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Indoor Environmental Quality of Air Conditioned Residential Buildings in Extreme Dry Desert Climate
作者 Farraj F. Al-Ajmi 《Journal of Power and Energy Engineering》 2018年第8期86-97,共12页
In this study, the indoor environmental quality (IEQ) in air conditioned residential buildings in a dry desert climate is examined from the perspective of occupants via two aspects: thermal comfort and indoor air qual... In this study, the indoor environmental quality (IEQ) in air conditioned residential buildings in a dry desert climate is examined from the perspective of occupants via two aspects: thermal comfort and indoor air quality. The study presents statistical data about the domestic-occupant thermal comfort sensations together with data describing the indoor air quality in Kuwaiti residential buildings. With respect to the latter, the overall IEQ acceptance using two measurements namely: physical measurements and subjective information collected via questionnaires, was used to evaluate 111 occupants living in twenty five air-conditioned residential buildings in the state of Kuwait. The operative temperature based on Actual Mean Vote (AMV) and Predicted Mean Vote (PMV) was identified using linear regression analysis of responses on the ASHRAE seven-point thermal sensation scale and was found to be 25.2°C and 23.3°C, respectively, in the summer season. Indoor air quality (IAQ) with respect to carbon dioxide concentration level was compared with the acceptable limits of international standards, i.e. ASHRAE Standard 62.1 [1]. The proposed overall IEQ acceptance findings in residential buildings show CO2 concentration level between 909 and 1250 ppm. However, this may be considered a higher level of CO2 concentration, which may require increasing ventilation rate through window operation or mechanical ventilation. 展开更多
关键词 RESIDENTIAL Buildings RESIDENTIAL indoor environments indoor Air quality Thermal COMFORT DRY DESERT CLIMATES
Application of statistical analysis of sample size:How many occupant responses are required for an indoor environmental quality(IEQ)field study
作者 Heng Du Zhiwei Lian +1 位作者 Li Lan Dayi Lai 《Building Simulation》 SCIE EI CSCD 2023年第4期577-588,共12页
Determining required sample size is one of the critical pathways to reproducible,reliable and robust results in human-related studies.This paper aims to answer a fundamental but often overlooked question:what sample s... Determining required sample size is one of the critical pathways to reproducible,reliable and robust results in human-related studies.This paper aims to answer a fundamental but often overlooked question:what sample size is required in surveys of occupant responses to indoor environmental quality(IEQ).The statistical models are introduced in order to promote determining required sample size for various types of data analysis methods commonly used in IEQ field studies.The Monte Carlo simulations are performed to verify the statistical methods and to illustrate the impact of sample size on the study accuracy and reliability.Several examples are presented to illustrate how to determine the value of the parameters in the statistical models based on previous similar research or existing databases.The required sample size including“worst”and“optimal”cases in each condition is obtained by this method and references.It is indicated that 385 is a“worst case”sample size to be adequate for a subgroup analysis,while if the researcher has an estimate of the study design and outcome,the“optimal case”sample size can potentially be reduced.When the required sample size is not achievable,the uncertainty in the result can properly interpret via a confidence interval.It is hoped that this paper would fill in the gap between statistical analysis of sample size and IEQ field research,and it can provide a useful reference for researchers when planning their own studies. 展开更多
