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Theory Critique of Kristen Swanson’s Theory of Caring
作者 Ali M. Al Yasin 《Open Journal of Nursing》 2023年第8期528-536,共9页
Theory is considered essential for integral assessment, adopting its foundations and concepts is of great utility. The theory provides different templates to help nurses provide care that respects patients and improve... Theory is considered essential for integral assessment, adopting its foundations and concepts is of great utility. The theory provides different templates to help nurses provide care that respects patients and improves outcomes. Through understanding the intersection of nursing, patients, health, and the environment, theories aim to simplify the complicated, ever-evolving relationship that nurses have with their profession. Nursing theory helps distinguish nursing as a separate discipline from medicine and related sciences, and assists nurses in understanding their patients and their needs. The behaviors of healthcare providers affect how patients participate in and experience care situations. In the nursing discipline, the theoretical structures of caring have been established as the core concept of guidance in all nurses’ work. The aim of this paper is to develop a critique of Kristen Swanson’s theory of caring—a theory structured around five caring principles (maintaining belief, knowing, being with, doing for, and enabling) by applying it to nursing practice. When applied to nursing practice, each of these five stages stimulates the caregiver’s attitude, which in turn improves the overall patient’s well-being. Implications to nursing practice are mentioned [1] [2]. 展开更多
关键词 Kristen swanson’s Theory Theory critique Caring Principles Nursing Practice simulation Practice Creative Interventions
Tess' s Losing of Virginity in Kant's Eyes
作者 向家佳 和芝兰 《海外英语》 2015年第6期198-199,共2页
Tess is a pure girl in Hardy's eyes, as it shows in the book's subtitle. She is sinned in Victorian's time, however, she is still pure in Kant's eyes.Key words: Tesss purity;
关键词 Tess s PURITY kant
Georg Cantor’s Ordinals, Absolute Infinity&Transparent Proof of the Well-Ordering Theorem Cantor’s 1899 Letter to Dedekind
作者 Hermann G.W.Burchard 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2019年第8期435-444,共10页
Georg Cantor’s absolute infinity, the paradoxical class Ω of all ordinals, a non-entity for which being called a “class” is an undeserved dignity, must be the ultimate vexation for mathematical philosophers who ho... Georg Cantor’s absolute infinity, the paradoxical class Ω of all ordinals, a non-entity for which being called a “class” is an undeserved dignity, must be the ultimate vexation for mathematical philosophers who hold on to some residual realism in set theory. By careful use of Ω, we can rescue Georg Cantor’s 1899 “proof” sketch of the Well-Ordering Theorem (being generous, considering his declining health) by taking the contrapositive of his suggestion and adding Zermelo’s choice function, resulting in a concise and uncomplicated proof of the Well-Ordering Theorem. 展开更多
关键词 WELL ORDERING THEOREM Burali-Forti’s PARADOX kant’s Oneness Function
Undiagnosed Medical Causation—Psychosomatic Etiology
作者 Hermann G.W.Burchard 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2020年第4期229-232,共4页
