Based on the cognitive radar concept and the basic connotation of cognitive skywave over-the-horizon radar(SWOTHR), the system structure and information processingmechanism about cognitive SWOTHR are researched. Amo...Based on the cognitive radar concept and the basic connotation of cognitive skywave over-the-horizon radar(SWOTHR), the system structure and information processingmechanism about cognitive SWOTHR are researched. Amongthem, the hybrid network system architecture which is thedistributed configuration combining with the centralized cognition and its soft/hardware framework with the sense-detectionintegration are proposed, and the information processing framebased on the lens principle and its information processing flowwith receive-transmit joint adaption are designed, which buildand parse the work law for cognition and its self feedback adjustment with the lens focus model and five stages informationprocessing sequence. After that, the system simulation andthe performance analysis and comparison are provided, whichinitially proves the rationality and advantages of the proposedideas. Finally, four important development ideas of futureSWOTHR toward "high frequency intelligence information processing system" are discussed, which are scene information fusion, dynamic reconfigurable system, hierarchical and modulardesign, and sustainable development. Then the conclusion thatthe cognitive SWOTHR can cause the performance improvement is gotten.展开更多
In this paper,there are discussed the informational functions of the living structures,analyzing the properties of the simplest eukaryotic cell as an example of a structural unit of the living unicellular and multicel...In this paper,there are discussed the informational functions of the living structures,analyzing the properties of the simplest eukaryotic cell as an example of a structural unit of the living unicellular and multicellular systems.The initiation of this analysis starts from an older example of an imaginary mechanism,particularly that described by the Maxwell’s demon experiment,which along the history of the information development concepts accompanied the philosophic vision on the structuration of matter and of the living entities,showing that these are actually the result of the intervention of information on the matter available substrate.Particularly,it is shown that the deoxyribonucleic acid(DNA)structure is appropriate to store a large quantity of structural information,allowing the transfer of this information by transcription and translation mechanisms to proteins,which act as(re)structuration/transmission informational agents,or the generation of a new cellular daughter structure by a replication process.On the basis of the theory of information in communication channels,applicable also in biological systems,it was discussed the followed line for the evaluation of the quantity of structural information in various cells,demonstrating the evolution of organism complexity by the increase of the structural information quantity from unicellular(bacterium)to human cell.Applying a natural strategy of entropy lowering mainly by heat elimination,folding protein structuration and compartmentalization on the evolutionary scale,the living structures act as dynamic entities assuring their self-organizational structure by a permanent change of matter,energy and information with the environment in an efficient way,following a negative entropic process by internal structuration,similarly with Maxwell’s demon work.It is shown that to assure such a communication with external and internal intracellular structure,it was necessary the development of an own info-operational system of communication and decision,in which the operational“Yes/No”decisional binary(Bit)unit is essential.These revolutionary results show that the cell unit complies with the similar informational functions like the multicellular structure of the human body,organized in seven-type informational components,allowing the informational modeling of the activity of the living biologic structures and the opening of a shortcutting way to mimic the biologic functions in artificial cells.展开更多
With the purpose to understand better the role of information not only in communication systems,but actually in our environmental reality,this paper presented the model of Universal Triangle of Reality,composed by Mat...With the purpose to understand better the role of information not only in communication systems,but actually in our environmental reality,this paper presented the model of Universal Triangle of Reality,composed by Matter,Energy and Information,as fundamental constitutive components of this reality.Arguments coming from the field of physics,both at the cosmic and microparticles scale are presented,showing undoubtable conclusions that information is a fundamental component of reality in our material world.At the cosmic level,where the unusual high concentration of mass in the black holes constitutes a special state of matter,suitable for analysis of their special properties,the problem of the conservation principle of information is discussed.At the quantum level,the special unusual characteristics derived from the non-localization principle are also highlighted,together with information-involved problems and solutions.The Universal Triangle of Reality in the living systems reveals the high role of the involved information,both as the informational common organization on the entire evolution scale,and as the info-dynamics processes inside of own structure and resulted from interaction with the environment.The relevant advances in the approaching and understanding of the functionality of the living systems from informational point of view are highlighted,showing the high contribution of information concepts in understanding/solving of various older/recent problems in philosophy,neuroscience/neurology/psychiatry,neuro-physics/neuropsychology/behavior sciences,geriatrics/gerontology,biology and life sciences.展开更多
This paper approaches two main philosophical questions concerning the biological structures,from unicellular to multicellular organisms:one of them(i),referred to the information-body relation,as an extension of the m...This paper approaches two main philosophical questions concerning the biological structures,from unicellular to multicellular organisms:one of them(i),referred to the information-body relation,as an extension of the mind-body relation at human,and another one(ii),to the consciousness problem,concerning the existence and nature of consciousness(if any),at the inferior organisms on the complexity scale,as this concept is known at humans.As philosophy benefits of the privilege to use data/concepts from other sciences to obtain philosophical conclusions,there were included detailed descriptions of some key biologic mechanisms,analyzed from informational perspective,necessary just to support/demonstrate/reinforce the informational nature/substrate of the mentioned relations.The analysis of the close relation between information and body,related to the structuration and functional properties of the biological organisms,from cells to multicellular structures,shows that all of them are able to“embody/disembody”information during/by structuration/destructuration processes of matter,in particular that of DNA/RNA/proteins,their functions appearing as a result of their informational capabilities to internally manage the inter-connection with environment,primarily due to their permanent dependence on the food resources and adaptation/survival needs.The experimental and theoretical studies,revealing/documenting on one hand the automatic management of maintenance metabolic processes,the reproduction,and growth/development,and on the other hand the adaptive decision-making/sentient processes as a responsive reaction to the environmental cues,show/support the consistency of the informational model of the human body and living structures on the entire biological scale,providing support to the informational solution of the stated problems(i)and(ii).A distinct attention is paid to plants,which are organisms without nervous system,but which show/manifest also informational capabilities to detect/react to information and to modulate their behavior accordingly.The question if the living organisms possess a pseudo/proto-consciousness level as a consequence of the informational activity of their body,distinct from human,but active in any biological structure under certain conditions is furthermore discussed,and a reliable definition of rudimentary pseudo/proto-consciousness level is given/described and compared with other empirical/theoretical concepts.展开更多
