The prompt export leap following the phase out of quotas has past, while the quota restriction came back again, so that the exportation of home textiles began to slow down in the first half of 2006.
In the fi rst three seasons, Shishi Bureau of Inspection and Quarantine re-ported 1845 batches of foreign trade on textile and garments products. The quantity increased 29% from same period last year.
From Aug.2009,total statistics-worthy fixed-assets investment (over CNY 5million) in the textile industry was up 6.55% to CNY 188.245 billion year-on-year,but that was 4.58 percentage points less than the growt...From Aug.2009,total statistics-worthy fixed-assets investment (over CNY 5million) in the textile industry was up 6.55% to CNY 188.245 billion year-on-year,but that was 4.58 percentage points less than the growth rate of the same period last year.During the Jan.-Aug.展开更多
This is a crucial moment for our industry,which is in the midst of deep economic downturn.Textile foreign trade,we have come so far.We have seen so much.But there is so much more to do.
往返于中国与荷兰之间,Jan van Ooijen感受着中国从封闭到开放的过程,也见证着中国供暖市场在国际上越来越重要的崛起。初见喜德瑞集团首席运营官Jan van Ooijen,传闻中这位胆识超人、热衷变化的巨人并没有想象中一丝不苟的表情,他淡然...往返于中国与荷兰之间,Jan van Ooijen感受着中国从封闭到开放的过程,也见证着中国供暖市场在国际上越来越重要的崛起。初见喜德瑞集团首席运营官Jan van Ooijen,传闻中这位胆识超人、热衷变化的巨人并没有想象中一丝不苟的表情,他淡然的微笑中多了份江南水乡浸润的温和;英朗挺拔的身姿,精致挺括的西装搭配,举手投足间混合着贵族式的优雅,良好修养下的自制与从容。他一番声情并茂的风趣交流,侃侃而谈,掷地有声足见其逻辑谨严,思维缜密。展开更多
Illustration All the data in this catalog are chosen from the Preliminary Seismological Report of ChineseSeismic Stations (abbreviated to Monthly Report).The catalog includes the events of M≥4.7 inand near China and ...Illustration All the data in this catalog are chosen from the Preliminary Seismological Report of ChineseSeismic Stations (abbreviated to Monthly Report).The catalog includes the events of M≥4.7 inand near China and M≥6 all over the world.The Monthly Report is monthly complied by theNinth Section of Institute of Geophysics,CSB.展开更多
比利时是一个联邦制国家,由荷语区(Flanders,弗兰德语区)、法语区(Wallonia,瓦隆语区)和德语区构成。自1989年宪法颁布实施以后,每一个语区承担自己的文化和教育事务。国际教育评价组织(International Association for the Evaluation o...比利时是一个联邦制国家,由荷语区(Flanders,弗兰德语区)、法语区(Wallonia,瓦隆语区)和德语区构成。自1989年宪法颁布实施以后,每一个语区承担自己的文化和教育事务。国际教育评价组织(International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement)组织的六科成绩调查(Six Subject Survey)显示,弗兰德语区和瓦隆语区的教育质量在20世纪70年代处于旗鼓相当的水平。进入21世纪以后,弗兰德语区在各种国际学生评价中的表现均优于瓦隆语区。这种优势体现在各门学科(包括语言,数学和自然科学)和各个教育阶段(小学和中学)。与其他工业国家相比,弗兰德语区的学生在语言和数学两个学科处于领先水平,但是在自然科学学科上却处于落后水平。在本期的专家访谈中,我们将与Van Damme教授就弗兰德语区的中小学教育状况展开讨论。Van Damme教授是荷语鲁汶大学(KU Leuven)的荣修教授,他和他的团队长期致力于学生学业成绩和幸福感跟踪研究。展开更多
The paper deals with Jan Patocka's considerations on architecture. It presents Patocka's concept of space as the union of two sensory fields, the kinaesthetic-tactile and the visual, and it emphasizes that this unio...The paper deals with Jan Patocka's considerations on architecture. It presents Patocka's concept of space as the union of two sensory fields, the kinaesthetic-tactile and the visual, and it emphasizes that this union is considered as the "primordial architecture". According to Patocka's view, the material architecture is only a consequence of the primordial architecture. The paper also follows Patocka's idea of the "sacral transubstantiation". Patocka argues that, traditionally, the construction of a work of architecture is considered as dependent on favourable conditions, on divine consent with such a construction and the movement of divine powers into constructed work. The origin of architecture is thus religious. The paper considers the relations and differences between the sacred and secular architecture. It highlights Patocka's idea that both sacred and secular architecture open a certain world, even thought, the status of the world of sacred architecture differs considerably from that of the world of secular architecture.展开更多
The data of China's Custom showed the import volume of China's alumina except for artificial corundum was 488 thousand tons in Jan. 2013, increasing by 9.3% YOY; the import value was USD 175.498 million, increasing ...The data of China's Custom showed the import volume of China's alumina except for artificial corundum was 488 thousand tons in Jan. 2013, increasing by 9.3% YOY; the import value was USD 175.498 million, increasing by 7.8% YOY.展开更多
Jan Shrem and Maria Manetti Shrem艺术博物馆位于加州大学戴维斯分校,是校园内乃至戴维斯城的第一座当代艺术博物馆。设计团队SO–IL紧密关注博物馆设计的语境,将其社会性与物质性要素以一种创新的方式组合起来,为培育、滋养丰富的校...Jan Shrem and Maria Manetti Shrem艺术博物馆位于加州大学戴维斯分校,是校园内乃至戴维斯城的第一座当代艺术博物馆。设计团队SO–IL紧密关注博物馆设计的语境,将其社会性与物质性要素以一种创新的方式组合起来,为培育、滋养丰富的校园交流氛围提供了可能性。最终的设计为未来的博物馆提供了一种新的模型——不是孤立、排外的,而是开放、可持续的,它不是一个静态的神社,而是一个不断进化的社会有机体。展开更多
文摘The prompt export leap following the phase out of quotas has past, while the quota restriction came back again, so that the exportation of home textiles began to slow down in the first half of 2006.
