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和田地区包虫病流行与防治检测体会 被引量:4
作者 祖力胡马力.尼拉木丁 努斯来提 +3 位作者 马力克 闫昊 吴昕 芒力克.托合提 《新疆畜牧业》 2014年第5期36-37,共2页
包虫病是新疆主要的地方性寄生虫病,对人民健康和畜牧业生产危害极大,绵羊、牛是新疆的主要家畜,也是棘球蚴的主要宿主,在棘球蚴病的传播过程中起主要作用。2013年自治区动物卫生监督所寄生虫病室和和田地区疾控中心协作对民丰县、策勒... 包虫病是新疆主要的地方性寄生虫病,对人民健康和畜牧业生产危害极大,绵羊、牛是新疆的主要家畜,也是棘球蚴的主要宿主,在棘球蚴病的传播过程中起主要作用。2013年自治区动物卫生监督所寄生虫病室和和田地区疾控中心协作对民丰县、策勒县、和田县、墨玉县、皮山县进行了牛、绵羊、犬包虫病感染程度的调查,现报告如下: 展开更多
关键词 畜牧业生产 控中心 墨玉县 检测体 传播过程 感染程度 感染数 民丰县 和田县
食用海鱼当心异尖线虫感染 被引量:1
《家庭健康(医学科普)》 2013年第9期48-49,共2页
一条十几厘米的海鱼中,居然发现有十几条寄生虫,还有一条鱼中发现20多条寄生虫。近日,部分市民回家洗鱼的过程中,发现鱼中存在类似寄生虫的不明物体。疾控部门对市面上的部分海鱼进行检验后发现,部分海鱼中确实存在寄生虫。在此提... 一条十几厘米的海鱼中,居然发现有十几条寄生虫,还有一条鱼中发现20多条寄生虫。近日,部分市民回家洗鱼的过程中,发现鱼中存在类似寄生虫的不明物体。疾控部门对市面上的部分海鱼进行检验后发现,部分海鱼中确实存在寄生虫。在此提醒大众:在食用海鱼时一定要彻底煮熟,对于生鱼片等生海鲜或不熟海鲜要谨慎食用。 展开更多
关键词 海鱼 线感染 食用 寄生 控部门 生鱼片 海鲜
作者 邵向云 洪加林 +3 位作者 刘明达 李友松 汪学龙 沈一平 《热带病与寄生虫学》 2009年第3期163-163,176,共2页
由华东地区肺吸虫病防治研究协作组(下称华东协作组)主办、安徽医科大学承办的华东地区肺吸虫病第六次学术研讨会暨华东协作组第七次协作会议于2008 年12月11~13日在安徽合肥市召开.参加会议的有华东五省一市及云南、湖北等省的高等医... 由华东地区肺吸虫病防治研究协作组(下称华东协作组)主办、安徽医科大学承办的华东地区肺吸虫病第六次学术研讨会暨华东协作组第七次协作会议于2008 年12月11~13日在安徽合肥市召开.参加会议的有华东五省一市及云南、湖北等省的高等医药院校、科研院(所)及有关医院、疾控中心从事寄生虫与寄生虫病科研防治工作的专家、学者及专业工作者共38人.会议共收到论文20 多篇,内容涉及肺吸虫病的病原学、生物学、流行病学、分子生物学、临床学等方面及猪囊虫病、广州管圆线虫病、裂头蚴病、阿米巴病、尖吻腹蛇舌状虫病等. 展开更多
关键词 华东地区 肺吸 协作组 第六次学术研讨会 广州管圆线 分子生物学 寄生 高等医药院校 安徽医科大学 猪囊 流行病学 裂头蚴病 科研院 控中心 华东五省 防治研究 防治工作 参加会议 阿米巴病 协作会
作者 宋志勇 袁飞 《中国西藏》 2016年第4期36-37,共2页
关键词 石渠县 千人 泡型 无主 控中心 攻坚任务 国家级贫困县 疑似病例 宗教界人士
Selective Effect of Qinghaosu on Different Stages of Plasmodium falciparum in Vitro 被引量:1
作者 叶祖光 CarolynDoak KnoxVanDyke 《Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences》 CAS 1993年第1期64-68,共5页
Using highly synchronous cultures of Plasmodium falciparum in vitro,the susceptibi- lity of the different stages of the intraerythrocytic parasites to Qinghaosu (QHS) was assessed.The anti- parasitic effect of QHS was... Using highly synchronous cultures of Plasmodium falciparum in vitro,the susceptibi- lity of the different stages of the intraerythrocytic parasites to Qinghaosu (QHS) was assessed.The anti- parasitic effect of QHS was measured by comparing the changes of irradiation of^3 H-hypoxanthine in- corporated into the nucleic acids of parasites exposed to various concentrations of QHS at different stages of growth.It was found that the trophozoite stage of the parasite was the most sensitive to QHS, whereas the early ring stage was the least sensitive,and the sensitivities of the late ring and schizont stages fell between those of the early ring and trophozoite stages.The results revealed the correlation of stage-dependent effects of QHS with the blockade of the protein metabolism of the parasite. 展开更多
关键词 Qinghaosu(artemisinin) Antimalarial drug Plasmodium falciparum MALARIA
作者 张悦 《医疗社会史研究》 2024年第1期79-100,323-324,共24页
“瘵疾”作为宋元社会中广泛出现的一类疾病名称,在世俗医籍、文学笔记、道教文献中,呈现不同的理论解释与描述重点,代表了宋元社会中不同群体对瘵疾的理解和想象。从知识史的角度探讨瘵疾概念的形成及其在宋元日常生活、宗教生活中的... “瘵疾”作为宋元社会中广泛出现的一类疾病名称,在世俗医籍、文学笔记、道教文献中,呈现不同的理论解释与描述重点,代表了宋元社会中不同群体对瘵疾的理解和想象。从知识史的角度探讨瘵疾概念的形成及其在宋元日常生活、宗教生活中的流转和形塑,可以发现,医籍中,它是人体虚损的严重化,虚损的结果是患者的身体最终变为病原体向外传播瘵疾;文学中,瘵疾由疾病的统称发展为情志之病,成为文人展现自身观念或者需求的文化意象;道教文献吸收了医籍中的瘵疾知识,并进行了通俗化和神学化的改造,瘵疾成为尸虫侵蚀人体的结果,以及冤魂向活人复仇的手段。三类文献在互动之中共同塑造了宋元社会中不同群体关于“瘵疾”的认识、想象与应对。 展开更多