Conscious existence is the product of a neural brain mechanism,which is largely identical with Immanuel Kant’s Oneness Function,a service performed by 200 million neurons in the prefrontal lobe,&makes possible ou... Conscious existence is the product of a neural brain mechanism,which is largely identical with Immanuel Kant’s Oneness Function,a service performed by 200 million neurons in the prefrontal lobe,&makes possible our interior cosmos,the record of our interconnected,or general,experience.Essential for us humans is the well-being of our interior cosmos,or Saint Teresa of Avila’s interior castle,in all interactions with each other&the greater environment.Any disorders of our cosmos are liable to make us fall ill,setting our existence on a path of psychosomatic etiology of a large class of mysterious undiagnosed diseases. 展开更多
关键词 kant’s inner&outer sENsEs orderly INNER self&chaotic outer environment brain LATERALITY interior cosmos METAPHYsICAL gap
Science Meets Philosophy:Metaphysical Gap&Bilateral Brain
作者 Hermann G.W.Burchard 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2020年第10期599-614,共16页
The essay brings a summation of human efforts seeking to understand our existence.Plato and Kant&cognitive science complete reduction of philosophy to a neural mechanism,evolved along elementary Darwinian principl... The essay brings a summation of human efforts seeking to understand our existence.Plato and Kant&cognitive science complete reduction of philosophy to a neural mechanism,evolved along elementary Darwinian principles.Plato in his famous Cave Allegory explains that between reality and our experience of it there exists a great chasm,a metaphysical gap,fully confirmed through particle-wave duality of quantum physics.Kant found that we have two kinds of perception,two senses:By the spatial outer sense we perceive phenomena,objects in space.Our temporal inner sense lets us perceive our inner state,noumena.Kant’s two senses are fully confirmed through bilateral brain duality of cognitive science.The bilateral brain serves inner,temporal sense,logic&noumena in the left hemisphere.The right brain half is for the outer,spatial sense,geometry&phenomena.Weform awhole system,a bilateral interior cosmos,a kind of world model,expressing what may lie beyond the metaphysical gap.In the right brain we build a phenomenal cosmos,to resemble the outer environment.In the brain’s left hemisphere a noumenal cosmos,amodel of our private world including Saint Teresa of Avila’s castillo interior.The cosmos is regularly updated with novel sense data integrated into our memory banks.This was recognized early by Helmholtz(1860s).Our lives,health&well-being depend on us keeping our interior cosmos in good order.This used to be seen as saving one’s precious soul from perdition.While we endeavour to keep our phenomenal cosmos neat&orderly by protecting the environment from harm,our noumenal cosmos to be livable requires us to engage in ethical conduct.This bilateral cosmos is responsible for our common sense judgment power,that we depend on for being able to lead a good&benign life.The 200 million neurons of BA10 in the prefrontal lobe have global access to the interior cosmos,&apply massive feedback to identify environmental conditions rapidly.The global access also gives conscious presence of the individual to itself,all that is present in the interior cosmos,for total freedom of action.In the left brain private ego,we are guarded by faith in divine mercy,&guided to choose the best course of action,able to survive under themost adverse conditions.For this,wereceive directions from the Holy Ghost in Saint Teresa’s castillo interior. 展开更多