With the purpose to smooth the way of a correct understanding of information concepts and their evolution,in this paper,is discussed the evolution and development of the concept of information in biological systems,sh...With the purpose to smooth the way of a correct understanding of information concepts and their evolution,in this paper,is discussed the evolution and development of the concept of information in biological systems,showing that this concept was intuitively perceived even since ancient times by our predecessors,and described according to their language level of that times,but the crystallization of the real meaning of information is an achievement of our nowadays,by successive contribution of various scientific branches and personalities of the scientific community of the world,leading to a modern description/modeling of reality,in which information plays a fundamental role.It is shown that our reality can be understood as a contribution of matter/energy/information and represented/discussed as the model of the Universal Triangle of Reality(UTR),where various previous models can be suggestively inserted,as a function of their basic concern.The modern concepts on information starting from a theoretic experiment which would infringe the thermodynamics laws and reaching the theory of information and modern philosophic concepts on the world structuration allow us to show that information is a fundamental component of the material world and of the biological structures,in correlation with the structuration/destructuration processes of matter,involving absorption/release of information.Based on these concepts,is discussed the functionality of the biologic structures and is presented the informational model of the human body and living structures,as a general model of info-organization on the entire biological scale,showing that a rudimentary proto-consciousness should be operative even at the low-scale biological systems,because they work on the same principles,like the most developed bio-systems.The operability of biologic structures as informational devices is also pointed out.展开更多
Thematic structure and information structure are two important closely-related systems in textual function. By analyzing the thematic structure of a popular on-line English poem, this paper attempts to reveal how them...Thematic structure and information structure are two important closely-related systems in textual function. By analyzing the thematic structure of a popular on-line English poem, this paper attempts to reveal how theme and rheme is arranged to carry new information forward to achieve its textual function.展开更多
N+N nominal sentence is an important structure type of nominal sentences in Mandarin Chinese. Attributive-center, combination, apposition and subject-predicate are its main structure types. In main literary genres, ...N+N nominal sentence is an important structure type of nominal sentences in Mandarin Chinese. Attributive-center, combination, apposition and subject-predicate are its main structure types. In main literary genres, the distribution of N+N nominal sentence shows a certain trend of dominant hierarchy: poem﹥drama﹥novel﹥prose. No matter what kind of literary genres, attributive-center structure is the type with maximum quantity, while appositive structure is the type with minimum quantity. Statistical result indicates that most of N+N nominal sentence is nominal and its use is limited by genres. Function of N+N nominal sentence is textual. When it comes to discourse, it can be used as theme, rheme and dual identity of theme and rheme based on the theory of Theme-Rheme (T-R) structure pattern. It does not only construct the information structure to deliver textual information, but also its a vital means of discourse cohesion and coherence.展开更多
In this paper it is analyzed from the informational perspective the relation between mind and body, an ancientphilosophic issue defined as a problem, which still did not receive up to date an adequate solution. Byintr...In this paper it is analyzed from the informational perspective the relation between mind and body, an ancientphilosophic issue defined as a problem, which still did not receive up to date an adequate solution. Byintroducing/using the concept of information, it is shown that this concept includes two facets, one of themreferring to the common communications and another one referring to a hidden/structuring matter-relatedinformation, effectively acting in the human body and in the living systems, which determines the dynamicinter-change of information between specific structures of the organism by electric/electronic/chemical agents andgenetic/epigenetic processes. It is shown that the maintenance of body, permanently and obligatory depending onthe external matter (foods, air, water) resources, needed to provide both the structuring/restructuring basic materialand energy, determines the necessary existence of an info-managing system, administrating the internalmechano-chemical/physical processes. As a natural consequence, such a system should organize and assure ownsurvival by an effective informational operability to detect the external food resources, to select the appropriateinterest information and to decide as a function of circumstances. One important component in such aninformational system is memory, allowing to dispose of the reference informational data for analysis/comparisonand the selection between good and bad binary possible decisions. The memory receives and stores thereforesignals from external reality and from the body itself, referring to the emotional reaction, digestion status, creation,and inherited predilections, within specific info-neural communication circuits between the brain and bodyexecution/sensitive organs, the human body appearing as an integrated info-matter self-managed dynamic system.The specific body components memorize information with different degrees of info-integration: short/long-termintegration, emotive/action reaction, info-abilities, culminating with the integration in the chromosomal structuresby epigenetic processes. The new acquired information is transgenerationally transmissible, and is manifested asnew traits, showing the adaptation capability of the human and close relation between mind and body. Analyzingthe results of such a mind-body informational model in comparison with the earlier assumed/proposed/assertedarchaic, Greek and Occidental philosophies, which represent only partial aspects of this relation, it is shown thatthis informational model, elaborated in terms of information on the basis of scientific reasons and arguments,constitutes a general, realist, and coherent model of the mind-body relation, able to integrate and/or explain most ofthe others.展开更多
Numerous works prove that existing neighbor-averaging graph neural networks(GNNs)cannot efficiently catch structure features,and many works show that injecting structure,distance,position,or spatial features can signi...Numerous works prove that existing neighbor-averaging graph neural networks(GNNs)cannot efficiently catch structure features,and many works show that injecting structure,distance,position,or spatial features can significantly improve the performance of GNNs,however,injecting high-level structure and distance into GNNs is an intuitive but untouched idea.This work sheds light on this issue and proposes a scheme to enhance graph attention networks(GATs)by encoding distance and hop-wise structure statistics.Firstly,the hop-wise structure and distributional distance information are extracted based on several hop-wise ego-nets of every target node.Secondly,the derived structure information,distance information,and intrinsic features are encoded into the same vector space and then added together to get initial embedding vectors.Thirdly,the derived embedding vectors are fed into GATs,such as GAT and adaptive graph diffusion network(AGDN)to get the soft labels.Fourthly,the soft labels are fed into correct and smooth(C&S)to conduct label propagation and get final predictions.Experiments show that the distance and hop-wise structures encoding enhanced graph attention networks(DHSEGATs)achieve a competitive result.展开更多
