The paper presents constitutive theories for non-classical thermoviscoelastic fluids with dissipation and memory using a thermodynamic framework based on entirety of velocity gradient tensor. Thus, the conservation an...The paper presents constitutive theories for non-classical thermoviscoelastic fluids with dissipation and memory using a thermodynamic framework based on entirety of velocity gradient tensor. Thus, the conservation and the balance laws used in this work incorporate symmetric as well as antisymmetric part of the velocity gradient tensor. The constitutive theories derived here hold in coand contra-variant bases as well as in Jaumann rates and are derived using convected time derivatives of Green’s and Almansi strain tensors as well as the Cauchy stress tensor and its convected time derivatives in appropriate bases. The constitutive theories are presented in the absence as well as in the presence of the balance of moment of moments as balance law. It is shown that the dissipation mechanism and the fading memory in such fluids are due to stress rates as well as moment rates and their conjugates. The material coefficients are derived for the general forms of the constitutive theories based on integrity. Simplified linear (or quasi-linear) forms of the constitutive theories are also presented. Maxwell, Oldroyd-B and Giesekus constitutive models for non-classical thermoviscoelastic fluids are derived and are compared with those derived based on classical continuum mechanics. Both, compressible and incompressible thermoviscoelastic fluids are considered.展开更多
Culture-loaded words refer to words with specific cultural connotations that can express an abstract or a specific concept,which may be related to religious beliefs or social customs,but do not exist in other language...Culture-loaded words refer to words with specific cultural connotations that can express an abstract or a specific concept,which may be related to religious beliefs or social customs,but do not exist in other languages and cultures.Therefore,culture-loaded words bring some difficulties to translation work.Huang Di Nei Jing(《黄帝内经》Huangdi’s Internal Classic)is the foundation of traditional Chinese medicine(TCM)theory,and is listed as the first of the four classics of TCM.It contains a large number of cultureloaded words,which embody the ancient Chinese traditional culture.The translation of culture-loaded words is a difficult but crucial point in the translation of Huangdi’s Internal Classic and directly relates to the quality of the translation of Huangdi’s Internal Classic as a whole.Taking the two English versions of Maoshing Ni and Li Zhaoguo as examples,this work identifies the culture-loaded words appearing in the chapter“Yin Yang Ying Xiang Da Lun”(阴阳应象大论Comprehensive Discourse on Phenomena Corresponding to the Yin and Yang).This work studies the strategies and translation process of culture-loaded words in Huangdi’s Internal Classic,with a view to contribute to the English translation of TCM classics.展开更多
Human life activities are inevitably affected by the surrounding environment,such as natural and social environment.It is the basic principle of TCM to set a series of medical practice activities.TCM believes that the...Human life activities are inevitably affected by the surrounding environment,such as natural and social environment.It is the basic principle of TCM to set a series of medical practice activities.TCM believes that the social environment has an inestimable influence on the mind and body of human beings.This study introduces the unity of spirit and body in traditional Chinese medicine.展开更多
Huangdi's Internal Classics(Neijin) is one of the most important ancient medical classics, which plays far-reaching influence in medical field. More and more domestic and overseas scholars published their translat...Huangdi's Internal Classics(Neijin) is one of the most important ancient medical classics, which plays far-reaching influence in medical field. More and more domestic and overseas scholars published their translated texts on Neijing. Due to the diversity of editions and different understanding, the translating styles and contents are widely different. This study will focus on the different translating styles on culture-specific lexicon、figure of speech and four-Chinese-character structures in Neijin.展开更多
In the present paper, the author gives some comments on acupuncture treatment of diseases from 1) selecting acupoints based on seasonal conditions; 2) performing reinforcing or reducing needling manipulations in accor...In the present paper, the author gives some comments on acupuncture treatment of diseases from 1) selecting acupoints based on seasonal conditions; 2) performing reinforcing or reducing needling manipulations in accordance with the waxing and wanning of the moon; 3) conducting acupuncture treatment in accordance with the time and the state of disease; and 4) performing acupuncture treatment based on the prosperity or decline of the meridian-qi, which are described in medical book The Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic展开更多