关键词 宋元 医学 道教
作者 黄策 薛爱曾 +1 位作者 阎国珍 赵太松 《人民军医》 1960年第S2期23-32,共10页
1.我们在恶性瘧较多的地区进行藥物预防瘧疾的观察。2.所采用的藥物和剂量为:(1)大冷必灵每周一次,成人剂量25毫克(基质);(2)大冷必灵每两周一次,成人剂量25毫克(基质);(3)氯化喹啉每周一次,成人剂量300毫克(基质);(4)白乐君每周一次,... 1.我们在恶性瘧较多的地区进行藥物预防瘧疾的观察。2.所采用的藥物和剂量为:(1)大冷必灵每周一次,成人剂量25毫克(基质);(2)大冷必灵每两周一次,成人剂量25毫克(基质);(3)氯化喹啉每周一次,成人剂量300毫克(基质);(4)白乐君每周一次,成人剂量300毫克(盐类);(5)白乐君每周三次,成人剂量每次100毫克(盐类);(6)对照组每两周服小苏打一片。3.每周一次25毫克大冷必灵,在约六个月的服藥期间,抑制了各种瘧疾的发病,迅速降低了原虫率和脾腫率。服藥两个月后原虫率已自服藥前的19.8%降至零,三个月后脾腫率已自32.0%降至2.2%。在停藥后将近三个月的观察期中,未见恶性瘧发病和血内恶性瘧原虫阳性,故认为大冷必灵每周一次25毫克能抑制性地治愈恶性瘧。关于对间日瘧的作用,由于停藥后在非傳染季节中发生了4个病例,故认为大冷必灵在傳染季节过后立即停藥对该地区的间日瘧无抑制性治愈作用。4.每两周一次大冷必灵25毫克,亦能较迅速地降低原虫率和脾腫率。但在服藥期间发生恶性瘧3例,停藥后的将近三个月中又查到了带虫者15例,其中恶性瘧4例,间日瘧9例,三日瘧2例。所以用这个方案进行服藥预防是不够满意的。5.每周一次服用氯化喹啉300毫克基质,在将近四个月的服藥期间抑制了各种瘧疾的发作。服藥两个月后,原虫率自服藥前的18.9%降至零,停藥时脾腫率自服藥前的38.0%降至15.0%,但由于停藥时间过早,关于其对恶性瘧能否达到抑制性治愈,未能得出结论。6.每周一次服用白乐君300毫克盐类,和每周300毫克分三次服用,在将近四个月的服藥期间,均抑制了各种瘧疾的发作。前一种服法服藥两个月后,原虫率自服藥前的17.2%降至零,停藥时脾腫率自25.0%降至8.0%。后一种服法服藥一个月后,原虫率自5.0%降至零,停藥时的脾腫率下降也不多,但由于停藥时间过早,未能肯定这两种剂量的白乐君对恶性瘧的抑制性治愈作用和真正预防作用。7.在约九个月的观察期间,对照组(93人)中共发生瘧疾18例;计恶性瘧10例,间日瘧3例,三日瘧5例。各服藥组区中的未服藥居民(约262人),在此期间共发生瘧疾31例;计恶性瘧21例,间日瘧6例,三日瘧1例,混合感染3例。对照组的原虫率始终维持在5.3%-11.0%之间,脾腫率维持在17%-27%之间。8.服大冷必灵时未产生任何副作用。但空腹服用氯化喹啉时曾引起过头昏、恶心、嘔吐等副作用。一次空腹服用300毫克白乐君时亦曾产生过类似的副作用。9.采用大冷必灵每周一次25毫克进行服藥预防,能有效地抑制各种瘧疾的发病,迅速而显著的降低原虫率和脾腫率,并能抑制性地治愈恶性瘧。其味不苦,服法简单,无任何副作用,为防治瘧疾的良藥。 展开更多
关键词 携带者 阳性 配子 体内寄生 配偶子 配子体 Daraprim 白乐君 氯胍 抑制性 传染源 剂量 用药量
作者 陈仁山 蒋淼 +1 位作者 陈思敏 梁飞 《中药与临床》 2013年第6期000-000,共1页
524[水仙子]各省各属均有.又名五谷虫,即屎虫干也.但以广东罗浮山产者为最虔洁,名日罗仙子.夏秋多出.罗浮山出者,将屎虫干洗净晒干.用沙□慢火炒至胀起,是以大条明净且无臭味. 主治:寒.治疳疾.《本草新义》 525[蛤蟆]产广东番禺喃呒庄.... 524[水仙子]各省各属均有.又名五谷虫,即屎虫干也.但以广东罗浮山产者为最虔洁,名日罗仙子.夏秋多出.罗浮山出者,将屎虫干洗净晒干.用沙□慢火炒至胀起,是以大条明净且无臭味. 主治:寒.治疳疾.《本草新义》 525[蛤蟆]产广东番禺喃呒庄.土产三四月新.即蟾酥干是也. 展开更多
关键词 五谷 干洗净 《本草备要》 《本经》 鬼疰 补肾 助阳 花蛇 骨节疼痛
探讨老年肺炎患者临床诊断中检验血清C反应蛋白(CRP)、血沉(ESR)、以及D-二聚体(D-D)水平的临床价值 被引量:8
作者 王加平 《中外医疗》 2017年第13期25-27,共3页
目的探讨老年肺炎患者临床诊断中检验血清C反应蛋白(CRP)、血沉(ESR)、以及D-二聚体(D-D)水平的临床价值。方法随机选择该院2015年1月—2016年12月期间收治的50例老年肺炎病例为观察组研究对象,并以同期自愿参与研究的50名健康老年体检... 目的探讨老年肺炎患者临床诊断中检验血清C反应蛋白(CRP)、血沉(ESR)、以及D-二聚体(D-D)水平的临床价值。方法随机选择该院2015年1月—2016年12月期间收治的50例老年肺炎病例为观察组研究对象,并以同期自愿参与研究的50名健康老年体检者为对照组研究对象,比较两组血清C反应蛋白(CRP)、血沉(ESR)、以及D-二聚体(D-D)水平。结果观察组老年患者血清CRP(103.2±23.4)mg/L、ESR(35.8±6.5)μg/L、D-D(1 152.4±43.1)mm/h水平均显著高于对照组(8.9±1.2)mg/L、(10.2±1.4)μg/L、(182.6±14.8)mm/h,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。将观察组以80岁为临界值分组,80岁以上患者CRP(102.4±21.8)mg/L、ESR(34.8±5.8)μg/L、D-D(1 148.7±45.2)mm/h与80岁以下患者(103.8±22.1)mg/L、(35.4±6.2)μg/L、(1 142.3±43.9)mm/h,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论临床上可行血清C反应蛋白、血沉及D-二聚体检测来诊断老年肺炎的情况,为治疗和预后提供有效依据。 展开更多
关键词 老年肺炎 血清C反应蛋白 血沉 D-二聚体
作者 路沥云 《郑州航空工业管理学院学报(社会科学版)》 2022年第3期89-94,共6页
《鄘风·墙有茨》的“茨”字在《安徽大学藏战国竹简(一)》中写作“[疾虫]■”,程燕《〈墙有茨〉新解》认为,二字含义与昆虫有关,表示蜈蚣义。然而考察《诗经》“A有B”句式,以及“束”字搭配名词的语义特点,可知B处应为表植物的名... 《鄘风·墙有茨》的“茨”字在《安徽大学藏战国竹简(一)》中写作“[疾虫]■”,程燕《〈墙有茨〉新解》认为,二字含义与昆虫有关,表示蜈蚣义。然而考察《诗经》“A有B”句式,以及“束”字搭配名词的语义特点,可知B处应为表植物的名词,而非表昆虫义的名词,“茨”表示植物的传统训释并无不妥。 展开更多
关键词 安大简 《鄘风·墙有茨》 异文 []■
Improved experimental model of hepatic cystic hydatid disease resembling natural infection route with stable growing dynamics and immune reaction 被引量:2