Management Information System provides an effective way for enterprises to improve their competitive abilities. It presents a framework for improving the management models through the design and implementation of effe...Management Information System provides an effective way for enterprises to improve their competitive abilities. It presents a framework for improving the management models through the design and implementation of effective and high-quality MIS. So it is very important to the modem management of corporations. ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system is one of the core parts of MIS, which solves the matter of management model mainly. ERP is a popular method enabling the business processes required to compete with the globalization. The thesis cites SAP R/3 to introduce the general structure and function of ERP. Global Enterprise Resource Planning Implementation is increasingly becoming the successful choice of MIS.展开更多
In this article,the phenomenon of“information space”and its methods of study,its types,elementary structure and qualitative characteristics are discussed,the author’s definition of the concept of“information”is g...In this article,the phenomenon of“information space”and its methods of study,its types,elementary structure and qualitative characteristics are discussed,the author’s definition of the concept of“information”is given,the structure of the information process,and the phases,which are the basis for the evolution of the information space and the universe of human activity,are considered.展开更多
The PLDIM (Product Lifecycle Dynamic Information Model) is the most important part of the PLDM (Product Lifecycle Dynamic Model ) and it is the basis to create the information system and to implement PLM (Product Life...The PLDIM (Product Lifecycle Dynamic Information Model) is the most important part of the PLDM (Product Lifecycle Dynamic Model ) and it is the basis to create the information system and to implement PLM (Product Lifecycle Management). The information classification, the relationships among all information items, PLDIM mathematic expression, information coding and the 3D synthetic description of the PLDIM are presented. The information flow and information system structure based on the two information centers and Internet/Intranet are proposed, and how to implement this system for ship diesel engines are also introduced according to the PLDIM and PLM solutions.展开更多
The aromatic compounds,including o-xylene,m-xylene,p-xylene,and ethylbenzene,primarily originate from the catalytic reforming of crude oil,and have a wide variety of applications.However,because of similar physical an...The aromatic compounds,including o-xylene,m-xylene,p-xylene,and ethylbenzene,primarily originate from the catalytic reforming of crude oil,and have a wide variety of applications.However,because of similar physical and chemical properties,these compounds are difficult to be identified by gas chromatography(GC)without standard samples.With the development of modern nuclear magnetic resonance(NMR)techniques,NMR has emerged as a powerful and efficient tool for the rapid analysis of complex and crude mixtures without purification.In this study,the parameters of one-dimensional(1D)total correlation spectroscopy(TOCSY)NMR techniques,including 1D selective gradient TOCSY and 1D chemicalshift-selective filtration(CSSF)with TOCSY,were optimized to obtain comprehensive molecular structure information.The results indicate that the overlapped signals in NMR spectra of nonpolar aromatic compounds(including o-xylene,m-xylene,p-xylene and ethylbenzene),polar aromatic compounds(benzyl alcohol,benzaldehyde,benzoic acid),and aromatic compounds with additional conjugated bonds(styrene)can be resolved in 1D TOCSY.More importantly,full molecular structures can be clearly distinguished by setting appropriate mixing time in 1D TOCSY.This approach simplifies the NMR spectra,provides structural information of entire molecules,and can be applied for the analysis of other structural isomers.展开更多
Discontinuous and long-duration thunderstorm weather, which occurred at Guanghan in Sichuan Province, was analyzed and predicted using structural conversion of irregular information in phase-space from self-recording ...Discontinuous and long-duration thunderstorm weather, which occurred at Guanghan in Sichuan Province, was analyzed and predicted using structural conversion of irregular information in phase-space from self-recording “time sequence” records for predicting rain areas, as described in the “Non Destructive Information” method proposed by Professor OuYang Shoucheng. The results show that this method can reveal important changes of weather as well as, by using irregular self-recording information recorded every ten minutes, predict local thunderstorms with durations of only half an hour, and even predict intense convections 12 hours in advance. This is significant for civil and military aviation. It shows the necessity of full utilization of information from automatic weather stations and the necessity of improvements in recording modes in current automatic stations.展开更多
There are many problems in Social Internet of Things(IoTs),such as complex topology information,different degree of association between nodes and overlapping communities.The idea of set pair information grain computin...There are many problems in Social Internet of Things(IoTs),such as complex topology information,different degree of association between nodes and overlapping communities.The idea of set pair information grain computing and clustering is introduced to solve the above problems so as to accurately describe the similarity between nodes and fully explore the multi-community structure.A Set Pair Three-Way Overlapping Community Discovery Algorithm for Weighted Social Internet of Things(WSIoT-SPTOCD)is proposed.In the local network structure,which fully considers the topological information between nodes,the set pair connection degree is used to analyze the identity,difference and reverse of neighbor nodes.The similarity degree of different neighbor nodes is defined from network edge weight and node degree,and the similarity measurement method of set pair between nodes based on the local information structure is proposed.According to the number of nodes'neighbors and the connection degree of adjacent edges,the clustering intensity of nodes is defined,and an improved algorithm for initial value selection of k-means is proposed.The nodes are allocated according to the set pair similarity between nodes and different communities.Three-way community structures composed of a positive domain,boundary domain and negative domain are generated iteratively.Next,the overlapping node set is generated according to the calculation results of community node membership.Finally,experiments are carried out on artificial networks and real networks.The results show that WSIoT-SPTOCD performs well in terms of standardized mutual information,overlapping community modularity and F1.展开更多
XML data can be represented by a tree or graph and the query processing for XML data requires the structural information among nodes. Designing an efficient labeling scheme for the nodes of Order-Sensitive XML trees i...XML data can be represented by a tree or graph and the query processing for XML data requires the structural information among nodes. Designing an efficient labeling scheme for the nodes of Order-Sensitive XML trees is one of the important methods to obtain the excellent management of XML data. Previous labeling schemes such as region and prefix often sacrifice updating performance and suffer increasing labeling space when inserting new nodes. To overcome these limitations, in this paper we propose a new labeling idea of separating structure from order. According to the proposed idea, a novel Prime-based Middle Fraction Labeling Scheme(PMFLS) is designed accordingly, in which a series of algorithms are proposed to obtain the structural relationships among nodes and to support updates. PMFLS combines the advantages of both prefix and region schemes in which the structural information and sequential information are separately expressed. PMFLS also supports Order-Sensitive updates without relabeling or recalculation, and its labeling space is stable. Experiments and analysis on several benchmarks are conducted and the results show that PMFLS is efficient in handling updates and also significantly improves the performance of the query processing with good scalability.展开更多
