This study concerns a Ka-band solid-state transmitter cloud radar, made in China, which can operate in three different work modes, with different pulse widths, and coherent and incoherent integration numbers, to meet ...This study concerns a Ka-band solid-state transmitter cloud radar, made in China, which can operate in three different work modes, with different pulse widths, and coherent and incoherent integration numbers, to meet the requirements for cloud remote sensing over the Tibetan Plateau. Specifically, the design of the three operational modes of the radar(i.e., boundary mode M1, cirrus mode M2, and precipitation mode M3) is introduced. Also, a cloud radar data merging algorithm for the three modes is proposed. Using one month's continuous measurements during summertime at Naqu on the Tibetan Plateau,we analyzed the consistency between the cloud radar measurements of the three modes. The number of occurrences of radar detections of hydrometeors and the percentage contributions of the different modes' data to the merged data were estimated.The performance of the merging algorithm was evaluated. The results indicated that the minimum detectable reflectivity for each mode was consistent with theoretical results. Merged data provided measurements with a minimum reflectivity of -35 dBZ at the height of 5 km, and obtained information above the height of 0.2 km. Measurements of radial velocity by the three operational modes agreed very well, and systematic errors in measurements of reflectivity were less than 2 dB. However,large discrepancies existed in the measurements of the linear depolarization ratio taken from the different operational modes.The percentage of radar detections of hydrometeors in mid- and high-level clouds increased by 60% through application of pulse compression techniques. In conclusion, the merged data are appropriate for cloud and precipitation studies over the Tibetan Plateau.展开更多
对星载Ku, Ka和W波段微波雷达联合观测中纬度陆地气旋、热带台风和热带洋面气旋个例中云和降水的三维结构进行了模拟仿真.首先利用Weather Research and Forecasting(WRF)云模式模拟了个例中各种水凝物的时空分布,并利用Aqua卫星MODIS...对星载Ku, Ka和W波段微波雷达联合观测中纬度陆地气旋、热带台风和热带洋面气旋个例中云和降水的三维结构进行了模拟仿真.首先利用Weather Research and Forecasting(WRF)云模式模拟了个例中各种水凝物的时空分布,并利用Aqua卫星MODIS观测结果直接检验了中纬度陆地气旋个例模拟结果;然后将模拟结果作为输入,利用星载雷达模拟器计算了相应的雷达回波反射率因子,并利用CloudsSat卫星的W波段云雷达CPR实测信号对之进行了验证;随后利用该模拟数据研究了不同粒子雷达回波反射率的特点.最后假设Ku,Ka和W波段雷达的灵敏度分别为15, 5和-35 dBZ,定量研究了这3个波段在探测云顶高度、云底高度上的优缺点和误差大小.模拟结果证实随着频率的增高,水凝物粒子的雷达回波反射率因子减小.非降水云水和云冰粒子回波明显弱于降水和降雪粒子,一般很难被Ku和Ka波段星载雷达观测到.研究发现W波段雷达对云顶的探测误差一般很小(不到30 m),而Ku,Ka雷达对云顶的探测误差可达数千米.对云底探测而言,W波段雷达可以有效穿透低层液态水含量低的天气系统,但对强降水天气系统云底探测误差较大;Ka波段雷达在台风眼壁云墙附近的强降水区也会出现较大探测误差;而Ku波段雷达云底的探测误差都较小.展开更多
基金funded by the National Sciences Foundation of China(Grant No.91337103)the China Meteorological Administration Special Public Welfare Research Fund(Grant No.GYHY201406001)
文摘This study concerns a Ka-band solid-state transmitter cloud radar, made in China, which can operate in three different work modes, with different pulse widths, and coherent and incoherent integration numbers, to meet the requirements for cloud remote sensing over the Tibetan Plateau. Specifically, the design of the three operational modes of the radar(i.e., boundary mode M1, cirrus mode M2, and precipitation mode M3) is introduced. Also, a cloud radar data merging algorithm for the three modes is proposed. Using one month's continuous measurements during summertime at Naqu on the Tibetan Plateau,we analyzed the consistency between the cloud radar measurements of the three modes. The number of occurrences of radar detections of hydrometeors and the percentage contributions of the different modes' data to the merged data were estimated.The performance of the merging algorithm was evaluated. The results indicated that the minimum detectable reflectivity for each mode was consistent with theoretical results. Merged data provided measurements with a minimum reflectivity of -35 dBZ at the height of 5 km, and obtained information above the height of 0.2 km. Measurements of radial velocity by the three operational modes agreed very well, and systematic errors in measurements of reflectivity were less than 2 dB. However,large discrepancies existed in the measurements of the linear depolarization ratio taken from the different operational modes.The percentage of radar detections of hydrometeors in mid- and high-level clouds increased by 60% through application of pulse compression techniques. In conclusion, the merged data are appropriate for cloud and precipitation studies over the Tibetan Plateau.