作者 Rui-Qing Zhang Xin-Hua Chen Hao Wen 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS 2017年第45期7989-7999,共11页
AIM To investigate a safer way to set up the disease model of cystic echinococcosis without contamination risk and develop a novel experimental murine model of hepatic cystic echinococcosis. METHODS C57 B/6 mice were ... AIM To investigate a safer way to set up the disease model of cystic echinococcosis without contamination risk and develop a novel experimental murine model of hepatic cystic echinococcosis. METHODS C57 B/6 mice were injected with human protoscolices of three different concentrations via the portal vein. The mice were followed for 10 mo by ultrasound,gross anatomy,and pathological and immunological examinations. The protoscolex migration in the portal vein,hydatid cyst growth,host immune reaction,and hepatic histopathology were examined periodically.RESULTS The infection rates in the mice in the high,medium,and low concentration groups were 90%,100%,and 63.6%,respectively. The protoscolices migrated in the portal vein with blood flow,settled in the liver,and developed into orthotopic hepatic hydatid cysts,resembling the natural infection route and course.CONCLUSION We have established an improved experimental model of hepatic cystic echinococcosis with low biohazard risk but stable growing dynamics and immune reaction. It is especially useful for new anti-parasite medication trials against hydatid disease. 展开更多
关键词 ECHINOCOCCOSIS Echinococcosis granulosus PROTOSCOLEX Hydatid disease Experimental model
Hepatic echinococcosis:Clinical and therapeutic aspects 被引量:76
作者 Giuseppe Nunnari Marilia R Pinzone +6 位作者 Salvatore Gruttadauria Benedetto M Celesia Giordano Madeddu Giulia Malaguarnera Piero Pavone Alessandro Cappellani Bruno Cacopardo 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第13期1448-1458,共11页
Echinococcosis or hydatid disease (HD) is a zoonosis caused by the larval stages of taeniid cestodes belong- ing to the genus Echinococcus. Hepatic echinococcosis is a life-threatening disease, mainly differentiated... Echinococcosis or hydatid disease (HD) is a zoonosis caused by the larval stages of taeniid cestodes belong- ing to the genus Echinococcus. Hepatic echinococcosis is a life-threatening disease, mainly differentiated into alveolar and cystic forms, associated with Echinoc- cus multilocularis (E. multi/ocular/s) and Echinococcus granulosus (E. granulosus) infection, respectively. Cys- tic echinococcosis (CE) has a worldwide distribution, while hepatic alveolar echinococcosis (AE) is endemic in the Northern hemisphere, including North America and several Asian and European countries, like France, Germany and Austria. E. granulosus young cysts are spherical, unilocular vesicles, consisting of an internal germinal layer and an outer acellular layer. Cyst expansion is associated with a host immune reaction and the subsequent development of a fibrous layer, called the per/cyst; old cysts typically present internal septa- tions and daughter cysts. E. multilocularis has a tumor-like, infiltrative