Question Generation(QG)is the task of utilizing Artificial Intelligence(AI)technology to generate questions that can be answered by a span of text within a given passage.Existing research on QG in the educational fiel...Question Generation(QG)is the task of utilizing Artificial Intelligence(AI)technology to generate questions that can be answered by a span of text within a given passage.Existing research on QG in the educational field struggles with two challenges:the mainstream QG models based on seq-to-seq fail to utilize the structured information from the passage;the other is the lack of specialized educational QG datasets.To address the challenges,a specialized QG dataset,reading comprehension dataset from examinations for QG(named RACE4QG),is reconstructed by applying a new answer tagging approach and a data-filtering strategy to the RACE dataset.Further,an end-to-end QG model,which can exploit the intra-and inter-sentence information to generate better questions,is proposed.In our model,the encoder utilizes a Gated Recurrent Units(GRU)network,which takes the concatenation of word embedding,answer tagging,and Graph Attention neTworks(GAT)embedding as input.The hidden states of the GRU are operated with a gated self-attention to obtain the final passage-answer representation,which will be fed to the decoder.Results show that our model outperforms baselines on automatic metrics and human evaluation.Consequently,the model improves the baseline by 0.44,1.32,and 1.34 on BLEU-4,ROUGE-L,and METEOR metrics,respectively,indicating the effectivity and reliability of our model.Its gap with human expectations also reflects the research potential.展开更多
Based on the theory of micro-inhomogeneity of liquid metal,a calculation model is established for the quantitative description of the structural information of metal melts.Only by thermophysical property parameters an...Based on the theory of micro-inhomogeneity of liquid metal,a calculation model is established for the quantitative description of the structural information of metal melts.Only by thermophysical property parameters and basic structural parameters of solid metal,can this model produce the main information of melt structure,including the relative concentration of active atoms,size of atomic clusters and number of short-range order atoms.Based on this model,the main structural information of Al and Ni melts in the not high range above the liquidus is calculated,with results in good agreement with experimental values.Besides,analyzed is the influence of superheating temperature and atomic number on the melt structural information of the first (IA) and second main group (IIA) elements.With temperature increasing,melt structural information regularly changes for both IA and IIA elements.With the atomic number increasing,melt structural information of IA elements changes regularly,for the crystal structures of the IA elements are all of bcc lattice type.However,no notable regular change of melt structural information for IIA elements has been found,mainly because the lattice type of IIA elements is of hcp-fcc-bcc transition.The present work presents an effective way for better understanding metal melt structure and for forecasting the change of the physical property of metal melts.展开更多
With the advancement of modern science and technology, large scientific facilities are increasingly oriented toward demand and application, and can be used for basic research as well as serving multiple disciplines. D...With the advancement of modern science and technology, large scientific facilities are increasingly oriented toward demand and application, and can be used for basic research as well as serving multiple disciplines. Developing large scientific facilities and related analytical technologies enhances understanding of large scientific facilities and popularizes their application in research across multiple disciplines. The combination of light or neutron sources from large scientific facilities and advanced analytical technologies can be achieved for materials structure information, dynamics study of chemical reactions, high dissociation of biomolecules, 3D visualization of energy materials or biological samples, etc. We first introduce the progress of domestic large scientific facilities of synchrotron radiation(SR) and free electron lasers(FELs) with different wavelengths and neutron sources.We further discuss the comparison between Chinese and typical foreign facilities in X-ray radiation from X-ray tubes, synchrotrons, X-ray FELs, and neutron sources based on physical parameters of light and neutron sources. In addition, we focus on the technological progress and perspectives combined with advanced X-ray radiation and neutron sources of large scientific facilities in China, especially in the nanoscience fields of energy catalysis and biological science. We hope that this roadmap will provide references on technology and methods to experimental users, as well as prospects for future development of technologies based on large research infrastructure facilities. Comprehensive studies and guidelines for basic research to practical application in various disciplines can be made with the assistance of large scientific facilities.展开更多
Author name disambiguation(AND)is a central task in academic search,which has received more attention recently accompanied by the increase of authors and academic publications.To tackle the AND problem,existing studie...Author name disambiguation(AND)is a central task in academic search,which has received more attention recently accompanied by the increase of authors and academic publications.To tackle the AND problem,existing studies have proposed various approaches based on different types of information,such as raw document features(e.g.,co-authors,titles,and keywords),the fusion feature(e.g.,a hybrid publication embedding based on multiple raw document features),the local structural information(e.g.,a publication's neighborhood information on a graph),and the global structural information(e.g.,interactive information between a node and others on a graph).However,there has been no work taking all the above-mentioned information into account and taking full advantage of the contributions of each raw document feature for the AND problem so far.To fill the gap,we propose a novel framework named EAND(Towards Effective Author Name Disambiguation by Hybrid Attention).Specifically,we design a novel feature extraction model,which consists of three hybrid attention mechanism layers,to extract key information from the global structural information and the local structural information that are generated from six similarity graphs constructed based on different similarity coefficients,raw document features,and the fusion feature.Each hybrid attention mechanism layer contains three key modules:a local structural perception,a global structural perception,and a feature extractor.Additionally,the mean absolute error function in the joint loss function is used to introduce the structural information loss of the vector space.Experimental results on two real-world datasets demonstrate that EAND achieves superior performance,outperforming state-of-the-art methods by at least+2.74%in terms of the micro-F1 score and+3.31%in terms of the macro-F1 score.展开更多
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(61471391)the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation(2013M542541)
文摘Based on the cognitive radar concept and the basic connotation of cognitive skywave over-the-horizon radar(SWOTHR), the system structure and information processingmechanism about cognitive SWOTHR are researched. Amongthem, the hybrid network system architecture which is thedistributed configuration combining with the centralized cognition and its soft/hardware framework with the sense-detectionintegration are proposed, and the information processing framebased on the lens principle and its information processing flowwith receive-transmit joint adaption are designed, which buildand parse the work law for cognition and its self feedback adjustment with the lens focus model and five stages informationprocessing sequence. After that, the system simulation andthe performance analysis and comparison are provided, whichinitially proves the rationality and advantages of the proposedideas. Finally, four important development ideas of futureSWOTHR toward "high frequency intelligence information processing system" are discussed, which are scene information fusion, dynamic reconfigurable system, hierarchical and modulardesign, and sustainable development. Then the conclusion thatthe cognitive SWOTHR can cause the performance improvement is gotten.