关键词 kant’s inner&outer senses orderly inner self&chaotic outer environment brain laterality interior cosmos metaphysical gap
Conceptions of Intuition in Poincar6's Philosophy of Mathematics
作者 Olga Pombo 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2012年第6期384-397,共14页
关键词 直觉 数学哲学 逻辑主义 形式主义 莱布尼茨 实验室 庞加莱
普遍主义还是特殊主义?——康德人类学的疑难 被引量:2
作者 毛竹 《云南大学学报(社会科学版)》 2023年第5期14-26,共13页
长期以来,康德一直被描绘成一位纯粹的道德哲学家,平等主义、普遍主义以及世界主义构想是康德哲学最为难以撼动的成就与结论之一。但是读者在康德哲学中也发现了诸多关于非白人种族的激烈且贬损性的评论,这些评论散见于康德不同时期关... 长期以来,康德一直被描绘成一位纯粹的道德哲学家,平等主义、普遍主义以及世界主义构想是康德哲学最为难以撼动的成就与结论之一。但是读者在康德哲学中也发现了诸多关于非白人种族的激烈且贬损性的评论,这些评论散见于康德不同时期关于人类学和自然地理学的著作和讲稿之中。这种鲜明的反差在某种意义上揭示出了康德的种族理论与其提倡的普遍主义、平等主义及其世界主义构想之间难以解决的矛盾。本文追溯了康德散见于各个文本种关于非白人种族的贬损性评论以及康德的文本关于人种划分的胚芽和自然禀赋理论,梳理了讨论康德种族问题的文献脉络,尤其是吉米·雅布的终结性讨论,以期揭示康德人类学的疑难。 展开更多
关键词 康德的种族理论 康德的普遍主义 胚芽 自然禀赋 人种
Common Sense Empirical Climate Science:No Carbon Climate Crisis at Current Trace Levels
作者 Hermann G.W.Burchard 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2021年第3期222-231,共10页
Climate science deals with the harsh reality of 174,000 terawatt of solar energy striking Earth’s surface&air,minus 29 percent albedo.The exposure is sustained by the planet cooling itself by means of EM radiatio... Climate science deals with the harsh reality of 174,000 terawatt of solar energy striking Earth’s surface&air,minus 29 percent albedo.The exposure is sustained by the planet cooling itself by means of EM radiation emitted to outer space of a like amount of energy in the infrared range.The balance may not be perfect at all times,but miraculously we are still around&attempting to comprehend the physical processes involved in keeping the planet’s surface suitable to sustain biological life&human civilization.While ground temperature is maintained at a pleasant avg 288 kelvin=15℃by the atmospheric greenhouse effect,a surprising 255 kelvin satisfies the demand for radiative cooling.This just happens to be standard air temperature at 5,000 m altitude.Official climate science largely is concerned with models&has assigned a major role to carbon molecules in air.As these exist currently only at mere trace levels,they are widely considered to be irrelevant for climate in view of the Mass-Action Law that implies that trace components can have only trace effects.Denying this simple fact,familiar to meteorologists,unfortunately has led to much of the civilized public being misled by climate scientists.One of the themes among their rhetoric is calling for renewable energy sources,when in reality unlimited amounts of hydrogen&hydrocarbons are dissolved in the Earth’s mantle,going back to the primitive solar nebula that gave rise to our solar system,&available for human consumption through fracking.Here in this philosophical essay,we are offering simple empirical proofs,examples from everday life,as opposed to the largely theoretical modeling work of climate science,for the fact that atmospheric carbon molecules can have only trace effects on radiative planetary cooling,proofs that are easy to verify.We dispute unrealistic estimates of important effects on climate from carbon dioxide trace gas via an atmospheric feedback mechanism proposed by some climate scientists.The essay demonstrates that atmospheric carbon molecules are irrelevant for climate at this epoch.Humanity is not facing a carbon climate crisis,currently. 展开更多