In this paper, we derive non-classical continuum theory for physics of compressible and incompressible thermoviscous non-classical fluent continua using the conservation and balance laws (CBL) by incorporating additio...In this paper, we derive non-classical continuum theory for physics of compressible and incompressible thermoviscous non-classical fluent continua using the conservation and balance laws (CBL) by incorporating additional physics of internal rotation rates arising from the velocity gradient tensor as well as their time varying rates and the rotational inertial effects. In this non-classical continuum theory time dependent deformation of fluent continua results in time varying rotation rates i.e., angular velocities and angular accelerations at material points. Resistance offered to these by deforming fluent continua results in additional moments, angular momenta and inertial effects due to rotation rates i.e., angular velocities and angular accelerations at the material points. Currently, this physics due to internal rotation rates and inertial effects is neither considered in classical continuum mechanics (CCM) nor in non-classical continuum mechanics (NCCM). In this paper, we present a derivation of conservation and balance laws in Eulerian description: conservation of mass (CM), balance of linear momenta (BLM), balance of angular momenta (BAM), balance of moment of moments (BMM), first and second laws of thermodynamics (FLT, SLT) that include: (i) Physics of internal rotation rates resulting from the velocity gradient tensor;(ii) New physics resulting due to angular velocities and angular accelerations due to spatially varying and time dependent rotation rates. The balance laws derived here are compared with those that only consider the rotational rates but neglect rotational inertial effects and angular accelerations to demonstrate the influence of the new physics. Constitutive variables and their argument tensors are established using conjugate pairs in the entropy inequality, additional desired physics and principle of equipresence when appropriate. Constitutive theories are derived using Helmholtz free energy density as well as representation theorem and integrity (complete basis). It is shown that the mathematical model consisting of the conservation and balance laws and constitutive theories presented in this paper has closure. Influence of new physics in the conservation and balance laws on compressible and incompressible thermoviscous fluent continua is demonstrated due to presence of angular velocities and angular accelerations arising from time varying rotation rates when the deforming fluent continua offer rotational inertial resistance. The fluent continua are considered homogeneous and isotropic. Model problem studies are considered in a follow-up paper.展开更多
In recent papers, Surana et al. presented internal polar non-classical Continuum theory in which velocity gradient tensor in its entirety was incorporated in the conservation and balance laws. Thus, this theory incorp...In recent papers, Surana et al. presented internal polar non-classical Continuum theory in which velocity gradient tensor in its entirety was incorporated in the conservation and balance laws. Thus, this theory incorporated symmetric part of the velocity gradient tensor (as done in classical theories) as well as skew symmetric part representing varying internal rotation rates between material points which when resisted by deforming continua result in dissipation (and/or storage) of mechanical work. This physics referred as internal polar physics is neglected in classical continuum theories but can be quite significant for some materials. In another recent paper Surana et al. presented ordered rate constitutive theories for internal polar non-classical fluent continua without memory derived using deviatoric Cauchy stress tensor and conjugate strain rate tensors of up to orders n and Cauchy moment tensor and its conjugate symmetric part of the first convected derivative of the rotation gradient tensor. In this constitutive theory higher order convected derivatives of the symmetric part of the rotation gradient tensor are assumed not to contribute to dissipation. Secondly, the skew symmetric part of the velocity gradient tensor is used as rotation rates to determine rate of rotation gradient tensor. This is an approximation to true convected time derivatives of the rotation gradient tensor. The resulting constitutive theory: (1) is incomplete as it neglects the second and higher order convected time derivatives of the symmetric part of the rotation gradient tensor;(2) first convected derivative of the symmetric part of the rotation gradient tensor as used by Surana et al. is only approximate;(3) has inconsistent treatment of dissipation due to Cauchy moment tensor when compared with the dissipation mechanism due to deviatoric part of symmetric Cauchy stress tensor in which convected time derivatives of up to order n are considered in the theory. The purpose of this paper is to present ordered rate constitutive theories for deviatoric