文摘In this paper,there are discussed the informational functions of the living structures,analyzing the properties of the simplest eukaryotic cell as an example of a structural unit of the living unicellular and multicellular systems.The initiation of this analysis starts from an older example of an imaginary mechanism,particularly that described by the Maxwell’s demon experiment,which along the history of the information development concepts accompanied the philosophic vision on the structuration of matter and of the living entities,showing that these are actually the result of the intervention of information on the matter available substrate.Particularly,it is shown that the deoxyribonucleic acid(DNA)structure is appropriate to store a large quantity of structural information,allowing the transfer of this information by transcription and translation mechanisms to proteins,which act as(re)structuration/transmission informational agents,or the generation of a new cellular daughter structure by a replication process.On the basis of the theory of information in communication channels,applicable also in biological systems,it was discussed the followed line for the evaluation of the quantity of structural information in various cells,demonstrating the evolution of organism complexity by the increase of the structural information quantity from unicellular(bacterium)to human cell.Applying a natural strategy of entropy lowering mainly by heat elimination,folding protein structuration and compartmentalization on the evolutionary scale,the living structures act as dynamic entities assuring their self-organizational structure by a permanent change of matter,energy and information with the environment in an efficient way,following a negative entropic process by internal structuration,similarly with Maxwell’s demon work.It is shown that to assure such a communication with external and internal intracellular structure,it was necessary the development of an own info-operational system of communication and decision,in which the operational“Yes/No”decisional binary(Bit)unit is essential.These revolutionary results show that the cell unit complies with the similar informational functions like the multicellular structure of the human body,organized in seven-type informational components,allowing the informational modeling of the activity of the living biologic structures and the opening of a shortcutting way to mimic the biologic functions in artificial cells.
文摘With the purpose to understand better the role of information not only in communication systems,but actually in our environmental reality,this paper presented the model of Universal Triangle of Reality,composed by Matter,Energy and Information,as fundamental constitutive components of this reality.Arguments coming from the field of physics,both at the cosmic and microparticles scale are presented,showing undoubtable conclusions that information is a fundamental component of reality in our material world.At the cosmic level,where the unusual high concentration of mass in the black holes constitutes a special state of matter,suitable for analysis of their special properties,the problem of the conservation principle of information is discussed.At the quantum level,the special unusual characteristics derived from the non-localization principle are also highlighted,together with information-involved problems and solutions.The Universal Triangle of Reality in the living systems reveals the high role of the involved information,both as the informational common organization on the entire evolution scale,and as the info-dynamics processes inside of own structure and resulted from interaction with the environment.The relevant advances in the approaching and understanding of the functionality of the living systems from informational point of view are highlighted,showing the high contribution of information concepts in understanding/solving of various older/recent problems in philosophy,neuroscience/neurology/psychiatry,neuro-physics/neuropsychology/behavior sciences,geriatrics/gerontology,biology and life sciences.
文摘This paper approaches two main philosophical questions concerning the biological structures,from unicellular to multicellular organisms:one of them(i),referred to the information-body relation,as an extension of the mind-body relation at human,and another one(ii),to the consciousness problem,concerning the existence and nature of consciousness(if any),at the inferior organisms on the complexity scale,as this concept is known at humans.As philosophy benefits of the privilege to use data/concepts from other sciences to obtain philosophical conclusions,there were included detailed descriptions of some key biologic mechanisms,analyzed from informational perspective,necessary just to support/demonstrate/reinforce the informational nature/substrate of the mentioned relations.The analysis of the close relation between information and body,related to the structuration and functional properties of the biological organisms,from cells to multicellular structures,shows that all of them are able to“embody/disembody”information during/by structuration/destructuration processes of matter,in particular that of DNA/RNA/proteins,their functions appearing as a result of their informational capabilities to internally manage the inter-connection with environment,primarily due to their permanent dependence on the food resources and adaptation/survival needs.The experimental and theoretical studies,revealing/documenting on one hand the automatic management of maintenance metabolic processes,the reproduction,and growth/development,and on the other hand the adaptive decision-making/sentient processes as a responsive reaction to the environmental cues,show/support the consistency of the informational model of the human body and living structures on the entire biological scale,providing support to the informational solution of the stated problems(i)and(ii).A distinct attention is paid to plants,which are organisms without nervous system,but which show/manifest also informational capabilities to detect/react to information and to modulate their behavior accordingly.The question if the living organisms possess a pseudo/proto-consciousness level as a consequence of the informational activity of their body,distinct from human,but active in any biological structure under certain conditions is furthermore discussed,and a reliable definition of rudimentary pseudo/proto-consciousness level is given/described and compared with other empirical/theoretical concepts.