behavior, which is responsible for tissue destruction and finally for liver failure. The liver is the main site of HD involvement, for both alveolar and cystic hydatidosis. HD is usually asymptomatic for a long period of time, because cyst growth is commonly slow; the most frequent symptoms are fatigue and abdominal pain. Patients may also present jaundice, hepatomegaly or anaphylaxis, due to cyst leakage or rupture. HD diagnosis is usually accomplished with the combined use of ultrasonography and immunodiagnosis; furthermore, the improvement of surgical techniques, the introduction of minimally invasive treatments [such as puncture, aspiration, injection, re-aspiration (PAIR)] and more effective drugs (such as benzoimidazoles) have deeply changed life expectancy and quality of life of patients with HD. The aim of this article is to provide an up-to-date review of biological, diagnostic, clinical and therapeutic aspects of hepatic echinococcosis. 展开更多
关键词 HYDATIDOSIS Cystic echinococcosis Alveolarechinococcosis Liver PAIR ALBENDAZOLE Treatment Diagnosis
Prevalence of clonorchiasis in patients with gastrointestinal disease: A Korean nationwide multicenter survey 被引量:15
作者 Ho Gak Kim Jimin Han +30 位作者 Myung-Hwan Kim Kyu Hyun Cho Im Hee Shin Gwang Ha Kim Jae Seon Kim Jin Bong Kim Tae Nyeun Kim Tae Hyeon Kim Tae Hyo Kim Jae Woo Kim Ji Kon Ryu Young-Soo Moon Jong Ho Moon Sung Jae Park Chan Guk Park Sung-Jo Bang Chang Heon Yang Kyo-Sang Yoo Byung Moo Yoo Kyu Taek Lee Dong Ki Lee Byung Seok Lee Sang Soo Lee Seung Ok Lee Woo Jin Lee Chang Min Cho Young-Eun Joo Gab Jin Cheon Young Woo Choi Jae Bok Chung Yong Bum Yoon 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第1期86-94,共9页
AIM: To investigate prevalence of C/onorchis sinensis in patients with gastrointestinal symptoms, and the relation of the infection to hepatobiliary diseases in 26 hospitals in Korea. METHODS: Consecutive patients w... AIM: To investigate prevalence of C/onorchis sinensis in patients with gastrointestinal symptoms, and the relation of the infection to hepatobiliary diseases in 26 hospitals in Korea. METHODS: Consecutive patients who had been admitted to the Division of Gastroenterology with gastrointestinal symptoms were enrolled from March to April 2005. Of those who had been diagnosed with clonorchiasis, epidemiology and correlation between infection and hepatobiliary diseases were surveyed by questionnaire. RESULTS: Of 3080 patients with gastrointestinal diseases, 396 (12.9%) had clonorchiasis and 1140 patients (37.2%) had a history of eating raw freshwater fish. Of those with a history of raw freshwater fish ingestion, 238 (20.9%) patients had clonorchiasis. Cholangiocarcinoma was more prevalent in C. sinensis-infected patients than nonnfected patients [34/396 (8.6%) vs 145/2684 (5.4%), P = 0.015]. Cholangiocarcinoma and clonorchiasis showed statistically significant positive cross-relation (P = 0.008). Choledocholithiasis, cholecystolithiasis, cholangitis, hepatocellular carcinoma, and biliary pancreatitis did not correlate with clonorchiasis. CONCLUSION: Infection rate of clonorchiasis was still high in patients with gastrointestinal diseases in Korea, and has not decreased very much during the last two decades. Cholangiocarcinoma was related to clonorchiasis, which suggested an etiological role for the parasite. 展开更多