关键词 indoor environmental quality built environment field study sample size thermal comfort
作者 史健 周克媛 《北京工业职业技术学院学报》 2024年第2期33-37,共5页
为改善公共图书馆的室内空气质量,对图书馆典型室内环境颗粒物污染进行了研究。通过采集不同区域的室内空气样品,分析颗粒物浓度,发现图书馆室内环境颗粒物浓度普遍较高。通过污染水平对比及颗粒物时空分布特征可知,颗粒物主要来源是人... 为改善公共图书馆的室内空气质量,对图书馆典型室内环境颗粒物污染进行了研究。通过采集不同区域的室内空气样品,分析颗粒物浓度,发现图书馆室内环境颗粒物浓度普遍较高。通过污染水平对比及颗粒物时空分布特征可知,颗粒物主要来源是人员活动和室内装修,建议采取加强室内通风、控制人员活动和选择低挥发性有机化合物材料等措施,降低室内环境颗粒物浓度。 展开更多
关键词 公共图书馆 室内环境 颗粒物污染 空气质量 采样
作者 刘晨 龚剑 +2 位作者 田瑛文 陈璐丝 钟延芬 《暖通空调》 2024年第3期105-110,149,共7页
以南昌某高校学生宿舍为研究对象,测量了夏季夜间室内温度、相对湿度、风速、CO_(2)浓度等环境参数,并对26名受试者睡前和醒后的主观环境评价及睡眠质量进行了调查。利用统计学方法对测量和调查结果进行了分析,结果表明:睡眠状态与睡前... 以南昌某高校学生宿舍为研究对象,测量了夏季夜间室内温度、相对湿度、风速、CO_(2)浓度等环境参数,并对26名受试者睡前和醒后的主观环境评价及睡眠质量进行了调查。利用统计学方法对测量和调查结果进行了分析,结果表明:睡眠状态与睡前清醒状态热中性温度都为25℃,睡眠状态有比清醒状态更宽的可接受温度范围;宿舍夜间CO_(2)浓度较高,醒后室内空气品质满意度比睡前显著降低,应适当增强通风;睡眠期间较高的室内温度、相对湿度和CO_(2)浓度都会导致睡眠质量下降;夜间凉爽且通风良好的室内环境更有利于提高学生睡眠质量。 展开更多
关键词 睡眠环境 睡眠质量 高校宿舍 室内空气品质 现场调查 热舒适
作者 樊颖 张晓静 +2 位作者 周锦玥 谢静超 刘加平 《暖通空调》 2024年第2期84-90,共7页
为探究供暖前后宿舍内热环境差异及其对学生睡眠热舒适的影响,在北京某高校实地调研了8个不同朝向宿舍的室内热环境,并采用问卷调研和睡眠手环监测结合的方式获得了16名高校学生的睡眠质量情况。结果表明:供暖前宿舍内夜间平均温度为(18... 为探究供暖前后宿舍内热环境差异及其对学生睡眠热舒适的影响,在北京某高校实地调研了8个不同朝向宿舍的室内热环境,并采用问卷调研和睡眠手环监测结合的方式获得了16名高校学生的睡眠质量情况。结果表明:供暖前宿舍内夜间平均温度为(18.6±1.1)℃,供暖初期为(20.2±1.4)℃,满足标准要求;实测期间宿舍夜间相对湿度高于30%,满足舒适度要求;床褥系统总热阻约为3.5~4.9 clo,其中,睡衣热阻大约为0.03~0.40 clo;供暖初期受试者睡前热中性温度为18.0℃,可接受温度范围为16.0~19.8℃,早晨醒后倾向更暖的环境;睡前热感觉与睡眠质量存在显著关联,当受试者睡前热感觉偏暖时,睡眠满意度及深睡眠比例较高,有利于睡眠。 展开更多
关键词 热舒适 睡眠质量 室内热环境 高校宿舍 供暖
作者 李磊 何来宾 +2 位作者 胡一舟 刘长江 邹彤 《重庆建筑》 2024年第6期74-76,共3页
绿色建筑检测是对绿色建筑设计方案和施工工艺水平进行检验测试的一种手段,旨在验证建筑实体或运行效果是否达到绿色建筑的设计理念,是促进绿色建筑健康发展的重要一环。该文着重分析了重庆市现有绿色建筑检测方法在实际操作过程中存在... 绿色建筑检测是对绿色建筑设计方案和施工工艺水平进行检验测试的一种手段,旨在验证建筑实体或运行效果是否达到绿色建筑的设计理念,是促进绿色建筑健康发展的重要一环。该文着重分析了重庆市现有绿色建筑检测方法在实际操作过程中存在的问题,并提出了相应的解决方案。 展开更多
关键词 绿色建筑 检测 建筑光环境 建筑声环境 室内空气质量
作者 吕海杰 《农机使用与维修》 2024年第8期16-18,共3页
农业植保喷雾技术经过多年发展,已经得到快速普及应用,为探索植保喷雾技术发展趋势和技术研发突破关键点,开展了室内环境试验与田间试验,重点针对市场常见的喷杆喷雾机、植保无人机、弥雾机进行试验,试验统计测量雾滴直径、雾滴密度、... 农业植保喷雾技术经过多年发展,已经得到快速普及应用,为探索植保喷雾技术发展趋势和技术研发突破关键点,开展了室内环境试验与田间试验,重点针对市场常见的喷杆喷雾机、植保无人机、弥雾机进行试验,试验统计测量雾滴直径、雾滴密度、有效覆盖率、分布均匀性、飘移率、有效幅宽等指标,并进行室内外各项数据的对比分析,强调了应从雾化技术、喷头技术、防漂移技术、变量喷施技术等方面进行植保喷雾技术升级。 展开更多
关键词 农业喷雾质量 室内试验 农田环境测试
作者 王丽 林丽 +2 位作者 李文忠 岳宏杰 顾率率 《建设科技》 2024年第9期61-64,共4页
本文旨在探讨胶东地区高品质住宅在室内环境保障和低碳节能技术方面的应用。介绍了高品质是住宅建筑行业发展的必然趋势及高品质住宅的定义和特点。以典型户型为例,采用动态负荷计算软件精细计算其全年动态负荷,为其设备选型提供依据。... 本文旨在探讨胶东地区高品质住宅在室内环境保障和低碳节能技术方面的应用。介绍了高品质是住宅建筑行业发展的必然趋势及高品质住宅的定义和特点。以典型户型为例,采用动态负荷计算软件精细计算其全年动态负荷,为其设备选型提供依据。本研究分析了室内环境保障和低碳节能技术的相关概念和主要技术措施,从室内舒适度、洁净度、静音度及造价等多方面进行方案比较,以便更直观地为项目选择最适合的设计方案。并给出节能减排设计、智能化管理、噪声控制等方面具体做法。阐述了高品质住宅如何通过这些技术手段实现室内环境的保障和低碳节能目标。最后总结了本研究的意义,并提出未来研究的方向和建议。 展开更多
关键词 高品质住宅 室内环境 低碳节能技术 节能减排 智能化管理
A cross-sectional study into the correlation of common household risk factors and allergic rhinitis in Taiwan's tropical environment 被引量:2
作者 Yu-Hao Wang Yu-Chieh Wang +4 位作者 Pi-Hsiung Wu Lan Hsu Chung-Yang Wang Chung-Ren Jan Hsing-Hao Su 《Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine》 SCIE CAS 2017年第2期127-133,共7页