文摘With the purpose to smooth the way of a correct understanding of information concepts and their evolution,in this paper,is discussed the evolution and development of the concept of information in biological systems,showing that this concept was intuitively perceived even since ancient times by our predecessors,and described according to their language level of that times,but the crystallization of the real meaning of information is an achievement of our nowadays,by successive contribution of various scientific branches and personalities of the scientific community of the world,leading to a modern description/modeling of reality,in which information plays a fundamental role.It is shown that our reality can be understood as a contribution of matter/energy/information and represented/discussed as the model of the Universal Triangle of Reality(UTR),where various previous models can be suggestively inserted,as a function of their basic concern.The modern concepts on information starting from a theoretic experiment which would infringe the thermodynamics laws and reaching the theory of information and modern philosophic concepts on the world structuration allow us to show that information is a fundamental component of the material world and of the biological structures,in correlation with the structuration/destructuration processes of matter,involving absorption/release of information.Based on these concepts,is discussed the functionality of the biologic structures and is presented the informational model of the human body and living structures,as a general model of info-organization on the entire biological scale,showing that a rudimentary proto-consciousness should be operative even at the low-scale biological systems,because they work on the same principles,like the most developed bio-systems.The operability of biologic structures as informational devices is also pointed out.
文摘Thematic structure and information structure are two important closely-related systems in textual function. By analyzing the thematic structure of a popular on-line English poem, this paper attempts to reveal how theme and rheme is arranged to carry new information forward to achieve its textual function.
文摘N+N nominal sentence is an important structure type of nominal sentences in Mandarin Chinese. Attributive-center, combination, apposition and subject-predicate are its main structure types. In main literary genres, the distribution of N+N nominal sentence shows a certain trend of dominant hierarchy: poem﹥drama﹥novel﹥prose. No matter what kind of literary genres, attributive-center structure is the type with maximum quantity, while appositive structure is the type with minimum quantity. Statistical result indicates that most of N+N nominal sentence is nominal and its use is limited by genres. Function of N+N nominal sentence is textual. When it comes to discourse, it can be used as theme, rheme and dual identity of theme and rheme based on the theory of Theme-Rheme (T-R) structure pattern. It does not only construct the information structure to deliver textual information, but also its a vital means of discourse cohesion and coherence.
文摘In this paper it is analyzed from the informational perspective the relation between mind and body, an ancientphilosophic issue defined as a problem, which still did not receive up to date an adequate solution. Byintroducing/using the concept of information, it is shown that this concept includes two facets, one of themreferring to the common communications and another one referring to a hidden/structuring matter-relatedinformation, effectively acting in the human body and in the living systems, which determines the dynamicinter-change of information between specific structures of the organism by electric/electronic/chemical agents andgenetic/epigenetic processes. It is shown that the maintenance of body, permanently and obligatory depending onthe external matter (foods, air, water) resources, needed to provide both the structuring/restructuring basic materialand energy, determines the necessary existence of an info-managing system, administrating the internalmechano-chemical/physical processes. As a natural consequence, such a system should organize and assure ownsurvival by an effective informational operability to detect the external food resources, to select the appropriateinterest information and to decide as a function of circumstances. One important component in such aninformational system is memory, allowing to dispose of the reference informational data for analysis/comparisonand the selection between good and bad binary possible decisions. The memory receives and stores thereforesignals from external reality and from the body itself, referring to the emotional reaction, digestion status, creation,and inherited predilections, within specific info-neural communication circuits between the brain and bodyexecution/sensitive organs, the human body appearing as an integrated info-matter self-managed dynamic system.The specific body components memorize information with different degrees of info-integration: short/long-termintegration, emotive/action reaction, info-abilities, culminating with the integration in the chromosomal structuresby epigenetic processes. The new acquired information is transgenerationally transmissible, and is manifested asnew traits, showing the adaptation capability of the human and close relation between mind and body. Analyzingthe results of such a mind-body informational model in comparison with the earlier assumed/proposed/assertedarchaic, Greek and Occidental philosophies, which represent only partial aspects of this relation, it is shown thatthis informational model, elaborated in terms of information on the basis of scientific reasons and arguments,constitutes a general, realist, and coherent model of the mind-body relation, able to integrate and/or explain most ofthe others.
文摘Numerous works prove that existing neighbor-averaging graph neural networks(GNNs)cannot efficiently catch structure features,and many works show that injecting structure,distance,position,or spatial features can significantly improve the performance of GNNs,however,injecting high-level structure and distance into GNNs is an intuitive but untouched idea.This work sheds light on this issue and proposes a scheme to enhance graph attention networks(GATs)by encoding distance and hop-wise structure statistics.Firstly,the hop-wise structure and distributional distance information are extracted based on several hop-wise ego-nets of every target node.Secondly,the derived structure information,distance information,and intrinsic features are encoded into the same vector space and then added together to get initial embedding vectors.Thirdly,the derived embedding vectors are fed into GATs,such as GAT and adaptive graph diffusion network(AGDN)to get the soft labels.Fourthly,the soft labels are fed into correct and smooth(C&S)to conduct label propagation and get final predictions.Experiments show that the distance and hop-wise structures encoding enhanced graph attention networks(DHSEGATs)achieve a competitive result.