Cauchy strain tensor, moment tensor and heat vector for thermofluids without memory in which convected time derivatives of strain tensors up to order n are conjugate with the Cauchy stress tensor and the convected time derivatives of the symmetric part of the rotation gradient tensor up to orders 1n are conjugate with the moment tensor. Conservation and balance laws are used to determine the choice of dependent variables in the constitutive theories: Helmholtz free energy density Φ, entropy density η, Cauchy stress tensor, moment tensor and heat vector. Stress tensor is decomposed into symmetric and skew symmetric parts and the symmetric part of the stress tensor and the moment tensor are further decomposed into equilibrium and deviatoric tensors. It is established through conjugate pairs in entropy inequality that the constitutive theories only need to be derived for symmetric stress tensor, moment tensor and heat vector. Density in the current configuration, convected time derivatives of the strain tensor up to order n, convected time derivatives of the symmetric part of the rotation gradient tensor up to orders 1n, temperature gradient tensor and temperature are considered as argument tensors of all dependent variables in the constitutive theories based on entropy inequality and principle of equipresence. The constitutive theories are derived in contravariant and covariant bases as well as using Jaumann rates. The nth and 1nth order rate constitutive theories for internal polar non-classical thermofluids without memory are specialized for n = 1 and 1n = 1 to demonstrate fundamental differences in the constitutive theories presented here and those used presently for classical thermofluids without memory and those published by Surana et al. for internal polar non-classical incompressible thermofluids.展开更多
Inclusion of dissipation and memory mechanisms, non-classical elasticity and thermal effects in the currently used plate/shell mathematical models require that we establish if these mathematical models can be derived ...Inclusion of dissipation and memory mechanisms, non-classical elasticity and thermal effects in the currently used plate/shell mathematical models require that we establish if these mathematical models can be derived using the conservation and balance laws of continuum mechanics in conjunction with the corresponding kinematic assumptions. This is referred to as thermodynamic consistency of the mathematical models. Thermodynamic consistency ensures thermodynamic equilibrium during the evolution of the deformation. When the mathematical models are thermodynamically consistent, the second law of thermodynamics facilitates consistent derivations of constitutive theories in the presence of dissipation and memory mechanisms. This is the main motivation for the work presented in this paper. In the currently used mathematical models for plates/shells based on the assumed kinematic relations, energy functional is constructed over the volume consisting of kinetic energy, strain energy and the potential energy of the loads. The Euler’s equations derived from the first variation of the energy functional for arbitrary length when set to zero yield the mathematical model(s) for the deforming plates/shells. Alternatively, principle of virtual work can also be used to derive the same mathematical model(s). For linear elastic reversible deformation physics with small deformation and small strain, these two approaches, based on energy functional and the principle of virtual work, yield the same mathematical models. These mathematical models hold for reversible mechanical deformation. In this paper, we examine whether the currently used plate/shell mathematical models with the corresponding kinematic assumptions can be derived using the conservation and balance laws of classical or non-classical continuum mechanics. The mathematical models based on Kirchhoff hypothesis (classical plate theory, CPT) and first order shear deformation theory (FSDT) that are representative of most mathematical models for plates/shells are investigated in this paper for their thermodynamic consistency. This is followed by the details of a general and higher order thermodynamically consistent plate/shell thermoelastic mathematical model that is free of a priori consideration of kinematic assumptions and remains valid for very thin as well as thick plates/shells with comprehensive nonlinear constitutive theories based on integrity. Model problem studies are presented for small deformation behavior of linear elastic plates in the absence of thermal effects and the results are compared with CPT and FSDT mathematical models.展开更多