文摘利用机载Ka波段云雷达(Airborne Ka-Band Precipitation Cloud Radar, KPR)和粒子测量系统(Droplet Measurement Technologies, DMT),分析了2018年4月22日黄淮气旋背景系统下积层混合云中对流泡的动力和微物理特征。首先,对Ka波段云雷达观测的山东地区春季36个对流泡样本按照回波强度、水平尺度、回波顶高三个参量进行统计,结果表明平均回波强度为20~30 d BZ的对流泡占69%。对流泡水平尺度为15~30 km,占61%。对流泡最大回波顶高集中在6~8 km,比周边层云高2~4 km。之后,对4月22日积层混合云中的对流泡个例微物理参数进行统计,结果表明对流泡内部以上升气流为主,最大上升气流速度达到1.35 m s^-1,平均上升气流速度为0.22 m s^-1;对流泡内过冷水含量比较高,最大含水量为0.34 g m^-3,平均含水量为0.15 g m^-3。对流泡内冰晶数浓度是泡外的5.5倍,平均直径是泡外的1.7倍。结合云粒子图像探头,发现对流泡前沿和尾部冰粒子以柱状和辐枝状为主,而对流泡核心区域冰粒子以聚合体形式存在。冰粒子通过凇附过程和碰并过程增长,过冷水含量不足时冰粒子的凇附增长形成柱状粒子,含量充足时可迅速凇附成霰粒子。对流泡内降水形成的微物理机制不完全相同,主要依赖过冷水含量。当云中有充足的过冷水分布时,高层冰晶通过凇附增长形成霰粒子,通过融化层后形成降水;当云中缺少过冷水时,降水的形成主要通过水汽凝华过程形成冰雪晶,然后雪晶通过聚合过程实现增长。
文摘地基云雷达是云的重要探测手段,但随着运行时间的增加,雷达发射机、接收器等参数的变化,会使观测数据产生漂移偏差,从而对云物理特性的反演产生显著影响,因此云雷达数据的校准是一个重要的基础问题。针对KAZR(Ka-Band Zenith Radar,K波段云雷达)云雷达特征,本文在Pavlos等提出的雷达数据校准方法基础上进行改进,优化了对弱云和降水的信号识别,利用CloudSat星载雷达观测的反射率因子,气体衰减校正等数据,对兰州大学半干旱气候环境监测站(Semi-Arid Climate and Environment Observatory of Lanzhou University,SACOL)KAZR云雷达2013年8月至2017年5月反射率因子数据进行了校准,建立了KAZR雷达反射率因子46个月的历史资料校准数据库,并对校准周期的变化进行了对比分析。校准数据库的建立对SACOL站云的长期观测研究具有重要意义,同时为不同波段地基雷达的对比增加了可行性。
文摘对星载Ku, Ka和W波段微波雷达联合观测中纬度陆地气旋、热带台风和热带洋面气旋个例中云和降水的三维结构进行了模拟仿真.首先利用Weather Research and Forecasting(WRF)云模式模拟了个例中各种水凝物的时空分布,并利用Aqua卫星MODIS观测结果直接检验了中纬度陆地气旋个例模拟结果;然后将模拟结果作为输入,利用星载雷达模拟器计算了相应的雷达回波反射率因子,并利用CloudsSat卫星的W波段云雷达CPR实测信号对之进行了验证;随后利用该模拟数据研究了不同粒子雷达回波反射率的特点.最后假设Ku,Ka和W波段雷达的灵敏度分别为15, 5和-35 dBZ,定量研究了这3个波段在探测云顶高度、云底高度上的优缺点和误差大小.模拟结果证实随着频率的增高,水凝物粒子的雷达回波反射率因子减小.非降水云水和云冰粒子回波明显弱于降水和降雪粒子,一般很难被Ku和Ka波段星载雷达观测到.研究发现W波段雷达对云顶的探测误差一般很小(不到30 m),而Ku,Ka雷达对云顶的探测误差可达数千米.对云底探测而言,W波段雷达可以有效穿透低层液态水含量低的天气系统,但对强降水天气系统云底探测误差较大;Ka波段雷达在台风眼壁云墙附近的强降水区也会出现较大探测误差;而Ku波段雷达云底的探测误差都较小.