关键词 Clonorchis sinensis EPIDEMIOLOGY CHOLANGIOCARCINOMA Korea Multicenter study CLONORCHIASIS
Comparative study of Anaplasma parasites in tick carrying buffaloes and cattle 被引量:2
作者 RAJPUT Z.I. 胡松华 +2 位作者 ARIJO A.G. HABIB M. KHALID M. 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science B(Biomedicine & Biotechnology)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2005年第11期1057-1062,共6页
A comparative study on the prevalence of Anaplasma parasite was conducted on ticks carrying buffaloes and cattle. Five hundred blood samples of both animals (250 of each) were collected during February, March and Apri... A comparative study on the prevalence of Anaplasma parasite was conducted on ticks carrying buffaloes and cattle. Five hundred blood samples of both animals (250 of each) were collected during February, March and April. Thin blood smears on glass slides were made, fixed in 100% methyl alcohol and examined. Microscopic examination revealed that 205 (41%) animals had Anaplasma parasites, out of which 89, 44 and 72 animals had Anaplasma marginale, Anaplasma centrale and mixed infection respectively. Infected buffaloes and cattle were 75 and 130 respectively. The infection in female was 53 and 92 in buffaloes and cattle respectively. Twenty-two and 92 blood samples of male were found positive in buffaloes and cattle respectively. Com- parative study revealed that the cattle were 26.82% more susceptible than buffaloes. The parasite prevailing percentage in female of both animals was slightly higher than that of the male. This investigation was aimed at studying the comparative prevalence of Anaplasma parasite in tick carrying buffaloes and cattle. 展开更多
关键词 Anaplasma marginale Anaplasma centrale BUFFALOES CATTLE TICKS
Dysentery caused by Balantidium coliin a patient with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma from Turkey 被引量:4
作者 Süleyman Yazar Fevzi Altuntas +1 位作者 Izzet Sahin Metin Atambay 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2004年第3期458-459,共2页
Balantidium coli is the only parasitic ciliate of man. It is a flattened oval organism covered with cilia, and a gullet at the anterior end. It is infrequently pathogenic for man,although epidemic buds in tropical zon... Balantidium coli is the only parasitic ciliate of man. It is a flattened oval organism covered with cilia, and a gullet at the anterior end. It is infrequently pathogenic for man,although epidemic buds in tropical zones have been described. The infection fundamentally affects the colon and causes variable clinic pictures, from asymptomatic to serious dysenteric forms. We present a case of parasitologically diagnosed as causes of diarrhea in a patient with non Hodgkin's lymphoma from Turkey.In order to find out the causative etiologic agent of diarrhea,stool samples were examined by native,lugol and flotation methods and we detected moving trophozoites, which were approximately 60μm long and 35μm wide.These bodies were diagnosed as Balantidium coli This case underlines that Balantidium coli should also be considered as a possible pathogen in immunocompromised patients with diarrhea. 展开更多