文摘In the fi rst three seasons, Shishi Bureau of Inspection and Quarantine re-ported 1845 batches of foreign trade on textile and garments products. The quantity increased 29% from same period last year.
文摘From Aug.2009,total statistics-worthy fixed-assets investment (over CNY 5million) in the textile industry was up 6.55% to CNY 188.245 billion year-on-year,but that was 4.58 percentage points less than the growth rate of the same period last year.During the Jan.-Aug.
文摘This is a crucial moment for our industry,which is in the midst of deep economic downturn.Textile foreign trade,we have come so far.We have seen so much.But there is so much more to do.
文摘往返于中国与荷兰之间,Jan van Ooijen感受着中国从封闭到开放的过程,也见证着中国供暖市场在国际上越来越重要的崛起。初见喜德瑞集团首席运营官Jan van Ooijen,传闻中这位胆识超人、热衷变化的巨人并没有想象中一丝不苟的表情,他淡然的微笑中多了份江南水乡浸润的温和;英朗挺拔的身姿,精致挺括的西装搭配,举手投足间混合着贵族式的优雅,良好修养下的自制与从容。他一番声情并茂的风趣交流,侃侃而谈,掷地有声足见其逻辑谨严,思维缜密。
文摘Illustration All the data in this catalog are chosen from the Preliminary Seismological Report of ChineseSeismic Stations (abbreviated to Monthly Report).The catalog includes the events of M≥4.7 inand near China and M≥6 all over the world.The Monthly Report is monthly complied by theNinth Section of Institute of Geophysics,CSB.
文摘比利时是一个联邦制国家,由荷语区(Flanders,弗兰德语区)、法语区(Wallonia,瓦隆语区)和德语区构成。自1989年宪法颁布实施以后,每一个语区承担自己的文化和教育事务。国际教育评价组织(International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement)组织的六科成绩调查(Six Subject Survey)显示,弗兰德语区和瓦隆语区的教育质量在20世纪70年代处于旗鼓相当的水平。进入21世纪以后,弗兰德语区在各种国际学生评价中的表现均优于瓦隆语区。这种优势体现在各门学科(包括语言,数学和自然科学)和各个教育阶段(小学和中学)。与其他工业国家相比,弗兰德语区的学生在语言和数学两个学科处于领先水平,但是在自然科学学科上却处于落后水平。在本期的专家访谈中,我们将与Van Damme教授就弗兰德语区的中小学教育状况展开讨论。Van Damme教授是荷语鲁汶大学(KU Leuven)的荣修教授,他和他的团队长期致力于学生学业成绩和幸福感跟踪研究。
文摘The paper deals with Jan Patocka's considerations on architecture. It presents Patocka's concept of space as the union of two sensory fields, the kinaesthetic-tactile and the visual, and it emphasizes that this union is considered as the "primordial architecture". According to Patocka's view, the material architecture is only a consequence of the primordial architecture. The paper also follows Patocka's idea of the "sacral transubstantiation". Patocka argues that, traditionally, the construction of a work of architecture is considered as dependent on favourable conditions, on divine consent with such a construction and the movement of divine powers into constructed work. The origin of architecture is thus religious. The paper considers the relations and differences between the sacred and secular architecture. It highlights Patocka's idea that both sacred and secular architecture open a certain world, even thought, the status of the world of sacred architecture differs considerably from that of the world of secular architecture.
文摘The data of China's Custom showed the import volume of China's alumina except for artificial corundum was 488 thousand tons in Jan. 2013, increasing by 9.3% YOY; the import value was USD 175.498 million, increasing by 7.8% YOY.
文摘Jan Shrem and Maria Manetti Shrem艺术博物馆位于加州大学戴维斯分校,是校园内乃至戴维斯城的第一座当代艺术博物馆。设计团队SO–IL紧密关注博物馆设计的语境,将其社会性与物质性要素以一种创新的方式组合起来,为培育、滋养丰富的校园交流氛围提供了可能性。最终的设计为未来的博物馆提供了一种新的模型——不是孤立、排外的,而是开放、可持续的,它不是一个静态的神社,而是一个不断进化的社会有机体。