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作者 周香梅 王恒伟 刘秀华 《西南大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第7期57-70,共14页
农户满意程度可以反映政策改革成效,探究农户集体经营性建设用地入市满意度影响因素,有助于评价政策实施效果,同时对提升农村发展和农民幸福感也有一定的现实意义.采用问卷调查和访谈的方式,选取重庆市大足区作为研究区域,基于Logistic... 农户满意程度可以反映政策改革成效,探究农户集体经营性建设用地入市满意度影响因素,有助于评价政策实施效果,同时对提升农村发展和农民幸福感也有一定的现实意义.采用问卷调查和访谈的方式,选取重庆市大足区作为研究区域,基于Logistic模型确定农户满意度的影响因素,结合ISM模型分析各影响因素之间的层次关系,对农民的政策实施满意度影响因素进行实证分析.研究结果显示:(1)针对入市实施效果,绝大部分农户持满意态度,不满意的地方集中在收益分配不及时和环境污染方面;(2)家中是否有村干部、生态环境变化情况、是否参与表决、分配公平性、入市实际收益、程序透明性、入市风险存在情况、对入市土地所有者的认知对入市农户满意度有显著影响.其中对入市土地所有者的认知、入市风险存在情况、入市实际收益为表层直接因素,中层间接因素有生态环境变化情况、是否参与表决、分配公平性以及程序透明性,家中是否有村干部为深层根源因素.应进一步完善土地产权制度,明晰入市到期后土地权属问题;健全监督管理机制,建立集体经营性建设用地入市单位的产业目录和准入标准制度;完善收益分配机制,制定集体土地入市指导性分配意见;将村集体负责人纳入政府基层领导队伍体系,提高程序透明性. 展开更多
关键词 集体经营性建设用地入市 满意度 影响因素 Logistic-ism模型 大足区
基于ISM的战略级弹药订购因素分析 被引量:1
作者 梁俊鹏 郝冰 +3 位作者 史宪铭 王兵 刘昊邦 方清华 《火力与指挥控制》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第12期57-63,共7页
订购因素分析是实施战略级弹药订购亟需解决的关键性问题,为详细而准确地筹划、建设和运用弹药资源,实现合理的弹药储备规模、储备结构以进行精准弹药保障具备重大意义。在弹药订购目标分析的基础上,从顶层设计、需求来源、弹药后勤能... 订购因素分析是实施战略级弹药订购亟需解决的关键性问题,为详细而准确地筹划、建设和运用弹药资源,实现合理的弹药储备规模、储备结构以进行精准弹药保障具备重大意义。在弹药订购目标分析的基础上,从顶层设计、需求来源、弹药后勤能力、生产能力储备、订购经济效益、弹药保障效能等6个方面出发,构建由16个因素组成的弹药订购决策影响因素体系,利用解释结构模型对影响因素进行分析,得到了战略任务、经费投入、储存能力、生产能力4个弹药订购关键影响因素,为战略级弹药订购工作改进提供基础。 展开更多
关键词 战略级弹药订购 目标分析 解释结构模型 影响因素
基于ISM和D-S证据理论的脚手架坍塌致因诊断 被引量:10
作者 郑霞忠 吴凯 +1 位作者 陈述 费晓春 《人民长江》 北大核心 2017年第7期70-73,共4页
为有效预防脚手架坍塌事故,综合运用解释结构模型(ISM)与D-S证据理论,提出脚手架坍塌事故致因诊断方法。筛选主要事故致因指标,采用ISM方法抽象致因指标间的关系,构建脚手架坍塌事故致因指标梯阶层次结构;搭建事故致因指标识别框架,结... 为有效预防脚手架坍塌事故,综合运用解释结构模型(ISM)与D-S证据理论,提出脚手架坍塌事故致因诊断方法。筛选主要事故致因指标,采用ISM方法抽象致因指标间的关系,构建脚手架坍塌事故致因指标梯阶层次结构;搭建事故致因指标识别框架,结合致因影响程度等级评价值,确定证据源,建立事故致因指标基本信度分配函数;运用证据融合规则合成专家信息,量化脚手架事故坍塌致因影响程度,诊断事故关键致因。结合实例,对云南某水电站高边坡施工现场脚手架坍塌事故进行致因分析。结果表明:违章作业是主要事故直接原因;设计错误、无资质施工是主要事故间接原因;安全责任制度不健全是主要事故深层根本原因。研究结果与实际相符,验证了该方法的可靠性。 展开更多
关键词 安全工程 事故致因 ism方法 D-s证据理论 脚手架坍塌
基于ISM的我国战略性新兴产业创新绩效影响因素分析 被引量:7
作者 闫俊周 齐念念 《科技管理研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第12期159-166,共8页
运用专家访谈和解释结构模型方法,对我国战略性新兴产业创新绩效影响因素的层级结构及逻辑关系进行分析,并以中国中车股份有限公司为例验证了结果的有效性。研究结果表明,我国战略性新兴产业创新绩效受多种因素影响,是一个复杂系统;创... 运用专家访谈和解释结构模型方法,对我国战略性新兴产业创新绩效影响因素的层级结构及逻辑关系进行分析,并以中国中车股份有限公司为例验证了结果的有效性。研究结果表明,我国战略性新兴产业创新绩效受多种因素影响,是一个复杂系统;创新绩效影响因素主要由企业知识(技术)吸收能力和研发(人员、费用)投入强度两大子因素系统构成;市场需求强度和宏观经济状况作为创新绩效影响因素系统的起点,是创新的重要动力源;政府和企业应全面系统地认识各影响因素及其相互之间的关系,合理配置创新资源,同时集焦于关键影响因素的提升和管理。 展开更多
关键词 战略性新兴产业 创新绩效 影响因素 中国中车 ism
基于ISM传感器网络的无线热计量方法研究 被引量:3
作者 林喆 魏海波 《工业仪表与自动化装置》 2017年第2期50-53,共4页
针对热计量数据智能化采集和管理过程中线路铺设成本高、改造难度大等问题,将传感器网络技术应用于热计量数据的采集和传输中,对无线热计量网络结构和节点工作原理进行了研究,构建了ISM传感器网络无线热计量系统,提出了一种基于S-MAC协... 针对热计量数据智能化采集和管理过程中线路铺设成本高、改造难度大等问题,将传感器网络技术应用于热计量数据的采集和传输中,对无线热计量网络结构和节点工作原理进行了研究,构建了ISM传感器网络无线热计量系统,提出了一种基于S-MAC协议的热计量数据无线传输方法,并在后期实验过程中通过网络节点的RSSI参数对其性能进行了测试。研究结果表明,所设计的ISM传感器网络在满足无线热计量数据采集和传输要求的基础上,大大降低了数据采集成本,提高了系统的灵活性和拓扑性,所采用的传输的协议保证了数据传输有效性,并可以通过与GSM网络融合实现对热计量数据远程采集与管理。 展开更多
关键词 热计量 ism网络 s-MAC协议
用ISM分析某集团公司关键性经营战略因素 被引量:1
作者 张克英 郭伟 《西安工程科技学院学报》 2002年第4期365-367,共3页
针对 A集团公司经营发展中的问题 ,采用问卷调查方式 ,咨询了该公司 2 0位中上层领导 .总结出了 7个重要因素 .应用 ISM方法分析这些因素 ,得出相应的解释结构模型 ,使影响该集团发展由浅入深的因素层次化 .文中认为低层矛盾得以解决 ,... 针对 A集团公司经营发展中的问题 ,采用问卷调查方式 ,咨询了该公司 2 0位中上层领导 .总结出了 7个重要因素 .应用 ISM方法分析这些因素 ,得出相应的解释结构模型 ,使影响该集团发展由浅入深的因素层次化 .文中认为低层矛盾得以解决 ,公司深层能力才能得到提高 ,表层问题也自然迎刃而解 ,公司才能加速发展 . 展开更多
关键词 ism分析 集团公司 经营战略 影响因素 解释结构模型
Assessment of China's International Environment and U.S. Strategic Trend 被引量:1
作者 Wang Jisi 《Contemporary International Relations》 2002年第12期1-7,共7页
It is of great significance to have a clear understanding of the international environment that China faces. But this is an uneasy job. Since September 11, the world situation has become so complicated that it is hard... It is of great significance to have a clear understanding of the international environment that China faces. But this is an uneasy job. Since September 11, the world situation has become so complicated that it is hard to grasp its essence even with painstaking efforts. To judge such an already complicated international environment from China’s perspective adds more difficulties, for different people usually have different views due to the different angles from which they see the situation and different methods they adopt. This, understandably, leads to hot debates within the Chinese academic circles. To provide a stage for exchange of views, at the invitation of the CIR Expert Forum, some well-known scholars and experts on international relations from Beijing gathered to hold a symposium on November 5, 2002, with the theme of "How to assess the international environment that China faces". The speeches at the symposium will be published in two installments. Following are the first half. 展开更多