关键词 kant’s inner&outer senses orderly inner self&chaotic outer environment brain laterality double Ego bilateral interior cosmos metaphysical gap climate&radiative cooling stefan-Boltzmann Law CO_(2) CH_(4) water vapor shielding by greenhouse gases
Moral&Intellectual Life of the West II Summary Outline of Christianity in the Modern World for Devout Christians and Skeptics
作者 Hermann G.W.Burchard 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2021年第6期417-442,共26页
All human beings are born from divine mercy drawing man out of unfathomable reality’s chaotic depth into the divine realm’s peaceable light.The modern sense of justice,of fair government,depends on the teachings of ... All human beings are born from divine mercy drawing man out of unfathomable reality’s chaotic depth into the divine realm’s peaceable light.The modern sense of justice,of fair government,depends on the teachings of Jesus to which all citizens must subscribe.This is not a mere ecclesiastic doctrine but an empirically proven fact.The imperfections of a finite albeit adaptable,very large computing system,which our brain appears to be,require us to be open to the infinite beyond,its recondite wisdom,for divinity to grant us a moral life&to come to our help.Jesus puts the individual human being center stage for the first time in history.The story of abounding divine mercy:Every day we humans struggle with the difficult moral law but Jesus taught us what matters most is our soul,St.Paul’s inner man,a biological function of our left brain.Relying upon the faith of the apostles,the Council of Chalcedon(AD 451)in its Confession affirmed that Jesus was an actual person in his substance,possessing two natures,human&divine.This widely has been interpreted to apply to all mankind,the soul of each human being,the inner man,is potentially divine.Forming a practical metaphysics for devout christians&skeptics:Metaphysics is needed for the purpose of undergirding faith.Origins of humanity in the deep structures of reality:Science appears to be opposite to our human spiritual existence&requires us to search for ourselves in the realm of the logos,that can serve as our guide,being one of the names of the Christ.Jesus was deeply influenced by the gifts of the Magi,brought to him from an Armenian revival during his age,source of charismatic theology,basic concepts&historical architecture.Survival by faith in the everyday human communal world:We must have a secure grasp of the Faith,its basics,memorized or divine help won’t come.Be a lifelong winner based upon your own inner man:The essential help from divinity,in our need,is granting us a moral life.Become a lifelong winner based upon your own inner man or woman.What it takes is a willing heart,a sudden inspiration.Version 1.Piety:To be aware of our marginal competence,nobody is born as a genetic loser.Version 2.Humility:To be ready for divine help,able to receive it,we need to take a step back.Version 3.Metanoia,the Ninety Degree Turn:Repentance,betterment is the beginning of faith for all of us.Miracles can&do happen,the down-&-out guide to happiness:Constant prayer is the effective remedy for a soul that has gone lost in the temptations of the human tribal world. 展开更多