文摘Management Information System provides an effective way for enterprises to improve their competitive abilities. It presents a framework for improving the management models through the design and implementation of effective and high-quality MIS. So it is very important to the modem management of corporations. ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system is one of the core parts of MIS, which solves the matter of management model mainly. ERP is a popular method enabling the business processes required to compete with the globalization. The thesis cites SAP R/3 to introduce the general structure and function of ERP. Global Enterprise Resource Planning Implementation is increasingly becoming the successful choice of MIS.
文摘In this article,the phenomenon of“information space”and its methods of study,its types,elementary structure and qualitative characteristics are discussed,the author’s definition of the concept of“information”is given,the structure of the information process,and the phases,which are the basis for the evolution of the information space and the universe of human activity,are considered.
文摘The PLDIM (Product Lifecycle Dynamic Information Model) is the most important part of the PLDM (Product Lifecycle Dynamic Model ) and it is the basis to create the information system and to implement PLM (Product Lifecycle Management). The information classification, the relationships among all information items, PLDIM mathematic expression, information coding and the 3D synthetic description of the PLDIM are presented. The information flow and information system structure based on the two information centers and Internet/Intranet are proposed, and how to implement this system for ship diesel engines are also introduced according to the PLDIM and PLM solutions.
基金We thank the Natural Science Foundation of Shanxi Province(202103021224439)National Natural Science Foundation of China(22075308)for financial support.
文摘The aromatic compounds,including o-xylene,m-xylene,p-xylene,and ethylbenzene,primarily originate from the catalytic reforming of crude oil,and have a wide variety of applications.However,because of similar physical and chemical properties,these compounds are difficult to be identified by gas chromatography(GC)without standard samples.With the development of modern nuclear magnetic resonance(NMR)techniques,NMR has emerged as a powerful and efficient tool for the rapid analysis of complex and crude mixtures without purification.In this study,the parameters of one-dimensional(1D)total correlation spectroscopy(TOCSY)NMR techniques,including 1D selective gradient TOCSY and 1D chemicalshift-selective filtration(CSSF)with TOCSY,were optimized to obtain comprehensive molecular structure information.The results indicate that the overlapped signals in NMR spectra of nonpolar aromatic compounds(including o-xylene,m-xylene,p-xylene and ethylbenzene),polar aromatic compounds(benzyl alcohol,benzaldehyde,benzoic acid),and aromatic compounds with additional conjugated bonds(styrene)can be resolved in 1D TOCSY.More importantly,full molecular structures can be clearly distinguished by setting appropriate mixing time in 1D TOCSY.This approach simplifies the NMR spectra,provides structural information of entire molecules,and can be applied for the analysis of other structural isomers.
基金The project is funded by Youth Scientific Research Foundation of CAFUC (Q2003-23).
文摘Discontinuous and long-duration thunderstorm weather, which occurred at Guanghan in Sichuan Province, was analyzed and predicted using structural conversion of irregular information in phase-space from self-recording “time sequence” records for predicting rain areas, as described in the “Non Destructive Information” method proposed by Professor OuYang Shoucheng. The results show that this method can reveal important changes of weather as well as, by using irregular self-recording information recorded every ten minutes, predict local thunderstorms with durations of only half an hour, and even predict intense convections 12 hours in advance. This is significant for civil and military aviation. It shows the necessity of full utilization of information from automatic weather stations and the necessity of improvements in recording modes in current automatic stations.
文摘There are many problems in Social Internet of Things(IoTs),such as complex topology information,different degree of association between nodes and overlapping communities.The idea of set pair information grain computing and clustering is introduced to solve the above problems so as to accurately describe the similarity between nodes and fully explore the multi-community structure.A Set Pair Three-Way Overlapping Community Discovery Algorithm for Weighted Social Internet of Things(WSIoT-SPTOCD)is proposed.In the local network structure,which fully considers the topological information between nodes,the set pair connection degree is used to analyze the identity,difference and reverse of neighbor nodes.The similarity degree of different neighbor nodes is defined from network edge weight and node degree,and the similarity measurement method of set pair between nodes based on the local information structure is proposed.According to the number of nodes'neighbors and the connection degree of adjacent edges,the clustering intensity of nodes is defined,and an improved algorithm for initial value selection of k-means is proposed.The nodes are allocated according to the set pair similarity between nodes and different communities.Three-way community structures composed of a positive domain,boundary domain and negative domain are generated iteratively.Next,the overlapping node set is generated according to the calculation results of community node membership.Finally,experiments are carried out on artificial networks and real networks.The results show that WSIoT-SPTOCD performs well in terms of standardized mutual information,overlapping community modularity and F1.
基金supported by the National Science Foundation of China(Grant No.61272067,61370229)the National Key Technology R&D Program of China(Grant No.2012BAH27F05,2013BAH72B01)+1 种基金the National High Technology R&D Program of China(Grant No.2013AA01A212)the S&T Projects of Guangdong Province(Grant No.2016B010109008,2014B010117007,2015A030401087,2015B010109003,2015B010110002)
文摘XML data can be represented by a tree or graph and the query processing for XML data requires the structural information among nodes. Designing an efficient labeling scheme for the nodes of Order-Sensitive XML trees is one of the important methods to obtain the excellent management of XML data. Previous labeling schemes such as region and prefix often sacrifice updating performance and suffer increasing labeling space when inserting new nodes. To overcome these limitations, in this paper we propose a new labeling idea of separating structure from order. According to the proposed idea, a novel Prime-based Middle Fraction Labeling Scheme(PMFLS) is designed accordingly, in which a series of algorithms are proposed to obtain the structural relationships among nodes and to support updates. PMFLS combines the advantages of both prefix and region schemes in which the structural information and sequential information are separately expressed. PMFLS also supports Order-Sensitive updates without relabeling or recalculation, and its labeling space is stable. Experiments and analysis on several benchmarks are conducted and the results show that PMFLS is efficient in handling updates and also significantly improves the performance of the query processing with good scalability.