In non-classical thermoelastic solids incorporating internal rotation and conjugate Cauchy moment tensor the mechanical deformation is reversible. This suggests that within the realm of linear mathematical models that...In non-classical thermoelastic solids incorporating internal rotation and conjugate Cauchy moment tensor the mechanical deformation is reversible. This suggests that within the realm of linear mathematical models that only consider small strains and small deformation the mechanical deformation is reversible. Hence, it is possible to recast the conservation and balance laws along with constitutive theories in a form that adjoint A* of the differential operator A in mathematical model is same as the differential operator A. This holds regardless of whether we consider an initial value problem (IVP) (when the integrals over open boundary are neglected) or boundary value problem (BVP). Thus, in such cases Galerkin method with weak form (GM/WF) for BVPs and space-time Galerkin method with weak form (STGM/WF) for IVPs are highly meritorious due to the fact that: 1) the integral form for BVPs is variationally consistent (VC) and 2) the space-time integral forms for IVP are space time variationally consistent (STVC). The consequence of VC and STVC integral forms is that the resulting coefficient matrices are symmetric and positive definite ensuring unconditionally stable computational processes for both BVPs and IVPs. Other benefits of GM/WF and space-time GM/WF are simplicity of specifying boundary conditions and initial conditions, especially traction boundary conditions and initial conditions on curved boundaries due to self-equilibrating nature of the sum of secondary variables that only exist in GM/WF due to concomitant. In fact, zero traction conditions are automatically satisfied in GM/WF, hence need not be specified at all. While VC and STVC feature also exists in least squares process (LSP) and space-time least squares finite element processes (STLSP) for BVPs and IVPs, the ease of specifying traction boundary conditions feature in GM/WF and STGM/WF is highly meritorious compared to LSP and STLSP in which zero traction conditions need to be explicitly specified. A disadvantage of GM/WF and STGM/ WF is that the mathematical models (momentum equations) needed in the desired form contain higher order derivatives of displacements (upto fourth order), hence necessitate use of higher order spaces in their solution. As well known, this problem can be easily overcome in LSP and STLSP by introduction of auxiliary equations and auxiliary variables, thus keeping the highest orders of the derivatives of the dependent variables to one or any other desired order. A serious disadvantage of this approach in LSP is the significant increase in the number of dependent variables, hence poor computational efficiency. In this paper we consider non-classical continuum models for internally polar linear elastic solids in which internal rotations due to displacement gradient tensor (hence internal polar physics) are considered in the conservation and the balance laws and the constitutive theories. For simplicity, we only consider isothermal case;hence energy equation is not part of mathematical model. When using mathematical models derived in displacements in GM/WF and LSP in constructing integral forms, we note that in GM/WF the number of dependent variables is reduced drastically (only three in R3), whereas in case of first order systems used in LSP and STLSP we may have as many as 22 dependent variables for isothermal case. Thus, GM/WF results in dramatic improvement in computational efficiency as well as accuracy when minimally conforming spaces are used for approximations. In this paper we only consider mathematical model in R2 for BVPs (for simplicity). Mathematical models for IVP and BVP in R3 will be considered in subsequent paper. The integral form is derived in R2 using GM/WF. Numerical examples are presented using GM/WF and LSP to demonstrate advantages of finite element process derived using integral form based on GM/WF for non-classical linear theories for solids incorporating internal rotations due to displacement gradient tensor.展开更多
文摘The paper presents constitutive theories for non-classical thermoviscoelastic fluids with dissipation and memory using a thermodynamic framework based on entirety of velocity gradient tensor. Thus, the conservation and the balance laws used in this work incorporate symmetric as well as antisymmetric part of the velocity gradient tensor. The constitutive theories derived here hold in coand contra-variant bases as well as in Jaumann rates and are derived using convected time derivatives of Green’s and Almansi strain tensors as well as the Cauchy stress tensor and its convected time derivatives in appropriate bases. The constitutive theories are presented in the absence as well as in the presence of the balance of moment of moments as balance law. It is shown that the dissipation mechanism and the fading memory in such fluids are due to stress rates as well as moment rates and their conjugates. The material coefficients are derived for the general forms of the constitutive theories based on integrity. Simplified linear (or quasi-linear) forms of the constitutive theories are also presented. Maxwell, Oldroyd-B and Giesekus constitutive models for non-classical thermoviscoelastic fluids are derived and are compared with those derived based on classical continuum mechanics. Both, compressible and incompressible thermoviscoelastic fluids are considered.