关键词 potentially divine human soul its permanence and human existence inner man kant’s inner&outer senses orderly inner self&chaotic outer environment brain laterality double Ego noumenal&phenomenal bilateral interior cosmos metaphysical gap divine mercy
马克思资本逻辑批判理论视域下“饭圈”消费乱象的批判 被引量:1
作者 汤俪瑾 戴妍妮 《未来与发展》 2023年第2期38-45,共8页
随着“饭圈”文化的兴起,“饭圈”消费乱象丛生。以资本增殖为价值导向的资本的消费逻辑对“饭圈”的宰制是其消费乱象产生的内生动因,资本的欲望逻辑取代粉丝消费的需求逻辑。资本对“饭圈”消费逻辑的控制主要以显隐两条逻辑主线展开... 随着“饭圈”文化的兴起,“饭圈”消费乱象丛生。以资本增殖为价值导向的资本的消费逻辑对“饭圈”的宰制是其消费乱象产生的内生动因,资本的欲望逻辑取代粉丝消费的需求逻辑。资本对“饭圈”消费逻辑的控制主要以显隐两条逻辑主线展开,一是通过非强制的诱导消费、非理性的娱乐消费以及无限度的消费欲望鼓吹引导粉丝虚假消费,从而实现显性控制;二是以消费的符号崇拜和泛化的商品意识削弱人的主体性,从而在“饭圈”消费意识形态层面实施隐性控制。“饭圈”消费乱象亟待破除,必须正确认识并克服资本对“饭圈”消费逻辑的宰制,打破消费的符号崇拜,鼓励“饭圈”个性的发展,促进“饭圈”消费的良性循环。 展开更多
关键词 马克思 资本逻辑批判 “饭圈” 消费乱象
作者 杜方朝 刘璇 《河北地质大学学报》 2023年第2期135-140,共6页
《<黑格尔法哲学批判>导言》作为马克思主义意识形态思想的开篇之作,其中包含了多角度的意识形态理论以及群众基础理论:人的精神生活和精神生活状况越来越成为影响个人自我实现和社会发展的制约性因素;思想上一旦真空就容易使错... 《<黑格尔法哲学批判>导言》作为马克思主义意识形态思想的开篇之作,其中包含了多角度的意识形态理论以及群众基础理论:人的精神生活和精神生活状况越来越成为影响个人自我实现和社会发展的制约性因素;思想上一旦真空就容易使错误的意识形态有机可乘;精神力量要同实践生活做到具体的历史的统一;信仰应该为群众共享,理论应掌握群众。这些理论对我国当前社会精神文化建设具有重要的方法论意义:新时代意识形态工作要重视精神的力量,给人民群众良好的意识形态指引;坚持马克思主义引领作用,不断丰富中国特色社会主义理论体系;凝聚意识形态共识是新时代社会主义现代化建设中极其重要的政治任务,必须牢牢把握意识形态阵地。 展开更多
关键词 《<黑格尔法哲学批判>导言》 意识形态 精神引领 人民群众
Western Marxism's Misreading of Marx's Critique of Capitalism
作者 DONG Xinchun 《Frontiers of Philosophy in China》 2017年第3期466-482,共17页
Since its advent in the early 1920s, Western Marxism has undergone a torturous process from anti-liberalism to virtually liberalism. The main theoretical deficiency behind this process is the over-estimation of Marx'... Since its advent in the early 1920s, Western Marxism has undergone a torturous process from anti-liberalism to virtually liberalism. The main theoretical deficiency behind this process is the over-estimation of Marx's cultural critique of capitalism. As his economic research gradually deepened, Marx's dual critique of capitalism from economic and cultural perspectives matured. When the leading proponents of Soviet Marxism gave prominence to Marx's economic critique, as circumstances required, they and some key figures in the Second International misread his theory with emphasis on economic determinism. In contrast, Georg Luk^cs and most Western Marxists proceeded to develop a Marxian cultural critique with the consequence that his economic research being marginalized. Without the counterbalance of a continuous and consistent economic theory to challenge a confident international capitalism, cultural critique is consequently reorganized in confluence with liberalism, which is centered on an individual ontology. Re-excavating Marxian dual critical theory may help Western Marxism escape the dilemma. 展开更多
关键词 Western Marxism Marx's dual critique of capitalism economiccritique cultural critique individual ontology
学校责任教育的批判与优化——康德责任思想的教育启示 被引量:3
作者 牛楠森 李越 《湖南师范大学教育科学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第4期24-28,共5页
