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Explaining Japan's Shift to Foreign Policy Activism: Security Challenges and Perverse Political Accountability
作者 Chaekwang You 《International Relations and Diplomacy》 2015年第5期313-328,共16页
关键词 国际关系 外交 外交行政 外交政策
Friendly and Cooperative Relations between China and Latin American and Caribbean Countries & China's Foreign Policy towards Latin America 被引量:2
作者 Liu Yuqin Deputy Director-General of Department of Latin American Affairs,Ministry of Foreign Affairs,PRC 《International Understanding》 2003年第2期11-16,共6页
关键词 In China’s foreign policy towards Friendly and Cooperative Relations
China's Foreign Policy under New Circumstances (Ⅱ)
《Contemporary International Relations》 2003年第6期1-1,共1页
The Iraq war and the North Korean nuclear crisis are the two big events that are attracting worldwide attention. The many debates and changes that have arisen around the globe from these two issues, with the former in... The Iraq war and the North Korean nuclear crisis are the two big events that are attracting worldwide attention. The many debates and changes that have arisen around the globe from these two issues, with the former in particular, cannot but cause 展开更多
关键词 that with HAVE China’s foreign policy under New Circumstances in from
Major Features of the New Situation and China's Foreign Policy
作者 Wang Jisi a Senior Research Fellow and Director of Institute for American Studies of China Academy of Social Sciences. 《Contemporary International Relations》 2003年第5期2-8,共7页
Speaking of "China’s foreign policy under new circumstances," there are five features of the new circumstances in my opinion. All these five features will not fundamentally change in accordance with major e... Speaking of "China’s foreign policy under new circumstances," there are five features of the new circumstances in my opinion. All these five features will not fundamentally change in accordance with major events such as the Iraq war, and to a certain extent, determine that China’s basic foreign policy need not and will not make major adjustments. 展开更多
关键词 of IT As WILL on Major Features of the New situation and China’s foreign policy that in HAVE been
Readjustment in U.S. Foreign Policy
作者 Fu Mengzi Research Professor and Director at Division for American Studies, China Institute of Contemporary International Relations. 《Contemporary International Relations》 2002年第2期1-17,共17页
At the dawn of the new century, the Republicans returned to the White House after eight years in opposition. When President George W. Bush and his foreign policy team were striving to realize their diplomatic ambition... At the dawn of the new century, the Republicans returned to the White House after eight years in opposition. When President George W. Bush and his foreign policy team were striving to realize their diplomatic ambition, the events of September 11 led them to readjust their foreign policy, thereby a remarkable feature can be seen in Mr. Bush’s initial diplomacy. 展开更多
关键词 Readjustment in U.s foreign policy NATO
Towards the East:Iran’s Foreign Policy in Ahmadinejad Era—Based on James Rosenau’s Continuity Theory