关键词 ANIMALS Balantidiasis Balantidium PURIFICATION DYSENTERY Female Humans Lymphoma Non-Hodgkin Middle Aged TURKEY
Association of Helicobacter pylori infection and giardiasis: Results from a study of surrogate markers for fecal exposure among children 被引量:3
作者 Edson Duarte Moreira Jr Victor Bastos Nassri +4 位作者 Rafaela Sousa Santos Junísia Ferraz Matos Wilson Andrade de Carvalho Célia Stolve Silvani Círia Santana e Sant'Ana 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第18期2759-2763,共5页
AIM: To investigate whether Helicobacter pylori (H pylori) infection is associated with hepatitis A virus (HAV) infection, presence of enteroparasites, and other surrogates of fecal exposure. METHODS: We conducted a c... AIM: To investigate whether Helicobacter pylori (H pylori) infection is associated with hepatitis A virus (HAV) infection, presence of enteroparasites, and other surrogates of fecal exposure. METHODS: We conducted a cross-sectional study in 121 children consecutively admitted at a pediatric hospital in Salvador, Brazil. H pyloriand HAV infection were identified by the presence of serum antibodies. Stool specimens were examined for the presence of ova and parasites. A structured questionnaire inquiring about sanitary conditions and life style was applied to each subject. RESULTS: Fifty-one of the 121 children (42.1%) were found to be seropositive for H pylori, and 45 (37.2%) for HAV. The seroprevalence of Hpyloriand HAV both increased significantly with age. Cross-tabulation of data showed that 26 (21.5%) were seropositive and 51 (42.1%) were negative for both H py/lriand HAV antibodies (x^2=7.18, OR=2.8, CI 1.30-5.97). The age adjusted OR for an HAV-infected child being H pylori positive was 2.3 (CI 1.02-5.03). The agreement between H pylori and HAV seropositivity was fair (k=0.24). After controlling for possible confounding, the variables remaining independently associated with seropositivity to H pylori were age, presence of Giardia lamblia in feces (OR=3.2, 95%CI, 1.1-9.5) and poor garbage disposal quality (OR=2.4, 95%CI, 1.1-5.1). CONCLUSION: Our data suggest that H pylori infection is associated with surrogate markers of fecal exposure. Thus, we conclude that the fecal-oral route is relevant in the transmission of HP among children in an urban setting of a developing country. The association observed between G. lamblia and H pylori infection may have several explanations. Further studies to investigate this relationship are warranted. 展开更多
关键词 H pylori Hepatitis A virus EPIDEMIOLOGY Transmission Enteroparasites Brazil
Intestinal disease of scattered mirror carp Cyprinus carpio caused by Thelohanellus kitauei and notes on the morphology and phylogeny of the myxosporean from Sichuan Province,southwest China 被引量:4
作者 叶灵通 卢明淼 +5 位作者 权可艳 李文祥 邹红 吴山功 王江勇 王桂堂 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第3期587-596,共10页