责任既是社会问题,也是教育主题,学校责任教育的提出体现了教育的本体论意义。康德的责任思想对当今社会的责任问题具有相当的解释力。当前学校责任教育的问题在于它是行为指向的、自由意志缺乏的、规训为本的以及完全无我的。以康德的... 责任既是社会问题,也是教育主题,学校责任教育的提出体现了教育的本体论意义。康德的责任思想对当今社会的责任问题具有相当的解释力。当前学校责任教育的问题在于它是行为指向的、自由意志缺乏的、规训为本的以及完全无我的。以康德的责任理论为观照,学校责任教育应明确责任的本质、珍视人性的尊严、尊重其阶段性差异、从自己出发、在实践中进行。 展开更多
关键词 责任教育 批判 优化 康德
康德美学视域下的体育审美理论刍议——基于《判断力批判》的体育美学探究 被引量:12
作者 杜高山 《体育科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第7期85-90,共6页
从主观的体育审美何以可能出发,通过逻辑归纳与演绎对康德《判断力批判》中美的分析论的四个契机进行体育审美剖析:1)初步论证体育审美二度空间理论,即一度审美空间,审美主体与表象进行着纯粹审美鉴赏,产生无利害的,无概念的,无目的的... 从主观的体育审美何以可能出发,通过逻辑归纳与演绎对康德《判断力批判》中美的分析论的四个契机进行体育审美剖析:1)初步论证体育审美二度空间理论,即一度审美空间,审美主体与表象进行着纯粹审美鉴赏,产生无利害的,无概念的,无目的的合目的的美——自由美;二度审美空间,审美主体将自身的审美体验混杂其间,将审美由一度审美空间拉回到我们可以体验的人间,与表象进行着不纯粹审美鉴赏,一切由主体体悟的关于对象的美——依附美;2)审美愉悦人人平等原则,即主体一度审美时,主体在构建的一度审美空间里与客体表象发生审美关系,产生的审美愉悦人人平等。主观审美是体育美学过去、现在、将来都不可忽视的研究视角,其中许多的美学原理都值得进一步深入的研究和探讨,为提高不同人群的主观体育审美鉴赏力提供理论支持。 展开更多
关键词 体育 美学 二度审美空间 审美表象 审美愉悦 审美体验 康德 《判断力批判》
证券组合市场风险与收益的实证研究 被引量:3
作者 肖忠意 周雅玲 《贵州财经大学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第3期32-38,共7页
按照股票规模大小构建中国A股市场的沪深300股票组合,研究股票组合的平均相关系数和平均方差对市场总风险和市场超额收益率的解释和预测能力。实证结果表明,股票组合的平均方差比平均相关系数能够更好地代理市场总风险,并且股票组合的... 按照股票规模大小构建中国A股市场的沪深300股票组合,研究股票组合的平均相关系数和平均方差对市场总风险和市场超额收益率的解释和预测能力。实证结果表明,股票组合的平均方差比平均相关系数能够更好地代理市场总风险,并且股票组合的平均方差对市场超额收益率有显著的正向解释和预测能力。实证结果与"罗尔批评"相悖,从一个新的角度印证了资产定价模型能够有效地分析中国A股市场的风险和超额收益的正相关关系。 展开更多
关键词 平均方差 平均相关系数 股票组合风险 市场超额收益率 罗尔批评
康德《实践理性批判》浅解 被引量:4
作者 周德义 《湖南大学学报(社会科学版)》 2007年第1期116-124,共9页
康德的《实践理性批判》确立了人的行为应当的“绝对命令”,并勾划了人类走向至善的基本途径。康德的研究成果,具有现实意义:实践是理性的;人的实践活动是自由的,但是这种自由是以道德律为前提的;实践理性的目标,是达到至善境界;重视道... 康德的《实践理性批判》确立了人的行为应当的“绝对命令”,并勾划了人类走向至善的基本途径。康德的研究成果,具有现实意义:实践是理性的;人的实践活动是自由的,但是这种自由是以道德律为前提的;实践理性的目标,是达到至善境界;重视道德教育。有两点值得商榷:割裂了感性认识与理性认识之间的辩证关系;过分地突出“形式”的地位和理论的完整性。 展开更多
关键词 康德 实践理性批判 实践
康德认识论中的“外部关系论” 被引量:4
作者 王建军 迪达尔.巴合达吾列提 《陕西师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第5期68-74,共7页
在康德的自在之物学说的背后隐藏着一种"外部关系论",即我们人类的认识无论从质料方面还是从形式方面都只涉及对象的外部关系,而不涉及对象的内部属性。康德在《纯粹理性批判》中对其外部关系论作了系统性的论证,由此他对事物... 在康德的自在之物学说的背后隐藏着一种"外部关系论",即我们人类的认识无论从质料方面还是从形式方面都只涉及对象的外部关系,而不涉及对象的内部属性。康德在《纯粹理性批判》中对其外部关系论作了系统性的论证,由此他对事物的"外部"与"内部"作了独特的规定,即作了与现象和自在之物之区分相一致的规定。了解这种外部关系论既为我们进入康德的自在之物学说提供了方便之门,也为我们反思、乃至超越康德哲学提供了一个视角。 展开更多
关键词 康德 认识论 纯粹理性批判 “外部关系论” 自在之物
康德对传统抽象论的批判及其意义 被引量:3
作者 张荣 《上海交通大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2004年第4期54-59,65,共7页
抽象论是传统知识论中一个基本的立场 ,然而在《纯粹理性批判》中受到康德尖锐的批判。康德对抽象论的拒斥 ,旨在实现知识论上的“哥白尼式革命”。康德的批判突出了想象力、尤其是先验想象力在知识论中的核心地位。在康德看来 ,先验想... 抽象论是传统知识论中一个基本的立场 ,然而在《纯粹理性批判》中受到康德尖锐的批判。康德对抽象论的拒斥 ,旨在实现知识论上的“哥白尼式革命”。康德的批判突出了想象力、尤其是先验想象力在知识论中的核心地位。在康德看来 ,先验想象力生发了知识的两个主干 ,即感性和知性 ,确保了二者的联结 ,克服了传统抽象论关于实在论和观念论之间的疏离。康德对抽象论的批判具有深远的意义 ,对后世哲学产生了深远影响 ,首先在费希特的知识学中取得了实际效应。 展开更多
关键词 康德 抽象论 《纯粹理性批判》 先验想象力 费希特
目的论何以与判断力相关联? 被引量:3
作者 卢春红 《杭州师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第4期57-64,共8页
目的论之所以与判断力相关联,源于目的概念的现实指向。当康德通过"人是目的"将目的概念与理性相关联时,目的概念在由理性而来的对自身的生成中,彰显出其落实于现实生活的要求,而反思性的判断力恰恰提供出目的落实于现实生活... 目的论之所以与判断力相关联,源于目的概念的现实指向。当康德通过"人是目的"将目的概念与理性相关联时,目的概念在由理性而来的对自身的生成中,彰显出其落实于现实生活的要求,而反思性的判断力恰恰提供出目的落实于现实生活的可能途径。由此带来了目的论的峰回路转——目的成为合目的性。作为一个伴随于判断过程之中的依据,合目的性不只是提供出情感能力之可能,它同时也在这一把握与感受中获得自身的现实化。通过这一现实性,合目的性在自然与自由的结合中,一方面使目的落实于自然,不可知的物自体显示出自身的意义;一方面使目的实现于文化之中。由此,上帝的存在不再只是一个理论的证明,它还落实到现实生活之中。 展开更多
关键词 康德 《判断力批判》 目的论 审美
俄国形式主义的文学本质论及其美学基础 被引量:8
作者 陈本益 《浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2003年第6期95-100,共6页
俄国形式主义的“纯形式”文学本质论基于康德美学。但这种“纯形式”概念是依据感觉(“陌生化”感觉 )经验来确定的 ,因而剥离了康德美学“形式”概念中的主体性意蕴。
关键词 俄国形式主义 文学本质论 康德美学 经验主义美学
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