John Edgar wideman's "Fever" is a multiple-voiced text, narrating experiences of the blacks during the yellow fever epidemic in Philadelphia in 1793. The "fever" is essentially a metaphor of ra...John Edgar wideman's "Fever" is a multiple-voiced text, narrating experiences of the blacks during the yellow fever epidemic in Philadelphia in 1793. The "fever" is essentially a metaphor of racism and endangered human existence. This paper attempts to uncover what lies beneath the "fever" via disentangling the text's narrative strategies and to foreground Wideman's concern on his people.展开更多
两届福克纳小说奖得主约翰·埃德迦·韦德曼(John Edgar Wideman)是当今仍然活跃在黑人文坛的当代重要的黑人作家之一,霍姆伍德三部曲是他的成功之作。三部曲生动描绘了很多黑人形象,他们被剥夺了非洲传统文化,在社会中被边缘化...两届福克纳小说奖得主约翰·埃德迦·韦德曼(John Edgar Wideman)是当今仍然活跃在黑人文坛的当代重要的黑人作家之一,霍姆伍德三部曲是他的成功之作。三部曲生动描绘了很多黑人形象,他们被剥夺了非洲传统文化,在社会中被边缘化,是当时美国黑人文化危机的具体体现。通过这些人物形象,韦德曼激励美国黑人传承文化,探索非洲裔美国黑人的文化身份。展开更多
文摘John Edgar wideman's "Fever" is a multiple-voiced text, narrating experiences of the blacks during the yellow fever epidemic in Philadelphia in 1793. The "fever" is essentially a metaphor of racism and endangered human existence. This paper attempts to uncover what lies beneath the "fever" via disentangling the text's narrative strategies and to foreground Wideman's concern on his people.
文摘两届福克纳小说奖得主约翰·埃德迦·韦德曼(John Edgar Wideman)是当今仍然活跃在黑人文坛的当代重要的黑人作家之一,霍姆伍德三部曲是他的成功之作。三部曲生动描绘了很多黑人形象,他们被剥夺了非洲传统文化,在社会中被边缘化,是当时美国黑人文化危机的具体体现。通过这些人物形象,韦德曼激励美国黑人传承文化,探索非洲裔美国黑人的文化身份。