The mass mortality of pond-reared scattered mirror carp, Cyprinus carpio, caused by Thelohanellus kitauei, occurred at fish farms in Sichuan Province, southwest China. Morphological and molecular analyses were supplem... The mass mortality of pond-reared scattered mirror carp, Cyprinus carpio, caused by Thelohanellus kitauei, occurred at fish farms in Sichuan Province, southwest China. Morphological and molecular analyses were supplemented with histological evaluation of infected tissues to better understand the route of infection and the pathological effects of 1". kitauei on the fish host. The intestine of the diseased host was full of large cysts of the myxosporean. The cysts range from 2 cm to 3.6 cm in diameter. Histopathology indicated that T. kitauei first invaded the submucosa of the host intestine and then moved into the mucosa layers with the development of their spores, finally entering into the enteric cavity of the hosts after the disruption of mucosa layers. The pyriform spores of T. kitauei were surrounded by the transparent spore sheath, measuring 25.98/μm±0.95 μm in body length, 8.72 μm±0.51μm body width, and 7.86 μm±0.26 μm in body thickness. The single polar capsule was pyriform, measuring 14.73 μm±0.92μm in length and 6.82 μm±0.45μm in width, with eight to 10 turns of filament coils winding inside. Phylogenetic analysis based on the 18S small-subunit ribosomal DNA sequences indicated that minimal genetic differences were present between T. kitauei samples from South Korea and from China. Close affinity was found between the genus Thelohanellus and Myxobolus. Additionally, two polar capsule nuclei were found at the anterior end of the single polar capsule in spores of T. kitauei stained with hematoxylin and eosin, which suggested the separation of the genus Thelohanellus from Myxobolus. 展开更多
关键词 intestinal disease scattered mirror carp Thelohanellus kitauei host-specific tropism MORPHOLOGY PHYLOGENY
Invasive amebiasis and ameboma formation presenting as a rectal mass: An uncommon case of malignant masquerade at a western medical center 被引量:1
作者 Rosemarie E Hardin George S Ferzli +2 位作者 Michael E Zenilman Pratap K Gadangi Wilbur B Bowne 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第42期5659-5661,共3页
A 54-year-old man presented with rectal pain and bleeding secondary to ulcerated,necrotic rectal and cecal masses that resembled colorectal carcinoma upon colonoscopy.These masses were later determined to be benign am... A 54-year-old man presented with rectal pain and bleeding secondary to ulcerated,necrotic rectal and cecal masses that resembled colorectal carcinoma upon colonoscopy.These masses were later determined to be benign amebomas caused by invasive Entamoeba histolytica,which regressed completely with medical therapy.In Western countries,the occurrence of invasive protozoan infection with formation of amebomas is very rare and can mistakenly masquerade as a neoplasm.Not surprisingly,there have been very few cases reported of this clinical entity within the United States.Moreover,we report a patient that had an extremely rare occurrence of two synchronous lesions,one involving the rectum and the other situated in the cecum.We review the current literature on the pathogenesis of invasive E.histolytica infection and ameboma formation,as well as management of this rare disease entity at a western medical center. 展开更多