基金financed by the grant from the National Social Science Fund Major Project of China."Research on Mining,Sorting And Translation Standardization of Basic Terms of Traditional Chinese Medicine"(No.19ZDA301)。
文摘Culture-loaded words refer to words with specific cultural connotations that can express an abstract or a specific concept,which may be related to religious beliefs or social customs,but do not exist in other languages and cultures.Therefore,culture-loaded words bring some difficulties to translation work.Huang Di Nei Jing(《黄帝内经》Huangdi’s Internal Classic)is the foundation of traditional Chinese medicine(TCM)theory,and is listed as the first of the four classics of TCM.It contains a large number of cultureloaded words,which embody the ancient Chinese traditional culture.The translation of culture-loaded words is a difficult but crucial point in the translation of Huangdi’s Internal Classic and directly relates to the quality of the translation of Huangdi’s Internal Classic as a whole.Taking the two English versions of Maoshing Ni and Li Zhaoguo as examples,this work identifies the culture-loaded words appearing in the chapter“Yin Yang Ying Xiang Da Lun”(阴阳应象大论Comprehensive Discourse on Phenomena Corresponding to the Yin and Yang).This work studies the strategies and translation process of culture-loaded words in Huangdi’s Internal Classic,with a view to contribute to the English translation of TCM classics.
文摘Human life activities are inevitably affected by the surrounding environment,such as natural and social environment.It is the basic principle of TCM to set a series of medical practice activities.TCM believes that the social environment has an inestimable influence on the mind and body of human beings.This study introduces the unity of spirit and body in traditional Chinese medicine.
文摘Huangdi's Internal Classics(Neijin) is one of the most important ancient medical classics, which plays far-reaching influence in medical field. More and more domestic and overseas scholars published their translated texts on Neijing. Due to the diversity of editions and different understanding, the translating styles and contents are widely different. This study will focus on the different translating styles on culture-specific lexicon、figure of speech and four-Chinese-character structures in Neijin.
文摘In the present paper, the author gives some comments on acupuncture treatment of diseases from 1) selecting acupoints based on seasonal conditions; 2) performing reinforcing or reducing needling manipulations in accordance with the waxing and wanning of the moon; 3) conducting acupuncture treatment in accordance with the time and the state of disease; and 4) performing acupuncture treatment based on the prosperity or decline of the meridian-qi, which are described in medical book The Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic
文摘In this paper, we derive non-classical continuum theory for physics of compressible and incompressible thermoviscous non-classical fluent continua using the conservation and balance laws (CBL) by incorporating additional physics of internal rotation rates arising from the velocity gradient tensor as well as their time varying rates and the rotational inertial effects. In this non-classical continuum theory time dependent deformation of fluent continua results in time varying rotation rates i.e., angular velocities and angular accelerations at material points. Resistance offered to these by deforming fluent continua results in additional moments, angular momenta and inertial effects due to rotation rates i.e., angular velocities and angular accelerations at the material points. Currently, this physics due to internal rotation rates and inertial effects is neither considered in classical continuum mechanics (CCM) nor in non-classical continuum mechanics (NCCM). In this paper, we present a derivation of conservation and balance laws in Eulerian description: conservation of mass (CM), balance of linear momenta (BLM), balance of angular momenta (BAM), balance of moment of moments (BMM), first and second laws of thermodynamics (FLT, SLT) that include: (i) Physics of internal rotation rates resulting from the velocity gradient tensor;(ii) New physics resulting due to angular velocities and angular accelerations due to spatially varying and time dependent rotation rates. The balance laws derived here are compared with those that only consider the rotational rates but neglect rotational inertial effects and angular accelerations to demonstrate the influence of the new physics. Constitutive variables and their argument tensors are established using conjugate pairs in the entropy inequality, additional desired physics and principle of equipresence when appropriate. Constitutive theories are derived using Helmholtz free energy density as well as representation theorem and integrity (complete basis). It is shown that the mathematical model consisting of the conservation and balance laws and constitutive theories presented in this paper has closure. Influence of new physics in the conservation and balance laws on compressible and incompressible thermoviscous fluent continua is demonstrated due to presence of angular velocities and angular accelerations arising from time varying rotation rates when the deforming fluent continua offer rotational inertial resistance. The fluent continua are considered homogeneous and isotropic. Model problem studies are considered in a follow-up paper.