基金This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.62166050)Yunnan Fundamental Research Projects(No.202201AS070021)Yunnan Innovation Team of Education Informatization for Nationalities,Scientific Technology Innovation Team of Educational Big Data Application Technology in University of Yunnan Province,and Yunnan Normal University Graduate Research and innovation fund in 2020(No.ysdyjs2020006).
文摘Question Generation(QG)is the task of utilizing Artificial Intelligence(AI)technology to generate questions that can be answered by a span of text within a given passage.Existing research on QG in the educational field struggles with two challenges:the mainstream QG models based on seq-to-seq fail to utilize the structured information from the passage;the other is the lack of specialized educational QG datasets.To address the challenges,a specialized QG dataset,reading comprehension dataset from examinations for QG(named RACE4QG),is reconstructed by applying a new answer tagging approach and a data-filtering strategy to the RACE dataset.Further,an end-to-end QG model,which can exploit the intra-and inter-sentence information to generate better questions,is proposed.In our model,the encoder utilizes a Gated Recurrent Units(GRU)network,which takes the concatenation of word embedding,answer tagging,and Graph Attention neTworks(GAT)embedding as input.The hidden states of the GRU are operated with a gated self-attention to obtain the final passage-answer representation,which will be fed to the decoder.Results show that our model outperforms baselines on automatic metrics and human evaluation.Consequently,the model improves the baseline by 0.44,1.32,and 1.34 on BLEU-4,ROUGE-L,and METEOR metrics,respectively,indicating the effectivity and reliability of our model.Its gap with human expectations also reflects the research potential.
基金supported by the National Basic Research Program of China (Grant No. 2007CB613702)International Cooperation Program in Science and Technology (Grant No. 2007DFC50090)
文摘Based on the theory of micro-inhomogeneity of liquid metal,a calculation model is established for the quantitative description of the structural information of metal melts.Only by thermophysical property parameters and basic structural parameters of solid metal,can this model produce the main information of melt structure,including the relative concentration of active atoms,size of atomic clusters and number of short-range order atoms.Based on this model,the main structural information of Al and Ni melts in the not high range above the liquidus is calculated,with results in good agreement with experimental values.Besides,analyzed is the influence of superheating temperature and atomic number on the melt structural information of the first (IA) and second main group (IIA) elements.With temperature increasing,melt structural information regularly changes for both IA and IIA elements.With the atomic number increasing,melt structural information of IA elements changes regularly,for the crystal structures of the IA elements are all of bcc lattice type.However,no notable regular change of melt structural information for IIA elements has been found,mainly because the lattice type of IIA elements is of hcp-fcc-bcc transition.The present work presents an effective way for better understanding metal melt structure and for forecasting the change of the physical property of metal melts.
基金supported by the National Basic Research Program of China (2022YFA1603701, 2021YFA1200900)the institutionalized scientific research platform relies on Beijing Synchrotron Radiation Facility of Chinese Academy of Sciences,the Strategic Priority Research Program of Chinese Academy of Sciences (XDB36000000)+2 种基金the National Natural Science Foundation of China (22027810, 82341044,22388101 and 22307028)the CAMS Innovation Fund for Medical Sciences(CIFMS 2019-I2M-5-018)the New Cornerstone Science Foundation。
文摘With the advancement of modern science and technology, large scientific facilities are increasingly oriented toward demand and application, and can be used for basic research as well as serving multiple disciplines. Developing large scientific facilities and related analytical technologies enhances understanding of large scientific facilities and popularizes their application in research across multiple disciplines. The combination of light or neutron sources from large scientific facilities and advanced analytical technologies can be achieved for materials structure information, dynamics study of chemical reactions, high dissociation of biomolecules, 3D visualization of energy materials or biological samples, etc. We first introduce the progress of domestic large scientific facilities of synchrotron radiation(SR) and free electron lasers(FELs) with different wavelengths and neutron sources.We further discuss the comparison between Chinese and typical foreign facilities in X-ray radiation from X-ray tubes, synchrotrons, X-ray FELs, and neutron sources based on physical parameters of light and neutron sources. In addition, we focus on the technological progress and perspectives combined with advanced X-ray radiation and neutron sources of large scientific facilities in China, especially in the nanoscience fields of energy catalysis and biological science. We hope that this roadmap will provide references on technology and methods to experimental users, as well as prospects for future development of technologies based on large research infrastructure facilities. Comprehensive studies and guidelines for basic research to practical application in various disciplines can be made with the assistance of large scientific facilities.
基金supported by the Major Program of the Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Higher Education Institutions of China under Grant Nos.19KJA610002 and 19KJB520050the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No.61902270.
文摘Author name disambiguation(AND)is a central task in academic search,which has received more attention recently accompanied by the increase of authors and academic publications.To tackle the AND problem,existing studies have proposed various approaches based on different types of information,such as raw document features(e.g.,co-authors,titles,and keywords),the fusion feature(e.g.,a hybrid publication embedding based on multiple raw document features),the local structural information(e.g.,a publication's neighborhood information on a graph),and the global structural information(e.g.,interactive information between a node and others on a graph).However,there has been no work taking all the above-mentioned information into account and taking full advantage of the contributions of each raw document feature for the AND problem so far.To fill the gap,we propose a novel framework named EAND(Towards Effective Author Name Disambiguation by Hybrid Attention).Specifically,we design a novel feature extraction model,which consists of three hybrid attention mechanism layers,to extract key information from the global structural information and the local structural information that are generated from six similarity graphs constructed based on different similarity coefficients,raw document features,and the fusion feature.Each hybrid attention mechanism layer contains three key modules:a local structural perception,a global structural perception,and a feature extractor.Additionally,the mean absolute error function in the joint loss function is used to introduce the structural information loss of the vector space.Experimental results on two real-world datasets demonstrate that EAND achieves superior performance,outperforming state-of-the-art methods by at least+2.74%in terms of the micro-F1 score and+3.31%in terms of the macro-F1 score.