作者 Amir Hossein Askari Mohammad Zarei 《International Relations and Diplomacy》 2020年第6期240-250,共11页
The article seeks to examine the East Look Policy(ELP)in Iran’s Foreign Policy(IFP)(2005-2013).We believe that states,due to different factors,may adopt different policies in their FP.So,the main research question is... The article seeks to examine the East Look Policy(ELP)in Iran’s Foreign Policy(IFP)(2005-2013).We believe that states,due to different factors,may adopt different policies in their FP.So,the main research question is:Why did Iranian state adopt ELP in its FP in duration of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad era?With regard to the question,our hypothesis is“there are some factors in Iran’s internal environment that we called them micro-level factors and some variable in external environment that we called them macro-level variables in formation of ELP in IFP”.To prove this hypothesis,we use James Rosenau’s foreign policy theory that has been stood on two micro-and macrolevel analysis to examination of FP of any state.Regarding Rosenau’s theory,there are four factors on micro-level include:individual of policy-maker,his/her role in political system,social values,and governmental structure.In addition,in macro-level,there are some variables,such as the logic of anarchy,the action of other states(especially US),and nuclear sanctions imposed by the US and Western nations. 展开更多
关键词 James Rosenau’s continuity theory the East Look policy foreign policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
U.S.,Europe and China in Russia's Foreign Policy
作者 Ji ZhiyeChina Institute for Contemporary International Studies Gao Yu 《International Understanding》 2003年第4期13-19,共7页
关键词 in U.s 2003 Europe and China in Russia’s foreign policy
Henan Province's Preferential Policies for Foreign Investment
《China's Foreign Trade》 1997年第3期35-,38,共2页
1.Management of Foreign-invested Enterprises The Henan Provincial Government protects the autonomy of production and management of foreign-invested enterprises, and supports their management according to international... 1.Management of Foreign-invested Enterprises The Henan Provincial Government protects the autonomy of production and management of foreign-invested enterprises, and supports their management according to international advanced scientific methods. 展开更多
关键词 Henan Province’s Preferential Policies for foreign Investment
作者 LV YAODONG 《Contemporary World》 2018年第2期41-44,共4页
China-Japan Relationship is a very special bilateral tie in international relations since it’s a matter of regional peace and stability.The Abe administration has long pursued a"bet-hedging"strategy towards... China-Japan Relationship is a very special bilateral tie in international relations since it’s a matter of regional peace and stability.The Abe administration has long pursued a"bet-hedging"strategy towards China.Although it claims that it attaches great importance to the ties between Japan and China,it pursues"Strategic Diplomacy"and"Value-oriented Diplomacy"to hype up the so-called"China Threat" 展开更多
作者 曲敖廷 杨云 +2 位作者 周小林 迟婧茹 沈云怡 《中国科技资源导刊》 2024年第1期17-23,38,共8页