关键词 Assessment of China’s International Environment and U.s strategic Trend
The Liberal Hawks and the China Strategy of the Biden Administration
作者 Zhang Zhaoxi 《Contemporary International Relations》 2022年第6期73-94,共22页
Since the Biden administration came to power, the liberal hawks who uphold the liberal internationalist strategy have regained a significant influence on foreign affairs and national security, prioritized the repair o... Since the Biden administration came to power, the liberal hawks who uphold the liberal internationalist strategy have regained a significant influence on foreign affairs and national security, prioritized the repair of U.S. hegemony, and maintained strategic competition with China initiated by the Trump administration. When compared with the paradigm of competition of the Trump administration, the liberal hawks of the Biden administration have improved the strategic logic of competition with China and refined the relevant policy layout to render it compatible with the overall agenda of the Democratic Party. Enhancing strategic competition with China under the leadership of the liberal hawks has not been in the interests of China, the United States(U.S.), or the entire world. The healthy and stable development of China–U.S. relations requires additional rational and pragmatic policies from the side of the U.S. 展开更多
关键词 liberal hawks Biden administration China-U.s.relations strategic competition
New Sino-US Strategic Gambling and China’s Strategy
作者 Wang Honggang 《Contemporary International Relations》 2019年第4期75-91,共17页
Since confidence is fading and anxiety is increasing in the US,America’s China policy has become more radical. In the short term, the US has the upper hand and China is in a relatively passive position. In the medium... Since confidence is fading and anxiety is increasing in the US,America’s China policy has become more radical. In the short term, the US has the upper hand and China is in a relatively passive position. In the medium-and long-term, there will be more balance between them. This current strategic gambling between China and the US will be the major issue of international politics in the first half of the 21 st century and the most prominent external challenge China faces. China needs to make strategic adjustments but the gamble may be worthwhile in correcting imbalance in the international order and in the co-evolution of the two countries. 展开更多
关键词 sino-Us RELATIONs strategIC GAMBLING Us strategY TOWARD China China’s strategY TOWARD the Us
The Third U.S.-China Strategic Economic Dialogue
《China's Foreign Trade》 2008年第2期28-29,共2页
  At Grand Epoch City near Beijing on December 12 and 13, the United States and China held the third Strategic Economic Dialogue (SED).As special representatives of President George W. Bush and President Hu Jintao,T...   At Grand Epoch City near Beijing on December 12 and 13, the United States and China held the third Strategic Economic Dialogue (SED).As special representatives of President George W. Bush and President Hu Jintao,Treasury Secretary Henry M. Pauslon,Jr. and Vice Premier Wu Yi served as cochairs of the SED.…… 展开更多
关键词 sED WILL China strategic Economic Dialogue The Third U.s Innovation
U.S.-Indian Strategic Relations:Interactions and Future Trends
作者 Liu Xuecheng 《China International Studies》 2006年第1期145-157,共13页
关键词 Indian strategic Relations U.s NATO
The Biden Administration’s Scientific and Technological Competition Strategy toward China
作者 Shen Yi Mo Fei 《Contemporary International Relations》 2022年第6期52-72,共21页