Objective:To discuss the effect of lesser-known potential risk factors,such as bedroom showers,on the prevalence of allergic rhinitis.Methods:A cross-sectional,population-based study was performed using both survey an... Objective:To discuss the effect of lesser-known potential risk factors,such as bedroom showers,on the prevalence of allergic rhinitis.Methods:A cross-sectional,population-based study was performed using both survey and fungal culturing in southern Taiwan.There were 998 participants enrolled in the survey,and 513 sets of fungal culture obtained.With score for allergic rhinitis(SFAR) more than 7,the patient was defined to have allergic rhinitis.Risks of allergic rhinitis were calculated as odds ratios for various predicted risk factors by logistic regression.Correlation between predicted risk factors and fungal level were examined with linear regression.Results:The adjusted odds ratio of frequently using bedroom shower to having allergic rhinitis was 1.572(95% confidence interval:1.090-2.265),and 0.962 for people with older age to have AR(95% confidence interval:0.949-0.976).As to the 24-hour fungal level,the standardized coefficient was 0.254 for frequent use of bedroom shower,and 0.106 for window open hours.Conclusions:Use of bedroom shower is a potential risk factor for allergic rhinitis development. 展开更多
关键词 Allergic rhinitis Allergens environment FUNGI indoor air quality
Behavior of the Cultivable Airborne Mycobiota in air-conditioned environments of three Havanan archives, Cuba 被引量:1
作者 Sofía Borrego Alian Molina 《Journal of Atmospheric Science Research》 2020年第1期16-28,共13页
High concentrations of environmental fungi in the archives repositories are dangerous for the documents preserved in those places and for the workers'health.The aims of this work were to evaluate the behavior of t... High concentrations of environmental fungi in the archives repositories are dangerous for the documents preserved in those places and for the workers'health.The aims of this work were to evaluate the behavior of the fungal concentration and diversity in the indoor air of repositories of 3 archives located in Havana,Cuba,and to demonstrate the potential risk that these taxa represent for the documentary heritage preserved in these institutions.The indoor and outdoor environments were sampled with a biocollector.From the I/O ratios,it was evident that two of the studied archives were not contaminated,while one of them did show contamination despite having temperature and relative humidity values very similar to the other two.Aspergillus,Penicillium and Cladosporium were the predominant genera in the indoor environments.New finds for archival environments were the genera Harposporium and Scolecobasidium.The principal species classified ecologically as abundant were C.cladosporioides and P.citrinum.They are known as opportunistic pathogenic fungi.All the analyzed taxa excreted acids,the most of them degraded cellulose,starch and gelatin while about 48%excreted different pigments.But 33%of them showed the highest biodeteriogenic potential,evidencing that they are the most dangerous for the documentary collections. 展开更多
关键词 ARCHIVES environmental fungi indoor environments Microbial quality of archive environments quality of indoor environments Documentary biodeterioration
An Intelligent IEQ Monitoring and Feedback System:Development and Applications
作者 Yang Geng Zhongchen Zhang +4 位作者 Juan Yu Hongzhong Chen Hao Zhou Borong Lin Weimin Zhuang 《Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS 2022年第11期218-231,共14页