文摘In recent papers, Surana et al. presented internal polar non-classical Continuum theory in which velocity gradient tensor in its entirety was incorporated in the conservation and balance laws. Thus, this theory incorporated symmetric part of the velocity gradient tensor (as done in classical theories) as well as skew symmetric part representing varying internal rotation rates between material points which when resisted by deforming continua result in dissipation (and/or storage) of mechanical work. This physics referred as internal polar physics is neglected in classical continuum theories but can be quite significant for some materials. In another recent paper Surana et al. presented ordered rate constitutive theories for internal polar non-classical fluent continua without memory derived using deviatoric Cauchy stress tensor and conjugate strain rate tensors of up to orders n and Cauchy moment tensor and its conjugate symmetric part of the first convected derivative of the rotation gradient tensor. In this constitutive theory higher order convected derivatives of the symmetric part of the rotation gradient tensor are assumed not to contribute to dissipation. Secondly, the skew symmetric part of the velocity gradient tensor is used as rotation rates to determine rate of rotation gradient tensor. This is an approximation to true convected time derivatives of the rotation gradient tensor. The resulting constitutive theory: (1) is incomplete as it neglects the second and higher order convected time derivatives of the symmetric part of the rotation gradient tensor;(2) first convected derivative of the symmetric part of the rotation gradient tensor as used by Surana et al. is only approximate;(3) has inconsistent treatment of dissipation due to Cauchy moment tensor when compared with the dissipation mechanism due to deviatoric part of symmetric Cauchy stress tensor in which convected time derivatives of up to order n are considered in the theory. The purpose of this paper is to present ordered rate constitutive theories for deviatoric Cauchy strain tensor, moment tensor and heat vector for thermofluids without memory in which convected time derivatives of strain tensors up to order n are conjugate with the Cauchy stress tensor and the convected time derivatives of the symmetric part of the rotation gradient tensor up to orders 1n are conjugate with the moment tensor. Conservation and balance laws are used to determine the choice of dependent variables in the constitutive theories: Helmholtz free energy density Φ, entropy density η, Cauchy stress tensor, moment tensor and heat vector. Stress tensor is decomposed into symmetric and skew symmetric parts and the symmetric part of the stress tensor and the moment tensor are further decomposed into equilibrium and deviatoric tensors. It is established through conjugate pairs in entropy inequality that the constitutive theories only need to be derived for symmetric stress tensor, moment tensor and heat vector. Density in the current configuration, convected time derivatives of the strain tensor up to order n, convected time derivatives of the symmetric part of the rotation gradient tensor up to orders 1n, temperature gradient tensor and temperature are considered as argument tensors of all dependent variables in the constitutive theories based on entropy inequality and principle of equipresence. The constitutive theories are derived in contravariant and covariant bases as well as using Jaumann rates. The nth and 1nth order rate constitutive theories for internal polar non-classical thermofluids without memory are specialized for n = 1 and 1n = 1 to demonstrate fundamental differences in the constitutive theories presented here and those used presently for classical thermofluids without memory and those published by Surana et al. for internal polar non-classical incompressible thermofluids.
文摘Inclusion of dissipation and memory mechanisms, non-classical elasticity and thermal effects in the currently used plate/shell mathematical models require that we establish if these mathematical models can be derived using the conservation and balance laws of continuum mechanics in conjunction with the corresponding kinematic assumptions. This is referred to as thermodynamic consistency of the mathematical models. Thermodynamic consistency ensures thermodynamic equilibrium during the evolution of the deformation. When the mathematical models are thermodynamically consistent, the second law of thermodynamics facilitates consistent derivations of constitutive theories in the presence of dissipation and memory mechanisms. This is the main motivation for the work presented in this paper. In the currently used mathematical models for plates/shells based on the assumed kinematic relations, energy functional is constructed over the volume consisting of kinetic energy, strain energy and the potential energy of the loads. The Euler’s equations derived from the first variation of the energy functional for arbitrary length when set to zero yield the mathematical model(s) for the deforming plates/shells. Alternatively, principle of virtual work can also be used to derive the same mathematical model(s). For linear elastic reversible deformation physics with small deformation and small strain, these two approaches, based on energy functional and the principle of virtual work, yield the same mathematical models. These mathematical models hold for reversible mechanical deformation. In this paper, we examine whether the currently used plate/shell mathematical models with the corresponding kinematic assumptions can be derived using the conservation and balance laws of classical or non-classical continuum mechanics. The mathematical models based on Kirchhoff hypothesis (classical plate theory, CPT) and first order shear deformation theory (FSDT) that are representative of most mathematical models for plates/shells are investigated in this paper for their thermodynamic consistency. This is followed by the details of a general and higher order thermodynamically consistent plate/shell thermoelastic mathematical model that is free of a priori consideration of kinematic assumptions and remains valid for very thin as well as thick plates/shells with comprehensive nonlinear constitutive theories based on integrity. Model problem studies are presented for small deformation behavior of linear elastic plates in the absence of thermal effects and the results are compared with CPT and FSDT mathematical models.