Scientific and technological(S&T) competition has become a core and frontier issue in the ongoing China–U.S. strategic competition and the main focus of both countries. Currently, the Biden administration is adop... Scientific and technological(S&T) competition has become a core and frontier issue in the ongoing China–U.S. strategic competition and the main focus of both countries. Currently, the Biden administration is adopting an S&T competition strategy toward China based on the “small yard, high fence” tactical logic, which involves three pillars: investment to make America strong, alignment to get things under control, and competition to weaken China. In the current context of the China–U.S. competition entering a new normal, five inherent contradictions, namely, the gap between strategic expectations and policy effects, shortfall between action capabilities and policy objectives, push-and-pull between strategic deployment and domestic politics, clash between strategic intentions and the S&T innovation ecosystem, and divergences between American priorities and the interests of American allies, will dictate how this administration will implement its S&T competition strategy toward China. 展开更多
关键词 scientific and technological competition strategic competition China-U.s.relations Biden administration
Closer Alliance with WaShington: Tokyo's Strategic Springboard for the New Century
作者 扬伯江 《Contemporary International Relations》 1999年第6期9-19,共11页
The two houses of Japan’s Diet (Parliament) provided the legal prop for theNew Japan-US Defense Guidelines by passing three related acts recently,thus eventually hammering out the reinforced overall framework for the... The two houses of Japan’s Diet (Parliament) provided the legal prop for theNew Japan-US Defense Guidelines by passing three related acts recently,thus eventually hammering out the reinforced overall framework for the bilateralcross-century security project, after an elapse of three years. Introduction of thenew guidelines, the basis for Tokyo’s 21 century-oriented diplomatic/securitystrategy, coupled with their related acts, will exert a significant impact onJapan’s future direction, the Asia-Pacific strategic configuration and the securityinterests of its neighboring nations. It will also spark troubles all around. Yet 展开更多
关键词 Us Tokyo’s strategic springboard for the New Century
作者 Yu Xiaoqiu Deputy Director,Associate Research Professor,Division for World Changes Deputy Secretary General,Center for China’s Foreign Policy Studies,China Institute of Contemporary International Relations. 《Contemporary International Relations》 1997年第4期1-19,共19页
As the chief architect of China’s reform and opening up and a leading personalityof world class,Deng Xiaoping played a historical role in China’s political and e-conomic development in the period of its reform and o... As the chief architect of China’s reform and opening up and a leading personalityof world class,Deng Xiaoping played a historical role in China’s political and e-conomic development in the period of its reform and opening.And so did his globalstrategic thinking,which not only had a decisive bearing on the adjustments,andchanges in China’s foreign strategy and policies,but also made a great 展开更多
Cooperation Benefits Both Sides While Confrontation Harms——Thoughts on Strategic Positioning of Sino-U.S. Relations
作者 Ma Zhengang 《China International Studies》 2006年第1期35-54,共20页
关键词 rate Relations Thoughts on strategic Positioning of sino-U.s Cooperation Benefits Both sides While Confrontation Harms
The Belt and Road Initiatives and China's International Energy Cooperation: Progress, Mechanisms, and Recommendations
作者 Qian Xu-ming 《Cultural and Religious Studies》 2017年第2期85-94,共10页