Indoor environmental quality(IEQ)significantly affects human health and wellbeing.Therefore,continuous IEQ monitoring and feedback is of great concern in both the industrial and academic communities.However,most exist... Indoor environmental quality(IEQ)significantly affects human health and wellbeing.Therefore,continuous IEQ monitoring and feedback is of great concern in both the industrial and academic communities.However,most existing studies only focus on developing sensors that cost-effectively promote IEQ measurement while ignoring interactions between the human side and IEQ monitoring.In this study,an intelligent IEQ monitoring and feedback system-the Intelligent Built Enviroment(IBEM)-is developed.Firstly,the IBEM hardware instrument integrates air temperature,relative humidity,CO_(2),particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter no greater than _(2.5)μm(PM_(2.5)),and illuminance sensors within a small device.The accuracy of this integrated device was tested through a co-location experiment with reference sensors;the device exhibited a strong correlation with the reference sensors,with a slight deviation(R^(2)>0.97 and slopes between 1.01 and 1.05).Secondly,a wireless data transmission module,a cloud storage module,and graphical user interfaces(i.e.,a web platform and mobile interface)were built to establish a pathway for dataflow and interactive feedback with the occupants of the indoor environments.Thus,the IEQ parameters can be continuously monitored with a high spatiotemporal resolution,interactive feedback can be induced,and synchronous data collection on occupant satisfaction and objective environmental parameters can be realized.IBEM has been widely applied in 131 buildings in 18cities/areas in China,with 1188 sample locations.Among these applications,we report on the targeted IEQ diagnoses of two individual buildings and the exploration of relationships between subjective and objective IEQ data in detail here.This work demonstrates the great value of IBEM in both industrial and academic research. 展开更多
关键词 indoor environmental quality(ieq) SENSORS Continuous monitoring Graphical user interface Interactive feedback
Building and Environment
作者 侯恩哲 《建筑节能》 CAS 2019年第3期34-34,共1页
Voluntary green-rating systems exist in different forms worldwide to certify the sustainability of residential and commercial buildings and help national policies promote energy-efficient design practices.Despite the ... Voluntary green-rating systems exist in different forms worldwide to certify the sustainability of residential and commercial buildings and help national policies promote energy-efficient design practices.Despite the general assumption that sustainable buildings also provide high comfort and healthy conditions,existing studies on green-rated buildings led to controversial conclusions in this regard. This paper aims to report the results of a post-occupancy evaluation (POE) conducted on four Swiss green buildings certified with the Minergie label to analyse their ability in providing comfort to their occupants.The POE protocol included winter and summer environmental monitoring campaigns (long-term and instantaneous measurements) as well as extensive and point-in-time comfort surveys. From the study it was found that,although the observed environmental factors were most of the time complying with the norm prescriptions,the indoor conditions were never attaining the commonly used 80 % satisfaction threshold by the users.Temperature and air quality appeared,in particular,as the most critical factors,with satisfaction rates never greater than 50 % in three out of the four case studies. Design factors related to the personal control on the indoor environment as well as personal factors like gender,climate of origin and duration of residence in the country were also found to have an impact in the comfort rating. Professionals involved in the design and management of these buildings all agreed that feedback of this kind from building in use could help inform the design and operational process and move towards more effective green building certification systems and regulations. 展开更多