文摘In non-classical thermoelastic solids incorporating internal rotation and conjugate Cauchy moment tensor the mechanical deformation is reversible. This suggests that within the realm of linear mathematical models that only consider small strains and small deformation the mechanical deformation is reversible. Hence, it is possible to recast the conservation and balance laws along with constitutive theories in a form that adjoint A* of the differential operator A in mathematical model is same as the differential operator A. This holds regardless of whether we consider an initial value problem (IVP) (when the integrals over open boundary are neglected) or boundary value problem (BVP). Thus, in such cases Galerkin method with weak form (GM/WF) for BVPs and space-time Galerkin method with weak form (STGM/WF) for IVPs are highly meritorious due to the fact that: 1) the integral form for BVPs is variationally consistent (VC) and 2) the space-time integral forms for IVP are space time variationally consistent (STVC). The consequence of VC and STVC integral forms is that the resulting coefficient matrices are symmetric and positive definite ensuring unconditionally stable computational processes for both BVPs and IVPs. Other benefits of GM/WF and space-time GM/WF are simplicity of specifying boundary conditions and initial conditions, especially traction boundary conditions and initial conditions on curved boundaries due to self-equilibrating nature of the sum of secondary variables that only exist in GM/WF due to concomitant. In fact, zero traction conditions are automatically satisfied in GM/WF, hence need not be specified at all. While VC and STVC feature also exists in least squares process (LSP) and space-time least squares finite element processes (STLSP) for BVPs and IVPs, the ease of specifying traction boundary conditions feature in GM/WF and STGM/WF is highly meritorious compared to LSP and STLSP in which zero traction conditions need to be explicitly specified. A disadvantage of GM/WF and STGM/ WF is that the mathematical models (momentum equations) needed in the desired form contain higher order derivatives of displacements (upto fourth order), hence necessitate use of higher order spaces in their solution. As well known, this problem can be easily overcome in LSP and STLSP by introduction of auxiliary equations and auxiliary variables, thus keeping the highest orders of the derivatives of the dependent variables to one or any other desired order. A serious disadvantage of this approach in LSP is the significant increase in the number of dependent variables, hence poor computational efficiency. In this paper we consider non-classical continuum models for internally polar linear elastic solids in which internal rotations due to displacement gradient tensor (hence internal polar physics) are considered in the conservation and the balance laws and the constitutive theories. For simplicity, we only consider isothermal case;hence energy equation is not part of mathematical model. When using mathematical models derived in displacements in GM/WF and LSP in constructing integral forms, we note that in GM/WF the number of dependent variables is reduced drastically (only three in R3), whereas in case of first order systems used in LSP and STLSP we may have as many as 22 dependent variables for isothermal case. Thus, GM/WF results in dramatic improvement in computational efficiency as well as accuracy when minimally conforming spaces are used for approximations. In this paper we only consider mathematical model in R2 for BVPs (for simplicity). Mathematical models for IVP and BVP in R3 will be considered in subsequent paper. The integral form is derived in R2 using GM/WF. Numerical examples are presented using GM/WF and LSP to demonstrate advantages of finite element process derived using integral form based on GM/WF for non-classical linear theories for solids incorporating internal rotations due to displacement gradient tensor.