I am working in Japan electrical safety & environment technology laboratory,which is called JET for short. In JET, we are carrying out the safety test of electrical equipmentaccording to Japanese domestic stan...I am working in Japan electrical safety & environment technology laboratory,which is called JET for short. In JET, we are carrying out the safety test of electrical equipmentaccording to Japanese domestic standards or IEC standards. And in my section, our stuff is draftingsome national safety standards harmonized with IEC in cooperation with the government. The standardsare applied for the mandatory regulation and other schemes.展开更多
为了使我国电缆企业能够设计和制造出符合海外市场需求的日本标准塑料绝缘控制电缆产品,从标准适用范围、电缆结构、材料性能和成品电缆测试方面对国标GB/T 9330—2020和日标JIS C 3401:2002之间规定差异进行了对比解读。在对标准内容...为了使我国电缆企业能够设计和制造出符合海外市场需求的日本标准塑料绝缘控制电缆产品,从标准适用范围、电缆结构、材料性能和成品电缆测试方面对国标GB/T 9330—2020和日标JIS C 3401:2002之间规定差异进行了对比解读。在对标准内容条分缕析后指出,两个标准对电缆导体、绝缘线芯、成缆、屏蔽、内衬层(隔离套)、铠装和外护套的结构和性能规定均有所不同,即使是相同的电缆检测项目也因各自依据的测试标准不同而出现测试方法和要求的迥异。希望以此给我国电缆企业在处理海外标准电缆采购项目时提供参考。展开更多
文摘I am working in Japan electrical safety & environment technology laboratory,which is called JET for short. In JET, we are carrying out the safety test of electrical equipmentaccording to Japanese domestic standards or IEC standards. And in my section, our stuff is draftingsome national safety standards harmonized with IEC in cooperation with the government. The standardsare applied for the mandatory regulation and other schemes.
文摘为了使我国电缆企业能够设计和制造出符合海外市场需求的日本标准塑料绝缘控制电缆产品,从标准适用范围、电缆结构、材料性能和成品电缆测试方面对国标GB/T 9330—2020和日标JIS C 3401:2002之间规定差异进行了对比解读。在对标准内容条分缕析后指出,两个标准对电缆导体、绝缘线芯、成缆、屏蔽、内衬层(隔离套)、铠装和外护套的结构和性能规定均有所不同,即使是相同的电缆检测项目也因各自依据的测试标准不同而出现测试方法和要求的迥异。希望以此给我国电缆企业在处理海外标准电缆采购项目时提供参考。