对外科技援助已逐渐成为我国对外援助以及科技理念推广的重要手段。近10年来,我国政府主导的对外科技援助工作逐步完善并形成体系,取得了切实的成果成效。在回顾对外科技援助的演变历程和政策举措的基础上,分析近10年来对外科技援助工... 对外科技援助已逐渐成为我国对外援助以及科技理念推广的重要手段。近10年来,我国政府主导的对外科技援助工作逐步完善并形成体系,取得了切实的成果成效。在回顾对外科技援助的演变历程和政策举措的基础上,分析近10年来对外科技援助工作的特点,归纳总结所取得的成效经验,并据此提出对未来科技援外工作的优化建议。 展开更多
关键词 对外援助 对外科技援助 发展合作 援外政策 科技外交
冷战时期美国对东南亚区域合作的政策选择——从东约(SEATO)到东盟(ASEAN) 被引量:1
作者 喻常森 《东南亚研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第5期51-58,共8页
受冷战的影响,20世纪50-70年代的东南亚区域合作经历了由外源型向内生型的方式转换。外来因素不仅塑造了东南亚区域主义基本样式,决定了区域合作的性质,而且极大地影响了区域合作的发展进程和方向。在众多的外部因素中,域外大国,尤其是... 受冷战的影响,20世纪50-70年代的东南亚区域合作经历了由外源型向内生型的方式转换。外来因素不仅塑造了东南亚区域主义基本样式,决定了区域合作的性质,而且极大地影响了区域合作的发展进程和方向。在众多的外部因素中,域外大国,尤其是西方阵营的主导性国家——美国的外交政策发挥着关键作用。冷战时期,美国对东南亚区域合作的政策也经历了由积极介入、强力主导到施加间接影响的转变,主要体现在对东约(SEATO)和东盟(ASEAN)这两个不同性质的区域合作组织采取不同的政策。本文即选取这两个区域组织为案例,通过对史料的解读,分析冷战时期美国对东南亚不同类型的区域组织采取不同政策的原因和政策实施效果。 展开更多
关键词 东南亚 区域合作 美国 外交政策 东约 东盟
作者 徐万胜 王佳睿 《南洋问题研究》 北大核心 2024年第1期1-14,共14页
冷战后日本对东南亚外交的演变脉络呈现明显的阶段性调整,包含政策领域与政策路径等。在此过程中,日本突出东南亚外交的政治色彩并全面发展与东盟国家的各领域双边关系,在持续深化经济外交的基础上取得了经济合作机制化建设进展,且正致... 冷战后日本对东南亚外交的演变脉络呈现明显的阶段性调整,包含政策领域与政策路径等。在此过程中,日本突出东南亚外交的政治色彩并全面发展与东盟国家的各领域双边关系,在持续深化经济外交的基础上取得了经济合作机制化建设进展,且正致力于推动与部分东盟国家的海洋安全合作及其机制化建设,进而试图主导地区秩序构建。日本对东南亚外交的政策逻辑主要体现在国家战略转型、地区框架建构与大国关系互动3个层面。其中,日本国家战略的目标诉求与实施路径,始终对其东南亚外交起到规范作用;日本对东南亚外交既是地区框架建构进程的有效组成部分,又受其规范与制约;日本始终需要考虑美国、中国等大国因素,且美国因素是约束日本外交取向的首要因素。冷战后日本对东南亚的外交深化了日本与东盟国家间双边关系,为日本自身的国家战略转型提供路径支撑,但在地区层面上则导致东亚合作框架泛化、东盟中心地位弱化以及地区安全局势不稳。 展开更多
关键词 日本外交 日本—东盟 东南亚外交 东亚合作 地区安全
作者 杨佳腾 《日本问题研究》 2024年第2期25-34,共10页
2013年9月,时任日本首相安倍晋三提出“以国际协调主义为基础的积极和平主义”,并将其写入2013年版《国家安全保障战略》。2022年12月,日本公布新版《国家安全保障战略》,“积极和平主义”仍然被置于重要地位。现有研究成果大多认为“... 2013年9月,时任日本首相安倍晋三提出“以国际协调主义为基础的积极和平主义”,并将其写入2013年版《国家安全保障战略》。2022年12月,日本公布新版《国家安全保障战略》,“积极和平主义”仍然被置于重要地位。现有研究成果大多认为“积极和平主义”是安倍二次政权期间的对外政策,并未将其提升至国家战略层面。在梳理日本“积极和平主义”提出脉络和概念界定之上,从国家利益、战略目标、政策路径三方面探讨了“积极和平主义”为何实现了从对外政策到国家战略的转变,并运用新古典现实主义理论框架中体系刺激、领导人意象、战略文化三个因素分析了日本“积极和平主义”国家战略的生成逻辑。 展开更多
关键词 “积极和平主义” 日本国家战略 日本对外政策 安倍政权
作者 马丽华 《日本问题研究》 2024年第2期44-54,共11页
20世纪90年代以来,在少子老龄化背景下,日本通过颁布《男女共同参与社会基本法》等相关政策和法律,逐步打破了长期以来“良妻贤母主义”的垄断地位,加大了日本女性社会参与政策改革的力度,推动了建设“男女共同参与社会”的进程。其中,... 20世纪90年代以来,在少子老龄化背景下,日本通过颁布《男女共同参与社会基本法》等相关政策和法律,逐步打破了长期以来“良妻贤母主义”的垄断地位,加大了日本女性社会参与政策改革的力度,推动了建设“男女共同参与社会”的进程。其中,政策领域女性人权的彰显、经济领域政策目标的调适、文化领域男女共同参与的推进以及社会教育领域女性机构的建立,是推动日本女性社会参与政策不断调整和完善的主要动因。日本女性社会参与政策的实施成效和动因中折射出的“男女共同参与”观念、教育中嵌入的“性别认同”、政策中体现的“性别主流化”以及女性理论研究等,对推进日本女性社会参与起到了重要作用。这些经验对于中国女性社会参与政策的未来发展取向具有一定的参考价值。 展开更多
关键词 日本 少子老龄化 女性政策 社会参与
作者 乔林生 《日本问题研究》 2023年第2期1-13,共13页
俄乌冲突的爆发,对长期处于和平主义思潮影响下的日本社会造成较大冲击。日本政府不仅谴责了俄罗斯的军事行动,还与欧美等国联合援助乌克兰,并阶段性地强化了对俄罗斯的经济制裁。日本的外交举措在双边层面上直接导致日俄关系显著恶化,... 俄乌冲突的爆发,对长期处于和平主义思潮影响下的日本社会造成较大冲击。日本政府不仅谴责了俄罗斯的军事行动,还与欧美等国联合援助乌克兰,并阶段性地强化了对俄罗斯的经济制裁。日本的外交举措在双边层面上直接导致日俄关系显著恶化,促使日乌关系迅速提升,亦进一步强化了日美同盟关系;在多边层面上则推进了日本与G7国家的协作,加强了日本与北约的联系,也导致日本加大了推进印太战略的力度。与此同时俄乌冲突加速了日本安全战略的转型,推进了日本走向“正常化国家”的步伐。日本政府破例首次向处于战争状态下的乌克兰提供了防弹衣、头盔等非杀伤性军事装备,首相岸田文雄也破例成为日本战后历史上首次访问战争地区的最高首脑。 展开更多
关键词 俄乌冲突 日本外交 日乌关系 日俄关系
作者 王新玮 郭婷婷 《延边大学学报(社会科学版)》 2023年第3期62-68,142,共8页