关键词 Green BUILDINGS COMFORT indoor environmentAL quality (ieq) Energy CERTIFICATION Minergie Post-occupancy evaluation (POE)
Fungal contaminations of indoor and outdoor air of buildings of the University of Cape Coast,Ghana
作者 Yafetto L Adator EH 《Studies in Fungi》 2018年第1期333-342,共10页
The presence of microscopic spores in the air affects the quality of air inhaled by animals including humans.Microbial contamination of air impacts the well-being of occupants of an indoor environment,sometimes with d... The presence of microscopic spores in the air affects the quality of air inhaled by animals including humans.Microbial contamination of air impacts the well-being of occupants of an indoor environment,sometimes with dire consequences.The study investigated fungal contaminations of indoor and outdoor air of the Hospital,Library and Senior Common Room(SCR)of the University of Cape Coast,Ghana.Indoor and outdoor air was sampled using the Koch’s sedimentation method.Colony forming units per cubic meter of air(cfu/m^(3))were determined with the Omeliansky formula.The isolated fungi were identified based on morphological and growth characteristics.For indoor air,the least colony counts were recorded in the SCR for both morning and afternoon samples,whilst the Hospital air had the highest colony counts.For outdoor air,the colony counts were lower in SCR and the Library for both morning and afternoon samples compared to the Hospital.The results further indicated that indoor concentrations of fungi,for morning and afternoon,ranged between 4.0x10^(4) and 2.1x10^(5) cfu/m^(3),whereas outdoor concentrations of fungi ranged between 1.1x105 and 3.0x10^(5) cfu/m^(3),revealing an overall higher levels of contamination of outdoor air than indoor air at all the three buildings.Consequently,estimated indoor/outdoor(I/O)concentration ratios of fungi revealed an exogenous source of indoor contaminations at all the three buildings sampled.Fungi isolated from indoor and outdoor air were of the genera Aspergillus,Curvularia,Cylindrocarpon,Fusarium,Mucor,Neurospora,Penicillium and Rhodotorula.We conclude that indoor and outdoor air of the buildings sampled were contaminated with airborne fungi;however,based on estimated I/O ratios,the indoor ambient conditions of the buildings were good.The implication of findings of this study is that the presence of airborne fungal contaminants of indoor and outdoor workplace environment may pose serious occupational health consequences,hence low productivity. 展开更多
关键词 airborne fungi Ghana indoor air quality microbial contaminants occupational health workplace environment
作者 闫海燕 石芳宁 +2 位作者 董梦如 孙震 袁国栋 《西部人居环境学刊》 CSCD 2023年第4期62-68,共7页
在“双碳”目标背景下,地方政府再次发出办公场所夏季制冷温度设置不低于26℃的通知。为探究不同设定温度模式对健康的影响,本文以26℃为界限,对郑州市和焦作市设定温度≥26℃(实验组)和<26℃(对照组)的分体式空调办公建筑进行现场调... 在“双碳”目标背景下,地方政府再次发出办公场所夏季制冷温度设置不低于26℃的通知。为探究不同设定温度模式对健康的影响,本文以26℃为界限,对郑州市和焦作市设定温度≥26℃(实验组)和<26℃(对照组)的分体式空调办公建筑进行现场调研,测量了室内外热环境参数、受试者皮肤温度、室内空气污染物浓度,并调查了受试者的空气质量满意度和空调使用行为状况。研究发现:相比于低设定温度模式,高设定温度模式下受试者对空调的依赖程度更低、暴露的空调环境温度更高、时间更短,对偏热环境的体温调节能力更强。夏季两市办公建筑主要室内空气污染物为CO_(2)和甲醛。高设定温度模式下的室内CO_(2)和甲醛浓度以及甲醛致癌风险均显著小于低设定温度模式,而不同设定温度模式受试者的室内空气质量满意度无显著差异。长期处于低设定温度模式下,会降低人们对室内空气质量的有效感知。从健康和节能的角度出发,应继续加强“办公场所夏季制冷温度设置不低于26℃”的政策引导。研究结果可为夏季分体式空调办公建筑的节能政策推行和室内环境健康问题的解决提供理论依据。 展开更多
