗计划设计、MC计算和PET成像,比较TPS肿瘤靶区剂量分布、MC模拟剂量分布和PET成像三者之间的一致性。TPS和MC模拟中相对生物学效应(RBE)的计算均采用线性二次模型(LQ)。研究结果显示,TPS和MC计算的静态均匀水模体、单野治疗腹部肿瘤的物理剂量、RBE加权剂量在SOBP区域的平均误差均在0.5%和2%以内。碳离子束流能量为120~400 MeV/u时,束流方向剂量深度分布与PET成像在SOBP区域的位置差异均在8 mm以内。In-beam PET可作为碳离子放射治疗中位置验证和剂量验证的有效手段。 展开更多
关键词 碳离子放射治疗 in-beam PET成像 治疗计划系统 剂量验证
一种基于惯导信息的多普勒波束锐化图像拼接算法 被引量:6
作者 胡瑞贤 王彤 +1 位作者 保铮 刘保昌 《电子与信息学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2012年第6期1337-1343,共7页
通过多普勒波束锐化(Doppler Beam Sharpening,DBS)图像拼接可得到大范围的地面场景图像。然而实际中雷达平台的非理想运动(载机速度矢量和姿态的变化)会造成DBS图像拼接困难。为解决此问题,该文提出了一种有效的DBS图像拼接方法。首先... 通过多普勒波束锐化(Doppler Beam Sharpening,DBS)图像拼接可得到大范围的地面场景图像。然而实际中雷达平台的非理想运动(载机速度矢量和姿态的变化)会造成DBS图像拼接困难。为解决此问题,该文提出了一种有效的DBS图像拼接方法。首先利用惯导信息估计载机瞬时位置和雷达波束指向,然后将它们转化到初始时刻定义的参考坐标系下,得到图像校正参数。最后利用这些参数,完成图像拼接。实测数据的处理结果表明该文方法不仅较好地补偿了载机运动误差,而且与传统方法相比可以更好地改善DBS数据的拼接性能。 展开更多
关键词 图像拼接 惯导 多普勒波束锐化(DBS)
作者 裴昌旭 文婧 +6 位作者 刘美楼 郭典 张庆华 黄川 李英帼 尹永智 陈熙萌 《同位素》 CAS 2022年第4期257-265,I0002,共10页
In-beam PET成像为碳离子、质子等粒子放射治疗提供了一种非侵入式的实时剂量监测方法。本文设计自由结构的in-beam PET模型,包括环形、C型、双平板型和直角型PET,并在蒙特卡罗模拟平台GATE上仿真碳离子打靶的in-beam PET成像过程。该PE... In-beam PET成像为碳离子、质子等粒子放射治疗提供了一种非侵入式的实时剂量监测方法。本文设计自由结构的in-beam PET模型,包括环形、C型、双平板型和直角型PET,并在蒙特卡罗模拟平台GATE上仿真碳离子打靶的in-beam PET成像过程。该PET包含32个探测模块,通过自由组合的方式形成探测视野相近、适用于人体或小动物体不同部位的碳离子治疗剂量成像。每个探测模块由20×20的硅酸钇镥晶体阵列耦合硅光电倍增管构成。单个晶体大小为1.5 mm×1.5 mm×10 mm,像素为1.6 mm。在蒙特卡罗模拟平台GATE中仿真230 MeV/u的碳离子笔形束轰击聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯(PMMA)靶体和在束PET成像过程,得到正电子核素分布后通过MLEM算法得到PET断层图像。结果显示,图像峰位的变化反映了正电子活度峰位的移动,表明自由结构PET可用于在束监测碳离子治疗剂量分布。使用八探头平板型在束PET成像实验和仿真进行对比,其图像一维谱峰值均为27 mm,验证了自由结构PET模型用于在束监测碳离子治疗剂量成像可行。 展开更多
关键词 碳离子治疗 in-beam PET成像 剂量监测 蒙特卡罗仿真
GPS抗干扰技术综述 被引量:12
作者 向培胜 《电讯技术》 北大核心 2009年第10期93-96,共4页
关键词 全球定位系统 抗干扰 空时联合抗干扰 数字多波束形成 GPS/INS组合导航
声惯一体单波束测深系统在长江河道勘测中的应用 被引量:1
作者 沙红良 费新龙 +1 位作者 叶飞 陈绪刚 《测绘通报》 CSCD 北大核心 2022年第9期162-166,共5页
现如今单波束测深系统及多波束测深系统已经在长江河道水下地形测绘中广泛应用,人们对于内河航道水下地形数据的精度要求也越来越高,声惯一体单波束测深系统很好地解决了传统单波束测深精度不高及多波束测深系统安装操作复杂且对测量水... 现如今单波束测深系统及多波束测深系统已经在长江河道水下地形测绘中广泛应用,人们对于内河航道水下地形数据的精度要求也越来越高,声惯一体单波束测深系统很好地解决了传统单波束测深精度不高及多波束测深系统安装操作复杂且对测量水域条件要求较高等问题。本文针对声惯一体单波束测深系统在长江河道勘测中的实际应用情况,与传统单波束及多波束测量数据进行对比分析,结果表明声惯一体单波束测深系统能够很好地满足长江河道高精度测量的需求。 展开更多
关键词 单波束 多波束 声惯一体 长江河道勘测
新黄河特大桥钢桁梁架设施工技术 被引量:3
作者 张英利 《科技创新导报》 2020年第8期21-24,共4页
新黄河特大桥主桥设计采用1-156m无竖杆整体节点平行弦三角桁架下承式简支钢桁梁跨越黄河禹门口水道。根据河道水位深、河面宽、水流急,风速大,施工环境差,大跨度大体量大吨位钢桁梁杆件长且重,架设施工技术复杂,临时支架设计施工难度大... 新黄河特大桥主桥设计采用1-156m无竖杆整体节点平行弦三角桁架下承式简支钢桁梁跨越黄河禹门口水道。根据河道水位深、河面宽、水流急,风速大,施工环境差,大跨度大体量大吨位钢桁梁杆件长且重,架设施工技术复杂,临时支架设计施工难度大,且临近既有线施工安全风险高的特点,施工采用陆地搭设钢结构平台高位组拼桁架,水中搭设少支架拖拉平台长距离纵向拖拉跨越,横向精调就位的架设方案。探讨了大跨度钢桁梁长距离纵向拖拉和横移精调就位施工技术,详细论述了深水临时支墩体系、导梁和滑道梁安装、桁架高位拼装、长距离纵移拖拉,以及横移精准落梁就位的施工工艺和监测技术,以供类似桥梁施工参考。 展开更多
关键词 钢桁梁 长距离拖拉 横移精调 施工技术
Shape co-existence and structural evolution of the vi_(13/2) band in ^(157)Yb
作者 郑勇 周小红 +8 位作者 张玉虎 郭应祥 雷相国 刘忠 刘敏良 罗万居 温书贤 竺礼华 杨春祥 《Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy)》 SCIE EI CAS 2003年第2期131-136,共6页