《中日修好条规》是近代中国同东亚国家签订的第一个正式建交条约,具有重要的历史意义。1870年,日本派使臣出使中国,请求订约通商;1871年,中日双方签订《中日修好条规》,正式建立近代外交关系。在谈判过程中,清政府根据日本特殊的地理... 《中日修好条规》是近代中国同东亚国家签订的第一个正式建交条约,具有重要的历史意义。1870年,日本派使臣出使中国,请求订约通商;1871年,中日双方签订《中日修好条规》,正式建立近代外交关系。在谈判过程中,清政府根据日本特殊的地理、文化因素,一改同欧美诸国订约时的被动局面,在“一体均沾”“领事裁判权”等涉及中国主权的问题上,根据国家利益采取不同策略。《中日修好条规》基本符合清政府“和戎”的政策,在一定程度上促进了中国对东亚外交由传统的“朝贡体制”向近代外交过渡。 展开更多
关键词 《中日修好条规》 外交政策 “一体均沾” 中日关系
Understanding China’s Foreign Assistance Policy
作者 He Rui 《Beijing Review》 2019年第31期22-22,23-25,共4页
By providing various types of foreign assistance,China has become an importa nt contributor to inter national development.While some say the largest developing country in the world should focus on its own domestic goa... By providing various types of foreign assistance,China has become an importa nt contributor to inter national development.While some say the largest developing country in the world should focus on its own domestic goals rather than international ones,actually,domestic development and external development are two sides of the same coin.No nation canbe insulated from the outside world whenfacing interconnected global development challenges like poverty,unemployment,infectious diseases and terrorism. 展开更多
关键词 China’s foreign AssIsTANCE policy foreign AssIsTANCE NATIONAL development
Will Noda Shift Japan’s China Policy?
作者 ZHANG YAOHUA 《Beijing Review》 2011年第37期16-17,共2页
Better ties with China could help Japan’s economic recovery The Japanese political merrygo -round has spun out yet another new prime minister. On August 30, Yoshihiko Noda replaced Nao to Kan to become Japan’s third... Better ties with China could help Japan’s economic recovery The Japanese political merrygo -round has spun out yet another new prime minister. On August 30, Yoshihiko Noda replaced Nao to Kan to become Japan’s third prime minister in the last two years and sixth in the last five years. Observers 展开更多
关键词 Will Noda shift japan s China policy
The Role of Value in the U. S. Foreign Policy and Its Limitation
作者 Cai Cui-hong 《Fudan Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences》 2010年第2期89-107,共19页
关键词 外交政策 价值功能 美国 价值观念 相互排斥 国家利益 政治活动 外模式
China’s Developing Foreign Policy Initiatives towards Major International Issues
作者 Gaafar Karar Ahmed 《Asian Journal of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies》 2008年第2期30-46,I0006,I0005,共19页
Since 2006,it has become clearer that China is adopting a new approach to dealing with major international issues,such as the North Korea and Iran nuclear issues and the Darfur crisis in western Sudan.In all these iss... Since 2006,it has become clearer that China is adopting a new approach to dealing with major international issues,such as the North Korea and Iran nuclear issues and the Darfur crisis in western Sudan.In all these issues China has contributed positively and has demonstrated a high degree of cooperation with other major powers in order to solve these problems.On the Iran and Korean nuclear issues,China has encouraged these countries to respect the nuclear non-proliferation regime while using her influence in Sudan to push the Sudanese government to accept the deployment of the United Nations-African Union forces in Darfur. 展开更多
关键词 China’s foreign policy China and the Middle East
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