In the novel The Grapes of Wrath, John Steinbeck portrayed a great female Ma Joad who was diligent, kindhearted, brave, friendly and willing to help other with her universal love. Influenced by the Great Depression an...In the novel The Grapes of Wrath, John Steinbeck portrayed a great female Ma Joad who was diligent, kindhearted, brave, friendly and willing to help other with her universal love. Influenced by the Great Depression and drought, the Joads had to move westward and found a new life in California. In the process of long journey, they met all kinds of difficulties; however, Ma Joad held the whole family together and guided them to overcome hardships and found their way out with her positive and decisive attitude towards life. Meanwhile, Ma's wisdom and independent thought reflected the feminism. Ma Joad symbolized the hope of beckon that lightens the darkness in their way to exploration.展开更多
文摘In the novel The Grapes of Wrath, John Steinbeck portrayed a great female Ma Joad who was diligent, kindhearted, brave, friendly and willing to help other with her universal love. Influenced by the Great Depression and drought, the Joads had to move westward and found a new life in California. In the process of long journey, they met all kinds of difficulties; however, Ma Joad held the whole family together and guided them to overcome hardships and found their way out with her positive and decisive attitude towards life. Meanwhile, Ma's wisdom and independent thought reflected the feminism. Ma Joad symbolized the hope of beckon that lightens the darkness in their way to exploration.