关键词 Rectal ameboma Invasive amebiasis Ameboma Amebic dysentery Entarneoba histolytica
Technique for Controlling Spread of Limnotic Oncomelania 被引量:1
作者 李大美 王祥三 LAI Yonggen 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2003年第3期251-260,共10页
Schistosomiasis is a parasitic disease mostly found in areas along the Changjiang River of China. The disease is spread solely through an intermediary named oncomelania, so its spread of schistosomiasis can be control... Schistosomiasis is a parasitic disease mostly found in areas along the Changjiang River of China. The disease is spread solely through an intermediary named oncomelania, so its spread of schistosomiasis can be controlled by properly designing water intakes which prevent oncomelania from entering farming land or residential areas. This paper reports a successful design process and a new oncomelania free intake device. The design of the new intake is based on a sound research program in which extensive experimental studies were carried out to gain knowledge of oncomelania eco hydraulic behavior and detailed flow field information through CFD simulation. 展开更多
关键词 oncomelania control ecologic hydraulics oncomelania free intake
Gastrointestinal lesions associated with spondyloarthropathies 被引量:3
作者 Ambrogio Orlando Sara Renna +1 位作者 Giovanni Perricone Mario Cottone 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第20期2443-2448,共6页
Subclinical gut inflammation has been described in up to twothirds of patients with spondyloarthropathies(SpA).Arthritis represents an extraintestinal manifestation of several gastrointestinal diseases, including infl... Subclinical gut inflammation has been described in up to twothirds of patients with spondyloarthropathies(SpA).Arthritis represents an extraintestinal manifestation of several gastrointestinal diseases, including inflammatory bowel disease(IBD), Whipple's disease, Behcet's disease, celiac disease, intestinal bypass surgery, parasitic infections of the gut and pseudomembranous colitis.Moreover about two thirds of nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug users demonstrate intestinal inflammation.Arthritis may manifest as a peripheral or axial arthritis.The spondyloarthropathy family consists of the following entities:ankylosing spondylitis, undifferentiated spondyloarthritis, reactive arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, spondyloarthritis associated with IBD, juvenile onset spondyloarthritis.This topic reviews the major gastrointestinal manifestations that can occur in patients with SpA and in nonsteroidal anti inflammatory drugs users. 展开更多
关键词 Gastrointestinal diseases Inflammation Inflammatory bowel diseases Crohn's disease ARTHRITIS SPONDYLOSIS Ankylosing spondylitis Nonsteroidal anti- inflammatory drugs
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