关键词 设定温度 室内热环境 室内空气质量 空调使用行为 健康
作者 贺志涵 洪居亭 +1 位作者 闫丽萍 赵翔 《强激光与粒子束》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第5期71-78,共8页
电磁波照射下的建筑物室内电磁环境具有混响效果,因此可采用功率平衡法(PWB)快速评估室内电磁环境水平。然而目前PWB方法中电大腔壁耦合截面(CCS)的计算模型建立在腔内电磁波不穿透腔壁的条件下,无法直接用于电磁波可穿透室内建筑物墙... 电磁波照射下的建筑物室内电磁环境具有混响效果,因此可采用功率平衡法(PWB)快速评估室内电磁环境水平。然而目前PWB方法中电大腔壁耦合截面(CCS)的计算模型建立在腔内电磁波不穿透腔壁的条件下,无法直接用于电磁波可穿透室内建筑物墙壁的耦合截面计算。为此,提出了一种适用于电磁波穿透有限厚度建筑物墙壁的CCS计算新模型。该模型考虑实际建筑物墙体的厚度和材料电磁特性,能够充分反映电磁波因有限厚度墙壁多次反射对室内电磁环境水平的影响。将该模型应用于室内电场水平的快速评估,预测结果与实际测量结果吻合较好,证明了所提有限厚度建筑物墙壁CCS模型的合理性。 展开更多
关键词 功率平衡法 室内电磁环境 墙壁材质 墙壁耦合截面 品质因数
作者 顾昊煊 杨永兆 +2 位作者 张静 王咏梅 张蕊 《移动信息》 2023年第7期264-267,共4页
空气环境质量一直备受人们的关注,如温度、湿度和PM2.5浓度,这是评价某个地方空气环境质量好坏的常用标准之一。为了满足对室内空气环境质量的实时监控,文中设计了一种基于单片机的室内空气质量实时监测系统,其以C51单片机为控制核心,... 空气环境质量一直备受人们的关注,如温度、湿度和PM2.5浓度,这是评价某个地方空气环境质量好坏的常用标准之一。为了满足对室内空气环境质量的实时监控,文中设计了一种基于单片机的室内空气质量实时监测系统,其以C51单片机为控制核心,使用温湿度传感器和PM2.5固体颗粒物传感器采集周围环境空气样本数据,并将其作为单片机输入信号,经由单片机处理后,在液晶显示屏上显示各种数据值。另作,使用红外、光敏和WIFI传感器,增加了该系统的扩展性,实现了夜间息屏和连网操作。最终调试表明,该系统性能良好、操纵简单、实用性较强,还具有成本低、外观小巧、测量结果值准确的优势,具有更好的应用前景。 展开更多
关键词 C51单片机 室内环境 空气质量 实时监测
Machine Learning and Deep Learning Methods for Enhancing Building Energy Efficiency and Indoor Environmental Quality – A Review 被引量:1
作者 Paige Wenbin Tien Shuangyu Wei +2 位作者 Jo Darkwa Christopher Wood John Kaiser Calautit 《Energy and AI》 2022年第4期262-289,共28页
The built environment sector is responsible for almost one-third of the world’s final energy consumption. Hence, seeking plausible solutions to minimise building energy demands and mitigate adverse environmental impa... The built environment sector is responsible for almost one-third of the world’s final energy consumption. Hence, seeking plausible solutions to minimise building energy demands and mitigate adverse environmental impacts is necessary. Artificial intelligence (AI) techniques such as machine and deep learning have been increasingly and successfully applied to develop solutions for the built environment. This review provided a critical summary of the existing literature on the machine and deep learning methods for the built environment over the past decade, with special reference to holistic approaches. Different AI-based techniques employed to resolve interconnected problems related to heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems and enhance building performances were reviewed, including energy forecasting and management, indoor air quality and occupancy comfort/satisfaction prediction, occupancy detection and recognition, and fault detection and diagnosis. The present study explored existing AI-based techniques focusing on the framework, methodology, and performance. The literature highlighted that selecting the most suitable machine learning and deep learning model for solving a problem could be challenging. The recent explosive growth experienced by the research area has led to hundreds of machine learning algorithms being applied to building performance-related studies. The literature showed that existing research studies considered a wide range of scope/scales (from an HVAC component to urban areas) and time scales (minute to year). This makes it difficult to find an optimal algorithm for a specific task or case. The studies also employed a wide range of evaluation metrics, adding to the challenge. Further developments and more specific guidelines are required for the built environment field to encourage best practices in evaluating and selecting models. The literature also showed that while machine and deep learning had been successfully applied in building energy efficiency research, most of the studies are still at the experimental or testing stage, and there are limited studies which implemented machine and deep learning strategies in actual buildings and conducted the post-occupancy evaluation. 展开更多