The high-spin states of 157Yb have been studied via the reaction of 144Sm(16O, 3n) at 16O energy of 90 MeV using techniques of in-beam γ-ray spectroscopy. Measurement of γ-γ-t coincidences was performed with 11 BGO... The high-spin states of 157Yb have been studied via the reaction of 144Sm(16O, 3n) at 16O energy of 90 MeV using techniques of in-beam γ-ray spectroscopy. Measurement of γ-γ-t coincidences was performed with 11 BGO(AC)HPGe detectors. Based on the γ-γ coincidence relationships and the measured results of γ-ray anisotropies and DCO ratios, the level scheme for 157Yb was established. The shape co-existence and structural evolution of the Vi13/2 band with increasing angular momentum in 157Yb have been discussed. The systematics of the Vi13/2 bands in the N = 87 odd-A isotones have been compared. 展开更多
关键词 in-beam Γ-RAY spectroscopy level scheme structural evolution.
Shears bands in ^(112)In
作者 李雪琴 竺礼华 +13 位作者 吴晓光 贺创业 刘颖 潘波 郝昕 李立华 王治民 李广生 李忠宇 王守宇 徐强 王建国 丁怀博 翟建 《Chinese Physics C》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第S1期209-211,共3页
A new level scheme of 112In have been established up to 6.8 MeV in excitation energy and to a tentative spin of (21+) through the reaction 110Pd(7Li,5n)112In at a beam energy of 50 MeV. In-beam measurements involving ... A new level scheme of 112In have been established up to 6.8 MeV in excitation energy and to a tentative spin of (21+) through the reaction 110Pd(7Li,5n)112In at a beam energy of 50 MeV. In-beam measurements involving γ-γ coincidences and directional correlation of oriented states were performed. M1 bands consisting of I =1 dipole transitions have been observed. Possible quasiparticle configurations suggest that these bands are similar to the shears bands observed in Pb nuclei. 展开更多
关键词 high spin state in-beam gamma-ray spectroscopy level scheme shear rotational band
High-spin states of ^(125)Sb:Particle-core excitation coupling
作者 刘忠 张玉虎 +7 位作者 马英君 Y.Sasaki K.Yamada H.Oshima H.Yokose M.Ishizuka T.Komatsubara K.Furuno 《Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy)》 SCIE EI CAS 2003年第4期390-397,共8页
Excited states of125Sb have been studied using in-beam γ spectroscopy techniques via the124Sn(7Li, α2n) reaction at a beam energy of 32 MeV. A high-spin level scheme including 21 new γ-transitions and 14 new excite... Excited states of125Sb have been studied using in-beam γ spectroscopy techniques via the124Sn(7Li, α2n) reaction at a beam energy of 32 MeV. A high-spin level scheme including 21 new γ-transitions and 14 new excited states have been established. Three isomers have been identified at 1970, 2110 and 2471 keV and the ranges of their half-lives have been estimated from the delayed coincidence data. The level structure of125Sb is discussed in terms of particle-core excitation coupling. With the help of empirical shell model calculations the three isomers are proposed to have three-quasiparticle πg7/2?v(h 11/2 s 1/2)5?, πg7/2?v(h 11/2 d 3/2)7? and πg7/2?v(h 11 2/2 )10 + configurations, respectively. 展开更多
关键词 in-beam γ spectroscopy ISOMER particle-core coupling
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