China's international energy cooperation and energy security are important parts of The Belt and Road initiatives. China and the countries along the Belt and Road continue to promote cooperation, actively use the exi... China's international energy cooperation and energy security are important parts of The Belt and Road initiatives. China and the countries along the Belt and Road continue to promote cooperation, actively use the existing bilateral and multilateral cooperation mechanisms to promote the regional and inter-regional energy cooperation. Countries along the Belt and Road are rich in oil and gas resources; their demand on the diversification of export meet with the diversification demand on imports of consumption countries; and their oil refining and chemical technology as well as construction capacity is weak, which provides a lot of new opportunities in cooperation for Chinese enterprises. However, the energy cooperation of Chinese enterprises are also facing some challenges in the complex environment of energy cooperation, the interference of big powers, non-traditional security threats, and energy policy factors. Finally, the paper puts forward the strategic thinking of China's international energy cooperation under the new situation. 展开更多
关键词 The Belt and Road initiatives China's international energy cooperation energy cooperation mechanism energy strategic channels
China's Strategic Measures to Develop Coal Industry During the Period of the Ninth Five-Year Plan
《China's Foreign Trade》 1996年第10期26-27,共2页
A reporter for China’s Foreign Tradehas learned from the Ministry of theCoal Industry that China will takethe following steps to develop its coal industryduring the ninth five-Year plan period. 1. To regulate the pol... A reporter for China’s Foreign Tradehas learned from the Ministry of theCoal Industry that China will takethe following steps to develop its coal industryduring the ninth five-Year plan period. 1. To regulate the policy for buildupthe coal industry and to make a good job ofthe comprehensive development of buildinga number of key coal production bases. 展开更多
关键词 In will China’s strategic Measures to Develop Coal Industry During the Period of the Ninth Five-Year Plan
Several Strategic Issues in the Development of China's Seed Industry
作者 Chen ZhixinYuan Longping Agncultural High-Tech Co., Ltd., Changsha 410001, China 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2002年第1期12-15,共4页
Chinese agricultural industry and rural economy are currently undergoing a strategic restructuring. The Seed Act has been thoroughly enforced. The Development of West China program has also got started in an all-round... Chinese agricultural industry and rural economy are currently undergoing a strategic restructuring. The Seed Act has been thoroughly enforced. The Development of West China program has also got started in an all-round way. Not long ago China entered the World Trade Organization. All these not only present great opportunities but also severe challenges to China. 展开更多
关键词 several strategic Issues in the Development of China’s seed Industry
Strategic Intentions of the U.S.Engagement Policy towards China:What do Joseph Nye’s Speeches Imply?
《和平与发展》 1999年第2期61-64,共4页
关键词 strategic Intentions of the U.s.Engagement Policy towards China
The Strategic Re-view of China’s Territorial Sovereignty
作者 MA Xiaojun 《国际展望》 2010年第6期1-22,125,共23页
This paper re-examines the status quo of China's territorial sovereignty security from a strategic perspective.Territory is the most basic physical where-about for a country to express national sovereignty.It is t... This paper re-examines the status quo of China's territorial sovereignty security from a strategic perspective.Territory is the most basic physical where-about for a country to express national sovereignty.It is the territory that the national sovereignty derives its physical basis from.In the context of globalization,however, the traditional national territorial sovereignty space is continually squeezed and constrained,but the national territorial sovereignty is still the cornerstone of the international relations.And the inviolability of national territorial sovereignty is still the most important principle of modern international law.In this regard,the primary goal of Chinese national security today remains as a goal to safeguard the unification,integrity and security of China's territorial sovereignty.At present,the integrity,unification and security of Chinese national territorial sovereignty have yet to be achieved on the strategic level.As one of China's basic national conditions,it should be taken seriously and paid adequate strategic attentions. 展开更多
关键词 The strategic Re-view of China s Territorial sovereignty VIEW RE
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