关键词 Artificial intelligence Building energy management Deep learning Heating ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) indoor environmental quality(ieq) Machine learning Occupancy detection Thermal comfort
Indoor environmental quality and the prevalence of childhood asthma and rhinitis in Wuhan area of China 被引量:4
作者 ZHANG Ming ZHOU ESheng +3 位作者 YE Xin SUN YueXia SUNDELL Jan YANG Xu 《Chinese Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第34期4223-4229,共7页
Indoor environmental quality is suspected to be at least part of the cause of the increasing prevalence of childhood asthma and allergy.This study is part of the China,Children,Homes,Health(CCHH)project,which was desi... Indoor environmental quality is suspected to be at least part of the cause of the increasing prevalence of childhood asthma and allergy.This study is part of the China,Children,Homes,Health(CCHH)project,which was designed to identify the risk factors indoors that are associated with prevalence of asthma and allergy among children in China.A cross-sectional questionnaire study was carried out in Wuhan in 2011.The questionnaire was a modified(to Chinese building characteristics)version of a questionnaire used first in Sweden.The parents of 2193 children,aged 1–8 years,replied,a response rate of 91.4%(2193/2400).Prevalences of asthma and allergic symptoms were calculated,and a Chi-square test and multiple logistic regression were used to identify risk factors.Prevalences of health outcomes are"wheezing last 12 months"18.5%,"cough at night last 12 months"15.4%,"doctor-diagnosed asthma"6.0%,"rhinitis last 12 months"48.7%,"doctor-diagnosed allergic rhinitis"17.5%.Factors associated with increased risk for asthma,allergy and related symptoms include living in an urban area,dampness(significant),use of gas for cooking,new dwelling decoration(paint and furniture obtained during pregnancy),keeping pets and breast feeding less than 3months.Factors associated with reduced risk as installing an exhaust fan in the bathroom.Home environmental factors are significantly associated with the prevalence of childhood asthma and rhinitis in Wuhan.Urbanization and dampness problems at home are significant risk factors for doctor diagnosed asthma and allergic rhinitis among children in Wuhan. 展开更多
关键词 室内环境质量 过敏性鼻炎 武汉地区 患病率 哮喘 儿童 中国 LOGISTIC回归分析
作者 亓晓琳 程征 +1 位作者 杨婷婷 张培峰 《城市建筑》 2023年第23期40-43,共4页
随着社会经济的快速发展,办公空间的声环境质量对工作效率的影响逐渐被研究人员重视。校园办公空间作为一种特殊的办公环境,使用者在其中的活动类型多样,声环境影响因素更加复杂。文章以中国石油大学(华东)典型办公空间为例,对影响声环... 随着社会经济的快速发展,办公空间的声环境质量对工作效率的影响逐渐被研究人员重视。校园办公空间作为一种特殊的办公环境,使用者在其中的活动类型多样,声环境影响因素更加复杂。文章以中国石油大学(华东)典型办公空间为例,对影响声环境质量的因素进行分析。结果表明,校园办公空间声环境的影响因素复杂多样,施工噪声和室内语言交流声对工作效率的影响最为显著。针对研究结果,笔者提出了改善校园办公空间声环境的一些应对方法。 展开更多
关键词 校园办公空间 声环境质量 道路交通噪声 室内语言交流噪声
作者 孟庆婷 梁彩虹 郑培 《佛山科学技术学院学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2023年第2期50-55,共6页
为了探究不同室内环境下的空气品质状况,对某高校的计算机机房、图书馆、锅炉房值班室、食堂及商场、综合医院、地铁车厢等7种室内环境下的空气品质进行了实测和调查,监测了环境中的CO_(2)浓度、CO浓度、温度、相对湿度、露点温度和湿... 为了探究不同室内环境下的空气品质状况,对某高校的计算机机房、图书馆、锅炉房值班室、食堂及商场、综合医院、地铁车厢等7种室内环境下的空气品质进行了实测和调查,监测了环境中的CO_(2)浓度、CO浓度、温度、相对湿度、露点温度和湿球温度,并在每个室内环境中选取60名人员进行主观问卷调查及对其中12名人员进行血压、体温和心率的测试。结果表明,7种环境中地铁车厢的CO_(2)浓度最大,均值达1599 ppm;食堂的CO浓度最大,均值达5.1 ppm。空气品质不满意率最高的是食堂,室内环境下CO_(2)浓度与空气品质不满意率之间存在中等程度相关关系。 展开更多
关键词 室内环境 空气品质 CO_(2) CO 不满意率
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